Showing posts with label Prophets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophets. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

Prophets Prophetesses: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2014:

Yee, Prophets of the world and for the world. The time has come when all of those dire events planned and created by all of your leaders. You cannot see them because a hundred hundred things must happen simultaneously.
This is why you cannot see the single events. Because, they are all confused one upon another in a single moment in time. It would be like trying to watch all of your HD Cable T.V. Channels all at once.
Every person has the ability to be a prophet or a prophetess. Do not begin with trying to see the end of the whole world. Because, the whole of the world is full of billions and billions of minds, of choices and intentional actions. Which of the all has there own individual impacts locally which translates into the global.
Begin, first with your own life and the future of it. Then  graduate to those whom you have close and mutual relationships with. Then again graduate to predicting your locale. Then to your state, your region and etc.
Added on 18 April 2019: It is not enough to affect change by simple predicting. You and each person must be doing those positive and good things to effect necessary change. All of this goodness and those good works must be based on a foundation of love for one another. For if you do not have a foundation of love. Then all of your good works will be yours alone. That is until you become deeply weary and worn out.
Those gifted persons who begin this journey of becoming a genuine prophet or prophetess within your own locale. Then through networking together can you each then create a patchwork of prophecy.
Added on 18 April 2019: The prophets and mentors must become one and the same being. With love as the stitch work which binds them together. By aligning and joining with those who are the doers. This is where bad and sad prophecies become like vapor at the rising of the morning sun. Just like with Jonah and Nineveh at their very last moment. When all they could do was to humble themselves and repent. So in a way Jonah was wrong but, it was a good kind of wrong which lasted about forty years. Then Nineveh was still destroyed.
Always, remember the other side of the prophecy coin, which is the mentor side. Mentoring must be applied when the listener is actively engaged in fundamental change of their own beings direction.
Added on 18 April 2019:
To do so any other time will be like good water being poured upon a very dry rock.
Always, remember it should be desirable for you to want any bad and sad prophecy to be false. In which it becomes false when you apply your directional words of mentoring. The words of the mentor are those necessary things which need to be spoken to the person who has already ceased in their wrong direction. The words of prophecy needs to stop a person by their own understanding and free choice. While the mentoring words give the new more positive direction in which motion can be applied by the person of their own free will.
Added on 12 March 2019, 18 April 2019:
Be wary of the prophet or prophetess who desires only to be right and first in predicting any bad and sad event. All bad and sad prophecies are meant to be prevented or mitigated to some degree. Which is why the prophet and prophetess must also speak those words in how to mitigate and/or prevent the bad and sad occurrence. Just like Joseph in The Holy Bible of Egypt. Even though Joseph had an Egyptian name. A slave doesn't even have ownership of his own name. Then what about a convicted and imprisoned slave? Even in the United States when slavery was lawful. Those slaves already had their own names. They were given new names and lost their languages.
Added on 18 April 2019:
The prophecies in the Holy Bible is direct proof to all of humanity that God loved us and still loves us all. Because, if God did not love us then why warn us? Do you as a human not warn your own children of the dangers of the stove or electricity or of playing in the streets or of making of wrong friends and etc? Do you not love your own children? Do you not desire your own children to be free of harm and accidents? So to God loves each of us-all of us. Which is why their are so many prophecies in The Holy Bible. So when your in church celebrating and worshiping an angry God for coming and destroying everything. This is not wise nor is it the intention of God. The intention of God for all of humanity is for us to read and live by the purple words below. All of it by our own free choice and not because we have too because we have to like some slave. We choose to live by the purple words because it is the right thing to do.
Evil is when you do nothing and allow evil to happen. Just so that God will do what He has said He was/is going to do. God does the prophetic things because He has judged. Which means all or most of humanity is in the wrong and has succumbed to evil. Why do you think the last two witnesses of God is killed in the street and all of the world knows it directly and then celebrates like it was Christmas. The whole world celebrates their victory. Then they all physically die as the world is purified with fire. Yea, that went well. Not even Christians want to discuss that part or the part where only two of the churches are not rebuked. I think they were the church or Smyrna and Philadelphia.
Note: Everything I write you must do your own due diligence. Your required to pray and have your Holy Bible at hand and in hand. This writer is a deeply flawed human being. It is the message which is important and not the messenger. I can be deceived as I am less than a worm and less than a maggot in comparison to those who reside in the heavens. So, if satan can speak through Peter then who am I? I am just a janitor and not a very good one. If satan can use the inherent flaws and sins of Judas to cause him to sell Jesus. Then who am I? I was not chosen to walk with Jesus in the knowing and physically. I am not worthy to be. I'm not even worthy to be tested like Job as I have been like Jobs friends.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, September 12, 2014

Prophecies End: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2014:

Not complete. Ordering problems. Out of order. Tangents. Myriad of problems. 
The end quote is complete.

The end of all prophecies shall come as it was written by the Holy Word. The end of humanity shall come by their own choices. Once humanity chooses the path of war, death, chaos and hatred. Then God will take away their free will just has He has done with the entire fallen angels. They will not know it either.What this means is:
World political leaders such as heads of states as well as every other branch of Governments will lose their free will in accordance to the prideful sin in their lives as well as which God or gods they follow. This will be seen by the righteousness, absence of righteousness or anti-righteousness within their personal and professional lives.
a well as many other national leaders around the world.

How you the common person will see this? You will see proclamations in public how each leader will react to any threat no matter if it is political, economic or military. Military protectionism will become common place in regards to ones own economy. The acquisition of more and more military assets in regards to real estate which includes the creation of building islands as China is doing.

Reactionary actions in a two dimensional sense which defies logic and embroils the whole world in war and economic distress, is not rational even to your own people. This is how freedom to choose becomes lost. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping both seem to have lost their own freedom of making decisions based in logic and reason. Even though they each may effectively argue my comments. It is still the way it is. In today's world a national leader is responsible for their own actions and should be basing all of their decisions on what is best for the whole world and not just for their little corner of it. Because, if their decisions harm the world they in effect harm themselves. Even into extinction.

Can the Russian and Chinese leaders just stop preparing for war and rededicate their resources towards the planets? It is just a simple decision and yes an easy one. The United States of America has quit the space race.
 In which all of their science and research will begin to zero out and flat line. In which those Countries who had not planned for the eventuality of no longer considering the USA as their cornerstone for their economy will suffer greatly. Maybe as soon as 2015 or even 2022 maybe as long as 2029. Hopefully 2029. That would mean more time. The fall of the USA is coming. There is no longer any public evidence of anything great being created. The politicians of the USA have given everything away. Is this a tangent? yep. stop. stop. stop.
Quitting the space program in favor of more and more social programs. Is like shooting yourself with a Chinese made pistol. While arming, training and conditioning the police forces to treat the civilian population as enemies of the state. Tangent.  Stop. stop. stop. 
If Russia and China would just re-purpose their monies into space instead of their military's. Their technological advancements would easily surpass the USA in twenty years. While at the same time creating economic markets outside of the USA would go a long way in stabilizing the worlds economies when the USA collapses financially. The collapse of the USA is certain unless the collective civilian population can make a righteous turn away from sins and decadence's. It is possible but very improbable at this point in time.
I remember writing about how the timeline was changing because of what I had wrote. I could feel everything changing just by writing it on here. The threads of possibilities multiplying. In this case I feel nothing of any time changes. This may mean nothing at all as I may not be in the correct frame of mind or I am in the correct frame of mind and nothing is altered. This is not pride or ego. I really want the for all of the bad and sad prophecies to end and to change. Right now the only hope for that is if Russia and China makes their changes in their military build-ups right now. Mr. Putin just look up and reach for it all. Mr. Jinping just gaze upwards and go. This will be far more profitable than anything you are doing right now with your military. China is much respected for their long term strategy and planning.
Do not fall into The USA's trap. It will be an ugly trap. Russia and China both know the USA's secrets. Reveal them all. Reveal all of the secrets to the world's populations. They can handle it. Yes, they can. Do not believe the lies that the world will end. The world as it is right now will end if Russia and China continues their military buildups. The reason as to why I am picking on Russia and China is because one is like a brother while the other like that wise old uncle. Except the brother seems to be affiliated with mobsters and the wise old uncle has become senile. Yep, insults always works. nope.
I think I'm all feely right now. Which is not good logically.
I'm repeating myself. The USA will financially fall as of right now. I've already written about it. That has not changed. So all of the monies that Russia and China are spending on their military's against the Evil American threat will all be for naught. Because, the political power of the USA is still causing your neighbors to ramp up their own military's against your actions. This is all reactionary. So, if you stop then they will stop. This is the essence of leadership within the world. If you go into space with an eye for peace, science and exploration. Everyone will follow you both Russia and China. You both will become the new heroes of the world. That is what this world needs right now. While you go off into space. Divide up the former USA as part of their re-payment program. Although, I believe I said. Russia just takes Alaska back.

