Thursday, June 20, 2013

Perceptions Aware: (Unedited): 20 June 2013:

Your awareness that a certain spooky thing is getting larger or more powerful is just your perceptions increasing. 
Becoming aware of a spiritual structure is like a blind person discovering a completely new object or thing. As you discover, learn and understand more of this spiritual structure, it will seem to increase. If you have a room full of blind people all touching a new object in different places, each will have his or her own perspective of the unknown spiritual structure. These are just puzzle pieces of the whole. This means that the group must find one another to objectively discuss their perceptions without emotion. This is necessary to ascertain what the object is, which means beware of absolute declarations based on partial and incomplete information.
Ask those questions which do not revolve or involve you. Separate yourself from your own needs, wants and enjoyment. Because, if that spiritual structure is designed and engineered to serve all, then you will not discover the truth of its true nature, origin or even functional purpose.
Ever watch the fictional movie Cocoon (1985)? The old guys are swimming in the pool and decide to open the rocks. They were unknowingly taking the life energy of the sealed-up aliens without ever being aware and without caring to be aware, until the aliens arrive and get upset. Have a little compassion and care for the unknown object which seems to serve all who spiritually touch it.
I'm a guy, so my example is for guys. If your a girlie girl then replace cars/trucks with a dress or shoes. I just learned that girls will fight over shoes.... Really?....
Have you ever noticed that something you were not aware of just did not exist in your life, and then you buy a jeep or some other car/truck that you discovered you really liked. Now all of a sudden you see your now favorite car/truck everywhere. Same thing, except way more important.
Your awareness has a definite effect on what you perceive. If you do not believe a certain thing is real then you will not perceive it, no matter if it is real or not, associated or not associated or both within our dimension or not.
The movie "A Field of Dreams", where Doc saves Karen-movie clip 6 of 9 on YouTube. Watch where the unbeliever suddenly becomes aware. Of course this is fictional story but the result is very similar and will be related directly to your specific psychology and knowledge foundation.
The adult lead characters had to make the journey just to begin to believe and found difficulty to accept this new weird compulsion, whereas the child character seemed to easily believe and to easily accept things just the way they are.
Warning. For those who have always been unbelievers, even though everyone thinks you have always been a believer, any miracle you witness may be just for you. Think about that hard. However you define God, Allah or the Divine, the movie showed an innocent suffering soul, just so the unbeliever would witness the unexplained and forever be changed. We easily ignore even the simple miracles because we are just not aware. Angels continuously walk amongst us simple humans. All you have to do is take the time to just really watch what is really going on, like on an empty field of dead ball players. Even a ghost may need its own miracle, just to become aware of a truth.
There is zero intention to insult any person with any disability, like the visually impaired. My use is for comparison only because it seems we humans are all spiritually without any sense. LOL if you like this truth. I say this knowing I'm in the same spiritually senseless boat that we seem to be sharing together.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Updated and edited on 20 June 2013 @ 2238HRS.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ant Aware: (Unedited): 19 June 2013:

The ant is as equally aware that it may live in the great city of Mumbai or new York City. Just as we are aware that we each live in close proximity to a great spiritual city. C.J.MacKechnie
It seems most people are aware of the topics of spirits, Angels, demons or ghosts. Most people even have an opinion of each of them.  Those who believe in such things seem to never consider there capabilities, organization, structures and purpose of structures.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Spirit-ologies: (Unedited): 18 June 2013:

Humanity has it's technologies. Just as the spiritual beings may have their own spiritologies. C.J.MacKechnie
 The ability to move spirits from one body to another. The ability to pro-create spirit beings. The ability to create physical containment structures which to hold a spirit being. Such as the human form.
Humanity may mimic the spiritual creations within the Spiritual dimension. So, some of the ideas, devices and structures in our physical world may exist in the spiritual world. Humanities creations and inventions may be an attempt to recreate the spiritual world from repressed or withheld spiritual memories. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Spiritual Structures: (unedited): 18 June 2013:

A structured spirit may desire to create for itself spiritual structures. 
What would spiritual structures look like? Aspired by nature, by pure logic, by natural geometry?
How would they appear? Energetically? glowing in the colors of a fully perceived universe?
Can you imagine this entire world full of spiritual structures. Each with its own specific purpose's.
Can you imagine spiritual structures Larger than the earth or even the entire solar system?
Can you imagine spiritual ships larger than the moon and in orbit right now around this planet Earth?
Can you imagines sharing this planet with a whole other species of intelligent life in which we do not even perceive or can perceive? Sharing is probably not accurate. We are probably allowed to live and exist for what ever reason as defined by the spiritual authority.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, June 17, 2013

Care Pay: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Individual apathy will win out in each persons own reasoning. During a time of extreme emergency an apathetic person will make selfish decisions which will benefit them the most.  C.J.MacKechnie
It matters not their training in helping others. The apathetic person will use all of that training for themselves and forget about the innocent who needs the most dire of assistance. C.J.MacKechnie
A large percentage of Emergency management personnel are paid to care. When their pay stops. They will depart/disappear. C.J.MacKechnie
The emergency management managing persons. Must first ensure that those families who are of interest to your people on the ground are moved to safe zones ahead of the event or events.

This includes those who are affiliated with law enforcement, fire rescue, medical professions, National Guard, Military, emergency management personnel and etc.
When a law enforcement person is unable to get ammunition and or other supplies in a time of low stress. When the stress comes. That law enforcement officer will use the supplies he has to ensure the safety of those he/she cares about. Which is reasonable.

Read Katrina info.
When an emergency is localized and non-overwhelming to the persons senses. Those emergency management persons will revert to their training. But, When a thing happens which is beyond the scope of possibility of/in their training. All of that training may breakdown into a simple need to save themselves or to save only those they care about. 
The safety of all family members within the entire emergency management community must be relocated to designated safe zones. This preparation must be practiced and implemented.  A general level of personal secrecy, will aid in their safe transportation to those pee-designated safe zones. All persons must be pre-approved.  
By implementing this plan. Desertion and abandonment rates will go down dramatically. Thus, saving innocent lives throughout the entire emergency event or events. 
You cannot make people care when they do not. Not even the laws of GOD makes people to love one another. So, making human laws which criminalize desertion and abandonment. Will only cause the apathetic person stress after they have been caught. 
All undesirable prophecies can be prevented, managed and mitigated. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Exodus America: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

From those states which have the most financial distress. The devout Christians and their businesses will depart first. C.J.MacKechnie
The very first exodus within the USA will be from the Christians. Who will search out those states in which to reside in and to do business with other fellow believers. These devout Christians will just move out with minimal explanation to friends or relatives. "They are just looking for better opportunities" will be their reasoning. When the truth of the matter is GOD is moving them. This event should be happening now and until the first/next upcoming financial collapse?
There will be many different exoduses. The mass of people movements out of California into Nevada, Arizona and into Mexico. The mass of people moving out of the entire North east USA and into those regions which are self defined by each individual as safer.
The exodus of people moving out of Florida and into Alabama and Georgia. I think the sinking of Florida is more than just symbolic. I have seen a tsunami hit Clearwater beach from the view of a helicopter flying in between Clearwater beach and downtown Clearwater, in close proximity to the causeway. That is not the sinking event. Just a news helicopter in a very good position to video the entire incoming wave. Some time after that, Florida sinks very slowly. 
California will be the first state to absolutely collapse. The question is how long will it take for the financial collapse occur when the Chinese complete and open the Panama Canal (2015-2016). California has always been the first state to spread evil and they will be the first state to fall - hard.  
Those who know more than I do on the finances can predict to time better than me.
The top 12 states in the most debt will fall. There may be one surprise. If that state changes right now. I think the state is Texas. But, Maybe not. Texas has to make those legal creations and changes on the state, federal and international levels. Texas cannot forget the International level of their plans. Texas must plan for the demise of the USA and be able to immediately restore the Republic of Texas. They must become the safe haven for the defunct military of the USA. Which ever military asset which makes it into the Texas airspace and waters becomes Texas property.
Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming may be those other safe havens. If those individual populations plan now and prepare now.
States like Minnesota, South Dakota, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Alabama. Must begin planning for these mass exoduses. The fans of chaotic flames will be conducted by the Chinese, Islamic Muslims and other enemies. Within their own states.
Once California falls, The other states will fall. Their populations will create a disaster of migration. All sorts of evil will manifest. This will be the will of GOD ALMIGHTY. The compassionate and loving devout Christian will become greatly saddened to witness. The devout Christian must by their own choice pray, meditate and heed the urging's. If not then you will become like those who watched the flood waters rise.
Like locusts moving across the land and devouring all before them. So, to will this mass of humans devour all while they escape New York, New jersey, Illinois, Florida, Ohio, Oregon, Washington and other states. Many different waves of locusts all moving in their own season.
Added on 08 Nov 2015:
The truly devout Christians shall of their own free will depart from those places which have embraced darkness. These signs of darkness are where sin has been allowed to stand in the full view of the day. These signs are where sin has become a lawful right. These signs are where those things of God has been rejected and outlawed.
Make your plans and depart those places. If you know you should go then go. If you know you should go and do not. Then you shall suffer along with the rest of the evil ones. Though your soul still may be saved. This shall be your judgement by God. If it is to be a judgement.
All prophecies can be planned for and or averted. Those prophecies which cannot be averted can be managed and mitigated. 
Any state which I have omitted is just omitted by me for no reason. Do not conclude anything from my omission. Make your own prophecy and either plan for it and or plan to prevent it. Both sets of plans are necessary. 
To love one another. 
To live in peace.
 To exist in harmony.  
To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Separate Divinity: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Anger, Hatred and rage is what keeps you separated and isolated from the Divine. C.J.MacKechnie
So you have been praying and meditating and you got nothing from it. You have been talking to God, Allah or however you name the divine and HE does not talk to you. So you logically conclude that GOD or however you name the divine does not exist. Your pride and ego has falsely caused you to use your inferior logic to wrongly consider an illogical conclusion.
Maybe, you think that God or however you name the divine only speaks to the religious leaders who dress themselves as fancy birds do and perch themselves on a high point to chirp away.
This is another wrong and incorrect way of thinking. What makes those who stand or sit on a high perch more important than you. Standing taller and up high is the thinking of the animal kingdom and not of the spiritual realms.
You already know how to speak respectfully to another person whom you honor. Speak to your God of your understanding the way you would to a respected parent or elder.
Reach out and beyond the scripted words as ordered by those religious birds. God or however you name the divine. Does not want to hear the words from a broken record which only repeats itself.
God or however you name the divine wants to hear your words directly and not the words of a trained parrot.
Speak to the Divine in secret and in your privacy. Tell no one and reveal nothing of your private conversations with the Divine. Spread the word on how you can speak to God directly.

Rethink, your life long belief in those hatred's and racism's. know that they are all based in lies and deceptions. All created to keep you separated and isolated from your human brothers and sisters on this planet and else where. The lies and deceptions of life long taught hatred's and racism's was created by groups of people who only want to accumulate more power, authority, wealth and lands.
Their actions never had anything to do with the Divine or even you. It only had to do with gold watches, super cars, big luxury boats, fast airplanes and castles.
Those who are in power must convince you to kill the enemy and die by the hands of the enemy in which they define for you. This is the only way for those who are in power to accumulate more stuff.
A slave always believes and does what they are told without question.
A slave who believes they are free or more special than the lower birds are just deceived. They are just the same owned birds confined within the same cage owned by the same ruler.
By freeing yourself, freeing your mind and freeing your spirit. You begin to open yourself up to the Divine. 
By releasing your angers, hatreds, rages. Do you begin to have that openness to the Divine for two way communications. 
By discovering the truths and deceptions around your life. Do you begin to free yourself. Question everything with honor and respect to the Divine.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: