Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Faiths Fall: (Unedited): 23 Oct 2013:

Work in Progress. Updated often. When the quote is at the top. I'm done unless one of my friends declare content errors. Then I will correct. Thank you. This one seems to be difficult and complicated.
Not organized correctly. This is a mess.
The fall from grace is easiest to know only after you have begun to fall. C.J.MacKechnie
The right and freedom to sin is of your own choosing. GOD is not going to stop you from sin. Because, your own sin is your own self determining state of being. It is your right to freely choose your final outcome, which is death. A person who desires to live will not sin and will not be surrounded by sin. Your safety and well being is directly tied to your your choice of sin and close proximity to sin. Just research where the conflicts and wars are.  Just research where crime is and where it isn't.  Research families broken apart by divorce. Research abuse and torture. Research alcoholism and drug use (Matters not the legality or cultural acceptance). See for yourself.
Do not live in sin or with sin. Do not accept sin as something to be legally tolerable.
The world can accept Christian Lights as opposed to the devout Christians. Who cannot tolerate any sin and should have separated themselves from the media of the world. Live in the world and not of the world.
Any and all sin keeps you from becoming righteous and Holy as defined by GOD.
Thus, your continued sin is what keeps you merely religious and under the thumb of those who thirst for power, authority and wealth. To find the evil leaders. All you need to do is open your eyes and witness their fruits.
Pray your own prayers to GOD by your own chosen tongue. Seek out direct knowledge and understanding From the source of all. When that which you learn does not contradict any aspect of love, peace, harmony or life. Then it is holy. When you live your life in the agreement of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. You become a holy person wearing only sack cloth and having a more profound impact upon the world greater than any other nicely dressed person who has achieved holy certification from another human body. Which is more important a holy person of GOD or a holy man defined by men? No matter who you are or where you are from. You can achieve holiness as defined and graced upon you directly from GOD. You will not have to stand above and separated from your common brothers or sisters. You will stand with them and they with you. Joy is when you the actual holy person of GOD is able to teach and lead another person to be of greater than you can become.
This is prophecy. Thus, the world is witnessing the total collapse of the entire system of the Catholic Church. I do think my use of the term collapse is in error. There will probably follow along with  the collapse of the Catholic church much death, destruction and suffering.
This may be humorous to some, I am trying to be serious despite my own smiles.
The steps in falling or as follows. For sane and logical people who care about their own safety.
1). Awareness. Recognizing the danger. The realization that you could fall.
2) Prevention. Taking the necessary precautions to prevent yourself or others from falling. If you are successful.
                        The wise and understanding person will know safety and not fall. Stop reading these steps.
3) Fall Begins. Your scramble begins. Know that it may now be too late even if you have followed the richly
                          and so called holy men to the cliff of insanity. Pray that a truly sane and righteous person
                          will reach out his own hand. Risking their own life to save yours. The evil ones will also
                           beg for help as they feign their own fear. They will grab a hold of the hand and drag them down.
4) Falling. All hopes of your survival is lost. If you have any reason and sanity left. You will realize your error.
                  Which that self realized truth will only last until you realize the fall doesn't hurt.
5) Red Spot. That sudden stop. The end of all things for you or your organization in this life.It won't be pretty
                         and will probably be very gruesome. There may not even be a singular red spot in a singular
                          moment in time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scented Duct Tape Invention: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2013@2203HRS.:

It is never wise to reveal any potential invention idea to anyone. So, Don't tell anyone about this one. Keep it secret.

Guys are always doing stuff and sometimes that stuff really stinks. What can a guy do when he must attach one stinky thing with another awful smelling thing? This happens all of the time. If your a girlie type you already know it to be true. Just smell him after he has been outside doing something you would rather not know he was doing. Why do you think there are outside showers behind some homes?

The perfect Christmas gift for any smelly guy. Even your smelly guy.
   Febreze Duct Tape.

and the second part is the marketing.

Febreze Duct Tape Air Fresheners.
Just tear a piece off and stick it some where.
Oct 24 (4 days ago)

to me
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Subject = Duct tape  invention idea

Country = USA

Sender =

message = Hey guys. Just thought of this. Enjoy.


