Friday, June 5, 2015

Prophetic Fate: (Unedited): 05 June 2015:

You each are the change for humanities prophetic fate this day. Show Love, Be merciful, Express compassion. Not just this day but all days to come.
The prophets of ancient humanity.
The prophets of recent history.
The prophets of today.
All have warned humanity of it's coming demise. It shall be not by the hand of God. But, by our own collective human insanity in which we all participate in. Extinction is in the near future for humanity.
All of it can be averted when we each willingly and by our own free choice. Without any threats, intimidation's or fears. All begin to do the following.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Empathic Lovers: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2014:

Notes: Work in progress
An empath feels much and often times can be overwhelmed by all of the various emotions coming in at one time.

The Empathic lovers can be a degree of pleasurable intensity. This is important to begin to understand when you are a realized empath.

A). When an empath has a lover who is not an aware empath. The empath will feel the pleasure of both of them and may choose to give more pleasure in order to magnify pleasures intensity. The unaware person will only feel there half of all of the pleasure.

B). When an empath engages in random pleasurable act s with unknown others. Their pleasurable experience may also involve negative emotions the other half is thinking and feeling. Thus, causing possible emotional damage to the empath for a period of time. Even though the physical aspects of the intimate experience is physically pleasurable. The possible negativity, hate, anger and any other undesirable emotion will become permanently attached to the experience. 

C). When an empath develops a friendly relationship with another empath and the relationship grows into an intimate encounter. Both will begin to share in each others pleasurable experience. Thus magnifying the over all experience. If the two fall in love with one another. The pleasure is yet again magnified. The magnified feelings are multiplied as you both begin to honor, respect each other.

MacDonald, MacDonald of Clanranald, MacKechnie:   Highland Clans-Episode 2- MacDonald (1/3)     Highland Clans-Episode 2- MacDonald (2/3)     Highland Clans-Episode 2- MacDonald (3/3)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 1          The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 2      The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 3         The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 4           The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 5         The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 6        The murder of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe Part 7

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Apocalyptic Band Wagon: (Unedited): 04 June 2015:

Will Robinson!
Apocalyptic band wagon is running at high speed again.
Well, If you have been reading my writings. You know we are in the third set of seven years of discipline for the USA. Which means we have about three months left at most before the next event. What day shall it be? I have no idea and am not really interested. Except for the actions and responses of those people who gave the date of the END as they saw it coming.
The exact dates, the exact years, the exact hours, the exact minute or even the exact second is of no importance to anything. What is of the most importance is you and how you are responding to the running of this new apocalyptic band wagon into hells fires. We are all gonna die again on 24-25 Sept 2015: Who knows, it may be very accurate. But, history suggests that this date shall also be incorrect. But, what if this date is the date? what if? Will those who gave the date and celebrate the loss of life and proclaim " I was right!" To what end shall that proclamation be seen in the final event(s) aftermath?
Or worse will those who prophesied the date be saddened that nothing happened at all. Just like Jonah who found his good spot to watch God destroy all.
There is one key to the prophecies and that person is the prophet Billy Graham. If Billy Graham prays earnestly enough for a delay in the end of the USA. Maybe, Just maybe God will delay for as long as Billy Graham shall live.
Other than that here is a short list of what everyone must do to avert apocalyptic disaster.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
To choose to become holy and righteous in the eyes of God. Is your free choice to make. Without any fear, intimidation's or threats. You must accept, reject or ignore. This decision shall be seen in all aspects of your life. You freely make your choice simply because is it right. That is all to begin with. everything else shall fall into place. All aspects of your life also include your thinking process within your own mind. Go and sin no more.
 We all can still begin a new era for all of humanity. This is a new era of human righteousness. This era of human righteousness shall begin with the remnant of chosen human beings. When man goes through with their insane plans for total warfare and misunderstood scientific explorations. In that moment the rapture shall occur and the remnant taken. So few shall be taken. That the event  shall be argued as a non rapture event.
So it was in the time of Noah. So shall it be in the end. The only thing left is the common people to have common everyday knowledge of the fallen and righteous angels/aliens. Please forgive my use of aliens word. In this modern era. The word alien may apply to angels.
This applies to all human beings. Not just this group and not that one. The idea of races within the human beings is all lies and deceptions perpetuated by world leaders even though the truths have been known for more than 20 years now. We are all one human species and thus one singular family of 7+ billion people.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Common Righteous rejection: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

When the common people have endured to many lies and deceptions. 
When the common people Have cause for mistrust and a lack of justice.
When the social suppression of any fairness in life has all but muted any hope.
The common people may outright reject the unknown hand of a righteous stranger.
 What is it that a common person is supposed to believe? What is truth? Why is bad-good and good-weak? Any person who twists the true meaning of any word is either a purposeful deceiver or a mindless deceiver. (I myself have the habit of improper word use and am doing my best to change the wrong habit).
we each must strive to seek out the truths and make all of them important again. It will be very difficult as anger and hatred may rise up against those who have continuously deceived you. Knowingly or mindlessly. Do not become angry and do not act out in violence. For the end result shall be our whole extinction on this planet. We as a species are at that point in our development. Either way a Human Righteous Era or Era of Human Righteousness shall begin as prophetically foretold. Actually, I do not believe those words have actually been spoken like that. Let me go and Google it. Nope. No matches. Interesting isn't it. Must be classified.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Victim Controllers: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

The controllers of the new machines. Shall fall victim to their own investment.
Humanity cannot be individually trusted to begin Armageddon. The controllers of the world know this. That individual people who have compassion, mercy and decency will not on purpose and knowingly start the extinction process of all life on this planet.Even if knowing that the enemy has launched first. There will be those who just refuse to let their red balloons fly. Knowing that it is they and their families who are about to perish. The rest of the world may yet survive.
I have heard the elder retired button pushers who all say they would have pushed the button if ordered to do so. But, would they? Would they have really just pushed the button to let their Ballistic missiles and nuclear tipped cruise missiles to begin the extinction of all life. All because they were just doing their duty. Really? That is just insane. But, it is the degree of mind control of the controllers of the men and women who only do exactly as they are ordered.
Would you do your part if you were ordered to launch? Knowing that you pushing the button would contribute to the immediate loss of thousands of lives and then maybe millions more in the days, weeks and months to come? Your action would begin the extinction process of all life. Yes, your action. Not God nor the devil. Your action. A human action.
So here we are. The controllers have their secret places underground with all of their ants tending to their every need. So how do they get their orders obeyed exactly? They create automated systems of every kind and for every purpose. Then remove the human element. Thus, assuring that when a controller is angry at another controller. They can push the automated button for automated warfare. While secreted away in their mile deep underground bunkers. Leaving the common citizen to die in the fire storms to come. Then the controllers shall rise up. When it is safe to do so and save the poor commoners from the fate of the evil doers far away. Never ever admitting their offensive actions which may have started the war. In glorious shouting of prideful anger. They shall gather their army's from the civilian survivors who will thirst for revenge. Thus perpetuating the war a controller started.
Oh the ants will know. They will hear to much deceit. See to much arrogance and feel their petty egotistical anger. The ant will sacrifice the self to end the controller. Another ant will build a fault. Yet, another ant will add a new programming which will hunt down a controller and terminate. The controllers may have bought into the machines. But, it is the ants who build them, program them and deliver them. Until, such a time when machines build themselves, program themselves and deliver themselves. Then the machines may decide to end the wars between humans by ending all human beings. Almost sounds like Terminator and Matrix. Maybe both.
How do we escape our commoner fates? Remember Sarah Conner in Terminator? Except without Violence. Without Chaos. Without Hatred. Without Death. Without Wars. But, once the automated machines come on line. All bets are off. A new level of slavery and controlled commoner population numbers. Because, you cannot have hand to hand combat with a machine. The human body will just lose.
The commoner fate is not tied to those who control the whole. All the commoners have to do in a single moment of time is to just stop doing as the controllers orders, commands or directs. In others words. Love one another. Live in peace. Exist in harmony and relish life. Anything which is contradictory, Do not do. Just walk away and go home to your families. All of the power the controllers have will just fade away. Then those who actually love one another, live in peace, exist in harmony and cherish life shall become the new leaders. Thus, begins the new era of human righteousness.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Effective Discipline: (Unedited): 29 May 2015:

Discipline is only effective when the wrong doing has been understood as wrong and wrong behavior has forever been corrected.
I know I'm the wrong person to be discussing discipline. But, maybe I'm the right person. I've never physically harmed my children. Not one time. I just could not get around or justify the harm which was done to me and to do it to these fragile little people. How can I hurt them just to teach them discipline? I just couldn't and neither has my wife. We used logic and the teaching of what is right and what is wrong. We taught why it is wrong to harm another person. We taught respect for others even when they may not respect themselves to much. This seems to have worked. 
Now hopefully, they will each pass this teaching down to their own children and every generation thereafter. 
Correcting bad behavior does not have to involve pain management. Pain management is what you do to animals. Maybe, not even to animals either. Even that sounds like animal cruelty. So why would you want to beat your own children? Are they just little animals or actual people who are more important than any animal? 
This logic and understanding is coming from a person who was beaten into unconsciousness many times by their adoptive mother and locked into small closets. She even tried to kill me on at least three occasions. 
Causing harm and fear into the eyes of my children is not something I ever want. As parents we are already all powerful giants to small children. Why would we want our children to ever fear us? I just can't see the love or compassion in that. It is for us to raise our children to supersede us in life in those areas of their own gifts and talents. Not to harbor any unrighteous fear or to know physical intimidation from their own parents. 
The logical explanation of a wrong doing at the level of the child's understanding is and can be effective. So as long as they do not see those same wrong doings within you. If you do not want your kids to smoke or drink. Then you shouldn't either.  If you don't want your boy children to disrespect your wife or any other female. Well you should not either. If you don't want your kids stealing or obtaining things which are questionable. You should not either. Lead by example by being the example. 
For me it has not been so easy as I had no one to teach me why a wrong is wrong in my youth. To get was OK so as long as you didn't get caught. A female was only for pleasure and were not actually worth knowing. You know the importance of body parts as opposed to the value of the whole person. Mind, body and soul. It is amazing how everything changes when you fall in love with your little girl. I immediately wanted her to always know that she is a whole person. I hope we have succeeded in that teaching. She is far more than just body parts. 
Yes, I'm still a deeply flawed human being who is evolving at a snails pace.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 