Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wonder Mind: (Unedited): 30 Dec 2014:

The wonder of belief of truth opens the mind to everything. While the mind of disbelief in a truth is relegated to animalistic behaviors. 
 To believe in something does not close the mind. To believe in a divine truth is not only liberating but expands the whole of your entire being. Where as to believe in a lie as a truth. Will always limit and stop you from any kind of real evolution or growth of being. There is much more to all of humanity than the physical body and the physical awareness of our physically limited brains.
The concepts of any truth always begin as a thought within our own conscious awareness. From there we think about this new conceptualized thought. We ascertain through reasonable deduction if it is valid or a falsehood. Then we actively can choose to build upon the new concepts regardless if it is true or false. 

An absolute truth mixed with small falsehoods. Creates a power base of authority over those considered lower human beings which believe and follow. Thus, is how religions begin and grow. 

Such is the concept to "Love". "love one another". But only if they look like us and are not defined enemies by our government or religious group. At which point it is OK to hate, to war, to kill, to destroy. Why are there any claimed Christian in military service of any country?

Such is the concept of "Peace". To be peaceful within ones self and to be peaceful with others around you.
But only if they look like us and are not defined enemies by our government or religious group. At which point it is OK to hate, to war, to kill, to destroy. Why are Islamic Muslims active in conflict/war. Where ever they may be.

Such as the concept of "Harmony". Create and grow a harmonious relationship with everything which surrounds you. But, only if it doesn't get in the way of your human expansion. But only if they look like us and are not defined enemies by our government. At which point is it OK to hate, to war, to kill, to destroy. Yet in the eastern religions. There is much chaos in their lives.

 Such as the concept of "Life". The sanctity of life. The respect and protection of all life. Well so as long as it is not inconvenient. Then abortion is OK and has been deemed a fundamental right choice. The female form designed to grow life naturally. Now has the artificial power to kill life within her womb by her free choice. Which is lawful. The elderly sick who are beyond usefulness to the community, it is OK to euthanize.

Can you not see that all of humanity is being played against itself. By those who only want for themselves and who are under the control of those fallen ones.  The end result after all of the variables have been assigned. The final right answer is extinction. Which will be realized in time.
There is most certainly powers which are much more greater than us human beings. Many of these greater beings do not want us to evolve in any way. As a matter of fact, they want us extinct. But, there are powers and principalities which are even far superior than they. Who protects humanity in the hopes that we all will over come this evil which is among us. It is those evil fallen ones who teach us lies and deceptions that they have given to us as truths. So that we all falter and fail collectively. So that even the superior beings who are truly greater than the evil among us. Will be forced to destroy us all if we do not destroy ourselves first. It is basically a lose - lose situation for humanity. The truly superior beings have brought to humanity those philosophies which would guarantee our human survival into the next evolutionary stage. These philosophies are Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Four very basic words in which logically are absolutes in survival in any species who do evolve to the point of understanding those four words. But those fallen ones who only want our destruction by any means available. They have their own four powerful words in which any integration of those four words into the divine four words. Destroys the over all outcome. These very powerfully evil four words are hate, war/conflict, chaos and death. When we as human beings begin to believe that it is OK to live by those four evil words by any small degree. Then our eventual destruction becomes assured in the long term. If we begin to freely choose to live our lives by those four evil words by a greater degree. Then our eventual destruction by our own hands will be known in the short term.

It is crucially important that we each test all new information presented to us all as well as test those old belief systems for actual truth. Such as the lie of the many races of color among humanity. The essential truth is there is only one race of human beings. Skin coloring does not mean you are of a different race or even species of humanity. Neither does the shape of your eyes, nose or cheek bones.
Added on 19 April 2015: http://www.cacofony.com/
Thank you Cacofony for publishing some of my works. 

