Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

These Colors Don't Run, They Fade, Bleed, Tear And Burn: (Unedited): 10 May 2024:

American Flag Images - Free Download on Freepik
How do you define the fade and bleeding of your precious and beloved colors? Have you grayed out or blackened your colors? Have you added new colors or simply deleted the old colors? Do you see what you have done as cool, while looking at other peoples colors and are offended? 
Blue isn't blue and red isn't red any longer. 
The bleeding of the colors was always intended to happen in the origin. 
The introduction of new colors will always contaminate the original intention and ruin the purity of the whole garment or flag.
It does not matter if you think and believe the addition of any new color is cool, offensive or constitutionally acceptable. 
Do remember that your chosen grayed or black colors of your own displayed flag can be a symbol of death.
Bleeding out is also similar to the bleeding within. 
The death of one when it bleeds out and is the ending state. While the bleeding in transforms the other into something that is not of it's original state. Either way the original does not continue. 
The belief system of the ole red, white and blue has also been discontinued and soon to be criminally outlawed. The cost will be you and your families death.
The American voting system is completely and criminally corrupted. No effective changes have been made by any side. This is a sign.
Even though it is now public knowledge that many key states have now known obvious issues which seem to have been planned, coordinated and orchestrated. Yet, nothing is being done. This is a definitive sign of the end of the nation has already occurred.
The end of the USA begins when their God is rejected, laws of protected sin are created, outlawing good actions and the end of justice. Once you have people who are above the law and excluded from the law while everyone else is under the ruthless thumb of the law. Your freedom loving nation has already ended and you know nothing of it. 
2024 and 2026:
Can you imagine that up to 20 states can become blue states in the next two election cycles? From the top down. From the federal government down to the state, county and city level. All turns blue. A severe form of justice will swing against those who are and remain Christian's and constitutionalist's.
Law enforcement will continue to be tasked with ignoring some laws while brutally enforcing laws in which the old good citizens are discovered to be breaking. Just as what you are witnessing right now and neither the red or blue are stopping any of it. When the conservative does anything wrong they shall be killed or imprisoned while the wicked evil doing leftest liberal can destroy businesses, monuments and government buildings and nothing is done. This what you are seeing right now and in recent history will get worse as all law enforcement will protect the wicked evil doers and brutally attack the historical good nationalists. This will evolve into the sanctioned use of military warplanes and missiles against the new home grown terrorists and all other former military personnel and their families. 
2028 and 2030: It will become known that the good guys have lost just as the good guys lost in the Chinese civil war and in Lebanon. It seems to be rare that the actual good guys really ever win. Just study how many nations were Christian before the rise of Islam. Look at the spread of Communism and how many died. We fought two world wars against socialism. Saved the Jews from extinction and now the young people of the world sing songs about the goodness of genocide.
So, What are you gonna do? What can you do? Do not get me wrong I'm not questioning your honor, commitment or bravery. Sometimes all that you can do is the purple words below and all of those are impossible without Christ Jesus. 
Update 11 May 2024: I guess the use of an American flag got the banned. Trying another image. Second image banned as well. That second image was from a free site.
Note: I'm not anti-American and this is not an anti-American posting/writing. 
Update 12 May 2024: Looks like I will have to make my own American flag image.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Global Civil War: 15 Minute Cities Prophecies: +35 (Unedited): 11-12 March 2024:

WWIII can be triggered within the next few weeks to many months from now. 
In more than a dozen nations. The threat of civil war in each nation is only one violent act away. 
The nation of Haiti is lost.
Are the farmers around the world going to be the first to fight, die and lose everything in the coming civil wars? Yet, virtually no news.
American farmers and American food processing will lead to starvation in the USA and this seems to be a planned event. Yet, virtually no news and yet in the days of old when the American military killed entire tribes they listed in the news all of the men, women and children killed and that was acceptable. But, reporting on the planned human atrocities is not reported. Their plan to eliminate many billions of human souls is very public. 
The writings below are merely prophecies. These writings is not ended for the reader to think and believe that I am for anything offensive. The idea of 15 minute cities is not something I believe will ever work without absolute mind control. The simple idea of choice or free choice and being able to choose anything must be absent from any 15 minute city dwellers thinking processes. The simple idea of marriage in concept must be eliminated because people some times do not get along. Which means every person must have their own private and secluded space away from any relations of any kind. The idea of forming simple relationships like friendship must become an alien idea. Hence the extreme nature of preventing any idea of revolt or simple dissension. Even the absoluteness of right and wrong must only come from the authority as the individual cannot say either way what is right or wrong, good or bad. The word righteous, holy and evil will not be words recognized or known.
NOTE: I have no idea that I was going to write about 15 minute cities when I began writing.
The undesirable common peoples of the world is an ethnic group which must be eliminated and controlled as one would any sub species which is less than those who rule over the whole world.
Yes, this is offensive.  This is how genocide and wars begin when one group thinks themselves as superior to any other. This is how one group wants everything for themselves while knowing the history of how the common peoples overthrown evil and wicked tyrants of humanities past. To them that currently rule over the world, they do not see evil and wicked rulers who lost wars, committed genocides and lost their lives as evil or wicked. That which comes is more about a solution to the biggest problem to them which is the common peoples of the entire globe.
The common peoples of the world seem oblivious of their collective and common fates as those who rule over them plan for their elimination.
Once the common peoples of the world begin using other antiquated forms of communication to relay the actual truthful news which has been witnessed. Those old lines of communication will be outlawed. 
The farmers are the front lines in the prevention of starvation in the world. The global elimination plan of farmers will mean global starvation in the world.
When any nation can attack it's own people and other nations without leaving any evidence behind is a crime against humanity.
As the nations of the world come together as one and begin using incredible weapons of warfare in which the common peoples have no defense. The whole of the world becomes a very dark place.
The end of fair, equal and balanced justice happens as the secret weapons of God are used against the common peoples of the world. 
Who can save the common people from the incredible weapons of those people who have declared themselves gods and no longer want their planet to be inhabited by so many undesirable common peoples?
The end of human rights, freedom and liberty begins when the new weapons of war are trained on all of the undesirable common peoples of the world. 
The new and incredible weapons of warfare will be first used on the ethnic groups that not even the common peoples of the world care about.
Word use: Ethnic is also for the indigenous.
No one will know how many common peoples will die. No will know that a hundred ways to kill all of the common peoples has been invented and only wait for their use.
The word use of "a hundred ways" is not an exact number. 
A hundred lies believed as truths which has already been planned out will be used to cause the common peoples of the world to freely choose to walk into the furnaces.
The word use "Furnace" is symbolic to the 100 different ways the common peoples will be killed. 
Furnaces is reference to Nazi Germany IN WWII and the Jewish people they wanted to exterminate.
I have written in the past about mobile furnaces or cremation incinerators. How do you get rid of the evidence and masses of dead human beings? 
Incinerating billions of humans is not about getting rid of the evidence as much as it is getting rid of the health effects and stench for the benefits of those who planned the genocide of about 7 billion human souls.
Alien like creatures and odd diseases shall be created and released into the world to help kill off all of the common peoples quicker.
As the civil wars, national wars, religious wars, cultural wars, political wars, morality wars envelope the peoples of the world. Many common peoples will simply be killed with cheap knives, bullets and bombs.
Everyone will be against everyone else simply because there is some kind of individually defined insignificant difference.
The insignificant differences we all see in each other will be more than enough to kill and murder.
Do not allow yourself to fall victim to false teaching and wrongful hatreds. Do not harm any other human being.
The differences we see in each other should not ever be sufficient to harm and kill them.
The successful evolution of 15 minute cities will be as I describe them below. 
The advent of wonderful 15 minute cities will become 15 minute prison camps where absolute control of everything shall be instituted. Which shall conclude when each occupant is chosen to die.
The utopia created within a successful 15 minute city also means absolute governance of every aspect of your approved personal thinking processes.
Limited intellect, approved of culture and mandated social structure must be enforced from planned birth to decided death inside of every 15 minute city.
There will never be over population, crime and dissenting views in any 15 minute city as any disobedience by any occupant will mean that they become fertilizer for the benefit of the whole. 
The contained and control common peoples inside of every 15 minute city shall be productive and produce all of the goods for those non conceptually unknown people who rule over all.
Do not become surprised that with limited internal resources within a 15 minute city that the life expectancy goes from 50 to 40 and then to 30 years of age. 
