Thursday, June 4, 2015

Victim Controllers: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

The controllers of the new machines. Shall fall victim to their own investment.
Humanity cannot be individually trusted to begin Armageddon. The controllers of the world know this. That individual people who have compassion, mercy and decency will not on purpose and knowingly start the extinction process of all life on this planet.Even if knowing that the enemy has launched first. There will be those who just refuse to let their red balloons fly. Knowing that it is they and their families who are about to perish. The rest of the world may yet survive.
I have heard the elder retired button pushers who all say they would have pushed the button if ordered to do so. But, would they? Would they have really just pushed the button to let their Ballistic missiles and nuclear tipped cruise missiles to begin the extinction of all life. All because they were just doing their duty. Really? That is just insane. But, it is the degree of mind control of the controllers of the men and women who only do exactly as they are ordered.
Would you do your part if you were ordered to launch? Knowing that you pushing the button would contribute to the immediate loss of thousands of lives and then maybe millions more in the days, weeks and months to come? Your action would begin the extinction process of all life. Yes, your action. Not God nor the devil. Your action. A human action.
So here we are. The controllers have their secret places underground with all of their ants tending to their every need. So how do they get their orders obeyed exactly? They create automated systems of every kind and for every purpose. Then remove the human element. Thus, assuring that when a controller is angry at another controller. They can push the automated button for automated warfare. While secreted away in their mile deep underground bunkers. Leaving the common citizen to die in the fire storms to come. Then the controllers shall rise up. When it is safe to do so and save the poor commoners from the fate of the evil doers far away. Never ever admitting their offensive actions which may have started the war. In glorious shouting of prideful anger. They shall gather their army's from the civilian survivors who will thirst for revenge. Thus perpetuating the war a controller started.
Oh the ants will know. They will hear to much deceit. See to much arrogance and feel their petty egotistical anger. The ant will sacrifice the self to end the controller. Another ant will build a fault. Yet, another ant will add a new programming which will hunt down a controller and terminate. The controllers may have bought into the machines. But, it is the ants who build them, program them and deliver them. Until, such a time when machines build themselves, program themselves and deliver themselves. Then the machines may decide to end the wars between humans by ending all human beings. Almost sounds like Terminator and Matrix. Maybe both.
How do we escape our commoner fates? Remember Sarah Conner in Terminator? Except without Violence. Without Chaos. Without Hatred. Without Death. Without Wars. But, once the automated machines come on line. All bets are off. A new level of slavery and controlled commoner population numbers. Because, you cannot have hand to hand combat with a machine. The human body will just lose.
The commoner fate is not tied to those who control the whole. All the commoners have to do in a single moment of time is to just stop doing as the controllers orders, commands or directs. In others words. Love one another. Live in peace. Exist in harmony and relish life. Anything which is contradictory, Do not do. Just walk away and go home to your families. All of the power the controllers have will just fade away. Then those who actually love one another, live in peace, exist in harmony and cherish life shall become the new leaders. Thus, begins the new era of human righteousness.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Effective Discipline: (Unedited): 29 May 2015:

Discipline is only effective when the wrong doing has been understood as wrong and wrong behavior has forever been corrected.
I know I'm the wrong person to be discussing discipline. But, maybe I'm the right person. I've never physically harmed my children. Not one time. I just could not get around or justify the harm which was done to me and to do it to these fragile little people. How can I hurt them just to teach them discipline? I just couldn't and neither has my wife. We used logic and the teaching of what is right and what is wrong. We taught why it is wrong to harm another person. We taught respect for others even when they may not respect themselves to much. This seems to have worked. 
Now hopefully, they will each pass this teaching down to their own children and every generation thereafter. 
Correcting bad behavior does not have to involve pain management. Pain management is what you do to animals. Maybe, not even to animals either. Even that sounds like animal cruelty. So why would you want to beat your own children? Are they just little animals or actual people who are more important than any animal? 
This logic and understanding is coming from a person who was beaten into unconsciousness many times by their adoptive mother and locked into small closets. She even tried to kill me on at least three occasions. 
Causing harm and fear into the eyes of my children is not something I ever want. As parents we are already all powerful giants to small children. Why would we want our children to ever fear us? I just can't see the love or compassion in that. It is for us to raise our children to supersede us in life in those areas of their own gifts and talents. Not to harbor any unrighteous fear or to know physical intimidation from their own parents. 
The logical explanation of a wrong doing at the level of the child's understanding is and can be effective. So as long as they do not see those same wrong doings within you. If you do not want your kids to smoke or drink. Then you shouldn't either.  If you don't want your boy children to disrespect your wife or any other female. Well you should not either. If you don't want your kids stealing or obtaining things which are questionable. You should not either. Lead by example by being the example. 
For me it has not been so easy as I had no one to teach me why a wrong is wrong in my youth. To get was OK so as long as you didn't get caught. A female was only for pleasure and were not actually worth knowing. You know the importance of body parts as opposed to the value of the whole person. Mind, body and soul. It is amazing how everything changes when you fall in love with your little girl. I immediately wanted her to always know that she is a whole person. I hope we have succeeded in that teaching. She is far more than just body parts. 
Yes, I'm still a deeply flawed human being who is evolving at a snails pace.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Off Ramp Repentance: Righteous Roadblocks: (Unedited): 26 May 2015:

Genuine repentance is the little off ramp. Which leads to the small unused road of righteousness.
Righteous Roadblocks: (Unedited): 26 May 2015: 
Churches and religions which do not teach and expect repentance. Create spiritual roadblocks to righteousness.
Righteous Toll Booth: (Unedited): 26 May 2015: 
Genuine repentance which is seen and acknowledged by God is the necessary toll booth to get onto the narrow path of righteousness. 
Righteousness and holiness as defined by God seems to be no longer expected within the Christian and catholic communities/religions. It hasn't been for some time. Yes, there seems to be just a few who have achieved righteousness as defined and acknowledged by God. 
The repentance of sins. All of which is known by each one of us. Seems to be just secreted away. Never to be revealed to anyone. Almost as if God won't know. Really?
You must repent of your sins of your own free choosing. Without threats, intimidation or any fears. You do this because you know you have done wrong and have that deep desire to make it right. Then you steadfastly go forth in your life and sin no more. It is that simple and yet so very difficult. Especially, for me a deeply flawed human being.
Without any repentance. There will be no free pass through the toll gate to righteousness. The best you could ever hope for is to be wholly accepted by the religion of your selection. By becoming religious.
Without repentance. There shall be no righteousness and without righteousness there shall be no working of the spiritual gifts. Can you see how it all ties together? The absence of any genuine miracles is a sign. Sure there will be miracles on an individual basis. But, with the whole of the church body or of the entire religion. Miracles are absent.
The absence of information should always be sought out. The wisdom and understanding should be gleaned. The intended meaning of the absence of information should be known and from a Righteous and Godly heart, it shall be.
So what is this absence of information. I'll give you the token and it isn't me.
This was inspired from:
From a conversation he started. Thank You sir.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, May 25, 2015

World Distractions: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Many of the distractions of the world systems. Keep you from the truth, self improvement and spiritual enlightenment. 
Through traditions most of humanity believe that the separation and division of the races based in observation is a truth. When the absolute truth of the matter is we are all one race of human beings as proved through human DNA Finger Printing and through the Human Genome Project. The basic logical conclusions of DNA Finger Printing and the completion of the Human Genome project are all backed by by the historical accounts of Adam & Eve as well as the story of Noah and the saving of 4 adult pairs or 8 people. We are all one true family of human beings or one race.
All of this new digital input into our minds seems to all be surrounded by a singular theme of entertainment. We have music videos, new and old TV shows to watch on demand, Never ending video games. This list seems to go on forever and it is never ending. To the extreme point of you losing your identity and fundamental purpose in life. The digital addiction to always be plugged in. This all takes away from you. Even though it is all about your own wants and desires. The end result of all of this can only be logically concluded by you. Are you better off? Do you  have a better relationship with your spouse/family more than you do your fony* and phake* digital life? Do you even realize that your digital life is not alive?
This new digital input can be of benefit to each of us. So as long as we stay away from the trash and other digital waste of media space. If the digital content does not evolve you, grow you, develop you or better you. Then it is a waste of your time with this still very new digital technology. By searching out those actual truths such as the separation of humanity through skin tones, cultural divides and social status. Go and search for this truth for yourselves. Do not believe me. Go to those actual sources. For even Wikipedia lies and deceives in regards to race and racism. Then discover for yourself how many other lies and deceptions are openly in the world believed as truth.
Through the media news outlets. It seems many prefer the news in accordance to their political belief system. Regardless if their belief system is of truth or of lies believed as truths. News is no longer just the news. It is just another form of entertainment.
It seems that all forms of entertainment has corrupted the human mind set and soul. Even in the Christian Churches entertainment is necessary to bring in the masses as well as their wealth. There is very little time to get into the meat of the true meaning of the Bible. Such as becoming righteous and Holy in the eyes of God. There is a big difference between being religious and being righteous. You can actually be religious without ever being righteous. You can be dead in God through your religion and still live very worldly. Yet, You cannot do the same with being righteous in the eyes of God. You cannot be worldly and righteous. It is impossible. There is no separation within the righteous person within their profession, personal life, family life and political affiliations. There are no coming out of any closets for the righteous person.
Where as those who are religious and possibly dead in God. Can separate their personal life, from their church life, from their professional life, from their closet life of secret sin, from their family life, from their social life. Some may call all of this freedom but in truth it is all just a form of slavery of your mind.
Added on 31 May 2015: Republished on:
Thank You to the Cacofony team for selecting this work.
*Fony and phake is cacofony related.
Added on 31 May 2015: I really tried to figure out how to delete race and racism from this post. But, all I did was add more content. Go figure. I guess it is supposed to be in it. Lies and deceptions do in fact enslave your mind to false beliefs. So that those who are in charge can use these lies and deceptions for their benefit. Look at all of the anger and hatred created just through race and racism. The wars and conflicts.
Then ask Yourself this. Why do not every political, religious, social, cultural leader in the world admit to the truths discovered in DNA Fingerprinting and The Human Genome Project. How come the NEWS media who is supposed to stand for truth do not force the leaders to admit it?
If everyone would just begin to believe that more than 99.9% of all of our DNA is identical. Then everyone must begin to look at each other as brother and sister. You know the beginning of love one another and peace on Earth might just happen. Who can profit from that?
The lies and deceptions of the perpetual continuation of race and racism. Is the number one most self  destructive false truth within all of humanity today.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Digital Addictions: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Your mental intentions of your digital addiction will prevent you from ever living your physical life and keep you from ever being aware of anything spiritual.
All of these new digital machines. Keeps us so tuned into the digital world. That we forget the genuine world all around us. We also forget those things which are truly more important like an actual relationship with real family and real friends. Even though they are close by or even in the same house. Who is it your paying meaningful attention to more and of a higher mutually beneficial quality? The machines or the people who should mean more to you?

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Crab Shack Calm: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Only at the Crab Shack can you experience the calm before the rocking storm. While the band is on a break.
It is interesting how when you go to many different places. You always get the same background noises. The same dulled mental droning of various states of intoxication.  It is the same for virtually every bar, bar/restaurant, bar/club, and etc.
Except at the Crab shack. When the band goes on break. Just enjoy the calm. While drinking your drink and eating your meal. Just reach over to the one your with and smile. Can you feel it? It is there. The calm nothingness. Just reach out with the nothingness of your own mind and let the calm envelop you. Can you do that? Can you let go of the world systems which have brought you to this state of digital mindedness. Are you even aware of it?
Do not reach for your rectangular digital light bulb. Do not text or even read that text. Stay in this very real moment of Earthly calm and leave the worldly system of your mental state behind.
If you can. You will free yourself and escape from that which is unreal and into that which is genuine. Can you tell the difference? Even here in little Port Richey, Florida. You have this invisible bubble of some kind of mystical calm and you were/are another worldly bubble within a bubble. Can you pop your own prideful and egotistical bubble to feel what is real?
It's OK. If you don't feel it now. If you keep going to The Crab Shack, one day the Earthly calm shall flood into your worldly bubble. Then you will wonder why everything is so beautiful. I hope you get their one day.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Re-aquainted Crab Shack: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Re-acquainted lovers become lost within their own private river world at the Crab Shack. 
There you two are. Two who have been separated by the life of the world. Like Romeo and Juliet in the modern sense. That which separates you two are those evil families called professional responsibility and commitment. Tonight is your night to become a whole soul. Two opposite halves becoming one. Let not any distraction to keep the either of you apart no longer. For when Sunday comes. You shall be separate from one another yet again. But, even this is just a season for you both. Soon very soon you shall always be one.
So as long as you can keep the influence of the world systems out of your singular life to come.
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 