Friday, January 11, 2013

Invading Empath: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2013:

The wolf in sheep's clothing can easily hide amongst the good sheep. The undisciplined mind of the empath can become clouded by the quantity of good thoughts and emotions, which surrounds the empath. So much so the one or few bad minds can be dismissed as some kind of back ground residual clutter. C.J.MacKechnie
Being an Empath is one of the Christs gifts from GOD. God doesn't hand out instruction manuals with any of the gifts. So, one must learn as you pray, as you meditate and  as you go. Learning as you go is the real world lessons to be learned. Learning these real world lessons should be all that it is supposed to be and without any negative emotional tags applied. The logical approach is to ask those questions of where you are lacking and where your were accurate. Then apply the necessary actions to achieve whole development.
:Warning: Actively Invading and trespassing into other peoples minds is wrong. At this point in time just focusing upon an individuals mind in a passive receptive mode is probably the best. Because the individual is actively transmitting their own thoughts and emotions constantly out in the open. This is not trespassing.
But focusing upon another persons mind to actively retrieve thoughts, emotions and intentions is wrong.
But, what about looking into the minds of a suspected bad person?
What if the suspected bad person turns out to be good? Then you became the bad person who trespassed.

Transmitting is just like receiving any signal from any source.
Receiving is just like listening to any radio signal from any transmitted source.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Patriot Pay: (Unedited): 10 Jan 2013:

A truly unbeatable patriot is one who accepts as their only paycheck. Righteousness, Honor, Truth and integrity.  C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot defeat the person who is willing to fight by principle only. A person who fights for justice, morality, freedom and peace. Does not need a leadership or teacher who is concerned with maintaining morale, focus and the will to fight. The true patriot understands that they are not fighting for themselves or for the generation who is alive in the here and now. Their fight and ultimate sacrifice is for the generations to come.
Those who have a selfish form of justice will become imprisoned and die. Those who have an excessive definition of freedom without responsibility will discover insanity and a hopeless death.  Those who lack the resolve of character will suffer great mental and spiritual torment and then a lonely death. Those who question the meaning and purpose of their fight will lose their peace, will to fight and will die without struggle. A great suffering of never ending torment and pain will be the reward of the person who discovers they are or were the evil ones as they die by their own hand.

Inga scott Dream: (Unedited): 09 Jan 2013:

I had a dream last night about eating in the garage of a person who told me her name was "Inga Scott" and something about "Textures".
In the dream I think I was with my father and we had to be secretive. Well, Eventually I had to use the facilities. Which happened to also be in the garage. Go figure.
The garage seemed to be large and very crowded. 
If the person I was with is my father. Well, he has passed two years ago.
Inga Scott is not a name I've ever heard of or have any associations with.
What would textures mean?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gift Inspired: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Encouraging and inspiring one another is a joyful gift that we all share with one another repeatedly. C.J.MacKechnie 
 Mentoring one another is the same as a prophet who positively speaks words of a wonderful world to come. If and when each of us can purge from ourselves the apathy which contaminates our sickened hearts. We will discovered a sudden healing and a restoration of our full humanity. The ability to care and love one another no matter their position, the family name or status in life. To lift up your fellow human being without any expectation of any accolade or reward.
 Just think about this.
To positively inspire your brother and sister no matter their parentage. Uplifts and improves all of humanity. To teach why it is important to do the right things in life, without fear or intimidation. Improves all of humanity and not just yourself.
To care for all children, even if those children were unfortunate to be born to bad parents. By taking up the mantle to instruct, raise up and to love these unfortunate children. Not only do you improve one life but you improve all of humanity. To push away and reject one unfortunate child only seems like you are affecting only one person. But, in truth you are affecting every human life with the spread of the apathy within you. Just look at the mentally ill, homeless and crime which seems to surround you and is everywhere. Who do you think is a contributor to all of the evil you witness in some manor? You are and all of the people who think of themselves as being good without doing any actual good works. A good person will do actual good works is truly a good person. While a person who deceptively believes they are good will do nothing except maybe write a minimal check for some cause from time to time. A bad person is not so dis-illusion-ed as the self deceptive good person who does nothing. The bad person knows they are a snake and cares not for whom ever they may choose to inject their venom into. Why do I use the word venom. Because unlike a simple bite which has a beginning and an end. The venom continues to work it's poison long after the bite is gone. Apathy is a poison. 
Will your gift today to your brother and sister be joyful or one of venom? It is always one of those choices which must be made continuously and often.

Space Sports: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

The evolution of sports can be adapted to space warfare. Two dimensional combat as seen in sports like soccer, football and basketball will evolve into multidimensional space warfare. C.J.MacKechnie
Just like in open space. The courts and fields are wide open. Your advisory is right in front of you and around you. The knowledge learned in sports can be logically applied to space warfare. With the addition of multiple dimensions.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Stars Picket: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

When gaining control and authority over any solar system. The stars must first be captured. A complete defensive picket must completely surround the stars. While incorporating aggressive attacking elements. Which can be semi-autonomously strike for a prescribed distance, hold for a time and then return to original set positions.  C.J.MacKechnie
To observe any star system which has inter stellar intelligent life. One must look for anomaly's in the polar orbits of the central star or binary systems at various distances. Any intelligent people who has control and authority over their solar system. Will have obvious and easy to observe platforms. Declaring we are here and this is ours.
In Binary systems. The greatest source of energy to be obtained is in the middle of the two stars. Depending of distance. If the binary is a stable system. In which there is minimal energy being robbed to the dominant star.

Civilizations which have conquered planet and star creation. Odd star systems should be seen. Meaning a central star and various other stars in stable equal orbits around the central star. Perfection and equality should be easily seen in these created solar systems. In the polar orbits of these systems. You may not see any defensive platforms. As any other lesser civilizations will know the system by simple observation and not approach unless accepted by that civilization.

Any civilization which has not conquered the ability to control the programmable intelligence within atomic structures. Will have a need for resource acquisition from planetary bodies and stars. Even if they pretend to be God like. Which they will not be gods. So, when a greater civilization contacts a lesser civilization. They begin to make trades for resources or for genetic knowledge. However that occurs. They are not as superior as they make themselves out to be. Be warned of contaminated gifts. Such as medicines, sciences and technologies. Each one begins an addiction of helpless behaviors without them.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Pattern Formations: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

Military movement formations in space shall include shapes such as spheres of various kinds, con-caves, convex-es and cylinder cones. Then integrating multiple formations to create attack and defensive patterns. C.J.MacKechnie
Spheres with multifaceted perturbations can have a myriad of functions and purposes.  A sphere cannot be attacked from any direction in surprise. A cylinder cone can be that aggressive of a point of attack. Con-caves and con vexes can be a focus of energies or points of highlight. Or to create pickets of a particular direction of observation.

For instance. You observe a number of spheres under it's own power in the direction of your central star. In which you observe these spheres slowing down as they approach your star. They immediately align themselves in polar orbits. First very close and you observe anomalies coming from the star and into the spheres. Without any apparent damage. What has just happened is your star has just been captured. Those who control the stars control the solar system.
Each of these spheres can be as large as a planet. From within the spheres comes forth their attack ships. In which they align themselves in cone like formations. These formations begin to place themselves in the polar orbits of any planet which has what they desire. Once polar orbits has been established. The control of the solar system becomes certain. Because, the easiest source of energy is from the stars. Any attacking or defending military force must get to the central star, in order to replenish their energy reserves. Isn't this a current naval strategy in human history and today? Top off everything before going into battle. Then keeping in close proximity to your fuel supplies. The central star or binary stars are the fuel sources.
Then if planetary control is becoming difficult. Start throwing asteroids at the planets. If that is too drastic of a measure. Then realign your spheres to block all sun light from hitting the planet. In less than 24 hours. The atmosphere collapses and condenses. 


  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
