Sunday, September 27, 2015

WW3 Long Burn: (Unedited): 27 Sept 2015:

The long fuse of WW3 has already been lit. Yet, It seems like no one is even aware that a state of war exists. Am I the only one who sees the chess pieces moving into position? Am I the only one who can see the flickering light of the lit fuse thousands of miles away? Am I the only one who  is aware that the USA political leadership is just one screw-up away from the lights going out? Am I the only one who knows just how helpless the continental USA is to any kind of missile attack? Sure the USA gets to retaliate. But we are all still back to the stone ages with zero life knowledge/skills to survive it. The long fuse is lit. Only a person who is in a leadership position can remove the fuse or cut the fuse. But, If the red horse has already ridden. Which I believe it has. Then we are all doomed. Because, the worlds leaders free will has been taken from them and they are no longer capable of choosing peace. We are truly all doomed. Only the chosen remnant of God shall survive. Maybe,  my family shall be chosen. If this is the case in these last 10-20 years or maybe in these last few days. What shall you do which is meaningful and genuinely important?
The fuse is already lit and there is nothing the common civilian can do to stop it. Except for mothers to tell their warrior/soldier sons/daughters to all come home. But, even then. Someone will launch their automated weapons.
I am wondering about something. Why does this all seem to be a secret? Why do the Americans still buy any Chinese goods when those funds are used to create a military weapon which is pointed at us? Isn't China in the Christian prophecies? China's navy has done 3 things which it has not done before and their newly modernized aircraft carrier is in Syria. Russia is in the Christian prophecies and they are setting up bases in Syria. How is it that there is literally no news within the USA?
Israel caught in the middle. To their North North East is a new Chinese Aircraft carrier. To their West Egypt will have 2 brand new Helicopter aircraft carriers from France. Russia is building a military presence in Syria. The USA seems to be arming the enemies of Israel.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 25, 2015

One Love Flame: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The twin flames of love. Can become extinguished in a variety of ways. The most beautiful way the individual twin flames of loves cease to exist. Is when the two flames of love merge as one singular flame. Ceasing being two.
This reminds me of the supposed to be typical outcome of love. When two lost in the throes of love intermingle and become one growing life separate from the mother but still within. What actually happens. Most adults know who have had babies. The individual seed of a man gains a struggled entry into the egg of a woman. Then nearly suddenly the two DNA's are mixed in some amazing way. Which ultimately destroys the once two separate and individual living elements of the seed and of the egg. Thus, a new life is not created but continued on within the woman's womb. Becoming a continuous memory of loved shared.
This is how I see the beautiful eventuality of two individual flames of being who merge into a singular flame of pure love. They both must cease to exist in order to become one flame, one body and maybe ultimately one soul. This must be the ultimate goal of the two. If one flame is or has any disagreement by any definition. Then it will not matter what the other flame wants, desires or needs. The ugliness of this kind of any defined rejection can have a deep and profound impact on both souls. Hopefully, The one who rejected will see their errors and own the responsibility of causing harm. While the suffering one can return to a time when their own flame is purely renewed after giving so much to another unworthy soul who lied, selfishly cheated and stole life from a loving flame.
The suffering loving flame who has freely given so much. May feel that they have lost much and this may be a very true feeling. Please also consider how much you have gained and how much life is still within you. You do not have to cover your flame to hide it. You do not have to diminish the self to elude continued theft. Rather become a blazing beacon of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  become a genuine teacher to those young souls. Express wise mentoring words while also espousing the powerful prophetic words. The caring and thoughtful words of the mentor should almost always overshadow the words of the prophet. The words of the prophet usually come after the mentors have taught and spoken.
Note 1.
In this instance the words cease and destroy does not mean death or any form of negativity.
Note 2.
It is my belief that no human has the natural ability to create life. Only through the mixing of a mans seed and of the woman's egg. Is life continued or perpetuated. There is no time when life begins. Life does not begin at conception nor at birth. Human life only began with Adam and was continued through with the creation of Eve. By the use of Adam's rib. So the rib of Adam was even alive in order to make another living life.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Passing Red: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The first pass of the red horse of Christian prophecies will be for those world leaders who have already freely chosen to get onto the crazy train for their thrilling and exciting ride to extinction.
While the young ones who have newly chosen to be of the world without heart or conscience. Shall be amongst the first influenced of the passing red horse. Ready to hop onto the Crazy Train party without any forethought.
The naive young ones. They can range in age from 9-24 years old. Once one of these young ones have the ability to choose who they will be and how they will live their chosen lives. Then they will receive those just rewards or judgement. Think about this for a moment. In the Holy Bible. Which is the most accurate history book ever written. The 8 surviving people on board Noah's Ark. Were all adults. There were No children, No disabled, No helpless, No innocent little babes.
My ages listed is only through my flawed understandings as God will do as God does. HE doesn't need me to box him into a corner. Nor will HE ever abide by my own set parameters of HIM or even yours.
Here is Crazy Train Lyrics by Ozzy Osbourne. This is not for your enjoyment or entertainment value.

In order to get onto the "Crazy Train" You just freely choose to get on. No need to buy a ticket. It is free and the final stop is extinction. I bet the party aboard that crazy train will be awesome. DDDDD= Dance, Drink, Drugs, Disease, Death.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wrath Judgement 1and2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:

Those who do everything within their power to force God into showing himself. May just get exactly what they want. Plus wrath and judgement.
Those who force Gods hand through purposeful wickedness. Shall receive their just rewards in full abundance of wrath and judgement.
All of humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet. And yet in the midst of our apparent failure. Everyone who is in a position of  religious leadership. Wants God to return. This is HIS vineyard in which we were supposed to honor and respect. He sent His son and only heir to us and we all murdered Him. Yet, in this modern age. We all seem to want Him to Come back. He came as a lamb and shall return as a lion. Really, Have you met a lion? ever. Up close live and personal? How is this a good idea? Especially, when we all have failed and are about to begin our own extinction through absolute war? You know LOVE and PEACE, everyone. Love and peace.
I do not want the return of the Messiah. Not when we are all collectively failing. Now, if the worlds leaders can get off of their own self created "Crazy Train" and bring the whole world together as one singular family as we all are. While putting out the information that the races of humanity is a complete lie. Erasing all lies.
Then when all of humanity has begun to live in accordance to this partial logical formula. LIFE=LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY,LAW.
Then we can welcome the coming of the Messiah as a celebration and victory. That is my hope. This is my unlikely prophecy for the whole world. So that we all can have a life worth living. No matter where you are or who you were born to. Even if your orphaned, adopted and/or fostered.
Just so you know. Just because, I have a song listed any where. Doesn't mean I like it or love it. The artist known as Ozzy Osborne I find offensive and is likely a demonic person. This is his Crazy Train lyrics. Something so profound and from a demonic source. Even from the demonic we all can learn the message. I have also used this in another blog. I have no idea where it is now. I believe it is an inspired use of this song. This song used here is not for your enjoyment or entertainment.
I do believe all of the worlds leaders. Which include political, religious, social and cultural leaders have already or is getting aboard the "Crazy Train".  It is yours, ours and my choice to not to get on that "Crazy Train". There is only one final stop for this crazy train and it will be at full speed ahead. Into all of our extinction. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Bad Memory: Their Abuse: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:

Bad things happen and this sadness can inflict our souls to the point where we continually remain within the perpetual memory of those bad things. Thus, we may never grow or evolve from them.
 A bad and terrible thing has happened. maybe, this bad and terrible has happened to you. Maybe there is an infinite number of bad and terrible things which has happened to you. What do you do? Where do you go from here? How do you resolve them?
What if you think your at fault? Well are you?
It is difficult to live the life you have had. But, the longer you choose to remain within those bad and sad memories of the past. Also, means that the joy and happiness you so desperately want and need will also not be possible or just fleeting. So how can you obtain joy and happiness after have suffered through years or decades of abuse and torture? Well, are you reading this? I cannot say that I know your pain and what you have gone through. But, I do know this. If you are free of the abuse and tortures. Then. You have been victorious and your abusers and torturers have lost and failed in their miserable actions of you.
I have spent decades trying to figure out why? There is a reason why the answers are not easy to reason. Because, there isn't any reason why anyone should be abused or tortured. If you were abused and tortured. Then none of it was ever your fault. You were just the body present. That is all. You could have been someone else and they would have been the ones who endured all that you have had to. Except they may have been the ones who died.
Their Abuse: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:
Your abuse and torture was never meant to be yours. It was always theirs.
A gift is not something you ever have to accept. You can be nice and friendly. But, you don't have to accept all gifts given to you. Just like the gifts of abuse and torture. You can refuse to accept these gifts from black hearts of wrath and hate. Just refuse them and deny their acceptance into your being.  You do not ever have to accept any ugly memory into the home of your soul. 
By you making your abuses and tortures your own. You are accepting of those unwanted and unasked for actions done to you. All that has ever been done to you. Was always because of those who had done those bad and terrible things to you. You were not ever at fault. Nor were you ever deserving of those bad and terrible things done to you. 
Those persons who had done those bad and sad things to you. Would not have had any remorse or guilt if you had died. They would have felt great fear of getting into trouble. There is a distinction. maybe, they would have felt bad that you died. Because, now they have no one to endure their own internal wrath and hatred of life. In which your represented the hope of a good life. You still do. But, now for yourself and for the family you can now create without any abuse or tortures to be endured.
How is it again? That you are victorious when you don't feel victorious. It is always like that after any great battle. The ugliness still fresh in your mind. But, right now is that key time in your life. You do not need or you should not want to blame yourself or to even own those memories. You are not to blame. no matter how many thousands of time you were made to be the blame. By keeping and holding onto those memories will block the creation of you choosing to make good and peaceful memories full of love, happiness and joy. 
So, put all of your bad and sad memories into the trash and put the trash to the curb. Just think about that for a moment. All that we have ever used is placed into the trash and remembered no more. Do you still think about the trash you threw away? ever?
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Draw Closer 1and2: (Edited): 18 Sept 2015:

The righteous ones, knowing their days are drawing to a close, will have the natural urge to draw closer to their Father in Heaven. 
Draw Closer #2: (Edited): 20 Sept 2015:
 The righteous two who have become one soul shall know their days are short after these many years together. They celebrate and worship their Father in Heaven who is the Lord of all. Together hand-in-hand they become inseparable as they together draw closer to the Father. Together they have become one. 
 It is easy to see and know who the genuine righteous ones are. They fear not death or the coming uncertainty of it. It is beautiful to watch and elderly couple who walk hand in hand completely supporting one another. The each ensuring that the other shall not fall or falter. Both so committed to the other. That they each perpetually sacrifice their whole being to the other. Yet neither would ever proclaim that they ever sacrificed anything. because when your love is that deep and that committed. There is no sacrifice. There is no sacrifice for the other as there is only one soul in two bodies. 
Edited By: R.L.Dell
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Venus Vision: (Unedited): 18 Sept 2015:

I can see only a planet of golden brown. With no seen features. The word Venus comes to mind. She is a sleeping beauty within her tight blanket. I see a great tsunami of immense energy flowing through this sleepy planet from the central star. The blanket which enshrouded Venus is blown away and taken back into the star. The sudden release of intense pressures is more than enough to cause Venus to expand a certain amount. Releasing her volcanic energies.
A great fierce tsunami re-awakens Venus. Expansive volcanisms shall be the evidence that Venus is alive and awake. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 