Sunday, August 16, 2015

Curse Choices: Eternity Allowed: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015:

The righteous spiritual blessings given to you. May also bring to you worldly curses.
The worldly blessings searched for and worked for by your free choice. May also, bring to you spiritual curses.
Eternity Allowed:  (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015:
Worldly blessings will only last as long as the god of this world allows it. While the spiritual curses you freely bring onto yourself will last all of eternity. 
C.J. MacKechnie
Righteous spiritual blessings should not be confused with worldly spiritual blessings. There are many spiritual powers which are not righteous or holy and yet still very powerful. These are from the god of this world and those spiritual gifts from him are usually given to those who have a selfish and self desiring heart and mind. They want for themselves and not for others. For them there is no sin, wrong doing or evil deeds. While they may help others from time to time. There shall be a direct line in which they benefit more than the one whom they are helping. Those whom they help may also become indebted to them for a time.
Those who are truly righteously spiritually blessed. Seem to do everything for everyone else while given much gratitude to the God of everything and above all. They seem to only direct all attention to God and never to themselves. They are wholly attuned from their own spirit, mind and heart towards the supreme divine being above all. Even from their own infirmities, weaknesses and ailments. They seem to maintain their humble heart while never accepting any attention for themselves and pointing everyone away from them. All thanks and gratitude is only for the Heavenly Father.
Those worldly leaders who pretend to be righteous by the edicts of other men. Their selfish desires can be easily seen with them asking for anything in which they are directly involved in and profit from directly.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

1 of 1000: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2015:

:This is a word vision Prophecy:
It is year one of one thousand. A new method to count the years. As prophecy dictates. There shall only be one thousand years of peace. In that time and possibly on this new planet. All has been renewed or newly prepared. The chosen and snatched away remnant shall begin anew. They shall embrace the wisdom of love, peace, harmony, law and life. To such a degree. That the law shall nearly be forgotten but not replaced with lawlessness. You cannot say that lawlessness rules where law is forgotten. The purity of love, peace and harmony brings forth life and automatic observance of the law.
The planet is still very difficult and hard. The animal life and all aspects of fauna is in abundance. The stars may even be different. The remnant shall become the true caretakers of this new or reformed planet. They each shall have a direct communication with all of the life upon this new world. Some, most or all aspects of the spiritual gifts shall be readily used by those who easily embrace them. The animal life shall openly come to them for assistance or assurance. Even the great and fearsome predators shall come to them in love and acceptance. The fear that the former humans once have had is as extinct as they are now. These animals shall not be treated as pets or as service animals. Direct two way communication shall be easy and not divined in any way. The understanding of the needs, wants and desires of any animal or plant shall not be confusing or vague.
In the year one thousand of one thousand. The destroyer shall come. His thirst for blood shall go  unquenched. The one thousand years of peace shall end. This is only a prophecy and revelation of any prophecy can alter it completely. So if the new remnant of humanity plans and prepares for the eventual arrival or freedom of this great destroyer. Then destroyed they shall not become. By holding firmly onto love, peace, harmony and life. By not allowing themselves to forget the laws. By keeping in actual communion with God. By becoming and remaining a holy and righteous people in the sight of God. The destroyer shall have no effect. In one thousand years much can be lost and forgotten. Just as this digital content shall be lost forever when the power goes out. So to many things can be forgotten or just simply unknown. Through prayer, meditation, Contemplation and fasting. Shall answers and new questions come to the forefront of the searching spirit and mind. 
In year one of one thousand. Begins a life of survival. Shall the new humans forget everything and regress back into their most basic of animalistic natures? or will they embrace all that they can evolve to be? That will be their every second and every day choice. With those very important questions. How can we do more than just survive? When survival in any sense. Is not fun and is not living a life with any kind of purpose or meaning. Survival is merely not becoming extinct. With all of the bruises, blood and broken bones. That go along with survival.
In year one of one thousand. A thousand years may seem like it is so far away. But, it is not. You must begin at day one of these next one thousand years. To plan for the future of humanity and for the coming of the great destroyer. Every single day must be for the future of humanity. Every day must have purposeful and planned works for the last day of one thousand years. So that when that very last day is upon humanity. When the destroyer does come every aspect of his arrival shall be mitigated and or prevented. The destroyer shall become ineffective. But beware, in all of these things. Do not allow hate to seep in. Do not allow a war footing to take a hold. Do not allow chaos to cause you to fear greatly in those last hundreds of years. Do not give up, give in or to quit any where in between. Do not acknowledge that your death/extinction is an option to be considered at any time. To burst through that coming one thousand year barrier. Shall become the birth of something new and wonderful. Something which shall not know any limitation of time and space.
This may very well be the last time that God shall save humanity. It is in this prophecy in which nothing follows. This prophecy does not declare any saving. There shall not be a Noah, A Moses, A new Adam/Eve or even a Jonah with a warning. There shall not be a remnant to be saved yet again. So in this last one thousand years. It shall be all of your responsibility. To maintain your holiness and righteousness as seen by God. It shall be all of your responsibility to choose by your own free will to love one another, to live in peace, to exist in harmony, to revere all life and to honor the laws.
It shall be your time:
To save yourselves and become your own heroes.
Your right to life will only be seen in your daily actions. Throughout the entire one thousand years.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fallen False: satan World Ends: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2015:

False teachers teach from within the fallen Churches/Religions. Thus, all that you may have been religiously taught may in fact be wrong.
The word church is my universal word for Mosque, Synagogue and temple.
A fallen church is one where the church leadership has allowed sin to dwell within the holy places.
This also means any little lie and deception. Such as racism, sexuality and prophecies. This is to also include cultural-ism. This includes hatred which breeds a war footing against a defined enemy. An enemy which is your brother or sister. Those who go to war or conflict are all Cain in mind. Those who hate are all Cain at heart. Those who are disobedient to Gods original intentions are all Cain in action.
Personal Note: I am a Cain who is struggling not to be. When everything seems to be known as lies and deceptions. Everyone has become Cain. Every religion is a Cain. Therefore everyone needs to by their own free will. Just go to God in long prayer and meditation. Prayer is you talking to God, Meditation is you Listening to God. Quiet time is you contemplating Gods words to you. 
False teachers, false prophets and anti-christ are here and their numbers are growing. Those religious leaders whom you favor or once had favored and learned a great deal from. May have contaminated your way of thinking with the teachings of false prophecies, false teachings. These things and every little thing you must reacquaint yourself with. For instance "The Left behind series" what if this is in it's entirety a false prophecy. Yes, there may be some truthful elements contained inside. But, didn't satan mix the truth of the word with false understandings and knowledge's? When he tempted Jesus. Get it or find it, dust it off and look it up in the ole Holy Bible.  Let that sink in for a moment. Then what about the rapture? Is it real or not. For me the rapture is not an absolute and hope that it is absolutely true. In spite of the word rapture not being in the Holy Bible.
A good friend of mine is absolutely sold on the rapture and I told him I shall not be like those who shall continue to argue or debate the point when it occurs. Yes, He will tell me so. But, on the other side of this vague coin. If the rapture does not happen. I hope he will not deny God and curse God. Because, that shall happen as well. Those by mouth only Christians shall take the mark of the beast. While the devout and righteous Christians shall die of thirst or starve to death. While others hunted and killed. Imprisoned and enslaved. With every imaginable abuse and torture to endure. Will you still dye after enduring all manor of physical and psychological hell with Jesus as your last word upon your last breath? Think about the old disciples, old believers and all they had to endure? Think about the Christians within the Roman Coliseum. How is it that your deserving or entitled to be any different? If every person on this planet began to love one another. There will be no need for government, kings, queens, dictators or any other evil leader of anything.
satan World Ends: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015:
The world of satan ends. 
All because of love. 
With love there is true peace. 
With love there is true harmony. 
With love there is true life worth living. 
Love is the key to everything good and righteous. 
With love there is no need for the Law. This doesn't mean there will be lawlessness. It means that the Law of God is not all that apparent. When all of humanity begins to love one another. 
The laws of God or the Ten Commandments is for a people who do not love one another.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Non Physical Signs: Abortion: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2015:

There are always signs of the times. Those things which happen to cause all of us to be more aware of our choices and of those things which are happening today. These signs may not even be those things which we even want to think about. For the last few months and the last few decades. Some signs have been ever present. While others are new. All signs are meant for us to recognize and to take those necessary actions for change. There is still the choices to ignore the signs, to disagree with the signs and to absolutely reject the signs. There will be those who just says who cares.
:Fallen Religions, Churches and church leaders:
For some time now. Most likely several decades. The Religions are falling away from their original teachings. To such a degree that there will be a time when no one will be alive who will be able to teach those original teachings of those old and archaic religions. Catholicism and Christianity has deeply fallen away from their original teachings of the Holy Bible. It seems that weekly some aspect of Christianity has fallen. This week it is the Mennonite church.
