Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Righteous Escape: (Unedited): 23 July 2018:

You cannot escape from the storms in your life by fleeing into them. You can only escape from those storms by fleeing from them. You can be protected from approaching storms when your safely hidden within the cloak of righteous prayer.
In any situation which is uncertain. The righteous prays first and all throughout the uncertainty. Then once certainty is achieved. The righteous prayer turns into righteous thanksgiving and gratitude. Gratitude is even given if the outcome is unfavorable to the righteous soul in prayer. The key is always in you actually being a good son or daughter. All founded in your love and not in your fears of trying to save your own skin. Skin which is not yours.
Amazing lightning storm coming ashore from the Gulf of Mexico. Woke up sons. One took video and the cat took off as she always does. So it is her who inspired this quote. She likes to take off in total fear from the safety of the garage and hide in the tall grasses as the deluge falls. While running crazy like into tall trash cans and other immovable objects. When she found us as a starved and lethargic kitten. I thought she would die and maybe the humans who dropped her off thought she would die or be eaten by the many hawks and eagles around here. But, she came back mostly. Her mind never fully recovered. She really is an inspiration to watch and to know. How many people do you know who are walking inspirations in your life? Those who are perpetually in need, Some may even be in continual desperate need. Know it is they who typically have been abandoned by the Christian worldly churches. How do you know if you belong to a worldly church? What is one of the signs that you belong to a Christian worldly church? You have to assign some criteria. Do you have a lot of members? Are you considered a rich church or even a mega church? These churches will have a list of services for those who are in desperate need. This printed up list that the church offers sends the desperately needy to other places. Think about that for a moment. Your church sends people away. To government agencies and to small churches of less than a hundred people who serve more people than your thousands of rich people. You should ascertain the truth of my words towards you and if they are true. Then I think you should devote time to prayer in this matter and move your membership to the poor church who does more good and expresses more love than a mega church.
Yes, I know of one local near mega church which sends the hungry to a small church of about thirty people. Yep. The small church was someones converted house about thirty years ago. Yes and the real mission field is where you are. Blessed is the church of twenty with twenty pastors. Blessed is the church of one hundred with one hundred pastors. Blessed is the church of ten thousand with ten thousand pastors.
Know this pastors, preachers and theologians. God hears and knows your words and your teachings before you do. So when you preach and teach works of duty and responsibility versus works of faith and love or even imply you don't have to do anything once your saved. What is it are you trying to teach? or are you trying to justify the do nothingness within your church? Are you trying to blind the people in your dead church as you fund your retirement accounts and blight your community? Will you hide and lie about your early retirement in the moving to another church in some far away Florida beach locale as being led. Surrounded by gates and security. Surrounded by boats, beaches, pools and parks.
The evidence of faith is in your expression of love to those who are most in need. Your outward expression of love is not from some sense of duty, responsibility or the show of a showman. It is only out of your love for your Father and who is your father? Yahweh or satan? That is OK. You don't have to answer for your father knows who his children are and it is he who will take his children home.
Anytime I use the term "Your Church" anywhere I write. You should really consider those words as an insult. They are meant for you to keep those words in the back of your mind to always make sure that what you always do is only for "Whose Church"? So whose church is your church?
Many time when I've written "Your Church" I'm not even aware of it. While only a few times or 1% of the time I'm aware of what I write. Then once I've written it. It is gone to me forever. Which is why you always pray and have your Holy Text handy. If you feel the need to fast before reading. Then do it. After all I'm nobody of importance in the grand scheme of things. I'm just the invisible janitor. I'm your janitor just on the outskirts of your life.
I've been getting a lot of foreign readers. The kind who go to holy places not called churches. Some of your are very important. When an opportunity arises and your janitor happens to be present in his/her corner of their world. Approach him or her as which is proper. You may require a respected female witness. Allow them to look up to you into your own eyes and humble yourself before them. Express honor and gratitude as you only can. All without public recognition or fanfare. If someone wants to publicize your private action. It was private.
The Good Father snatches His children out of Hell while the evil father drags his children into Hell with him. Whose child are you?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 13, 2018

