Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ill Perceived Hero: (Unedited): 08 April 2016:

The ill perceived hero who gives up on short term necessary efforts/works. Sacrifices their entire long term gains, life achievements, comforts and fun times.
I observed the so called bad kids in school. These bad kids are not necessarily bad as much as their minds and hearts have been misdirected. They stand Anxiously watching for the one who has been absent for some time. Probably, released from juvenile detention. On a small 600 rice rocket was he riding. I could feel them glowing in his celebration of new found freedom. Freedom from forced free education. Freedom from authority. Freedom from being told things they have no desire to know. They just want to be n the sun. To do as they will it. Without any interference from anyone. 
Yet, their desires are only for today and right now. They know not of tomorrow. Nor do they care for tomorrow. Does that make them bad? No, just misguided. Even their hero, they knew he was driving by because of their cell phones that someone else worked for and paid for. 
These boys who are already young men. Know not and are not even aware of the harsh realities of the world in which they are about to walk into. They will have to get a job and not a career. They won't even know the difference. They most likely won't even have a high school diploma. Let alone be able to get into college for advanced learning. So that those now very elusive and unseen career doors will never be opened for them. Not that they will ever be aware of their existence. 
None of these young men are even concerned with how there are few 30, 40 or even 50 year olds who are unable to do back breaking work. Or how they will always be just one accident away from never being able to work. All because some pin head came to work drunk, hung over, high or all of the above. But, they won't know that either as they just disappear and newer stronger back enters into the work/job force. 
Blindly they all look upon their teachers as the current enemies of their life. Never and not once knowing. That these educated persons are their real heroes. Never wanting to do their students harm and yet perceived to be causing harm by their students. This illogical reasoning is yet still valid and is something that teachers must fight daily. Especially, when they are deployed in low income schools with high failure rates exceeding 15%. As the realities of culture and social structure within the hood is so dominant. The life sustaining mentality of the hood must fight to cause everyone to know, believe and understand their is no escape from the hood life. Those teachers are of no benefit to you. You will always be a hoodlum. Lies and deceptions repeatedly told to them all from birth. It matters not which hood they are from. The lies and deceptions are all the same. Why try there is no escape. You will always be an undesired black, Latino or white trash.
The truth is. There is an escape. By achieving a spoken and written command of the dominate language. By obtaining a working command of advanced math principles. Those two things together will cause your brain to perform logical reasoning thinking processes. In which enslavement will be improbable for you. 
Why did I mention advanced math principles. Especially when many pinhead math teachers proclaim you will never use them in the real world. They are very wrong and just do not understand the importance of knowing advanced math principles.  In an indirect manor. You will use the math you have learned.
The advanced math principles is like that critical software needed for your computer. You don't know your using the software for your computer until it's not working correctly. This is similar to you. All of the math you learn is similar to a logical software upgrade for your brain. The better you can think logically. The more you will profit from it and the less you will be taken advantage of. Because, of the math you have learned. You can logically reason better. The better you can logically reason. The better you can maintain your freedom, your family, your life, your business, your employment. The better you can effectively vote on candidates at every level of office.
Why do you think math is no longer a critical component in education? The more math the general population knows. The less the leaders can take advantage of them with their lies and deceptions spoken as truths with a smile.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Friendships diverge: Friendships End: (Unedited): 05 April 2016:

Divergent lifestyle choices causes life long friendships to end as one continues the righteous path while the other diverts onto the all accepting worldly highway.
Friendships End: (Unedited): 06 April 2016
Friendships end when one refuses to remain while the other refuses to go. 
There is only sadness within both whose friendship is about to end.  While one feels they must go the other feels they must remain. Both will feel abandoned by the other. Even though one remained while the other ran off.
Exciting Dangers: (Unedited): 06 April 2016: 
The exciting journey will be fraught with dangers in which more than your physical life can be lost.
A person who goes on the exciting worldly journey may lose their soul and their mind and yet still physically remain. There is a variety of loss. Like the losing of your soul as your body slowly deteriorates and your mind is only partially lost. Like losing the functionality of your whole physical body. While your mind remains fully intact. Trapped within the prison of your helpless body unable to anything for yourself.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Prophecy Revelation Understanding Lord God: (Unedited): 03 April 2016:

Do you remember that old Clint Eastwood Movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly? It's an ole Truckers favorite. It is full of partial truths. For instance the bad man was really bad, the ugly guy was well ugly and the good man was not a good person either he was just good at what he did. Do you get it so far. Which leads to a trucker comment. "You be good and if you can't be good then be good at it".
We are in Revelation. I know this. How? Just do. But, what does revelation really mean? Extreme apocalypse and were all gonna die except for all of those who ever proclaimed to be christian? Well, Nope. If your a professed Christian and have not turned away from sin and have not begun your journey to becoming a righteous and holy person as defined by Jehovah. Weel, you may be one of the ones whom Jehovah proclaims as to have never known. Only you and Jehovah shall know or you may be surprised.
Revelation to put it simply is a revealing? A revealing of what? Everything. All of the truths as lies and all of the lies as truths. Also, all of those secrets and hidden away things. Which means all of the Good, The bad and the ugly. There will be many theologians, pastors, teachers, preachers, Nuns and priests who will absolutely reject the learned and discovered truths which have only been revealed in this modern age. For instance, would you become offended that the word Lord means the god Baal? Many will after all they have been calling for Baal or Lord for decades. If Baal or one of his many many names is actually ruler of this world. Then all of your worldly riches is directly from Baal or your Lord. How do you feel about my comment? I would be really really upset and I am because I have said my own prayers using only the word "Lord and God". I'm as of today still in the process of studying the word "Lord and God" and am only in the beginning stages of it. But, it looks like the old Catholic church had changed the name of Jehovah to Lord and God maybe a thousand or so times. More revealed crimes against the Catholic Church. (I used the word God).
This is just one example. But, everyday something else is revealed. We can either accept the cold hard truth or just bury with all of the other treasures of the physical world. I want to encourage you to seek out the truth and continue to remain focused upon Jehovah Yahweh.
How many songs have you grown up with and how many songs do you love and worship with? If you see the revealed truth in this? Will you change your practice or continue on with your old ways?
If you study and research the origins of the word Lord and God. Will you continue to use those words. Especially, If one or both of those words is offensives to Jehovah Yahweh. Remember the lessons of Jesus and traditions?  It's in the Holy Bible go and find and read them.
What of Islam who use the name Allah which means God. Is all of Islam being deceived with the simple names they use? Are Islamic Muslims unwittingly praying to Baal just as the Christians are unwittingly calling out to Baal? Thinking one think but saying another.
The point I'm trying to make is that we all have been lied to and deceived in many different categories of information. Much of these lies and deceptions are many thousands of years old and have been just assumed as truths today. For instance. The separation of humanity by the standard of skin colors. We call it the races of humanity and has led to many wars, many wrongful deaths and many many other wrongs. Which are still perpetuated today. Even though scientific fact has proven that all of the different races of humanity is all based in lies. This racial truth was revealed in and around 1985 and more exacting again in 2003. AND This is now 2016. Still the majority of this planets population does not know this absolute truth and those who do, do not really care.
There may be thousands and millions of lies that we all believe to be truths today. On the contrary, There may be thousands and millions of truths that we believes as lies today. Then there are the actual truths and actual lies that we do know. Can you begin to see just how confusing the Revelation of the Bible really is? Just be sure to keep your pride and ego in check while you alter from one way of doing into the truthful way of doing.
If you can get through all of this confusion and are able to get to those little purple words below. Then you shall be a very special human being in the eyes of Jehovah. (I almost said God).
Added on 25 April 2016:
Then those who know of prophecy. Know that satan is going to copy all that Jehovah has done. All of this in order to deceive. Satan and the 10% of the fallen angels which still are free to roam this Earth all know when the appointed time is or it's very close approximation. These 10% of the fallen angels along satan are doing everything they can to continue to deceive and to hide, mask or cover up all truths of Jehovah. Especially changes the meaning of those holy symbols of Jehovah in the mind set of humanity. So, yes satan and the 10% fallen angels are controlling and manipulating the thinking and beliefs of human beings.
For instance Hitler took the holy German cross and corrupted it. The LGBTQ community took the rainbow and made their symbol for gay pride. There are many many more things. So we are in the days of divine revelation and satan and his free to roam fallen angels. Will also have their own revelations to mix in with the true revelations of Jehovah. Which will all be designed to confuse and to keep separated those from Jehovah. In this point of time satan and his 10% fallen angels are winning. Then a prophecy states that the remaining 90% of the fallen angels will be loosed upon all of humanity. So if 10% are winning now? What will happen when the other 90% are freed? and who will free them? Humanity under the controlled delusion of the fallen angels? Will CERN be the tool which frees the 90% of the fallen angels? as many believe? How can we all know what is true? Easy and yet not so easy. You Pray Jehovah. You meditate to Jehovah. You fast regularly. You flee from all manor of sin and wrong teachings. You continue to keep your eyes in the Bible and away from anything which may avert your attention or distract you. Which includes many forms of entertainment. Especially on the Christian radio and in your church.
Remember the study I'm doing on the words Lord and God. These could be a deception from satan or baal. All to keep you and me away from communicating with God. But, what if it is true? How should we as Christians communicate with our Heavenly father? Which is most respectful and honorable? Especially when you know just how the catholic church has corrupted the Bible and of Christianity.
https://youtu.be/pwo8KxKFDO4  (Focus only on  President Bill Clinton's speech).
Prayer is you talking to Jehovah.
Meditation is you listening to Jehovah. Keeping your focus upon Jehovah.
Contemplation is your trying to figure out all that has been said by Jehovah.
Updated on 05 April 2016 @0710.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Islamic Attack upon Catholic Leaders Double Dream: (Unedited): 03 April 2016:

Last night I had a double identical dream. The dream was very short and only showed the attack.
Their was what appeared to be a televised and public event with both Islamic and catholic religious leaders present. Their may have been other religious leaders also present. This was very clear. What also was very clear was a singular Islamic leader getting up. Speaking his words to the surprised and then killing begins. This is where the blurry begins. I think it is because the whom to attack has not been decided as of yet. It seemed a nun was targeted but the blurry began super imposing Catholic priests and many other Islamic leaders who began their own killings. Among the helpless.
The other blurry parts is where many Islamic leaders within this one meeting place. Began killing everyone around them with knives. For certain at least one attacker with many Islamic leaders all in the knowing. Be known, All of the Islamic leaders know what is about to happen and all of those Islamic leaders will publicly denounce the killings under an agreement of peace and trust. They all knew and they all were in agreement prior to the killing.
This was a sign for all Islamic men and women to begin attacking their own selected targets at will. In 1, 2, 3 or more in their preconceived order. Is this the coming sign for the Beginning of the American Tet Offensive style of attacks within the USA? or maybe all of Europe as well. One of the Islamic European crown jewels is the Vatican.
Please research writings on an American Tet offensive. Maybe, you can understand better than I can. There are also writings not listed in which I do mention the American Tet Offensive but never included them in the tagging labels.
It is my intentions to prevent and or mitigate any and all bad and sad future events. Anything I write in regards to possible future events is for those who are in positions of authority to make those necessary changes in order to prevent the/any/all bad and sad event/'s. To save lives. All lives.
If this one event is the signal for Islamic men and now women to begin their own defined attacks in those places that they solely decide. Then They all will have to have those weapons and explosives already at hand and already delivered to them. They will have already put these weapons and explosives in their secret hiding places. They will have already communicated their readiness to their respective religious leaders. Which means that all of the mosques and the leaders of those mosques are in full knowing and planning. Which means they are a critical component of a "C's".
The partial of the C's. There are more important C words. That I've not listed.
This is Prophecy:
Personal Note: I had a close lightning strike. Only Close enough to cause you to say "Hello". No transference of energy.  It was a hard and long work day. From 7 A.M. thru 11P.M. One lunch. No Breaks. Stayed out as much of the day in working prayer as possible. Thinking about the pattern recognition's in the Tampa Bay Times front pages for the days of  31 March 2016 and 01 April 2016. I think this is a sign and/or message. What it is? Not sure? I can see them. But, it seems it is for others to know. I guess it is not important for me to know.
I think it is a military attack on MacDill Air Force base. Life, Death, Suffering, drowning.
Not related to this posting. Only a personal note.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them from sources and not from parrot people.
Added on 18 Sept 2020: News story
You need to know that you cannot just make a ammonium nitrate bomb. There is a lot of things that has to be learned and a lot of training for people to be able to go out and make their own bombs and then be able to assemble their own bombs without blowing themselves up. Which means there is on going military style training of the Muslims in European countries. This also means most likely in America and Canada as well. 
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Entertainment Not Intended: Worldly Squirrel: (Unedited): 29 March 2016:

Not Complete
The edifying of your heart.
The provoking of your mind.
The tingling of your spirit.
Is not intended to be entertaining.
When you attend a worship center/church of your choice. The purpose is not for you to be entertained. The purpose is not for you to escape the reality of your selfish worldly life for just a couple of hours a week. The purpose of going to church is to stop the life you have in the world and to end your obedience to worldly rules. Even if it means unemployment, starvation and homelessness.
Because, the soul spirit is everlasting while the human physical form only lasts maybe 80 or so years. Which do you desire? 80 or so years of physical life in which only about 30 years is with youthful vigor. Then the physical downward decline begins. Your soul spirit is everlasting and never ending. Which should be your logical and reasonable primary focus? Physical life or spiritual life? Which do you follow? The worldly rules or by the rules of the spirit world? Which is of the most importance?
Sure you must live in this world. But do you live it for the emptiness of meaning, purpose and mission of worldly pursuits? Which only lasts a short time. You may become CEO or some other alphabet officer of some great worldly corporation or governmental organization. Even that shall have a limited duration and then your usefulness shall expire as does any other worldly product.
Worldly Squirrel: (Unedited): 30 March 2016:
The selfish worldly squirrel shall never find his buried nuts near where the new trees grow. Yet, the squirrel continues to dig and dig in earnest.
Yahshua  said to the wealthy young man to give away all that he had and follow me. Jesus, did not say give all of your worldly wealth to me and then you can follow me. That is just something that the prosperity false teachers often forget to mention.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peace Taken Away: (Unedited): 27 March 2016:

When peace is taken from the whole of the Earth. 
Do not expect any friendly civility. 
Do not expect any social propriety. 
Do not expect any fairness in life.
Do not expect any law and order.
Do not expect any justice for all.
How does God take something from man? A whole lot of ways and by any means necessary. God does not have to insure any human is aware or not. God just does it. For instance at the Tower of babel. Did the humans have foreknowledge before the confusing of tongues? Maybe, a few did as a prophetic warning to those who refused to listen and to continue on in their disobedience. They all knew something happened after all of their single common language was confused into many.
This is my imagining and is not intended to convey to you. This is how God did it. It isn't. This is just how I can barely begin to fathom the simplicity of how God would do thing. After all, Isn't our human brains more powerful than any silicon computer system today or even all of them put together. Isn't it amazing how the chemical reactions of learning and gathering of information and retaining it for memory. Grows and grows and yet none of it contains mass. Similar to software in a computer. You can fill the hard drive of your computer with some very heavy information and yet it still weighs the same it did when it was new. Except for the dust inside.

I can imagine how God went to his Godly computer terminal and selected certain groups of people and then added a new basic language format to those specific groups of people. Then continued to do the same logical process some 77 or so more/less times. Give or take a little bit. Just as any network administrator can alter any function and permission on any of your companies/government computers. With or without your awareness or permission. But, only after the fact when you arrive at work do you suddenly realize that your computer language settings have been altered and you cannot alter it once it has been changed. Wouldn't that be confusing to you. How would you do your job? Of course what God did was far more complicated to technically understand. God would have had to delete the common language from all human beings and then upload 77 or so new basic languages into all of the different groups of people. Almost sounds like a software upgrade today. Delete the old and upload the new. Then those people would go off into their own direction throughout the whole of the world and modify their new language by creating their own new word vocalizations for everything they experience.
Did you get that? God can delete your language suddenly and then upload a new language or all of them. Just as quickly. With the ability to speak and understand instantly. Without problems. I know only one language and I do not speak it very well. If you have endured my writing. My speaking skills is far worse.
Do you remember that so called incomplete logical formula I wrote a while back? You know.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, law/obedience
The inverse of that is?
Death = Hate,War/conflict, Chaos, Lawlessness/disobedience

When something is taken away another thing must fill its place. So that which is replaced is chaos. As chaos becomes more and more prevalent and more greater. Chaos will cause a diminishing effect upon the other variables Life, Love, Harmony, Law/Obedience. The entire formula has become contaminated. Until Love becomes hate, Harmony becomes chaos, Law becomes lawlessness and life becomes death.
Think about this. Christians are supposed to love one another and sin no more after they profess their intention to be faithful. We all now have easy access to the Holy Bible which was only reserved for those accepted catholic priests who were taught the language in which it was written in. To even touch the Holy book would most likely mean certain torture and death. From the Holy Bible we learn how to Love one another. We also learn how not to live your life. Through the characters and their lives they lived and through all of their own sins and human failures. We learn that even the littlest and most worthless of all sons can fall a giant with a common stone and then become king. Thus begins the accounts of every time he sinned and the cost everyone paid for the kings sin. Even that is prophecy for today.
I'm not sold on the rapture but I shall not deny it. If it becomes a reality. Can you imagine that discussion of a rapture denier and an angel who has come to save him. Do you think a negotiation would be possible as was with Lot and God? Why would you even want to negotiate with God. There are many accounts of negotiations. Go and read them for yourself.
I think peace has already been taken from the Earth. When did it happen? I have no idea. Not for me to know, I guess. When did Christians begin celebrating their sons and daughters choice to go into military service? Hate, War, Chaos and death.
When did abortion or free murder become legal? Murder, Free choice, Lawlessness becoming law.
When did the mentally ill become sane citizens with rights? The LGBT community. They create chaos with fervent hatred for anyone and anything which is good. Go watch how this minority group can go into every city and town in parade and the huge majority of Christians allow it through apathy or acquiescence or both. There is a lot more. Go and pray upon this and then add more to this line of thinking.
Are you catching the key words? Will you even be brave enough to teach them and preach them? If not then whose god's are you believing is more powerful than the Christian God? You must have great fear. Because, I know who my readership is? They number more satanic persons then the Christians. My writings are published more in satanic media then in Christian. More people pray against me then for me. Why is that? Because, I unintentionally declare their worldly victory and the coming physical extinction of all humanity. Which is the intended purpose of satan and his following fallen angels. They all want us dead. Those that follow are unaware or just don't care. That those god's who they follow love not any of us humans. All that the fallen ones do is against all of humanity. Throughout all of human time.
Peace shall be taken away. So that the people would slaughter one another.
When he broke open the second seal, I heard the second living creature cry out, “Come forward.” [e]Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take peace away from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another. And he was given a huge sword.
Can you imagine that. It doesn't say nations, cultures, races or any other social or ethnic category of human being division. The people will slaughter one another. I would think the wars which begin will have their commonalities, political affiliations, belief systems and skin tones of agreement. After a time. It will become all for one and not even family blood will prevent blood shed from one brother to the next. Read Cain and Able. We all better hope and pray for a rapture. I do. 
In the future world of ours. Life will become so hard that if God does not cut short those days of suffering. There will be no life. Mathew 24:22. Go and read it. Focus on the "For the sake of the elect"... Who are the elect and will they have to endure unto the end? My insignificant and flawed answer is Yes. Do I want the answer to be yes? Nope.
So what does this mean? Egyptian Christians have been slaughtered. Syrian Christians have been slaughtered. Lebanese Christians Slaughtered and already forgotten. African Christians are being slaughtered and so shall the Europeans and the Americans. Israel is threatened daily.
No one cares and many celebrate and many others perpetuate it. All remain silent. 
There are many first things you need to do. One is to get into and remain in the Bible daily. One is to pray as in you talking to Jehovah. One is to meditate as in you listening to Jehovah. One is to Contemplate as in you silent to Jehovah. One is to actually go and sin no more. Do no wrong to others. Cause no harm to others. Go and love one another even if in the beginning it is a lie and then admit it. I try to be a good person. I try to be a friendly and likeable person. Practice fasting on a regular basis. With a focus. These are the beginning basics. Then let God. Never allow yourself to wait for God to do for you or to open doors. This is a false teaching. You gotta do your part in the doing process. Do not become one of those Christians who wait on that neon sign hanging from the heavens saying do this and go there. For they wait for a year, ten years and their entire lives. Satan wins because that christian has done nothing.
So what is next. Get your 1700's skill sets. Get some of those hands on down and dirty modern day skill sets. Go get some martial arts training in accordance to your physical stature. Go and get some 1700's weapons training. Go and get some modern day weapons training. Establish dedicated christian communities and develop your own micro economies with other like minded communities. Do business with no outsiders. Sounds like becoming one of those paranoid doomsday preppers.
Know that. That you as a Christian they are coming for you in the future. You will be abused and tortured and killed just as the Christian Syrians, Christian Egyptians, Christian Africans and the disciples in the Holy Bible have been. When the Vatican is sacked and the Pope is executed upon the catholic alter of sacrifice. You will know the time is shorter. When all of Europe erupts in violence. Time is short. When the USA is no more. It is to late. The time is now and it may not even be enough time left. Less than ?9? years? or by the 2040's??? Maybe tomorrow??? Pray for the truth of the rapture. If the rapture becomes a false teaching for you. Do not allow that one false belief to be the all encompassing cornerstone of your faith. 
Minor edits and added content. 28 March 2016.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

You Know: (Unedited): 15 March 2016:

Trials, tribulations, temptations and tests are those things which must be endured in order for you to know your faith, your will, your righteousness and your honor.
Failure of life's real tests are those opportunities to grow from the sadness, guilt and embarrassment. In order to become a better human being. Their not fun. Some of those mistakes, failures and sins revealed are meant to hack away at your pride, ego and arrogance. Thus, bringing you more in line with those very important spiritual lessons of wisdom and understanding.
One of the greatest forms of arrogance, pride and ego is to never admit your failures, sins, mistakes, faults and weaknesses. Even when you commit crime, get accused or even caught. You continue to deny it all. It matters not what the evidence proves conclusively or how many believable witnesses there are. All the while, You are doing more harm to yourself than you have done to your victim. Because, maybe your victims will survive and go on leaving all that you are behind them as an eventual forgotten memory. You to will go on. You may even forget their names. But you shall never ever get away from their curses upon your own living soul. The more harm you do. The more harm you do to yourself and it shall all be magnified to an unbearable level. Beyond that tolerance which destroys all of your own sanity and reason.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 