Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dusk In The Great Land: +4: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:

Dusk in the Great Land: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
The dusk shall come to extinguish the light from your great torch. The excessive innocent blood and purposeful sins of the of the people must be judged. The whole of the land shall be judged and all who are within. The sufferings and martyrdoms of MY saints is not a judgement. For through their sufferings and murders the evil shall be revealed in the light for all to witness.
Possessions Prophecy: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
Just as the church has had their exorcisms so to shall come mystical enchantments for spiritual/demonic possessions. Just as the power of the Holy Spirit can cause the masses to repent in an audience. Once the Holy Spirit ceases to protect the people and the land. Then shall mass reverse exorcisms/possessions occur in the audience of worldly concerts, parades, protests and other places of mass gatherings. Turning those events into spontaneous melees, mass suicides, all manner of public sins and worse.
Demonic Doorways: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use are gateways to stronger drugs but they are also open doorways to demonic possessions.

Added on 02 Oct 2023:
Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana are not as much gateway drugs as they are fully open doorways allowing demons and beings of any kind unfettered access to the physical body.  

Yes, this does include all mind altering legal medications prescribed by any professional medical person. Also be warned that those who are in a hospice care managed environment. They too shall become possessed and instantly healed by that which possesses the person. These will be deemed as miracles. In which they are miracles but not by those which is from the Righteous God of all.
For those who are not actual Christians but profess to be especially pastors, preachers, theologians, ministers, clergy and anyone else in church leadership. Once the Holy Spirit departs from its responsibility. Each of you will also endure possessions and from those demonic possessions you will do awful sinful things in which you will always remember. When and if the demon or demons jump into other available human bodies. But, once your in Jail and their demonic fun concludes. The demons will jump and jump and jump into as many host humans as possible. Almost always ending in some form of tragedy.
This is when you will know the true reality of Jesus Christ, God and of the angels. You will believe then. But, in this coming time. The door may very well be locked for any renewed repentance. But, God will do as God will do. God does not need your/my approval, acceptance or permission to do or not to do anything. Pray for mercy upon your soul. A last ditch effort to save your own skin/hide or you can become a willing do gooder unto your end. However that may be.
Night almost sleep vision. I saw a typical American protest. Suddenly the mass of people become possessed by a dark wave as perceived by me in the dream and not noticed by anyone else. The police already had their police line established. Ambulance workers were ready and standing by. The dark wave overtook everyone. Some were not affected or evening knowing. Many became possessed and few were not of the protestors. A few of the police were possessed and many were not. Insanity and immediate violence began. The possessed of the protestors knew who were not and attacked them who were with them. The police who have become possessed began shooting those who were not. Complete chaos ensued. The point of these new possession is to cause as much pain, suffering and death as possible. Then when the demonic possession cannot do its own will. The demon or demons will jump to a new open or damaged human host by their own will.
Added on 16 Dec 2018: The celebration of possession. In the great sports games where demonic shows are done during half time. The mass of people who attend and maybe even those who watch digitally will become possessed. Not all but a great many. There will be a hierarchy in all possessions. From those who are the most important in life to the least important in life.  In these the newly possessed will enjoy the show and the sporting event and then return to their home and begin all manner of spiritual, physical and psychological terrorism.
The worship of Possession. In Mega churches all over the world. Those churches which are absent any pure fundamental teachings of sin, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. Members of those churches will be worshiping the god of this earth and thus will receive false miracles for their worship. They will receive false powers from their possession(s). They will think themselves to be blessed and favored. They will know that they are powerful. They will make false miraculous actions as they see it and will it. They will bring attention to themselves and profess that god has given them the false power and phony authority. In their words you will hear an absence to the God of the Holy Bible. They will not offer lessons or wisdom. You will see them and their power. You will begin to believe in them and forget about God. The more you are in their presence. The less you will pray and the less you will hunger and thirst for the Holy Bible. They will demand your attention. These are keys.
