Monday, July 23, 2012

Racisms Illusion: (unedited): 23 July 2012

For 11 plus years. The worlds leaders must have known the basic conclusion from the completion of the Human genome project. The premise being that all of humanities DNA is 99.9% identical. Which any basic educated person can see that humanity is a singular race. With this factual end result from the completion of the Human Genome Project. All of racism and the idea of different races is in error, is false and is not real. 
All world leaders should have learned this fact 11 plus years ago and maybe even all the way back to around 1984 with the discovery of DNA finger printing. Any leader be it cultural, religious or political who still use race as a tool to garner support, to make war, to separate and isolate his desired  people. Is in fact a liar and deceiver to those who choose to follow him.
Any person who is in any position of leadership who teach and preach the idea of racial purity and the preference of racial separation is in fact a little Adolph Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, Ernesto "Che" Guevara and etc.
One of the greatest threats to all of the world leaders, religious leaders and cultural leaders is for the common person to learn and believe that we are all one human family as proven by the logical conclusion of the Human Genome Project. When the common person does know and believe that all humans are related and are in fact a single race. All of the lies and deceptions told to them by all of the worlds leaders will be brought to light/revealed. Then those leaders may be disciplined in accordance to their former followers anger.
Maybe the key word is Revelation? Maybe this is prophetic? Maybe the former President Bill Clinton played his unlikely part in the prophetic end times as described by prophets and religions around the world. It is a revelation of an Illusion used historically by politicians from around the world for their own interests and plans. 
The result of the human genome project was only recently discovered by me a few days ago. If you finds this revelation to be new. Please do the research on your own. Do not accept anything I say to be true or anyone else for that matter. Without you first doing the research to the source.

:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Selfish Divide: (unedited): 22 July 2012

Any person or leader no matter their position or status. Who continue to isolate, divide and separate humanity. Will be seen only as a mentally damaged selfish person who lies and deceives anyone. All for his own personal glory and their selfish accumulation of power. C.J.MacKechnie

NOTE: The Human Genome project proves that all of humanity is 99.9% genetically the same.  this proven fact must be shared and taught to all of humanity. No matter what tree they hide behind or what rock they hide under. When all of common begins to see that we are all one singular race and family. Every common man will begin to see the lies and deceptions of their own leaders who claim that the enemy is less than human or less than dogs or is inferior or does not have the same skin tone. All leaders who claim these lies are wrong and evil. Let all of humanity live in peace and love one another. We are truly and factually one human family. All of us.   C.J.MacKechnie
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"

Nothing More: (unedited): 21 July 2012

A slave needs for nothing and will want for more of anything. C.J.MacKechnie

Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"

Difficult Beginnings: (unedited): 21 July 2012

The religious concepts of love, peace, harmony and life may be difficult for a faithful person to believe. Especially, when their faith and belief began with hate, war, chaos and death. C.J.MacKechnie

Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck driver"

Interracial Marriages: (unedited) 21 July 2012

The conflicts and arguments in regards to interracial marriages. Is in fact a conflict and argument on a matter which does not exist. As all of humanity is in fact a singular race. C.J.MacKechnie

Note: Fact now proven from the competition of the Human Genome Project. A logical proven fact in which all of humanity must learn and know. When every person can come to the conclusion that we are all a single human family. Without any threats or fears or intimidation. Then maybe all of our one human family can reach up and out of this path of suicidal insanity. War no more.. C.J.MacKechnie

The path and mitigation of over population is in outer space or inner solar system space. That will be a new beginning for a whole human family. For one human race. Then can we begin to discover and know our space brothers and sisters in the Heavens. C.J.MacKechnie
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 

Spiritual Stagnancy: (Unedited). 21 July 2012

Spiritual stagnancy can begin when the origin of faith was begun in an atmosphere of threats and fear.

