Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wrong god's: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Those who have violence and warfare in their minds. Those who have anger and hatred in their hearts. Those who have self pride and an air of arrogance in their spirit. May never know what GOD reveals and may never get close to GOD as their Heavenly Father. 
Th crusades was a sin against GOD. The Christian Crusaders used violence and warfare against those who held Jerusalem. The Christians used anger and hatred as a motivational force to expel those who held Jerusalem. Only good things comes from GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather. Human wars are caused and created by humans who thirst for power and glory. Human wars are planned and started by the ruling humans own selfish interests and exploitations.
One must always know. You cannot go to war without first having your war machine created, built, prepared and in the ready. So, an evil leader must create the illusion of a threat so as to cause everyone to work for the common goal for peace, safety and security. The threat is often deemed as less than human, savages and barbaric. The essential truth is your leader is the one who is thirsty for blood as he anticipates counting His new lands, new resources and new wealth. The common people are the ones who fights and dies. The common people have never profited from any victorious war save for the crumbs that have fallen off of the rulers table and is still taxable.
Become a holy and righteous person who does not need any ruling authority.
 If you only pray to GOD. Begin to meditate to GOD.
 If you pray the required words of prayer. Pray to ALLAH on your own and by your own words. Then Meditate to ALLAH.
Just as each of us are sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. Talking to the HOLY FATHER can be done by any son or daughter. Just as your own sons or daughters speak to you.
Prayer is you talking to GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER.
Meditation is you Listening to GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER.

Should you not do both? Is it not rude for a child to talk to their own parents and then not listen to them at all.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




Fresh Empty: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Letting out all of your dirty ugliness will leave a empty clean you behind. Ready to be filled with a new fresh beautiful you. 
This is a hope and a promise. Often times a person who flees from a wrong life or from an addiction. Often returns back to it. There is of course a myriad of reasons for this. There can be great acceptance from those who live wrongful lives and lives of addiction. It is a permanent welcoming committee just for you. Cheers.
Where as those who are living good and correct lives are less accepting of just anyone. This seems counter intuitive but is in fact a protection mechanism for the whole. It takes time to unlearn behavior which is unclean and impure.  Unlike learning wrong and sinful lifestyles which takes a short period of time to learn. Then when your own guilt's wane is when you know that this life style is become a DE-evolutionary aspect in your life. Which means if you change or decide to change back to what you once were. You will have to work at it, just to get back to where you originated. It is like getting lost in your vehicle. You have to back track or retrace your incorrect actions to get to that point where you deviated wrongly.
When you leave the life of ugliness and dirtiness. You can feel empty and alone. This is when you can become clean and renewed. From this clean and renewed emptiness you can refill it with righteous and holy living. This takes time and effort. Where returning to that bar and lifestyle is easy and the people always welcoming. Returning to that bar or lifestyle  may even allow you to become a better sinner or a better addict. But, That path is one you have been down before. That is a road in which the final destination is certain.
A beautiful life and a beautiful you will not be found on any commonly used highway.

Continued Evidence: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

After every darkness there will be light. The life cycle of all of creation is evidence of the perpetual continuance of all. 
The darkness of death can be very disheartening. You the survivor may even feel much despair and have thoughts that somehow you could have or should have done more. Please know. That how everything is in your here and now is as it must be. You are who you are because of all of the things which happened in your life's history. Take nothing away and remain who you are now. Become who you should be through your decisions and actions today.
From the pains of death is similar to the pains of birth. After of which is continuation. There is always continuation even in after death. Which is the beginning of the after life. There is always continuation. Can you find solace in this? Probably not right now. Maybe eventually?
I can only tell you and relay to you what I know to be true. From the darkness of death there is always a transition into the light of renewed life. The darkness should not be feared. Especially when you are already clothed in light.
Think about this.
Even though your loved one has gone from this linear time line. You can still be the one to welcome them into the heavens. How? This is the science of time. In the Heavens. All that is-is beginning, is on going and has already ended. So, when you pass from this life. You can then go to any time of this worlds life. So, this means that you can be there when your loved ones passes from this life or when they were born into it. Why and how? Because you are already there. Just as you were already there before you were born and will be there again after your bodies death.
Just know they are OK. You are OK and its always going to be OK.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA




Separation isolation: (Unedited): 04 May 2010:

It is typically governments, religions and cultural beliefs that separates and isolates us from becoming one human family. C.J.MacKechnie 
People of power and authority want their own selfish piece of the pie. The tools they each use is not garner unthinking followers. Then to continue to separate and isolate the blind believers from the unthinking followers.  The blind believers will be rewarded for their individual sacrifices.
These tools are of course political, religious, national, social, educational, wealth, cultural and race. There is even further separation of peoples because of certain physical characteristics.
We are one human race, one family and one people created by the single GOD of many names.
A righteous and holy people. Do not need governance from any authority save GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather.

Wolf Does: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2012:

There is no lie or deception of the wolf who is dressed and acts as the wolf does. 
A person cannot be surprised to realize that a snake will bite or constrict. A person who tries to walk with bears will get mauled. A person who gets trampled by large beasts can be of no great surprise either. Swimming with Alligators or crocodiles may get you eaten. Running with the lions will get you eaten. When presented with the truth do not think it is not the truth. Apes and chimps are not pets or human like. Do not be surprised when they attack. They are animals and not people. If you die and the food runs out. You pets will begin to eat you. Really.  Research YouTube videos if you believe me not. Real life truth.
  Any animal does not have to verbally tell you that they are this particular animal for you to believe they are that animal. You just know. Which may seem obvious. But, for some people they need to be reminded.
With people it can be confusing. With belief systems, Religions, political systems and cultural systems it can be confusing. A bad person who is deceiving may wear the garments of religions or the suits of a politician. From their mouths you may be deceived but from their actions you shall not be. Witness the whole action not just the parts in which was intended for your viewing. A lie or a deception can be clothed in a fabric of truth.
People of power and authority are not servants to the masses or to the people. They only serve themselves or sell themselves to the highest bidder. Which makes them prostitutes. Possibly even the prostitutes as prophesied in the End times Bible prophecy.
If you are a Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Jew or a dedicated person of any other religion which teaches righteousness and holiness. You do not need any authority over you save GOD/GRANDFATHER or however you name the divine. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Slave Speak: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

When you begin to cheapen the language of your Country. You begin to speak and sing as uneducated slaves. Don't become surprised when you and your children become a different name that will have the same meaning as slave with a smile on it. 
The demise of your language. The refusal of your young to seek education.The basic difference between a freeman and a slave is education. An educated person cannot be a slave. The owners and masters will always fear the educated slave. Research the American slave born on 02 Oct. Nat Turner.
Content moved from: International Safe Zones prophecy: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2012:

-----------------begin copy------------------ When Douglass was about twelve years old, Hugh Auld's wife Sophia started teaching him the alphabet despite the fact that it was against the law to teach slaves to read. Douglass described her as a kind and tender-hearted woman, who treated Douglass like one human being ought to treat another. When Hugh Auld discovered her activity, he strongly disapproved, saying that if a slave learned to read, he would become dissatisfied with his condition and desire freedom. Douglass later referred to this statement as the "first decidedly antislavery lecture" he had ever heard.[15] As told in his autobiography, Douglass succeeded in learning to read from white children in the neighborhood and by observing the writings of men with whom he worked. Mrs. Auld one day saw Douglass reading a newspaper; she ran over to him and snatched it from him, with a face that said education and slavery were incompatible with each other.
He continued, secretly, to teach himself how to read and write. Douglass is noted as saying that "knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom."[16] As Douglass began to read newspapers, political materials, and books of every description, he was exposed to a new realm of thought that led him to question and condemn the institution of slavery. In later years, Douglass credited The Columbian Orator, which he discovered at about age twelve, with clarifying and defining his views on freedom and human rights. -------------------------End copy--------------------

The seemingly typical young American student today is more interested in social activities than in their own education.  Which is the sole guarantee of their own freedom from slavery. GOD guarantees freedom as well, But a person must live in accordance to HIS laws by choice.
The American Student seem to also believe that cheating is an acceptable practice. Cheating is proof of the loss of nationalistic honor and righteousness.
Laws passed outlawing education to a slave.  Only the uneducated can be enslaved.

Will NOT be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




Sunday, September 9, 2012

Protected Ones: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2012:

As man (Humanity) willingly marches into the abyss of extinction. There will be the protected ones of GOD/GRANDFATHER. Those people who have kept the laws of YHVH  in their minds. Those who have kept the precepts of Peace. Those who have kept GODS love and compassion in practice. Those who live as Grandfather wanted. Those who Honor the Holy Spirit. Those who humble themselves as Jesus Christ had.
These common people who are the salt of the Earth. These protected ones are each an Israelite of Israel. Bound and governed not by any government or religion of man. No matter how they name the ONE. The ONE chooses and selects the protected ones as HE does. Just as the Hebrews were divinely protected during their 40 year march with Moses. So to will the protected ones be.
The protected ones are already living a righteous and a holy life. They do so without fear, intimidation or threats from any government or religious authority. The protected ones live their lives in accordance to the laws of GOD. Not because it is the laws of GOD, which it is. Not because of the promise of eternal hell fires damnation. These protected ones live a holy and righteous life simply by choice. Because, the protected ones can see the logical truth. The protected ones make the right and correct decision to live righteously. It is that simple.
If there is to be a rapture or a few raptures. These protected ones will be the chosen ones who will be raptured. If there is to be a rapture. As such, The few missing will not be seen as a missed rapture. The rapture will be deemed a non event. Especially here in the USA or soon to be former USA. Watch for the clergy of all denominations to ease their churches minds and spirits. How those were wrong in the per-tribulation rapture predictions and then the mid-tribulation rapture predictions and then the post tribulation rapture predictions.
What will likely happen. Is those selected to be the protected ones. Will have to heed the call to "go". Then they must choose to simply "go" by faith. In that unknown direction of GODS gentle whispered wind. Many of the protected ones will not choose to "go". Then they will have to endure to the end. While walking inside the breath of GOD. They will be continually tested. In which they pass on to the next test or become a pillar of salt. There will be those protected ones who will feel an incredible need to love and express great compassion to those suffering. Many will choose to exit the breath of GOD. To appear to the suffering as one who came out of nowhere. They may not be able to return into the breath. This is not a bad thing or a wrong thing. For Jesus willingly gave his life.

Church warning
Save GODS flock.
Save GODS sheep.
You must teach the whole of the laws of GOD. You must teach and stress the importance of holy and righteous living. You must teach direct connectedness to GOD. You must teach the path to holiness was made by Jesus Christ. You must teach that HE is GOD but HE is the Heavenly Father to his children. You must teach Jesus Christ is their brother. Gods flock and sheep must immediately live righteously. All without Threats, fears, intimidation or promises of woes.

The word church is all encompassing. Also, means Mosque, Temple, Synagogue, Religious school or any other place of divine worship.
No ink and no other copies exist.
I write this knowing full well. That I may not even be one of the protected ones. I can hope and pray. There will be much more of a requirement to be selected.
My use of "Pillar of Salt" is not an actual occurrence it is merely a for instance of what could happen or may happen. That is up to GOD.