Thursday, December 18, 2014

Free Flight journey: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

The beautiful butterfly must emerge unaided out of it's own self created darkness. Just to discover their journey of free flight. 
A basic truth. We are all of our own isolated minds and bodies. We do not share each others actual minds and or bodies. Except in extreme situations. Which I shall not go into. Basically, we each are alone within our own skull. Spiritually we are also isolated from one to another. This is a basic truth.
So when you free your own mind from the continual entrap-ping's of the world systems. It is you who must discover your own journey into the new found freedom of flight. It is the same for spiritual freedom as well as physical freedom. The butterfly must must exert force in order to free itself from it's own self created chrysalis. This is crucially important and is beyond my understanding.
Helping a person is not doing for them. To do for them causes much unseen harm. Even is much gratitude is expressed and happy freedom is greatly felt. It is the same with the butterfly. If you cut it free from it's chrysalis. The butterfly will never fly and will die. It is the same with those who are on their own isolated journey in this life. Through our encounters we can learn from one another we can advise one another and we can express what we did wrong. But, we cannot journey to elsewhere in your shoes. We cannot learn what it is is essential for you to learn in this very life journey. Walk your walk in the shoes of your own creation. Fly into the winds with the wings you grew yourself. See and witness a new kind of perception from the greatest of heights. For it is only your journey to make by the freedom of your choice. So choose your direction and go. Where ever you may journey to. There will be other like souls which have journeyed in a similar manor as you. Even for a short while or even through the completion of this life. Journey well beautiful butterfly. Go in peace and love.

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Anxiety Power: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2014:

Self Imposed isolation only gives power and authority to all of your self created anxieties. 
News Flash. All of your anxieties are created by you and from all of your fears. Your anxieties are not based in facts or in reality. So, all of your anxieties are only within the confines of your false understandings and very real feelings. What do you do? What can you do? The answer is very simple and yet incredibly difficult.The emotional side of your brain is in absolute control of every aspect of your life. To the degree where it is not healthy. The logical side of your brain knows the answer but has zero authority or power to cause and effective change.
The psychology doctors and any other person who has the authority to write a medication to subdue the emotional power of your brain. In the hopes of chemically causing proper mental health. In which if you begin to take the medications. You will never become self sufficient and mentally healthy. The mind altering medications is the easy and quick path. For the long term mind altering medications can be very destructive and very addicting. Those very powerful mind altering medications may even cause you to commit suicide. In which no psychologist or pharmaceutical company will accept blame. So what do you do?
There is only one way. A step by step approach. Literally get up, face it with determination, take a step towards each of your fears and remain there at least one second longer than you did yesterday. Take a cheer leader with you. Find an R Lee Ermy close by. Who wont accept your weakness. You will need both. Some fear induced anxieties will require a cheer leader while others will require an R Lee Ermy.
----------------------------- Watch this and just smile a little------
---------------did you see the truth in this humor?-----

Your mental health is yours to have, to obtain and to hold onto. Desire, go and get, and hold onto.
It is possible, all that you desire is possible. Just think about that for a moment. All that you desire is possible. All that you have desired in the past was made possible within your own mind. You made all of your fears possible. All of your anxieties were made real by the decisions of your own mind. If you decide right now to reject all fear and all anxieties. They will stop with your physical action and your absolute determination to change all of the power and authority from your emotional side of your mind to your logical side of your mind. In which in time all of that authority can be transferred to your spirit self and then ...
 Note. The three "..." is of continuation which is to be discovered in your own journey of true self discovery.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Beautiful Emergence: (unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

Those persons who become entrapped by their own self conceived anxiety may never emerge from their darkened chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly. 
It seems to be easy for us human beings to become anxious over many many things.
The psychology of being cared of everything, any thing or many things. seem to be common amongst people. Everyday, I meet people who are scared of something or many somethings.
I met a young woman who actually turns her back to the world and resides within her own self created fantasies. To the degree that if she forgets to eat or drink it is just not a valid concern. Well, you can see where this can lead to. So, if someone who notices that she isn't eating or drinking and goes and gets it for her. She becomes offended but she still eats and drinks what is in front of her.
I myself still get very anxious if anyone pays any attention to me.  I do not even desire any sort of accolades of any sort. I still do not have birthdays or celebrate them. Just the fact that people would all of a sudden pay attention to me is just to overwhelming for me. There is a story behind it and much psychological conditioning as well. I'm pretty much over it, I think. But, I have conditioned those around me to not to celebrate my day of birth and I've said nothing about it. Which is also a possible sign that I still do not desire the attention. But, I can go to any other sort of party and it won't bother me. So as long as I'm useful or along the perimeter. I think a big part of that is being a very sensitive empath. If to many people are focused upon me. Then it's like sitting directly in front of very large concert speakers at a high volume.

Physical contact used to be a very real cause of anxiety for a number of reasons. Physical control which equates to eminent physical danger. This is directly related to my adoptive mother who beat me on a regular basis. The arm grab. Which led to the beatings if I could not escape. Did she already have a belt or not? A belt meant a long time. The hand on the head meant knocked out quick. If she was indecisive, then escape was possible.
Physical contact is also difficult for me in another way. The wind is the wind of oneness to the normal person. When the wind blows upon you, you feel one wind. When the wind blows upon my skin. I feel every single hair follicle reacting to the wind or even the temperature differences of sun light and shadow. So one grab on the arm was essentially a thousand grabs all at once. Loose clothing feels traumatic to me.

Sounds have also caused me anxiety. For in a room full of people. I could hear many different conversations at once and keep up with them. I could also feel many more emotions. A walk in the mall can cause me more anxiety then lets say a college game with 80,000 people. The 80,000 people are typically of one mind and emotion. The people in the mall can have a variety of mindsets and emotions. So crowds are not something i prefer encounter. Though now I am better at it and can adapt to crowds much better now. Which is based solely on the awareness and development of my gifts. Many young people have gifts and know not they have them. Which becomes curses to them.
I also had a gift for music. To the degree that I could hear in between the notes and individual instruments. Which was never realized.

I had much anxiety as a child. Being very small. I tended to stay away from any person or groups.

Each of us is a beautiful butterfly. Even before we enter into the Chrysalis as a fat caterpillar. That which becomes beautiful must have already been beautiful to begin with. That which is ugly in mind, in heart and in spirit. May in fact be physically beautiful. But, this will only happen for a short while. Until the ugly mind, ugly heart and ugly spirit completes the transformation into total ugliness. So always be on your guard and reject anything which is ugly while accepting all that is beautiful. You will surely become what you take into you.

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Entirely Your Future: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

By taking responsibility and ownership of your present self. Your future shall belong entirely to you.  
I see in my everyday walk in life many helpless people. But, who just cannot and will not without someone to do it for them. It is almost a slave mindset in a world where excessive freedom abounds.
There are those who seem to be so fearful of everything. That they just cannot move on their own power and if you try to help them. For them any kind of change or even movement is something to dread.
Then you have those Ten percenters and One percenters. They are those rare persons who seem to be self directed and self motivated into continually moving in the direction of their own self choosing.

What are Ten Percenters?
This is the top ten percent of the total population. Those who seem to just do as they do. With minimal direction, assistance or guidance,

If you put Ten Percenters in a room. What shall arise is another group of standouts which will equate to ten percent of this population. In this group you will also have the one percent. Who will stand above the total.

What are One Percenters?
This is the top one percent of the total population. Those who are self directed and self motivated. Those who need zero direction, assistance or guidance.

If you put One Percenters in a room. What shall arise is another group of standouts which will equate to ten percent of this population. In this group you will also have the one percent. Who will stand above the total. These One percent of the one percent will be the Tenths.
The tenths are the elite of the elites. 

I think Tenths is correct. What is one percent of one percent?

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

LGBT Mainstream: (Unedited): 14 Dec 2014:

LGBT Prophecies and goings on. For the next few decades.
LGBT shall be victorious.
The whole of the American Media which includes religious programming is owned by those who are associated with or in agreement with the LGBT community. It is beginning to appear that the LGBT community has made significant in roads into every culture which includes the religious community. There has not been any back lash against any LGBT product related advertiser. There has not been any ridicule to any LGBT use of obvious LGBT persons in public places, entertainment or in politics. LGBT acceptance by the general population seems to have become wholly accepted within the USA as a fundamental right. Even though being LGBT was once a psychological disorder and is now not one. Because, of a professional agreement.

Over time and happening right now. Persons who are associated with the LGBT community will attain levels of authority, prominence, leadership and management. This is actually occurring as it is only now something new to my awareness. LGBT actors and other media persons will continue to be seen by the civilian populations as something not harmful, sin like or guilt ridden. The character's they portray will be likable and identifiable to the general viewer. Over time. The LGBT lifestyle will become an accepted choice for anyone.

The power of the LGBT community will become so powerful that they as a whole unified force will create new laws which will effectively take away any religious persons fundamental freedom of free speech. Politicians and judges at every level will do their duties for the specific benefit of the LGBT community. Some or many will proclaim that they are openly gay. When pastors and other persons teach the Holy Bible and go to jail for hate speech. The Holy Bible over time shall be outlawed and publicly unaccepted. Then everyone shall know a very real fundamental change has occurred and they will not care. A change in which the LGBT community shall be in rule over. The Christian faith shall be transformed into an all accepting and a non-sinning religion. By Law.