Added on 17 Dec 2018:
Secret Sins Possesses You: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2018:
Your secret sins shall be all of the evidence the demonic spirits need to possess you. Your cries and prayers will be unheard as the protection of the Holy Spirit is turned away.
Earth Reborn: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2018:
There are many ways a new Earth can be reborn. One way is when all of humanity upon the Earth begin to live as they were becoming holy and righteous.
Prophecy tells us the Heavens will roll away like a scroll and the Earth purified by fire. We know one of the Heavens is the sky or atmosphere. With an absences of atmosphere to any high percentage. The oceans will boil away. Being able to breathe will be very very difficult if not impossible. The earth may in fact be completely reverted back to a liquid molten ball of fire. Thus, erasing all evidence that any form of life had ever existed on Earth. The extreme bad and sad prophecies are to teach us this is what will happen if we or all of humanity does not cease in our collective sins. We will become extinct. Except those save by God through His own decision and not by any understanding by any man. It does not matter what you or I believe. If you have not nor have you ever changed from your evil ways. Then you are not one of His. If you continue to sin and still plan to sin and look forward to some real sinning fun or await for the next opportunity of some privacy to conduct some secret sin. Then you are not one of His. It does not matter how many decades you have been in the church. It does not matter how many big checks you cut for the Church. If your a person of sin. Then you will die the second death. It doesn't matter if you have led an entire denomination or have led many churches. It does not matter if your the Pope. This is especially if your the Pope. For even the Pope will be harshly judged and suffer hell fire for his deeds, his actions, his inactions, his apathy, his failed leadership, his deception and delusion of following the wrong god/gods. For the Pope may/will even become a sacrifice upon his own altar along with the entire catholic Church leadership. Their blood will flow in Vatican City.
All of the Biblical prophecies can be avoided and prevented. All we all have to collectively do is to become a Christian. Flee and reject all sins. Pursue and become holy and righteous as which can only be seen by God only. Then the purple words below.

Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, November 23, 2018

New Expression of Power: +1: (Unedited): 23-26 Nov 2018:

From the absence of power shall rise a new leader out of the void. From this person will most of the nations of the world will align. From this person the expression of power and wealth which has never been seen is manifested. That former powerful nations like the United States of America, Europe, China, India, Japan and Russia will submit to its authority. One way or another.
Evil Organization: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2018:
Any organization of evil cannot have many aligned powerful evil people and evil allies. As there can only be one. Only one evil ruler. Only one. Everyone else who have participated will eventually be extinguished as their wealth and power is assumed by the greatest evil one.
Japan the islands will disappear as well as the rest of those particular chain of islands. Japan can survive and I have written of it in the past. Otherwise extinction of the Japanese people.
USA will cease to be as it is today. Alaska will become overrun by the Russians. China will overrun many states bordered by oceans and gulfs. A very large percentage of Americans will die in the first year when hostilities begin. Nearly 300 million dead.
India will become fractured and reverted back to the days prior to the industrial era. The indian brain trust will die. India's concerns for China is not really of importance. About 1.3 billion lives lost in India.
China will become like it was prior to the war lord who formed the middle country into a whole. About 1.3 billion lives lost in China. All leadership will be killed as well as all family members and associations.
Russia will become like nothing? Because, that is what I have been getting in the last few weeks. Nothing. How can nothing be defined? Untouched or totally destroyed? I think it is improbable of Russia being untouched. Romanov repeats except this time all of the Oligarchs and all party members as well as associations and positions of leadership.
One Korea will be reverted to ancient times. 70 million will die.
I wrote down France and then deleted France.
Israel 2/3 gone and that is prophetically Biblical. But, is that 2/3's of what it is now or what God said Israel is supposed to be?
Iran will be reverted back to the ancient days. 50 million die. All of the current leadership dies as well as their families. This wholesale free flowing of blood of Islamic religious leadership will also flow in many lands and many places. Every Mosque will have blood within from those within and formerly revered and obeyed with a near perfect obedience.
Central American and South American nations will once again fall harder than the ancient Mayans had. They each will have their resurgence before their fall. Only to discover to late that they have only been pawns to an evil entity who has always been apathetic towards them. They are being used now and know it not or the leaders do know but are not aware of the severity to come. In which none of them will live.
Canada shall be known as the land of traitors. 20+million shall die. There shall be nowhere for them to go. Except into the wild country. Where they shall freeze and die. The only survivors shall be the indigenous as their land is returned to them. That is until the people murder their leaders for unholy alliances.
France shall become uninhabitable. The only French to survive shall be the ones who are not in France. Will the French leader survive and the world having much sympathy elect him to the first world thrown? 26 Nov 2018:
Here is a key point. No one person or organization can rule over the entire planet with the existing power brokers present. The existing power brokers must end. It does not matter who suffers and dies. Any nation which holds onto their national identity must be extinguished. Because the human beings who survive must be able to pledge their allegiance over all entities including your God or gods. All without question or hesitation.
Guess what? China your still either a key or a trigger. You cannot be both and right now you are being the trigger. It almost does not matter what anybody else does on this planet to change all of our fates-almost. It is in the hands of China.
If China remains the trigger. About 5-7 billion people on the planet will die. In a short period of time. Up to 100 years when the last human being dies.
The decisions have already been made and actions are already taking place. One nation who feels the threats of another nation. Cannot allow that nation to become more powerful than they are. It is the survival of self. It is the fear of another when they attack before the inevitable occurs as feared.
The United States is still rated as the number one military force in the world. But, in reality when you factor in how tired all of the military platforms are and the percentage of military readiness. That worldwide military ranking for the United States may cause them to fall to number three. Almost as far as you can get from Number two. Right now the top three are very close together in power index from Global firepower. Could the USA military actually be a .1+? Just as North Korea could be a .4 or a .8? Because of antiquated equipment and starvation.
Prophecy is not certain unless you want it to be certain. Each person and each nation can change their own fates. You do have that power and that is the purpose of prophecies. Bad and sad prophecies are not supposed to be celebrated and expected. All prophecies are supposed to be acted upon in a good and positive way. All prophecies can be mitigated if they cannot be prevented. Prophecies can be delayed. Prophecies can prevented. Especially those prophecies where human decision is of paramount importance. Like now. Which means all of humanity must change their hearts and minds in regards to everyone else. Because, once you do the math
One Christian prophecy is about the stars, the sun and an asteroid hitting the planet again. The asteroid may not be prevented but humanity as a singular family of people must get together to find that rock or rocks and then put into place methods of prevention and methods of mitigation. Like I said China seems to be either the key and the trigger. But so to each individual common person who take up arms to fight against their own brothers and sisters. The purple words below are important.
Added on 26 Nov 2018:
Forget not the absence of information tends to be more important than what has been revealed. Who is missing? Which nations?
It is only a matter of time when the whole of the media who are all owned by the same Mutual funds organizations. There will be a time when every common person will know and believe that the left wing and the right wing of political belief systems are all of the same corrupt and lieing bird. When the riots worldwide begin. Official media persons will be at risk for their safety. The people will know they are all liars and they are all apart of the deception creating process. They will be brutalized and will die as known traitors. This includes even the lowly stage hands and camera people. Directors and producers will be hunted down in their homes and killed, in restaurants and killed, in any public place and killed.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, November 19, 2018

Attraction Repulsion: (Unedited): 19 Nov 2018:

The law of attraction also has its reverse the law of repulsion. While attracted to good you will be repulsed by evil. While attracted by evil you will be repulsed by the good. While you believe that which is actually good to be bad you will be repulsed by the actual good and attracted to the actual bad.
Humanity does not get to define what good, bad, evil, right or wrong truly is. Those definitions and many others have already been given to humanity in the ancient holy texts.
As cultural perceptions become reversed and backwards. So to will the effects of the Law of Attraction which shall become the Law of repulsion. When humanity begins to believe that which is good to be bad and that which is bad to be good. Then all aspects of the laws of attractions shall become the laws of repulsion. This is because what is universally good is always good no matter how the human culture defines it. That which is universally bad is always bad no matter how the human culture defines it. So when humanity believes at their core that which is known to be sin is wrong in nature, mind and spirit. then the laws of attraction will become their reality. When humanity believes at their core that their right to sin and to do evil is their right and their free choice then the laws of of attraction will be repulsed from their actual reality.
In order for the laws of attraction to actually work. You must become founded in love. All that you do must be expressed from the love within you. out of your love is a need and want to love one another. Out of your love comes a desire to live in peace with everyone, Out of your love comes a desire to exist in harmony with everyone. Out of your love comes the celebration and the cherishing all life. From all of this comes a desire to be obedient to the Laws of God as written by the ancestors and prophets of old. Because the Laws of Attraction and the Laws of Repulsion is all from God. To continue on will be the need to become closer to God and thus before you can come closer to God. You must become and remain clean, righteous and holy as which is only defined and recognized by God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements. Plus all of the other bad descriptive words associated to one's character and spiritual being. Looks like the Purple words below.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Christian Chameleons: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2018:

Christian Chameleons are charlatans everywhere they go and even into the places where they should not be. For these are the wayward sheep pretending to be goats and wolves and lions. Only to return to the flock still as pretenders of one of them. For their future and prophecy is of duality. They will be devoured and they will be judged. They will joyfully worship God and endure the curses of their actions. They will be both believed and disbelieved. For while they are in the church they are believed to be one of the holiest and most knowledgeable among them all. Then when they are outside of the church. The actual goats, wolves and lions see them as they are which is prey.
The future for all of humanity was known in the beginning even though humanity of today can assume and think they know what may or will happen. There is never certainty until after that which has occured. It is just like the Christian Charlatan who thinks he/she is fooling everyone. They are only fooling themselves and they know this already. yet, they continue to live multiple lives fooling everyone. With their Biblical knowledge. With their ability to sing a beautiful tune of worship. With their ability to play spiritually godly music on their instrument of choice. With their ability to teach profound messages and to publish many books. Yet, they know they are charlatans and yet they continue to repent not. For the money, the wealth the lifestyle is too good. Maybe some feel entitled to what is received from the world. So the car salesman will continue to lie or omit the truth. The slum lord in real estate will love his money more than his own family or renters. Yes, you have to love renters to. This is for everyone else who lives their lives in contrary to how they show themselves in church.
The level of deception brought to the Christian is huge. It is to the degree where Christians not only tolerate sin, They accept sin as a human right guaranteed by human law. Which means that Christians believe that human law is superior to the laws of God.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Prayer alone will not mitigate or prevent Prophecy: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:

minor edit and adding content for better accuracy. 28 May 2019:
A single prayer alone will not mitigate or prevent any bad and sad prophecy. It is only those who are clean, righteous and holy as only determined by God only who can mitigate and prevent all bad and sad prophecies.
The idea that prophecy, know matter if it is bad or worse than bad must come about. This is a falsehood. We have the teachings of Joseph in Egypt and of Jonah in Nineveh. Both stories teach of mitigation of prophecy and or delay or prevention of prophecy.
Yet, if the numbers of the righteous and holy are few. Those bad and sad prophecies will not be for them(Lots family). The bad and sad prophecies will be for you in your brief moment of uncontrolled sin(Lot's wife). Especially those of you who idolize and worship wolves and goats who stand in the holy places encouraging all of you to tolerate, welcome and celebrate sins. For not only will you endure all of the bad and sad prophecies but you will also endure all of the curses that you bring to yourself individually, to your family and collectively as a society. The self proclaimed prince of this world may even allow you to have much financial wealth from the world system. Causing you to falsely believe that the God of Jesus has blessed you and your god has, just the wrong god or the prince of this world system.
Be warned of those who stand in the holy places and proclaim many falsehoods and direct all of your attention upon them and their church organization. For it is they who are the wolves and goats of the Christian religious faith. It is they who lead the lambs away from God into the dark dens and cold caves. It is they who tell you to only pray while saying and teaching nothing about sin, cleanliness, righteousness or holiness.
Righteous Church Full: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:
But, a church full of clean, righteous and holy persons as which is only recognized by God only, will and can mitigate and prevent any bad and sad prophecies in their local places.
Then when that entire church is filled with the righteous. Miracles become a daily occurrence. Which is contradictory to how most of the most knowledgeable of Christians, theologians and preachers think of miracles. For it is they who have become the enemies of Jesus Christ, who will come as a angry lion as their tears stream down their already judged faces. Think about this. How do you as a divinely created creature who has fallen and who is less than a maggot and worm negotiate with an angry lion? Each of you must repent and confess your sins to each other. Everyone must do this in the open. LOL, How is that pride of yours and how will your worldly wealth become like vaporous fog in the late morning? This is how your worldly wealth has become your god and the real God is and has become nothing to you and most souls within your church. If you truly want and desire revival. Then the revival must begin with the leadership of every denomination and Christian Church. For it is the leadership of every church which has led away the lambs from God. Through omission, inaction, lies, deceptions and false promises. Even you Christians will become outcasts to society, unemployable, homeless, starved, legally deemed as mentally defective just as the LGBTQ was once, and much worse things shall be done to all of you Christians. Even in the prophecies of the Holy Bible. The saints all lose while it is only God who wins in victory alone.
Precede Death: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:
Prior to your Christian martyrdom much suffering and torture will precede your physical death.
God is already raising up the enemies which will destroy all of you and spread the survivors into the winds of forgetfulness. You see the enemies and yet remain in your private sins, inactive and apathetic. Now is your time to repent, to become righteous and to pray. You cannot have an effective prayer life when your about to lose your life, lose your loved ones or have already lost your homes because of disasters. This is backwards. You must begin to have a clean mind, heart and soul. You must walk the righteous and holy path. You must remain without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. You must begin to build this new foundation out of your own free choice and love. You cannot do this or begin this if your trying to selfishly save your own skin/hide or trying to selfishly save that which you own of the world. For doing in the world can you take with you once your physical body ceases to function.
Christian Tsunami: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:
The rainbow tsunami which will come for all of the Christians and Jews can as of now be easily seen rising on the horizon. A small little pretty bump.
28 May 2019:
This is called the rainbow tsunami and it is not coined by me. The enemies of the USA, of TRUE freedom and of all of Christianity has called themselves that. They are also the enemies of everything which is genuinely good and pure as defined by God.

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Navigating The Galaxy: (Unedited): 13 Nov 2018:

Humans have many real problems with traveling through space. Our ships cannot travel faster Than the Earth or many other bodies flying through predicted space. Our solar systems travels much faster than our ships and the galaxy we reside within also goes very fast. A question I've been thinking about is for the last hour: All sparked by a little boy with a weird red hat, old batman shirt and a cheap looking gold compass. I hyper focused on the compass and felt like I had been downloaded.
How to navigate among the stars of this galaxy?
I think this is crucial. I think the discoveries of those unknown natural phenomena is a must.
Invention of the Galactic Compass:
Especially from within a solar system and outside of it. I think the whole of the universe seems to be electrical naturally. I can imagine strings which tie our stars polar regions to the so called north polarity and south polarity of the central black sphere(hole). I can also see other strings which positively pull on the solar systems electrical field bubble(Leading Side). I can also see negative kinds of strings departing from the opposite direction in some kind of fanning event and then pushed back into something which appears more organized. (Lagging side).