As of right now. Russia and China are two of the keys to Humanities survival. If they can escape from the reactionary mind set. Then maybe the world can continue to exist. What do you think is going to happen when the leaders of the world all begin to react to everyone's reactions? EXTINCTION!!! Because of an out of control situation.
I am in a fixing the world mode. Maybe, it is because I'm just a guy.
How can a prophet merge with a mentor? The future is always certain of it's existence. While not so much for humanity.
This started as:
The religion which kills the most good wins. but really loses as humanity shall become extinct.
Good means Love, Peace, Harmony, Life, Compassion, Mercy, Gentleness, Kindness, Innocence,  Honesty, Righteousness, Godliness, Purity, Honor, and etc.
Then came:
The realization of common peoples. That their defined enemy has no civilian population and no innocent persons. What this means is: The women are having as many babies as possible and their children are being conditioned, taught and raised to kill you. So by simplified and reasonable deduction. Kill them all. Kill their women and kill their children. Becomes the action of the common civilian people. it will not matter who or how the "State" police agencies protect these militant enemies amongst the civilized population. All parties will be in the wrong. In time it will be everyone against everyone else. Faction against faction. Differences against differences. Sin and wrong doing will be seen as a right of selfish survival.

These attacks are just the beginnings:
Our countries politicians have given permission for the enemy to migrate here (In your Country) for an opportunity for freedom. That gift was under a false pretense. They are the enemy and are an invading force which is multiplying rapidly. The enemy is within and any action by the State will be seen as evil and uncivilized.

A change has occurred. A change which will cause God to take away free will from most of humanity. What this change is, I have no idea. There was a change and it may have been with the current President Barack Obama. I have not seen his last speech to the American people. A decision has been made.

The leaders of the world will be the first to lose their free will. The evil which resides within their heart will over shadow their minds reason. Thus, causing an inability for self thinking. Their minds will be open to angelic demonic thought controls.

The leaders of the world are as  follows. National leaders, Political leaders, Corporate leaders, Religious leaders, Social leaders, Cultural leaders, Racial leaders. They have been put into their positions by the god of this world. He who is Lucifer, Satan, Devil or is is called by other descriptions.
These world leaders will become purely reactionary. Meaning that they each will respond to any and all threats in a likewise threatening manor. The world leaders will no longer have the ability to choose wisely and rationally. Before, Military weapons automation can become fully realized and self replicating. The civilian population of the world must reject all military service and even police services where they have become just another military force (SWAT). Such as in the USA. Although, This is very improbable for the civilians of the world to reject military service. As military service has become a step up for those persons who have nothing and are from nothing. The decision to have something of the world or go back to nothing within the world? Very tough decision especially, when the military person may be providing finances to their family members. This is strong governmental motivation used to insure the military person obeys.  

I still think it is still a little early to identify all of the satan's of the world. One of the signs for world war. Is in the military build up and modernization programs. The acquisition of lands of strategic importance and values. Look at Russia and China. How are they each acquiring real estate or creating it? Look at each of their progress and you can logically determine when and how they each can become a dominant military influence upon the world or the seas first.  2020-2025?. Most military leaders have learned from Adolph Hitlers impatience. If Adolph Hitler had waited 6 months to 5 years. The world may have been his. So expect a little more patience from this new generation of world leaders.
The projected countries as of today should be Russia, China, Japan, India. The USA falls after 2020 according to those who have made reasonable calculations. This is not an instant fall but a steady decline for the USA. 
Only the most talented of gifted people will be able to see the newest of weapon concepts which will be in use in the next great human wars. In order to know and understand what it is you are seeing. You must increase your knowledge within the technical sciences. If you the gifted person does not increase your knowledge base. Then you will not know the differences between science fiction and science fact. This will become a confusion within you and thus a source of contamination of messages given.
Lucifer desires the destruction of humanity as what has been done to Lucifer by God and His Angelic forces led by Michael The Arch Angel.

It will be Lucifer who will act upon humanity but it is God who has taken away the free will of Lucifer who knows not of the loss of his own free will. So to has/will humanity has lost/lose their free will and they each know not.
To go against God is futile into the infinite.

An inaccurate comparison of God, the angels and humans. God is to the angels as angels is to humans as humans is to simple apes.

The errors of my own understanding.
Humans are greater than apes. But only in a very limited sense. Humans cannot control apes without use of some kind of physical force, coercion, training or mind altering medications. Humans can do little else. Certain apes can quickly over power and kill humans.

Certain classes of angels are very powerful. They can alter you in any way without physical contact. They can erase your memories without any physical contact. They can cause you to believe what ever they will it and without any physical contact. Just their physical presence can even harm the human being even if the angel has no intention of harming the human being.

GOD can do all and everything to any class of angels. Even if you or I have never even conceived of it. With or without their knowledge. The physical presence of God to a human being destroys the human being. God can raise a human being from the dirt. It matters not if the person has ever lived or how long they have been dead.
Prophets words of warning for a more hopeful future..

Mentors words of encouragement for a more hopeful future.
The separation and division of all of humanity based on the color of skin is a lie. The separation and division of all of humanity based on any physical attribute is also a deception.
Race is a De-humanizing thought made into a truthful action with it's origins based in lies and deceptions. The act of racism is a truthful action from a person or a group of persons who believe that the separation and division of the races is a truth. There is not many races which is separated by skin tone or ethnic origins. There is one human family.
Any leader who leads or wants to lead a thing and proclaims the falsely believed truth of the multiple races is either deceived and cannot think for them-self or is a liar. Either way. They cannot and should not be a leader of any thing. C.J.MacKechnie
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc? How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink much alcohol? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact supporting the division of the races.  In which there is one human race on this planet.
Added on 15 Sept 2014:
The prophecies seem to be at a stand still. The prophecies are not fading away but are becoming more prevalent. When the prophecies which are within the mathematical puzzle of the universe begins to merge together. That is when they will all begin to manifest. I am only capable of seeing just a few of the prophetic puzzle pieces. Just as others who are alive right now and in their own little corner of our shared planet can see however many prophetic puzzles they each are aware of.
Each of the logical prophetic puzzle pieces will begin to come together to form a very horrific picture of doom, destruction and death. The merging process will be slow at first and not noticeable by any human. In time the speed of the merging will become faster and faster. Thus, easy to see and those who are the most sensitive and gifted may not wish to remain. Doom, Destruction and Death will be total.
My use of the word puzzle, is because the human mind can only see snapshots of the total logical picture of the universe without causing harm to the human mind. The spirit within each of us is a buffer for the information. That information can even be dumbed down to the human mind for the best understanding and wisdom gleaned. While at the same time lacking in knowledge. The level of knowledge given to the human mind from the spirit being may be directly related to the educational background achieved by the human brain. Not awarded.
For instance if you have been awarded a boat load of degrees and certifications and yet your still as dumb as a rock. Forget about it. Such as cheating or open book test scores.
Prophecies from all over the world exists and they are about every place and every people. They are all meant as warnings and not certainty's. This is the hope of all prophecies.
 When the prophetic puzzle pieces from all over the world merges into one horrific picture, all prophecies end.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Prophets and Mentors: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2014:

The person or peoples who ridicules the prophets and discounts the mentors. Suffers the fate of the world. 
One should always listen to the mentors and prophets. Especially, if their words are more than plausible.
The mentors of the world seem to be those who want to steer you into the best kind of life which is possible for you. If you so choose to heed the mentors wonderful words of probability.
The prophets are also the same as the mentors. except they are the bringers of warnings. The prophet wants you to stop doing what ever it is you are doing. If not then the very probable doom and gloom shall come to you and to your people.
The mentor and prophet are one and the same. The direction of message is the same. Just spoken differently. As a matter of fact. A mentor can also wear the hat of the prophet.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Prophecy States: Unedited: 04 July 2014:

The elements of water, air and earth know the end is soon to come. Yet, we humans define any change as the end. When it is never the end only the sudden change of all things. Even in prophecy it is all about change with a possible intelligent understanding. Yet, so many humans who think of any prophecy as communicated by any intelligent source declares all prophecies as an absolute. This is incorrect as any prophecy is only a probability of occurrence.  If that occurrence be an absolute then a mitigation can alter an absolute outcome of total destruction or total extinction.
Humanity is the biggest enemy of the self (Itself). The Prophets of God as defined by every culture have spoken the words of events to soon come. Most of which have incorrectly tied the prophetic events to be some kind of final Judgement put on the evil deeds of the people or even the whole planet. The truth is harder to cope with. Just as I was wrong as a child to blame God for all of my own pains and sorrows. It is also wrong for you to blame God for whatever you define as your own perceived pains and sorrows. Debate as you will but eventually you will discover that it is truly bad people who do bad things by their own free will. It is not God who has done those bad things to you or has even allowed it to happen. Even on a planet of created beings who were made free. Free to do as they will. Free to suffer their own consequences of their own actions at every level of their global society.

Here in the USA. A major change is to come. Which will be decidedly planned as an end. But, with any planned ending comes a new beginning and that is the purpose. Even if there are to be much suffering and death. Even if the new beginning has been planned out by very intelligent and patient generational evildoers. Because, in the case of this modern humanity. The end of this now old modern world will give birth to a new ultra modern world. A new world which will only cater to the select generational minority and the rest shall be enslaved. A planet full of generational slaves who will know nothing else than their designed place in life.
But, things will go wrong for those selected humans who will be in charge of this new world to come. As has been done in the past by those who are so far superior to mere humans. So will it be done again. The fallen will perish and the near total human population will mindlessly follow the fallen to their own deaths. Even into war with the angels of the I AM. There will be no mercy in this war.

Consider this a last warning for Americans and the world. Since there is not a replacement for the elder Billy Graham. There is and has been an absence of great Christian spokespersons within the USA and world. This is a sign. When there is not a definitive person who speaks and has that spiritual presence as Billy Graham has/had. This is a sign for the USA and it is not a good sign.
I shall be one of the many who welcomes The great Billy Graham into the Heavens. Even though I still live in this human form in this present day. Anything is possible when in a timeless state of being.
 All dates are for God. God does and will manipulate the actions of others for HIS own benefit. Especially, those who are in a (judged) state of reprobation. Those who are in a (judged) state of reprobation no longer have the freedom to change into a good person, a good religion, a good church/synagogue/mosque/temple, A good city, a good nation or even a good planet. The fires of purification come.
I do believe that Anne Graham Lotz may be onto something for the coming date of July 07 2014. She has asked everyone to pray and fast.
Except I think this date should be extended through July 22 28, 2014. With another warning for after the passing of The Great Billy Graham. For how much time. I'm uncertain. Either way, You should prepare.

This is what will be of importance. You the individual common person. Must do of your own free will. Must do because you internally know it is the right thing to do. All without duress, threat or fear or intimidation of any kind.

Flee from all sin.
Repent of all of your sins.
Sin no more.
Love one another.
Live in peace with everyone.
Exist in harmony with all things.
Life is important.
Endure and remain faithful to the end.

By doing those things in purple. You will be starting on a new journey for yourself. Even if you are or were as bad of a person as I was, or even worse. If you can still calmly choose to do good without any expectancy of any reward or accolade. Then you may still not be in reprobation. But, the last evil deed you ever do will cause the judgement of reprobation upon you and you will not even be aware of it. That judgement is of God and not of any human being or angel. No mater their status or level of Angel.

I still believe that all of the bad and sad prophecies ever communicated can be altered, prevented and or mitigated. 

Although the probability of my belief seems to be becoming more of a slight possibility.
It might be a very good idea to divest yourself from NYC and to leave the entire region ASAP. Forever.
Do you live or own property down stream the Hoover dam or in Las Vegas. Divest and leave.
Added on 07 July 2014:
 Corrected an extended date from 22 July thru 28 July. The date may yet still be incorrect. It may be the 20th of July 2014.

Out of planned chaos brings forth a new planned order. Look for a planned event to precede any fundamental change. There shall always be much suffering and death through any planned chaos and then more suffering and death when a planned corrective order emerges. Which will all be explained away. All decent-ion will be ridiculed.
Added on 09 July 2014:
Well another date has passed 07 July 2014. No major event within the USA. The window can still be through the 22nd or 28th of July of 2014. I think it is unlikely. The year 2014 for the Muslim holidays can be in error as 2015 and 2016 is also plausible.
There is also a theory that the IMF is gonna take over all of the money and it must destroy the USA financially. So, goes the dates of 07-20 July 2014. All because of a video from the woman in January who for some odd reason counted numbers of the occult. Go to the paranoid sites for her video. I forget her name. The queen of the IMF. Not really the queen. Just forgot her title and name.
Think about this. Lets just say you have a nuclear weapon and a form of delivery system. As soon as you can get the two devices together and set up prearranged flight plans. Would you just go or wait for a special date where you add numbers together or the special dates of your chosen celebrated day? I just don't buy it. I think a celebrated day would be the one of your own creation and not of one to be copied.
Although, I still think the passing of Billy Graham is a sign against the USA and the world. Simply because there is no one who has replaced this great man and that is a sign. The last great Christian. The other signs is the fall of the Christian religion one denomination at a time. Hence, The fallen cross will be worn to celebrate the final fall of Christianity.
I do think it is important to attempt to delay the near extinction of all humanity. Even if the great Billy Graham must be artificially kept alive for as long as possible. Yep, and that would be cruel for the family and yet a benefit for humanity. Interesting concept if you believe that the great Billy Graham is and always has been a prophecy key. I myself do believe it. I also, think that as long as Billy Graham is alive in some fashion. That the final days of mankind may be prolonged and of course what would GOD do or allow HIS angels do? If the Graham family and organization decided to artificially keep Billy Graham alive. Would GOD and HIS angels intervene? Well, GOD is gonna do what GOD is gonna do and he don't need any human permission or interpretation to do HIS own will.