Note: I think this can occur amongst the body of any Church, Temple, Mosque and synagogue. Some Christian Churches uses fear and threats to bring in the new faithful. It is difficult to know love when the heart is in fear. It is like tithing in order for GOD to give you more money. If you only tithe to get more money. Then you won't get any.

Teaching the new believer with threats and fears. Is like lighting an unknown bottle rocket. The new believer is full of speed and fire until it runs out of threats and fears fuel. There may or may not be a glorious and tragic conclusion. In the end. There is the quiet fall of all that remains of the former believer.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Religious demise: (unedited): 21 July 2012: Christian Version:

The demise of the Christian Church. Isn't the fault of Clergy who teach the whole of GOD's Word. It is the apathetic hearts, distracted minds of the professed Christians which prevents any spiritual learning and growth within the whole. C.J.MacKechnie

NOTE: You can substitute the word "Christian" with the name of any other religious person. Such as Jew, Islamist, Buddhist.
You can substitute the word "Clergy" with a more accurate name for your holy teachers. Such as: Pastor, preacher, Father, Pope, Imam, Cleric, Shaman.
You can substitute the word "Church" with a more accurate name for the place of worship. Such as Synagogue, Mosque, Temple, Holy Sites.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American truck Driver".

Saturday, July 21, 2012

First Steps. (unedited). Unknown date and unknown title.

You cannot begin to take the first  steps on the path towards holiness. When you continue to cause pain and suffering. C.J.MacKechnie
NOTES: It doesn't matter if your the pope, Imam, pastor, theologian, preacher, clergy or in any other/self appointed position of  claimed holiness. Holiness comes only from GOD/ALLAH and not by any human decision, appointment or agreement. Holiness comes from a life of the fullness of prayer and right living as expressed by all of the laws and commandments of GOD. A common human man or woman can be a Holy person as defined by GOD/ALLAH. He or she will be of more importance and power than any clergy or politician of any religion.
A holy person will live by the laws and commandments of GOD/ALLAH. Not because of any threat or promise of everlasting hell's torment. Not because GOD/ALLAH is the One true GOD and following HIS laws and commandments is mandatory. Because, It is the right thing to do. Because, there is logic in following the laws and commandments of GOD/ALLAH. Because, From insights provided from GOD and from Knowledge of human history. There is great wisdom in following the Laws and commandments. Holiness is not exclusive to any single religion. Holiness is exclusive to GOD and thus can only be given from GOD. This award of holiness is given daily to the person who devotes their life in a complete holy manor. C.J.MacKechnie
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Heavens Guaranteed. (unedited). 08 Oct 2005. Named on 19 July 2012.

There are those born whose place in Heaven is guaranteed. GOD has chosen a select few to love and care for those guaranteed ones. Blessed are these the loving caretakers of the most innocent amongst us. C.J.MacKechnie
Warning!!!! No matter who you are. No matter what you are. No matter your name, position, rank, title or station.  No matter how pridefully superior you think you are or even know you are. Any evil, any mistreatment done until the most innocent and helpless. Will be Judged and disciplined as defined by GOD, Allah or Supreme Being. It matters not how you name the ONE. In the end. it may have been better for you to curse GOD himself. Because,  even that can be forgiven.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Will be included in Future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

Few Years. (unedited). 01 Oct 2005. Named on 19 July 2012

If all I could ever have is your love for only a few years and the rest was experiencing loneliness. Then this life was worth living.

They Just: (unedited). 26 Sept 2005. Named on 18 July 2012.

A great man doesn't strive to lead. He merely goes forth with a purpose and they just follow. C.J.MacKechnie

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Prophets Ignored. (unedited). 21 march 2004. 27 June 2004. named on 17 July 2012.

