Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Many Spiritual Signs: (Unedited): 20 July 2015:

In these end of days. Both the demonic and the righteous shall each have their own spiritual signs.
Just because a sign is seen as a spiritual sign does not automatically mean it is a sign from God. But, then again which god is the sign from?
There has been recently some spiritual signs of Eagles, Crows, Seagulls and white doves.
The spiritual meaning of each animal is defined by these places. Ask yourself a simple question. Are these spiritual signs and their understandings, from God or from those many other pretender gods? Yes, many of these pretender gods are an order of magnitude or more more evolved than us lowly  human beings and they can easily make us do their will without any real effort on their part. But, there is that something which prevents them from actively doing so. They only influence and deceive.
White Doves
Neither Signs: (Unedited): 20 July 2015:
Those who neither support the demonic or the righteous shall be oblivious to those spiritual signs of the times.
Those who neither support or believe in the demonic or righteous shall stampede like cattle to the slaughter. They know not and shall continue to disbelieve even when physically presented with the truth before them. 
Devout Evidence: (Unedited): 20 JUly 2015:
The evidence of the devout shall always be in their willful works. 
The devout shall always be those who are willful in their works for that which they believe in. Even if it is a lie. Even if the man they follow is already/ to become, a great deceiver of many. The greatest of the false prophets of today may in fact be the ones who teach positive prosperity which always feels good. All without any expectation to abide by the commands of God and may in fact be accepting of every manor of sin. This is abomination of desolation.
Devoutly Different: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The devoutly demonic shall always correct their weaknesses, build-up their strengths and gather profit for themselves. 
While the devoutly righteous humbles themselves in their flaws, failings and weakness of their own flesh as they exercise outwardly in love, compassion and mercy. All for the benefit of others. Without benefit, accolade or reward. 
The demonic follower who is devout in their beliefs does so in order to selfishly gain and to get the physical rewards which comes to them by any means and without question on who was harmed.  While the righteously devout within the divine. Seems to forget the self while raising up everyone else from their deepest sourced gift of love. For their rewards is not of the physical plane but in the spiritual. 
Forced Willful: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The difference in willful works and forced works. Shall be easily seen in those persons who are spiritually seeing or blind, Spiritually hearing or deaf, spiritually discerning or unawares. 
Willful works are done by those who do just because the need is present. Forced works can appear like those who do willful works. Except there will often be chaos and conflict in their personal lives. To the degree that children are neglected. The person who does forced works may also be spiritually deaf and blind to the things going on around them. Some may even become jealous of the absence of miracles in their own lives. While the willful worker may suffer greatly as Paul had in the Bible when he was called. They tend to see their infirmities as those things which teach them to be humble as they celebrate and witness the ongoing miracles around them. 
Religious False Prophets: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
Those who are merely religious and have learned much prophecy. Who deeply desires to know more. All without the righteous commitment. They will study and research to ascertain the mysteries of possible probabilities. Thus, they shall only know from their own reasonable assumptions. Becoming self righteous false prophets and leading many of the devout astray. 
Discernment Mimicked: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The spiritual gift of discernment can be mimicked by reasonable assumptions of flawed human beings.
Spiritual Discernment is a very broadly defined phrase.
Added on 22 July 2015: Thank You to The Spirituality Daily team for selecting my work for publication.
 This work has been published on http://paper.li/GoodBlogPosts/1309490215?edition_id=d8b4b9e0-3039-11e5-a22c-0cc47a0d164b
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Demonic Miracles: (Unedited): 21 July 2015:

The coming deceiving demonic miracles, signs and wonders shall be those which causes our own natural senses to lie to our own minds. 
How can we protect ourselves from these things to come which can so easily deceive our natural senses to lie to our own brains? On the reasonable and intellectual level it is impossible. After all, These demons, Fallen angels or space aliens were a part of the reprogramming of humanities language centers during the time of the building of the tower of babel.
On the emotional level it to may be impossible as the emotional state is directly tied to our intellectual state of being. The key is within that mysterious spiritual connection to the divine. By keeping our focus upon the divine. We may able to see the true nature of the coming demonic signs and wonders. These lying signs and wonders can only be seen for what they are through your spirit connectedness with the divine. Through righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. These false miracles may not have an affect on those who are righteous and holy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Paradise Lost: (Unedited): 21 July 2015:

Your paradise shall be lost 
When you lose love and begin to hate. 
When you disregard peace and and take in conflict/war.
When you forget the importance of harmony in favor 
of those things which are chaotic to nature.
Everyone knows the lessons "To Love one another" and yet they continue to commit sin/crime against their own brother's and sister's.
Everyone seems to want peace and yet they thirst for war. Even in the games they play.
Everyone seems to have forgotten the the importance of harmony in any aspect of their lives. Chaos seems to abound in everything which surrounds each of our own individual worlds.
Paradise has been lost to the Human beings upon this planet and there is still time to regain paradise lost. Although it will require altering all aspects of living life we are living today on this planet.
For instance relearning the truths of who our brothers and sisters are? Or relearning who our relations are? Even if their appearance is just a little different than yours. Genetically speaking more than 99.9% of all of your DNA is identical to mine or that other person whom you may hate on the other side of the city or world. This is a fundamental truth proven in DNA since before 1984. The factual conclusions cannot be argued. This is also an absolute truth with the completion of the Human Genome project. The separation and division of the various races of humanity is a lie.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Human Enslavement: Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 JUly 2015:

The final conclusion of total global enslavement is if you are only of use or a user. For humanity. We can only be of use to those who come. As it was in those days of old so shall it be in these coming of days. 
Like any easily defeated foe. The defeated ones have retained all of their anger and hatred. Yet, they know the only ones in which they can just as easily defeat are the lowly human beings. Who are on the order of magnitudes less evolved than they are. Yet, the human beings who are just a created species have saddened the God of all things. Yet, again God will destroy all life on this planet with a coming fire. A purification which shall lead to a thousand year peace. And then....
The individual power of humanity is greatly less than that of those fallen angels. So our natural and intellectual ability to even defend ourselves against any one of them is without any hope. But collectively and with a singular mind set all of humanity can conquer any outside foe or even the most difficult of insurmountable of all obstacles.
We each are like a single falling rain drop of water. The effects of any one of us is barely noticed. But, when our collective human mind set is of a singular focus we can become a tsunami of action in which our collective choices can either be destructive or constructive.
The collective destructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Hate, War, Chaos and Death.
The collective constructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
The mixing of any of the two  groups shall end in final destruction.
Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The gifts of magic which the en-slavers/false saviors shall bring to humanity. Are but only toys for the pets/play things in which they shall/already own. 
For their amusement they give the gifts of magic to the lesser beings to selfishly enjoy. Just a sample of the true nature of things that those lesser human beings cannot even conceptualize in it's entirety.
So as long as each of us continue to be amusing and abide by their complete will. We each shall be welcome and accepted. Once we each become a problem as defined by them. Then we will be killed. Even the entire planet of humans. Not that they would soil their own hands in our collective murder. they can and do have the individual power to cause their selected human leaders and those blind followers of the human leaders to go forth and make war against the other.  All without any awareness of their actions and for whom their destructive war machines were made by.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Defending Fight: Stoking Anger: Refusing Fight: (Unedited): 19 JUly 2015:

The freedom to fight and the confidence gained from defending yourself when the innocent ones are absent. This kind of journey or path never ends in love, compassion or peace. 
Stoking Anger: (Unedited): 19 July 2015: 
 Confrontational blame and accusatory finger pointing only stoke the fires of anger and frustration. With the resolve of a peaceful calm, remain one with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Remain in prayer and in meditation. Remain connected within your righteousness and holiness as only accepted by God only. Through theses actions of choice shall you over come the coming barbs of spiteful torments. 
Refusing Fight: (Unedited): 19 July 2015:
Refusing to fight does not mean you shall be defeated or conquered. Only by continuing to fight can you win or lose. By not fighting or being combative you cannot be defeated or conquered. Refusing to defend yourself is not a sign of weakness or helplessness. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Secret Actions: (Unedited): 15 July 2015:

In the actions of secret man made decisions. Are the prophecies and mentoring words become revealed.
The ripples of future natural events travel back in time as emotional trauma is magnified. While man made decisions also can be magnified in the outcome of rational events concluded to happen. What this means is. Rational and practical outcomes can be discerned by anyone who can think.
For instance legalizing a sinful act as mandated by a supreme being is not a wise action for those lesser beings. What shall be the logical outcome? Divine discipline shall come for all of those lesser beings. Shall the discipline be on a preordained holy day or on a numerological sequence of days which may come after the legalizing of a sinful act? It only matters to God and His coming disciplines for that country and people.
To only Liquidate your assets may be one of the best prudent response you can do to physically protect yourself and your family. Purchasing food stocks, gold and silver may even be the wise actions to take. Re-supplying of ammunition and supplies for your hidden bunker may even the best realistic action to take as your know what it is that can come.
But, all of these Doomsday Prepper or survivalist actions shall be for nothing if you have not made any acceptable preps for  the spiritual survival of yourself and for the rest of your family. As the head and leader of your family and group. It is your responsibility to assure the seriousness of everyone's spiritual connectivity to God. It is your responsibility to keep your family and group clear of all sin. All of your actions then need to be done without any threat's, fear's or intimidation's. All of your plans and actions. Then needs to be wholly accepted by God.
Added on 16 March 2021: 
Nearly six years ago this was written and as of today the human population still have blind trust and deaf faith in their leaders. Not ever aware of what is to come. For those who plan for the change to come are fully aware of the suffer which will happen in which much death will occur as will be evidenced with rotten bodies left abandoned. Even over time time as those bones become dust and continually exposed to the weather. 
In the here and now. One can begin to go forth and start planting all manner of wild and natural edible plants everywhere in their region. While not focusing on just one type of plant, bush or tree but rather all manner of natural and self sustaining plants, bushes and trees which ripen each in their own time. It would be desirable to have year round harvests every month. So that no one starves.  Including visitors and family members of local residents. So for your region begin in haste and plant all you can everywhere. Cause your whole city and your whole county to join in. This must begin ASAP.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Christian Enemies: Righteous Understanding: Religious Truth: Righteous Martyrdom:(Unedited): 14 July 2015:

You religious Christian's whom God knows you not. The enemies are at your gates and have surrounded you on all sides. Yet, you continue to celebrate and rejoice in your religiosity. 
 You religious Christians. The enemies are at your gates. The enemies has their spies amongst you. While you rejoice and are entertained within your worldly feel good churches. You shall be torn asunder and no one will know. All atrocities to the Christian shall be sanitized. All content from the Christians shall also be sanitized. No one will know. No one will know that the Christian doomsday prepper who have fortified themselves has been completely destroyed and buried over. Never to be found or heard from again.
Your churches shall also be destroyed and burned without regard to the lies and deceptions which is racism. Again, no one will know. The only thing which shall save your church is to be on the LGBT good church list. These good churches will not teach anything in regard to sin or repentance. They will also make a declaration that anyone who is LGBT is A O K. and welcomed in any capacity within the entire church organization.
Church goers of the bad churches which is not on the LGBT good church list. Shall be followed and tormented. Their personal homes and things shall be destroyed. They shall also be physically punished and murdered. Yet, no one will know and their shall be no justice.
satan's justice: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Like a lightning Bolt Justice comes for the benefit of the most defiled of sinners. Justice comes with a vengeance to destroy all of humanity. Especially, the righteous ones in the eyes of only Yahweh Elohim. This shall be satan's justice. 
The bringer of justice should always be questioned. The Christina religious masses have become totally helpless and will do nothing. The world as they have known it has ended and they shall become the criminal as they already have. Through lawsuits all manor of Christian business shall be sued into nothingness. It will not stop there. The pressure on every single christian shall become over whelming to the point that their only safety is in the darkness of the forests and deserts. Yet, in time they all shall be found and buried in their places of discovery. For in that time. Those who hold until their end shall receive the divine blessing of the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Righteous Understanding: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Any person can live right without God but any person who lives rightly with wisdom and understanding is righteous as accepted and seen by only God.
I have met many people who have considered themselves good by simply living a good life as a good civilized citizen. You know those godless types who recycle and save energy where ever possible. They never even make the connection that their gods and idols are those man made symbols in which they seek out as a consumer of goods.  
Religious Truth: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
You religious Christians have revealed the truth of your spirit when you permit by permission sin to enter your holy places. You have become more fearfully obedient to the offensive worldly laws than you are with Godly laws. The truth is you never were righteous Christians.
The evil threats which are within many churches shall be revealed when in those holy places sin is allowed to reside and is welcomed. This is only an aspect of abomination of desolation. 
Righteous Martyrdom: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Only those who are righteous to the cause and in their lives shall know the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Those who are merely religious shall be tortured and killed. Many may believe them to be a martyr and declare it so. But, it shall not be the case when they only become the forgotten victim of a murder.
Lost Focus: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
The people who lose their focus of God are the ones who have chosen to turn their gaze and attention on the charismatically gifted of tongues. The unwavering belief and faith in any mortal person is he who becomes like gods and idols. 
This is how the common people follow men who have become god like Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Mao Zedong. The promise of a better future is paid for in blood. The sacrifices of humanity are of those persons who would have been or become the biggest stumbling blocks for the leader. You must murder every alpha male/female in order to exercise absolute and total control over everything.
Even though these dead blood thirsty dictators are long gone. They are still worshiped and their beliefs continue on.
Keep your focus upon God, seek out His Face. Do not follow any person. No matter how wonderful their words are. If you are one of the righteous ones as accepted by God and the spiritual gift of martyrdom is for you as it was for YAHSHUA Jesus Christ. Let you last gaze be for the face of God and your last urging thoughts be for Yahshua. In this way you shall have endured unto the end.
Christian Doomsday Preppers.
You shall fight and you shall kill many. But when the government authority focuses upon you and your prepper group. You shall be isolated and killed. Just watch the videos of the militarized police who respond to a shooter in some house. An army of militarized police show up with all manor of vehicles and air assets. Those targeted individuals who are in the zone of control. In that day shall be killed. All witnesses shall be cleared away.
The new government authority shall redefine what it means to be an accepted citizen and offer guidelines on how a good citizen is socialized, acts and reacts.
A part of your doomsday prepper plans should entail a focus on maintaining your own individual righteousness/holiness as seen and accepted only by God. For I tell you the truth. There shall be no place safe on the Earth or in it. No amount of physical preps shall keep you safe from free roaming demons who can just walk through your secret walls and concealed barricades.
Good Physical Death: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Enduring unto your end with your last willful act of your free choosing being that of righteousness and holiness is a good physical death. 
Control Zone: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Within the zone of control the government authority shall have total privacy to do as they will.
Added on 17 July 2015: This Quote series was published on: http://paper.li/anythingprep/1412800647?edition_id=a6434310-2b42-11e5-8ff4-0cc47a0d1609
Thank You guys and gals at Anything Prep for publishing this quote series. 
This was a tough series of quotes to write. As I'm still not so certain that there will be a rapture of the faithful. But, I'm not so against the rapture that I will absolutely reject it, when it occurs. I just know historically throughout the Bible that God does not historically save the masses. God only saves a remnant. Such as 8 adults of Noah and his family. No children. I'm not condemning God just trying to grasp it all. No children were saved. Aren't children innocent or were children so contaminated down to the most basic of levels. They to had to be destroyed. God is all knowing and all wise and we all must trust in him. Even if we are all physically so contaminated that we are not selected to physically survive the coming hell on Earth. In a short period of time the entire Earth shall be DE-populated down to even to extinction of all human life. Except for the remnant to be saved.
So it is important to have your own spiritual connection to God. By you choosing to become more than just religious. By you freely choosing to be righteous and holy in the eyes of God. Because, when our physical bodies end for whatever reason. It is our spirits within which survives. This I know as an absolute truth without offer any proof.
Added on 17 July 2015:
Other related Prepper quotes:
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 