Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Right To Live: Required To Live: (Unedited): 11 March 2015:

Earning the right to live is not the same as thinking you deserve to live or believing you are entitled to live.  
Earning the right to live requires something other than, violence and struggle or to Fight and survive.
Is all of humanity only a mammal? Is there nothing more to humanity than this one physical short life we all live? Are we no better than ants, Apes, Cows or fish? Or is there something more to humanity? Have we evolved from the apes as some kind of random mutation which just happened to go right by some fluke or accident? Or is all of the verbal stories from many different cultures which are  very similar very accurate? Or that humanity is a created species and that we are capable of evolution from the point of creation?
So is humanity entitled to live? does humanity deserve to live? or are we supposed to earn the right to live/exist?
Which is it? Does the ant deserve to live when the ants build their home to close to your personal property? The actions of the ants were simply an accident and we humans without any real thought go forth with chemical warfare.
In Numbers 22. God makes a donkey speak it's mind. Which means a donkey has a mind with thoughts and only has the inability to verbally speak. What of the other animals on this planet? If the animals have their own thoughts, memories and emotions. How can we justify in eating any of them? Do not animals have the right to live, especially if they think in their own way? Read that story for yourself. Who was the ass? Who obeyed God? Who was the good servant? Even an Angel of God was going to strike down a prophet of God. Serious disobedience. Who is deserving to live?
In the animal kingdom that we humans are supposed to be a part of as mammals ourselves. Yet, we humans do not do as the other animals do. Animals must be violent and they must struggle. Animals must fight and they must survive. This is a daily or an hourly occurrence for all animals. There is no real rest except after meals maybe and even then the animals cannot really relax and be at ease.
Where does that leave humanity? Because, most of us no longer live like animals. Has humanity become entitled to live because of our own self perceived greatness? What is your answer?
What happens if the big bad aliens or fallen angels return and the so called God who is really a superior alien to those bad aliens which enslaved us all, a long time ago. Doesn't return? What then? Are we to become like the ants. Succumbing to some alien chemical warfare beyond our own current ability to understand whats going on. Just like the ants. Or will the bad aliens come in their planet sized ships and mow us all down like some great and fantastic lawn mower which is again beyond our ability to understand.
Is humanity really entitled to live and to continue to exist within this galaxy after all that we have done to this planet and to ourselves? Will all of humanities collective sins become the evidence of some supreme being? To just destroy us all with a simple properly sized space rock. That's all it would take. Pretty easy for a supreme being/super alien and it wouldn't really cost very much. Since we already have an asteroid belt and the Oort cloud full of them. Just a simple nudge in perfect relation to a boat load of math formulas. In time we will all be doomed. The planet will have problems for a time but will not be destroyed. All ready for new forms of life to be seeded. Maybe, that new life will succeed where humanity has failed?
God has not exterminated us as of yet. That's obvious as I'm still typing. But what if God already pushed that rock during the first Catholic Crusade against Islam? Or in some other unwarranted war. Can we as humanity still earn the right to live? or will only the select be chosen to live while all of the rest of humanity become exterminated? The Bible is clear that two groups shall be saved to some interpreted degree. One is the 144,000 and the other group is the remnant. The defined word for remnant is something small. I guess God will exactly define who, what and how many are the chosen remnant and from where? So it can be said that the 144,000 and the remnant are going to earn the right to live. Are they entitled? were they deserving? How are they going to be different from the rest of humanity? Can we ascertain who the remnant shall be or the 144,000 and become just like them? But, what are their qualities? Is it physical, mental and/or spiritual? Or are the remnant to be chosen by simply how they lived their live by free choice?
This is what I think how they shall be selected. I am not God, Jesus or any of the angels. So my best guess is that no greater than any other human quality of guesses
The selected remnant  may be the ones who are already living in accordance to all of Gods laws by their own free choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's. The remnant has each become righteous in the eyes and judgement of God. The remnant each express inwardly as well as outwardly Love, Peace, Harmony and Life all under the laws of God. They are all willfully obedient to the urgings of their Heavenly Father. All by their own free choice. Because, deep down they understand the truth and the wisdom of God as right and true. From this holy knowledge. They have decided to live righteously. No argument and no debate. No sneaking around God. No trying to journey where you think God isn't. No negotiating or dealing with the instructions of God.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Actual Righteousness: (Unedited): 11 March 2015:

A religious person cannot become righteous without understanding the importance of wisdom and then freely choosing to live their own actual lives with that Godly wisdom. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Unrighteous Civilization: (Unedited) 10 March 2015:

The loss of any civilization. Comes soon after when the people lose their righteousness. 
Righteousness is actual right living based on the wisdom and understanding that you or your people have. This is logically coupled with knowledge. All three wsidon, knowledge and understanding are directly tied to one another in some yet unseen math formula. This unseen formula is also coupled together in some fashion to another formula. Love, Peace, Life, Law and Harmony.
The freedom to freely become unrighteous while being able to sin without guilt or remorse will always lead to a level of extinction. Of the person, the family, the city, the state and finally of the whole. Extinction does not have to be instantaneous.
You may think that your country and your family are still present while having become unrighteous. Give it time. First shall come the loss your your families name and then your genetic line just disappears. To be followed in time by everyone else. By then a state of apathy will emerge and no one will really care. As they do now. All that matters in life is "my" (Your) fun and my entertainment. A time when all the meaning and purpose that the people will want shall be their fun and entertainment.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Travel Away: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The further away the population travels away from righteousness and holiness. The greater and more severe lawlessness shall be openly committed. 
(Repeat) De-evolved Humans: (Unedited): Unknown date: By Memory. 
The degeneration of humanity will De-evolve human beings back down to a basic animal species. With Minimal ability to be civilized, educated/trained or socialized. 
There is a very deep problem. When the laws of man are founded in the laws of God. Especially, when every human being knows this. No matter their argument against it or the human laws created to separate the laws of God from the laws of man.
Everyone still knows this to be true. That is until the children of men become generations separated from this truth. Then it will be believed to be however the well educated person explains it in some future time. If humanity makes it that far.
While those who are very well educated see this as something to look forward to. They do not have the understanding nor the wisdom to predict the long term effect upon the population.
Such as who defines truth? When it is known that every politician lies and deceives as an every day occurrence.
Who defines honor. When those very same political leaders do not even honor their families or the office elected to?
When the population begins to have nothing to believe in or even have faith in. Then they will each do as accordingly as they see fit. In a court of law. Those who oppose you have to prove that you have done the deed and they have to prove whether or not you lie. Your friends will even save you with their own lies on your behalf. How will those who oppose you in court prove it? Law and justice begins to fail.
Then there are those who have wealth and fame. It is easily known by the slave waged common person that the wealthy and famous get away with crimes all of the time in a court of law. The common person sees it everyday in the news media.
When the common person begins to see that there is no justice and the law is against them. or that law enforcement only arrives after the crime and then claims since I(Officer) did not witness the crime. I (Officer) can do nothing. Because, they cannot afford a lawyer. Then it can be emotionally concluded that the common person must take the law into their own hands. Just to see any manor of justice.
What will happen.
Violent crimes will rise sharply. 
Law enforcement officials at every level will become harmed or killed.
The common person will automatically resort to violence as a natural response.
911 or what ever emergency response call may happen after the fact.
Gun violence will occur by any person at any age. Their will be so much weapons violence. That over time. More than guns and ammunition will be banned. Swords, Knives, Baseball bats, axes and etc. Even martial arts training and those who are deemed as trained and dangerous must register just as if they were a child rapist. Of course all of this won't happen all at once. Most likely after each new election cycle.
The reemergence of family feuds. Such as the Hatfields and McCoys. When a family is threatened or offended in some way. That family will remain quiet, go forth and murder the entire offending family. Simply because there is no more law even though there are vastly more law enforcement personnel.
Why obey or respect any law or representative of any law when the population is taught there is no god. If there is no god. then there is no right or wrong. Only each individual has the power to define what is right and what is wrong. Hence lawlessness created by governmental entrainment (Brainwashing).
This is prophecy. 
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Individually Themselves: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The righteous shall each individually purify themselves. Just as the worldly shall each individually separate themselves from anything which is holy and righteous.
 The righteous will automatically begin to purify themselves of all that is wrong, evil and sinful as defined by the laws of God.
The worldly as well as the worldly religious will also begin to individually separate themselves from anything which is holy and righteous. They will also separate themselves from anything that is wise or contains understanding. They will sense all that is important is knowledge and nothing more. The why, who or how will just not matter to the worldly or the worldly religion.
I see this as some kind of need to do. Like a butterfly that creates their own chrysalis. Something that they each know they must do in accordance to their own spiritual and mental decisions. 
These individual actions I believe is directly related to the Hopi Prophecies. Where humanity diverges. There may be the possibility of me not completely understanding this prophecy or it's interpretations may be inaccurate to a degree. The interpretations is humanity chooses one or the other. Not as two divergent groups of humanity. It is easy to see. If all of humanity choose the path of the wise. Then we all have abundant life. If all of humanity choose the selfish and worldly path. Then we all become extinct. I believe my explanation of this part of the Hopi prophecy is accurate?
This is Prophecy.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Historical Destruction: Historical Record: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The gods of the worldly religious. Must go forth and destroy all that is historically significant to the truly righteous.
Historical Record: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:
When all of the historical record has been cleansed and sanitized of the supreme God of all. Then those who are the fallen will show themselves and become humanities new saviors and gods. 
All of the historical record shall be sanitized and cleansed from every human mind. Then and only then can those fallen angels reemerge as the gods they once were. This is Prophecy. As it was in the time of Noah so it shall be in the end of days. It seems all that is left for this prophecy is common knowledge of the angels amongst all of humanity. Shall they be called angels or aliens? or something else entirely. Their return will most likely be called something else. So as to further confuse the masses as well as the religious and righteous. 
The gods of this world are still amongst us all and still influence us all by any way they can. Before they can show their new faces to all of the world. They are about to re-enslave. They need to delete all historical reference to the GOD who wiped them out within this solar system. In a very short period of time as define by human standards.
To create a new history or a new past based in lies and deceptions. Which cannot be proven or dispelled by any person.
Any person, group, religion, politics who alters, diminishes or deletes the true history of humanity. Is of the rulers and gods of this world. Thus, the enemies of humanity. Even if you do not like your history. Any history cannot be altered in any way. There is always wisdom and understanding in how your/our ancestors lived. All history is important. This is why there are so many screw-ups in the Bible. It's the truth. I probably should have used a different phrase than "Screw-Ups". Right now for me it seems the most accurate.
This is Prophecy.
I use the term gods as those fallen angels who came to this solar system and did terrible things to humanity. It was the supreme being (God) who wiped them out in a very short period of time.
They came as gods- use of the little "g".
The Supreme Being God- Use of the big "G". who created the fallen angels and became the human gods.
Warning: The urban dictionary has expletives.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Identified Polarization: Within The World: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The process of identified polarization between the righteous and the worldly. Shall progress unto the slaughter of the righteous. 
One must define who the worldly are and who the righteous are. One also must define the difference between the religious and the righteous. Because, those who are merely religious are of the world. Most likely the wolves or goats in sheep's clothing.