What can humanity do? By placing satellite sensors in the southern and northern poles of our central star within the confines of the solar system. Maybe, they will be able to detect this constant streaming energy. Sort of like inventing the galactic compass. Based on forces which are invisible and not perceptible to humanity. But, the effects can be discerned. Then place two more in both the northern and southern poles but outside of the solar system bubble. The solar system bubble will have a thickness and there will be a differences between the inside energies, stagnant bubble energy and the outside energies. There may be a lot of fluctuation of energies encountered from the perceived bubble. This is because the bubble itself is reacting with the other energies it encounters. Sort of like how plants in a stream react to the flow of water and to the energies of close by solar systems.  From the information discovered and the how to detect them. Up and down, North and south as well as a grid system can be determined for the entire galaxy. For the galaxy does have an apparent equator. You got the math yet?
Second method of navigation through the galaxy.
What we know is that every living planet and every energetic body emits its own unique frequency as well as its own percentages of energetic radiations. All of this is transmitted throughout the galaxy and universe. A gravitational curvature in relation to the effects of transmitted energies needs to be ascertained. As all forces, energies and mass will be pulled by the galactic center at specific angles in relation to their strengths associated to the center of the galaxy. This is how you identify and name each object within the galaxy. All associated with its output energies. For instance mars is not the name of mars nor is every object we know of in astronomy the original name. All of astronomy must throw away all of the ancient names and begin a naming system based in truth and not mythological history. Do you know the math behind the lumens, photons of a light bulb and how it diminishes the further away you get from the source. Same or similar principle here except you add in triangulation. By knowing the frequency and radiation output of every star and planet. You will know each of their fixed or non fixed places within the galaxy. You will know each of their perspective speeds and movements in their particular direction. Then when you are in a particular place. The strongest frequency and radiation felt should give you an indication of which planet you are close by. The second strongest signal will indicate a 2D positional relationship between the two solar systems. By adding in a third and a fourth solar system and then as many more as you can. You can determine your exact position in space. Which should be in agreement with your handy dandy pocket Galactic Compass. Much of this math humanity already knows.
The third methods are by adding in all other commonly known data such as observational. But, even the observational data can only be used when in close proximity.
Added on 02 Dec 2018:
Before humanity can travel among the stars. Humanity must figure out how to convert usable energy to matter and matter to usable energy. Humanity must use the top ten most common elements found in the galaxy and in other galaxies. Then build 100% of all of our technology by those elements. Humanity must learn how to be able to intelligently manipulate elements into usable materials. This includes combining the ten most common elements into one another in some fashion in order to achieve a predicted occurrence. For instance space ships should be built out of crystalline or metallic or both forms of hydrogen as well as the other top ten most common elements found in the universe. Humanity has a lot to learn before being able to leave this solar system.
I know I have written about this before. A space ship must be able to travel close to a star and absorb energies and radiation. Which can be converted into usable energy and intelligent matter.
A ship must be capable of self repair and self modification for purpose. A ship must be able to protect its occupants as a paramount mission. If the ship is happens to encounter threats and the living hosts perish. Then the ship may return home. Assuming it is not followed and no risk is predicted. If the ship cannot guarantee the safety of it's home. Then final mission into a star while transmitting necessary data. So the ship itself must be a type of AI or an actual created living intelligence or a living ship or all of the above.
Added on 09 Sept 2024:
The best place to gather unlimited non-programmed resources at their most basic fundamental level is from within a black hole near the polar ejecta points.
But, still from within. 
I see timeless space. I see an unknown beings who have determined to play with black holes. I see much losses but also a determination which is far superior to the losses. From the basic building blocks of matter. They can build anything and everything. Yet, they still know that they are mere children. Yet, I see just how much they are more than all of us and yet we have the possibility within us to do as they have or are doing right now or then or maybe it is us that I see in the future of now or then. I do not know when. I do see heir ships. Which seem to have aspects of human like design. I only see the smaller craft and not their parent craft. But, by our human standards the smaller ships are much larger than any human has imagined in any writings. 