The prophets That God has sent. You have ignored and rejected from your churches. The blessings that God has poured out will now dry up. It is you that have run away from God's protection. Now, The lions will be allowed to prey upon you. Their hunger and thirst will never be quenched. 
The purpose of any prophecy is to either do the things necessary to prevent it or mitigate its effects, If it is very bad and sad. As taught by the story of Joseph and the pharaoh in the Holy Bible.
Added on 25 Dec 2018:
Look at *Israel today. They are surrounded by ravenous lions who only want to devour them all and will do when given the permission and opportunity. Yes, these ravenous lions who only want to devour and destroy must have permission. But, *Israel is not enough to quench their thirst and taste for blood. For the more blood they taste the more blood they must have and the more blood they get the more out of control with demonic pleasure they get. Even though they each will believe that it is all from God. In away it is from a god just not the one they all have been deceptively led to. For their goal and their gold is in the vatican whose blood of the Pope himself will only guarantee their victory.
For as long as both *Israel and the Vatican both allow sin into their Holy *Israel. They both will become the baptismal bloodbath of those who will come and take all life and destroy all things.
Once the demonic lions rush in. You will not have enough bombs or bullets or men to stop them. The only way to avert this prophecy is to repent. Flee and reject all sins. Forbid the allowance of any sin to enter *Israel.
Any person who refuses to flee from sins, reject all sins or refuses to change from their evil ways through their actions and deeds. They all must be put out one way or another. Even if he is the Pope himself. Ask yourself how did the Holy Bible deal with people who brought sin within?
* Israel means anyplace which is meant to be holy. This also includes churches, synagogues, cities, states, counties, nations, yourself and homes. When you allow sin to enter you also are willing to endure those consequences which all sins bring. It shall be these consequences which shall prevent any blessings to be manifest.
27 June 2004.
The popular church has their ears and eyes closed to GOD. They reject those who are the prophets. Claiming that the prophets bring dis-harmony. C.J.MacKechnie 
The prophets are the ones who bring the messages from GOD. The good messages and the warning messages. The warning messages are supposed to be acted upon. The good messages are encouragements of good things being done. When the prophets and the messages are being completely rejected and rebuked. It is you the fake social christian who will suffer as well as your children. If you belong in a church which celebrates and glorifies the end time prophecies. Know that all of the death and destruction is your fault. You are blind to the insanity of this teaching. To allow, cause and welcome the return of an angry Messiah. How is this wise? Why would you want this? Isn't it more reasonable, logical and wise to celebrate the return of the Messiah who is happy with his human creation? This message is not just about the Christian church it is about all of the religions. Who seem to have a priority for the living a religious life as opposed to living a holy life.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Deaf listen: Blind See: Cripled Journey: (unedited). 26 Sept 2003. Named on 17 July 2012

A man who is deaf is not an indication that he cannot listen.
A man who is blind may be able to see more than you. 
A crippled man may have journeyed far more than you have.

The disabled person may have fought more righteous wars than you will ever know. The disabled person continues to fight their own private war against their own physical bodies. You the perfectly able will never know courage and bravery as the disabled does. never give up, never give in, continue to go forth true and faithful warrior C.J.MacKechnie
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American truck Driver".

Compensated Reward. 21 Sept 2003. Named on 17 July 2012.

A man that does good works of faith and receives compensation. Has already received his reward.
Compensation: Does not have to be money. It can be a simple drink of water. It can be favors done in return on a later date. It can be gifts of sweets given at a later time. All is dependent on the intentions of the spirit, heart and mind of both the giver and receiver.
Added on 28 Oct 2023: Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. 
Matthew 6:3 
“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you”

Faith Writing. (unedited). 21 Sept 2003. Named on 17 July 2012

Works of faith require physical action greater than the writing of a check.

The writing of a check will guarantee the faithful to do good works in the name of GOD. 
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

Exodus from the Church Vision. 30 Jan 2003, 21 March 2004

Worship in the church will no longer be safe.
Worship in privacy will be mandatory.
The isolation of Christians will begin.