Pastors of churches are also falling and failing such as this week it is T.D. Jakes. Who is evolving his beliefs into the acceptance of sin. Abomination of Desolation is happening within his spiritual holy place as well as within his church in which he may become his own god of. Is that another sign in itself. That people go to a church to follow the pastor instead of the God of all things? While never making those important changes in their lives in regards to righteousness and holiness.
There is a whole long list of churches and pastors all of the USA. In Tampa, FL. we recently had a church selling cocaine. In Clearwater, FL. we recently had a church stealing peoples tax refunds. In Apopka, Fl. A church worker has a sexual relationship with a disabled minor for a year. It just goes on and on. This is only one state. Do the research in your own state.
The fall of religion, the fall of churches and the fall of church leaders is not a sign for those three specific entities. It is a sign for the common Christian person. The religion, the church and the church leaders are merely just reflections of the whole group of Christians. It is a sign that all of Christianity has fallen. This includes every denomination.
The Catholic faith may have been the first to publicly fall with the historical revelations of their crimes against humanity. The historical rape of children and of nuns. The abortions within the church. Their military sponsored activities which include all of the Crusades.In which today is still ongoing with Islam. With the USA as the spearhead of this new crusade against Islam.
Islam has also fallen away. A beautiful religion of peace has embodied the ugliness of perpetual war.
:Gay Pride:
 A definite sign of sin and the agreement by everyone to make this sin a rightful freedom. When at one time being gay was both a mental illness and a crime. Today, The LGBT community has more rights and freedoms then do the Christian or even the disabled. The power of the LGBT community has garnered much political power and exercises it with every politician at every level. While the individual Christian person. Just works, maintains their families and do nothing else. This political or governmental apathy is what has lost the USA. Soon the LGBT will have enough political power to begin to persecute every christian with prosecution and civil litigation. So strong the legal persecution be. That no Christian will be able to proclaim their faith in any way. Without a still jail term, governmental fines and severe civil liabilities.
This sign is still about death. death to the family name and to the genetic lineage of that family.
A male with male bonding and a female with female bonding in the very intimate sense is and always will be unnatural. No matter what man made laws and religious acceptance dictates. No matter how any human being interprets what love is to be. The word love has been twisted into something which is and was considered a deep wrong. The Holy Bible and other ancient Holy Texts teach that God declares such activities as sin. No human can go against the laws of God. Without suffering the consequences of Holy Judgement. Since Americans live in a free country where their representatives make laws which are in agreement by all. So to shall all Americans suffer Holy Judgement. 
Abortion: (Edited): 09 Aug 2015:
 Abortion is the murder of innocent life. The political and religious agreements that life begins after birth are absolutely wrong. A thing cannot be dead and then suddenly be alive once birthed. A woman does not create life. She continues the expression of life from her very living egg. The egg must be alive and not dead. A dead egg cannot maintain life or even accept a sperm into it. The male sperm is also alive. A dead or even weak sperm cannot fertilize a living egg. Once the two living elements join together, they each cease to be what they once were and in this merging a new living being is actively growing and developing into a living reflection of the two parents. Thus life is a continuation and not of a new creation. 
The only human being who was once dead and then became alive is Adam. Eve was always alive and was taken from Adam as a part of his living rib. You could say from stable living genetic material was woman made. Thus the perpetuation and continuation of life began. Humanity does not create life. Life is continued and maintained by the intermingling of a male and a female. A male with male bonding and a female with female bonding in the very intimate sense is and always will be unnatural. No matter what man made laws and religious acceptance dictates. It will always end in the eventual death of the same sex pair.
Because of the legal state and the rightful freedom of abortion. All of Americans shall be accused of murder. Every murdered child is a blood sacrifice of death upon all the living.
Planned Parenthood and their possible actionable crimes against the Federal Government and to each State. Seems to have been ignored by most politicians as the vote to un-fund Planned Parenthood has failed. In which this sign of continued funding is also permission by all Americans for Planned parenthood to continue to sell dissected human baby body parts in which they have murdered through permission by the mother. While at the same time doing all of their crimes against the Federal Government and of State Governments under the cover of Medical privacy laws. The politicians who have voted in favor of Planned Parenthood are evil. Just as those at every level of Planned Parenthood are absolutely evil. I invite you to go and watch those videos. If you can still find them.
This sign is about death and deceptions.
:Cop Killings/Murders:
 In the last year Law enforcement persons have been killing innocent and unarmed people. I have seen the actual videos of many. This is a terrible precedent in American society. Even though the numbers of law enforcement personnel shooting people is very low as compared to the entire population of the USA. All of the news media outlets have only caused the common person to think that it is open season against those persons with dark skin tones. Thus, The final outcome will be. When a dark person of color comes into contact with a police officer. They to will shoot first. For fear that the cop has already decided to kill them.