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, December 29, 2014

Giving Beyond: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2014:

When those who have done you great harm and after a time become the gift giver. All without admittance or apology. Know that their giving may be beyond their capability.
This does not involve admittance and repentance.
This is about the hardened heart. God alone has the power to make any being do His will without their knowledge or awareness. So when very bad people appear to suddenly do a good thing. This does not mean that they have become good. Be gracious and kind and express your gratitude. Then depart from them and have no more business or association with them.
Go into your private place of quiet prayer. Give all thanks, praise and glory to God. For it is he alone who has done this thing on your behalf.
Great harm does include. Those who have abused, tortured and terrorized you for a long period of time. A singular great gift of value is not and should not be considered an invitation to renew any kind of association. Especially if there has been no believable apology or of any admittance of any wrong doing. If these things have not happened. It is not up to you to encourage your abusers to admit or to apologize. That is now between them and God. Especially, If you are now safe and free from any harm.
Even in the time of Moses. God hardened the heart of the mangod known as Pharaoh. The Pharaoh became unable to repent or even to relent. The Pharaoh had no knowledge and was not even aware of what the God of Moses had done to him. Look it up in the Holy Bible for yourself. It's in there.
Be warned of the free use of gifts. These are gifts of high value in which you are not given or entitled to ownership rights. These can become very dangerous things for you as you may be required to repay in some way or to exalt the owner in other ways. You may even have to admit guilt for your part in your own abuse and torture. That you were solely at fault for all of the problems you caused towards your family. That maybe your were the only bad person in the whole family.
By accepting the free use gifts. You are accepting their power and authority over you.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Complete Absolute: Old Beginning: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2014:

A person must have complete closure before they have a new absolute openness.
The end of the old must precede the beginning of the new.
This is for anyone and everyone. Experiencing closure in your life by your own outward choice. Is very healthy for you to do. Closure of those things in your life must precede those things you desire to begin a new for you. This is how fair opportunities occur in life. It doesn't matter if it is personal or professional. If you do not have clean and open closure in those old things in life. Those new things will not have a good healthy beginning. So while you are in the middle of family problems, legal problems, Business problems. It is never a good time to begin those new things. Those old things even if they are very good things should be seen to each their completions. This isn't all about bad things. It is also about good things.
For those of you who seem to be helpless to close those old things in your life. God will interfere and cause those old things, those old wounds to finally close and heal. When those things happen to you which is beyond your control or even approval. Those old things shall end. When those things do end. It doesn't necessarily mean that those on going things will end as well.
For God will do what God will. It is not for anyone to declare God's will in the moment.
These happenings are your signs from God. It means that those things which will conclude. Must happen before those new things that God wants you to do to begin. If you are already involved within a mission from God. Those things which you see closure in. Does not mean that your missions will end. It may mean that your mission will begin to ramp up to newer awareness in people. God has freed you from bondage. Technically again or for guys like me repeatedly.
If you desire a new beginning of anything. Find closure in all of those old things first. Even if those old family members abused and tortured you in many horrible ways. Forgive and move forward without looking back into the hell you survived and departed from.
 These quotes are not to be used by you to abandon your family, children or the old wife. For you to do so causes harm to those young innocent ones.
The word interfere used is the wrong word. 
This was inspired by Jonathan Kleck. This is unknown to JK and he is most likely unaware of this.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Horizontal China: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2014:

China. The beautiful middle lands. Your leadership is going in the wrong direction. Going horizontally in your military advancement is not further advancement for all of your people or for all of humanity. Especially, when you are only copying the existing. When you only copy the current. You shall all always be behind the eight ball. Thinking and planning multidimensionally causes you to arc out in brilliant discovery. Just like watching a plasma ball. The random displays of plasma lightning is always typical. Then when you integrate yourself into the energy stream of discovery. Something brilliant happens and it is you. You are what made the change. Be the change. Be the positive change for the whole world. Do not allow yourselves to become the trigger of humanities extinction. Which is in prophecy from many.

Ever watch a child play with a plasma ball? It's fun and entertaining. It is also an opportunity to learn unknown secrets. For instance get a pair of LED shoes for your child. Then watch them play with the plasma globe and watch the shoes. From a distance where you can observe it all.You will see a secret truth. Just like listening to a radio which has no apparent power source connected to it.

When you always follow the flow of current and especially those who have led the way for 60+ years. It is easy to become safely complacent behind those who have led for so long. But, to continue to follow the lead of those who have been failing in actions and judgements. Is absolutely unwise and reckless. Not only for your people but for the whole of the world. Blindly walking the same path of the man who was once an inspired leader and now has become the fool of fools. Is a level of insanity which those who follow shall pay a very bloody price.
Look up and go up. Read. these as well. These are just a few in regards to China. There are more. Related and not so related.
Added on 22 May 2016: Made some minor edits and added some content.  To above content.
China is making bad news again.
 The purest form of leadership is one where the one person does his own thing to a degree that everyone out of their own free choice begins to follow and to freely choose to become involved with the one who started it all. There are no guns, no blades, no large groups of men who look constipated with threats of coming violence.  This is the purest and best form of leadership. To the point where the one who began it all. Questions where did all of these different kinds of people come from?
China you can be in that place of pure leadership for the greater good for the benefit of all of humanity. The Islands build ups mean nothing in regards to the rewards which is way up there. The resources which can be gotten from gotten from all of those islands which offend those who are and were your friends is as valuable as a grain of sand in your hand. This is in comparison to the dimensional wealth in which all you have to do is reach out and go and get.
You must stop playing the games of the world.
Added on 07 June 2016:
LOL. To the news below. Really pigs?  Meant with respect. With respect to the Chinese leadership. Have you begun to look up and go there? Have you begun to re-divert war making funds into space assets? I know I'm right and I say that knowing I will not profit in any way from being right.  This is not arrogance or ego or pride. It is merely a deep need to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written. Which ends in the extinction of humanity. That means you to. Even if you the Chinese do go up into the heavens. You have to learn how to do more than survive, more than exist. You have to learn how to thrive. If and when some insane nation with crazy leaders like my country the USA decides to let loose humanities extinction path. The only safe place is in the heavens. Not underground in hardened bunkers.
Added on 07 June 2016: Interesting news on the Islands.
This is Prophecy.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Heart Messages: Foolish Christian: (unedited): 28 Dec 2014:

Those persons who sing, teach and preach from their truthful heart. Leaves a long lasting message of truth within anyone who internalizes what they hear and see.
Those persons who sing, teach and preach from a lying heart. Leaves disbelief's, questions and doubts within anyone who believed in them and their messages. 
Foolish Christian: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2014:
The foolish and falsely claimed Christians only want their feel good entertainment. They do not care who or what kind of people entertain them.

It is nearly crucial to know who is singing the songs you hear. The person who teaches you the right ways to live and how to think can cause you and your family a great deed or an awful curse. Once it is discovered that your teacher has always had a lying heart and a sinful mind. Those young ones will automatically know that they were taught by people who never really believed what they were singing or teaching. They will always know they were lied to in an atmosphere of teaching innocent truths. This is a crime.
It is very important to know who the people actually are who are freely going into your children's ears and eyes.
Is that religious singing group full of gay people? or just full of people who thirst for any musical opportunity?
For them it is just entertainment and nothing more.
What about your God sent preacher? Do you actually know him? Which god sent him? Just research for yourself the crimes of former Christian pastors.

Just because your religious radio station plays acceptable themed music. Doesn't mean They are of the faithful. Only those who are actually living in accordance to the mandates of GOD are the faithful. Have you heard pentatonix on your christian radio station? I have. The Joy FM

The foolish and falsely claimed Christians are those persons who are only Christian on those days and hours in which they go to church. The rest of their everyday lives is spent living of the world and knowing they are doing bad because of that free choice. So out of their perpetual guilt. They go to church in order to feel good, happy and welcomed. For them their paid tithe is merely paid admission for entry. A religion is supposed to teach you how to become righteous and holy as defined by God's Holy words written in book form. So if your reading this and you are one of those who continue to do those objectionable things the world demands of you. Then you really need to pray and meditate upon God. You really need to get deeper into the Holy Bible and speak to the pastor of that very small working church you know you should have been attending all along. But, it just wasn't fun enough for you. You already know what I'm talking about. Talk to that pastor about changing your entire life. Even if it means your gonna get poor. Out of your new found poordom you may discover a greater source of wealth.

There is a lot of LGBT information about the 2 members who are openly gay of this Pentatonix group.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Celebration Blocks: (Unedited): 27 Dec 2014:

Those fun celebrations of lies and deceptions of childhood. Becomes those stumbling blocks into believing those things which are most true. 
What are those things in which children grow up into believing are truths only to discover they all were lies? Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Jack Frost, Bogey man, Sandman and many many more. These are all lies and deceptions in which kids are convinced through deceptive actions perpetuated by their own parents. Yes, It is the parents and all of the media of entertainment which continues the lies and deceptions onto every generation.
There is so much lies and deceptions in the world today. Even the adult versions of lies and deceptions. In which virtually every adult and parent believes them to be truths. These are not their fault in the spreading of lies and deceptions. Such as the separation and division of the races of humanity. For one.
What happens is when you believe so many lies as truths. When your confronted with an absolute truth you almost automatically believe it as a lie. Which is by years and decades of psychological conditioning on what to believe and how to think. All of our minds have become so entrapped. That even those who are brilliant in all things of their chosen religion. Have they themselves become so conditioned to believe that all of the bad and sad prophecies must happen and it is necessary for all of us to become expectant of them. This is all wrong.
 Bad and sad Prophecies from all of those prophets of doom and gloom are for warning purposes only. In which upon hearing we utilize our wisdom, knowledge and understanding to either prevent and or mitigate the now foreseen event(s). The wise words of hopeful possibilities spoken by any mentor are to be those things we each are to endeavor with continuous effort. Until, all of those wishes and dreams we have ever had are manifested into our individual realities.
This is how they are supposed to work.
I for one do not want GOD or Jesus  or any of the righteous angel to return when we have screwed up so much as a singular race of humans. Do you really want an angry GOD,  an angry Messiah or angry righteous Angels to return in order to exact the judgement of discipline upon us all. Because, this is what is in store for us all. Which has all been prophesied by many religions, cultures and traditions. 

But, of course no one is gonna believe what I have written. They are all to busy living their lives how they want. Those who know the Holy Books the most are very busy causing and effecting the return of God, The Messiah and of the Righteous Angels. Celebrating and rejoicing the return of a very angry God who is going to allow our human collective extinction. And it is going to be all of our fault. We had all of the warnings. We all know the presence of the fallen angels and their influence in the entire world systems. We are deserving of this final discipline.
The headlines of the Divine Newspaper of GOD shall read. Above the fold.

"Humans celebrate and rejoice all the way to Extinction"
Be sure you are clear within your own mind and spirit what is true and righteous. The only way to do that is to spend quiet time with GOD. In which He shall reveal all to you. In accordance to your level of ability. To revel to anyone above and beyond their abilities is harmful. God does not harm the righteous soul.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

USA War 2026?: (Unedited): 27 Dec 2014:

By the year 2020. Russia and China will have completed their first phase of military modernization programs. Their perspective second phases comes at around 2024. Russia is currently in a severe economic downturn. Which may do one of two things. Cause Russia to act out against the USA. In which the USA mainland is absolutely defenseless from any coastal attack via EMP missiles from a variety of submarines. Also, North Korea just received global embarrassment at the hands of the USA. North Korea does have the capability to launch missiles along the USA coast. The cost to defend the entire USA would be astronomical and would most likely take up the entire pentagon budget. Here is just an idea. A 4 year intensive plan to refit the US Navy. In order to offset the coming Russian, Chinese and North Korean military threats. This is in response to the actions in Crimea by Russia. This is also in response to China building Military island installations. 