Well, I incorrectly thought that The great Billy Graham has retired. Well, here is some news for July 07, 2014. About a new production of Billy Graham slated for release on 07 Nov 2014: His 96th Birthday. I'm smiling about this event.
Added on 04 May 2017:
I just found this. Someone in Russia read it, I think. I made a few changes. The blue words to purple. A couple of word errors. Which changes the meanings. Yes, I'm a writer who doesn't write very well. Just find the meaning and real message from my mistakes. I do the best I can.
New York  and the Hoover Dam have not been destroyed. The great Reverend Billy Graham is still alive. I still think he is one of the keys to prophecy. I still think that so as long he remains alive. There is hope for us all. As of today, I do not think there is a replacement for this great man. That should be a very real concern for anyone who follows and charts prophecies. No matter your culture or religion.
God will Judge all of us. This judgement is based on our collective evil even though we each will be individually judged. For many they will become the living judged and thus prevented from freely choosing of becoming a good being. In the grand scheme of things. Prophecy does not matter. Only your personal decision to be obedient to the laws of God by your own free choice. The purple words above.
I still think in order to prevent all of the bad and sad prophecies ever spoken or written in human history. Can be completely altered, mitigated and or prevented. No matter the culture or religion. This is through the purple words above and below.
What is interesting is I have been following dates for many years now. I actually try to find those date setters who specifically say were all gonna die on some set date. Every year I find a dozen or so date setters and so far they are always wrong. But, eventually someone will nail the date or come really close. So what!!! what is the point of knowing the date that human extinction begins and everyone knows it. Should we all not try to prevent it? Isn't it more than just depending on some new technology or resource. What if it is about the purple words below. What if the indigenous peoples have one of the keys? Should we want to be in the good graces of all of our Heavenly Father. Should we all just continue to sing and dance when HE and HIS SON return in wrath and Judgement? The Christians seem to be only singing and dancing at his coming. While at the same time doing nothing and accepting sin into their holy places. But, the state or coming end of the world via a purifying fire is not all about what the Christians do or don't do. It is about all of humanity. Even the Russians and Islamic peoples. Even the Chinese and Indians. Even the ultra modern humans and the indigenous peoples. End of days prophecies is about all of us everywhere. Because, you may feel safer becoming a doomsday prepper in America or by following the concerns of the Russian leadership for you to prepare for an attack by the west and America. Either way it doesn't matter much. When the purification by fire upon the entire planet cannot be survived while on the planet. Not even by the political elites in any country hiding away in their DUMB COG's. The entire planet may become a liquid molten ball of fire. That is one interpretation of Bible prophecy. This may be defined by God as a must because of the complete contamination of the planet by human beings. Only God knows and He doesn't send me any emails and I'm not a prophet.
A last note. Maybe? Have you ever seen or known of a prophecy actually coming true? Actually lived as it was unfolding and watching it through? I have only recently and it was through a completely different culture and religion. A key word has been pressed into my mind. It is "Confluence". It became pressed as I was just looking through some native tribe news in regards to the Grand Canyon. The word confluence just stuck even when my mind went elsewhere. Then comes the Standing Rock Protest of North Dakota and the Black Snake Prophecy of the tribes up there. The dimensionality of the prophecy and I know it is linked to other prophecies as it is even linked to the actual confluence of the rivers. This is even ongoing today, as the black blood of the black snake may only right now be flowing. I watched it for 10 months. I know there are people who only want to destroy the planet, while others just mindlessly obey their orders for a paycheck.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 28, 2013

In The Heavens: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2013:

How would you begin to live your life and treat others? If the truth as spoken of in the Holy Texts "In the Heavens" Actually means all that you can gaze with your eyes on a clear dark night. Which of course includes our Earth and our solar system making it's own journey around our Milky way galaxy in the heavens. 
Would you begin to see those around you or even on the other side of this small planet Earth as your brothers and sisters? Would you be able to stand up for what all of the prophets of old have basically tried to teach everyone?

To Love one another.
Live in Peace.
Exist in Harmony.

 Could you stand up against all of your human leaders and reject everyone whom they declare as the enemies?
Would you today and right now lay down your weapons and cease your march in the direction of the enemy defined by someone else and just go home to your family? I know your thinking of reasons and making up excuses as to why you cannot. If every soldier, warrior and fighting person every where just went home. There will be no Jail, no torture, no dishonor, no executions. There would be no one to do it for any leadership. The leadership of any kind obtains and receives all of their power through other people just like you. 

Even though you think your leaders are very powerful. They immediately become a lowly human being just like you and me. This is what they have always been the whole time you worshiped and obey your leaders without question.
If you love your family and children. Go home and make war no more. 
The only reason for prophecy is to prevent it from happening at all or to mitigate the event if it cannot be prevented. 
All of the prophecies from all of the prophets in regards to future human events. All basically predicts a terrible future for all of humanity. Some Prophetic Holy Texts even communicate near extinction if it were not for the select human being saved by GOD or how ever you identify with the one GOD.
To prevent most if not all of the terrible prophecies ever foretold about future human events. All we have to do is DO NOT WAR ANY MORE. To be followed by a human unity where all humans are equal. Where the definition of Race is one defined by our humanity and not by the color tone of ones epidermis/dermis organ.
When we all by our own free choice decide to love one another. Live in peace with everyone and exist in harmony with all. Then all of the bad and sad prophecies with not happen. The natural events may still occur, but they can be mitigated with a total united human effort. This is hopeful. This is what I offer to everyone. A path to a human existence for everyone. Can you see the unimportant man pointing and screaming this way? We all must choose to leave the path to collective human extinction. That is how it works. It appears to be the only way.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, November 4, 2013

Contrary Life: (Unedited): 04 Nov 2013:

When your life history in action has always been contrary to the meaning of life. You should not logically expect a high quality of life as a predicted outcome. 
What is the meaning of life?Have you gone so far as to ask that question? or has apathy so infected your humanity that you no longer care for anything or even your own life?
 The path to suicide at any level is apathy.
Suicide can be done by the individual, country or entire planet. Is suicide an aspect of life or death? Of course you know that answer. The universe has an importance to maintaining life. Death happens to the insane and the unmoving. So be rationale and move.

If you have been reading any of my blogs. It is all in there, it really is. The meaning of life surrounds you and me and it is all the same everywhere. It is absolutely logical and can be easily predicted. The pieces of the formula has been taught to many different cultures by their own prophets. 
No matter what I have written or how I have written it. Search and find for the positive message in each one. Some may require much intellectual exercise. But, you will become stronger for them. This is what you should do in all things in life. Find the positive, even if all of humanity has walked the path of global suicide. yea, that is beyond my own capabilities even though I know it to be true. Find the positive and use it for your own personal motivation and inspiration. By doing so, you become deserving so and from that expectation, you create it so. This is not meant to be selfish , more predictable is the intention.
This is how to end the insanity of global suicide.