Enslavement Consequences:+4: (Unedited):12 July 2018:

All of the consequences you have suffered in your life is your bonds of enslavement.
All of the consequences you experience in life is the result of sin. It could be your sin, your parents sin, your grandparents sin. The consequences in your life could also be the result of choosing wrong friendships. No matter how the consequences materialized in your life. They are all your bonds of enslavement. Then if you begin to go through your life assigning blame to them, him or her. You create more bonds of enslavement in the form of excuses. Freeing yourself from the eventual curses of sins.Will give you an early taste of freedom. Even while those consequences of old sins will see you to your grave. But, in the here and now. Becoming sinless in mind, heart and body. Will give you freedom even if you must sit or lay and wait for death. Which will also free you from your body.
Sin Consequences: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
To free yourself from the consequences of life you must begin to live a life free from sin.
Some consequences in life. You cannot free yourself from. The diseases which result from sin. The crimes which resulted in your incarceration. Your meanness which may result in your untimely death through some poor souls plans for revenge. Right now you can free yourself from the future consequences of sins. Right now you can begin by repenting of everything. Then believing in the son of man. Yes, you even have to do more than just believe. For the fallen angels believe and are obedient to Jesus and yet they are all not forgiven. Find yourself a small Bible Believing small church and enquire of them. If they allow the perpetuation of any sin. Then leave.
Becoming a Christian will not free you from the consequences you have made for yourself or have inherited. But, becoming a Christian does give you an end date for all of those consequences. Assuming you actually become a Christian which can only be accepted and recognized by your Heavenly Father.
For instance, You may go through the whole public process of becoming a Christian. Yet, if you continue in your sins without any effort to change. You may not be a Christian. But, if your as bad of a human being as I was/am. Then your process may take decades. I like to use these men whom I have known of. If your a slumlord and you have been to church every time the doors were open. You tithed big time and have been a church member for multiple decades. You may not be a christian simply because you continue to cause harm. As you get deeper and deeper into the Holy Bible and in prayer. Look up the signs or evidence of being a real Christian. They all usually begin with love.
Sour Consequences: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
Every sin that is within you will eventually become an outward expression by you. Like every fruit which develops in darkness. It's sour taste will be known by you through the consequences in your life. The consequences in your life shall become a sour taste which cannot be humanly washed from your mouth.
To sin all you have to do is entertain any of those sinful desires. All you have to do is think about them and then desire them. You do not actually have to commit the sin. You can silently hate a person without them ever knowing it. You can imagine a secret person whom you hate to be harmed. This is all sin. Even playing a video game where you kill and destroy is sin. Especially, when you know the right answer if it is wrong or sinful to kill and yet you spend much time killing and harming real people or digital people. Then you call it fun and entertaining.
One of the signs of you actually becoming a Christian. Is severe and heavy guilt for all of the people whom you have harmed. You may even begin to hate yourself for what you have done. This is really a good thing and it is a sign for you. For you were once was the person of your memories and now you are born again with making new memories. Pray for all of those whom you have harmed. Know that making contact may not go well for the person whom you have harmed. Even though you have changed. I have had that experience where prayer and complete disappearance from their personal world is better.
Genetic Sin: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
All of your sins shall become the genetic markers that your children and grandchildren must decide to suffer through or to avoid in entirety. 
Humanities return back to God is one which may take more or less than 70 generations. All of it begins when the entire human population decides to become holy and righteous. All of it begins when the entire human population begins to sin no more.
What if this is how the perpetuation of sin works. All of your sins including those which you wrongly think are private or secret. They are all passed along within your DNA into your children. So as you begin to become holy and righteous. Those sinful genetic markers begin to disappear. Once the second and third generation of children are raised to become holy and righteous. Those sinful precursors begin to disappear. Over the next generations of children being born. Humanity will cease devolution and begin to evolve back to the point where humans can recognize lesser angels and then the archangels. As humanity evolves back to it's original state. Those humans will be able to walk in the full presence of God once again.
Sinless Freedom: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
Freedom in life is sinless living in life.
Imagine raising a child to be free from sin. imagine a child who decides for them self to walk through life refusing to sin. The consequences in his life will be none to few. Of course humanity today cannot imagine a life without consequences as everyone of us live our lives full of consequences upon consequences upon consequences. We are all at fault for pushing more and more consequences onto everyone else. All of the sins and consequences in life will just continue to add up with every generation. Until, all of humanity is no more.
Added on 19 July 2018:
Even the consequences of those sins in my adoptive parents lives are still experienced by my own biological children. The consequences of my childhood is still felt by my children and lived by my wife who knew not about it then. This is very serious.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Home Humanity: (Edited) 09-12 June 2018:

Personal Notes in note form:
The word "home" has been repeated many times to me this last few weeks. Is there a message?
Where is the home of your heart? Where is the home of your spirit? Where is the home of your mind? Where is the home of your body? Where is the home of your family? Where is the home of your ancestors? Do you still consider any of them your home? Even if you wanted to consider them home are you permitted to?
For me it is very disturbing to watch the younger generation exercising their new parental authority and selling off and giving away their ancestral rights to ancient lands. All for a bowl of soup. Those new adults in their new responsibilities and they see no importance in their own family history. All they do is sell sell sell, even the historical war relics of their ancestors' heroism.
I see the burdens in those still living ancient ones who have been cast aside in the present but in actuality have been forgotten a long time ago. Maybe, it is all repayment for when those now helpless ancestors chose their careers over their own flesh and blood children, and the grandparents chose a far away retirement and just gave up on the lives of their own grandchildren, so much so that to the grandchildren their grandparents are just strangers with no life memory to hold onto the importance of the past heritages.
So much have I seen and witnessed of the elders and disabled family members who have been forgotten by their own blood kin or just neglected. It becomes their own sin and my pain for those elder and disabled souls who confide in me. For in their moment of being forgotten, we both share in our collective history of abandonment.
I watch my children grow into their adulthoods and I see their hardships which can be directly tied to my own hardships and my own failures, even the failures in which there is no compassion, mercy or forgiveness. It is they who pay for my sins and woes. Most humans know how to answer correctly but in their own real answer there is only neglectful inaction which originates from their own comfort level.
I have seen how it is supposed to be. How family and home is supposed to work. How a family and a home is supposed to be that welcoming warm place of sanctuary and refuge. Where a son and a daughter will be joyfully welcomed when out in the stormy cold of the cruel world. So how can a wayward prodigal son return home when home is a nothing of an unwelcoming place? I've been thirsty in the desert. I've been cold and alone with only the howls of the coyotes flaming my fears. I've been scared of the dark while sleeping in my camphor tree. I've walked upon the dark snake in the night and fear the fake lights of man. I've been starved and have eaten like a happy dog feasting on his great prize from the trash cans. I've swum in the stream of the moccasin as he was drawn into my wake. I've run away only to realize that no one would care if I ever returned or even question why I never came home when I did (8 years old). How many times should I have died? Yet, I type off photons upon your screen. Can you feel the dark dwell of the abyss that I have drawn you into? That dark tube leads to a geometric shape. But, I know if I continue to drag you down with me we each may lose ourselves from reality, because the deeper we go the more strange it becomes as well as all of the realities. The reality of my life was supposed to be with two whom I have met. But they have been swayed by the world as their families become lost into the gravitational grasp of family name extinction and then extinction of totality. All you have to do is drag your leg furthest away from the gravitational tug and you will be free. Just by looking up and over into the calm, you will be there. Even if you dwell within your own depressive state, all you have to do is decide not to dwell in it. Just thinking about the beauty which surrounds you can be enough to cause you not to dwell in your own negativity. Then realize that the beauty around you has always been and will always be regardless of how you feel or what you think.
Maybe turning past 50, I see what my children have lost out on. The lessons and lives of elder and ancestral family members. We have none. The lessons from aunts, uncles and cousins to teach the lessons of what makes this one family unique by their outward actions and inward thinking.
How many of you would love to actually have an ancient home in which you could teach and acquaint your children and grandchildren with? For me it is a burden to know that I cannot teach my children where the home of their family is as there is none.
Being the end of the line means that I cannot be a part of their new beginning, like a Moses who was not allowed to enter into the promised land because of his sin. But, the children of the slaves did as their parents who departed Egypt and who could not shake themselves from their slavish ways and had to die in the wilderness and they did.
Home and ancient home I have none. Name and ancient name I have none. Yet, I'm tied to Germany and Scotland in some unaccepted way. Even though my DNA may just contradict them both or agree with them. I know not. Yet I'm not bound by either and neither holds any claim on me. Stripped from all and all that remains is the nakedness of my spirit. Even to the point all that remains in the physical is the intertwined base of my core humanity. All I am is a chemical and mathematical representation of that which God had desired to exist in this singular moment in time according to my limited awareness. Even my thoughts are without any mass. My emotions are without substance and my spirit cannot be proven in science. This is who I am and nothing more. I am of the dirt and can only look up to the maggots and worms as they all are completely obedient to the will of God without any debate or negotiation. Even all other animals and plants all know who and what they are. They all know their individual function and purpose. In their own way and understanding of time they all worship God with all that they are. Why can't humanity do the same, or I for that matter?
The home of my person is with my wife. The home of my spirit is with the Heavenly Father. Without my wife I am alone. Without the Heavenly Father I am nothing.
Yes, I have children and my comments are not intended to exclude them in any way. I love my children and am very proud of all of them.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, May 14, 2018

Profound Meaningful Actions: +4: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:

The most profound, purposeful and meaningful things you will ever experience in your life will always have a foundation based upon your selfless acts.
Perpetual Selfish Thoughts: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Having feelings of being deserving and entitled to your perpetual selfish thoughts and actions. May be enjoyable in the short term. But as the years roll by do not expect to have accrued any real wisdom or knowledge of gaining any real profound purpose or meaning in your life.  
Humanities Selfless Love: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Your selfless acts based upon your love for humanity and this world. Is one of the essential keys in actually knowing how to perceive the true meaning of life.
Purchasing Meaning: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Purchasing the meaning of life through your selfish desire to acquire it is a fundamental impossibility. While you may have helped ease suffering, hunger and ailments. The meaning and purpose of life will only be the empty correct answer to the known question.
Purple words below is a step.
I think I've written this story before. I worked for a local family owned office supply delivery company when I was younger. I worked hard. Cleaned up their warehouse. I was always on time even arrived before the boss. Made my deliveries without issue. While riding with the adult son of the owner we drove past the Alabama Baptist Children's home in Alabama. He made the proud comment of how his family donates to these people in order to keep those criminals off of the street. I was a little upset. I told him I was a former foster kid and would never steal from him or his family. That Friday I was fired. No reason. Yes, I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. Foster kids are taught this early on. Yes, even today there is still the master servant relationships. A servant is not supposed to speak out against the master or the Master's children in any way. Well, I did.
Where is the intentions of your heart? For what reason do you do good things? Out of fear or out of love? Do you do good things just to receive an accolade or respect? Just because a family has been in the church for generations. Does not mean they are actual Christians. Their church may just be their social club.
Youthful Joy: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Genuine youthful joy is just one of the rewards gained in this here and now. When you take necessary actions based on your love for one another. No matter the cost.
Purple words below is a step.
So you think this world is bad? Maybe not worth it? How about to far gone? or maybe your world is perfect as the rewards from this world always come to you in every decision made. But, is their real purpose and meaning to your life?
Personal Note: I have to work really hard to be nice. Even being past 50 years old. I guess for me growing up the way I have. Those things not learned is still very evident. Like how to properly respond to certain intentions and how to properly act to a variety of social stimuli is alien to me. Once I'm past the greeting and weather I tend to get lost in social interactions. I've tried to even ask about family and careers. But when I get returned one word answers. I'm like really.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Who You Are: (Unedited): 02 April 2018:

The character and actions of a person, people or nation define who and what they truly are. If what they were is no longer who they are. Then all of the rewards or consequences in life will come to them.
If hate, anger and violence rules your life. Do not expect peace, harmony or love.
If death, murder and killing rule your life. Then do not expect life or even know a life worth living. Do not expect peace, harmony or love.
Be warned that those persons, groups, religions and nations who offer what seems to be genuine excuses to do evil unto others. Are in fact evil themselves. Once you believe and begin participating in their activities. You become exactly like them and are no longer who you used to be.
How do you think children will act and what do you think children will believe? When they each internally realize that abortion murders babies. Because they were once babies. How will they assign a value to life? I think the evidence is becoming more certain as children no longer have a problem with killing other people including their own parents. The curse of abortion shall manifest upon the peoples of any nation which legalized abortions. Parents who follow their own career path teaches their own children that their careers are more important then them.
What you teach your own children. Will in fact become what you teach them. Are your children an inconvenience?  Do your children interfere with your life? Do you buy drugs, cigarettes and beer over the needs of your children? Do you, do for yourself before your children?
Added on 28 Feb 2019: This comment was written for the Jim Bakker show titled

5 Reasons for the Moral Outcry - Allan Parker on The Jim Bakker Show: dated 27 Feb 2019:

Mr. Allan Parker is in error as to when life begins. Also the catholic view is also in error. Life does not begin at conception. Life began with Adam and from a living Adam, Eve was taken from the living rib of Adam and formed into a female for Adam. Together Adam and Eve became self replicating human beings. Humans intimately coming together do not create life within a female. Humanity merely perpetuates life assuming both male and female are healthy. The living seed of man merges with the living egg of a female. In the union they each lose their own perspective identities. Then the already existing healthy life grows and becomes a healthy viable baby at term. If the seed of a man is too weak or dead then there will not be a coming together of the seed and of the healthy living female egg. Thus the healthy living egg of the female ends its own cycle and is flushed out of the female body. If the egg of the female is dead and the seed of a man is healthy, strong and living. The life cycle of the healthy living seed of man will die out inside the womb of a woman.
-------------------------------------- In other words to simplify.

Laws of Life and of the Dead.

If that which is alive is brought to something else which is alive. Then they both may live.

If that which is alive is brought to something which is dead. Then that which is living will die and that which is already dead remains dead.
If that which is dead is brought to something which is alive. Then that which is dead will remain dead and that which is alive will die.
This is a truth for all of humanity to know. Humans are not gods and we do not create life. We perpetuate life that was given to us from God and His word (Jesus) and His Spirit.
If that which is dead is brought to something which is dead. Then they both will remain dead.
The only times the laws of Life and of the Dead are altered in any way is by God only.

Note: I have spoken this particular law to my kids for a long time. Origin date is uncertain. Sometime after or around 2004-2012. I may have written about it before. But, when or as well as this. I do not know.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, February 19, 2018

Time Sticky: (Unedited): 16-19 Feb 2018:

Going through time without a gravitational sticky/anchor. Will cause you to lose your place in a very probable dangerous way.
There is most likely several ways that you could ground yourself to a planet or larger celestial body  when you have the ability to travel in time. These are by frequency, gravity and magnetically. Since each varies over time. You may want to connect to each one in order to guarantee that you remain in place. The best place to maintain a connection is most likely at the poles. You will also need to know the historical variances of each.
You may be able to create a an energetic sphere where the principle of time has been removed. Depending on the degree of time removal. This energy field may also kill all life which goes within in. Because if time stops so does life. So a creation of a device which counteracts the timeless energy field may/will be necessary.
The scientists are right about involvement and communications with any person. Don't do it. Although I want to. I guess that is my pride and ego talking. To make effective changes to two sets of families. But, the story in the Holy Bible comes into play. It will be worse for you than it was for Sodom. For those people have been given everything and yet they are still disobedient and sinful. So if the people have been given everything then me going back in time to fix a thing would in fact be a waste of time.
The smallest degree of error in space travel can cause you to miss entire galaxies the further you travel. So to it is in time. Making big changes weeks or months ago will have a minimal effect and impact on today. While making the smallest of changes a hundred or even a thousand years ago. Will have a drastic impact on the world today. Such as meeting a person whether it be on purpose, by accident or by chance. Can cause that person not to meet the love of their life a thousand years ago. Then the lives of millions of people would change in your perception of today. Yet, It will be only your perception. A step into your own personal insanity. Especially when you would not be able to connect with reality.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Selfish Curse: (Unedited): 13 Feb 2018:

The curse of selfish pride is what leads each individual to plan for their own enjoyment, leisure and comfort. While never devoting any mental energy on the concepts of pursuing that which is purposeful and meaningful in life. Thus, when the grays of age grow upon them. They each will wonder where their youth went to. They each will also begin to realize their entire life so far has been without any real meaning or purpose. Some may even realize that the entire world and all of humanity has become more worse because of their apathetic inaction's and careless actions throughout their entire life.
This is to all of you who enjoy power, authority, wealth, fame and entitlements. All over the world.
Do not get me wrong. Enjoying entertainment, having leisure time and living a comfortable life does not have to be a bad thing. But, when your entire focus in life is all about your retirement, vacations and the next new thing which will add to all of your stuff. You will soon discover that all of that stuff has done nothing for the emptiness which is still within you. Especially, when your home has been professionally decorated with those pretty things which have no real meaning to you. After all you paid someone to bring in things that the interior decorator thinks would look good for you.
What have you done in your life? How many people have you taken advantage of? How many have you manipulated to your will? How many people have you legally or illegally stole from?
You person of  power, authority and wealth. How much of the world have you contaminated? How many people have you corrupted? You must ask yourself. Is the world and all of humanity better off or worse because of your actions? Do not even think that if you had not, then someone else would have. This is about you and your selfish greed. You had opportunities to improve the world and the lives of people. Yet, you chose to take, take and take. You chose to cause harm. You chose to cause suffering. You chose your evil actions. All by your own free will.
Now because of your actions and the actions of those before you. The entire world will continue it's steady down fall. Until, maybe human extinction. Or maybe just a very hard economic collapse. One in which no one recovers from for hundreds of years. By that time, all of your technology will be dust and rust. Then when everyone has forgotten about what once was. Someone will re-invent a wheel. Life's struggles will continue and if humanity continues to live for themselves instead for the benefit of the planet and the whole population. Then humanity will repeat their self destructive behaviors. Until, such a time when humanity causes sterility within themselves or of the planet. Then it won't matter how deep and safe your bunker is underground. It will become your coffin. This is prophecy.
You may be the one who defines who the enemies are to your own people. That all people no matter where they are or how they even appear are all your people. But, know this one truth. Every human being everywhere is either your brother or sister. Your position in this world means that you have the responsibility to care for them all in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. All in accordance with the laws of God. That all people should freely choose to abide in. Without any fear, Threat, abuse, torture or intimidation. Besides God doesn't need your help to be mean or rude. God does want us all to take care of this planet and to love one another.
We all know just how small this planet is. We all know just how small we all are in comparison to the whole of the seen universe and what we have seen may just be a fraction. If we as a collective human species of people can show brotherly love to one another and to care for this one tiny blue dot. Then maybe, we all will become responsible for the welfare of this galaxy and then the whole of everything. Becoming true caretakers of the entire universe. Is waiting for us all. Assuming we can all refuse those Cain traits within each of us.
The entire leadership of China is failing humanity as their emerging leadership of all of humanity begins to develop. China only has two choices. To make lateral choices which will only benefit their selfish opportunistic tendencies or to look up and begin to go into space for the benefit of all of humanity. But, the entire leadership of China thirsts for conquest and wars as they prepare for their leapfrog. Which has already come. China will get what it desires and all of humanity will expire for it. Except for the elect. Whomever they will be.
For what is the point of victory if we all perish. Including all Chinese.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Snitching Justice: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2017:

Work in progress.
As the prison culture, gang culture and criminal culture further infects every aspect of society with stitches for the snitches, they all will find that along with perpetual misery, suffering and hopelessness within their hood, they all will also know that there will be no real justice either. It is the police who are the good guys and the heroes. It is not the criminal or gang member which is looked up to as someone they each can aspire to become. The hoodlum gangsta. 
This is another reason why school shootings have risen. If a student from the hood life tells a person in authority of their problems with another student in the hood, they could get badly beaten or become permanently disabled. So the bullied student in the hood is in an impossible situation - to die or go to jail or suicide. If they kill, at least they will earn some respect in jail as they handled the problem without snitching.
This is why when a child gets killed in the hood no one will talk to the police. If they did, the end result is that they will be beat bad or killed. The entire family will be labeled as snitches and they will not be able to safely live in peace with anyone in that hood.
All of this has evolved into the hood mentality. So even if a person leaves the hood. They still take the hood indoctrination with them where ever they may end up. So if Mom moves to a better place and their kids bring with them the hood mentality. They are all still in the hood and all of the hood drama will follow them. Even to the new better place.
YouTube research term: "Snitches get stitches"
Good will always be good. Bad will always be bad. You must decide what kind of human being you want to be. If you decide to be good and act accordingly then your own personal prophecies should be good. If you decide to be bad your personal prophecies will always become immediately bad in that moment of reckoning.
The young ones will just believe what you do and they will adapt to the rules of the street. The harder the rules and life on the street and in the hood. The more difficult it will be for them to become good human beings and their souls will be lost forever. Because, that is the point isn't it? The short physical life on this Earth is not as important as eternal spiritual life in heaven. So if the animalistic laws of the hood destroys your spiritual life or the spiritual life of your children. How important is it for you to make these changes right now. Before your children start going to juvenile detention centers then graduating to adult jails and prisons. Assuming they do not die or become permanently disabled first. Below is a key and Jesus Christ is the only way.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Walkers of Inspiration: (Edited): 02 Dec 2017:

The most profound of those who inspire are those who are the walkers in life. They need not speak. Their entire life is an inspiration to everyone who is in their presence. The walkers of inspiration are the ones who always face all adversity and walk through them all. Do the walkers feel like winners or conquerors? Most likely not. Yet, they continually face all challenges regardless. They will fall and be driven back. But, eventually, the walkers always get back up and move forward. Do the walkers of inspiration contemplate quitting, giving up and hiding from the world? Most likely. But, they do not. The walkers of inspiration just always walk forward with that seen purpose. You are one of them, Miss Janice. Walkers of inspiration.
There will always be the poor among you. There will always be those who continually suffer among you. There will always be those who are homeless among you. There will always be those who are without family or friends. There will always be those who are incarcerated or in the hospital. 
You cannot save them, but you can bring temporary easing and comforts. 
For many it would not be right for you to take away a person's adversity or tribulation. Because, through those fires of life great character is formed.
While on the other hand, if you discover that foster kid who has nothing and no one, whether to support their educational process to some degree or percentage will always be ascertained through your own glass of wisdom. I do hope people of wealth do encounter people who actually struggle without cessation.  Those who struggle without cessation may threaten to give up, but you know their history proves otherwise. 
I do think those who are and have been fortunate should always be on the look out for the non-quitters. Especially, those who have actually freed themselves from hell. Even the kinds of hell in which you may not even be so certain that you would have survived. I think it is the duty and responsibility of the fortunate to aid these tortured souls into achieving a much better life than if you had not been there. Will many of them fail themselves or even you? Yes, that is a very real probability.
You never will know - your best lifelong employee may be one of the unloved, un-cared for, abused and tortured who become more than civilized and productive members of society. 
Miss Janice is any single mother who must daily take care of a needy family member in your city. Sometimes they just need their car fixed or replaced. Sometimes they just need a variety of never ending small things. One or more of which may be your specialty. Sometimes they need rescuing from that slum lord. Just think about that one for a moment and i'm not talking about giving a person like Janice free rent. There are slumlords everywhere who only want and care about the cash and then will not make any repairs on the property. Knowing full well that their renters just can't financially leave. If the renter complains to much. The slum lord has the house/apt or trailer temporarily condemned. In order to force their renter into immediate homelessness. Can you live in that kind of threatening environment? Knowing that your landlord cares less if you live or die in his dilapidated property. Many good people do, who are in never ending unfortunate circumstances.
So as a fortunate person. What can you do for those less fortunate than you and who are in impossible situations in life? Some of those life situations are never ending. So they do need a little more than that once in a lifetime delivery of a casserole. 
Miss Janice is the source of this inspiration.
Heavily edited by RLD. 
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Prophetic Consequences: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2017:

It is the collective disobedience of humanity which brings forth the collective prophetic consequences that all of humanity will have to endure and suffer through.
As prophecy states it is the end of days, end of the age, end of the world or the end times. No matter how you understand it as. The collective disobedience and collective sins of all of humanity will bring consequences to us all. Even the beginning of the extinction process. We each may have to endure unto our own individual end. However that may happen.
If we are all truly so close that the horses are about to ride in order to pour out the wrath of God upon us all. There is still time to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies from happening. All we each have to do is the purple words below. If you are a soldier. Then just go home to your family and fight no more. The final war of this worldly age is about to cause our end. It is the common person who can stop it all from happening. All the common person has to do is stop building the war machines. Go home to your family and obtain good works for the benefit of all of humanity. Anyone who causes harm and suffer. Cease such evil activities and be at peace. When your at peace, harmony will come and then love will fill you with a renewed and profound purpose in life. Then will you understand the purpose of the laws of God and of life. That is when you will begin to know what righteousness is all about. Righteousness and holiness causes no harm or suffering. Any human clothed in special clothing who orders or encourages others to cause harm and suffering is an anti-God and anti-Allah.
Any human who proclaims Christianity and declares that it is OK to sin and tolerate sin in any way no matter the legality is an anti-Christ. Any human teacher, preacher, priest and theologian who omits the teachings of how to become righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. Is an anti-Christ.
You really need to read the Holy Bible. Who is the victor and who loses? God wins and the saints lose in the physical world. satan and his fallen angels lose badly as well. How does Jesus return? Go and read the demeanor of the returning Emanuel. Is the returning Yahshua a happy fuzzy wuzzy hug-able and fun loving kind of dude? Go and read the Holy Bible on His returning demeanor.
The purple words below is the how to stop it all. This is for everyone on this planet.
Personal note: If you are in a religious position of any authority and you have refused to teach sin and righteousness. Then you are an Anti-Christ. If you actively tolerate sin openly and publicly. Then your an Anti-Christ. I'm sorry if my statements make you feel sad. But, I had to write these words. Not to accuse or destroy. But, to wake you up so that you can again begin to teach that which you are supposed to and more. So that we all will be saved, this means you too. So that we all can change the mind of God just as Jonah and the people of Nineveh had. It is possible for all of humanity to either stop and or mitigate any bad and sad prophecy. Or suffer a worse fate than those of Sodom and Gomorrah. That is in the Holy Bible as well. Why, will it be worse for us than it was for the people of Sodom? Because, we have everything and they had very little. Yet we refuse to be obedient not because of the law but because we all refuse to love one another.
It is already known that there is change happening in some church leadership. I'm supposed to say that. If enough people change and begin to see the impossible path of righteousness and holiness. Yet still walk upon that holy path. Then maybe, A true life changing revival will come to the world in the felt movement of the Holy Spirit as it was in Pentecost. Go read about it in the Acts 2:1-5.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books