The media is portraying this as racism and the riots which have occurred reflect all of it. The absolute truth of racism is still today not even mentioned anywhere. Except from me and certain native Americans. We are all one relation or family. Many cultures speak historically of the one family of 8 adults who survived the great flood. We are all descendants from those 8 adults. They are all descendents of Adam and Eve. All of this history is in the Holy Bible. Go read it for yourself. History proves that we are all one singular race of human beings. Human DNA Finger printing also proves that we are all one singular human species. By discarding 99% of the identical DNA that we all share in order to identify one specific person. The Human Genome project also proves that more than 99.9% of all of our DNA is identical. Which yet again proves that we are all of one species of human beings. This cannot be argued or refuted in any way. It is an absolute fact that we are all brothers and sisters to one another. So all of racially motivated murders was all based on lies and deceptions being perpetuated by world leader, religious leaders and cultural leaders.
This sign is about death and lies.
:Cecil The Lion:
Well Cecil the Lion was murdered by an American dentist. Why did this even matter. But, apparently to Americans it did and caused an emotional stir of anger and sadness for the old lion.  Here in the USA there are hunting lodges and cabins all over the USA. Many people have head trophys of their kills up on walls. Cabelas stores have trophy's all over their stores. You cannot look anywhere without viewing death in art form. So why did Americans care about this? When so many other atrocities happen every single day in the USA. Child abuse and child trafficking is rampant and yet the USA does not hold a monopoly on child abuse or child trafficking. There is active prostitution of foster kids everywhere. Aged out former foster kids living on the street on their 18th birthdays. No one seems to care about human beings but if you abuse a little kitten or puppy. Jail for you. The priorities of Americans is way off.
Recent comment to the death of Cecil thread.
Death is death. It is all a part of the animal kingdom.The predator takes it's prey for sustenance and for protection from a threat. Humanity or certain Human beings derive pleasure from the killing for no reason other than for enjoyment selfish desires and etc. Yet, I cannot help but to think that this is a test. A test of priorities in caring and thinking. Just as the recent revelation's of Planned Parenthood is also a sign in how we care about life or when to care. Especially, when an organization may be very criminally minded. Miss .......... talks about Pedophiles. The hurting of children. From my perspective Foster care, Child abuse and the aging out of children in foster care. The bottom line of all of these things is Love. When to love? How to Love? Is it OK to Love? Why do we need to love? As an animal based species is hunting regressive or evolutionary for each of us or all of us? or is everything a choice? Then is everything a choice? Which is righteous? worldly, legal, illegal or sinful? Does it matter? No matter the answers given. I still think this is a test or a sign?
This sign is about death and lost priorities.
The USA is no longer a republic nor is the USA a fair and equal democratic form of government. Since President Reagan and other politicians since. They have effectively converted/altered the USA into a profit making system of government for corporations as well as for the politicians who have legalized bribes for themselves. Of course they do not call it bribes. They call it campaign donations. While further making laws which only benefit American Corporations, Foreign Corporations as well as seemingly American Corporations which are mostly owned by foreign nationals. The United States of America is no longer for the people, by the people. All of this has been done in secrecy. With no awareness by any of the American population. Without awareness there shall be no revolution or civil war. The foreign ownership of real and imaginary assets shall be more than enough for the United Nations to assume authority over a declared former USA Government. During some extreme emergency. Where debts are declared to be not payable. The bribed politicians and their families will have already been established within foreign countries. Thus, them and their families protected by foreign entities. This evidence shall be easily seen with their own children already living abroad. With a steady flow of unknown, untaxed and unseen,wealth going to them.
This sign decades in the making. Is the result of every American person. Not taking part in the management of elected officials. Thus, the ongoing neglect from the American people. Shall end in the loss of their country and becoming a non-peoples as defined by the United Nations. This is something that the general American population may never know as the foreign ownership of all of the news media outlets have substantial foreign ownerships. Thus, those foreigners will not want any bad press and actively limit bad news that affects them or other related corporations. For instance the recent limited and scrubbed news about Planned Parenthood. Go and seek out the news in regards of those very revealing Planned Parenthood videos. It is now appearing that all of this news is being scrubbed. Scrubbing news from public view is all manor of wrong.
This sign is about deceptions and the loss of a God given Country. 
Added on 28 Feb 2019:
The Catholic view of when life begins is in error. Life does not begin at conception. Life began with Adam and from a living Adam Eve was taken from the living rib of Adam and formed into a female for Adam. Together Adam and Eve became self replicating human beings. Humans intimately coming together do not create life within a female. Humanity merely perpetuates life assuming both male and female are healthy. The living seed of man merges with the living egg of a female. In the union they each lose their own perspective identities. Then the already existing healthy life grows and becomes a healthy viable baby at term.
If the seed of a man is too weak or dead then there will not be a coming together of the seed and of the healthy living female egg. Thus the healthy living egg of the female ends its own cycle and is flushed out of the female body. If the egg of the female is dead and the seed of a man is healthy, strong and living. The life cycle of the healthy living seed of man will die out inside the womb of a woman.
In other words to simplify. Laws of Life and of the Dead.
If that which is alive is brought to something else which is alive. Then they both live.
If that which is alive is brought to something which is dead. Then that which is living will die and that which is already dead remains dead.
If that which is dead is brought to something which is alive. Then that which is dead will remain dead and that which is alive will die.
If that which is dead is brought to something which is dead. Then they both will remain dead.
This is a truth for all of humanity to know. Humans are not gods and we do not create life. We perpetuate life that was given to us from God and His word (Jesus) and His Spirit.
The only times the laws of Life and of the Dead are altered in any way is only done by God only.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Dimensional Warfare Threats: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2015:

As warfare and plans for warfare become more dimensional . The heartfelt desire to remain within the old and solidly established single dimensional thinking processes. Will sink your warships in unexpected ways and turn your very own old new missiles into war implements re-directed against your own assets.
As modern technology for warfare advances so to does reliability, destructive power as well as pin point accuracy as well as the multiplicity of unseen and unknown threats. Thus, leading the leaders of the world to falsely think and believe that war is survivable. Well at least survivable for the select and chosen group of people. Who will not be the majority common people on this planet or any other.
The expansion of weapons use cannot be controlled. As civilian populations must eventually be targeted and destroyed. In order to limit the number of foot soldiers and those who manufacture weapons of any kind. That is until robotic influences warfare to a degree that the known though that humanity cannot be trusted with absolute evil and immoral orders.  Modern warfare cannot be survived by any group. The select chosen or the rejected commoners. Once modern warfare has been decided. The only survivable option is to already have an established life breathing/giving planet in which you can live in peace. That is until your enemies find you there or that you breed new enemies from within to cause more war for yourselves. Because, the sensitive young ones who love beauty, compassion and mercy. Will see the ugliness and the absence of love within you. Thus, a new beginning of warfare will rise up. This new warfare is not because of them it is because you are absent of Life, Love, Peace, Harmony and righteous law.
In which this is the foundational truth. You are the cause of war. So no matter where you may go. Your extinction will follow you. You cannot survive your own war mindset. Because, you are the creator of war. From this intimate revelation. You shall have no life. Nor anyone who shall be associated with you. Including the hopes you have within your own children.
The Cain mindset only murders that which you love through your own uncontrolled jealous rage. The Cain mindset is that of eventual warfare and death. So any belief system which leads to warfare. Is a belief system of death-total death-extinction. This includes any religion, any political thought or any ideology. 
Is it life that you want? free from your enemies who are genetically more than 99.9% your own brothers and sisters. You must first realize that the theory of the separation and division of the races here on Earth are absolute lies with absolutely zero supporting evidence. The factual evidence of a singular race of human beings is contained within the Holy Bible and has been proven to be accurate with DNA Finger Printing and the completion of the Human Genome Project. Now, It is an absolute fact that humanity is a singular race of one type of people. This cannot be argued or debated by anyone anymore.
So how does any person, any leader or any manager turn away from those false belief systems in which they are deeply rooted in? Or that those false belief systems have become so deep within their Psyche that the false belief systems are who they are. How do you correct this? Can it be corrected? or should death be given to those who are so deep within the false beliefs that they are willing to freely give their lives for the cause? These underlings who have been raised up in the false beliefs most likely have come from the commoners and to return means they shall return to nothing.
The absolute logical law of life. May be just enough to alter a persons controlled thinking processes which have become ingrained within every part of their being. By infusing this absolute logical formula may change begin to take hold. Thus, like a great poison killing all that there was into that which may be. During the course of transformation, Self destruction may be chosen by the person who learns the light truth is overtaking all of the darkness that they have found reward and comfort in. Thus, They may choose to return into the darkness of perpetual sleep and spiritual containment.
**NOTE* I have no idea what spiritual containment is. It does seem to be real and a part of some kind of prelude to justice. The word spiritual containment is my best word for an unknown thing which occurs. If spiritual containment does occur. Then the Judgement may not go well for the spirit which is contained**.
