Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2017

Wrong Walk: (Unedited): 12 May 2017:

If you continue to walk on the wrong path do not assume something right will come from that wrongful walk. 
Walking Right: (Unedited): 12 May 2017:
By walking upon the right path, even if your spirit, heart, body and mind is in a wrong state of being. They each will become righteous so as long as you walk upon the right path.
Here is the source of the story for the quotes and my comment.
As the worlds most modern and richest of nations prepare for war with one another. China is also preparing for war with other nations. While at the same time looking up and planning to go up their. I want to encourage all of the Chinese leadership. That they are now the leaders of the whole world. What they do will cause others to do like wise. If you prepare for war then others will also. If you prepare for peace then others will also. i want to encourage you to divest from your war making plans and invest going to the planets, moons, comets, asteroids and finally to the stars. As leaders everyone will follow you. Just as the other peoples of other nations cheered on and followed the Americans until they lost their way. So decide this day to look up in peace and go. Do as the Americans had done in their early space days. Invest 4-8% of your GDP to the space endeavor. The whole of the world will change to a more peaceful place. I have seen it in my visions.
While I have also seen this in my visions. China is the trigger to world wide extinction. China is just the trigger to the end of all we have and of all we all hope for. Do not be the trigger as you are becoming right now. Seek peace and there shall be peace. Seek war and there shall be war. It takes two to fight just as if one person is able to walk away before a fight begins. There won't be a fight. This is what will happen with the Americans and Europeans. If you focus on the fight to come. They will be their. If you focus on the peace. Then they will remain in their lost state until they once again discover the right path they used to be on.
Wrong Walk: (Unedited): 12 May 2017:
If you continue to walk on the wrong path do not assume something right will come from that wrongful walk. 
Walking Right: (Unedited): 12 May 2017:
By walking upon the right path, even if your spirit, heart and mind is in a wrong state of being. They each will become righteous so as long as you walk upon the right path.
My comments must be important. i wrote a quote or two.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Illuminated Darkened Souls: (Edited): 25 Nov 2015:

Darkened souls who are illuminated with artificial light are not righteous or holy.
C.J. MacKechnie
Darkened souls are like a black hole in space. They just suck everything into themselves hoping they will become filled. In reality, this will never happen, so the darkened souls attract truly enlightened ones to surround them, hoping that their outpouring of light will illuminate their darkened being. In reality, this never happens. Those truly enlightened ones just become an accretion disk around the darkened ones until even their own illumination is sucked in and destroyed.
Those who have not been judged by God while still living are the supreme targets of those who already have been judged. The darkened souls' intended reason for attracting good and enlightened people is because the darkened souls want to be a part of the light, even though they cannot become good. The darkened souls have been judged as completely incapable of becoming good. This is because God has taken that free will away from them. It is a part of their judgement.
The darkened souls care not who they burn out, burn up and destroy. The darkened souls will just continually bring in to themselves new and fresh enlightened souls to extinguish. Their charismatic smiles make every person seem to just want to help out in some way, make the enlightened souls just want to give everything they have and are to that great deceiver. The darkened souls in human form who become gods and or idols amongst many are easy to see if you just open your eyes. The light of your church should be a beacon in the community. The accumulated wealth brought in is spread amongst the needy in a compassionate and wise manner.
 The accumulated wealth is not supposed to be spent on the pastor or his family. The church wealth is not supposed to be used to purchase personal properties overseas or private jets. If this is your church and you're feeling burned out from Christian faith, then something is wrong. A true and faithful Christian doesn't become burned out or burned up, because while you give everything for your reward in heaven, so too should the pastor. If your pastor is profiting more than what is deemed comfortable, that is a problem.
Your freedom from the darkened soul is but a step away, in that small darkened and private place of your prayer closet. Pray and meditate. Rediscover the genuine light of Christ within your being. Allow it to heal you, to sooth you, to comfort you.
Seek out and find your works of faith, where your love for everyone will matter to all of them. For out into the world you should go and express compassion and mercy.
Even in these end of days when the Lord on high shall come soon, the greatest of all deceptions shall come first with the false messiah and false god. The true and devout ones who are genuinely humble in their righteousness and holiness shall be hunted and unmercifully killed.
How does this end up good? The true you is the spirit within you. You are not your mind or your physical body. The spirit YOU with this human form is what is supposed to be in control of your mind and body.
So when you do for God by expressing love, peace, harmony, law and life both within and outside  of your whole being, it matters not what the outside world does to your physical being. Just read the Holy Bible and what happened to the apostles. Are you more important than they? How was Jesus treated? Are you more important than Jesus? So endure unto your end however that may happen and by whatever means. As the final sleep falls upon your weary eyes, you will reawaken in glory.
So endure unto the end of you, with all of your final intentions, actions and expressions upon your Heavenly Father and of your Divine brother your Lord Jesus.
Edited by:RLD.
This work has been republished on: #Prophecy Everyday
Thank you to the owners and editors for including this work. 

