Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stolen Life: (Unedited): 05 July 2013:

Always, living within an artificial fantasy world. Will steal away the short time you have within the real universe. 
I have known people who have spent the majority of their childhood playing games. They became very good at those games. Then when the time game and they were forced in some manor to stop playing games. Those same people often found themselves ill equip to function successfully in the real society. They spent so much time playing games that their education suffered and their friends were associated with the games.
Now, not only are they alone with no friends. They also have virtually no real life skills.
What can they do? How can they transition into this real life from a life of fantasy?

The exact same time, energy and effort you had put into the fantasy world. You do the same in this real world. You start like everyone else at level 1 and then you progress in accordance to the known and unknown rules and laws of the land. Training and education is the same first steps as in the fantasy world. Go and get it in real time with real effort. There is no re-boot. You cannot save the session. You must attend real life every single day. Yes, you will sweat and shed tears, you will get blisters and you may have many head aches. You can be just as successful in this real life as you were in your fantasy life. You will make new real friends. Whom you will actually know and see in real life.
When you go forth with that same intensity and zeal in this real life as you have in your fantasy life. You should be as successful if not more so. With very real rewards and benefits that you can actually touch, fell and use.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good slaves: Social Love: Slave Isolation: (Unedited): 05 June 2013:

Good Slaves:
The free people who are to become good slaves must first not question anything and believe all they are told. 
Social Love:
The free people who are to become good slaves must hate education and love social lifestyles. 
Slave Isolation:
The free people who are to become good slaves must prefer self isolation over family or tribal/Clan organizations. 
A free people who are taught to decide for themselves to hate all forms of education. Will begin to fight against any teacher/one who wants to teach them anything and for any reason. Even if it is basic life skills or skills of survival. The effective transition or transformation from a free society to an enslaved society will begin when the primary language is minimized and bastardized.
The importance of any and all social lifestyles will become more important than an education or even family unity. The importance of social life styles even becomes more important than self improvement.
When Social lifestyles become more important than National Identity or National Unity. This will be another sign when when the transformation from a free society into enslavement can begin by any traitorous government personnel.
Apathy for anyone and anything who is not you or directly related to your continuance of your chosen lifestyle. Will be another sign for the successful transformation into an enslaved society.
Apathy is the worst of the enslavement signals. When We The People no longer care to be free or involved. Who become entertained at other peoples misery, suffering and accidents. Who refuses to become involved in any accident or problem they happen by. The time of transitional enslavement is very close at hand.
For those who refuse to become apathetic. Directing their hatred and anger into a created perpetual  war. Will permanently injure them, Kill them or mentally disable them. Those who seem to be stronger than most may become dis-disillusioned. In which they will probably act out and then become imprisoned. Problem of the warrior solved. Those few who retain all of their faculties will be too few in numbers to do anything substantial.
Self Imposed isolation will become preferred over physical interactions. With all of the entertainment available to a person within the privacy of their homes. There is no need to leave except for work or shopping. With absolute content control of all digital materials. Freedom of speech can still be free until it becomes digitized. but, then again the people will prefer digital content over interpersonal relationships. So, freedom of speech will become null and void by human preference.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
This is not a how to Concept: To enslave an entire free population.
How to prevent it? Is up to you.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Illuminate Truth: (Unedited): 15 June 2010:

Lies and deceptions whispered in the shadows, will fade once truths light illuminates. C.J.MacKechnie 
To the common person. This is a truth. The common person seems to have a need to believe anyone in authority. The common person even wants to believe anyone who has a high level of education. So the lies spoken as truths is difficult to prove. When those in authority or with High levels of education have themselves been deceived. 
The creation of lies and deceptions are often created in a capitalistic society, when money and resources can be gained. In a socialist society lies and deceptions are created when money and resources are lost to the common person. In a communistic society lies and deceptions are created which will only benefit the communistic elites, for any reason as defined by them.
For the common person, who cannot depend on any modern form of government today, to put forth the truth. What and where can they go for the truth? Self empowerment and self direction is key. The truth is in the non-physical. Through prayer, meditation and contemplation. The truth of the question will manifest within the person. The person will begin to know things without being taught.
A person who becomes wise, knowledgeable and understands a great many things from prayer, meditation and contemplation. Can become prideful and selfish. He or she may begin to have a desire to have followers for their elevation into a holy status or godlike status. It is not for the individual person who has achieved wisdom, knowledge and understanding to acquire for themselves. It is for them to raise up everyone who is willing to achieve a similar level or greater.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of Education.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Neutral Existence: (Unedited): 16 Jan 2013:

A neutral existence is for those day shoppers with no money to spend. C.J.MacKechnie

  Have you ever just wanted to be someplace which was different than the place of your own hopeless and helpless place? Just some other place. Even a place where people go to buy things and pretend to be happy for a few moments before they go home to their own mundane existence. Maybe, those shoppers with money to spend do not have such mundane lives. Maybe, they themselves have conquered their own internal demons in life to achieve a position that they own. They have earned what they can purchase.
 Just as you who have only known those barriers in which you could never have passed through. Those blockades which always denied you passage. Why is that? Every opportunity you have chased has always become some kind of loss or failure. Have you created all manor of excuses as to why? When the truth may very well be. That you did not put forth the required effort needed for success. That you just quit or given up when the going got tough. 
Where you are in this life is exactly the absolute logical results of all of the decisions which have been made. Those decisions from your family, friends and from your self. 

I have met many intelligent people who had no education and they live the life in which their lack of education has afforded to them. For them, Their life is OK. Worldly Wealth does not seem to be of great importance and that is OK. While some others seem to always blame everyone and the whole world in some grand conspiracy which is all against them. 

I have met many whose intelligence are lacking and yet they live in homes which is beyond my capacity. What is so different than those who achieve and those who give up? The key is when. To endure until you achieve or to give up when things become tough or difficult. What about hose who only want to play while others seem to have the enduring focus of a great mission which must be accomplished. Intelligence may not be as important as ones will. What is your will? Will you accomplish a great task if it interfered with a party, a drink, a game? Some do see a greater importance in the drink, the cigarette, the game or the party. 
That what you value the most is that which you will achieve even if it is illogical, immoral or criminal. Their rewards shall always find you.


Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Best Hope: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The best future that you can hope for is in the good and right decisions that you make today (each and everyday). C.J.MacKechnie
Pretty simple. Sometimes we have to slow down when we make our decisions in life. We each have to just stop and think about things. There is time and yes, you do have the time to think about your decisions. Unless, of course your in a life and death moment. But, then you resort to your training. You look in your tool box of life.
Typically, the common person is not always in a life and death situation. Where a decision must be made right now. So, it is OK not to buy that item on sale. It is OK to hold off in a decision of something deemed frivolous. Even if that which is actually frivolous is of importance to you. That is something to think about. How can a frivolous thing be of importance and yet not be. If the thing does not guarantee life, love, peace and harmony. It is probably not of any real importance. You know, it is still OK to really like a frivolous thing and make it of importance for you. It's OK.
It seems those really important decisions that are made in today's life succumb to the dictates of false cultural traditions/laws which only guarantees your perpetual enslavement. Yes, That is right. Your culture may be a contributor to mass enslavement.
 Just think about this.
 How does your culture deal with people who pursue education?
 Are they belittled? Threatened? Bullied? Beat-up?
are accused of being something they are not? and etc?
 Education and especially being educated in math, logic and critical thinking is the path to freedom and to maintain freedom. Other forms of education is also of great importance. Such as a command of the language. The history of the world and how people have become enslaved.
To sin or not to sin? The differences between right and wrong? Oh but you say you are not religious and that your were taught that right and wrong is not real. Well, One or both of those thoughts are a false teaching for you. Designed to enslave your mind with a false belief system. I have heard people claim that their is no right and wrong. They believe it as a truth. This is the truth of a growing evil seed.
Yes, even deciding what you learn and believe as a truth is a decision to be made by you. These decisions based in a trust of educated people, who stand before you and smile as they teach a falsehood as truth. That is another level of evil. Because to train up a young person, to only be a mind to be controlled is brainwashing and a form of enslavement. When you are taught there is no right and wrong. Those authors, teachers and leaders. Only want for you to do their bidding without hesitation, question or denial. That is all.

When you decide to believe the teachings that the spirit is not real. You dis-connect from Divine input. Your pathway to justice and morality ends.
When you decide to trust in and believe in the false teachings of how to think by evil authors, teachers and professors. Your mind becomes enslaved. Then which follows your body.

For some people who have problems with foods. Even this simple decision can have a profound impact on their daily lives. The decision to eat a breakfast or not to eat a breakfast can alter even a good day into a bad day.

Did you know that historically governments have used addictive drinks and drugs in order to exercise a level of control over the population on a land that the government wants to own? Yes, It is true and it is still done today. Through beer and alcohol sales. Through cigarette sales and through the omission of illegal drug sales all over this country. Think about that. In every city in every state, you can get any kind of drug you want. Just this fact alone is an indication of an incredible logistical network that must use big rig trucks for transportation.  There is just to much drugs available for grandma and grand pa to haul it in their RV.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
So, do you really think, I went off track or off on a tangent? Really?
 Slowing down and thinking about all of those decisions you must make daily. Is of crucial importance for your future. How many hours of game play will have a direct impact on your ability to find personal and professional success in life.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Unexplained Limit: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2012:

Your limited knowledge, understanding and perceptions causes you to encounter the unexplained. 
 By acquiring greater critical thinking abilities, improving your logical thought processes, Learning new math skills all will help you to fear not the unknown or unexplained. By achieving greater understanding and acquiring greater knowledge. You become less prone to be negatively affected by any unexplained strangeness. By expanding your own perceptions of awareness. You will become less surprised by most surprising things.
Even working on disciplines and controls of your own psychology will aid you in your own continuation of working through an unknown discovery.
Yes, I know. There are UFO's everywhere. Space aliens live among us. Those super secret alien human hybrids are in between. Then the vampire dog looking creature that sucks the blood out of cattle. Better hide your beef.
We humans have extremely limited perceptive capacities. A lot of animals can hear and see better than us. Gators have that vibration sensor. Bats and dolphins have sonar. And etc.
The unexplained is just that, unexplained. By simply increasing or improving your knowledge and understanding. The unexplained becomes easily explainable.
It has only been in the last 10 years that education has become a never ending human process. The 4 year bachelor degree is the new high school diploma. For the new entry level positions. Have three mutually related college degrees is the desire of any technologically advanced business. For advanced entry level positions. Having a master degree will be for middle management. Having the PHD's will be leadership opportunities. Mutually related PHD's. Will mean leadership in advanced tinkering.
Get yourself laid off. Then all of your degrees will expire. Then restart.

Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Organized Anarchist: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2012:

An organized and systematic anarchist is one to be genuinely feared by any ruling authority. C.J.MacKechnie
The anarchist who can organize the willing followers. Is a threat to the status quo of ruling authority.
The real and true power is and has always been with the common people. Once a leader acquires about 30% of the common peoples population. He or she can then limit resources, rights, freedoms and education to those who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. By uplifting their most devout followers with education, weapons, training and comfortable lifestyles. The uplifted followers become a living castle wall of protection for the leader who desires to assume all power and authority over all. All of their actions will be for a myriad of reasons.
Think about the overthrow of the American government by the person who can organize all of the minority anti-government, anti-political, anti-wealth and anti-whatever groups into one unified anarchist organization. They will become a angry and passionate group of people. Who will have an effective change within society. Because, they will typically be godless, immoral with a zero right or wrong compass. The changes to come will be one without honor, honesty or integrity. While at the same time become the force which is the strong arm of wealth and power accumulation for a select few. Just like the leaderships in Communist Marxist Countries. Once the useful idiots become aware of what they have done and for whom they have done it for. It will be to late. The damage is done and their United States of America is no more. It's resources, industries, states, cities and lands sold to foreign entities. The profits line the few's pockets. The few who no one will suspect or even think to be the traitors is and are. The former American Traitors will acquire a wealth in the trillions of euros.
I've coined these terms about a decade ago.
Be warned of the Capitalistic forms of Communism. Where as only the elites have any wealth or opportunities. There will be total exclusion of the common peoples. Except for military service. There will be exclusion from the old families and the new upstarts.
Be warned of the Communistic forms of Capitalism. Where as only the acceptable people have access to any wealth or benefits. There will be exclusion of the common peoples except for those who can raise themselves up. The common people will also have military service as a goal. There will be separation from the old money and from the new money.

I'm pretty sure that there is further new terms which can be associated with Marxism, Fascism and Socialism. Before you believe that socialism isn't so bad. Do the research. Follow my wiki trail below. Educating yourself in the truth of any matter of interest to you is a piece to your freedom. For instance.
Is the division of the races true or false? Is the races of humanity fact or fiction? If you have followed any of my race blogs and have followed the facts. Then you know the answers and thus more free from lies and deceptions than before. For some people learning that what you  know is false is hard to chew on. Once you learn a thing is a lie and a deception means you will never be used again for the illegal benefit of others.

Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Friday, October 26, 2012

Creating Advantage: (Unedited):?? Dec 2011: ????

Creating a distinct advantage for yourself. May always be the one thing that could set you above the other people.
 So, if one distinct advantage could do that. What about more distinct advantages? Which is above and beyond a standard or basic education, Beyond a basic or even professional skill or talent. An inherent gift which is grown and evolved by you.
Unless of course a standard and basic education like in the USA is below the current standard of what the world has set. Then your life begins with a distinct dis-advantage and your not even aware of it. Especially in this one world economy.
Even if you are celebrated as an educational hero. If your level of educational is still lower than the rest of the world. Then your educational accolades is a deception.
You need to be aware of the world around you. You need to be aware of all of the competition you have for the best jobs. You must know who you are competing with for those select jobs. You must put into practice the similar efforts by those in countries like India and China. Except in a smart way in accordance to your own specific gifts, learning styles and traits. While in China and India has superior numbers of people being highly educated. Your secret ace in the hole is locked away in your own natural gifts, talents and skills. This is where you will find your own self defined success when education is equal. Continually evolve your gifts, talents, skills and traits.
If you makes these efforts by your own desire and will. You will be better off than those children and young people who have only been forced to learn from their own family and Country. Choose freely to evolve your education, your gifts, your talents and your skills. Know them all. Then find the common balance in their collective development.   
Title and date uncertain. Just deleted the content name from Facebook. The Facebook copy did not indicate that there was not a copy. So, I'm hoping there is ink and copies else where.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Pinnacle Conquered: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2011:

Before you can attain the pinnacle of any mountain top. You must first conquer its base. C.J.MacKechnie
 The pinnacle of any mountain in your life, Dreams or goals, must begin with you conquering their bases. What this means is the base of any mountain  and every foot in elevation to be gained must be conquered. In mountain climbing you cannot go up until you actually go up. I know this seems very basic. Stay with this thought. In other words before you can become the boss of that super important organization of your dreams. What must happen first? What must you accomplish first? What must you excel at first? Think backwards or downwards from that imaginary mountain peak in your dreams and goals in life. Then when at the bottom or base of your imaginary mountain. Looking up you will now see those required steps which must be taken to get to the peak of your mountain.

For most people what does this mean? You would have to ask this individually to the person and their selected area interest. Assuming the individual person has the freedom to choose. No matter your state in life. Whether it be a enslaved person or a person with zero wealth. Your only key to freedom and wealth is education. The more education, the more freedom and wealth will be available for you to select. My word usage of wealth is not only finances but also family wealth (Spouse and Children) and a persons ability to live the life of their desired choosing.
The basic and foundational aspects of education is necessary to begin climbing the mountain of your dreams and goals. The better you are able to achieve the best educational foundation. The better you will be able to navigate up your mountain. This is the same as learning how to use the necessary tools of mountain climbing. If you omit the use of Crampons, Simply because you don't like them, they are boring, you could get cut by them, you will never really use it in life or your teachers were just awful at teaching. This excuse of easy mental thinking will become a impassable crevice to the peak of your desired mountain. A point of discovery which will not be seen until you approach it. The discovery of your crevice will usually happen just when the peak can be clearly seen by you. Your excitement is greatly elevated and then there it is an ice wall with a crevice. A surprise upon a surprise which makes your journey come to a sudden stop. Simply because of a long forgotten skill in which you choose not to learn. Learning Algebra is like this. Yet, the importance of advanced mathematics is crucial in the modern era of life. Algebra is more than learning formulas. Algebra teaches a beginning logical way of thinking. Which must be learned to get to the more advanced ways of logical thinking. Like geometry, calculus, Trigonometry and more advanced math. For you to hear any math teach proclaim to you that you will never use any advanced math in your life is actually convicting you to perpetual enslavement. This is a fundamental truth. You cannot enslave an educated person. An educated person will always want to lead a rebellion. Really..... Where there are slaves, There are laws preventing education.
If you belong in a society where your poor and of that lower class which may not even be considered human. Learn all you can. Learn everything you can. Ask Questions. Always ask questions.
What shall you learn in this modern era of life. All of the basic fundamentals. Then grow each area equally in order to maintain a balance.
The old adage of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic is all you need to know. In the modern society This is an incomplete way of thinking.
1) Reading is replaced by your ability to take in information. Such as reading, audible, visual, Hands on, Computer and any other new technology which is developed.
2) Writing is replaced by your ability to communicate to the world. Such as writing, Verbal skills to include multiple languages, Your ability to use computers and other forms of technology as they become developed.  
3) Arithmetic does not end with the basic understanding up to fractions and decimals. One now must include all of algebra, trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus. This also includes the newer advanced methods of doing the math in practice. Learning about math is not just about boring formulas it is about logical thinking.
4) Critical thinking skills. Is ones ability to root out the truth, deceptions, lies and incomplete content through logical and concise thinking. Critical thinking must not be subjective in nature.  
5) The sciences. A basic understanding of each of them.
6) History. Family history, your local history, national history and world history. With an emphasis on why? people did as they did. No matter how ugly the truth. All History must not be ignored or omitted. No matter who won or lost. Question all history and discover the lessons learned.
7) The pursuit in whole of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding should be a thought in the forefront of every ones thinking.
***It must be considered that a 4 year college degree which qualifies you to be gainfully employed is the new definition for  a minimum education as once was thought of for a high school diploma.****
To receive a greater consideration for better quality entry jobs. The newly educated person should consider multiple related college degrees for specific job areas. 1) Such as math, business and Accounting. 2) Such as Electrical engineering, Computer science and Mechanical engineering. You get this point.
If your a hands on kind of person. A 4 year college degree from a real State run University along with a technical degree for Welding, various mechanics and etc.
I do not advise going to any commercial for profit so called colleges or universities where any credit hours obtained or college degrees earned is not accepted by the main stream Universities. This is your warning. Don't travel that road. Yes, You learn and gain new skills. When and if you decide to advance your education. You will start at ZERO DEGREES AND ZERO CREDITS. Remember, the above comment where I said education is now life long. There is no ending to official education. Especially if you want continual advancement and income.
What is learned from this ongoing economic depression. Is those unemployed persons who did not choose to continue to advance or update their education. Will remain unemployed or under employed forever.

Keeping your focus on this list of 7 things (Incomplete List). The pinnacle of your mountain can be achieved. From that peak, you can look out into the whole of the world. To find another mountain peak to conquer. Always, Know it is OK to begin at the base of that mountain. In which you can continue up the new mountain without stopping or delay until you reach that base camp where you should learn and conquer new things. Then continue upward to the next base camp or onto the peak. From the top of this new mountain. You can then again witness all that you may and see that greater peak in the distance. Which you must travel back down and journey to the next. Become excited at what needs to be learned at that new base camp. Repeat.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tiger Without: (Unedited) 14 Nov 2011:

A paper tigers roar is without authority, power and teeth. C.J.MacKechnie
No matter what you do in life. Even if you have kept all of your cheating secret. Everyone will still know you as a paper tiger. You will lose your jobs because the supervisors will soon discover all that you are lacking in training, education, intelligence, Honor and integrity.
Your only safety net is working for your own family. Even that will only last so long. Because, you will eventually cause the loss of more money than you are worth. Your own family may even want to pay to to do other things. A effective cost saving measure as defined by your own elders.
 It is crucial for those genuine leaders, who are in positions of responsibility and authority to have a direct relationship with those who are the meat and bone of your work force. You must have that free and open door to them. So, when you hire that great and wonderful your management person. You need those key personnel to let you know. Your new young manager or even the middle aged person is a paper tiger. A new manager who causes you to lose key personnel will do such great harm to your company. That you may not be able to overcome. Even if you can save many dollars in wage/benefits. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Evolution Manifested: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2012:

In this or the next generation. The next step in evolution becomes manifested. When both parents capacities are maximized.  C.J.MacKechnie
Evolution may occur when there is a will, need or requirement to exceed physical limitations, Mental limitations and spiritual Limitations.
When both parents continuously flirt with their own maximum potential in mutual areas of interest. Their children may experience an incremental evolutionary advancement in that particular area of interest.
Incremental evolutionary advancement can easily be seen in athletics, average height and the intellect. While spiritual evolution seems to have been prevent, blocked, stunted or regressed.

Incremental De-evolution is also the same way.  Improper living and lifestyles, drugs, alcohol use. The lack of education. The lack of physical fitness. The lack of spiritual development. All contribute equally against the incremental evolution process.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Failed American: (unedited): 05 Aug 2012

The era of American Contraction began with the planned failure of the free Educational system in America. 
16 Aug 2012 update:
The transition into any less advanced society. The population must not be educated beyond or over educated that which is necessary for an agrarian society. The need to know logic, science, reading, history and spiritual matters is of little importance to farming and mining. The absolute control of an agrarian society cannot have the working class population educated in any way, They cannot have access to knowledge to any forms of hand to hand combat, weapons, strategy and tactics. This will include such games of chess and others. In an Agrarian society the population cannot even be aware of any other possible lifestyles or advanced ways of living.
The people must also unlearn their need, desire or will to do for themselves.
This is prophetic. Not just for America but for the world.
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"