I've already written of this logical formula of life many times and the inverse logical formula of death as well. I do know these are partial formulas and I am only to know this small part it. It's actual logical arrangement is just my best guess. I did fail general math. So, the arrangement would look similar to know scientific formulas with known variables. Like I said these are partial formulas. Just like every scientific formula known or theorized by humanity is in fact a partial formula. I have written about his as well. Good luck finding it if your of interest. I have no clue as to it's location.
Life= Love, Peace, Harmony, Law
Death= Hate, War, Chaos, Lawlessness.
If you mix any aspect of the death formula into the life formula. Death shall result in time.
If you mix any aspect of life formula into the death formula. There is no guarantee and most likely death shall still prevail.
Love is the most powerful element. It is seen as anti-logical in a formula filled with emotions.
True peace can only come from love. True harmony can only come from love. True life can only come from love. Even in death there is total peace, total harmony. In death there is no law or lawlessness. In death there is no Hate. In death there is no chaos. In death there is no war. In death all that there is - is nothingness. No Joy, No Purpose, No meaning, No Hope. I have been there and it is different than hell. Quieter.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

god's Incarnate: god's Gifts: Lamb Slaughter: Guillotines, Conveyors and Death: Lamb Skin Goats: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:

Just as the fallen angel's became their own god's. So to shall the fallen churches shall become their own god's and their pastor's becoming god's incarnate.
When the religion you attend no longer is the path to holiness, righteousness. All that they do is self serving and self glorifying. Know that they are becoming or have become their own god's and idols for you to worship and to celebrate. Even when they encourage you to go off to war or religious conquests. Who profits when  you freely give your life for those humans who encourage you to kill life, to take away peace, to give hatred, to instill chaos? Which is all against the essential teaches of every major religion. The false teachers are not just n Christianity. The false teachers and satans human leaders are in every major religion of the world. Converting them all into satans one world religion.
god's Gifts: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015: 
Any tithe or offering given to a fallen church are gifts to the worldly god's and to the anti-christ's.
All that you give to any fallen church is a gift given to the fallen angels, satan the god of this world.
A fallen church can be easy to see. If you are not a part of that church. Has you church accepted unwilling persons into the church. Who has no intention of giving up their sins? If the answer is yes. Then your church is a fallen church. Has your church stopped preaching sin and wrong doings? If the answer is yes. Then your in a fallen church. Since July 24, 2015. Every church should have been preaching and teaching against all sins. Not just the homosexuality sin. If your church has not. Then it is most likely a fallen church. In the last few weeks. If your church has not taught and preached against abortion in the light of the Planned Parenthood video revelations. Then you should really question why you are not going to any other church. If your church leadership has celebrated and elected active and professed sinning persons. Who have zero intentions of stopping their sins. Why are you going to that church any more? What about righteousness? Is this an alien word in your life? in your church?
Lamb Slaughter: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:
The wealth and freedoms of the world shall be taken away from the helpless lambs of God and to the worldly slaughter they shall go.
The lambs are those Churches, Temples, Mosques and synagogues which holds onto their tenants of Love, Peace, Harmony, life and the Law. Those who also begin to incorporate spirituality, holiness and righteousness. Those who do not use Threat's, Fear's, intimidation's or violence in any expression of their message.
Guillotines, Conveyors and Death: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:
Automated guillotines, conveyor belts of death and into the fiery furnaces of worldly purification they shall all go. This shall be the final prophecy for the Christian, Islam, Hindu and Jew. Those who are also disobedient to the worldly ways of godly goats who have made themselves into god's. 
So why did I include the most popular of all religions? Because if certain aspects of each group fails to fall inline with the coming rules of those fallen angels who pretend to be god's. They all will be slaughtered, all of them. The entire family and all associations. 5+ billion shall die in a short period of time. The Christian, Muslim, Jew and Hindu who follow the small roots of their faith towards the tree of Life. They will love, remain in peace and exist in harmony. From their wisdom shall they all be hunted and exterminated. When they wake up from their physical death and it has become known that God was the last sweet thing to cross their tongue. Their reward shall be known in that moment.
There will be an eventuality once the worldly system has no further use of the religion they have been using as a tool and has been so corrupted that their own curses of selves has already destroyed the whole. Then the entire religion('s) can be wholly destroyed as well as it's history and entire memory. becoming replaced by the established religion of the fallen angels. One religion of the worldly system of the coming beast which is already upon us all.
There is supposed to be an evolution of all of the major religions. When they each begin to see the importance of love, peace, harmony, life and law. They each begin to incorporate elements of the others which will not disagree with theirs. Only the false teachings shall be cast into the spiritual fires. How this shall work. I do not know as it may not be time for humanity to know or it just isn't for me to know. I just only know the singular words. Which also includes spirituality, holiness and righteousness. in total and complete agreement. Either way a one world government. One infused by satan or evolved through human prayer, mediation and contemplation with God and the Holy spirit.
Lamb Skin Goats: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:
godly goats who wear the skins of the pure lambs of God. Shall be those welcoming smiling faces who are accepting of everyone as well as their rightful sins. For they are all anti-christ's and whose god's may not be your One God.
Who are these godly goats who wear the skins of the pure lambs of God? It is easy to find them and to learn all of their false teachings. They shall be the ones who have already turned their backs on God. By becoming the abomination of desolation within their own churches.  They shall be the ones who are all accepting of every person and of every rightful sin. These are the same leaders who are suppose to teach love and yet encourage the young ones to go into wars dress. These are the same leaders of peace who inflames the soul of everyone to make death and destruction.
Just because says "God","Allah" in any kind of sentence. You should not automatically assume that person is talking about The ONE of the all, Over all and Above all. Their teachings and preachings shall inform you. Their actions shall reveal their true nature and whom their god actually is. Love, Peace, harmony, life and the law are those absolute insightful keys which shall open those unknown locked doors for you to discover their truth of deception or of righteousness.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Christian by Mouth prophecy: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2015:

The end of 40 days (04 Aug 2015) is approaching and there has been no Jonah for the American people. Is this evidence of enough is enough or is it still to early in the prophecies? God has been rejected. Ten Commandments Removed. Abortion legalized. Gays rights established. Apathy is rampant. Not even the whole of the Christian community is willing to fight for what is right and true in the Word of God. Can you imagine that no one is willing to stand up for the Word. Kenya is standing up against sin. Mexico is standing up against sin. Not in the USA.
Celebrating those who come out of the shadows of their own closets proclaiming their free right to sin as they publicly will it. Murders us all. You may not see the harm in another person's sin. This is what is does. It does harm you. When the blessings of God are gone and all that remains are those curses upon ourselves. Will you be one of those who curses God for allowing us to become angered at our own experience of self cursing? Or will you be one of those who prays to God to ease the coming sufferings? While still accepting all manor of sin as a free right.
You cannot have it all. 
Free, legal and public sin.
The protections and blessings from God.
One or the other.
In this there is no spoken answer. How you live your life which is either in agreement with Gods standards or not. There is no in between and no none answers. You either do in it's entirety or you don't do in it's entirety. 
This is prophecy where the people begin to curse God for bringing calamity upon us all. When in truth it was us who shall bring the coming calamities. We are at fault and not God.
Because, The entire Christian community has allowed these actions to continue. They shall be the ones who suffers the most. Because, they are only Christian by mouth and not in mind, not in heart, not in spirit and not in life. Thus, Beginning after 04 Aug 2015 and through the next ?30? or so years.  It will be evident that the Christians have lost their good ole USA and the entire planet. Of course it all will not happen on 04 Aug 2015. This is just a beginning date. In order to turn the events around and to regain the USA. The entire Christian community must as a singular unit of people must actively reject all public displays of sin. Every where their is a parade of sin. The entire Christian community must actively be present and engaged in the repelling of all sin. This includes physical establishments of every kind. The Christian community as a whole must not do business with any business of sin and must not allow it to exist. No matter what the local, state and federal laws state. 
But, of course, this shall not happen as prophecy says it won't. But, prophetic events can be altered. By living righteously and holy in the eyes of God. The entire Christina community shall become the enemies within their own country. Which shall be controlled by a great evil influence. Which is already controlled by the evil influence.
Because, in the end of the prophecies. 5+ Billion people will die in a short period of time and then extinction on this planet shall follow in a purifying manor. Those who have built those great defensive cities underground. Shall also perish. The only safe places is far away off planet or by becoming one of the very small remnant of God. Those who may even find refuge within the ancient archeology of this solar system. Shall still find their final resting places.
Years of suffering. You must use Jewish years. For instance.  A few months prior to the years may have a direct relationship. Such as the savings and loan scandal of 1993 which was preceded by Yasser Arafat event on 13 Sept 1993. Also in 1993, The Waco,TX. event which may have been the slaughter or sacrifice of innocents.

1994(5754), 2001(5761), 2008(5768), 2015(5775), 2022(5782), 2029(5789), 2036(5796).
Preppers and Survivalists

You Doomsday Preppers and survivalist. Need to continue to plan and evolve your plans. Grow your skill sets within your personal toolbox. Reach out and create your own real inter web of personal relationships. You will not be able to go it alone. The government will isolate you, surround you, declare you a crazy criminal on all media outlets for instant guilt. Thus, when they do rush in and kill you all. They will be justified with no cries for an investigation by the general public.
It will be necessary to establish your own internal micro-economies and economy exchanges. With those other related groups and of Religious beliefs. Then do no business and have no relationship with any sinner or with those who are even in agreement with a sinners rights/freedoms. These economies will need to establish themselves as private clubs. Such as Sam's and Costco. There is already much legal president for these kinds of businesses.
Your Number one prep that you can do is still preparing the condition of your body, mind, heart and soul. You must freely choose without threat's, fear's or intimidation's, to live your outward and inward lives with righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. There is a difference between being religious and righteous. Yes, The time will come when you will have to leave your church and church friends. For if they or anyone comes to accept sin as a right or freedom. Then you must flee from them ALL. Even entire religions. If it comes to that.
If God wants any of you to endure unto the end and the rapture becomes a false teaching. Then may you all endure unto your end with a godly mind, godly heart and a godly spirit as seen and accepted by only God. If the rapture is true and it will only be known to you personally. Then may you all be willing to be taken without fight, argument or negotiation. Either way eternal life shall be yours.
As with anything. Your mindset is your greatest asset coupled with your training. Shall see you through to the end. So train, train and train. Join together with individual training regimes. Which grows into multifamily, multi group. Leaderships shall not be automatically given to the one who financially gave the most in monies and property. Because, in those dire times. ownership goes to the whole and not individual. All wealth is shared equally. With no top down approach. In those extreme times of drastic survival. There shall be no historical rights of ownership or any legal protections which has protected you.
yet, we have another prophesied and predicted event for Sept 2015. Take them all with a grain of salt but use these events as training for when any event which may actually occur. Whether it be natural, unexplained or man made.
All individual survival training routines shall seamlessly merge into a larger group and that larger groups training routine shall seamlessly merge into those much larger groups.
A reminder. Those individuals, families and groups which rejects all sin from the Word of God may survive and endure unto the end. However that may be defined by God. So if adultery thrives within the group. The whole group shall be overtaken and perish. You would be better off. To send the two adulterers out into the wilderness then to experience the wrath of God upon the whole group. Read about Balaam and Balak. Numbers 22-26. Do not become like those who curse themselves, their families or their nations. This includes you.
It shall be better for you to cast out your sinful sons and daughters then it is for the whole of the family to be destroyed and to be made extinct. For in those days when the prophecies are openly revealed to everyone and yet they continue to sin. They have made their decision and have chose physical and spiritual death. In those days they will no longer be able to freely change their own minds. God has taken that away from them. Even though they know the outcome to come. They know they cannot change and this is not a will not change.While the angrily disobedient is willful in their decision to remain disobedient. Those ones who cannot change their ways have already been judged and must play their parts accordingly to Gods will.
Added on 02 July 2015: 1834 Hrs.:
All of you doomsday preppers. Who are already self sufficient and self prospering. It is time for all of you who are righteous in your living to come together as a singular self supporting unit. Your numbers shall grow and become as large as a small town. Being a newly created small town. You must continue to reject all sinners from entry into your small town. To go and come together. Lift up your roots and find like heart spirits who are righteous in living, in spirit, in mind, in heart, in body. Those who are like you will come but so to those evil ones who know the difference between the true light and the fake lights of the fallen angels who still want to be gods all to themselves. All must be tested as one tests the spirits and angels. Even the good and righteous angels must be tested with respect. Because, You still must be accepting of the chosen ones of God. No matter their skin tone or national origin. So, if you want to remain or become righteous. You must sever your ties to any racially motivated or isolated group who pretends to be religious. That won't be enough. Because, if you choose to become righteous because of any fear's, threat's or intimidation's. That may just be enough for God to not know you. Even though you are a gifted theologian, preacher or Holy Bible teacher.
But still prepare to permanently keep your bug out bags at the ready. In that time just as the Jews of old had to flee. So to all of you. If you decide to keep the faith. The time shall come when all must take the mark and those who do not shall thirst, starve and be without new clothing. They who do not take the mark shall have no ownership rights whatsoever. Whatever that mark shall end up being.
Other Doomsday Prepper Blogs:
Added on 03 Aug 2015:
This work was re-published on Freedom Preppers News paper.
Thank you to the Freedom preppers team for selecting my work to be republished. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 