I seem to know that the further away from the ejecta points outside of the black hole. The basic particles are already changing and combining into basic materials. So the goal seems to be to evolve capabilities to travel within a black hole. But, first they or we must learn how to survive getting close to the ejecta spray. Much like getting a finger to close to a very powerful water jet machine which can cut  through steel. 
The purity of basic subatomic materials require less energy than that of materials which begin to accumulate energy as they depart one of the horizons of a black hole. There is more than one kind of event horizon. There are layers like an onion. 
Added on 04 Nov 2024: Origin Point, Connection Point, End Point, Beginning Point.
If humanity survives it's suicidal tendency's then maybe humanity will begin to learn how to find this universal origin point. Assuming humanity can relearn how to seek the truth and reason the truth all without political and financial corruption guiding intellectual thought. 
Black Holes or Black Spheres will become a key component in how to find the origin point of all. Currently humanity sees the mass which is expelled from the apparent northern and southern poles of the every black hole. Humanity will begin to see and then begin to calculate how much mass goes in and then how much mass comes out. Humanity will begin to know that much more mass goes in then it does which comes out. It will be difficult to determine as all of the mass which goes in has an identity and the mass which comes out does not. Even though that exiting non-identifiable mass is super heated and traveling at very great speeds as it all reenters this time and space nearly instantly. How would you even quantify the differences between well defined matter and the matter which exits which is only non-identifiable basic subatomic particles or much smaller than subatomic. There will be a time difference that which goes in and that which comes out. Meaning the old goes in and the new comes out. Would that be ageless which comes out. There should be math behind all of this.
In life everything is interconnect to everything else. Even galaxies have a relationship to other galaxies which is easily observed. This interconnectedness of everything also includes life and death, beginning and end and etc. So if everything began at a point of origin then it would or should seem that all of the great powerful things in the universe would have it's own direct connection to that origin point. So that would mean that the original black holes would have a direct connection to the origin point. If this direct connection exists then all of the matter which goes into a black hole may go directly to that origin point. Then when the mass is to great for the direct connection to the origin point. The outflow from either pole or both poles would be a kin of overflow valves. Then once the accumulation of matter becomes to great then the whole of the universe will succumb to the gravitational affect of all of that mass. Then the great shrink begins as a very slow stoppage and then speeds up bringing everything back to the new ending point. 
You should be able to see an outpouring of matter from an unknown point. As this massive amount of matter begins to form up into gravitational bodies of various sizes. They will become very densely packed stars traveling outward from the a point in space. This point in space will or should outflow all matter like a sphere. I do not think it will appear like a theorized white hole as all of the matter should be non identifiable. But, they all will turn into heavier and heavier bodies.
Added on 07 Dec 2024: 
There is a tension of the connections with the black holes/spheres and the origin point of all things. So much so that all of the galaxies will eventually slow down their movements outward, come to a complete stop and then begin to flow back to their origin point. There will be a gravitational pulling and a pulling by the tension within the black hole/sphere. So as long as you continue to see galaxies flowing within the unseen ocean of that which is called dark matter. The time of the return pull is not yet. 
In the aftermath of that which is called the big bang all matter would seem to travel in a straight line thus filling the void created by the big bang. Over time galaxies were formed and their central black spheres/holes and began to exhaust unseen matter into the space. As more time passes the galaxies began to flow within all of this undetermined matter and began to interact with each other. Thus the straight line they each traveled in began to make turns as the flow of the unseen matter began to push and pull each of them in a direction. Gravitational affects also affects each galaxy's travels.
I see a galaxy as a sphere. I also see black holes as a sphere. I see two connections of black holes to that central space which is or was the universal center of the universe prior to the big bang. If galaxies have begun to no longer travel in a straight line. Then what could be perceived may not be a center any longer. Simply because of movements and flows. I see 100% of all trapped matter and energy going into a black hole. I see a portion being exhausted out of either perceived pole and a third portion of mass and energy going through the connection to the origin place of all. This is starting to become mathematical. If you know two then you can find the third unknown. What do you think?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Prophecy Benefit Detriment: (Unedited): 10 Nov 2018:

Whether or not any prophecy will benefit you or be a detriment. One level of the determining factor will be your outpouring of love, peace, harmony and the cherishing of all life. The most important consideration will be on how you are or are not holy, righteous and clean which is known by God alone. In these you will have no say and no debate. It will not matter what you believe or think you know. For all which is, has been and will come by our feebly flawed and diminutive perceptions. All is the victory of God only. 
Clean or cleanliness means of clean mind, body, heart and spirit. All of which is defined by God only. It does not matter what you think, believe, know as a legal right or is good enough. You are in error.
Every ancient culture and religion which has survived until now. All have stories and teaching about integrity, honor, respect, righteousness, holiness and cleanliness. Plus many other good words about the good character of every human being.
In any culture and from any peoples where ancient prophecies are told. It is crucially important not to allow corrupt and immoral persons to force the prophecies to manifest outside of their intended times. This can happen and yes it is possible. Evil persons can force a known prophecy into reality by their collective extreme decisions. In which only brings forth the consequences which will be shared by all. Even if the few who will be chosen to be saved will still suffer as well. For it is they who will endure the memories and it is they will will begin anew.
The essential meaning of every prophecy. Is for all of humanity to either change from their evil ways or to maintain the righteous and holy path. Prophecies can be mitigated and prevented. I have only written of these two things and have hinted at the third option in usual reference to how Christians believe in prophecies. The third option is to cause the prophecy to occur before its intended time. By causing God to bring forth His prophecies ahead of time. The evil ones gets to have a greater probability to cause more hate, war/conflict, chaos and death.
The fourth option is to cause God to hold back or delay. This is learned in the story of Jonah and Nineveh.
The evil ones always wants a two fold conclusion to their every action. Cause all that which is known to be good to be to blame for any and all atrocities, ugliness, unfairness. So if your good group/organization are doing a good thing for a good purpose and you allow the involvement of unrighteous, unholy, sinful, immoral, lawless and apathetic persons to join in. You will not see your desired expected result. The holy spirit no matter how you identify with it. Will only allow a righteous heart, mind and spirit to be its conduit. Any person who is contrary to the Holy spirit. Will only be an impediment to the expected goals.
Right now there has been a confluence of prophecies from many different cultures and religions. This has even been written about using different words. But, the meaning is still the same. Do you remember Standing Rock at the confluence of waters? This was a sign. Do you remember the Arizona tourist site at the confluence of waters at the Grand Canyon? This was a sign of the confluence of prophecies. With Standing Rock North Dakota what is everyone going to remember? The last pictures and the last false narratives. "Nothing Says Standing Rock Environmentalism Like Tons of Garbage". "Irony: ‘Water protectors’ at Standing Rock left tons of trash that will…pollute the water -- Left-wing activism means never having to clean up after yourself."
Irony: ‘Water protectors’ at Standing Rock left tons of trash that will…pollute the water -- Left-wing activism means never having to clean up after yourself.
Nothing Says Standing Rock Environmentalism Like Tons of Garbage
Added on 11 Nov 2018:
To those who reside on Turtle Island. Be wary of who you befriend and make deals with. By wary of who you even share meals with. Look to your ancient stories of wisdom. Remember the turtle and the scorpion story. Remember the little boy/girl and the old snake story. What does it basically mean? It means that a snake will do what a snake will do. A scorpion will sting you because it is what it does. Be wise of whom you give your trust to and make deals with. Be wary of whom you help across the the water and up onto Turtle Island. Think about it for a second. If you remove the oceans from the Earth. Turtle Island turns into a great turtle mountain.
Return to Righteousness: (Unedited): 11 Nov 2018:
You cannot return to the days of once was when you are not willing to live righteously like the ancestors lived before their fall.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books