The only purpose and function of the common person shall be to productively provide a meaningful service to those non conceptualized unknown people who shall rule over them as gods.
The efficiency of killing every human within a deemed failed 15 minute city shall be built into the foundational infrastructure.
The existence and memory of any charismatic disobedient occupant within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled confines.
The existence and memory of any charismatic occupant who differently thinks within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled coffins.
The confined environment within every 15 minute city shall become your coffins that you hopelessly reside in.
Within every 15 minute city there will not be words for freedom, liberty, human rights, legal rights, rights or any other word where questioning, complaints, dissent, strikes, revolts, protesting, walkouts and disobedience can begin.
Controlled thought is the end result of how you lead and teach the thinking processes of each human within a 15 minute city.
Every productive human being allowed to exist shall be raised from birth by the controllers of the 15 minute cities. The idea of parentage, family, mother, father and all others words for family relation shall no longer exist.
Teaching all children how to think ends in an adult who thinks as everyone else does within a 15 minute city. Normal self-controlled thought rejects any manner of alien concepts and principles.
The desired utopic thinking process must begin to be taught to children more than 24 years prior to the third or forth iteration of the 15 minute cities. While the process of exterminating the old common peoples has commenced.
The beneficial, noble and good ideal of taught utopic thinking processes must be forced into the educational environment at every level prior to the advent of any utopia styled 15 minute city.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Justice As One Of The First And Last Signs +15: (Unedited): 05 April 2023:

 There seems to be a meaning to Trumps actions even if he is completely unaware. 
Just as a trumpet can relay a variety of different songs and messages. So to it seems that Donald Trump is relaying spiritual messages in his song. Even though he knows it not. 
When Donald Trump was elected as President of the USA. His message refined down to only one word was this. It was one of "Revelation". Because, President Donald Trump revealed to the whole word just how corrupt the government of the USA actually was. 
Last night The former President Donald Trump had a new message for the American people. It was one of justice within the USA. How justice was split in two or how that there are two kinds of justice in America. Which basically means there isn't really any justice in the USA. What happens to Donald Trump in this next year will be an indication to every American who keeps up with Christian spiritual things. Will the USA be destroyed by those evil doers who are within? Will the actual American Christians actually run for every political office at every level and retake what was their country? Will the American Christians actually only vote for those who actually have a history inside of the church? Only time will tell. If the American Christians do not take actual action for the restoration of their nation. Then it will all be taken from them and the Christians will become criminalized just as all of the LGBT people had been over time.
Their Christian nation will be theirs no more as the United States of America disappears into the history books of forever if even remembered at all. Which also means that the United States of America will have a new name in which will be difficult for the English speakers to pronounce. Just as this land was once called Turtle Island and then North America. So to will the names of all things change. 
So what happens now that the trumpet has sounded with this different message? Reveille, Assembly and taps is just a few well known bugle/trumpet sounds which sends a message to all who can hear. 
As the tattered and worn American flag is silently pulled down for the last time taps will play in the forlorn hearts and minds of those who had sworn everything and yet had done nothing. 
As the flag of the United States is no longer honored or respected it too will be mindlessly tossed into the fire without a single thought for what it once represented.
The idea of the United States of America will be lost and forgotten to the whole of the world. The conceptual end of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be burned out of the hearts and minds who uphold those righteous ideals. 
Those heroic souls who hold onto the ideals of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be brutally put asunder and cast into the fire. 
Those who pull down what is to be known as the flag of the former United States of America will do so in victorious celebration. While the on lookers who have sworn their oaths of allegiance thousands of times before. Will stand by in silence while knowing they could have done something and never did anything. 
Only the very few who sworn their oaths those many thousands of times will actually go forth and do what is needed to be done and yet they will be brutally destroyed along with their own families. They will be remembered as the lunatic fringe and yet no one will know who they were. Deserving of death as it would have been too expensive to go through the process of justice. 
The end of justice is both the last sign and the first sign. The sign which signals the end of that which was good and the first sign which signals the beginning of that which is evil. This is more than just believing that good is bad and bad is good. 
It is still not too late for all of humanity to save the USA. Once the USA falls it will be the end of all freedoms, liberties, legal rights and human rights on this planet.
The religious concepts of sin becomes a lawful right as the concepts of holiness and righteousness becomes criminalized actions in thought and deed.