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Russian Bear: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2014:

Note: The actual date is 09 Oct 2014: I wrote the date 22 Oct 2014 on paper and left it as such.
I think it was important. Not sure why yet. 

The aging Russian Bear thirsts for American blood. He dreams of great battles and conquests over his adversary. But, in time there shall not be any. The great bear shall be denied his great pride.  
The sentence "The great bear shall be denied his great pride", Is not about defeat and more about the inability of Russia's great foe of being able to conduct worthy battles.
I do think that Mr. Putin has honor. From that honor I do not think he believes it is a satisfactory action to beat a defenseless man. Just to beat him. There is no honor in that.  I do think in that moment when his great adversary becomes it's most helpless. Is when the great bear has an opportunity to become the world's hero. Will he? can he? shall he?

There is only one reason why Russia has been re-building their military over the last decade? and it is to defend itself against the USA, European allies, NATO, Canada, Australia and whom ever else I'm forgetting. Very possibly to actually engage in military conflict with the USA.

Mr. Putin, You already know just how defenseless the USA is right now. Is there any honor in attacking a defenseless country? No matter how bad they have become? Or is it just wise to watch them fall? and is it wise for you to protect your economy from any USA sanctions as you have been doing?

The Russian Bear shall become a shared super power once again and that mantle will be with China. For a short time. Then China shall dominate the world. Unless Russia can take the lead in space. But, China has the economy and the wealth to do so. The will to take humanity to the edge of the solar system? Maybe not. Today and right now, both Russia and China are the triggers for human extinction. That is defined by dead famous prophets and ancient Holy Texts.

Focus on the lead into space.

Today Mr. Putin is 62 years old. In 2020 he will be 68 and in 2022 he will be 70.
His military build up plans will be one part of the new Russia he has helped create.
But, Russia is much more than just a military war power which is steadily growing. The reclaiming of a former great military power shall be realized. While the USA shall become a former nation. Alaska shall be yours for the taking and it may very well be to easy.

Has all of the military build-up been for some kind of revenge and can it all end up with Russia become the hero of the world? I'm being very hopeful and my hope is for the survival of humanity by the collective will of humanity. Not by any kind of intervention from any other outside source. That makes me against prophecy in favor of humanities potential. Will Russia use it's military to prevent a piling on of America when she falls hard? That would be heroic even though the USA has become the world's bully. Would it be right or just to sit back and watch the world's bully get destroyed? I do know everyone likes their money and assets. I can assure you of this. It would not be profitable for any nation to allow the American cities or lands to become destroyed or unusable for a long time.

I really hope you can build a true sense of Russian nationalistic pride. While at the same time combat from within corruption and poor quality controls in every aspect of Russian Society. Not just in the military or space related industries. Russian pride can be an honorable one. The Russian future can be one of human responsibility.

Happy Belated Birthday
Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
7 October 1952 (age 62)
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Friday, September 12, 2014

Prophecies End: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2014:

Not complete. Ordering problems. Out of order. Tangents. Myriad of problems. 
The end quote is complete.

The end of all prophecies shall come as it was written by the Holy Word. The end of humanity shall come by their own choices. Once humanity chooses the path of war, death, chaos and hatred. Then God will take away their free will just has He has done with the entire fallen angels. They will not know it either.What this means is:
World political leaders such as heads of states as well as every other branch of Governments will lose their free will in accordance to the prideful sin in their lives as well as which God or gods they follow. This will be seen by the righteousness, absence of righteousness or anti-righteousness within their personal and professional lives.
a well as many other national leaders around the world.

How you the common person will see this? You will see proclamations in public how each leader will react to any threat no matter if it is political, economic or military. Military protectionism will become common place in regards to ones own economy. The acquisition of more and more military assets in regards to real estate which includes the creation of building islands as China is doing.

Reactionary actions in a two dimensional sense which defies logic and embroils the whole world in war and economic distress, is not rational even to your own people. This is how freedom to choose becomes lost. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping both seem to have lost their own freedom of making decisions based in logic and reason. Even though they each may effectively argue my comments. It is still the way it is. In today's world a national leader is responsible for their own actions and should be basing all of their decisions on what is best for the whole world and not just for their little corner of it. Because, if their decisions harm the world they in effect harm themselves. Even into extinction.