I believe one of the new changes in media entertainment. Is where fully clothed persons perform fully clothed sex acts in the guise of a welcoming embrace, fun dancing or any other non sexually defined ways. These types of things shall most likely be displayed once a show has been on for multiple seasons. After the actors or characters have become accepted. Those who know nothing of gay sex may not even be aware that a gay embrace has even occurred.

The LGBT community will proudly begin to wear their wedding bands on their right fingers. Even actors and other people of fame and fortune. Some will even have or wear two wedding rings. This purpose may yet to be acceptably defined by agreement. But, I suspect some will wear them for support of the LGBT lifestyle. While others will wear them for multiple marriages or multiple significant partners. One for the same sex and one for a different sex.
Once the constraints of traditional Christian marriage has been culturally and legally abolished. Humanity can begin their de-evolution-ary decline back to their base animalistic  instincts and traits. When this occurs human stagnancy occurs and in the natural world. Nothing survives which becomes stagnant. So, to conclude. The human extinction process begins. Before the extinction process can officially begin. The belief in anything spiritual must cease and it matters not the truth of it all. The concept of anything spiritual must become unknown, unspoken and un-thought of. Even other words such as personal growth and personal development must cease in any sort of conceptualization. The word evolution must also end as well as even conceived thought. Ascending to any state higher than the animalistic base human must not even be desired.


Some time soon. The LGBT community shall even have much pride in their power over the now former USA. In which even the flag of the USA shall become like a rainbow where the red and white stripes should have been. 
The LGBT community shall even develop their own black shirt or brown shirt paramilitary organization. In which their shirt color shall be different, maybe a bright *green or earth *green. They will have the legal and lawful protection of the US government. They shall go forth and cause great "*harm" to those who are deemed Christian/*Jew. They will do more than the history of the brown and black shirts. They will have a build up of atrocities across the USA, Canada and Europe. They will start small with simple demonstrations and then become a very powerful force. This is not an all at once thing. The LGBT community will have to grow this force into one. Most likely seeking military training for those who are the gay leaders.
Just as in the past gays were searched for. Gays were beaten and killed. So to shall the christian and Christian families. Except now since the whole of the media is now in favor of the LGBT community. There will be no news of any atrocities perpetuated against the Christian. Since Judges and politicians hold offices at every level who are in favor of the LGBT community. Crimes against Christians will become a non-crime. Crimes which are unreported and not investigated by anyone.
The twist in news media reporting. Anywhere that a Christian who has successfully protected themselves from any kind of an attack. They will be the ones who are arrested, condemned and convicted of crimes. While the *Christian is in Jail. Their abuse, torture and death shall become on going. 

"*Green". This is a human choice which is to be determined. The color green is unimportant where as an LGBT paramilitary unit which is formed is important. The colors they wear is insignificant to the deeds they do.
"*harm". Means all aspects of physical harm which shall include rapes and death or all of the above. For instance. The burning down of churches of hate will include those righteous souls trapped within. There will be no news and no legal recourse.
"*Jew". In this instance. The term Jew shall be those devout and holy Christians who actually live their lives in strict accordance to Elohim Yahweh. Which is the same remnant sized group of people who live in the Country New Israel. These new Jews will be both raptured and not. Which shall only be defined by Their God. For which ever reason as associated with God. This group being raptured or not may have nothing to do with discipline to them by God. It may be just the will of GOD to teach those evil ones lessons as only ascertained by GOD. There shall be a purpose to those Jews left behind. In which "left behind" is not a correct phrase. They will be the protected ones who walk. Their protection shall be so encompassing that not even Satan or any other former angel shall even harm a single hair on their heads.
"*Christian". Those who are actually left behind. For disciplinary reasons. These kinds of Christians would be those who are LGBT, Social, Entertainment, Business, Pastors for worldly profit. These are not the faithful Christians. These kinds of Christians do nothing for anyone. A practicing LGBT person or any person who is in agreement with any aspect of the LGBT community is not a Christian. Any person who goes to church simply to socialize. While at the same time has no evidence outside of the church that they are even Christian. Those entertainers within the church who only entertain without any real evidence that they are Christian outside of the Church. The business Christian is a person who only attends the largest of churches just to accumulate more business. While within their business structure has no bearing on Christian morality, beliefs, Honor or honesty. All expression of love, mercy and compassion is absent from their business.
The pastors for worldly profit are those pastors who only accumulate wealth for themselves. While showing only the minimal amount of Christian duty/works in order to barely prove they are faithful. For instance. A food pantry which may be only open for a few days a week and will only give you food once every few months or more. A church with no scholarship program. Education is what changes financial status indefinitely. While feeding a person for a day only does that one good thing for the day.
The whole of Christianity has become a people who do nothing and refuse to live as their God has intended. The Christian has sat by and watched all of these things occur. The only option for the Christian shall be the second coming or a civil war. Time has gone by so far. That even a civil war shall fail. As the Christian shall be attacked when they are isolated within their own homes.  Divide and conquer.
Pentatonics. Two members of this group are actively promoting the LGBT community as well as openly gay. They released two CD's and had airtime on Christian radio stations. One CD was titled "PTXmas". A title which dismisses Christ and promotes self. .
This is prophecy in which all of Christianity loses in the modern world system. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Inhumanely Inhumane: Inhuman Humanity: Civility Lost: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2014:

A person who acts inhumanely to the thoughtful and caring actions done for them by loving people is inhumane. 
An inhuman person who abuses the caring and thoughtful deeds done for them by loving people has lost their humanity. 
Civility lost often begins with the ignorant young. 
Civility lost is associated with the elders irrelevance.
Civility lost is a result of the loss of parental teachings of propriety.
Civility lost leads to barbaric vengeance and animalistic responses. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Gentle Flashback: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2014:

There is a reason why I write these. They are incredibly personal and after 30+ years. I'm still having them. Although not in the intensity of my younger adulthood. These are for my family. I do believe all of the bad, sad and ugly is important for the generations to come after me. Needs to know. This is not just a revelation. This is about wisdom as well. there is wisdom in these which needs to be sifted out and learned.
In my younger life. There has always been drinking, legal mind altering drugs and cigarettes  involved. Well, the adoptive parents were involved with all of that.
A gentle flashback, but still a flash back. I had an opportunity of witnessing/observing some physically gifted young people who are in trouble with their grades. In order for them to play their sport. The school provides them with an after school study hall. With at least three adults to help out. One adult was the senior teacher of them all. Well, the kids were acting very immature. They had their technology watching some adult content and others typing away. There was no effective studying or tutoring going on. For one hour the teachers were struggling with the students and apparently this has been going on forever. Just amazing and for me the flash backs began.

Let me finish. I asked the senior teacher how many of her sports students would go to college for free if their grades were good enough. She said about 30-40 percent. That just hit me. The realization of the genuine cost to our young people who have become so immersed with culture and society that it robs them of their future. These young people do not care about the future let alone their own. Can you imagine being born with such a gift of having the probability of free college and then maybe the possibility of a professional career in a sport. Yet, these kids do not even see. The elder teacher then told me of their current star sports youth and how he started as a freshman. Then bad grades for two years and he couldn't play. Then in his senior year he started again. I was told that he probably could go to a junior college for two years and "Then Maybe", he will get recruited by a college team. But, with your high school history. Coaches may not be able to trust in his recruitment.
Then the story about his older brother. Who was also physically gifted and he never left the county. He volunteers for his sport as some kind of coach. The elder teacher said, Their parents always show up for the games already smelling of strong alcohol. What are the odds of this young man leaving the county. He probably won't.
Can you imagine becoming so immersed into a memory. That you no longer realize which reality is most real. That is how my flash backs used to be. Now, they are just memories of how my life used to be.
Growing up I had zero opportunities for a fair education. Zero opportunities for anything athletic. This is because of my life with my adoptive family.
I was always told to go to bed at night. I guess this would be typical for many young people. To much energy was within me. To much distrust and to much fear. I locked myself into my room and turn on the small black and white TV. The bedroom window prepared for easy and fast escape. If and when my adoptive parents would began fighting as was usual.
Can you imagine a young child creating an escape plan. Not even being able to use the bathroom for fear up being caught outside of the his bedroom. Because, I would become her target of physical violence and her attention in that regard was unrelenting.  It was almost. If I was out of sight. I was out of her mind. My black WEBCO bike was along my wall. Ready for my escape. Batman was always ready.
The ear plug plugged into the TV and clothing under the door to block the light.  The distraction of the TV seemed to be the distraction I needed in order to ease my fears. Will I become involved in their fighting tonight and how long will I be beaten. Will I die. When I did leave out the window of my bedroom. I usually went to Shakey's Pizza, Burger King, The drive-in and behind the movie theater (Popcorn). This stops were for thrown out food and entertainment.
If your a regular reader of any of my writings. You already know. I do not write very well. I did not have a fair opportunity for an education. Neither for sports. In which I think I would have done well in both. So when I see gifted youth just ignoring their gifts, ignoring their futures and ignoring any hopes and dreams. It just hurts to watch. Especially today, when there seems to be so much free money out there for those who were willing to do the work in High School. A young person today. Can effectively earn a deferred income for college. In the tune of up to $45 thousand per year of college scholarships, plus certain other perks.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