The current economic turmoil that Russia is experiencing and the lack of cyber war effect against the USA from the leadership of China. Should be cause enough for each of them to institute a delay. Probably in the tune of nearly 10 years. They each will need to calm down in order for their surprise effectiveness can be realized. If they each keep banging on their war drums. Then their loses shall be greater. If the USA's response is to invest more money into their war machine modernization and capabilities. If the USA does not. Then it won't really matter to much. 
 A complete re-engineering and rethinking of these old relics and how they can be used in modern warfare. Since the old relics are thin skinned. They should hold up better in a fight, if their is a technological failure as opposed to their younger brethren of the same class. In modern warfare thinking. There doesn't seem to be much thought in how to fight if the tech dies. This is why the old relics can be very important.
The six Retired Aircraft Carriers can be re-used as either Drone launching platforms, Helicopter Carriers or a combination of both. With the current world at an aggressive cold war. The cold war lines have been drawn and the first cyber war having just occurred or is it ongoing. Not a question.

Aircraft Carrier Refit 
Coupled with the addition of 4-6 CIWS systems strategically located. 2@ front corners. 2@ rear corners. 1 @ each forward and rear of Island. New mini CIWS Phalanx in the 7.62mm or American .308. For drone defense.
 A highly expanded and complete form of the Aegis combat system integration. With missile offensive and defensive capabilities. Missile systems to be covered by the flight deck. Vertical Launch system positioned in the deck of the ship deemed unused for future use. Torpedo ports near sea level of the ship.
200-300 of the next generation Sikorsky S-97 Raider Helicopters. One the major draw back to these craft is the limited operational range of 308 NM. This range will need to be doubled and just adding more fuel capacity will degrade performance. This craft is still under developmental status.
A new generation of combat drone craft which can be launched and retrieved by an Aircraft Carrier.
These drones must have a chosen/selected capability of spoofing enemy radar, Carrying a destructive warhead/missiles, Radar Jamming as well as a host of other capabilities. I see combat drones becoming the spearhead of any aerial attack on any target. To overwhelm, to exhaust and to divide defensive weapons systems. So that human powered craft can exact total damage on selected targets.
By allowing the USS Nimitz and the USS Eisenhower to be refit with greater defensive capabilities. As well as keeping a full compliment of FA/18FG combat planes. The lethality of this new battle group will be complete. All of the holes covered. Except for the new one as yet to be exploited.
Battleship Refit
Nuclear powered, New Engines. Aegis Combat integration systems. This would be the best in Battleship re-thinking. The Battleship is not useless against the Aircraft carrier. You just have to re-think it's strategy of use. With the modernization of these battleships. Incorporate a dedicated satellite.
A country will build a new modern missile battleship in a length greater than Aircraft Carriers. Which in packs will be able to defeat entire Aircraft carrier battle groups and aircraft at full running speed.
Destroyer Refit
Nuclear powered. New engines. Aegis Combat Integration systems. The addition of 1-2 Phalanx CIWS. New mini CIWS Phalanx in the 7.62mm or American .308. For drone defense.
Attack Submarine Refit
These would just entail a modernization and refueling. To be incorporated into the Aegis Combat System. The Aegis Combat System Integration was most likely already done. But, it bees classified. This would be important to incorporate into the system. Because, To receive combat information would not reveal your location. So if attack submarines can tap into the combat network. They can act upon combat intelligence gathered without the enemy becoming aware of it's exact location.
A new Naval Battle Group. Which will consist of 3 Aircraft Carriers, 2 Battleships, 4 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers, 8 frigates, 6 Attack submarines and support vessels. As well as dedicated military satellites.
The state of these ships listed may very well be cost prohibited for modernization and re-fit. But, the hulls of each ship listed may still be in usable or repairable condition.
6-9 Aircraft Carriers
2012 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Enterprise_%28CVN-65%29
2020 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Nimitz_%28CVN-68%29
2025 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Dwight_D._Eisenhower_%28CVN-69%29
4 Iowa Class battleships
A new modern era Battleship needs to be created. When you don't have one of those. Then WW2 is good enough.
1 Charles F Adams Class Destroyer
3 Forrest Sherman Class destroyers
8-12+ Attack Submarines
Apparently once these boats are decommissioned. They are quickly recycled. There are a number of boats which are slated to be retired. These should be modernized and re-assigned to these new fleets.  
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Atomics_MQ-1_Predator : Slated for retirement.


!!!Red Horse Cometh!!!
This is all prophecy. No matter how the USA proceeds from now and into the future. The destruction of the USA and of other countries is assured. Which in turn leads to the final destruction to the entire world system as it is ruled over today. Which leads to the extinction of humanity. This will happen. It is apparent that Russia and China are under the control of superior beings who are not interested in Humanities survival. Just as the leadership of the Catholic Church will begin to lead even more people astray through deceptions. The Muslims will become more deceived than they are now and go into war wherever they may be. The Muslims will be absent of any kind of peace. The Christians will also become more deceived than they are now. Apathy grows within the Christian community. Soon each self isolated Christian will not know any Love. The eastern traditions will be deceived into more and more chaotic thinking and belief systems. So much so that living in harmony in any way will be most alien to them.
There is only one way for humanity to survive and it is listed in the blog just above the red horse cometh.
According to Pastor Steve Weyerts.This is what could be in store for the year 2026?. I do believe there is an order to all things. The following list of bible verses are not in any logical order. Except maybe the last one. Here is a clue if your unaware. The name of the USA is not the USA. Think about the original name that the puritans were going to create for themselves. Which is either New JerUSAlem or new Israel. Islam knows this. Why do you think they call the USA the great satan? Although it is deeper than that.

Added on 24 Jan 2015:  Some time this year. The USA may have to endure yet another discipline from GOD. As was done in 2001 and 2008. If the USA is allowed to survive intact.
Then this 2026? war footing may be possible. The defenselessness of the USA is astounding. That even a country like North Korea can put the entire USA back into the 1300's. So can Russia. So can China. What is worse is that President made a generalized comment that the DD of the USA even knows it. Even though the vast majority of the civilian population is completely unaware. Better go find that comment.
I may have written this before. The USA in order to save a ton of money. Is to reinvigorate their old hulls that are deemed mothballed. Just as President Putin is doing with his old USSR Cold War ships.  In a short period of time. The USA can have as many as 19 fully modified Aircraft carriers. One old aircraft carrier can be converted into a drone carrier. A drone carrier which can house maybe 1000+ armed drones. That's the future.
An A10 Thunderbolt 3 warthog aircraft carrier. The hog is a dead plane that just keeps on surviving through cannibalism and capitalism. So an entire new plane will have to be re-engineered. With all of the on going cannibalism that has been going on. They know what fails. Just by re-engineering those parts to be more hardened. The plane will be improved. The plane does need more improved (Power and speed) and efficient engines. Newly re-engineered landing gear for aircraft carrier use if possible. Ground and pound at its best. This type of aircraft carrier as well as the drone aircraft carrier will have substantially more defensive capabilities for survivability. Such as under the flight deck missile launchers of various strategic and tactical capabilities. I would bet you could put at least 100 cruise missile launch tubes on each side of the ship. Then reload from inside of the ship. Without any physical exposure. The USA may need a new modernized cruise missile. Can you say hyper-sonic and they must be 2000+ mile range.
The A10 Aircraft carrier would come close to shore. Once air superiority has been assured. Ground troops and special forces are going into play. The A10's would come in for close in support. Plus cruise missile backup.
Added on 24 Jan 2015: Aircraft carrier/ missile battleship.
China, Russia and North Korea already know that to defeat the overwhelming military threat of the USA is to neutralize their Aircraft carriers. Which is why those countries have developed new supersonic and hypersonic anti-aircraft carrier missile systems.  Which is why the old retired and mothballed American aircraft carriers are essential to a future battle. By utilizing the apparent empty space underneath their flight decks for a variety of offensive and defensive weapons platforms.