First Name = John

Last Name = MacKechnie

Sender =

companyName = none

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State/Province = FL

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ZIP/Postal Code = 34655

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Added on 29 June 2014: Corrected a mis-speelling. A commercial. 
Wanted to added a comment here. There have been over 70 readers of this Scented 
Duct Tape idea. I just find that odd. That was meant to be both a serious idea 
and a silly one.
I do think every woman should have free access to Febreze scented duct tape in 
all of those pretty flowery colors. Which would also, have the psychological effect
of irritating their smelly man to no end. Because, He would always know that she 
transgressed his Man cave zone of manliness. 
Can you imagine if you will the manly maleness squeakily walking down stairs into 
the darkened hole. Only to hesitate to a smelly fragrance that only an estrogen 
filled humanoid would find pleasant. He now knows and expresses dissatisfaction at 
her trespassing with guttural grunts. She smiles from her comfortable place of 
pleasantness and whispers to herself. He's such a man. 
He looks for the out of place odor with flaring nostrils. He marches towards the 
pretty tape like a predator on the hunt and makes several attempts to throw it into 
the trash can. Finally having success in throwing the scented duct tape away. He 
cheers at his own great success. She again whispers. Now, his trash can will smell 
good. Her total victory with febreze scented duct tape.
Added on 29 July 2014. Well, I have a new idea on this febreze duct tape thing. There
have been 120 views so far. So here it goes. 
Duct Tape Smoker
Adding a new real scent that men would love. Hickory smoke into duct tape. This is 
how you would do it. 
You will need a box of some size. Which should be fire proof and heat proof. Attache 
pipe from barbeque smoker grille to the return intake vent to an air conditioner. The
outlet side of the air-conditioner with cool air into the bottom of your smoker box.
Poke holes into top of box and a couple of smaller ones at the very bottom. The 
bottom holes is to insure that the box is completely filling with smoke. The cool
 incoming air should not harm the glue on the duct tape. but the hickory smoke 
should easily penetrate into every layer of the clothe material. How much time is 
needed? Have no idea. Maybe, over night. 
You may be able to forget about the Air-conditioning unit if you can keep the box 
temperature cool. Such as below warehouse summer temperatures. 100 or so degrees 
Fahrenheit. Do not use plastic piping as those smells will get into the duct tape
as well. 
leaving a fire burning over night and unattended is not a good idea either. So, 
your warned and be careful. Be safe and create something no one else has. 
Hickory smoked duct tape. This would even work with mesquite wood. 
Halloween is coming. So, in your smoker grille. Make a ring of charcoal which 
will go around a stainless steel bowl full of wood chips and a ton of very cheap
garlic powder. Well not really a ton. Then add hot boiling water and place inside
of your charcoal briquet ring. Warning. When walking with hot boiling water. Please
note if you spill onto your front pants. Your manliness may be harmed. So be careful
and extra safe. Throw some wood chips onto the coals and since the fire is going, put
some meat, bread, veggies and potatoes on the grill as well. Can't waste a flame now
can we? All of that smoke will travel down the metal pipe into your duct tape smoker
box. Remember, not to hot in there. Get a digital A/C thermometer and put it inside. 
You'll be high tech then. 
Additional warning. To much humidity within the smoke may/will cause your duct tape 
to wrinkle. So be extremely cautious when using the hot, boiling water method when 
adding the garlic scent to your anti neck sucking vampires. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 
First published on Facebook @ 2144 Hours.
The scented Duct tape conspiracy 
Added on 07 Feb 2015: An invention idea which I won't ever be credited for. Is now on the market.
To date this is my second idea which I've given away. One because of legal theft and this one. In which I've posted. I wonder if they will use my T.V. commercial idea as well.  There are even a lot of you tube videos.
Guess how much money I have earned from this product or invention idea. Zero, zip, zilch, Nada. This is exactly why you should always keep all of your invention ideas secret. This also includes using any organizations such as those invention submission corporation you have seen on T.V., Read in magazines and heard on the radio, as well as those pesky pop up ads on the internet. All someone or anyone has to do is add a thing or alter the name or add a novel noise. Then walla. Your invention can easily be stolen by any of those organizations. My first idea was stolen because they wanted to charge me $25,000 to follow through. I didn't have $25. dollars. So I just filed it away and forgot about it. Then one day I saw it for sale in a major hardware store. With an added alarm on my security device. By adding that alarm they antiquated my invention. It was a very hard lesson to learn. But is was a valued lesson.
As with this invention idea. The word Febreze is not used anywhere I have found as of yet. By using any other scent. They can get away with the marketing of the idea for their own profit. Any person who is an idea making and creating person. Really needs to learn this lesson well or you will lose all of your invention rights. If your very poor like me. You of course will not be able to financially obtain a lawyer for a long drawn out court case.
Added on 29 July 2015: 
The intention of this posting of this content is just how easy it is to lose a good idea. Even if you think it is a silly one. I have children who are incredibly creative and wanted to use this as a lesson for them. It worked very well. better than I had imagined. Who would have thought this would become real and for sale at many retail stores.
My children are wiser because of this. I do hope the nearly 200 hundred readers of this blog have become wise as well. Because, I'm not the only one. I won't be remembered for this idea but Duck Tape will. Just as the legal thefts of inventions, authored stories and new technologies are stolen all of the time. Just research all of the high profile tech giants who sue each other for some kind of infringement. Did Bill Gates steal Software? Is Facebook a stolen idea of a broken promise created by a smart person. Will your ideas create another Bill Gates while your forgotten. Probably not, but your earned wealth from your original idea's should be yours.
Be careful.
Be cautious and secretive. Tell NO ONE.
Always advance your ideas 10 times. 
Always plan alternative variations.
Add widgets and various color schemes.
Research who would or could profit from your idea's. Then patent color schemes and possible shapes which would possibly take away a potential theft situation. Theft from authored stories is rampant. Many of the best movies were stolen from someone. Research that one.
The adding of widgets and color schemes may seem stupid to you. But, they may be important to someone else. The adding of widgets and various color schemes is for the protection of your idea's.
Obtaining more than a dozen patents for a single idea. This is protection. Is it a guarantee of absolute protection? NO. China steals everything and then manufactures all of it.
I have found hundreds of groups/people selling my published books in which I see no income. The digital versions are given away, in which I see no income. I set up the DRM so that people can share the digital content. It was a risk, but I wanted other people to share as they wanted.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Show Face 1 and 2: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2013:

1). Your peaceful, loving and merciful heart will brightly show on your face and in your Compassionate mannerisms. 
2). Your enraged, hateful and merciless heart will eventually permanently show upon your face and in your everyday angry mannerisms. 
Sometimes it is easy to see people for who they are. Just by looking at their face. From a distance you can observe people acting angrily, even when there is nothing to be angered about. When a person becomes older and nearing the end of their life. You can almost choose who has had a good life and those who were always angered in some way. All of their anger and hate has become permanently etched into their face. It is the same with those who spent their lives outwardly expressing love, compassion and kindness. What kind of face will they always show? I'm not talking about a forced facial response like you see from people who are paid to smile and to be gracious. This is a natural and automated physical response. Over time becomes a permanent feature upon your face. The condition of your heart will always translate into your face. If this scares you then I suppose you can pay for plastic surgery and the injection of poisons into your skin. Being nice maybe a little cheaper.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Disciplined Condition: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2013:

A disciplined tongue may only hide the rotten condition of ones heart and the lies contained within their mind.  
The contrary of this is 
A disciplined tongue conceals the true condition of ones heart and the truths contained within their mind. 
The condition of your heart is of supreme importance to you. Express love, compassion and mercy to all of your human brothers and sisters. All humans no matter where they are from or whom they were born are your brothers and sisters. Even if their position in life is far superior to you or far less. All are of your relation.

Exercise intense logical questioning of all things you think and believe you know as truth. Through prayer and meditation. Respectfully question all things and quietly wait for revealed truths. When the truths come and they do for those who believe. If there is a contradiction between what you have been taught as truths from your worlds rulers and what has been revealed to you through prayers and meditations. Continue to Strive for Love, Peace, Harmony and Life within you. Continue to reject all manor of Hate, War, Chaos and Death. 
The contrary of this is.
It would be difficult to tell which person is either. But, through their outward actions. The truth is seen. The history of their actions is the evidence of the condition of their heart. So it is with everyone. A persons whole actions of their life or their in action. Is the proof on who they are at heart.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Which Are You: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2013:

Work in progress.

Which are you human or spirit being? Do you even believe in a spirit being?
You know you have only one physical body and only one life to exist within that human form. You will live for a finite period of time and then your physical body will cease to work. This can happen at any time. Whether it be by accident, on purpose, disease or just age. 
What if I told you that the living physical body is not the same one you were born with. Would you believe me?
You were once two parts, a living egg and a single living gamete. Which then grew into a living baby. Then that baby grew and evolved into a toddler, child, teen, young adult, older adult and then geriatric adult. Until, finally the human body just stops working. It is very interesting to see how life grows, develops and evolves. Including your individual body parts. Do you think that all of the body parts you have now are the exact same ones you were born with? No, they were not. Read this possible inaccurate list. I will correct as I discover more original sourced materials. If you know of the original source. This is just a partial list and is enough to prove a point.  Please message me. Thank you.
How old are your body parts?

INTESTINES:                  2-3 days.
TASTE BUDS:                10 days.
SKIN:                               2-4 weeks.
LUNGS:                           2-3 weeks.
RED BLOOD CELLS:     4 months.
LIVER:                             5 months.
NAILS:                             6-10 months.
HAIR:                               3-6 years.
BONES:                            10 years.
HEART:                             20 years
EYES:                                your current age.
BRAIN:                              your current age.
 Think about how you grew, developed and evolved into the person you are today. A million times a million things had to happen just to make the person who you are today. All of your education or the lack of. All of the good parenting you received or the lack of parenting. All of the good life style you chose or the bad lifestyles you still choose to live. All of your freedom, enslavement or imprisonment you have received. The healthy eating habits or all of the potato chips, dip and colas. The drugs, cigarettes and alcohol or clean living.
All of it made you who you are right now and if you decide right now, you can change who you are in just a few months or years. Just make those changes positive ones.
There are so many things about you and me which is always continually changing. But isn't there just a something of you which doesn't change? Your brain? No, it changes as well. Your eyes, No they change and become weaker.
How about a spirit, your spirit. Can your spirit be that part of you which is constant? Maybe, even your spirit is evolving. What about your identity? where does that unchanging part of you reside? In your heart? Your mind? Your spirit?
Which are you and where are you really? If your body is changing so much. How is it that you are you and not someone else entirely different? I am me and I reside within me, my spirit and my spirit resides within this human physical form. Until, such a time that this physical body expires. Then I shall still continue to be me and fully aware.
deleted comment. Where spirit resides.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

World Puzzle: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2013:

work in progress
Every puzzle piece of the whole world is different. So, to is the intentional plans of those men who plan to rule all. When you look to the specific problems of each continent, each country and each group of people. You will notice subtle differences. These differences are intentional. These differences are planned placements. So that those men who desire to rule all. Can learn in a systematic Parallel fashion as opposed to how we all learn serially. By learning how to do many things all at once. Speeds up and shortens the learning curve.
Together they joined in their plans to take everything. From their own lands will they learn the specific lessons in how to control the common people. In the time of the joining of organization. One person will rule all.
The leader of a country causes the people to believe he and his family are gods.
The leaders of another country merges communism with capitalism along with the controlled mindset of the people.
The leaders of another country merges capitalism with communism along with nationalistic pride.
The leaders of another country learns how to observe, monitor and discover every aspect of every person.
The leaders of another country learns how to chemically control their population through the foods and drinks.
The leaders of another country learns how to evolve and DE-evolve human beings. Through immediate genetic alterations and a hastening of evolution. The stopping of evolution at certain prescribed points.  Shortening life spans in undesirable groups of people while extending life spans in the accepted groups of people.
The leaders of another country create machines in which they absolutely control. These autonomous machines will obey without regard to law, morality or any question of right or wrong. Because, man cannot be trusted to absolutely obey every order which is told to him.  

There are more and the eventuality of the splitting up of the human race into three possible distinct groups. Then the eventual development of a genetically superior group. That is after all what it is all about the ultimate in selfishness. The ultimate in how to accumulate all for yourself.

All of these things which are occurring now. Are just individual unrelated puzzle pieces in which no one is aware. Everyone just thinks their country and their leaders are doing this odd thing which is unrelated to any other. This is just like when you pour out a box of puzzle pieces onto the table. In the beginning all of the pieces appear to be unrelated, even though you already know all of the pieces will form a  singular picture. That singular picture is of a created design by those who wish to rule everything. You or I do not know what that picture is. But, It is a picture and those rulers will ensure that every piece to their created puzzle will fit into their proper and planned place. Once the picture is realized by everyone else. It will be assumed to be to late to change, stop or prevent it's eventuality. This may be very true.

Those leaders of those countries which are not in the elite accepted group are destined to be their defined evil enemies in perfect warfare. When all countries of the world come together into a singular united political front. There will only be one correct political thought. If you do not absolutely agree in action and by words. Then you and your family will no longer have any place in any decision making capacity, governing process or actions of control.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

World Creation: Passive Participants: Unaware Sheep: Truth Revelation: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2013:

It is more important to create the world around you, then it is just to observe the world around you. 
There are people right now actively creating good worlds and evil worlds. The kind of world you passively observe may even be directed by other peoples (Medias) intentions and desires for you. You may not even be in control of what it is that you observe. If you do not like the world you see. Then actively change it. Hopefully you will choose to actively alter the world which surrounds you into something which is more positive and good.
A world which loves one another. 
A world which lives in peace. 
A world which exists in harmony.
Isn't that a much better world than one which is created by the ruling class and who call themselves leaders of their specific interest groups. All that they create is hate, war and chaos. Look at the world as it is now and tell me, my comments are not factual.
Reject the medias news by just turning it off. Reject the whole of the entertainment community. Reject all which promotes wrongful living. Reject all which hints that there is no sin which can be done. Reject the notion that if it is right for you then it is right and a right. Wrongful living is still wrong even if the politics, cultures, religions and governments proclaims it's lies and deceptions as a truth. 
Passive Participants: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2013:

Passive participants in life are the sheep to be steered in the direction of their owners decision. Which is usually to better feeding grounds and then onto slaughter. 
Unaware Sheep:  (Unedited): 17 Oct 2013:
It is easier to steer the unaware fat and happy sheep to slaughter, then it is just to make them understand where it is they are going.
Truth Revelation: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2013: 
Revelation of truth empowers the soul into necessary action. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 