Can the Russian and Chinese leaders just stop preparing for war and rededicate their resources towards the planets? It is just a simple decision and yes an easy one. The United States of America has quit the space race.
 In which all of their science and research will begin to zero out and flat line. In which those Countries who had not planned for the eventuality of no longer considering the USA as their cornerstone for their economy will suffer greatly. Maybe as soon as 2015 or even 2022 maybe as long as 2029. Hopefully 2029. That would mean more time. The fall of the USA is coming. There is no longer any public evidence of anything great being created. The politicians of the USA have given everything away. Is this a tangent? yep. stop. stop. stop.
Quitting the space program in favor of more and more social programs. Is like shooting yourself with a Chinese made pistol. While arming, training and conditioning the police forces to treat the civilian population as enemies of the state. Tangent.  Stop. stop. stop. 
If Russia and China would just re-purpose their monies into space instead of their military's. Their technological advancements would easily surpass the USA in twenty years. While at the same time creating economic markets outside of the USA would go a long way in stabilizing the worlds economies when the USA collapses financially. The collapse of the USA is certain unless the collective civilian population can make a righteous turn away from sins and decadence's. It is possible but very improbable at this point in time.
I remember writing about how the timeline was changing because of what I had wrote. I could feel everything changing just by writing it on here. The threads of possibilities multiplying. In this case I feel nothing of any time changes. This may mean nothing at all as I may not be in the correct frame of mind or I am in the correct frame of mind and nothing is altered. This is not pride or ego. I really want the for all of the bad and sad prophecies to end and to change. Right now the only hope for that is if Russia and China makes their changes in their military build-ups right now. Mr. Putin just look up and reach for it all. Mr. Jinping just gaze upwards and go. This will be far more profitable than anything you are doing right now with your military. China is much respected for their long term strategy and planning.
Do not fall into The USA's trap. It will be an ugly trap. Russia and China both know the USA's secrets. Reveal them all. Reveal all of the secrets to the world's populations. They can handle it. Yes, they can. Do not believe the lies that the world will end. The world as it is right now will end if Russia and China continues their military buildups. The reason as to why I am picking on Russia and China is because one is like a brother while the other like that wise old uncle. Except the brother seems to be affiliated with mobsters and the wise old uncle has become senile. Yep, insults always works. nope.
I think I'm all feely right now. Which is not good logically.
I'm repeating myself. The USA will financially fall as of right now. I've already written about it. That has not changed. So all of the monies that Russia and China are spending on their military's against the Evil American threat will all be for naught. Because, the political power of the USA is still causing your neighbors to ramp up their own military's against your actions. This is all reactionary. So, if you stop then they will stop. This is the essence of leadership within the world. If you go into space with an eye for peace, science and exploration. Everyone will follow you both Russia and China. You both will become the new heroes of the world. That is what this world needs right now. While you go off into space. Divide up the former USA as part of their re-payment program. Although, I believe I said. Russia just takes Alaska back.

As of right now. Russia and China are two of the keys to Humanities survival. If they can escape from the reactionary mind set. Then maybe the world can continue to exist. What do you think is going to happen when the leaders of the world all begin to react to everyone's reactions? EXTINCTION!!! Because of an out of control situation.
I am in a fixing the world mode. Maybe, it is because I'm just a guy.
How can a prophet merge with a mentor? The future is always certain of it's existence. While not so much for humanity.
This started as:
The religion which kills the most good wins. but really loses as humanity shall become extinct.
Good means Love, Peace, Harmony, Life, Compassion, Mercy, Gentleness, Kindness, Innocence,  Honesty, Righteousness, Godliness, Purity, Honor, and etc.
Then came:
The realization of common peoples. That their defined enemy has no civilian population and no innocent persons. What this means is: The women are having as many babies as possible and their children are being conditioned, taught and raised to kill you. So by simplified and reasonable deduction. Kill them all. Kill their women and kill their children. Becomes the action of the common civilian people. it will not matter who or how the "State" police agencies protect these militant enemies amongst the civilized population. All parties will be in the wrong. In time it will be everyone against everyone else. Faction against faction. Differences against differences. Sin and wrong doing will be seen as a right of selfish survival.

These attacks are just the beginnings:
Our countries politicians have given permission for the enemy to migrate here (In your Country) for an opportunity for freedom. That gift was under a false pretense. They are the enemy and are an invading force which is multiplying rapidly. The enemy is within and any action by the State will be seen as evil and uncivilized.

A change has occurred. A change which will cause God to take away free will from most of humanity. What this change is, I have no idea. There was a change and it may have been with the current President Barack Obama. I have not seen his last speech to the American people. A decision has been made.

The leaders of the world will be the first to lose their free will. The evil which resides within their heart will over shadow their minds reason. Thus, causing an inability for self thinking. Their minds will be open to angelic demonic thought controls.

The leaders of the world are as  follows. National leaders, Political leaders, Corporate leaders, Religious leaders, Social leaders, Cultural leaders, Racial leaders. They have been put into their positions by the god of this world. He who is Lucifer, Satan, Devil or is is called by other descriptions.
These world leaders will become purely reactionary. Meaning that they each will respond to any and all threats in a likewise threatening manor. The world leaders will no longer have the ability to choose wisely and rationally. Before, Military weapons automation can become fully realized and self replicating. The civilian population of the world must reject all military service and even police services where they have become just another military force (SWAT). Such as in the USA. Although, This is very improbable for the civilians of the world to reject military service. As military service has become a step up for those persons who have nothing and are from nothing. The decision to have something of the world or go back to nothing within the world? Very tough decision especially, when the military person may be providing finances to their family members. This is strong governmental motivation used to insure the military person obeys.  

I still think it is still a little early to identify all of the satan's of the world. One of the signs for world war. Is in the military build up and modernization programs. The acquisition of lands of strategic importance and values. Look at Russia and China. How are they each acquiring real estate or creating it? Look at each of their progress and you can logically determine when and how they each can become a dominant military influence upon the world or the seas first.  2020-2025?. Most military leaders have learned from Adolph Hitlers impatience. If Adolph Hitler had waited 6 months to 5 years. The world may have been his. So expect a little more patience from this new generation of world leaders.
The projected countries as of today should be Russia, China, Japan, India. The USA falls after 2020 according to those who have made reasonable calculations. This is not an instant fall but a steady decline for the USA. 
Only the most talented of gifted people will be able to see the newest of weapon concepts which will be in use in the next great human wars. In order to know and understand what it is you are seeing. You must increase your knowledge within the technical sciences. If you the gifted person does not increase your knowledge base. Then you will not know the differences between science fiction and science fact. This will become a confusion within you and thus a source of contamination of messages given.
Lucifer desires the destruction of humanity as what has been done to Lucifer by God and His Angelic forces led by Michael The Arch Angel.

It will be Lucifer who will act upon humanity but it is God who has taken away the free will of Lucifer who knows not of the loss of his own free will. So to has/will humanity has lost/lose their free will and they each know not.
To go against God is futile into the infinite.

An inaccurate comparison of God, the angels and humans. God is to the angels as angels is to humans as humans is to simple apes.

The errors of my own understanding.
Humans are greater than apes. But only in a very limited sense. Humans cannot control apes without use of some kind of physical force, coercion, training or mind altering medications. Humans can do little else. Certain apes can quickly over power and kill humans.

Certain classes of angels are very powerful. They can alter you in any way without physical contact. They can erase your memories without any physical contact. They can cause you to believe what ever they will it and without any physical contact. Just their physical presence can even harm the human being even if the angel has no intention of harming the human being.

GOD can do all and everything to any class of angels. Even if you or I have never even conceived of it. With or without their knowledge. The physical presence of God to a human being destroys the human being. God can raise a human being from the dirt. It matters not if the person has ever lived or how long they have been dead.
Prophets words of warning for a more hopeful future..