Those who uphold the teachings of actual goodness, holiness and righteousness shall earn the right to be abused, tortured and murdered. 
The creation of chaos in your own local world which was created by those who made those decisions for the benefits of the criminally minded. It's purpose is to cause the population to be more concerned about other people than it is to be concerned about those who made the laws and judge the laws which cause the chaos in your own local world.
Chaos is used to as a cloak to hide the actual goings on of the evil doers who hold office of leadership. 
As the non doing good people continue to do nothing. The chaos and uncertainty in all of your lives will only become more and more unbearable until, you have lost everything and you wonder just how your own children and grandchildren have become evil doers who believe themselves to be the good ones. 
Not even the meaningful origins of your own *nation shall remain intact. All of it will be destroyed and remade into the image of the greatest evil doer who has yet to be revealed. 
Note: *nation. Means every nation on this planet. Not just the USA, GB, Canada, European Union. 
If Donald Trump is convicted in a court of law. You the civilian will not know if the truth of justice is real or not. If the end result of the USA happens. You will know for certainty that there is no justice within the USA. As Justice ends so to your own national identity in entirety. 
Could Trump be the last trumpet/sign for what is to remain the USA?
The bugle or trumpet call is an efficient method of communicating intent. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Americas End of Justice Question: +8: (unedited): 04 Aug 2022:

More content to be added soon: Maybe.
???Where is the question???Americas End of Justice Question: +7:???
???Change title name???
The weights of justice in America was once blind to persons of any social or political class, culture or creed. Is there continuation or just not written well???
NOTE: Quotes were first to be written and then my unimportant and insignificant commentary as I try to understand and explain. The quotes I write are more important than any of the other words. The quotes stand alone. 
Personal Note: The intent of any of my writings is to save as many lives as possible.
Justice within a nation of God is intimately tied to it's continual existence.
Common revelation of the end of justice and law within the land of the free and home of the brave shall also precede the end of freedom, of liberty, of human rights and of national identity.
As the corruption of the justice system becomes more and more revealed to all persons in every land. The end of America shall become more and more evident. 
For as Justice ends in America so to does the existence of America on the land. 
Only in the minds and hearts shall the idea of America continue on. That is until those minds and hearts are extinguished.
Praising God even unto your demise is what all Christians should aspire to achieve. Even if you are to be labeled as a traitor of a corrupt land. A corrupt land which shall be excised from the world of Babel.
The weights of justice in the land of the free and home of the brave have become rusted and tarnished and thus when the structure of Justice crumbles. The collapse of the whole is evident. 
Even the prophets who declare the end of their own beloved nation suffer from heart break, they mourn with a great sadness all before the end comes. While looking up unto the Lord and praising Him in all His glory. For the lone sad prophet has declared and warned all that they could. The prophets have done their part in trying to save all whom they could.
When all that you have has been taken away all you have left is the lessons from Habakkuk who can still glory and praise God. While the wicked evil doers look upon you as some kind of traitor to the land. 
In the end of this life. No matter how it comes. All that you have left and all that you really ever had was God and His love for you.
Find and hold on to your joy in this regard. This is really tough for me to have joy and mourn at the same time. I'm not at the level of a Habakkuk. Let alone even think of myself as any sort of prophet. In which I still do not acknowledge in any way.
Months prior to Sept 11, 2001. I read Habakkuk and knew something was up. My paper writings were dark. Then there was no writing and a silence. Is this similar and will there be another silence before the next anti-American terrorist attack or will it be a massive military tet offensive/invasion.  
As I continue to write these unfortunate things. There is still the lessons of Jonah and Joseph. Each person is responsible to be like Joseph and Jonah for the benefit of their family, friends and church. Has the USA become Nineveh or Sodom? I guess it is for the people to decide very soon if not sooner. Unless, It is now too late as I think is indicated by the black sky visions. Yet, here we still are. Which means there is still time??? and hope??? 60 years since prayer was banned in schools. What does 60 years mean? If anything? 
Added on 05 Sept 2022: 
When the enemy of the state becomes the representative of the state. Anyone who then disagrees with the state. Suddenly becomes the enemy of the state and deserving of imprisonment and death. 
On more than one occasion has President Biden threatened the civilian population who are against him. By making suggestions that to go against the USA government. You would need nukes and F15's. When you look into this be sure to note the context. I do not think it will be President Biden who is the great evil leader of what will once has been the USA. It will be the one who comes after. This is assuming that the Americans do not actually repent from their evil ways. In which I do not see the probability in that at all. As the Americans continue on in their own evil ways. It will be the Americans who will lose everything and become scattered and dead. Even the useful idiots who support the actual evil doers will also suffer and die. This is because the idea of America, freedom, liberty and human rights is in their memory. It is the memory of American, freedom, liberty and human rights which must end.
Prophetic Note: If President Trump was right and if the midterm elections have a similar result as the 2020 elections. The democrats will have all of the power in The House, The Senate and hold the Presidency. 
The state will need to continue to replace all questionable people in government with their own faithful supporters. This also includes the military. The military will be used against the civilian populations inside of the USA. Before, the military can be used against the civilian populations within the USA. Laws must change. The entire military command structure must be replaced with those who will only obey the Commander in Chief and not the constitution. Then the basic foot soldier should all be foreign born who will have no problem killing American Christians, Conservatives, families, children and etc. In other words the new enemy of the state. I think we are still years out on this. The 2024 election year may be the year that the rainbow tsunami which has been scrubbed from the internet manifests into reality. This kind of takeover can only happen piece by piece and it takes time. So the rainbow tsunami people must build up their dedicated infrastructure first and then. You will never know that an American missile launched from an American warship destroyed the home, family of an outspoken person who is against the state. Yea, I have had those visions and a lot of them were clear. The news was also clear when it was reported that the home owner had his own illegal military explosives and blew himself, his family and friends up. I've had many visions about many different homes in rural locations and some in residential areas. Explode while watching the missile is launched and finding its target. Granted this might still be 4-8 years past the 2024 elections. The end of America is at hand. So, if your from Canada. Then sell all of your American assets and remain in Canada. This is for your own safety. If you are from Mexico, Central America or South America. You need to sell all of your assets and return while it is still safe. Look for my other writings as I still think you can wait for some time after the 2024 elections in the USA.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Snitching Justice: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2017:

Work in progress.
As the prison culture, gang culture and criminal culture further infects every aspect of society with stitches for the snitches, they all will find that along with perpetual misery, suffering and hopelessness within their hood, they all will also know that there will be no real justice either. It is the police who are the good guys and the heroes. It is not the criminal or gang member which is looked up to as someone they each can aspire to become. The hoodlum gangsta. 
This is another reason why school shootings have risen. If a student from the hood life tells a person in authority of their problems with another student in the hood, they could get badly beaten or become permanently disabled. So the bullied student in the hood is in an impossible situation - to die or go to jail or suicide. If they kill, at least they will earn some respect in jail as they handled the problem without snitching.
This is why when a child gets killed in the hood no one will talk to the police. If they did, the end result is that they will be beat bad or killed. The entire family will be labeled as snitches and they will not be able to safely live in peace with anyone in that hood.
All of this has evolved into the hood mentality. So even if a person leaves the hood. They still take the hood indoctrination with them where ever they may end up. So if Mom moves to a better place and their kids bring with them the hood mentality. They are all still in the hood and all of the hood drama will follow them. Even to the new better place.
YouTube research term: "Snitches get stitches"
Good will always be good. Bad will always be bad. You must decide what kind of human being you want to be. If you decide to be good and act accordingly then your own personal prophecies should be good. If you decide to be bad your personal prophecies will always become immediately bad in that moment of reckoning.
The young ones will just believe what you do and they will adapt to the rules of the street. The harder the rules and life on the street and in the hood. The more difficult it will be for them to become good human beings and their souls will be lost forever. Because, that is the point isn't it? The short physical life on this Earth is not as important as eternal spiritual life in heaven. So if the animalistic laws of the hood destroys your spiritual life or the spiritual life of your children. How important is it for you to make these changes right now. Before your children start going to juvenile detention centers then graduating to adult jails and prisons. Assuming they do not die or become permanently disabled first. Below is a key and Jesus Christ is the only way.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peace Taken Away: (Unedited): 27 March 2016:

When peace is taken from the whole of the Earth. 
Do not expect any friendly civility. 
Do not expect any social propriety. 
Do not expect any fairness in life.
Do not expect any law and order.
Do not expect any justice for all.
How does God take something from man? A whole lot of ways and by any means necessary. God does not have to insure any human is aware or not. God just does it. For instance at the Tower of babel. Did the humans have foreknowledge before the confusing of tongues? Maybe, a few did as a prophetic warning to those who refused to listen and to continue on in their disobedience. They all knew something happened after all of their single common language was confused into many.
This is my imagining and is not intended to convey to you. This is how God did it. It isn't. This is just how I can barely begin to fathom the simplicity of how God would do thing. After all, Isn't our human brains more powerful than any silicon computer system today or even all of them put together. Isn't it amazing how the chemical reactions of learning and gathering of information and retaining it for memory. Grows and grows and yet none of it contains mass. Similar to software in a computer. You can fill the hard drive of your computer with some very heavy information and yet it still weighs the same it did when it was new. Except for the dust inside.

I can imagine how God went to his Godly computer terminal and selected certain groups of people and then added a new basic language format to those specific groups of people. Then continued to do the same logical process some 77 or so more/less times. Give or take a little bit. Just as any network administrator can alter any function and permission on any of your companies/government computers. With or without your awareness or permission. But, only after the fact when you arrive at work do you suddenly realize that your computer language settings have been altered and you cannot alter it once it has been changed. Wouldn't that be confusing to you. How would you do your job? Of course what God did was far more complicated to technically understand. God would have had to delete the common language from all human beings and then upload 77 or so new basic languages into all of the different groups of people. Almost sounds like a software upgrade today. Delete the old and upload the new. Then those people would go off into their own direction throughout the whole of the world and modify their new language by creating their own new word vocalizations for everything they experience.
Did you get that? God can delete your language suddenly and then upload a new language or all of them. Just as quickly. With the ability to speak and understand instantly. Without problems. I know only one language and I do not speak it very well. If you have endured my writing. My speaking skills is far worse.
Do you remember that so called incomplete logical formula I wrote a while back? You know.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, law/obedience
The inverse of that is?
Death = Hate,War/conflict, Chaos, Lawlessness/disobedience

When something is taken away another thing must fill its place. So that which is replaced is chaos. As chaos becomes more and more prevalent and more greater. Chaos will cause a diminishing effect upon the other variables Life, Love, Harmony, Law/Obedience. The entire formula has become contaminated. Until Love becomes hate, Harmony becomes chaos, Law becomes lawlessness and life becomes death.
Think about this. Christians are supposed to love one another and sin no more after they profess their intention to be faithful. We all now have easy access to the Holy Bible which was only reserved for those accepted catholic priests who were taught the language in which it was written in. To even touch the Holy book would most likely mean certain torture and death. From the Holy Bible we learn how to Love one another. We also learn how not to live your life. Through the characters and their lives they lived and through all of their own sins and human failures. We learn that even the littlest and most worthless of all sons can fall a giant with a common stone and then become king. Thus begins the accounts of every time he sinned and the cost everyone paid for the kings sin. Even that is prophecy for today.
I'm not sold on the rapture but I shall not deny it. If it becomes a reality. Can you imagine that discussion of a rapture denier and an angel who has come to save him. Do you think a negotiation would be possible as was with Lot and God? Why would you even want to negotiate with God. There are many accounts of negotiations. Go and read them for yourself.
I think peace has already been taken from the Earth. When did it happen? I have no idea. Not for me to know, I guess. When did Christians begin celebrating their sons and daughters choice to go into military service? Hate, War, Chaos and death.
When did abortion or free murder become legal? Murder, Free choice, Lawlessness becoming law.
When did the mentally ill become sane citizens with rights? The LGBT community. They create chaos with fervent hatred for anyone and anything which is good. Go watch how this minority group can go into every city and town in parade and the huge majority of Christians allow it through apathy or acquiescence or both. There is a lot more. Go and pray upon this and then add more to this line of thinking.
Are you catching the key words? Will you even be brave enough to teach them and preach them? If not then whose god's are you believing is more powerful than the Christian God? You must have great fear. Because, I know who my readership is? They number more satanic persons then the Christians. My writings are published more in satanic media then in Christian. More people pray against me then for me. Why is that? Because, I unintentionally declare their worldly victory and the coming physical extinction of all humanity. Which is the intended purpose of satan and his following fallen angels. They all want us dead. Those that follow are unaware or just don't care. That those god's who they follow love not any of us humans. All that the fallen ones do is against all of humanity. Throughout all of human time.