I do believe there are currently 4 retired and mothballed aircraft carriers as well as those which have been transformed into museum relics. These can be dry docked and re-engineered and modernized. It would only take a hand full of years.
Then by changing the official designation of these old and stricken aircraft carriers into a new warship category. It will not affect the federal law of maintaining ten aircraft carriers. I think that is key. Creating a new class of warship which meets the needs of future combat and neutralizing the inherent weakness of those thin skinned hulls of the new class of warships.
==Poor or Unknown Reliability==
Added on 16 May 2018:
Just as the US Navy been dealt with another embarrassment of their Ford Class Aircraft Carriers. The Chinese navy launched their own home built Aircraft Carrier.
NOTE: I use copy and paste for your security. What you see is what you get.
I wrote a reply to the National Interest(NI) story and they deleted it or the story was closed to comment after a month. Typically NI usually deletes me and/or bans me. Without explanation. Go figure. I think I get too close to secret stuff.
The Ford Class Aircraft carrier must go back into dock for major repairs. Apparently some official Navy Brass people say it was suppose to work and every knows it doesn't. Who is lying? The USA has an Aircraft carrier which cannot fight. But, to the US Navy's credit. The Ford is not supposed to be ready until 2020. So the Ford is a plane launching cruise ship. Yea, I'm being insulting. I'm sorry.
The question from NI was "Are US aircraft carriers obsolete? The answer is yes. But why? It is because the definition of what an aircraft carrier is has not evolved. It is much like the naval battleship is it obsolete? The answer is yes. But why? Because those who are in charge of naval things refused to redefine what a post WW2 battleship should be and can be.
The next generation of aircraft carriers from the USA should be a merging of a multipurpose missile cruiser and an aircraft carrier. The next generation of aircraft carriers must be able to defend itself from thousands drones coming in from a variety of vectors.
The aircraft carrier must be able to conduct 3 waves of attacks. #1 suicidal drones of attrition with and without their own cruise missiles @500 units. #2 cruise missile launches @600 units,  #3 Plane attacks while still maintaining 75 units.
I'm troubled by the smallness of the beam at the water line at 134 feet. It seems to narrow especially if you add all of the new weapons and Radar capabilities and another new a1b. Add another 21+ foot 30 ton screw to a new width.
Fighter plane problems means restarting new costly productions lines and re-engineering of the F22, F/A18, F16, F15 all with the new PW F135 engines used in the F35. Then selling the new planes to friends. Do not sell anything to Turkey or India.
The US has not planned for the defense of their Aircraft carriers. This is easily seen in the new definition of what a frigate and missile cruisers are today. The USA is absent of frigates and Cruisers are set to retire soon. The American Destroyers are basically large old frigates as defined by the French. The cruisers are now mini cruisers as the Russians set the new definition with their Kirov Class Battle-cruiser. Don't get me wrong the US military will and can still kick your teeth in. But, all of the equipment is getting old and worn out. With nary a replacement. The Chinese are building for war and so are the Russians. The Russians are going a step further with plans for invasion of Alaska and portions of western Canada. Maybe even down into Washington state.
So USA war in 2026? Maybe maybe not. Everyone should negotiate for peace and friendship. Nations should practice the purple words below. But, they are not everyone who can build their war machines are doing so. I do think war is in the future as well as the extinction of the human species. Will it happen in 2026? The date does not matter. What matters is that every nation is building for war and not building for peace. There is a difference.
Here is a modern day battleship. Off the shelf products and A1B's. It is doable although all RADAR power outputs must be more than doubled.
Added on 21 May 2018: USA starts to build first Flight III Burkes.
I have been thinking about this for some time. I am still on the frigate bandwagon. But, if frigates are to be nearly as large as the Burkes. Then just build the Burkes. I think building the twenty of Flight III Burkes is a good quick idea. While at the same time developing the Flight IV Burke. Then figuring out how to upgrade the older Burke's to III and maybe IV if it ever develops or becomes uncancelled. Then build twenty of the flight IV's.
