Monday, July 25, 2016

Christian Mockers: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

The professing Christians who are unrepentant and are not on the righteous path as judged by God only, mock God with their worshiping, singing praises with lying tongues, lying minds, and lying hearts. 
Christian leaders all over the world have chosen unrighteousness instead of righteousness. Christian followers are even rejoicing and are accepting of this very sinful activity. I declare to you that even if you are without sin and you celebrate sin among the professed Christian followers, when the time of chastisement comes from God, do not expect to be saved. For the Christian is to profess his faith by mouth and to live a righteous life while always rejecting and fleeing from all sin. So by simply celebrating the sin(s) of another person, you are giving them permission to continue on in sin. A REAL Christian is supposed to reinforce righteous living, to encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ to be strong and to offer wise council via the Holy Bible. Also, to offer them up with fasting and prayer.
If your congregation and/or denomination has accepted sin as a fundamental right, then depart from it. Even if your family has had a generational history within that one church, if you cannot find a church or denomination that does not celebrate and accept sin as a fundamental right, then begin a church in your home, for this is prophecy.
When it is time to leave, get up and leave. Do not negotiate and do not turn back. It is not you who has left Jesus. It was the church and denomination you once called yours.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wrong RT Questions: (Unedited): 25 July 2016: today has posted yet another poorly phrased question. Well, in my opinion they are.
Not that I'm a good writer. I'm not.  Every offered answer is incorrect. Stop using the words terrorist and terrorism. Islamic leaders will cause their soldiers/faithful to do deeds which had already been planned out. Islamic soldiers/faithful will submit to their Islamic authority and be obedient to those instructions. There is no freedom of thought or of action in Islam.
RT asks

The number of terrorist attacks in Europe will go down:

  • 20%

    - If Islamic State is bombed into oblivion

  • 45%

    - If the West leaves the Middle East alone

  • 8%

    - If the EU gets proper transnational police and intelligence

  • 11%

    - If every European gets a handgun and is trained to use it

  • 17%

    - Never – terror attacks can’t be stopped

Why is this in error?
All of the media in the world needs to stop using the terms terrorists and terrorism. It is like calling Nazi Germany a bunch of terrorists. WW1 and WW2 was just an ongoing terrorism activities.
I myself have researched Islam from their sources and have concluded that all of these so called terrorist activities around the world are not isolated lone wolf terrorists who insanely conduct their own self defined acts of terrorism.
This is what will happen. Islam will continue their military actions against civilian soft targets all around the world including Russia and China. As everyone associated with Islam is a soldier of the faith without an official uniform. I believe what Islamic leaders say. For instance, The leader of Turkey.
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
In the future. This coup in Turkey may have been an actual double coup. Meaning a group of military elements tried to take over the country and then Mr. Erdogan took over the entire nation and moved it completely away from western social influences. Christian prophecy unfolding before our very eyes.
 Opens doors for internalized attacks.
Look to history.
China is opening their borders to Islamic influence and incursion. Short term will be financially good. In the long term. China will have blood in their streets and in their places.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mind Enslavement: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

"The person who only believes what they are told and has no need to ever consider seeking the truth. Is evidence of the total enslavement of their mind."
Respectfully questioning authority is mandatory for each person. By doing so, you are assured that you are not deceived. In today's modern age, a person or every person should be allowed develop the skills necessary to search for any information at its source of origination. When this can be accomplished, a new civilized world can be established based on truth and not apparent truths which turn out to be out-right lies with evil intentions such as hate, war, murder, fear, anger, rage, distrust and so on. 
In the current atmosphere of race relations, no one anywhere on this planet wants to know the truth or even seek the truth. Organizations that define words contribute to the lie and ongoing deceptions. Can we prove that the definition of the races of humanity are false by scientific standards? Yes, from 1985 human DNA profiling and again in 2000 with the Human Genome Project. The science is absolute and clear. There is only one singular race of human beings on this planet and it is human, not black, white, red or yellow species of people.
One lie proven wrong. Races!
A partial quote from then-president of the United States of America, Bill Clinton:
"The third horizon that lies before us is one that science cannot approach alone. It is the horizon that represents the ethical, moral and spiritual dimension of the power we now possess. We must not shrink from exploring that far frontier of science. But as we consider how to use new discovery, we must also not retreat from our oldest and most cherished human values. We must ensure that new genome science and its benefits will be directed toward making life better for all citizens of the world, never just a privileged few.
As we unlock the secrets of the human genome, we must work simultaneously to ensure that new discoveries never pry open the doors of privacy. And we must guarantee that genetic information cannot be used to stigmatize or discriminate against any individual or group.
Increasing knowledge of the human genome must never change the basic belief on which our ethics, our government, our society are founded. All of us are created equal, entitled to equal treatment under the law. After all, I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, all human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same."
If you want to stop racism, you have to begin with the evidence to counter the wrong thinking of the world. You have to cause organizations like to change the definition based on thirty-year-old and again on 16-year-old scientific proofs. You have to convince people that this is a world problem and not the racial monopoly of the USA.
I have listened and heard many shows from many different sources and all of them are the same including the radio show Equipped with Chris Brooks. Every show host only wants to know opinions and feelings. No one wants to explore any evidence or to seek any kind of factual truths. Everyone is enslaved by their own way of wrongful thinking. Everyone wants to continue to believe that this lie is an absolute truth which will not or cannot change. This is why people like Chris Brooks have enslaved mind in regard to the races of humanity. I'm only picking on Mr. Brooks because I value what he does and says. I'm much more than an occasional listener.  I have not mentioned any other hosts or people because they simply are unimportant to me since I realized they offered zero real answers or solutions. 