This is how you progressively move towards the insanity of apathetic suicide at any level.
Death=Hate+War or Conflict+Chaos
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Prophets Prophecies: (Unedited): 10 Aug 2013:

The prophets of old and the prophets of new.
The prophecies of old and the prophecies of new.
Matters not to the perfectly hearing and deaf ears.
Matters not to the healthy and hardened heart.
Matters not to the mind which only seeks 
selfish desires of wealth and nothing more. 
When the wind is the only recipient to the warning
 cries of the prophets? Armageddon comes for us all
and is caused by us all.  
No matter who you are and what you may believe. The prophecies of all of the prophets, both accepted and not are to be listened to and acted upon. The probable prophetic words of the prophets are to be acted upon in a collective attempt to prevent and or mitigate all undesirable events. It matters not if your Christian or a native American Shaman elder who has spoken or written of terrible things which are to happen to the world. It matters not if your Islamic or a Buddhist Holy woman who speaks or has written of dire times for the whole population of the world. They all should be heard and each human being should act in accordance in the prevention or mitigation. Especially if all of the trials and tribulations to come is in response to the spiritual condition of the entire planets population. 
To prevent and or mitigate all of the trials and tribulations which is or has come to this planet of our use. All we each need to do is very simple. You do not need to see a holy man, A shaman or even go to the place where miracles are occurring. All you need to do is:
Love One Another
Live In Peace
Exist In Harmony
So that we all may have a life worth living. 
All life is worth it.
And pray that the GOD of our understanding averts all of the trials and tribulations.
War no more. Know that the human being in which you point your blade, aim your gun sights on and target your missile. Is in fact your brother. Those leaders who have told you differently has lied to you. You give your own life so that they may profit from your willing sacrifice.
Your actions in this time is a direct reflection of the condition of your heart, atrophy of spirit and the state of your deceived mind. Which the world you have today is a creation by you.
All of Humanity will become purified both physically and spiritually. All of humanity will suffer. all of humanity will feel the misery of the whole world. 5+ Billion people will perish in a short period of time.  Maybe even extinction of the entire human species. That is where we are right now. Noah and his family were the remnant, who survived. How many humans were in the Ark? That is an example of a remnant.
I speak this truth in which you may not believe. It all can be averted, right now. Just live as the blue words above has declared to you or become blue yourself. It is and always has been your free choice and still is. Live or die. Innocent or guilty. It is all up to you. War no more and go home to your wives and children. Because they would rather have you present than you presented in a casket. But, when 5 Billion begin to die. It will be to late for us all. The first serious prophesied event approaches soon. All that has come before has only been birth pangs. The birth pangs will continue until and throughout all of those dire prophetic events.
Become a righteous and holy prophet of GOD/ALLAH. By living a righteous and holy life. Pray and meditate often to GOD/ALLAH. Do not automatically believe any man who wears costumes and stands above you. He is no better than you and is not superior to you. They are just men. Just as you and I are.
If any man who stands above you and proclaims anything which is contrary to love, peace, harmony and life. HE IS A LIAR AND A DECEIVER.  Their god is the father of lies, deceptions, death and destruction. If those who are in authority and have the power, are of Satan. Then the evidence of their unity will be despair, depression, destruction and death. What do you see around you? Destruction? Death? Despair? Depression? What do you see, hear and feel around you? Then, there is your answer.

GOD/ALLAH is Truth, Life, Love, Peace and Harmony. If you do not have these things in your life right now. Then there is satan in your life pretending to be the agent of God/Allah.

Updated and partially edited on: 13 Aug 2013 :
Updated on 16 Aug 2013:
I just viewed StarGate SG1 Season 4, Episode 16.  (Yes, This is a lesson from a fictional series).
How should a prophecy be acted upon? Even if the information is transmitted in a logically explainable way or not. Taking immediate action upon receipt. Alters the future if not outright changes it entirely. In regards to all of those bad and sad prophecies. There is always hope in their absolute prevention until the day when those events manifest into our reality.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Line crossing: (Unedited): 31 July 2013:

The journey we are all on. Becomes forgotten when the finish line is clearly seen. Just crossing over the line can be victory enough. Can you cross the finish line knowing that to do so is also the end of your physical life?
 Just being able to see the finish line can be very exciting. As with many experienced runners can tell you. You begin to want to run faster than you ever had before. The final sprint is predicated on ones own knowledge about their current physical condition. To sprint to soon will cause the runner to fade out prior to crossing the finish line. To sprint to late will cause the runner to lose precious time. 
 Crossing the finish line may not even be a choice for everyone or even anyone. 
The elite runners will cross in their particular packs of runners. Then after the elite runners have completed their races. What followers is is the mass of life crossings. Which is just a continuous flow of people crossing the finish line. 
The elite runners are the prophets and teachers of old. Known and unknown. Accepted and unaccepted. 
Prophets tend to run on the true path in which they are both accepted and unaccepted. Prophets are both known and unknown. 
This is a prophecy. The fate of man is most probably certain. I'm saddened by this new realization to me. Up until the 29th of July 2013. I was always certain of the probability that man can avert all of the doom and gloom prophecies ever written or foretold by every religion, culture, tribe and prophet. This human journey of almost 6 thousand years may just come to an end in a few decades. It seems that man has made its collective decision and we have been weighed and judged. Now the extinction process will begin in the time decided by God. 
It has always been so simple. Complicated by men who claim supreme intelligence and charisma.
For humanity to have continuous life.  All we humans had to do was to Love one another, Live in Peace and exist in harmony. Because of our collective failures our humanity will become extinct. Except for the selected and chosen remnant.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Doom Prophet: (Unedited): 29 June 2013:

Be warned of those who proclaim to be prophets of doom and gloom. Their words are that which they desire to be most right. 
Being a prophet of doom and gloom is not about being right or mostly right. It is about creating a realization and appropriate actions which will avert a upcoming disaster. If the disaster cannot be averted. Then plans for mitigation and management must be enacted.
Was the Prophet Jonah correct in his prophecy to Nineveh? No. The people saved themselves. They mitigated and managed how GOD was going to respond. It is the same with any other prophecy written or foretold.
Genesis 41 shows profoundly how all of the life of Egypt were going to die. The Pharaoh had this dream in which the wrongly imprisoned slave who was sold by his own brothers. Basically said "We all are going to die" But I (Joseph) can mitigate and manage it. Well, go and read the full version and not my shortened inaccurate interpretation. This is the essential school of prophecy understanding and the action which must be taken to prevent, mitigate and manage the event or events. This is something which apparently NO CHRISTIAN, Islamic or any other religious person understands. All of the bad and sad prophecies are only probable and not absolute. All prophecies which have ever been spoken or written are NOT ABSOLUTE. C.J.MacKechnie
A prophecy only becomes absolute when you and others work towards its eventual expected coming. 
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Scapa Flow Plan: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2012:

To prevent the United Nations or which ever replaces it. The acquisition of the Former United States Military might. Including all of the Military manufacturing capabilities. The personnel who has direct contact with any military asset must scuttle the equipment before it is taken over by the One World Governmental Body. All Military Assets must be rendered to the point that there is no useable or recoverable parts. All the way down to every bullet and gun bore cleaner. All civilian personnel who are associated with any military parts manufacturer. Must destroy all machinery, parts, plans, buildings and materials.
This is similar to the actions by WW2 Germany Officers in and around Scapa Flow Scotland. Except those former Americans must do a better and through job. While giving their own lives. That is what is going to need to happen and will probably happen regardless of their actions. Especially, if your civilian.

To save the world from destruction and extinction as has been prophesied in the Holy Texts and by the prophets. It matters not if you accept them or not. The words from them are similar.

However the United Nations or some other world political body evolves into the One World Government led by a singular charismatic leader, who is loved by all. His military acquisition must be delayed and or prevented. This can only be done by the self sacrifice of those persons associated with the former USA military apparatus. To give your life to save the world. Even if it is to be a Chinese one. Really.