While at the same time modernizing all Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers to the new standards. This must be done very soon as in 2019. The oldest of Missile Cruisers are set to retire. Thus, creating a huge and unmanageable blaring hole in Naval offensive and defensive capabilities. I think pulling the three hulls out of Philly if they are still present. Could make a good first start. maybe? Years of neglect in the salt is a hard way for a forgotten navy ship to die. Even old heroes want to live to fight again.
What else is in the Philly yard? What about other places?
Added on 13 July 2018:
It seems that the US Navy is working on evolution of their ships. A new Destroyer and a new Cruiser class shall be created. The US Navy also needs to add more attack submarines. The US Navy and Air force also needs plans to update all of the engines in new planes built. You can make the F135 engines fit in every fighter plane. This should be done along with additional structural engineering to the air-frame. 
Added on 17 Aug 2024: Just a revisit. Some minor editing. No real changes. Yes, I protect my own errors. Wow... 
The red horse is already here. This what we see in the world is just the prelude or the beginning scene or introduction/intro. In my youth the beginning scene to any show only lasted a few seconds. in recent times the intro can last 10 or more minutes. So to shall the intro of the red horse shall be. An intro which can last some time as determined by the red rider. 
I have written in other places  about how this final world war of humanity which does end in our extinction will not be a war which is like any other war ever seen by humanity. It will be very alien and it will be obviously and revealing to be demonically led. All in an orchestrated effort for humanity to cease to exist by our own hand. In which there will be a massive degree of manipulation at the highest levels of organizations. it will be those human leaders who will have actual personal knowledge of the fallen angels or space aliens whom they each will know as gods and they will do the will of those revealed gods/fallen angels/space aliens. Because, to them we are less than maggots and worms. Think about it. When was the last time you considered the value of life to what ever is less than a maggot or worm? Once you get it, you understand it as humanity is tiny and insufficient in comparison to them. Even to their own lowly workers they will still be like gods to us lowly humans.
The USA military is in free fall failure. Once a decision is made to send significant troops to many theaters of operations. CONUS will not be able to defend itself when and if an American Tet Offensive begins. Because, it is now obvious that all of Islam has learned that it cannot go toe to toe against other organized military forces but it can easily kill and destroy the civilian populations as which has been done with Lebanon. So they will use how they conquered Lebanon to destroy the west. You cannot negotiate or reason with a people, culture or religion which actively teaches their own children to hate and to cause mass murder. What are you gonna do? When your leaders are against you and they have allowed a very vocal enemy force which publicly states they are going to kill you all(paraphrase). The men of Islam have been training in hand to hand combat every day for years. They have been studying military tactics and strategy for their whole lives. They are all absolutely obedient to their religious authority in which if they say do not kill or destroy then they won't but if they order any person or the whole to kill and destroy they will. 
The USA is having their election cycle in less than 3 months. This event will be the final point in the end or brief continuation of the American people. The American people still have not yet begun a nationwide repentance movement. The American people still have not chosen to pursue righteousness and holiness. The American people still have not begun to seek God/Jesus and in not doing so the American people will end. Just as Israel has ended many times before. How many times did God allow His own beloved people to suffer and to be scattered? It's in the Bible go and read it. So who are we the Americans as compared to the Jewish people? What makes the Americans so much more important to allow to exist when they manufacture sin and deliver it to the whole world?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books