Showing posts with label Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Righteous Human Potential: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Righteous Thinking,
Righteous Behavior,
Righteous Living,
Must precede achieving your unknown maximum human potential.
What is our maximum human potential? To achieve that next step of physical human evolution? To evolve into something more spiritual, mental and physical? Or is to just become better at what ever it is that we are doing now? Is there a balance? Will forgetting or refusing to believe in a thing keep us from getting to that next level? What does righteousness have to do with anything? Look at all of those intellectually famous people who refuse to believe or accept anything spiritual or non-physical. Look at those super physical athletes who tend to live their personal live however they desire. No matter who they harm. Look at those beautiful people who seem to have the most screwed up lives and yet they become wealthier and more famous.
There is absolutely no righteousness within these people and yet they seem to be better than everyone else. Why is that?
The balance of your own humanity is the key to achieving your unrealized maximum human potential. This balance can only begin when you unlearn the lies and learn the truths. This is all tied to what you believe in and disbelieve in. Are they actual truths or lies believed as truths? Do you know the difference and how can you know the difference?
For instance there is a law of physics that states that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. In a sense this is true until you get down to the basic subatomic structures. If two objects collide with enough force, they would become one which would be different then the two original objects. So, is the law wrong or am I wrong. I do not study science nor have I been formerly trained/educated and yet I knew this thing as a teenager. (Not bragging). Especially, the Cern type of machines are discovering this thing today. Right now they want to see those broken up particles but also they will see those particles which collide and become something different even if for a very short period of time.
What does this have to do with anything? truth, belief, acceptance and understanding.
But what are all of the qualities of the human being? The mind has two or more parts? yes and no? really? The intellectual and the emotional part of your brain. There is two parts. Are there any more? I'm still in discovery mode in regards to the human brain so it seems is all of humanity. Which includes those studies of things which began as a incorrect thought or even a known wrong thought in order to sell more medications. Such as bi-polar and ADHD. Are those two things truths or just profit mechanisms taught to the mass population to be truths when they are lies? why did I even select Bi-polar and ADHD? Because, it is important. Because, being bi-polar or ADHD may not be a psychological defect if seen in another light? For instance is it bipolar or a gifted empath who knows not of their gift. Is ADHD really attention deficit or is it an accelerated mind which does not need so much time? How you see and what you believe may not be so true especially, if the physical evidence is lacking or non-existent. What does this have to do with righteousness? Truth is righteousness. Separating yourself from all that are lies and deceptions even if they are believed to be truths. All of it, is that important.
The balance of every aspect of who and what you truly are is of much importance. Especially, if you truly want to get to that next level in life. Which means the whole of who you are must equally grow, develop and evolve at an equal rate. This equal rate is assuming that all parts of you are already balanced equally. With equal levels of growth, development and evolution. Equal is equal. Cannot be any more or any less.
Righteousness is or was taught within the established religions and seems to longer be accepted or even taught. Righteousness is living the right way with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Righteousness is tied to love, peace, harmony and life. Anything which is contradictory to love, peace, harmony and life is not of righteousness. Righteousness cannot be achieved if you must pretend to be holy and sinless because of fears, intimidation's and threat's. Righteousness is your self choice by your own free will and is based because you inherently see that righteousness is right, just and true.  To see means without actually seeing. You know it to be so.
To begin to walk the path of righteousness. I would suppose the first place to start is within the old established teachings of the religious texts. The text of the laws. The texts of love. The texts of harmony. The texts of life. The texts of peace. It doesn't really matter if the religion of loves hates more than anyone else. It doesn't matter if the religion of peace only knows war and conflict. It doesn't matter if the religion of harmony only knows chaos. It doesn't matter the religion of life only knows death. Their basic teachings are of truth even though the outward physical human expression of them all is very wrong and corrupt. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Digital Addictions: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Your mental intentions of your digital addiction will prevent you from ever living your physical life and keep you from ever being aware of anything spiritual.
All of these new digital machines. Keeps us so tuned into the digital world. That we forget the genuine world all around us. We also forget those things which are truly more important like an actual relationship with real family and real friends. Even though they are close by or even in the same house. Who is it your paying meaningful attention to more and of a higher mutually beneficial quality? The machines or the people who should mean more to you?