Christians will be hunted and killed.
A slow separation from the church will begin.
GOD will bring individuals together and build churches without walls.
They will have personal things in common and worship their personal Heavenly father with love, They will.
21 March 2004
A minor exodus of the church is taking place. Where persons of the church have become hungry that the church is unwilling to provide. They will go away and find those who thirst for more and form small house churches. Who will become more effective in the community than the million dollar churches. They will have more meaningful ministries.  C.J.MacKechnie
17 July 2012 Thoughts
I think the minor exodus Will be in the form of the faithful who will leave or walk away from the American Churches because of the American Churches failure to feed the hungry and quench the thirsty. This is reference to the whole of the American churches. Both protestant and catholic.
This will also coincide with the elimination of financial tithing. Where as the home owner will not need to be paid and the faithful can used their tithed monies in their own missions or works. Which is the origin of going out by twos.
There will also be a secondary exodus from the churches. This will be by those who are not the true and faithful believers. Those who do not live their lives by the Commandments of GOD or by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those who divorce and remarry and then abandon their former children. These are the evil doers who will be in singular places who will pay money for their entertainment and call it tithes.


To love one another. 
To live in peace.
 To exist in harmony.  
To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wise Bass. (unedited). 02 Nov 2002. Renamed from "Like the Bass". 17 July 2012

Be focused and vigilant like the wise bass.
Do not be lured away from your task and place.
Be careful not to strike any fat and tasty worm.
For it may contain the hook that leads to butter.

Regaining Relearning. (unedited). 30 Nov 2002. Named on 17 July 2012.

Death shouldn't be feared. It is merely the regaining of knowing. The regaining of understanding.
It is merely the relearning of perfect love. It is merely the relearning of perfect peace.

NOTE: Death is just like going to sleep and then waking up perfectly refreshed, perfectly strong and perfectly capable.
Before our time today, Death was feared because of the incredible amounts of pain and suffering before the physical body makes the last gasp for air and frees the spirit within.
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American truck Driver".

Is Enough. (unedited) 30 Nov 2002. Named on 17 July 2012

Free from breath,
Free from Beat,
Free from body,
Free from gravity,
Free from Earth.
All I need is for GOD to fill me.
That is enough for me.
All I need is Love, Peace and joy.
That is enough for me.
My comforter, My protector,
My Heavenly Father to care for me.
That is enough for me.
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

Love Live (unedited): 21 Nov 1988. Named on 17 July 2012.

When do you live? 
When you Love.

Probably wont be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver":
I think Ive heard this before. But since it was written a long time ago. I do not remember its origins. Even though I believe I thought it up or was inspired to think it up. There was a profound realization for me in life. I had to decide to live a hopeless and drama full life as my former foster brothers and sisters do. Or search out this thing called love. Love has been absent from my life up until this point. Estimated by me on 17 July 2012.


Defined Limits (unedited): 06 Oct 2006

The limits of man is not defined by others. It is defined by the self. C.J.MacKechnie

Limits also means disabilities and afflictions. What ever they may be.
The limits you have. Have all been created by you. If you allow your disability to limit you or restrict you, Then you will forever more be just another disabled person who is a burden upon their family. 
You may argue that you did not create your broken legs or broken back. You may not have made your eyes blind or have given away your arms in that righteous battle of courage and bravery. Never the less. You remain today. You are you and you are not your disability. You are not your affliction. You are a son and daughter in GOD. You are perfect.  Go forth and find your new ability. They are out there GOD has only made them for warriors such as yourself.
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

Unknowing Human (unedited): 02 June 2012. Formerly "Can": 02 Oct 2006.

Just as our computers have much software and many functions that the end user isn't even aware of. So it is with Man. Unknowing of his own inherent knowledge and natural abilities. Man is only vaguely aware of his growth potential. All he needs to do is believe and search out the desires of his heart. C.J.MacKechnie

Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

No Options (unedited): 02 Oct 2006

To great men and women doing the right and just thing is never a choice or an option. It is merely the next action to be taken. C.J.MacKechnie

Great Men/Women (unedited): 01 Oct 2006

Great men and Great women are great simply because they do or have done and they will continue to do without hesitation. They often do not say or reflect in public or make up excuses. Nor do they seek out public audiences or recognitions. C.J.MacKechnie
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Selfish Impatience (unedited) 30 Sept 2006

The impulsive act of impatience that causes another to suffer is an effect of selfishness which in itself is a symptom of a man on the evil path/wrong path. In the end it will lead to his own long term misery, loneliness and self destruction.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

innocent destruction (unedited) 15 july 2012

A sign of an evil person is one who becomes joyous at the purposeful destruction of an innocent person. 

Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American truck Driver".

Dark Space (Unedited) 14 July 2012

Dark Matter is to become as space is empty today.

Just a decade or two ago. Space was a place of great emptiness and coldness. Today, Space is filled with many stuffs.
No space is really empty space.
Space outside of the Galaxy is more empty than inside of the galaxy.
Space Outside of the solar system is more empty than space inside of a solar system.
Space close to a body may have varying degrees of space. which may be greater than the space within a solar system.
Dark matter isn't really dark at all. It appears that way to us very limited human beings. As limited human beings we can easily see the limitations of our five known senses. Dogs can smell and hear better than us. Birds can fly and we cant. We are physically weaker than apes and ants. We do not have vibration sensors as alligators do. We do not have sonar or radar as Dolphins and bats do. We cannot run as fast as horses or large cats.
This is just a sampling list of our human limitations. Because, of our limitations, Men and women who are more intelligent than I have coined the term "Dark Matter". Which is both inaccurate as well as the best word choice for what we know and don't know today. The phrase dark matter will be changed to more accurate word choices just as some time soon the word space may be entirely changed altogether to more accurate descriptions.
Added on 23 Sept 2019:
It isn't that humanity cannot perceive or know certain things. It is that humanity is not allowed to perceive or know certain things. This may seem like a forced limitation, which it is. It is more like a form of protection by those whom humanity is incapable of understanding at this time. Because, humanity is not on top of the food chain. Humanity is not on top of the genetic ladder. Humanity is most probably less than maggots and worms in the universal sense of things. Which has been expressed by a few prophets in the Holy Bible. So be warned that to being aware in a limited fashion like some people or prophets. Will cause those people probable in-capabilities of never being able to integrate back into human society again. So when a person claims to know things and they seem odd on a stage or in a church. But, in their private and personal lives. They are perfectly normal. That which they show to the world may be a lie and most likely is. Because, those who have truly encountered that which is not allowed for the rest of humanity become very very odd to the so called normal people. To the point that all that a touched person ever may want to do is worship God and not eat, bathe or take time to go to the bathroom. To the point that insanity is described to them, no matter how good of a fighter pilot or soldier they once were. To the point that living a normal life is impossible as some may even choose suicide while others perpetually drink themselves in a life of a continuous drunken stupor. That is another form of dark space.
If humanity is truly less than maggots and worms in comparison to those beings in the heavens. How is it that they all, some, few or one of them would ever care for humanity? When was the last time you cared for any life form which was less than a maggot or worm as a human being. Do not the smart children of the human world dissect worms and maggots in science class in school? Without much caring emotion for the worm or maggot?
All or most of those beings in the heavens which many of humanity consider to be aliens or angels or gods. May in fact be very much more superior to all of humanity much like a human is greater than a maggot or worm in comparison.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Anakin Growls (unedited) 14 July 2012

It matters not the disposition or will of your enemy.
It matters not the condition or capability of your being.
Sometimes, if all you can do is growl and fight, growl and fight, growl and fight.
Then that is what you do. Growl and fight. All the way until the conclusion is upon. Then you growl and fight some more.

Anakin Growls notes: The word enemy means. Your disabilities, your diseases, your cants, your impossibles, your negativity's.
Anakins Identity: Anakin is a two legged cat/kitten. Born and rescued just a couple of months ago. He has his own YouTube videos, Twitter, Facebook and .com. Anakin was born without hips and hind legs. Watch all of the videos to witness his fight and struggle for the future he may become. There is a positive lesson of life in every video. Tigerpixie is the owner as well as an artist.
TigerPixie Youtube site:

Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Survival Thanks (unedited) 15 March 2012

The deer who frees themselves from the clutches of the terrible predator of death. Becomes very thankful in that moment of survival and does not consider re-confronting the predator of death. To inquire why me? 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Imagine Knowledge (unedited) 14 March 2012

Spontaneous Imagination can become instant Knowledge.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Species Decide (unedited) 14 March 2012

When a species develops to the point. Where their insane suicide also murders the living planet in which they reside. An outside species can lay claim and take action. When the decision has been made for self destruction as defined by the whole outside community (Galactic). The whole of the planet will no longer be theirs. Their whole existence will become extinct. C.J.MacKechnie
NOTE: This may be Prophetic.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Come Together (unedited) 14 March 2012

There is only a finite number of times your species can fail. In that final time. The last of your generation will only be able to watch as the stars and planets come together.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Migrate Back (unedited) 14 March 2012

As is with all things. When the part time day fades into all the time day light. Know, Your ultimate extinction is imminent if your species cannot migrate back outward into the part time darkness of your galaxy.
Added on 03 June 2016:
The journey or return to the center of oneness causes the all that is to become an undefined of what was only to reemerge again as something which shall be redefined as something all together different. thus, continuation is perpetuated.
As a very young species. if we want to avoid becoming a part of the oneness. We all must collectively decide to make that grand journey out into the outer bands of the galaxy. If the children which shall come many many years from now. Do not begin to take those very foot steps out into the very defined outer limits of this solar system. Our extinction shall be guaranteed and all that we all were shall become erased from the whole of the universe. Once this solar system has aged and journeyed back into the center of this galaxy. If we as a specific species are remembered by others who are more mature than us. then their thoughts and knowledge of human beings will be one as a failure to thrive on many levels.
But, if humanity is in the foretold prophetic era. Then our extinction is at hand now. All because we failed to learn to love one another, To live in peace with each other, to exist in harmony with all, to respect and cherish all life and to freely choose to be obedient to the laws of God. All because it is the right things to do. It would be interesting to encounter the problem of existing in a time where life on this entire planet endures perpetual day light. I'm pretty sure life would be very different. To see the human species begin to make the journey to another solar system with this planet to continue on. This is the ultimate saving of Earth and of our home.
This is not about traveling back into the darkness. This is about becoming your own light which dispels any darkness. This is about all of us becoming a light which shall shine brighter than the whole combined galaxy of light. So that even if your surrounded by perpetual darkness. None of the darkness can touch you. But, you do have to choose. You have to freely choose to live and to live in accordance to those ancient teachings which are both guidelines and laws which perpetuate life worth living. If we as a human species choose not to live in accordance to those old precepts. Then we as a species fail to become worthy to continue on and we all shall perish.
What shall be our collective hope? Can we all come together to rebound out of this path of death and destruction which shall become eminent. Because, that is prophecy. The extinction of all of humanity is at hand. Granted that may take another 30 years or so. But, it is coming. Every nation who has the ability to make their perspective war machines are doing so right now and it is easy to see. That those war machines will be ready soon. I still think the first peoples who shall taste a great disaster first shall be either Japanese or the Americans. To be followed by the Europeans. This will not be the same as the man made political disaster such as being experienced by Venezuela.
NOTE: Our ultimate human survival is absolutely dependent on  our collective ability to travel back into the outer bands of the galaxy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Common Buffer (unedited) 20 Feb 2011

Only the most dedicated and committed of the common people. Will be lifted up in Faux importance and responsibility. These special common people will be given freedoms, rights, powers and perks. In the hopes that these special common people will freely give their lives in the defense of leaders, holy human men, elites, tyrants and dictators. The common men are the fodder and buffer against any uprising. 

Note. Also to include. Political leaders. cultural leaders, religious leaders, and any other leaders.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: