Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Serpent Ends You: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2016:

The serpent which you choose to follow. Shall be the one who decides when and how your free will shall end you. 
Think about this. In most every culture there is wisdom in regards to the snake. You carry the nice snake across to the other side of the river and then it bites you. The snake replies to your cries of why. Well, the snake says, You knew I was a snake.
So it is with your friendships. There are many snakes in human form. They seem cool, informed, fashionable. They are still snakes. Those that follow the snakes are just the next meal to be had by the snake or they will just be the next to be sacrificed by the snake in order for the snake to save it's own slimy and oiled skin.
How do you know what is the truth. When good has become bad and evil has become good. Justice for the criminal has become righteous while the good citizen is criminalized into an evil doer.
No matter what the law states or what the officer demands of you. Good will always be good and evil will always be evil. No matter how twisted society becomes.
For example. This just popped up in the news. Assuming it is true.  I just read a story where Heirloom seed collectors are now considered Agri-Terrorist. I have no idea if that is an actual fact. But, I have known where dairy farmers have had their milk destroyed by machine gun toting law enforcement persons. Really...How does a reasonable person or a group of reasonable people who choose to go into a public service with honor and integrity and then intimate farmers with an extreme over kill of weapons. While their are gangs, drugs and terrorists every where in this country. You cannot say the politicians passed the laws in favor of food corporations and that makes it a lawful right. It is the snakes which are making the laws and it is you who blindly follow those laws which cause you to choose to freely give up your honor.
Are you as an honored law enforcement person. Willing to give up your honor. So that you can arrest or harass peaceful people who cause no harm to anyone. Except maybe, when they are driving their horse and buggies on the road with horse droppings as a trail of crime to be followed. I'm just waiting for that photo of (APC) Armored Personnel Carrier to be at the farm house showing evidence of milk crimes against humanity. While military clad men pointing their machine guns at a people who will only pray for them.
No I won't be following this story and it is your duty as a reader to take information to the source. Not just to some reporter who reported on a thing. Because, with the demise of the newspaper industry so to has truthful and respected reporting.
What do you do? When the profession of service to your fellow citizens has become insane with laws which criminalize your fellow peaceful citizens. Really, Is this further evidence of our former peaceful government becoming an Oligarchy. As law Enforcement persons arrest people who grow natural seeds, foods and raw milk. How does a cop maintain his honor and self respect? In an environment where everything seems backwards. Where crime is rampant and heirloom seed collectors have become the focus for attention by Law Enforcement agencies. It is just to weird for me to understand. But, it is a part of prophecy. Where a person in Law Enforcement no longer knows what is good or what is evil and must obey all laws, rules and direct orders without question. Even if that means losing their own honor and self respect.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Presence of God: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2016:

Being in the presence of God is similar to this.
Imagine being contained within a immense room. Where the walls, ceiling and floor emanate a great white light. That not even closing your eyes can block it out as you become washed throughout. 
imagine being able to see everything from within your own mind. All things small and great emanates a great white light which pierces through all that you are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
imagine all at once being on your knees and body bowed in reverence of HIS coming in which HE is already present. being aware that you never had any intention or plan to bow or to get down upon your knees.
Then all at once, HE IS. Be not afraid, as you realize your resting in the palms of HIS loving Hands. 
Their are many, many gods. These gods are very powerful as compared to any other human being. Yet when they come they will pretend to be gods yet again. They will rule with very real fear and intimidation. As they selfishly gather all that they desire from this world. While the end result will be for all of humanity to become extinct. Including those humans and Nephilim who dutifully followed and obeyed their every command. As it was in the days of Noah. So yet again will the offspring of the fallen angels become abandoned again on a world about to be destroyed.
The GOD, i refer to is Jehovah or Yahweh. My Heavenly Father.  Whose on and only begotten son Jesus Christ/Yahshua shall return again as a great Lion.
Added on 09 Aug 2016: Jonathon Cahn
Awesome 8 minutes.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Three Trillion Dollars Prophecy: (Unedited): 06 July 2016:

NOTE FORM: Published on 31 July 2016:
Red word responses below are from 11 Nov 2016.
If you have the means to leave the USA with all of your liquidated assets. You should do so now. If you love your family.
Those poor supporters of the leftest liberal progressives. Shall be left behind forgotten to suffer and endure. For even the heroes of those whom they follow had already defined them as "useful idiots". When the Useful idiot is no longer of use. Then they are just forgotten like any trash thrown away because they are not worth keeping or celebrating. This is where social racism comes into play.
The USA is about to end?
Yes, it still is.
The non family of three point two shall become the first with a trillion each.
The hopes are with the daughter now.
Not about him:
Those who support the three point two and have become to expensive. No matter the promises. Shall die. Even a former president.
If the soon to be former president does not act upon a wild plan. All shall be lost for him. To act upon the wild plan shall kill millions upon millions in time.
This can still happen. Clinton and Obama may put forth their wild plans in which Obama shall retain office. It is not 20 January 2017 yet.
War of 1812. Second child birth. Clinton election.
The silent connection of England.
How? Sometimes I even confuse myself.
What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected?
She lost. But what about daughter? Already owns property in New York and will mostly likely run for a senate seat by a retiring senator.
In order for President Obama to save himself, his career and to profit much. He will have to hold onto American power in which he will be the first one with a trillion dollars. Multi-trillion dollars. President Obama will learn how the Clinton's do it.
It's not yet 20 January 2017
No matter what happens. The American people will suffer and die. More than a hundred million is President Obama goes with the wild plan. President Obama will hold onto his office beyond his time and with Martial Law. A vote for Mrs. Clinton will cause a severe economic collapse. Even to the point that entire sections of the USA are sold off and the people are forced into indentured servitude.
This election was that important. With Mr. Trump as President Elect. What will this mean? We will soon find out. Remember we had four primary people running for President. 2 Greater evils and 2 minor evils. Trump and Clinton were the two greater evils and Trump was elected. When everyone forgets about Clinton and all of the investigations stop. When all of the corruption accusations and investigations stop. We all will know that Trump is one of them and he suckered all of the Christians to go out and vote. Trump is a man of priorities and he may want to try and fix the USA first and then go after corruption next. But, I do not think so. 
We all will find out when all of those corrupted men and women are investigated, prosecuted and jailed. That will be the big sign on how we all know if President elect Trump is who we want him to be. But, still a dictator who may think of himself as a walking god. May only do those things in order to clean house and clear out all threats. I'm not sold on President Elect Donald Trump. 
Lessons of Hugo Chavez: And the result for the Venezuela people.

The political lessons of Chavez teaches every politician around the world how to profit when in office. Even to the point that the entire country is destroyed. 
Added on 31 July 2016: 
The American election is no longer an election. The votes of the common people no longer matter. The polls are just a lie. The polls are used to offer a benefit of a doubt to the elected numbers between those persons. So if one wins. The polls were close and thus no one argues.
What or who is 3.2? Yes, yes, I wrote it. How is the Clinton's 3.2?
What is the wild plan? Some kind of nationalized emergency. Which affects everyone. A Russian preemptive strike on North America (USA)?
So if the American Presidential election are already predetermined as is evidenced with all of the former Clinton haters now supporting Hillary Clinton and how so many few people know the Trump family has always been close to the Clinton's. So would this mean that the old and scrubbed prophecy that president Obama is the last fairly elected President of the USA?
With a President Hillary Clinton, The people of the USA will see hyper inflation due to her pay to play. No one will eventually be able to do business in the USA until they pay President Hillary Clinton. Also, expect new laws which causes all politicians, their families and select friends to be above all laws. BUT, Family and select friends will only be above or outside of the law if the actual politician says so.
Apparently when the Christians actually go out and vote. Change happens. After all everyone knew and prophesied that Clinton would win the presidency. To alter and change all bad and sad prophecies. The Christian must not go back to sleep thinking all is OK now. The Christians were deceived by Trump. The devout praying and fasting who are righteous in the accepting eyes of God only now must begin to obtain all political offices and appoint only those who are of the Christian faith. This may be the last chance to save the USA. This must be done at all levels of Government. After all, All of those who are against Christianity has been doing this for a long time now. If the Christians do not do this they all will be criminalized and go to jail. Oh wait, that is already happening. The Christians will be treated just as the native tribes are being treated at Standing Rock for the last 7+ months. (11 Nov 2016).    
Added on 31 July 2016 @ 0924.
There are Russian prophecies which shed some light that the leader and the people become a saving force of humanity as well as bringing the Americans back into the good graces of God. But, at this point in time. That all seems to be just hopeful pipe dreams. I do not think President Putin ever wanted any hostilities with anyone. I think he is a reasoned person who is dealing with insane leaders without reason or morality. Sort of like the old insane communist mindset of expecting to kill about 10%+/- of a population when taking them over.
If President Obama provokes President Putin into a preemptive strike. That will prevent a Hillary Clinton Presidency. In which a Hillary Clinton Presidency will just cost to much to do business within the USA. By that time the Clinton family will have their trillions of dollars/assets. The Americans and soon to be former Americans will have paid it all. All wealth will leave and or be diverted towards other developments. A severe economic hardship will happen to those nations which depend on the USA for their own economies.
It is not 20 January 2017 yet. A lot can still happen. Emergencies can still happen which can guarantee a long duration Obama Presidency.
Added on 04 Aug 2016:
This may be very important to the  Revelation Head wound prophecies.
Having seizures is a damaged brain. Seizures can kill a person in a singular event or in a series of events over time. What is the actual word for the "male" related words. The barking and other just plain odd response are just odd. To odd to discount. But, then again Donald Trump's odd response are just arrogant.
There is a level of growing insanity and a loss of person when any person has been taken over. yes, I'm referring to demonic possession. I'm not saying she is or hasn't been.
Added on 05 Aug 2016:
It is really more than $3 trillion. About two weeks ago I was thinking $5 trillion and now Most likely closer to $6 Trillion for the Clinton Family.
This may have been a long duration prophecy. Where the daughter shall lead the elder Clinton's. She must not attain any elected office. A person who having lived elsewhere for decades and then running for office after only applying for residency. That just sounds insane. 
Do not be deceived. Politics is like a performance in a drama show. You pretend to hate each other when the cameras are on. Then when the parities are in full swing your all friends again. While the common peoples think you all hate each other. Your children are close friends and only pretend to distance from each other because it is the deception they all must show. If you hate an evil person so much why would you allow your children to be friends with their evil children? YOU WOULD NOT. This is the deception that we were all made to believe. That the republicans and democrats are mortal enemies and in truth they are close friends.   
Would the death of former President Bill Clinton guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency? Toooo Late now.
Would the death of soon to be former President Barack Obama guarantee that Hillary Clinton remains in office indefinitely? To late now.
Added on 11 Nov 2016:
The USA now has a President Elect Mr. Donald Trump. The left liberal progressive who followed Hillary Clinton are all very upset and seems to have taken to the streets in protest and trying to figure out how to move to Canada. While shouting obscene curses and profanities.
I do think that the election was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton. I do think the entire news media was in favor of Clinton except for the Fox network. I do think the Democratic Party used dead people to vote and bused people from polling station to polling station. I do think they altered voting machines just enough so as not to be suspicious. Yet, all of these activities was not enough to overcome the Christian vote for Donald Trump. Does that mean that Donald Trump didn't do all of those things as the Democrats are known for doing. Of course not.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Prelude to War as not typically known: (Unedited): 28 July 2016:

You may not be aware.
Though the signs will be there but the digital imaginations will only ensnare.
The media has become a state controlled thing in which you can only mindlessly stare.
The truth is hidden from you in which there is no care.
When the angry Lion comes all will only know despair.
Those who have embraced chaos, hate, warfare, lawlessness and death shall exhale their last vile swears.
While the selected righteous remnant who know prayer shall breathe in a new free air.
This has no title: Weird, I do not write like this.
12-13 Feb 2017: Just read this again. I just don't typically write like this. May be more or less important than I am thinking. That which is red was added.
In my mind WW3 has already happened. The entire planet already has been purified by fire. The stench of what has become of humanity has been cleansed. To a degree that the entire has been renewed. This is what those whom have come before and who have been here desperately want. The complete extinction of humanity is not enough. The entire memory of what humanity was, is and what they/us should have become. Shall be as we/humans never were.
The moon is gone. Mars becomes not as it was or as it is now. All of those gods or fallen angels who freely roamed shall be retained in one of two hell's. The God of all and with His angels all are angry. For this is how they have arrived. To discipline their chosen children and to imprison their fallen brethren. Even the selected remnant Shall be dealt with in a more adult fashion. Such as was done with Lots wife.
 The prelude to war as humanity has known. The evil force is at the gates and we all must martial our forces to repel the evil barbarian hordes. For they are inhuman or even subhuman and they are not like us. They have done awful and terrible things to innocent people and nations. And off to war the good guys we go with honor and victory to come.

Not so anymore. In this age where all media is controlled by the political and corporate elites. For they all point to those far away people and declare them all as the enemy of us good people. Those evil doers over there are the ones who bring us suffering and death. For it is they who has taken away from all of us. The finger is pointed to those evil them and they.
Now every nation and every people who is capable is preparing for war. They all are. Their war machines are being modernized, created and tested. Strategies and tactics also tested. This last and final war shall be against all of humanity. A humanity which has been lied to and deceived for thousands of years. In this final world conflict. No one who is in the political, religious and social elites shall fear for their own safety and security. Even their own selected family and friends shall be safe. They shall not be in any kind of risk. While the entire general population of humanity will become sickly, suffer, starve and die. But, fear not if your one of the general population of the Earth. For even the political, religious and social elites. Will all perish along with everyone else. Their pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance is what built their own government created doomsday bunkers, (COG) Continuation Of Government and in them they will all die. All off of the backs of those common people whom they already decided will die in any disaster of their own creation.
 In those last moments they will all discover that their gods/fallen angels or other worldly beings has led all of them to their dying place as well as the rest of humanity. Even then they all who have secreted themselves in those places of safety and security. They won't think of anyone else but their own physical demise. Then follows judgement.
Before it all begins. You will be distracted by civil disobedience all over the world. As what you see now is only the beginning. You will not see the maneuvering of the military's and wonder how they got that or get there. Then it shall begin and you won't even know of it.
All of the distractions of the worldly systems shall blind and deafen you to the truth of what is real and true. No matter how much education and natural intelligence you have. The more immersed you become in your digital games, in your sports in what ever dominates your life. You will not see the what and how of your destruction. Let alone the why. For all of those distractions have become your idols and gods. Think about that when you reside in your man-cave, game room, poker room, theater room or in your own liquor bar. Because, just like the very week Russia threatened war with the USA everyone decided to play the new App called Pokemon Go. The actual day of your destruction may be like that day.  
Not in any specific order.
1) You will see much more secret satellite launches. Assuming they are reported by your local media. National Media will not report anything like that.
The so called (ROG) Rod's of God or Kinetic energy weapons. Any Nation must have hundreds or thousands of these in orbit. The higher the orbit the safer the weapons platform. There is as of this writing. No publicly made military asset in which to defend against these types of Kinetic energy weapons. Which means every naval asset is an easy target, every military base, every city, every fault line and (DUB, DUCC) Deep Underground Bunker is at risk. Assuming those are real and if they are would be very classified.
2) You would begin to see orbital assets fall from the sky day or night. You may even see high altitude high energy flashes in which you may disregard. Satellite communications and Satellite televisions will begin to fail. The mess that is created will cause much more damage to every other non targeted satellites and space stations. The debris field's expands from impacts and explosions will cause more and more. It will expand and all will eventually fall back to earth. This is what it will look like.
3) Power outages and (EMP) Electromagnetic Pulses will/should prelude any other form of military attack.
 Military installations depend on commercial power. Yes, many do have power backups. But, these problems are only for attrition and to diminish capacities and capabilities. Any EMP attack near any nuclear power station. Will cause uncontrolled meltdowns and explosions. How many nuclear power plants are in your country? This does not have to happen because of a launched rocket from North Korea. In which all North Korea has to do is achieve a easterly (LEO) low earth orbit and then send a command or pre-programmed to detonate over anywhere Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa or Missouri. Once that classified altitude is achieved. Any EMP attack in the USA will affect Russia and China and North Korea eventually. Any EMP attack on Europe, Russia and China will have an effect on the USA and South America eventually.
Once power is knocked out and all technology eliminated. This begins the other forms of attacks. Especially on the eyes and ears of the targeted enemy nation. This is where drone threats become a possible severe nuisance. Opening a window for blindside attacks. This is assuming the From possible locations near any Ballistic Missile installation comes the drones. Their only purpose is to cause damage of the actual RADAR itself.
4) What will the people know? Not very much. All power will be out. All news and information stops. All technology will be unusable. No water, no food, no tools and no skills to survive as humans once did in the 1700's. 100+ million American deaths.
5) Many enemies will rise up and march forth. The war of wars begins. When all become enemy to each other. The last ditch military action is when the nuclear war heads fly and detonate. The extinction process has begun. It may take a hundred years or less. It is really that bad. I believe it is now to late. The purple words below is our only collective hope.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad. We each must decide to do the following everyday.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
 To want to obey those purple words because it is the right thing to do and not because you have to because of any threats, fears and intimidation's. Yet, That is all I have provided in this particular writing is threats and fears. This is the purple word grocery list.
What do you want to hear? That you can do whatever you want? harm whoever you want? destroy whatever desire for fun and comfort? There is a cost in all things. The deaths and destruction's in your own heart are played out in the digital games you play. There is no difference in the digital deaths you cause as there is hatred in your own heart and murder in your own mind. For it is all sin against God Jehovah.
When the stench of humanities evil deeds becomes to much for God and to thrilling for satan. There will be judgement and discipline. It will be right, true and just. Even if your (I'm) on the receiving end of it all. This includes me as well. Because, I do want a rapture to happen before all of this. I think the rapture is a lie in order to maximize the sufferings and deaths of Christians. If there is a rapture. You will not be the one who decides if you go or not. God will either judge you/me worthy or not worthy before the rapture if it occurs and his judgement will be absolutely right, true and just. This goes for even the selected holy remnant. If you are selected or not. That decision only belongs to God. The judgement of God will absolutely be right and true and just. Even if you and me both are left behind. If we are left behind. The only one to blame is you for you and me for me. Both yours and my sins, faults and failures were just to much for God. That is my cold hard dime of truth.
So how much have you prayed and fasted? Which sins have you accepted into your life and which ones have you rejected? How much time have you spent reading the Holy Bible? Why do you think it is called the Holy Bible? Will you hold onto your secret sins that you naively believe are secret or will you flee from them and make them known to all. After all that is the path to maintaining righteousness as only accepted by God.
If you do not know that Jesus fella. Go find him. He is in any and every page of the Holy Bible. It is my personal opinion. The best Holy Bibles are those which have been discarded and even marked as such. For Jesus received marks all over his body as the Jewish people rejected him. All for you and me. Start in the New Testament.
Additional note:
For even the remnant shall be continually tested even after being selected. There will be no negotiations. If you choose to even deviate in thought or in heart. You shall be released from the angelic protection. There will be no recourse, no argument, no debate. It will be you were saved and now your not. That fast. I write all of this knowing that I may not even be one of the saved or protected. For if all of this writing I do is all I'm supposed to do. After all, I'm apparently a writer who cannot write, right.
I may not share this with the whole world. Those who find it find it. Yes, Sharing everywhere.
Added on 07 Oct 2016:
Secret War: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2016: 
Everyone will suddenly become aware of the lies and deceptions of their government, when the surprise secret war begins. 
 No one wants to know. No one cares to know. The Government has been stoking the fires of war and it is about to spread unto your own front porch. Do you really think that Russia or China are just going to fight a war in their own backyards or front yards and not bring doom to you as well? Your sadly mistaken if you think that. For they know that yes, The United States ability to project war elsewhere is superior to each of them alone. But, they also know that the lands of the USA is absolutely helpless (Because of MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction). You should really read that evil book called the "ART of War". In which every military leader worth their salt knows as their own bible. One of the themes is deception. feign an attack and go elsewhere. Avoid the strengths and attack the weaknesses. When fighting a superior foe conduct acts of continual attrition against them. Where are our weaknesses in the USA? Zero actual air defense. Zero border controls on land, air and on water. A police force which is not capable of defending itself against a tactically trained person. On one hand this is a good thing but on the other hand not so good when the federal government is stoking the fires of wars with nations which will have no problem in attacking the American homeland.
Think about this. The American common people are friends with those of eastern Europe and frequent Chinese restaurants. If the American people actually hated any group of people. It would be very difficult for that hated group to peacefully exist within the USA. Let alone be successful in business.
To this day right now. The American people are friendly to any Asian person as well as any Russian person. The American people do not know war is being made on their behalf by the entire Federal government of the USA. But, they will know soon enough when Russia and China become fed up with all of the secret shenanigans.
Added on 07 Oct 2016:
Extinction Victory: (Unedited):  29 Sept 2016:
Victory declared does not guarantee the absence of misery, suffering or the beginning of the human extinction process.
Once any society attains a level of technological development. They can easily become extinct by their own hands. Yes, one military organization, or government entity will proclaim victory in that very last war. The end of conflict does not mean the end of misery, suffering or the beginning of the extinction process.
Even though a nuclear exchange may be limited for each side or just one side. The fall out clouds will slowly kill all possibilities for food and clean air. The now offline and melting of the nuclear power plants will radioactively contaminate all drinking water. So what does it matter if your in your private underground publicly funded mega doomsday bunker? They shall become your own concrete coffins. Your only hope is the Purple words above. Implemented by all of humanity right now.
Added on 12-13 Feb 2017:
 We are already at war. World War Three has already begun.
Who will be against the USA? Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba's old allies and all of Islam.
Russia will take Alaska. Defensive arc across Japan. Russian subs conduct EMP attacks on the USA. Low altitude at first.
China will take out all military assets in the South China Sea and Pacific Ocean. Hawaii will be a stepping stone and one of their first jewels. Chinese subs conduct EMP attacks on the USA. Low altitude at first.
All of Islam. Will begin their assaults on USA, Israel, Christianity and Europe. The sacrifice of the Pope on his own alter. An American and European Tet Offensive shall occur on a specific day and hour. Imagine hundreds of thousands of Islamic teams conducting simultaneous attacks in each country. The Islamic Tet shall not end at one attack. Each Islamic team shall continue to move and attack until they each are martyred. Islam will eventually turn against China and Russia. The complete erasure and absolute destruction of all Non Islamic history will begin and it already has.
North Korea. Will over take South Korea. Failures and successes. Will North Korea be able to launch into Low earth orbit (LEO) a nuclear bomb? Declared as a scientific instrument of some sort. To be detonated at a specific altitude over central USA? Can North Korea get their ancient ballistic Missile submarines into the Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of California and the Gulf of Mexico? To launch their EMP missiles vertically.
The first goals of the coalition against the USA. Is to cause the USA to divide their forces.
To the protection of Europe and NATO against a Russian threat.
To the protection of allies like Japan and Taiwan in the Pacific.
To the protection of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Severe and total losses will occur in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Not from the outside but from the actual leadership of Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The complete loss of nuclear weapons from Turkey as well as those security codes and technical manuals.
To the on going war with Islam in the Middle east.
To the threats in Syria.
These are 5 divisions in which will weaken the strength of the US military forces.
Cause the military buildup into those areas of threat. To the degree that the USA becomes nearly defenseless. The USA is already mostly defenseless because of the MAD deals with Russia.
How the USA can defend itself. It is all about the purple words. The return to God by the vast majority of American citizens who abide by the purple words of their own free will. To freely decide to sin no more. To become a righteous and holy people as only accepted by God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
-------------Above is righteous and below worldly-------------------
1). Islamic persons and gang members need to be wholly neutralized. Criminals need to be finally and permanently punished.
2). A complete and layered network of air defense systems around the entire USA and Canada. Which will include Low/Medium Earth Orbit (LEO)(MEO).
3). The wall all along the Mexican border. With automated military weapons.
4). All military bases and posts. Must become entirely self sustaining and hardened. With all manner of automated defensive weapons systems. All family members need/should/must to be housed on every military site.
5). The Coast Guard heavily weaponized. Numbers increased.
6). National Guard modernized and weaponized. Numbers Increased.
7). A renewed US Militia as governed by each city, county and state. A nationalized militia with numbers greater than 5 million total. All with their own specific weapons, uniform, hair and beard. As it was in the old days of early freedoms.
8). Generalized civilians should all become self sustaining as a doomsday prepper would. Just without all of the mental illnesses and criminality associated with many of those on the old T.V. show.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5@Demonic Character/Psychology: (Unedited): 25 July 2016:

The character and psychology which identifies every individual fallen angel and spirit. Can be seen growing within every demonically manipulated/controlled soul.
There is a process in which the fallen angels, demons or evil spirits must cause you to go through in order to have control over any/your soul.  They must cause you to transform your whole being to what they are now. They do this with very convincing lies and deceptions at every step you make away from who you are to what they want you to become. In order to over take your entire being. This goal of theirs can from just a moment in time to the rest of your life. The closer you become to what these evil entities are. The easier it is for them to reside within you. Even if it is for just a moment or for an entire lifetime.
Disrespect and disobedience is a common trait within those souls who have become demonically manipulated/controlled.
Fallen angels, spirits and evil entities are respecters of no one. They do not obey anyone or anything. So one of the first things that a demonically controlled/manipulated soul will begin to show is disrespect and disobedience to those whom they have not shown before. When at one time you were respectful and obedience to the various rules which governs humanity. You begin to not care/apathy so much for those rules. For many this change is gradual for a few it is immediate. For whatever reason why, I  have no idea. Apathy is most likely the very fist trait which begins to appear within a human being. This is often times magnified by cigarettes, drinking as well as all forms of selected media. Which alters thinking's and perceptions of what is real.
Out of the neutrality that has become the apathetic soul. Is the newly richness of soul soil which can sprout hate, anger and vengeance.
A soil can be to acidic or the alkalinity can be to high. So a good farmer wants to keep his soil just right in order to grow the fruits or vegetables he wants. There is a process in order to achieve the perfect soil in order to maximize growth potential. This similar thinking process is the same for those fallen angels. They need for the human soul to become like they are now. In other words they need to cause and trick the human being to come down to their level/frequency. Once this is achieved the human being becomes like an open vessel in which anyone can pilot.
A loving and compassionate soul must become apathetic before hatred, anger and vengeance can take root.
The natural and often times unknown human defenses in which we all have. Can become weakened to the point that a demonic entity or demonic forces can gain entry into the host body. If not from within. The host body can be used like a remote controlled (RC) car, plane, boat. In other words the human being becomes a controlled drone of the fallen angels. Doing their bidding without even being aware they are not in control over themselves. Does an RC car or a drone know who the human is which controls them? no of course not. Same thing in comparison.
Many fiery thorns of chaos, confusion, destruction and death can come from the newly manipulated soul whose roots are shallow in the rich soul of hatred, anger and vengeance.
I think many bad people were once good. They at some point decided not to care anymore. Then selfish desires of wanting what they could not have. Caused their apathetic being to cause harm and suffering to others in order to achieve what they wanted. Thus, their own disrespect of them and being disobedient to the laws of the land. Followed suit.
I think the fallen angels purposefully choose those humans who have great depth of passion within them. Because, they know that passionate soul will exceed in horrific deeds where others just will not have the heart for it. But, first the fallen angels must cause the passionate person to become apathetic. Then from this apathetic sate cause this passionate person to hate and become angry. Then with all of this pent up negative emotion. They cause this passionate person to release all of their hate and anger with an act of vengeance. All of this is through ongoing lies and continuous deceptions. Even though lies and deceptions which are believed to be true for many thousands of years.
Added on 31 July 2016:
The scene of a new demonically controlled person.
Like a baby all things are new to them. Can you imagine an adult acting with all manor of amazement to all of the new sensations they experience. Such as gravity and the echoes of noises. For an adult seeing a person like this will cause your spidey sense to spike. As mine does.
Like a woman who is completely amazed that their water bottle is empty. It is what happens when you spill it and drink it. For the new demonically controlled person. It is just completely a genuine feeling and true realization. Just like a toddler discovering a new thing.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Christian Mockers: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

The professing Christians who are unrepentant and are not on the righteous path as judged by God only, mock God with their worshiping, singing praises with lying tongues, lying minds, and lying hearts. 
Christian leaders all over the world have chosen unrighteousness instead of righteousness. Christian followers are even rejoicing and are accepting of this very sinful activity. I declare to you that even if you are without sin and you celebrate sin among the professed Christian followers, when the time of chastisement comes from God, do not expect to be saved. For the Christian is to profess his faith by mouth and to live a righteous life while always rejecting and fleeing from all sin. So by simply celebrating the sin(s) of another person, you are giving them permission to continue on in sin. A REAL Christian is supposed to reinforce righteous living, to encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ to be strong and to offer wise council via the Holy Bible. Also, to offer them up with fasting and prayer.
If your congregation and/or denomination has accepted sin as a fundamental right, then depart from it. Even if your family has had a generational history within that one church, if you cannot find a church or denomination that does not celebrate and accept sin as a fundamental right, then begin a church in your home, for this is prophecy.
When it is time to leave, get up and leave. Do not negotiate and do not turn back. It is not you who has left Jesus. It was the church and denomination you once called yours.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wrong RT Questions: (Unedited): 25 July 2016:

www.rt.com today has posted yet another poorly phrased question. Well, in my opinion they are.
Not that I'm a good writer. I'm not.  Every offered answer is incorrect. Stop using the words terrorist and terrorism. Islamic leaders will cause their soldiers/faithful to do deeds which had already been planned out. Islamic soldiers/faithful will submit to their Islamic authority and be obedient to those instructions. There is no freedom of thought or of action in Islam.
RT asks

The number of terrorist attacks in Europe will go down:

  • 20%

    - If Islamic State is bombed into oblivion

  • 45%

    - If the West leaves the Middle East alone

  • 8%

    - If the EU gets proper transnational police and intelligence

  • 11%

    - If every European gets a handgun and is trained to use it

  • 17%

    - Never – terror attacks can’t be stopped

Why is this in error?
All of the media in the world needs to stop using the terms terrorists and terrorism. It is like calling Nazi Germany a bunch of terrorists. WW1 and WW2 was just an ongoing terrorism activities.
I myself have researched Islam from their sources and have concluded that all of these so called terrorist activities around the world are not isolated lone wolf terrorists who insanely conduct their own self defined acts of terrorism.
This is what will happen. Islam will continue their military actions against civilian soft targets all around the world including Russia and China. As everyone associated with Islam is a soldier of the faith without an official uniform. I believe what Islamic leaders say. For instance, The leader of Turkey.
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
In the future. This coup in Turkey may have been an actual double coup. Meaning a group of military elements tried to take over the country and then Mr. Erdogan took over the entire nation and moved it completely away from western social influences. Christian prophecy unfolding before our very eyes.
 Opens doors for internalized attacks.
Look to history.
China is opening their borders to Islamic influence and incursion. Short term will be financially good. In the long term. China will have blood in their streets and in their places.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 