I've thought and written about China. The future of China is difficult. They can either be the evil dominant empire which is the trigger finger who destroys and causes the extinction of all of humanity or they can become the savior of the world. If China becomes connected to the first Future leader of the world. We are all doomed. If China becomes the enemy to the One World Government and the One World leader. Then we are all doomed. If China goes to war with the Current and existing USA. Humanities end result is still the same. Human Extinction. I think this is why China is difficult to see, is because it is so easy for China to be either or. China can be that leader which leads all of humanity towards the stars. If China does nothing. Then we all die. If China embraces more of Communistic thought and doctrine. Then we all die. If China acts out with anger because of some unknown action in the future. Then we all die. If China reaches out to the world with compassion and mercy. Then maybe, we can survive. I think that is the key. China needs to step forward in a world leadership role with compassion and mercy. The absence of any world leader may just bring about a New World Order. From Chaos comes the bringer of organization. It will be no surprise that the bringer of Organization was also a participant to the creation of chaos which will come. It can only come with an absence of the United States of America. A plan which has been implemented since before I was born.

The best option for China is to protect the USA From insanity. It matters not if the insanity is from within the white house or from some other country. Meaning a simple EMP bomb or several aboard balloons rising into the atmosphere and detonated in various locations. Meaning a million Islamic men going in a million different directions to wage warfare similar to the Tet Offensive. In the Countries of the USA, Canada, Great Britain and the rest of the European Union. The Asian Countries will not be immune. A Tet Offensive for around the world. Conducted by men who are willing to die and will continue their attacks until they each are killed.

Another option to the Scapa Flow plan is for the former American Military assets to be sailed or flown into China ports. The secret bases within the USA should be surrendered to China.  This maybe the only option for the DOOMSDAY WEAPON not to be used. What China does and how they evolve is crucial. On one hand trust the One World Government or trust China? Prophecy dictates not the One World Government or even China.

 For the common person to survive. We each must become a holy people in the eyes of God. Then to not become involved in any war fighting. This little part is key. No person who practices any religion can be involved in any warfare at any level. If this begins to happen amongst the common people of the world. Then humanity may survive. Humanity survives because there will be no real fighting force. No Christian can be a part of any military organization. This also includes Islam, Hindus, Buddhists. Love, peace and harmony must be outwardly expressed by all religious persons. Which will equate in Life for all. 

China may be Humanities only hope. Go figure. Probably not.

Sometimes people can surprise you, even after you can easily predict their likely outcome from knowing their past history. Most of the time you will be correct in your prediction. But, Sometimes. We all must look forward to the sometimes. Even with China. China as a whole can be everyone's end result including their own. The leadership of China must turn away from a mindset of conquest and towards a protectionist and exploratory mindset.

The protectionist mindset is that mindset which protects everyone and everything. China will become the sole super power of the world. That is until the New World Order led by the beloved and Charismatic World leader. Then we all die or become extinct. Except those selected remnant saved by God. The word remnant may be just DNA samples.

If China begins to be the protector of the world. There intentions will be seen by the American Officers. Thus, If and when the time arises. Where the USA ends. The officers may have an opportunity to have a choice. The One World Government or China. Who to choose? Right now, It would be best to find a deep trench and sink it all. This may be the preferred delaying method and may extend the life of all of humanity. Except, for the Doomsday device which creates a square lake in most of the South West USA. Which then destroys humanity. So as Long as the USA has that Insane Doomsday Device. Don't go underground to deep. Because, every plan China develops, Even if they had not developed them yet. Kills us all. I've already suggested a possible solution here in this blog. It's the only one, so far. 

I think the USA was the worlds last hope. But, Maybe China can or will take up that mantle. By giving their people more rights and freedoms. By going forth into the world and rendering aid and comfort. By becoming an active world leader and not like what the USA has become in the last 30 or so years. World leader does not mean global military actions or global intimidation. Leading means leading and others just willingly follow out of your outwardly seen honor and respect.
:The Israel Option:
During the time when the USA ends and it's military assets are given to the the United Nations or whoever the world body will be. The military and space assets must not be given to that One World Order form of Government. This will bring about all of the prophecies of the end of time prophets. The military and space assets may not even be given to China. Especially if a fundamental change has not occurred. Because, China becomes a part of the prophetic problem to humanities extinction. 
The Israeli Option is to surrender all military and space assets to Israel. 
1). Those persons who have access codes for all space based assets are to give all access and authority codes to Israel. Then physically destroy your own computers and those others who can gain access. Because of your knowledge and experience, ask to become a citizen of Israel. 
2). Those persons who have control of US Naval warships and Boats (Submarines). In accordance to the laws of the waterways. Surrender and abandon your ships and boats to the Israeli defense Forces. Then ask to become an Israeli citizen. 
3). All other air and land assets needs to get to Israel by the best means possible and do as suggested as above. 

There will be personal drawbacks and sacrifices for each person. But, you may just save humanity by doing so. Yes, this is that serious. Israel cannot protect and save your family. USA homeland worst case is over 100 million dead in the first year. Massive Latino exodus back south across the borders. No law. No civilization and No Country.

If you the American military officer follow your orders or take your equipment to an unrepentant China. Humanity becomes extinct. Yep, That serious as prophesied by pretty much everyone who is or was a prophet. If you take your equipment to the One World government. They will guarantee the safety of your family and guarantee your future. The cost is the extinction of humanity. Either way you die and your family dies. What is the most honorable thing for you to do? I want the prophecies to be a warning that never happens. 
Are you a Bible man/woman. Read the story of Joseph and Pharaoh. Pharaoh dream was absolutely true. The meaning of which was, (Paraphrase) "they all were going to die". Then Joseph was placed in a position to mange it all. The technology at that time could not stop the natural event, But, they could mitigate the effects and save human lives.  I believe that the extinction of humanity is the fault of all of  (Humanity)us. All bad and sad prophecies is not meant to be a thing to be expected and looked forward to.  They are not to be celebrated and prayed for to come. They are to be prevented and if not, then mitigated. 
You Military officers are way smarter than me. Logically put the puzzle pieces together to see the best picture for all of us (Humanity). Create the best plan and implement it. You may not have time. You may not have the speed or the distance. Then your only option is to sink your great ships, planes and other equipment. Where no one can use them, ever. You may have less than two years or another forty years. The signs you will see. Strategy and tactics you are not blind to. Remember, political miracles never happen. Miracles are only from GOD.
Do your personal part. Repent and flee from all sin. Become the Holy warrior of great honor. Even if the saving of humanity means your at the helm as your machine of war goes to the bottom.

 17 Sept 2013. 
 There is always an origin to things. Even those which were successful in implementation. How can a Vietnam event work for a coordinated attack around the world? Easy. Technology of today can guarantee instant communications around the whole world. Thus, a world wide coordinated attack can be implemented very easily. Just look at how Flash mobs are planned.  Once an Islamic leader proclaims that all Muslims should go forth an attack that which they can easily do. Then those who are the most devout to anti-peace and anti-Allah. Will go to kill and destroy all they can. Then move forward for the second, third and more attacks. There will be those who will only attack once and remain to kill law enforcement and to be killed by them. 
To be anti-peace is to be anti-Allah.
I did have news that began with this new content. But, It did not pan out. So, I shall not include it. I do feel like there will be a beginning coordinated attack within the west or USA. A handful of Jihadist men in different areas will coordinate a attack just like the 9/11 event. They will be the beginning and evolution into the American Tet.
 Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
 This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
Love One Another
Live In Peace
Exist In Harmony
So that we all may have a life worth living. 
All life is worth it.
And pray that the GOD of our understanding averts all of the trials and tribulations.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony
All prophecies as written and spoken, are only events of probability. Bad and sad Prophecies are meant as warnings. In which we are all supposed to work in preventing there occurrence. The good prophecies are supposed to be worked on individually and collectively. To make them happen at all levels of organization. 
Added on 27 May 2014:  
The American Tet Offensive may be beyond the planning stage and into the implementing stage.  Where financial resources are planned for use. Weapons of every sort will be assigned and people paid for their participation. The American Government knows and is going to allow it to happen. Those person who are in the know. Know that the one world government must replace the USA and the USA must end forever with zero hope for a re-start. This is prophetically correct in accordance to some ancient prophets like the Hopi. The USA is absent from Biblical Prophecy in the end times.
It seems the vision of this day includes the involvement of many nations. Including Russia, China and central American Countries.  Islamic peoples will also join in the attack on innocent American lives. 
Wanna guess how it was all paid for? All from the sins of the American people. Here are just a few sins. Illegal drug use. Purchased porn of every sort. Conducting business transactions with those persons who are directly related to the enemies of the USA. Your sins and rejection of God is what has moved you out from under the protections of the Holy Spirit. So much so, that when the Tet attacks come. There will be nothing and no one to come to your aid. 
Added on 21 June 2014: Jonathan Kleck video 

Added on 04 Aug 2014: 
 If  Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi is able to take land and cause much problems for Israel. Then his victories will solidify him as a genuine Caliph. 
Do not become confused with my term of god's. There is only one supreme being. But, there are many other beings who pretend to be our god's and in actuality are so superior to us lowly greatly inferior humans that they can enforce their will upon any human. They each can be that powerful. These gods, fallen angels or even aliens have always been with us and were defeated in a great war within this solar system. The remnants of that great war is everywhere. Mars, Earth's moon and in other places yet to be discovered. I just know this and yet somehow these fallen angels have buried/secreted themselves within the Earth. This is just a little out there even for me as I type this. 

  A spirit of Horus is at work within ISIS of today. Is Horus the Father of terror?
 Added on 26 Aug 2014: 
There have been news on how American civilians are fighting with ISIS and ISIL. 
This may in fact be one of the origins for the Tet offensive in the USA and Europe. 
Then there was the Palestinian American teenager who was beaten by Israeli soldiers.  There is a pattern forming.
Added on 01 Sept 2014: 
It seems that Islamic civilians all across the western world are in active war. They have traveled from their adopted homes and into harms way. In order to murder all of those who have not agreed with them. This is the futuristic Tet Offensive which may occur with in the USA, Canada and all over Europe. If the resolve of these Islamic peoples causes them to go into active warfare. With no regard for their own lives and to anyone else. This is a huge threat to anyone who disagrees with them within their own adopted country. If they can go to another country to make war. Then they can make war within their adopted countries. Had to use the entire article as it appears the story is getting scrubbed from the internet.

Western Governments Step Up Efforts to Block ISIS Recruits

ABC News
Alarmed by the attempt by a 16-year-old French girl to travel to Turkey this weekend allegedly to join the Islamic militant army of ISIS, the French government is urging parents to call a toll-free hotline if they know of anyone they believe may be considering joining the terror group.
It was the latest attempt by Western governments to prevent their citizens from joining the jihadist group where they could be trained in terror tactics and bring those lethal strategies back home.
The French teenager was arrested Saturday in the Nice airport in the south of France as she tried to board a plane to Turkey with the alleged intention of joining ISIS in Syria. Authorities announced that several hours later, they caught a 20-year-old man who had allegedly recruited her and paid for her plane ticket. The girl's parents reportedly had no idea about their daughter's plans and the statement said that airport police were responsible for her arrest.
In a statement released Sunday, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called on the parents of young people to use the hotline if their children exhibit "a disturbing trend of violent radicalization."

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The hotline was established just over four months ago -- well before the threat posed by ISIS was fully understood by the American public -- and the Interior Ministry reports they have received almost 300 calls. A quarter of those calls were about children who were suspected of getting involved with the terrorist group and 45 percent were about suspicious women and girls. It is unclear how many of those calls led to arrests.
France is the Western country with the most citizens who have joined ISIS and militant fighters in Syria and Iraq. An estimated 700 French citizens have joined the cause, followed by 500 citizens of the United Kingdom who have come under similar suspicion.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at Parliament today calling for greater anti-terror legislation, including giving police the ability to seize passports at airports. He said that the measures will help address "specific gaps in our armory."

The proposed changes come three days after the British government increased their national terror threat level from "substantial" to "severe" for the first time in three years. The “severe” threat level is the second highest in the U.K.’s threat level system, topped only by “critical” which is used to indicate that an attack is “expected imminently.”
U.S. security forces took a different approach when they realized there was a 19-year-old woman in Denver who was planning on traveling to Turkey to join a jihadist group after connecting with a 32-year-old Tunisian man.
The woman, Shannon Maureen Conley, had eight interviews with police and FBI agents over the course of the six months leading up to her arrest at Denver’s international airport on April 8 – and the charging document reveals that she repeatedly spoke about her support of jihad and how she wanted to associate with terrorists in the hope of helping them. The Justice Department confirmed on Aug. 11 that a plea deal had been reached in the case but they did not release any information about what the deal entailed.
The British push to have police take passports away from suspected jihadist fighters comes nearly two months after the Australian government began doing so.
“I’ve canceled a number of passports on the advice of intelligence agencies,” Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said June 16.
An estimated 150 Australians are believed to have joined the fighting in Syria.
“We are concerned that Australians are working with them [ISIS], becoming radicalized, learning the terrorist trade, and if they come back to Australia, of course it poses a security threat,” Bishop said.

American authorities have not announced specific steps they have taken to prevent citizens from joining ISIS or other Islamic groups, though they have reported an estimated 100 or so cases of U.S. citizens leaving the country to train and fight with ISIS. Special attention is being paid to Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota as nearly a dozen of the suspects have ties to the city.
The White House confirmed the death in Syria of Minnesotan Douglas McAuthur McCain, who records show was born in Chicago but was schooled in Minneapolis. An opposition group in Syria, the Free Syrian Army, claimed McCain was fighting with ISIS. The FSA also claimed another American ISIS member had been killed in recent fighting.
FBI officers have been aware of disaffected Muslim youths traveling abroad to join radical groups for years, as many Minnesotans went to fight in Somalia starting in 2007.
“In Somalia, it started as a nationalistic call… [but] we’ve now seen where some individuals perhaps are not interested or not inclined to travel to Somalia, [they] start to branch out to other hot spots around the globe, obviously Syria being among them,” Kyle Loven, the FBI’s Chief Division Counsel in Minneapolis, told ABC News.
Added on 05 Sept 2014: 
Apparently ISIS is in El Paso, Texas.  Where else are they. Can you begin to see the Coming Tet Offensive forming. Working with the drug cartels. Is the source of ISIS wealth the USA drug trade?
Added on 20 Sept 2014: As we all get closer to these style of events in which the possibility becomes very probable if not certain. More and more peoples will have more and more visions and dreams.

Added on 05 Dec 2014: Very Interesting.
Evangelist Anita Fuentes
Added on 08 Jan 2015: France Terrorist attack. Muslims attacking Hindus. Muslim Boy in Maine allegedly burned down 4 apartments. To be set free. This is a ramp up. People do not understand that the Muslims are at war with everyone. Is this the Tet Offensive against western societies? NO. When it begins, you will know and will not question. Here in the USA and in Europe. There is a common flaw. The law Enforcement agencies seem to all show up in the place of the attack. France Law Enforcement also mobilized their forces in various areas of the Country. Of course when the Tet Offensive begins. The attacks will just happen in those places where there is no or minimal forces in protection. A witness saw a highly trained male. Walk up to an injured police person and shot him in the head. Then calmly left. 
The only true protective option is for the civilian population to arm themselves at places of employment.
Added on 09 Jan 2015: Evolution Seen:
A two man Islamic team attacks Charlie Hebdo in France. The two men indicate an evolution in attacks. They did not wait around for their own deaths. They were mission orientated. They were focused on the mission and completed their mission. Then the two men escaped. The two men were masked. It seems obvious that the two men had been trained in western style of military thought and military action. Their execution of the attack looked very western. It seems that this new wave of Islamic fighters have benefited from American led military training and all of that training is being used or will be against the civilian populations.

France also showed an evolution of defensive posturing. Most likely because of the actions of the two masked men. France deployed security forces throughout France. Whether or not these security forces would have been effective is in question. This is because of the two New York policemen assassinated while sitting in their patrol car all unaware of the approaching threat.

Right now the only way to prevent the effectiveness of any future Islamic attack is for the citizenry to be armed and trained in defensive tactics. Which within the USA. That won't be possible as the politicians want the American people to be dependent upon the police forces and local swat teams. There will be confusion. If ISIS fighters are wearing all black and the swat teams are wearing all black. How do you really know who is who? Westerners are traveling to ISIS controlled areas to receive military training and war fighting experience. Then are they going to go back to their so called home country to kill civilians in everyday life??? 
I'm very hesitant to even mention any potential targets which continue today mostly unarmed and untrained. Because, by the time a Swat Team arrives. Dozens will have already been killed. Then if the enemy combatants practice shoot and scoot in their own local areas. All of the Swat members are at the first place of attack. Thus, the rest of the local area shall be undefended by trained personnel. Only the civilians can deter attacks. Especially, if the civilians are those unknown quantities to any attacking force. Which at one time was used as a cold war thought against the USSR from the USA. 
In the time of the cold war of the USA and the USSR. The USSR had plans of occupying the USA. In Alaska, Florida and throughout the western states. Florida and the Gulf coast had a threat of a million man multinational force led by Cuba. At that time the civilians were self reliant and self dependent. Any attacking force will be met with a fire fight from every direction. It would have been worse than Afghanistan. I still think the threat is still similar today as it was back then. But, the civilian mindset has changed. To that of dependency and "ME". Which makes isolation and killing of civilian persons by any invading force possible.
Added on 10 Jan 2015: Janes comments.
Added on 15 Jan 2015:
It is most likely that at this very moment. Your schools are being or shall be surveiled. By those who are new members or low ranking members of a terrorist organization. They will be just sitting along your schools outside perimeter and taking video with their cell phones. After all, It's not against the law to just sit in public and to take pictures. The Beslan School attack may be the last of it's kind as the evolution of Islamic attacks is very notable in the recent France killings. Most notably amongst a very helpless and defenseless population of France. If more attacks are being planned as we speak. They may begin or end within a school or a close by day care center. There may even be a sniper involved. I'm using the word sniper very loosely. In other words. A certain amount of time will only be spent in each location of attack. Then the terrorists will move on. Much like those bank robbery shows on the movies. The bad guys have their clocks. So that they may escape. The success of the France shooting will become a training manual for all future attacks. Until, the next evolution takes place. 
I have been reading the news about this and how some people want students to throw soup cans or throw desks at the terrorists with guns. These plans will not work and will only create dead heroes. I do believe what will work is this coupled with what the professionals will modify. 
I do believe that every teacher who is capable and not receiving any mental type of treatment or medications. Should have at least a revolver of any caliber. Where they have proven accuracy and reliability. Even if it is the lowly .22 caliber.  Additional communications should be planned out with passwords for those who have cell phones. So that there is no friendly fire.

For teachers only. Additional defensive training should be made with only the teachers on what can happen and how to quickly and quietly create defensive positions within the classroom environment. The teacher and administrators are not to reveal who has weapons and who has been trained. You will want any terrorist or any psychotic shooter to believe the Police officer stationed at the school has the most visible weapon. While an undetermined number of teachers will have had training. Creating a very unsurvivable circumstance. With embarrassment to the terrorist attackers. 
It should be noted that as with the Chechen school attack. Those who are of any kind of leadership position or of any physical threat. Most likely will be the terrorist first targets for killing. Remember the helpless cop in France. Wounded, unarmed and executed.

My writings are not to create any kind of panic. It is meant for those to plan their defenses in order to save many lives.
Added on 21 March 2015: Is this the origin of the coming American Tet offensive. Of course the event may be called another name. If it happens. Hopefully the USA can prevent it. Here is today's news.
Added on 14 April 2015: News: ISIS sets up camp 8 miles from the USA in Mexico. Only one real news source. This may still be very early in reporting.
Added on 13 Nov 2015: France attacked: Is this one of the first coordinated attacks to be a precursor for a future American, Canadian, Australian and European Tet offensive attack at a singular date and time?
Added on 14 Nov 2015: 10,000 Syrian refugees enter USA. From unverified eyewitness. These Syrian refugees are all men. No women or children. I say again unverified. 
Yes, I'm posting these unverified sources. I have much (HUGE) doubts. So you should to until they are reasonably verified. 
This are the standard source which used to be true, honest and dependable. But, Not any more. You be the Judge. Notice how every story begins with how the US is not doing enough. Do you feel guilty after the France attack? Did you feel guilty in Oct and early Nov 2015? After reading those stories. 
This has evolved and yet is still related. One of the other. The later causing the former. Time. 
The Tet offensive seems to be in the quiet invasion stage. 10,000 hardened war fighters enter into the USA with governmental permission. These 10,000 lead and form up into millions of attackers. All doing their own will and making their own individual war plans. Thus, on the day given by the one most respected and honored ?Grand? ?Imam?. The unstoppable American Tet offensive begins and through this national emergency. A president remains in office forever. 
The 10,000 will receive a flood of wealth from their stated enemies as well as from all Muslims. 
The ease to which transportation is made throughout the USA and the delivery of illegal drugs. So, to shall weapons, bombs, armor piercing and anti-aircraft weapons of every sort shall be delivered without any suspicion. 
The Tet offensive may begin in remote places and with freedom loving people. You know the religious gun hugging folks and those American militia types and those doomsday preppers people.
The Bible belt is disappearing and those Bible thumper's now live in more remote places. This is a war on the devout Christian. They shall be hunted and killed. All without any news reports to specify the Christians. Will this American Tet offensive begin in the Spring of 2016? 
This Islamic styled Tet Offensive will also spread into Canada, Europe, Australia and other places.  
AND There is nothing anyone can do but "Kill them all". All Islamic men, women and children. This is a very harsh truth. Because, I believe they are raised by God to exact Judgement upon His Disobedient people. Remember the purple words above? The true nature of war is absolute destruction, absolute death. When their is absolute destruction and death. There shall be absolute peace. This is also very harsh. Yet, these Islamic enemies are do exactly this and destroying any contradictory history. That my friends has been in the news. For these Islamic enemies are right now killing every single Christian they can find. It matters not if they are women or children. They are as of right now destroying every Christian place of worship. This to is also in the news. The Islamic led destruction of the USA and of every person is their goal. This wholesale extermination of every American will transcend all race, social, religious and cultural boundaries. 
NOTE: I used the term Race. If you have read any of my writings. You know that I believe the usage of race is an absolute lie and deception.  Read my proofs that I have put forward. They are absolute and cannot be effectively argued against. Yes, that we there is only one race of people on this planet and they are all human beings.
Added on 28 Dec 2015: The term "Tet Offensive" used for the first time I have ever heard. I think this radio show is to be considered "Paranoid Radio" I'm listening to the whole show right now. 3 hours. The researcher seems real. I have never heard of him. But, I find it interesting how he has made the same connections to the Vietnam Tet Offensive. 
Dave Hodges. 
This is not all inclusive of my writings.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pigs. Not sure of the facts behind his claims. 
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported: 
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Apparently people are starting to figure out how the American and European Tet Offensive may pan out. Just a few pieces of this puzzle.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. YouTube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran verses with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 