Mentors words of encouragement for a more hopeful future.
The separation and division of all of humanity based on the color of skin is a lie. The separation and division of all of humanity based on any physical attribute is also a deception.
Race is a De-humanizing thought made into a truthful action with it's origins based in lies and deceptions. The act of racism is a truthful action from a person or a group of persons who believe that the separation and division of the races is a truth. There is not many races which is separated by skin tone or ethnic origins. There is one human family.
Any leader who leads or wants to lead a thing and proclaims the falsely believed truth of the multiple races is either deceived and cannot think for them-self or is a liar. Either way. They cannot and should not be a leader of any thing. C.J.MacKechnie
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc? How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink much alcohol? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact supporting the division of the races.  In which there is one human race on this planet.
Added on 15 Sept 2014:
The prophecies seem to be at a stand still. The prophecies are not fading away but are becoming more prevalent. When the prophecies which are within the mathematical puzzle of the universe begins to merge together. That is when they will all begin to manifest. I am only capable of seeing just a few of the prophetic puzzle pieces. Just as others who are alive right now and in their own little corner of our shared planet can see however many prophetic puzzles they each are aware of.
Each of the logical prophetic puzzle pieces will begin to come together to form a very horrific picture of doom, destruction and death. The merging process will be slow at first and not noticeable by any human. In time the speed of the merging will become faster and faster. Thus, easy to see and those who are the most sensitive and gifted may not wish to remain. Doom, Destruction and Death will be total.
My use of the word puzzle, is because the human mind can only see snapshots of the total logical picture of the universe without causing harm to the human mind. The spirit within each of us is a buffer for the information. That information can even be dumbed down to the human mind for the best understanding and wisdom gleaned. While at the same time lacking in knowledge. The level of knowledge given to the human mind from the spirit being may be directly related to the educational background achieved by the human brain. Not awarded.
For instance if you have been awarded a boat load of degrees and certifications and yet your still as dumb as a rock. Forget about it. Such as cheating or open book test scores.
Prophecies from all over the world exists and they are about every place and every people. They are all meant as warnings and not certainty's. This is the hope of all prophecies.
 When the prophetic puzzle pieces from all over the world merges into one horrific picture, all prophecies end.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Humanities Remains: (Unedited) 28 Aug 2014:

Only the echoes of an extinct humanity will be all that remains within the universe. 
Out in space and traveling at a great speed. All of the RF and Television signals that humanity has ever created is going out into the universe. For any being to hear and or see. If they have the technical capability to do so. But, eventually, even those signals from earth will fade out to the point that no amount of technological wizardry will be able to see  or listen to them.
Soon very soon God will begin his process of purification. Once God begins this process. There will be no human heroes to save our lives. No cutesy tricks, no super weapons, no computer virus and no Will Smith. Humanity will become extinct. This planet will no longer remember any of humanity, the fallen angels or even any space aliens. Our end game is approaching and what is really interesting. I still think we can avert it all. Is it probable? Not Likely. But Possible. Humanity as a whole must begin to live holy and righteous lives, right now. I've already written about them before. Read my older works.
How to save yourself and possibly all of humanity?
Love one another
Live in peace
Exist in harmony
Respect and honor life
 Do these things because you want to and not because you have to. Do these thing because you know it is the righteous thing to do and not because you have to. Do these things without threats or fears. There is a difference.
In doing so. Humanity may in fact remain. Get it yet?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2014 Prophecy: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2013:

This is not in any specific order. These are just things to be on the look out for. This is for the whole of the world.  

All prophecies which involves the decisions and actions of man. Can be altered and changed. All of the most famous of prophets. It matters not if you are believing or accepting of them. have all predicted some very terrible things for humanities future. The vast majority of those bad, sad and terrible things to come seem to be based on human decisions. Which means all of those bad, sad and terrible predictions made by all of those famous prophets can be altered and prevented. Which includes humanities extinction. This is my hope. To the leaders of the world. Embrace kindness. Embrace forgiveness. Embrace those whom you are in conflict with as your brothers. 

The key countries for 2014. works in progress.

A). Beginning and end of 2014. Very harsh winter. Winters to become longer and colder.  
B). Nationalized energy possibility or just the idea expressed. Maybe an actuality. Look for a cause event. (USA). WRONG!
C). The United nations flexes some muscle or exercises powers never before seen. May be seen as a humanitarian event. HIT In regards to Ukraine and Russia. Check the news.
D). A meteor impact. Maybe similar in size to the 2013 Russian impact or larger. Meteors impact the Earth all of the time. May be something different than the common. Updated on 30 Dec 2013: This is just the beginning. World wide views of spectacular meteor views. Signs in the heavens and on our star. Watch the moon for new impacts.Double HIT Nicaragua’s crowded capital Managua. Moon Hit .
E). The International Monetary Fund. Takes action to further stabilize the world economies.  
F). A new political doctrine which embraces both the capitalistic forms of communism and the communistic forms of capitalism. Something agreed upon by both world views.
G). UFO's or extraterrestrial news world wide. Fleets appearing as stars and moving in formations. WRONG!!
H). USA. New organizations or re-organizations of the CIA, DOD, NSA. Maybe be space related. Maybe just revealed or more commonly known publicly. A low probability of strange technologies revealed or observed. WRONG!!
I). A new technological concept revealed. MAYBE WRONG!! Wireless battery charging. DEW or Directed Energy Weapons (LASER/RF).
J). Major Israeli news. A new Israel era begins. Israel is no longer just a small middle eastern parcel of land. World wide influence is commonly known. Financial Support no longer needed? A new Jewish beginning. WRONG!!
K). India and Pakistan peace news. Which may come after severe harshness. Which may also lead to a nuclear exchange. Either way peace. Hope for cool heads or Radiation in China. HIT Sort of.
L). India becomes more tied with Russia, Europe and China. Less friends and ties with the USA. India will buy whatever military hardware they can from the USA and resell it to others or re-engineer it for other uses. Such as space related. Hit. Do a news check.
M). Chinese pride ramps up. Chinese unity begins. "Jade Rabbit". 10 years to greatness if the leadership is bold enough to focus upon space. Forget imaginary lines and sunken islands. end. China look upwards and go upwards. Do not move your forces westward. MOVING WEST Militarily.
N). India may take the space lead. But will become second to China. Just the beginnings.
O). European riots intensify. European dis-unity. Hit. Scotland may obtain independence. Immigrant related riots all over Europe. Now that European Islamic persons are beheading journalists and an English little ole ladies. It is only a matter of time before the whole of Europe begins to get more serious about riots. 
P). USA begins an obvious decline. After possible disasters. Which are directly tied to it's movement away from the protections of the Divine. This is already obvious to those who crunch data. To become magnified around 2015-2016. The completion of the expansion of the Panama Canal is symbolic and is a beginning. The destruction of the hover dam as well as other dams. Hit. More for 2015-2016 then 2014. There is a military decline and President Obama does not seem interested in Foreign affairs unless forced to.
Q). Russia is already building up their assets, as in all of them. No change for Russia. Russia is in a race for military build-up. May be not enough time. Russia ties to the USA comes to an end. Privately yes. publicly no. (end). The importance of Russia in the world is of human survivability and absolute extinction. Do not drive your forces south. No matter what. (Not 2014 related). HIT. Crimea and Ukraine military actions. Which is necessary for their future.
R). Japan is in duality. Life or death? Decisions and actions of every kind will dictate their continuation or end. Japan as an assimilated/continuation people or as a extinct people. Peaceful decisions will reflect in continuation and assimilation. Warlike decisions will end in their extinction. Humble yourselves. Make amends to China and other Asian peoples. Seek forgiveness everywhere. The island of Japan is a scared place. Your evil pride will destroy the island. You must act now in honor. The first steps in regaining honor is admittance and then apology. Peacefully end all disagreements with your Asian brothers and sisters. Japans duality is in relation to reflection of the old imperial history and of their own future survival. Maybe, they instinctively know that merging with other peoples is the only way they survive. Even if it is only their unique Genetic makeup which survives.
S). A great sadness from devout Catholics in regards to their church. The on going demise of the Catholic Church. The enemies of the Catholic faith begin to wear sideways crosses in celebration. To represent the fallen Catholic/Christian church. This is ongoing prophecy. Hit. Check the news.
T). (Added on 04 Jan 2014): With the discontinuation of support service for Microsofts aging XP operating system and office 2003. Those who wish to exploit the security vulnerabilities are waiting for  08 April 2014. Those Viruses and Trojans have already been created and the black hats are just waiting. Their race to control those operating systems and to gain confidential information is their goals. See note. Hit. Goodwill international. Goodwill of the Suncoast. Which was XP related.
Added on 30 Dec 2013: (S). sideways cross information.

None of these relate to my definition. One was dated back to March 2013. I have been thinking about the Catholic Church much lately and the Popes comments. I see it as a fallen cross and not a sideways cross. 
T NOTE: Added on 04 Jan 2014: In your business and personal computers contains any private information. You really need to stop using Microsoft Windows XP Operating System and Office 2003 before 08 April 2014. This is crucial and very important. A minor alert will be those unsecured driver's associated with the XP operating system and Office 2003. A lot of XP related hardware cannot be upgraded to those newer Microsoft operating systems. You must upgrade entirely both hardware and software.  
It is all about the money of course.
Added on 09 Jan 2014: Corrected @ 1545 Hrs. Partial Hit. I got lost. no signs in the water.
Just awoke from a dream about southern Louisiana. A satellite image  of some kind of new old hag problem in the Gulf of Mexico.
I deleted the Methane gas and earthquake question as I remember seeing a visible gas above the Gulf of Mexico. Not sure at this time what it is or was. Also, not sure if this is to be a 2014 event or not. 
 These are what was in the dream. 
1). A satellite photo of northern Gulf of Mexico and southern Louisiana.  With smoke or cloud cover. The image was real time actual color as seen from orbit.
2). Audio comment. The old hag returns or the old hag raises her ugly head again. Not sure how this applies but seemed related to the broken well rig from a few years back. 
3). Audio comment. There has not been .... (I think this is related to oil seepage).
Added on 08 Sept 2014:
I may have been off on this one. As the methane gasses from the waters is from the Atlantic Ocean. There is much news on the arctic methane releases.
Added on 09 Jan 2014 @ 2143 Hrs.
Earthquake 24km NNE of Corralillo Cuba today 09 Jan 2014 @ 1557 UTC-05:00.
5.1 at a depth of 10.0 km.
The shocks were felt throughout Key West, Florida.
 Added on 02 Feb 2014: Possible hit. probably just a beginning of their woes. Old hag maybe related to repeating problems.
Added on 21 Jan 2014:
Research the news for yourself. Japan and China are on their war footing. I do not want Japan to lose a war. I do not want there to be a war at all. In the end Japan will lose any war. Japan must pursue peace and a re-joining with their brethren with China. I do find it interesting that China holds the most US debt and Japan is second. If one loses a war. Does that debt disappear? 

2014 Chapters

John 4: Those persons of religion who are or have become more than just religious are becoming seekers of truth and are no longer worshiping on this mountain nor in jerUSAlem. Those who have and are devout. Will no longer go to church. Will this be the beginning of 2014? Something which may be very difficult to measure. A deception of the great falling away from the faith. A separation from the chaff of the devout's. Something seen as the devout's just simply disappear from view.
Those who cannot or will not become more than just religious will remain blinded and unseeing. Those stuck on tradition will remain stuck in their faith.

1 John 2:
This is the last hour. Those who love their brother and sister will not love the world. They will keep the commands and accept the Son. 
It would be difficult to remain in the Father or to know the Father if you are participating in warfare. In the USA choosing early retirement is an option for you. If you are truly a believer. Leave the military should be a very real decision for you. I think it is in all military branches of the military. You cannot love your brother if you yourself are on a war footing.
Sin no more.

Exodus 22:
Is about living righteously and with honor. Which is not socially of the world. The rejection of the cultures which is based in lies. If you have done bad things, Then you make amends.  It isn't about who witnessed you do a wrong or not. Did you or did you not? It isn't about what can or cannot be proven in a court of worldly law. Where an innocent person can go to prison while the guilty is deemed free.

Psalms 114:
A tough time on Earth to come.
John 4,  Exodus 22, 2 Kings 19, Psalms 114, Daniel 2,
Added on 24 Jan 2014:
R: Added more content about Japan on my Japan Domed Country Blog.
Updated on 08 Sept 2014:
D): Update: Gotta Hit Literally.
Added on 25 Sept 2014:
It looks like I have confused long term prophecies with prophecies for the next year. this is a learning event for me. Prophecy 2015 has already begun. I'm already in error with the Jewish new year. I do think the Jewish Hebrew calender is more in line with prophetic words and prophetic time table. Which means those who use the worlds calender will be missing a lot just because of this error. The error is 3 months prior to 2015 and another 3 months during 2015. That is a lot of time and error in prophecy. Something that those who speak prophecy may be confused about like me.
Added on 27 Sept 2014: The possible beginning to the end of island Japan. It has been 3.5 years since the Fukushima disaster. Now a surprise volcanic eruption in central Japan. 
A great tribulation comes to Japan. The leadership of Japan must turn away from their evil ways and re-seek what is means to be honorable. Must make amends with their siblings in China and elsewhere.
Added on 04 Oct 2018:
L: India news: India is to buy the Russian S400 missile system. In Spite of sanctions from the USA. The turn away from American interests is being made right now. Which means a possible future alliance with both Russia and China. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pleasant Space: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

A pleasant work space is made up of pleasant people who desire to be more than just present. 
The people who make up a pleasant work place are those who seem to want to be there and actually show up early to make unnecessary preparations, which creates a welcoming environment. Who want to always to the best job they can and enjoy doing so. Who are polite in the course of their day and want to be. Who always answers the call for assistance when there is a problem and is satisfied when the thing is all good to go.
This is a pleasant work place. 
The ugly work place and space is where management always has to watch those dark hiding places where people like to get away. The management has to offer training on how to be nice under the guise of customer service. The break room becomes a disaster area. The employee conversation seems to joke about customer stupidity and meanness. The outside smoking area with butt containers. Still needs to be cleaned up. The employees do not seem to care about other employees and refuse to go out and help others when there is a need.  The back stabbing. The importance of social communication when work duties are needed to be completed. Not focused on the job is evidence that the job is of no importance.
If you have to train people to care. Then you are hiring people who do not care and will not care. Because, most people know how to spot a phony smile.
The mean customer is a reflection of your employees apathy.
An employee who is only there for the paycheck. is not concerned about the company, the customer or you.
An employee who only does the absolute minimum to keep their job. Is not concerned with your bottom line, Profit/Loss ratios or even thefts.
Just listen to your employees when they are unaware of your presence. From their words you will know the effectiveness of your management team and Human Resources Department.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Loose Thread: (Unedited): 06 July 2010:

Tugging on or playing with any thread within the fabric of time and space is usually not a good thing unless your the seamstress.
Our histories are woven into today's reality. So if your one of those unfortunate souls who had to endure a history full of traumatic bad and sad. You may want to change your past as much as I do. You must know to change or alter your past in any way, will fundamentally change who you are now. One thing is for certain. You will not be the strong and determined person you are now. Those who are survivors of intense bad and sad events, are fundamentally different souls then those who had a life with much fluff. All of those bad and sad memories of your past is very similar to the memories of warriors who return home.
It doesn't matter if you were born into an awful family or like me adopted into one. I've resolved myself into thinking this. Better for me to have been adopted by them, then for someone else. If this gives you any comfort, then use it. Because, you survived as I have. Your abuse and torture may have been much worse than mine. You survived it all. many of those who are like us do not survive. So, be thankful with your heart of compassion.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Space Sports: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

The evolution of sports can be adapted to space warfare. Two dimensional combat as seen in sports like soccer, football and basketball will evolve into multidimensional space warfare. C.J.MacKechnie
Just like in open space. The courts and fields are wide open. Your advisory is right in front of you and around you. The knowledge learned in sports can be logically applied to space warfare. With the addition of multiple dimensions.
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Pattern Formations: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

Military movement formations in space shall include shapes such as spheres of various kinds, con-caves, convex-es and cylinder cones. Then integrating multiple formations to create attack and defensive patterns. C.J.MacKechnie
Spheres with multifaceted perturbations can have a myriad of functions and purposes.  A sphere cannot be attacked from any direction in surprise. A cylinder cone can be that aggressive of a point of attack. Con-caves and con vexes can be a focus of energies or points of highlight. Or to create pickets of a particular direction of observation.

For instance. You observe a number of spheres under it's own power in the direction of your central star. In which you observe these spheres slowing down as they approach your star. They immediately align themselves in polar orbits. First very close and you observe anomalies coming from the star and into the spheres. Without any apparent damage. What has just happened is your star has just been captured. Those who control the stars control the solar system.
Each of these spheres can be as large as a planet. From within the spheres comes forth their attack ships. In which they align themselves in cone like formations. These formations begin to place themselves in the polar orbits of any planet which has what they desire. Once polar orbits has been established. The control of the solar system becomes certain. Because, the easiest source of energy is from the stars. Any attacking or defending military force must get to the central star, in order to replenish their energy reserves. Isn't this a current naval strategy in human history and today? Top off everything before going into battle. Then keeping in close proximity to your fuel supplies. The central star or binary stars are the fuel sources.
Then if planetary control is becoming difficult. Start throwing asteroids at the planets. If that is too drastic of a measure. Then realign your spheres to block all sun light from hitting the planet. In less than 24 hours. The atmosphere collapses and condenses. 


  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Space Desert: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

Open Space battles would be similar to desert and naval warfare. Except there is no opportunity for air supremacy or multidimensional battle plans. C.J.MacKechnie
In open space there is no place to seek cover or concealment. There is no high ground. There is no surprise attacks. No hidden reserve forces.
Your enemy in it's entirety is before you and fully known. If technologies are equal.
Like naval sailing ships of old. They faced one another in the open. A little over simplified? probably so.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Information Absent: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2011:

The absence of information. Is in itself information. C.J.MacKechnie
Is the night sky really black or is it because of the limitations of our own natural eyes capabilities?
Can a persons own belief system affect a persons ability to see, hear or smell less?
Just because we do not have certain sensory organs as other animals do. Does that mean the absence of that information is real or not?
I'm pretty sure that any good police detective is interested in both the information left behind and the absence of information. The absence of information leads to the question as to why is information absent?
Moses saw a burning bush. What if all of life is on fire?

Think beyond your own natural capabilities. 
Ask the questions which is beyond your own reason.
Contemplate the amazing which is revealed.

This is how we all can take that leap. Which is beyond our own set and well defined belief systems. Your belief system is just a mirror of your own creation. Fear not in breaking the mirror. The fires of new wisdom, knowledge and understanding created within your own mind will re-create the glass of a new mirror of you.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books