Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Death Peace: (Unedited): 08 Sept 2015:

Death and despair rise up when peace is being taken away.
Do the research for yourself. How many countries are now preparing for war? Yes, there is still mostly peace in this world of humans. But, you won't say the same thing in less than 10 years. Maybe, even less if the USA feels that their military will become antiquated by the combined Russian, India, North Korea, Iranian, Turkish and Chinese newly modernized forces. Maybe, the USA will strike first? Maybe Russia, China and North Korea will strike before the USA will certainly strike? Will they directly strike the 48 with EMP's weapons. Will the majority of Muslims pile on and begin the American style Tet Offensive?
IS the USA attacking China with some kind of weapon system, 4 times? Did China retaliate by planting an obvious bomb at a US Army Ammunition depot in Japan? Will these actions escalate?
Is our US government the worlds bad guys? Is the US government starting and maintaining conflicts around the world? Are the Americans the bad guys? Even if the entire American civilian population is completely unaware?
Added on 08 Nov 2015: 
A Us Navy Missile test over California at night has occurred.
This is unheard of.
Why would anyone in the military or government cause a possible panic and risk lives of American civilians with a possible failure of a rocket? You just don't do that. Unless a fundamental change over the importance of civilian Americans is no longer of any significance.  Of course none of that happened. Some body is insane in the US government and military.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Under God's Authority: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2015:

This is for those who have been gifted with the ability to write. Since, it is obvious that I'm not gifted in the perfect speech. Which is accepted by everyone who has been educated. 
This is a Christian sign for prophecy.
The prophetic era of Christian persecution has begun with Mrs. Kim Davis. Can you stay in Jail for 18 moths over your faith? Can you stand and face all of your sins from your recent past or even in your current state of being? This is what Mrs. Kim Davis is doing. None of the traditional media outlets have supported her in any way. The Republican politicians have declared their support of this democrat. While the democrats including President Obama have denounced her. This also includes Hilary Clinton.
The evidence of faith which seems obvious may very well make her one of the chosen remnant of God. Which means all of those other professing by only mouth Christians shall be those who God may say to them. "I never knew you". It is not for me to say. It is only for God to choose who is to be a remnant and who is not. This includes me.

Mrs. Kim Davis may be the first who shall be martyred. Can you say for certain that she will not be? Can you say that she will not ever see her freedom? She probably will. But it is evident that the evil U.S. District Conservative Judge David Bunning has put to jail an innocent woman. In which the evil politicians had made laws of man to be superior to the laws of God. This District Judge is at the very least a Pontius Pilate. I'm not stating nor am I implying that Mrs. Kim Davis is a Jesus Christ. Mrs. Kim Davis, may very well lose everything over this.Since even one news story has even declared that she cannot use Go Fund Me website for support.
In order to be a Conservative Republican like this District Judge David Bunning. Do you have to be a Christian? If this District Judge is any way a professing Christian. His lies are now seen through his actions against this woman. How can any person who is a Judge. Make their decision before any evidence is heard or seen? Did this Judge make his decision before court even began. It can be assumed he had as the deputies and the jailers were already present. If this District Judge is a professing Christian how can he honor or even obey any law which is against the laws of his God? or should I say which god?
Mrs. Kim Davis and her imprisonment can be compared symbolically to other persons who were to be disciplined, punished and killed. I'm not implying that Mrs. Kim Davis will be killed.But, when you are surrounded by evil persons. The jail guards cannot protect anyone and cannot guarantee anyone's safety or well being.

Any law which has been established by any man. Which replaces, Denies or rejects any Law of God. Is not a righteous or truthful law. Nor is it a law which should be honored or obeyed by any righteous person. Even to the death of that righteous person.  To those men and women who agree upon and obey these laws. Even if you do not agree with the laws but still honor them to keep your employment. It is them who can now be easily seen and known to be of genuine evil. This includes any professed Christian who holds any office or works in any place who must obey any anti-godly law written and agreed upon by human beings.
Is it judging to say to a murderer that he is bad and what they do is bad? You can say the same thing about anyone who commits crime. It is a crime of God for anyone to honor, accept, obey any anti-God laws or regulations.
Sinners or LGBT persons pretend to be nice, kind, compassionate and merciful. So that you will think a good feeling lie about them. Many LGBT persons are symbolic murders. They are actively murdering their own family names and in the end their genetic lineage of their family. Yet, These symbolic murderers are being accepted into churches and celebrated. They have no intention of converting to Christianity in any way. These LGBT persons are spies for the evil ones.When your at war. Your spies are necessary to gather intelligence about your enemies. Do not think for an instant that this is not a war. For the god of this Earth wants all of humanity to become extinct. This is satans end game. By any means necessary he will do as he thinks he will. satan is the one who leads all of the LGBT community. It matters not if the LGBT person is politically active or not.
So if satan is the leader of all LGBT persons and LGBT persons are welcomed in your church to hold any official church position and they have no intention of ceasing their LGBT lifestyle. Then you and your whole church is of satan. satan is your god. When your are singing those popular non specific Christian songs. Know that you are singing and worshiping satan.
What is happening to Mrs. Kim Davis is only the beginning. As it is evident that the few who are in protest shall be ineffective. It is apparent that there are very few genuine Christians of real substance in Rowan County Kentucky. There are also to few Christians of merit in the whole state of Kentucky. With Kentucky a part of the famed southern Bible Belt. It is also evident that there are to few genuine born again Christians. Just pretenders who are merely associated with the Christian entertainment fan base as well as those who are members of their local christian social club.
There is very little real news about Kim Davis and any news is primarily related to the effects upon the LGBT community. The news also attacks Mrs. Kim as well. Revealing all of her sins prior to her becoming a Christian.
This is prophecy. The LGBT community shall be victorious over all Christians. To the degree that Christian persecution shall involve all manor of jail, loss of employment, abuses, tortures and death.
The entire Christian population must put a stop to this right now or face starvation, homelessness and death.
After the events of Mrs. Kim Davis. The atrocities which shall follow against the entire Christian community. Shall not be heard or seen on any mainstream media outlet. The true devout and righteous ones of God shall be exterminated and none in the general Christian community will care to even know. So as long as they can happily sing and enjoy the entertainment for a couple of hours a week.
In order to be a Christian. This is after you have made the proclamations and have been baptized. You are to go forth in your life to begin to live it righteously and godly as is taught within the Holy Bible. This is by your own free choice. All without fears, threats or intimidation's. You go forth and outwardly exercise all manor of mercy, compassion, kindness, fairness. Not because, you have to but because you want to. Not because your forced to or even expected to but because it is truly the right and most truthful things to do.
Yet, today it seems the gay sons and lesbian daughters show more love and compassion to their sick and dying family members than do the Christian. Even to friends do they support more than a Christian. I've seen it. I've experienced it.
Just because, I post a news article does not mean I'm in agreement with any of them. 
The ugliness of the news media. This is not politics. This is purely about what is right and wrong. This is about how the government is wrong with the passing of evil laws.
In order to turn this entire country around. Every political office must have righteous persons in those seats. I think it is to late. The USA is lost. The USA was a republic which became democratic and is now an Oligarchy. The USA is no longer of the people, for the people and by the people.
Steve McDonald "By Law"
Added on 07 Aug 2015:
A woman who has not committed a real crime. Unless if you call going against the political will a crime. Has not been offered the ability to make bail. Either way the precedent will translate nationally for anyone who commits political related crimes. Their are now laws against your conscience. How about that for a loss of freedom. In which you can be imprisoned for an indefinite amount of time. If you are big in investments. Invest in the corporate prison systems. They now have a new revenue source. Devout Christians shall all go to jail because of conscience. Don't expect to make big money. Apparently there is only a remnant of true and faithful Christians who have not been deceived. The rest of Christianity just doesn't care. This is all prophecy. A heartless Christian body which allows an innocent person to rot in jail. 

Added on 09 Sept 2015:
Added on 10 Sept 2015:
Added on 11 Sept 2015:
Enslaved Extinction: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2015:
Absolute freedoms begets total enslavement. Which leads to over all extinction.
Death Parent: (unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
As death embraces the older parent. They shall gaze into the eyes of their LGBT children and know this is the one who murdered all of me.
You cannot and will not have any sort of freedom without a self controlled restraint. Free love, like free drugs and free liquor. Ends in the loss of family, freedom, health and welfare. Unnatural sex harms both persons physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as a man or a religious man viewing porn is said he only harms himself. This is the lie. The viewing of porn harms the persons involved in the sex acts being viewed. The viewing of porn harms the wife even though she is or may not be directly or indirectly involved. The viewing of porn harms the children. You must see this truth.
The eventual destruction of the family through sins continuation. So the LGBT life style destroys the whole natural family. As a matter of fact. The LGBT Life style murders the family. The LGBT person has often times separated and isolated themselves from their own family. Only to return as the pretended loving son or daughter who wants to become the last person their dying parent ever sees or think. I have seen this happen many times and have myself been caused to think how nice and loving these LGBT persons are. Especially, if the person dying has minimal or no people to express their love in those last days. The LGBT person may think to themselves that what they are doing is a good thing. But what they are actually doing whether they think of it or not. Is witnessing the extinction of their family name and genetic line. This is worse than a person who just murders you and tries to escape. The Punisher in the movie is satan in our lives. Satan manipulates all of us for our total destruction and extinction. Those of have not the one true God will be influenced, controlled and manipulated by satan. To the point that satan will look through your eyes in the final moments of your parents death. just to witness the final extinction of your family name and  genetic lineage. This is what the end result is to be LGBT.
As I've written about in prophecy. The LGBT will be victorious in all that they are to accomplish within this world. Until the coming of God. This is because of the do nothingness of all Christians. The LGBT will win. They will successfully criminalize all of Christianity. They will create a rightful tradition of abuse, torture and the murder of any Christian they see fit. All without any investigation, judgement or prison time. Of course it is not yet. But, it will be. Assuming that Christian on the whole do not put an absolute stop to the LGBT insanity or mental illness which will infect everyone. Mrs. Kim Davis is the first. Unless she does as ordered by the court and marries any and all LGBT persons. Then we all will know that God has been effectively removed from the Bible Belt. This is Prophecy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dangerous Fear: Decided Decision: Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:

There was a time in my life when I feared my dangerous adoptive mother and yet I desperately needed her love. I also had fear for everything and of everyone else. If I was hurt in any way. I would always respond in anger, violence and misdeeds against those persons. Then one day as I was being beaten. I decided to stop screaming and to stop my panic. This started my adoptive mother. She knew in that moment that I will never fear her again. I could never ever verbally explain it better than this. This is from Will Smith in After Earth.
My adoptive mother was the greatest monster in my life. Then after she died when I was 13 and in Foster Care. I became my own monster in my life. I guess I was just so conditioned. That I needed all of that violence, turmoil, panic, desperation, unnecessary risk, drama and all of those other things which just go along with all of that. It was all I knew. It was all I had. Then to give up all of that bad and sad. just left me in the quiet alone. Which just seemed more awful then the physical pains and traumas. I know I'm being vague. Do I really need to be specific here. If you were abused. Then you just know or have a very good idea. This is supposed to be about you as I have already conquered the bad and sad in my life. There was no one there even though I always expected someone to save me and then when a good person did come around. I bit their heads off (Symbolically). Really. That was smart of me (NOT). There is much hope for you. You are stronger than most as you have survived the worst that life can bring to you. Yes, you deeply feel those who you once knew. Who did not survive. Move forward and choose a better more gooder life. In their memory as well. All the way until you forget their names.
Short version. 1:18. https://youtu.be/jgjibFrh0CE
Not as short version: 4:13. https://youtu.be/bgAEHdKuR7Q
How many times did she try to kill me? How many times did she knock me out? I am who I am today because of her. She forced me to either become strong or die. She forced me to choose between giving up or to never ever quit. Harsh? yes. Fair? no. Evil? Absolutely. The essence of all of the abuses and tortures is as I stand here alive or really sitting in a broken pink flowery girlie chair. Contemplating all of this. Not reminiscing in any of those terrible dark memories or reliving any of those depressing and hopeless emotions.  To me all of those memories have become just cold historical evidences of my former life. I am no longer who I was back then. In time you can say the same thing about yourself. Once you make that deep decision. Which changes everything that you are now.
I did make that decision. Even though I could not articulate very much back then and still not able to verbally speak those profound words any better than Will Smith in character.
From that very same action within my own mind. That place so deep where words just become inefficient.
Decided Decision: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
"I decided and from that very decision changed my base mental programming forever."
From that one decision. Led to others. No more mind altering anything. No alcohol. No drugs. Just No. All of that brutality, negativity, hate, anger, rejection I grew up with ends with me. Period.
I began searching for more lies and deceptions. Then I reject them all. In the same way I decided not to fear my adoptive mother any more.  I found the openly secret truth of racism and reject it.
I have never hit my children or my wife. This doesn't mean I wont lay several knots of understanding across your forehead if you act stupid in front of me. Please don't. I'm getting to old for that. Oh yea love and peace.
This is for you, The abused people. Find your own victory deep within your core being. Become your own hero and save yourself. Stop being the emotional and helpless victim. Become your own hero and save yourself. Hard words which are harsh. But, somehow and by someway your reading  my words. Nothing is working right and all of the answers are just to impossible for you. Of course they are impossible. That is because you have not acknowledged yourself. Your right to live. Your right to exist. Your right for all that you may want to BE possible. All I ever wanted was a family. Those unspoken words in which I shed many tears into the Gulf of Mexico on Clearwater Beach and Dunedin causeway. I knew I was worthless. I just knew it. I knew I was unwanted by everyone. I knew I had no hope. I knew everything was impossible for me. I knew I was dumb, stupid and retarded. I just knew it. I had no chance and zero opportunities. I knew i would be dead by the time I was 24. I just knew it. So why plan for anything.
Then I saw a poster of Mohamed Ali "I'M Possible". That sat in my mind for a long time. Before I could ever put it into action. I had to first Become my own hero and save myself and so should you. Can you see the difference? From impossible to I'm Possible.
So, what are you going to do now? You have been abused, maybe tortured. You may have been forgotten, rejected in every way. Your family members may have even tried to kill you. Maybe, your abuses that you had to endure were far greater than anything I ever had to endure and yet here you are.
I tell you the truth. You are far more powerful than anyone will ever give you credit for. You endured and survived. Make that decision to no longer be the forever helpless victim. Look into the future of your life and start taking those forward moving steps towards that finish line of your own design.
Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
Every success you achieve. Every single one.
Shall become your abusers badges of ultimate failures.
For their goal was to destroy you wholly.
Your light they could not extinguish.
They tried and failed.
You're already victorious.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 