Peace shall be taken away. So that the people would slaughter one another.
When he broke open the second seal, I heard the second living creature cry out, “Come forward.” [e]Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take peace away from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another. And he was given a huge sword.
Can you imagine that. It doesn't say nations, cultures, races or any other social or ethnic category of human being division. The people will slaughter one another. I would think the wars which begin will have their commonalities, political affiliations, belief systems and skin tones of agreement. After a time. It will become all for one and not even family blood will prevent blood shed from one brother to the next. Read Cain and Able. We all better hope and pray for a rapture. I do. 
In the future world of ours. Life will become so hard that if God does not cut short those days of suffering. There will be no life. Mathew 24:22. Go and read it. Focus on the "For the sake of the elect"... Who are the elect and will they have to endure unto the end? My insignificant and flawed answer is Yes. Do I want the answer to be yes? Nope.
So what does this mean? Egyptian Christians have been slaughtered. Syrian Christians have been slaughtered. Lebanese Christians Slaughtered and already forgotten. African Christians are being slaughtered and so shall the Europeans and the Americans. Israel is threatened daily.
No one cares and many celebrate and many others perpetuate it. All remain silent. 
There are many first things you need to do. One is to get into and remain in the Bible daily. One is to pray as in you talking to Jehovah. One is to meditate as in you listening to Jehovah. One is to Contemplate as in you silent to Jehovah. One is to actually go and sin no more. Do no wrong to others. Cause no harm to others. Go and love one another even if in the beginning it is a lie and then admit it. I try to be a good person. I try to be a friendly and likeable person. Practice fasting on a regular basis. With a focus. These are the beginning basics. Then let God. Never allow yourself to wait for God to do for you or to open doors. This is a false teaching. You gotta do your part in the doing process. Do not become one of those Christians who wait on that neon sign hanging from the heavens saying do this and go there. For they wait for a year, ten years and their entire lives. Satan wins because that christian has done nothing.
So what is next. Get your 1700's skill sets. Get some of those hands on down and dirty modern day skill sets. Go get some martial arts training in accordance to your physical stature. Go and get some 1700's weapons training. Go and get some modern day weapons training. Establish dedicated christian communities and develop your own micro economies with other like minded communities. Do business with no outsiders. Sounds like becoming one of those paranoid doomsday preppers.
Know that. That you as a Christian they are coming for you in the future. You will be abused and tortured and killed just as the Christian Syrians, Christian Egyptians, Christian Africans and the disciples in the Holy Bible have been. When the Vatican is sacked and the Pope is executed upon the catholic alter of sacrifice. You will know the time is shorter. When all of Europe erupts in violence. Time is short. When the USA is no more. It is to late. The time is now and it may not even be enough time left. Less than ?9? years? or by the 2040's??? Maybe tomorrow??? Pray for the truth of the rapture. If the rapture becomes a false teaching for you. Do not allow that one false belief to be the all encompassing cornerstone of your faith. 
Minor edits and added content. 28 March 2016.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Peaceful Presence: Attacker Brutality: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2015:

By becoming a peaceful presence. Anger management classes shall be unnecessary.
The prophetic red horse shall ride and is most likely riding throughout the whole world right now. This can be easy to see and yet most people are blindly aware. Even those persons who are actively looking for the prophetic red horse. I cannot see, hear or am even aware of the prophetic red horse. But, the effects of after the prophetic red horse has ridden by can be easy to see. When you see people who think they have no other choice but to physically attack another person. The popularity of the UFC is evident within the world as other mixed martial art fighting organizations have been founded since the beginning of the UFC. Even in these fights. Those who do the fighting seem to be empty in substance while being extremely gifted in their own unique style of hand to hand combat. What I mean by this is the wisdom and understanding that was once associated within any martial arts style seems to have faded away into nothingness. All that is left is brutality in and out of the ring. The showmanship of disrespect. The thrill of physical destruction to a person.
People are just attacking and murdering police officers and police officers are becoming judges, juries and executioners. An effect of the riding of the red horse is the absent of fair blind justice for all. Judges shall be in favor of all things which do not promote life or peace.
Politicians shall also be promoters of all things which are anti- life, anti-peace, anti- harmony, anti-life, and anti-God.
It seems the prophetic red horse is riding from the top down throughout all of societies, cultures and religions. Starting with the world leaders and ending with the common everyday person. I read a story where a group of adults just attacked an on duty life guard for no apparent reason. Other than to be just cruel. Even the news said, this has never been seen before. Who just attacks a person whose profession it is to save lives. Really?!?!?!. I could go on with examples. But, you know what I mean. Just check your own odd news and see for yourself.
The insanity of having no peace will resound within everyone who is not secure in the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God. This shall include those who are merely religious, socially religious, the entertained religious an event the going to church a few times a year religious. This will even include those who pretend to be righteous through all of their volunteering and church related leadership activities. What is worse is just as those who knew not Gods actions against them. Shall not even be aware that peace is gone or was ever even an option or a reasonable choice.
If you have read my writings on the logical formula of Life. Which I represent inaccurately as
Life =Law, Love, Peace and Harmony. The absence of peace. Means Life cannot thrive or even exist. With an absence of peace all life begins to die. Thus just the absence of peace creates a vacuum in which negativity will just be sucked in. The opposite of peace is conflict. For instance. The growth and acceptance of road rage. Even though there are laws against road rage. It seems to be more common place now. Or the recently new practice of walking up behind someone and just beating them and kicking them. This usually happens to those who were already feeble or of the defenseless type of persons. While video tapping it all and laughing.
Attacker Brutality: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2015:
The thrill of watching brutality or even helpless brutality causes you to become the attacker. 
It used to be where there was mutual combat amongst men. That when one could no longer defend himself. The fight stopped. Now, you cause permanent injury or death. In order to prevent retaliation/revenge from the one who lost the fight. This shall evolve and already has into family friends shall retaliate on your behalf and in your memory. No longer shall the police be effective. No longer shall anyone cooperate with the police. In the absence of justice. There shall be vigilantism at every level. In the sweet and intoxicating red dust of the prophetic red horse. All shall kill one another. The strong against the weak. The law against the lawless. The evil against the religious. And Vice Versa.
Added on 16 Sept 2015:
But how do you overcome the Prophetic Red Horse?
If you feel you still have the ability to freely choose between love and hate, law and lawlessness, peace and war, harmony and chaos. Then you must seek internally righteousness and holiness as God expects from us all. Without any disobedience or negotiations on your part. If you have read my writings then you already know. Those purple words. Then go forth without me and drink up the ancient Holy Texts. Thirst for the quenching waters of God. Become satiated by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pray, mediate and contemplate all that is from God, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. This may be your only hope. But, then again. In Christian prophecy the Christian loses.
The evidence of the red horse riding amongst humanity is seen in the actions of the worlds leaders. They do not desire or even talk about peace, friendship or even mutual respect anymore. What seems to be of supreme importance are the business relationships. Even those seem to be in a fluid state of constant negotiation.
Through the business international contracts and international law. They all build of their military forces through propaganda training and equipment modernization. Can you see the world leaders as well as some religious leaders can only thirst for war and conflict. Their collective free will is gone and none of the worlds leaders are even aware of it. They each only know. They must prepare and plan for war.
If you knew that China was building their war machine from every American dollar. Would you ever buy anything Chinese again?
If you knew that China is planning and preparing for war with the USA. Would you continue to buy Chinese made products?
If you knew that China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and some Central American countries and some South American Countries were all aligned against the USA. Would you even agree to participate in any business arrangement with any of them?
And yet how do I know your free will even to shop at Wal-Mart or Costco plus anyone else who sells Chinese made goods has already been taken away from you. Because, these words are true. The red horse rides and everyone is completely oblivious.
The red horse causes everyone to do their part. When peace has been taken away. Yes, in the early stages of when the free choice of peace has been removed. The people must all make the implements of war and those mothers send their children for war training. Even the games our children play are war. The desire for peace has been taken away as even the children play cruel blood thirsty games. Can you see the Red Horse has already rode through even your own home and family. You have no choice but for warfare, death, destruction and finally extinction. Remember this as you go to church and even your preacher teacher celebrates the soldier children and soldier supported families. Even they know not the red horse has cursed them all with blood thirsty warfare.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 