After every darkness there will be light. The life cycle of all of
creation is evidence of the perpetual continuance of all.
======================The darkness of death can be very disheartening. You the survivor may even feel much despair and have thoughts that somehow you could have or should have done more. Please know. That how everything is in your here and now is as it must be. You are who you are because of all of the things which happened in your life's history. Take nothing away and remain who you are now. Become who you should be through your decisions and actions today.
From the pains of death is similar to the pains of birth. After of which is continuation. There is always continuation even in after death. Which is the beginning of the after life. There is always continuation. Can you find solace in this? Probably not right now. Maybe eventually?
I can only tell you and relay to you what I know to be true. From the darkness of death there is always a transition into the light of renewed life. The darkness should not be feared. Especially when you are already clothed in light.
Think about this.
Even though your loved one has gone from this linear time line. You can still be the one to welcome them into the heavens. How? This is the science of time. In the Heavens. All that is-is beginning, is on going and has already ended. So, when you pass from this life. You can then go to any time of this worlds life. So, this means that you can be there when your loved ones passes from this life or when they were born into it. Why and how? Because you are already there. Just as you were already there before you were born and will be there again after your bodies death.
Just know they are OK. You are OK and its always going to be OK.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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