Those who have become truly righteous may in fact be as defenseless as any sheep. This may be the sign of truth for those who are genuine sheep. Because, the goat can and will kill. The wolf cannot help itself by feeding off it's prey when hunger strikes. So, the genuine sheep cannot defend themselves.
There shall be much ridicule of the sheep for being so helpless and weak.
So, the merely religious of the world are the ones who go off to war. They are the ones who makes mischief within the world and are controlled by the rulers of the world. Out of created chaos comes the bringer of peace. The bringers of peace and the creators of chaos may in fact be the same organization or group of people.
Blame will be assigned to all of the truly righteous and they shall be hunted down and exterminated. For they are the weak and defenseless. Easy targets for and starving predators who thirsts for the blood who they intensely hate with unrestrained passion.
This is prophecy.
Within The World: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:
Those who freely maintain their harmony within the world are not of the world. 
Those who freely remain at peace within the world are not of the world.
Those who freely continue to love one another within the world are not of the world.
Those who freely cherish life within the world are not of the world.
Those who freely honor and freely follow the divine laws within the world are not of the world.
They may be the actual righteous within the world as defined by God.
To freely live in accordance to the laws of God by your own free choice. Without any fears, threats, enslavement, intimidation's are the true righteous ones of God.
It shall be so. That those who are committed to loving all of their brothers and sisters. Shall not raise a hand in self defense or in offense. That those who are committed to peace shall not commit to argument, fighting or war. That those who are committed to harmony shall not create any form of chaos. That those who cherish life shall not harm any life in any way. That those who honor the law. Shall not transgress the law in any way. These shall be absent of anger, hatred and violence. They shall not wink their eyes or stick out their tongues.

This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 