Please study how DNA profiling is used in international courts of law. Why do they only use a small portion of the DNA panel?

Please study the human skin, how the skin is the largest organ of the body. Study how there are primary functions and secondary functions. If you lose a primary function you can die. If you lose a secondary function you will merely be uncomfortable and a possible social outcast. So since I cannot drink alcohol very well because of genetic inefficiencies of my liver organ, why am I not a different race of person from those who can drink alcohol very easily and in huge quantities? Isn't that similar to differences between a lightly pigmented person and a darker pigmented person?

What happened at the tower of Babel? The beginning of racism or the belief in the division of the human species. In modern terms, this where God deleted the one common language of humanity and downloaded up to 77 other basic languages into up to 77 different groups of people. People grew into an us-versus-them mentality.
We are all from one blood line, Noah and his sons - a total of 8 adults.
To go back even further from only one male and one female.
If humanity all the way back to Adam and Eve became a separate race of human beings on each region of this one planet, then the genetic differences would be much greater than LESS THAN .1%. Because within that less than .1% is where all of your unique identity resides. This does not include your cultural, social and educational upbringings, or even the lack of cultural, social and educational upbringings. The math is huge and very exact. 
And we have not even begun to talk about the genetic markers of sin which can reside in specific places along the DNA structure, which can be passed along to our offspring. So what did Jesus know about this when he said all you have to do is think sin and it is already done?
Added on 27 July 2016: 
Here is a fact which cannot be argued, but it can be denied and rejected. All of your DNA and my DNA is more than 99.9% identical. Can you fathom that? Here is a comparison in regard to Ethnos.
Read this and understand.

ethnos -people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture.
This is the definition - people of the same nationality who share a distinctive culture. So if a person alters either his nationality or culture, that person changes his racial distinction as defined. How about that for an error with zero scientific evidence?
The traditions of man is a basis for race.
Here is another.
Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. Yes, it also includes wealth or the lack of wealth. It also includes intelligence or the lack of intelligence.
Are you getting this? Race is a social construct. What are the distinct physical characteristics? Ears, legs, liver, spleen, hair?
I am pointing you in a direction. That direction is toward scientific fact and away from any human social constructs. Be sure you continue reading to discover that the first use of race was with those who spoke a single common language. Can you start thinking about the Tower of Babel as the beginning source for racism and the division of humanity via language?
Since race is a social construct. It can be assumed that a person who was poor and then is rich changes their race. Likewise, a person who was rich and is now poor also changes his race.
So if a person knows many languages are they multi-racial?
Here is a good comparison:
A person bought four exact Dell computers with no operating systems installed.
On Dell computer #1, which is to be the personal computer, this person installed Windows 10, some games and other fun software.
On Dell computer #2, which is to be the work computer, this person installed Windows 7, some work specific software, and professional Office software.
On Dell computer #3, which is to be the industrial use computer, this person installed an industrial version of Linux operating system along with specific controls software.
On Dell computer #4, which is to be a French language specific computer, programs were installed that were mostly for the streaming of all French-language content. 
I know you're smart and you know where I'm going with this. The more than 99.9% of all of our DNA can be represented by the physical Dell computer machines. The less than .1% is all tied in the software. I would consider this a lose comparison. Still the point is made.
Each of the above computers are the same. Except for the operating systems and purpose of use. This is where we can get our lazy and crazy people, Bruce Lee people, Albert Einstein people, Michael Jordan people and so on and so forth.
28 Sept 2016: Before Racist: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2016:
"Before any person can become a racist he must first believe in the separation and divisions of the human species."
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Guilty Grace: (Unedited): 21 July 2016:

By the Judgement of God. We are all guilty because of our sinful nature/spirit, corrupted thinking and contaminated being. 
But, through the grace of God by the perfect saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are all forgiven and free. Through the mystery of the three in one. 
There is nothing for us to do or can do. In every aspect of who we each individually was, are and will be. We can do nothing for ourselves to be acceptable in any way to God. So God had to to it all. Everything in the last 6000+/- years. Just to save us from ourselves. That's unconditional and undeserved Love.
After, You realize what Jesus had done for each of us and you accept it through faith. The changes do begin if you let it. You begin to want to become a good son/brother or daughter/sister. You do this by staying in the Word/Bible. You begin to pray often and always. You begin to fast for others as well as situations. You begin to reject and flee from all sin. Thus, is only the beginning and over time as you develop a continuous history of these good habits. You shall with all humility become righteous, holy and without blemish or spot accepted by only your Heavenly Father.
Flee from all sin. Even from the church you have loved for so long. When your church, denomination or religion accepts and brings sin into the holy places. Do not associate with them ever again. Until, they have turned away from those sins.
This includes any LGBTQ person who is allowed to hold any position of authority. If you continue to attend these places. You also will suffer along with them all. For it is assigned for the remnant to be separated from the whole which have become corrupted, contaminated and with a great many soiled spots. If you remain among the sinners who continue to sin without shame or any intention to change from their evil ways. Then it is you who will share as it is not you who has the power to change them. Only your heavenly Father can do that if they had not already been judged. For I tell you the truth before Noah cut down the first tree. The whole world had already been judged. Do not become as Lot's wife had. For even a remnant can be separated from their parents and siblings who they love and care for much. Never to see or to know them again.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Accusing Devil: (Unedited): 20 July 2016:

Be warned of those within your organization who always accuse others. For their attitude only pretends to be a caring employee when in fact they are just a devil spirit who finds power and thrills in others torments. 
It is interesting how only one can make it into an organization. Gain the trust of the leadership and/or managing team. Then become the eyes and ears of them. The vast majority of these are very beneficial. It is the few whom I'm talking about. It is those who only accuse others of wrong while offering zero benefit to the company by any other means. These devil spirits spend so much time spying and accusing others that their productivity is very low. But, everyone in management/leadership likes him/her. The management and leadership teams have all been blinded by this one person. This one person is or can be the sole cause of a demoralized workforce.
It would be better off to fire this person outright and even pay for their unemployment benefits. In doing so. Your entire corporate structure will breathe and feel the pleasant atmosphere you once had. All aspects of your business will improve. Virtually over night. there will be a positive shock that your employees will feel and this may cause sluggishness in your recovery. But, once your workforce gets your train steaming and heading with a decisively forward momentum. They will smile and wont be stopped. Until you the leadership and management team screws up again.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Death Logical Conclusion: (Unedited): 18 July 2016:

Death is the planned logical conclusion through our continued individual disobedience of the law, that we all willfully choose to disobey. In breaking one law you break them all. Having lawless and sinful thoughts that you allow to continue within your own mind means you have already broken all of the laws yet again. Even if those thoughts originated outside of your creative imagination. 
Who owns your thoughts and desires? Do you or some superior being who interferes with you because of your own unwillingness or unawareness of such things and beings.
Entertaining wrongful thoughts and desires is a sin. It matters not if the thoughts and desires are from your own mind and heart or from outside of you. No matter the source. Your continuation of the wrongful thought or desire is a sin. A wrongful thought and desire which just pops into your mind and heart. Which is fought/combated by your into nothingness is not a sin. But rather it is your victory. Does that mean they will be gone forever? Of course not. The evil ones will just wait when your tired, hungry, weary, sad or depressed. Then those evil ones will yet again insert those thoughts and desires. Or manifest weak minded humans to make your sins secretly possible to accomplish. Life is also a planned logical conclusion. The purple words below. 
To Love one another always.
To live in peace with everyone
To exist in harmony with all things.
To cherish all life.
To obey the commandments of God because it is the right and wise thing to do and not because you have to or are forced to.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Imaginary Entertainment: (Unedited): 14 July 2016:

Even if it is a matter of life and death. You cannot logically reason with a person who has been consumed with imaginary entertainment. 
I think I wrote this because of President Putin and his speech with journalists.
Here it is:
Here are others. I think meaningful.
=====Boring Rant=========
17 July 2016:
It is just weird. To watch a hundred random grown adult people walking aimlessly around Sims park with their cell phones in their hands trying to capture an imaginary animal. Especially when the whole world is falling apart. France attack. Turkey Coup (Sign). Black Lives matter day of rage which I heard never really happened. Two possible Oligarchical people want to be President of the USA. One is a pay to play special interest person. The other a corporate minded charismatic blonde bully of sorts. Everyone thinks one or the other is a good choice. I guess I'm the only one on the planet who doesn't think so and is not playing imaginary games while the planet is falling apart.
I just do not think you can reason with or even save a person who has decided that a silly pocket monster game is more important than real life. WW3 is a very real possibility right now and people are walking, riding to find a Pokemon. Really. War spreading in Ukraine and Poland preparing for war. So are other countries facing Russia. The US Navy has 6 aircraft carrier battle groups out to sea. With the others in ports for active repair and active modernization. no words on our subs, They are classified anyway.
You better keep an eye out on your political leaders. Because when they go into hiding as in all of them including Mr President Putin. Something is up. But, no let's all play Pokemon Go. Does anyone care that the US and NATO may be the bad guys here? I'm Not saying that President Putin is the good guy either. We just do not know the truth. And the media is not telling it. None of them. It doesn't matter if your on the Fox side of sexual harassment or the CNN side of Communist News Network.
Did you know that some diplomats were kicked out of Russia and the USA? Tit for tat.
Did you know that North Korea closed off the only line of communication with the USA?
and more and more bad things are happening. But, let's all play Pokemon Go.
Does it matter to you that the USA and NATO may be provoking a war with Russia? Which also means with China, Iran and maybe some South American Communist hardliners.
Lets go play Pokemon to get robbed or find dead bodies, or get into accidents. But, you can't as of this writing. The servers crashed and Mr. President Putin is frustrated that he cannot talk with you and the seriousness of the situation that we are all in. Yes we are all in this and we are all ignoring the situation. But, guess who gets to go fight in the wars that the political leaders start? Your children and mine. This could be worse than the Cuban Missile crisis and your not even aware just how helpless the 48 states are to any kind of an attack. Remember "MAD" mutually Assured Destruction except now there is no Mutual. Russia has almost protected their entire country with new advanced RADAR installations.
How can any leadership provoke a war and not tell their citizens? What is worse by not telling their citizens? No one prepares. Thus, when serious hardships begin. Everyone is surprised. Besides who hates Russia or China? I do not know anyone who hates either country and then suddenly they will be our enemies. Is this right?
But, Don't worry. Just go find your little monsters until the quick shinny light happens. That's when it will get real and know that our elected leaders provoked it all. But, again no worries they will be safe in their secret (COG) continuation of Government bunkers with all of their families and select friends. That you and I paid for. There has to be a lot of Pokemon's at Sims park. Maybe you should sneak over there and not get caught like that closed zoo couple. Good Night.
Mr. Putin, If your ever out this way. I'll share with you a cold Publix green tea and offer you a sit on my dirty lawn mower shack couch. Come prepared for hot or stormy Florida Gulf Coast weather.
Added on 25 Oct 2016 @9PM:
Americans are just insane. 250 Native or indigenous tribes have come together at Standing Rock North Dakota. Abuses rampant against them all. Their only weapon is prayer and dance.
Russia and 40 million Russians prepare for nuclear war. Both Russia and China call on their citizens to prepare for nuclear war with the USA. There is a lot of other very threatening news. Really and no one either knows or cares.
But guess what about 8 hours ago a new Call of Duty the world goes mad video featuring a famous pool sea monkey (Michael Phelps). So what is the message? When the world falls apart fall into gaming. Just insanity.
Added on 27 Oct 2016: Another gaming video on Call of Duty Terminal Tours which suggests to the viewer to forget the real world and just play a game about war and your death.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 