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Earth Saddness: Mournful Laments: Never Known: (Unedited): 19 May 2015:

When the great sadness befalls the whole of the Earth. All will know it is now to late for righteous living. 
It seems everyone wants peace. You see the upside down symbol for the tree of life. The opposite if you will of life. Which is unknowingly embedded into the symbol for the peace is an essential truth. There shall be peace when there is no life. I do not think anyone knows this. maybe, it is one of those more subtle lie and deception in this life. If you have read any of my writings which reveal the mathematical formula for life and for death. You can see it. Here on this Earth the tree is the symbol for life and an upside down tree is the symbol for death. Do you know the third symbol? Which involves the tree symbol? The mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. So one symbol is for active life pursuits. The upside down peace sign is a passive sign for death. The nuclear mushroom cloud is the active sign for death.
The great sadness may begin when their is sudden death everywhere.
Mournful laments: (Unedited): 19 May 2015:
The greatest of all mournful laments are those cried by all of those who have survived immediately after an event.
I typically do not write in a depressing manor. This may mean something. I may label this as prophetic. If you are merely a religious person. Seek a private and professional life in actual righteousness. This includes you pastors, theologians. If you allow sin to reside within your holy places. What have you done? You will be better off rotting in jail being perpetually abused then to allow sin to reside in your holy places. It matters not the laws of men. 
For each of you religious persons to agree and to allow this. Each of you religious persons will become responsible for the death of your nation, your cities, your families and your world. You know the prophecies of old. Do the math. Do the math of death immediately after an event and then those who die from the aftermath. There are two sets of numbers. Those known and those not known. The not known numbers can be statistically revealed. 
Never Known: (Unedited): 19 May 2015:
Flee from sin. Even if you have to flee from your churches. Those persons who remain in the churches where sin resides within the holy places shall perish and become as they were never known.
This is not just about the churches. It also include your synagogues, Masques, Temples, any holy place/land and sanctuaries. 
For the rapture shall be denied after the fact that so many were not known by God. The rapture shall be for the righteous and not the religious. For instance read the stories below. Just in the Tampa region of Florida. Just copy and paste.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Family of God: (Unedited): 13 August 2014:

 Note form of thoughts. A new spiritual revelation for me. May edit and add content from time to time as I glean more information.
Can you take in and absorb in the entire concept that the all of everything is alive as a single universal organism as well as each and every unique individual life form? C.J.MacKechnie
This is my overpowering glimpse of the life within the universe is very basic pieces. Like in a puzzle. My mind can only handle short glimpses of each puzzle piece. 
What this means is that everything is alive from a single water molecule to the entire moisture content on this planet as a singular being. This is the same for a single tree as a unique individual to a entire forest as a tribe of tree. Which speaks as one. Our entire solar system is a unique individual an is a member of the galactic tribe. The milky way galaxy which is in the process of merging with another galaxy is a unique individual until the two merges into one singular organism. Both ceasing in their unique existence and becoming something very new and very alive. Even from all of the perceived destruction's there is always new life created.
From the smallness of each individual human being. We are the children of our parent star and our parent star is the child of the galactic center. Our galaxy is the child of something else until it is the child of the entire universe which the entire of the entire universe's is the children of the one Holy God.
Upon this realization. It is difficult to know that I absorb and consume in order to live. I take away from that which is alive. That which is alive must die in order for me to live and to exist in this modern form of comfort.
I've also learned the degree of the end result of the purification process for this planet yet to come. The Earth shall be transformed back into a molten liquid ball of fire all the way through to the core of this very planet.
The Earth shall not be destroyed, Just reborn into a pure state of rebirth after humanity and the fallen angels contaminated the whole planet to the point that it is necessary for the planet to become reborn.

This is something I inherently know. You are not only your physical body. Your true essence is within your chest cavity in another state of being or dimension. Which means that two objects are truly occupying the same space at the same time. Inter-dimensionally this is possible.
 In our physical dimension. This is not possible. Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Which this famous formula is incomplete.
When two objects do occupy the same space at the same time. The two objects cease to exist and become something else. Which can be predicted from the two or more objects trying to occupy the same space at the same time.

What does this mean to everyone and everything on this planet? Your physical state of being isn't really that important in the grand scheme of things. Only your essence or your spirit is important. This is what God is gonna do in accordance to my very limited understanding.
God is going to react directly to human and fallen angel actions upon this planet. To such a degree that even the oceans and our central star will cry out to God. The Earth knows it will rebirth or become purified by fire, all of it.
I still do not believe there will be a rapture of the religious. The religious will have to endure unto the end of their respective lives and then wait for final judgement of their spirit being. At which time their guardian or helper angel will speak on their behalf or not. At which point the spirit will be given a new body or snatched into hell until final destruction.
It doesn't really matter what you or I want to believe or not believe.

This very brief summary is going to happen because God has had to react again. The first time with His son in which we (Humanity, Jews) murdered on the cross. All of humanity should be embarrassed at the sons birth, the sons life and death of the son. It was because of all of our collective sins in the past, the present and the future. The next time Jesus comes. I do not think any one will rejoice. Today, the Christians are rejoicing the sons coming, but that will change. Just as every one is supposed to cheer the death of the two brothers who are murdered. Yet, they two will rise up in three days.
So, How can we save ourselves our temples? Is it even possible to do so? Yes, it is very possible but not very probable. Do you understand the difference? This is how you may become one of the physical remnant if God selects you.
You cannot contaminate your DNA in any way. This may already be an impossibility and not of your choice at birth. If the human DNA has already been altered. You must consider your body as a temple as well as your mind. You cannot contaminate either of them at all. This probably includes medicines/vaccines, GMO foods, drinks, mind altering substances and EMF. This will probably include any means in which your mind can be subliminally altered.
So can you still live and exist in this world? how is it your reading this digital content? can you do without all of electrical devices?
Then you must obey all of the laws of God. Not because you have to, Not because you are forced to or even threatened. because, YOU WANT TO. Because somewhare deep inside you know it is the right thing to do and you want to always do what is right or righteous.
Then again because you want to and not because you have to.
To love one another
To live in peace with everyone.
 To exist in harmony with all things.
Even if your DNA has already been altered to the point that GOD allows you to perish during the tribulations to come. Your essence or your spirit will still be saved. Just endure unto the end with your faith, your belief and with your righteousness. Always remember the evidence of your faith is in the works you do from the love of your heart. It goes the same with the works of your life. You do the works because you want to and not because you have to or should. You do not do works because you want your ledger to be in the black.
Listen to Loki a god in the end. I used the little g.
If for a remote possibility that humanity does and is capable of rejecting all of the direct contamination from the incredibly powerful fallen angels who are amongst us. Then we may have a human reprieve. I think a reprieve is better than extinction of the entire human race.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Faith Arguement: (Unedited): 31 May 2014:

If you have to argue your faith and belief systems. You are not living your life in accordance to those tenants.  

This is very simple to understand.

If you practice the religion of love and people around you do not see you as different from the world. Then it is you who are in the wrong. To love one another always. Not just once but always. How is arguing or debating any point love. Especially, if you get agitated?

If you practice the religion of peace and people around only see war, conflict, fighting and argument.  Then how is it that you are finding the peace within or outside of you? How is it you are helping anyone to see that being in a continual peaceful state is more meaningful to a life worth living than it is to always looking for the next conflict, the next argument, the next debate. To do so keeps away the peace you have been practicing to attain.

If you practice the religion of harmony and people around you only see chaos. How will they ever listen to you or begin to believe as you do. When you are no different than the world which is full of hate, anger, war, chaos and confusion?

If you practice any of the religions of love, peace and harmony. How can you neglect the purity of any of the other when there are divine truths contained within. Each of those religions are supposed to lead every person towards the path of enlightenment and holiness. That is EVERY PERSON. No matter where they were born or whom they were born to. It doesn't even matter what place they were born in. Enlightenment and holiness is for everyone. Not just the pope, Preachers, Imams or any other person of a human declared stature.
Every person does mean every woman and if the women in your lands have zero or no say in anything. Then it is your entire culture which is wrong. Cultures are just another form of control and conformity.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Faith Within: (Unedited): 25 May 2014:

Learning to logically argue/debate your belief system is not the same as living in your faith.
By living in your faith. You do not need to effectively argue/debate why you believe as you do. Everyone can see your faith.
If the primary teachings of your faith is love, then love one another.
                                                            is peace, then be in peace with everyone.
                                                            is harmony, then be in harmony with all things.
By doing the very basic edicts of your faith daily. You will discover that you will never need to argue for your faith. Everyone will see your faith within you. Everyone will know just how beautiful life is just from your outward expressions. This is the beginning of transcending religion and becoming holy. As defined by God and not by men.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Living Righteous: (Unedited): 11 Nov 2013:

Living a righteous lifestyle. Which is free of sin. Reinvigorates an exhausted and weary soul. 
There is something peaceful and calming about living a righteous lifestyle. You actually have greater freedoms than if you followed the lies and deception of living however you decide is right for you. That line of so called rationale thinking is absolutely delusional.
I would suppose in the beginning it would seem very fun and very thrilling to live any manor of lifestyle you choose free of any guilt. That sort of living free just introduces every manor of misery and loneliness. Which of course leads to thoughts and depression of wasting your entire life. A life consumed with absolute selfishness becomes devoid of love. A life where you only endeavor to live how ever you desire. Is a life with out a profound purpose or meaning.
 The righteous lifestyle is the purest form of living where you are love, peace, harmony all merge together to become your life with profound meaning and purpose. From this lifestyle brings forth a level of joy and happiness that others who live any alternative lifestyle will find alien and crazy to them.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cultural Separation: (Unedited): 15 Aug 2013:

The divisiveness and exclusivity of cultures and sub-cultural lifestyles. Keeps the singular human family separated and isolated. 
There is an importance to in maintaining ones cultural heritage and ethic historical origins. This is a beginning stand point in learning what kind of physical person you are. That is the beginning in your own decision making process to weed out what is good and what is bad within you. Will you decide to grow, develop and evolve into something wonderful or shrink back into the ugliness of certain aspects of your ancestors histories?  Within every culture there is something wonderful and within every culture there is something incredibly ugly. How will you begin to live your life. Focused upon the positive wonderment of amazing history or fall deep into the negative depression of your ancestors failures? It is again your free choice to choose which you will live your life by. One decision should be how you live your life and the other should be learning those hard lessons you shall not repeat. Both histories are very important.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stolen Life: (Unedited): 05 July 2013:

Always, living within an artificial fantasy world. Will steal away the short time you have within the real universe. 
I have known people who have spent the majority of their childhood playing games. They became very good at those games. Then when the time game and they were forced in some manor to stop playing games. Those same people often found themselves ill equip to function successfully in the real society. They spent so much time playing games that their education suffered and their friends were associated with the games.
Now, not only are they alone with no friends. They also have virtually no real life skills.
What can they do? How can they transition into this real life from a life of fantasy?

The exact same time, energy and effort you had put into the fantasy world. You do the same in this real world. You start like everyone else at level 1 and then you progress in accordance to the known and unknown rules and laws of the land. Training and education is the same first steps as in the fantasy world. Go and get it in real time with real effort. There is no re-boot. You cannot save the session. You must attend real life every single day. Yes, you will sweat and shed tears, you will get blisters and you may have many head aches. You can be just as successful in this real life as you were in your fantasy life. You will make new real friends. Whom you will actually know and see in real life.
When you go forth with that same intensity and zeal in this real life as you have in your fantasy life. You should be as successful if not more so. With very real rewards and benefits that you can actually touch, fell and use.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Personal Comments: (UNedited): Various Dates:

Jun 12, 2010
I really hate when people say to those who are suffering from past trauma. To stop living in the past. When the result of everyday life is directly related to your past. You may not be able to do anything about your past but you can do something about your today and your tomorrow. By doing things that are positive and constructive in your life. Can you then begin the healing process. The healing process will truly begin when you begin to live clean. When you begin to live your life in accordance to old religious values. Just don't give up.
Jun 15, 2010
I'm a social misfit. I guess it is because I spent most of my childhood heavily medicated. Did not go to school much. I wasn't taught anything. Beside why should they. I had a tested IQ of 70. Then there was the closet. The belt. Other weapons of discipline. Being knocked out by various means. Mom proclaiming that we should not have adopted you. As a child of around 10. I have slept in a tree, under a railroad bridge. Inside of the big pier 60 on Clearwater beach, FL.
Jun 28, 2010
with no one she quietly enters. Love so pure within her softly beating heart. Dark sparks of invisible misfire emanates from her very real mind. She dutifully sits at a table and silently waits for her love to bring her a popeyes fried chicken meal. She never takes her eyes off of him. The crowd dissipates. Confusion and loss sets in as she pushes up her rectangle rimmed glasses. She hand combs her auburn hand cut hair. Without a sound she walks up to the popeyes counter and asks where the man went who was just standing here a minute ago. The popeyes woman reinforcing her realty of delusion. Says he left. She quickly leaves alone and into her pretty blue car rushes off. C.J.MacKechnie
This really happened. Yesterday. Sawyer, MI. I-94, exit 12. T/A Truck stop. 
Jul 4, 2010
I've discovered in life. That there are usually 3 choices to make on most problems or decisions to be made. Even in movies this is often true until the evile villain gives you only two choices and the hero saves the day or planet with the third option. I'm not big on horror movies. Probably because my chilhood was a continuous horror show. The current vampire/ werewolf/human movie. Is very similar with three choices in life that a young girl must make. I'm gonna call them the three important decisions in life that we all can make or have made and can still make. I think i'm running out of cell phone space so I will continue this in the comments. Forget about all of that girlie love and passion stuff in that sissy story lines. My observation is also lacking any testosterone manly manliness. So. Just open up your mind to the possibilities of the 4th choice. Forget the hormones. I heard you girls make those noises in the dark theater. Go to comments. Just breathe and cool down first. 
1st. Choice. The human choice. Which is very boring and your stuck in a week body that is always getting sick. Then you die. Very negative.  
2nd. Choice. The werewolf option. The emotionally primal and physically powerful werewolf is always the fun choice. That we can all choose to become. when we choose to de-evolve from our current human state.
3rd. Choice. The ultra cool and mysteriously dark vampires is always the sensible and chic/civilized/modern choice. That we can all choose to become when we deny our humanity and our ties to what it means to be human.  
The 4th. Choice. We can all choose to evolve and become the possible next step. Energetic light beings or enlightenment. This may also seem as boring as the basic human decision. There shouldn't be any drama and trauma as always associated with the werewolf and vampire decisions. Besides, when the vampires, werewolves and anything dark comes into your presence. They will become like fading smoke and Ashe. The end. C.J.MacKechnie 
Jul 9, 2010
When your a slave to anyone, any group or any political thought. You will never have to concern yourself with anything that is important or complicated as defined by your master owner. Being a slave, you will never have to worry your pretty little head about thinking or planning, success or failure, profit or loss, efficiencies or waste, ideas or improvements. As a slave you will never become anxious about housing, education, food, water and health care. All of these things will be provided. So as long as you are of use and worth to your master owner. If you are not a slave to the master owner. Then you will not be allowed access to anything. Until you choose to become a slave and receive your mark. C.J.MacKechnie 
Eye of the Storm:
Jul 12, 2010
You have been warned by those who are in the know. You set your sails and turned your rudder into the oddly beautiful sunset. For a short time the gentle breeze was fun. Then the winds became thrilling. The lightning and the waves as exciting as you have ever known. A new dawn approaches with it daylight you will not see. Your rudder damaged. Your mast is snapped and your boat is taking on water. The thrill and excitement you felt some time ago is now turned into a desperate weariness to helplessly stay alive. You call for help but all you get is unwanted verbal static. Suddenly like a blessing from GOD your underneath a beautiful sun and clear sky. Except all around you is dark foreboding clouds. You scream and cry for help. No response on your radio. All is hopeless in your cries for help. The ocean is unforgiving and it seems you will become one of the nameless many who have gone to the bottom. Not yet, for you. Your still alive this day. You can still be alive tomorrow if you you just continue to struggle. 
Standing Strength:
Jul 13, 2010
There is always those that we encounter in our daily lives whom we admire for their strength and courage. Especially when they have been tested and purified by fire. We see them as heroes set above us common people. While us common people seem to always be less than or lacking in some way in comparison to these admired heroes. The truth will always be seen when you dirt bag of a common low life human bug discover. That these heroes in life are no different than you are. The only real difference is not so real. The hero decided to step up and stood alone in the face of the monster and conquered it. That single decision based purely in emotion is the only real difference between you and the hero. When the hero completes his heroic deed. He/she is still the same dirt bag low life human bug. With the same problems as you. Maybe even more problems. Decide to stand and be a hero that only can be defined by you. Face and confront the monster before you and inspire people that they to can do the same as you and better

Jul 13, 2010
I remember a story about a WW2 medal of honor winner. He was the loser among losers. Then one day something happened. He saved his brothers lives by rushing a German fortified pill box. A time passed and a general arrived with the media and no one could find him. He was peeling potatoes. He didn't even have a proper uniform. Your regular Forest Gump or Gomer Pyle i suppose. The point of my unedited write. Is to cause each of you to believe in yourselves. That you to can be that hero and at least save your own selves from the whatever monster that afflicts and torments you. You the unknown and forgotten are equal to or better than any known and famous hero. All you have to do is decide not to give up and quit ever. Period... An emotional decisions. That is the only difference between you and a claimed hero. A fireman will always find those he cannot save. A cop will always recover the body of an unsaved victim. Their failure they will always remember.

Jul 13, 2010
the average man who witnessed evil and did all he could. He had his list and cried that he could have saved more after the fact. Schindler. He stood alone in the face of the monster. He is no different then you are.

Jul 13, 2010
The simple and humble volunteer. Who does and does and does. Just a little bit everyday. The blood donors who have gallons of giving. The auto mechanic who fixed a car for a desperate woman. Etc. We all can be a hero to someone. 
Jul 18, 2010
We as children often become exactly what our parents and society expect us to become. I figure that is why so many of my foster brothers and sisters end up in jail, homeless, mentally ill or a combination of all three. What happens when you realize that you are better, stronger, smarter? Than what your parents and all of society expected of you. What do you do now? Do you remain a turkey after tasting daily that your truly an eagle? But, always returning to the comfortable familiar life of being a turkey. Being a turkey is like being just average. You don't have to do anything very hard. Maybe society has expected you to be a farm animal. Everything is provided for the farm animal. Food, water, medical care, housing and the education needed to remain a farm animal. Just remember turkeys and farm animals always become food product for the farmer who is in complete control of your life. C.J.MacKechnie

Jul 18, 2010
the farm animal will always become upset when they learn something that they were not given permission to learn. The farm animal will always become upset when they are forced to think for themselves and in a way that is not common to the rest of the herd way of thinking.

Jul 18, 2010
you can substitute the word animal with slave. The mind sets and thinking process are similar. The end result somewhat the same. When the farm animal or slave is no longer of use. the farmer kils them.

Jul 18, 2010
What will you do or me for that matter? Will yo go back to sleep or remain awake? If you remain awake? Will you remain a farm animal slave? A free man is always responsible for the contents inside of their own brains. A free man always decides for themselves how and what they will think. Then take decisive action with their own conclusions.

Jul 18, 2010
We all must decide for ourselves. If we each decide to freely soar as eagles. The life and ways of the farm animal will become alien to you and me. If we each decide to stay and remain as farm animals. Then the wild savage beasts like eagle and big cats will be something to be feared always. Farm animals are taught to fear the beasts of the wild brutal and barbaric lands. Their is safety and security when your within the cage. Safely and securely Locked from the outside by the farmer. How will one within the cage pray? As prey or as free beings?
 Aug 2, 2010
Torment, insanity, misery, suffering, sadness, loneliness, confusion, abandonment, torture, disease and sickness. You die a thousand times everyday and yet you continue to believe that GOD ALMIGHTY has forsaken you. Deep within the valley of death all you know is the cold steel blade that pierces deep into your soul and burns you from the inside out. Your wails and cries hauntingly echoes from the canyon walls causing you to become more paranoid and more fearfull. You look into the shimmering shadows of the canyon walls only to discover. There not walls of rock. They are walls made up of a billion billion souls. All singing their same insane song of miserys lament. Your life, your energy, your hope, your love, your compassion, your kindness, your light, your heart is all being drained out of you. Soon very soon even your very identity will be gone from you as you become a part of the valley of death. The end is at hand and yet it is still your choice. Which song will you sing? C.J.MacKechnie

Aug 2, 2010
yes. There is a positive message in this one. Really? U have 2 thunk it thru. This is written for those of you who seem to continually suffer. GOD IS always with you. Remember it is not you who is lost to GOD. It is you who lost GOD. All you have to do is reach out for GOD and he will do the rest. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

True Responsibility: (Unedited): 24 march 2008:

Once you realize and accept that the quality of your childhood is not your fault. The quality of your life today and tomorrow is your fault.
C.J. MacKechnie
I got caught up in all of that. Blaming everyone and everything for the misery of my life. Then it occurred to me. What now? and whats next? And who is exactly responsible for my failures in life today and tomorrow? The hard answer was ME?
So, You had been abused and tortured in your childhood and here you are now. You are now safe and free of the abuse and torture from your very own flesh and blood family. What now? Continue to be angry? Continue to hate? Continue to not care for anyone or anything? To do these things means your awful and terrible parents was right about you and they win. Don't let them be right and don't let them win. But, Then again it isn't about winning is it? Its about you right now. Its about your future that you can have. A good future worth living. A good life worth having. You survived the worst and may have almost been killed by them numerous times. This is the evidence that you are stronger than they ever were. So, Stop being stupid. Be your own hero and save yourself. Suck it up and stand firm. Go forth and achieve your dreams. Yes, it is OK to have your own dreams now. Build with your own hands the foundation of the education needed to build your dreams. To do allow the thinking of being years or decades behind your age group to hinder you, to stop you or to prevent you from achieving.
I guarantee when you begin to move forward slowly people will notice that your moving and take minimal notice. But, when you get up to speed like a massive freight train. People will move out of your way and maybe even hop aboard for your wonderful ride to come.