Showing posts with label Righteousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Righteousness. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thy Will Be Done +2: (Edited): 28 March 2017:

If righteousness and holiness are not a part of your spiritual or religious path, are you really sure you want to sing or pray "Thy will be done"?
If righteousness and holiness be in your heart, then the spirit rejoices in "Thy will be done".
If your heart and mind are filled with the religious understanding of men, your spirit shall weep at "Thy will be done".
It is interesting that everyone wants "Thy Will Be Done" so as long as it always benefits them in some way. Yet we always seem to be always disobedient to His commands on how we all should live our lives as was originally intended from the beginning. Even those stories in the Holy Bible which reveal a host of continual bad behaviors and bad decisions are all stories about how not to live your life of continual free choices.
The 1.5 hour-a-week Christian sings their praise and worship songs to the God who shall be their judge, not knowing or understanding that all of His actions are absolutely true, absolutely good, absolutely correct, absolutely righteous, absolutely holy and absolutely the right action in the exact time of its occurrence. It doesn't matter if you're aware of it, believe it or are even against it. God does not need your permission or acceptance for His will to be done at any time.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spirit Does Wills: Righteous Path:(Unedited): xx-18 March 2017:

The Holy Spirit does and wills as the Holy Spirit intelligently and righteously desires, even if you're not aware or don't believe.
This was written some time between 07 March and 12 March 2017: 
I copy/paste from my Facebook post. 
I have been following a person. Who has been led by the spirit. I think unknowingly, until recently. For whatever reason he bought a toy and used it for revealing of the truth. Because, he has done these things he has earned for himself some fame. Many spiritual truths were even revealed to him. I wonder if he went from knowing no spiritual truths to what he has lived spiritually now? To go from nothing to something can fundamentally alter a person forever. A thing you can never go back to. The blissful ignorance of yea yea yea. Instead of the perpetual noise of an ever drumming mind. To silent, wait and look over their and look in the corners of your own mind for answers which should not be there but are. Where did this one answer come from and I didn't even ask the question yet. But, somehow I needed to know it. How? why me? Who are you? silence? No fear. No sense of threat. Only Love and a sense of all is OK. 
He has even come to this revelation. In spite of his own self evident truths. Which hopefully is humbling to his mind, heart and spirit. I am encouraged as now I shall mostly watch him from a silence and honor him with prayer. 
It is always a wonder to me how the Holy Spirit does what the Holy Spirit chooses to do and with whom. The Holy Spirit seems to choose those with the least in order to do the most. The Holy Spirit chooses the self defeating to do the impossible. The Holy Spirit chooses those who can't lead themselves to lead a hopeless people. The Holy Spirit chooses the convicted to bring freedom. 
It is evident to me that the Holy Spirit may even be against this newly elected government to some unknown degree. Even though many Christians seem to have a love affair with the new President and it is he who the Holy Spirit was against in this action I watched for many months. Or for this sitting President who has only been in office for one single month and he won. (Comment deleted).
Righteous Path: (Unedited): 18 March 2017:
The righteous path is impossible to walk upon. That is until you become righteousness yourself. Then everywhere you walk is upon the righteous path.
True Righteousness: (Unedited): 18 March 2017:
True righteousness is always absent of pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Seeking New Enemies: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2017:

Your chosen separation from the Holy Spirit,
your chosen absence of righteousness in your mind, and
your chosen darkening of your heart -
these are all characteristics of the man who continually seeks out new enemies to express his hatred, anger and wrath.
Ye professed Christians be mindful of your actions, for it matters not how many years you have faithfully attended church or how much you have regularly tithed and given cheerfully.
It shall be your actions outside of the walls of the church, including those professed and secret sins,  which will show if you will either be known or have never been known by God. For you actively seek out enemies with anyone who cannot take care of themselves and you show your pride when you abuse your poor clients and cause them to suffer. You won a war against them when you started it all. These are all of your victories here on Earth, the victories of a bully against people who are defenseless and with children.
Be warned - all of these people whom you have actively and purposely harmed, you have done likewise unto Jesus Christ. From your own hatred, anger and wrath you have poured out and onto the open wounds of Christ.
I can feel the fear within you as your life comes to an end. You know your time is short, and no matter what you do to extend it you will always fall short. Your judgement is coming and you will hear those words and know your everlasting judgement. Repent and turn away from your evil deeds.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Unholy Space: : (Unedited): 05-12 Oct 2016:

Unholiness of every kind shall always fill the empty space which has an absence of holiness, righteousness, Love, Mercy and compassion. 
The kind of unholiness which fills those empty spaces in your heart, mind and body is a type of unholiness which is intelligent. Which means the unholiness knows the desires of your heart and those things which are important to your mind. Then that unholiness will fill you with those things which you truly want.
The unholiness in which I write is both in the singular and plural. Unholiness is singular because all of it is in absolute agreement. All of the unholiness acts as one singular intelligence.
Christian Funding Cease: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:
The removal of all government funding to anything which is Christian related shall cease. This shall include all educational grants and free tax status of the churches. For the worldly wealth of professional Christian people shall be revealed.
The abomination and blight which has become of the worldly Christian (Churches) shall all become known. For the worldly Christian has fleeced the sheep of the lord for their own selfish desires. Mathew 10:9 shall be known to all and those teachers who have taught prosperity shall be flogged into living an oblivious life of waiting for the end with their wealth.
In order for the worldly Christian to save themselves and their families. They will need to move all of their wealth to Europe. Under the guise of helping the refugees. All of their funds shall be secretly  paid to their select European governments to pay for admittance for all of their family members as citizens of that country. For the worldly Christian will do all of this in secret privacy. The million dollar or Euro homes shall all be paid for. Their planes shall all be readied for private departure. Because even the worldly Christian knows that the USA is not clearly mentioned in Christian prophecy. So they all shall save themselves and all of their worldly wealth. Even they know and have chosen it is better for them to die with their wealth then it is to live in poverty. For in their coming hell fires torment they will at least have the memory of being rich in those days of living on Earth.
They are full knowing of this and yet they still press forward in the fleecing of the sheep of God. 
The word Flogged may mean symbolic but it could also happen. As those deeply believing security personnel fade away into the angry crowds. As the unwise worldly Christian has stayed their welcome far too long.
You will not be able by law to express your Christian faith anywhere outside of the church.
The laws of the USA will change just as it was for WW2 Germany. You could not express your faith outside of church. While everyone else can express anything they like or desire. No matter how offensive.
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion shall end for the Christian. The Christian shall not have these rights anymore.
It shall even get worse. Just as in China the removal of crosses is forced upon churches. So to will the local governments destroy the Christian churches.
Those who speak or profess in any way The Christian faith shall lose everything including their lives. Christians shall lose their employment, businesses, their homes. The Christian shall even become homeless as property owners will not rent to any Christian.
Just as government agencies go forth and destroy homeless cities. So to will they also destroy all that the Christian has in their own collective homeless cities.  
The coming crushing hate against the worldly Christian shall snuff all life out of the true believers spiritual and mental lungs. 
The revelation of the wealth of the worldly professional Christian shall have a profound impact upon those who are the genuine sheep of God. To the point that those sheep will even walk away from God. Do not flee from God. Maintain yourselves, your righteousness, your purity, your love, your mercy, your compassion. For this is what sets you apart.
The crushing hate towards the worldly Christian shall flood over against all Christians. Chaos in all of the Protestant churches. Violence and murders. Protestors disrupting church services shall be common. Violence shall also come to the poor churches who cater to the hungry and disabled. Those poor churches who cannot defend themselves in any manor. For they are they sheep. The sheep are helpless in the world.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Coming Hateful Hordes: Praised Profits: (Unedited): 05-09 Oct 2016:

The coming evil hateful hordes shall surround those professed Christians who are absent of righteousness and love. For no mercy or compassion shall be shown to those who are blind to sin and readily accept sin.
 This also includes all of those current, former and retired religious leaders no matter their denomination or non denomination of who have been fleecing the sheep of God for their own personal profits.
The demons, the sinful people of hate, The ancient raised up Chaldean's are quietly surrounding you. You have no walls and no protections. You are absolutely helpless. By law you will be criminalized. In society you shall be rejected angrily. You shall lose all because of your professed faith. So much so that you shall deny the faith.
Praised Profits: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
The prophets of God shall be ridiculed, ignored and rejected silenced while the worldly profits shall be praised and followed. 
All aspects of the Holy Spirit is rejected while still invited to come. All aspects of the spiritual gifts are expected but summarily rejected when they manifest. Who ever shows any of the spiritual gifts are they themselves silenced and rejected from the church. Because, the entire focus of the churches is that upon the lead or senior pastor. The sin of this is having a god above Jehovah.
Those souls who continue to attend the churches where the worldly profits are worshiped and where the pastors have becomes their gods. They shall all perish.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Fear of Prophets: Doom of Death: +2: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:

Fear of any Prophet from God is a sign of your disconnectedness from God and from righteousness.
Any person who is righteous as accepted by God only. Needs not fear any prophet. It won't matter if that prophet is from God or not.
Those unbelievers who do not believe in a God or the God of all. Should fear greatly and turn away from their evil lives. The unbelievers if not having already been pre-judged. Should repent and begin a life of righteousness. A life of righteousness begins through the Bible, through prayer, through meditation and through fasting.
Any Christian or religious person who fears a prophet no matter their status is a sign to you of their own disconnectedness from God and righteousness.
Every religious group, organization, denomination who has accepted sin into their holy places. Shall fear the prophets of God. For it is they who shall bring those fiery words of coming doom to them all who reject repentance. Assuming they actually have the opportunity of repentance and have not been pre-judged by God.
Doom of Death: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
From their doom of death they shall be reborn into fiery hell's torment.
"Their" defined: Anyone who lives in sin. Anyone who has accepted sin as a right. Anyone who is in a position of religious leadership and continues to sin. Anyone who has placed sin within a holy place. Anyone who has fleeced the sheep of God for their own profit and reward.
Is this a continuation of the sign of Hurricane Matthew?
Have not discovered news or the lessons needed to learn about McClellanville, S.C.
Maybe not for me to know or to discover.

Matthew 10:9-10New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Do not acquire gold, or silver, or copper for your money belts, 10 or a [a]bag for your journey, or even two [b]coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his [c]support.
Free Choice Righteousness: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
A life of righteousness is a free choice decision. 
Without any fear. Without any Threat. Without any intimidation. One chooses to live their life in righteousness as only defined by God.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To obey the Laws of God.
Not because you have to. But, because you want to. These are the foundations of pure genuine honor.
Rightly Righteous: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
One who lives a righteous life. Does so because living rightly and wisely is the right thing to do.
By living rightly and wisely allows those who are in your presence and who are in your knowing or unknowing to live a life which is better for them. Thus, is the foundation of leadership. It is that simple. No complication at all.
When all peoples begin to serve one another. Not because they have to, ridiculed into doing, or are forced to, but because they want to. All of this must come from the internalized love from within each person. This is the source of mercy, compassion and good will to all peoples. ALL PEOPLES.
Added on 28 Oct 2019:
A true prophet from God already knows that he or she will most likely die a most brutal death like the greatest prophet who has ever lived. John The Baptist. Mathew 11:11. Luke 7:28.
We know that the Prophets of God as read in the Holy Bible are mostly still deeply flawed individuals and continue to make mistakes. Even errors in judgments. Even absolute disobedience.
So when a prophet is more interested in their profits. Think about Judas and Balam.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 30, 2016

Evil Government People: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2016:

Blind Obedience to a corrupt and self serving government. Is you perpetuating their brand of evil upon the people and maybe the world. 
Does it matter to you or are you just surviving and thriving at the expense of others. When you create your own form of evil in support of a corrupt and self serving government. You have become your own self defined evil. Even though you may not think of it as such. As soon as you cause harm and suffering upon any other living soul. You are harming yourself more. You are losing your own honor.
As you also begin to figure out how you can profit more from the corruption within the Government you wholly support. You shall eventually lose everything, your wealth, your family, your honor. You may even become so blind that you may not even be aware until all of those things which are truly important are gone.
When you receive satisfaction, happiness and even ecstasy from causing others to suffer because of some minor offense. You are evil. There is no more becoming evil for you. Beware of those living signposts of great warning which are in your life. When a person who used to be of importance to you. Speaks and tells you that you used to be a good person and had a good name. That truth becomes a dagger which shall enrage you as your blind arrogant pride has been harmed. So you think you must cause them even more harm and suffering and you do so.
The soul which is still good. Will reflect upon those words as a fresh branding from a red hot iron. Hopefully this reflection will lead to repentance which leads to a return to righteousness.
What shall be the cost when you return to goodness. A complete loss to your place in the world. A loss of your worldly wealth and respect. A loss to your worldly future. Can you see how even you have become corrupted to a world which will eventually end by fire?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Fewer Police: Underground Church: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2016:

New thought impressions. Updates on 23 Jan 2017, 24 Jan 2017,
At this time I will no longer be doing yearly prophecy blogs. I am about to close up the 2017. For whatever reason. I feel nothing for doing them any more.  I do know they are tied to the Jewish Calendar. I also, suspect Islamic attacks are associated with the Islamic Calendar. I've learned a  lot about prophecy in the last few years. The most important things I have learned. 1). Is that any bad and sad prophecy ever spoken or written can be mitigated and/or averted. 2) The condition of your heart and your journey towards righteousness and holiness seem to be a key in preventing prophecies to specific groups of people from the individual, family, tribe, community, nation, continent, entire planet and most likely entire solar system and entire galaxy. If we as a people survive the coming extinction level events which will be our own fault.
In the USA fewer and fewer men and women of honor and integrity shall pursue a career in Law Enforcement. This may be more valid at the local level. The militarization of the police and Sheriff forces all across the country will become mainstream.
Once the balance has been tipped in favor of chaos and it is commonly known. Then the people will take law and judgement into their own hands. Forcing the hands of the Government who has not honored the people to alter the laws and send in the military to violently bring law and order. It shall not matter whether or not the special interest oligarchy or the corporate oligarchy is voted upon. 
In the USA. Predominantly white churches will need to learn what the black churches had done to survive. They both will come together as they each will go underground. The underground churches will begin to experience miracles as a common occurrence.  This is also to include Latino, Asian and other racially specific churches.
Wisdom and knowledge of how those churches survived around the world will also be of great importance. But, more important than anything is their individual free choice or repentance and righteousness as only accepted by the eyes of God. Then when they all come together in one righteous spirit. Great holy power shall come forth. But this shall be after...
Need to read 2 Timothy:
NOTE: If you read my writings in regard to race and racism. Then you should know that these words of the colors is not insulting. Nor are they intended to be. 
Added on 23 Jan 2017: It seems already this year of today's date an increase of 150% increase in cop killings by gunshot. Neighborhoods who seem to be more stressed than others. Have begun to openly walk around with guns in order to protect themselves from police brutality (Read this again). The events at Standing Rock North Dakota are also having an impact on the nation's civilian perception of the police. That the police are becoming a threat to society. People are showing their guns in the face of a wrongly perceived threat. It is only going to get worse. Especially if the Standing Rock Massacre occurs. Even if the Standing Rock North Dakota massacre is prevented. Those who have a deep evil within them will have their massacre elsewhere.
Added on 24 Jan 2017:
Once a large group of people decide they have had enough. Once there are enough of the civilian population which believes that cops are the enemy. Cops will die as is already happening all over the USA this year alone. A Louisiana cop was just killed the other day for stopping to assist in an accident while off duty and still in uniform. Someone just shot him in the head.
Who is at fault?
1). Bad cops who caused black lives matter to begin and who cause black lives matter to remain a force. (Black Lives Matter organization do have the right to exist).
2). The law enforcement and politicians of the entire state of North Dakota and the 8+ month long protest at the area known as Standing Rock North Dakota.
3). The entire organization called the main stream media. Collective Media Blackout.
4). The Federal Government. It seems like it doesn't matter who is in charge. Same ole same ole.
5). The anarchist and violent minded which have gotten themselves involved with this peaceful protest.
Added on 05 Feb 2017: The tone in the air of Standing Rock, North Dakota has changed. Anytime a bad and sad prophecy is revealed. It is not to give power to it. It is to give you the power to prevent any and all bad and sad prophecies. You all have the power to decide to take action in order to prevent or mitigate. If you decide to do nothing or to just play your mindless and spiritless part. Then the bad and sad prophetic event may just happen worse than it was foretold. A human created or inspired prophecy can have many variables to it. While a natural event bad and sad prophecy will be more focused on very specific events and outcomes. Although the outcomes can be mitigated if the natural event cannot be prevented.
Back to Standing Rock, North Dakota. The Government of Standing Rock seems to want and are planning a massacre. They will continue to incite as they have done for the past 9+ months. Everything the Government of North Dakota has done is based in strategy and dehumanizing those who are in the way. This is evidenced by voting on laws which makes it legal to run over Oil protestors. This also includes laws which take over all of the tribal lands which were guaranteed by federal Law. Under the guise of doing good for the poor Indian people.
The purpose of all of my writing is to prevent all death and to save all lives.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

American Habakkuk Judgement Cometh: +5: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2016:

If you think or feel that God is going to discipline or destroy you, your family, your people and/or your nation. You are correct. Fore God has already judged all of you and your discipline and/or destruction comes.
God will discipline you individually. God will discipline your entire family. God will discipline your entire denomination. God will discipline your entire nation. God will discipline your entire species. Then as the disciplines are not reacted to in an accepting manor as only defined by God. Then God will destroy you all, save for His elect. Which could be very few in number. In which the majority may even think and believe they are one of the elect but in fact are not as which is only decided by God only. I've written this before. I believe the people of the world were already judged and were not allowed to repent or to pursue cleanliness, holiness and righteousness. That most likely occurred when Noah swung his axe for the first time onto that first tree. So what happens when discipline does not cause the people to return back to God. Near extinction of the entire human race save for those genuine righteous souls as selected by God.
You worry about a coming judgement and a following destruction is in error on your part. Your only concern should be cleanliness, repentance and righteousness. That you should be doing right now. If you have no need or want to repent. Becoming holy and righteous is some hateful joke. Then your living judgement may have or has already occurred.
Worry and fear is all from satan and his fallen angels who are with him. If you are really sensitive you will also not only feel their fear they instill in you but you will also feel their own ecstasy. God and His angels will always want positive thoughts and feelings from you. satan and his fallen angels do have great powers over any human being. Just Read Job. But, only with permission. BUT, How does that work when the people have already been judged? Will satan and his fallen angels have free reign?
Again if you have no need to repent and that becoming righteous is some hate speech, a form of absolute ignorance, and great embarrassing humor. Then you have most likely already have been judged and your simply unaware that your freedom has been removed from you as it has been done with satan and his fallen angels. You are now a walking and living judgement. In which you can continue on in your evil ways. The title over your soul is now in the hands of satan. You are now satan's tool and slave. Your timeless soul is already in the pits of a timeless hell. In which you will always be fully aware of everything.
As a devout Christian. You should be able to use the first gifts of discernment. This is where you will know who is to be spoken to and who has already been judged. This is also where your trust and faith will be exercised. You will have the urging to speak and other times you will feel like your actual voice box is shut off. Just express love and kindness. Pray for them.
NOTE: When I remember, I do not capitalize satan nor do I use his former position or ranking as Lucifer. He was demoted to satan or devil. Which may very well be a reminded insult to a still very superior being who still desires to be above God in every way imaginable and even in those ways not conceptualized by any mortal man.
Your destruction is assured. When you think your worthless vote for the lesser of two evils is superior to repentance and righteousness. 
Your reasoning is that a vote by the collective religious community for one person will delay or prevent judgement from coming is in great error. If you know that destruction comes. Do you not try and escape? The only way for you to escape is to repent and to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. Because, it is not enough to simply say and believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. I tell you the truth. All of the angels both accepted by God and all of those who have fallen know this to be an absolute truth. You and I do not know this to be an absolute truth. We must believe and have faith in this one truth. There must be evidence of your faith and it cannot be forced with simple human effort. There must be genuine love. The love that Jesus had for all of us when He willingly gave himself over, tortured, nailed and then speared. His blood falling through the crack in the Earth and dropping onto the right side of the Ark of the Covenant. In which it is still in that place today. If it were anywhere else. People will just die continuously.
Those who have already been judged. Will never consider the validity and importance of repentance and a life of righteousness. 
The new already judged adopted children of satan. Will be those who shall do everything in their power to bring forth the extinction of humanity. Never once considering what they do as evil. The sons and daughters of satan will blindly obey every urging they have without question of right or wrong, love or hate, peace or war/conflict, life or death, law or lawlessness, harmony or chaos. They all will just absentmindedly do the bidding of satan and the rest of the fallen angels. Because, we all are lower then they are and only deserve to not exist any more.
Added on 29 Sept 2016: Forgot this part. 
Those who have already been judged. Will also instantly reject anything which is contrary to their own way of thinking. Even if you bring evidence. They will absolutely refuse to look at  it or listen to it. The already judged will want nothing of the actual truth you bring. You will know this to be true as the already judged will ridicule and accuse you of the most ugliness. If the already judged do like you, they may tone down the insults. 
On some level of human existence.  Genuine prophets and devout persons of righteousness. Will both know as fact the coming doom against all of humanity. While joyfully rejoicing in God. Even as the breath of life departs from them.
Read and learn the known history Habakkuk. I cannot say that I'm one of them or ever will be. I know I'm a deeply flawed human being. I know what I know. I'm not a prophet. For me walking on the path of righteousness is like a baby learning to walk for the first time. Stumble, fall, get up, Stumble, crash, get up, stumble, cry. Get up.
These judged souls who cannot or will not repent and become righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. Go forth and enjoy your last meals. Go and enjoy the oceans, forests and mountains. That HE has given to you. Gaze upon the wonders of the night sky for the last time. For the stench of your dead relatives shall fill your nostrils as all of your willful and disobedient sins of humanity has filled God. Your cries of anguish and sufferings shall fall upon deaf ears. For HE has had enough as His judgement is absolutely Perfect, Holy and Righteous.
Who are your relatives? The first peoples have that answer and actively teach that answer. Your relatives are all of those innocent souls who have died or was killed. Even by a pill while that innocent life was still in the womb. Every human being is your relative. No matter their stage of life or physical death.
==Do Not Be Afraid X365==
When viewing any video I ever post anywhere and at anytime, it is solely up to you to do your own research, fact checking, praying, meditating and fasting on any subject matter. Do not get stuck on old or new interpretations. Including my own interpretation. All Biblical prophecies will be known when they are seen in their time of revealing. Remember, The Jewish religious leaders were looking for a military leader to free them from their Roman captivity. What they got was the perfect sacrificial lamb who freed and cleansed us all from all of our sins. You know the rest of the story.
Added on 01 Oct 2016:
Added on 05 March 2019: Will there be a Habakkuk type of prophet for America? If there is, he will be ridiculed and branded a traitor. For worshiping, glorifying and encouraging the coming of the destruction of America. Isn't that what Habakkuk did when Israel was destroyed. Think about this for a moment. Will a prophet come to America and come from within America to say awful things about America and its coming destruction in which 90% of Americans will die in the first year alone. Will he boast and yet he will always be for God only. No one will take notice of that. That this new Habakkuk type of prophet will only be in favor of God and in favor of God's actions against all sin. When a blessed nation turns away from God, from righteousness, from holiness, from cleanliness. This prophet will be against all sin and all sinners. So when God tells him that HE will discipline America and Israel. The Habakkuk style of prophet will celebrate it.
NOTE: I do sense the coming destruction is coming for America(New Israel) and Israel. I still cannot celebrate it as I still want to save lives and to seek a turn around or genuine revival. In which I think will not come for America or for Israel. I think I've written that a Habakkuk will and won't come. Only God will know. If and when the destruction of America is a done deal in the view of God. Then a Habakkuk style of prophet will not be sent. Fear the Jonah style of prophet. One who deeply and profoundly hates America and arrives in America in some unexplained way. Telling all of America to repent with a countdown. In which his countdown will be the real deal. But, will he be sent? and to whom? Will he be sent to the Vatican? In which they will know not what to do with him. Will he be the kind of prophet that no man can touch or harm?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Worldly Fools: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2016:

The fools of the worldly ways. May actually, be those people of wisdom and righteousness you should know and support.
The world systems seem to have become absent of any wisdom or righteousness. So it only makes sense that those who have rejected the worldly ways of living and doing. Do not achieve or find success in the world.
Those worldly fools. Are those direction pointers you encounter in life. Which can guide you to decide to possibly right your own ship and to correct your own course. 
The use of the word support. Does and can mean on a regular basis and most likely means financial. It can mean a variety of things as well. It does not mean to set them up for life. It means to watch out for them so that they are enabled to do good in the world. To what ever degree they are destined for.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

October Exodus: (Unedited): 09 July 2016:

Fear of the Immediate unknown and sudden uncertainty will always precede a forced October exodus. Those who have faith in Jehovah shall always be certain in what they know
Those who have faith in Jehovah are obedient to His words by a wanting choice.
The faithful do have a history of fasting, of prayer, of meditation.
The faithful do have a history of having become righteous and holy only as accepted by Jehovah only.
The faithful do have a history of rejecting and fleeing from all sin. Which is accepted, seen and known by Jehovah.
Remember when Moses said to the Pharaoh Let my people go. How many times did Moses say that to the ruling god of the planet? Did the slaves know what that was going to mean and how they would suffer and die in a desert for over forty years. Yet Israel was disobedient often.   Because, of their disobedience. They had to suffer for it. Even Moses was denied entry into the promised land.
The term exodus is very loose. It can even mean a permanent departure from a comfort and safe zone into an uncomfortable and unsafe zones. No safety or security. But, It can also mean leaving an emergency zone and into a so called safe caged area.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Flee Christian Flee: (Unedited): 17 May 2016:

Updated on 14 Sept 2017:
NOTE FORM and warnings of videos. Adult and offensive content in YouTube videos shared. 
If you do not have control over your own fears, anxieties and depressive states. This is not for you to read. So stop right here. Please.
Before you begin to read anything from anyone, anywhere. It is your duty and responsibility to pray, fast and meditate upon your Lord and Heavenly Father. It is only my intention to positively inspire people to stay on the righteous path and to go in the direction of holiness. But, I also know that I can be influenced by satan just as other more significant people before me have been duped or tricked in the past. Besides, who am I in comparison to all of those great saints and disciples? I'm a no one in comparison and am only an uneducated janitor.
This is for those who know far more than me.
This is only for those people who have a history of fasting, prayer and meditation. As in hours per day. Not because they have to or force themselves to, but because they want to out of their own capacity for love as a true son or daughter of their Heavenly father. Who intimately knows each of His children.
This is only for those people who are actually living their lives in righteousness and holiness as only recognized by God, their Heavenly Father..
They may be the remnant. Even if you are not to be one of the remnant. Mathew 24:13, Then be the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. Know matter how the end shall come upon you. Be the good and faithful servant. 
This is not and is about the rapture. Assuming it is or isn't a false teaching. You must open up your mind to the fact that there are many false teachings. The rapture may be one of those false teachings. Just as the prosperity teaching is a false teaching.
Now is the time to make your move and become settled before 2022. If you are having the urging to move. Then make it so.Pray and mediate always and before you do a thing. Fast before doing a thing. My use of the 2022 date is only a reference to the next coming Shemitah. The USA is no longer the economic leader in the world. The USA in 2015 sinned against God by legalizing gay marriage. The false god Kali was illuminated in New York City. Temples to the false god baal is to be made in New York City. The gay pride rainbow symbol illuminated the white house and other places across the USA. The rainbow is a holy symbol of God. Satan statute placed in Detroit. You have read the Holy Bible. What happened to Israel when they moved away from the protection of God and then entertained other gods? What happened to Israel when they wrongly used holy temple implements to celebrate other gods? Go find, read and study it for yourself. But, you the reader should already know and then go there in your Bibles.
2015 is the year of the fallen USA. Will the destruction of the USA come before this coming up election cycle or in the 2022 Shemitah? Only God knows. We lowly humans can only project possibilities and probabilities.
Choose a place which seems mostly devoid of every manor of sin. Alcohol, drugs, LGBTQ organized people and racism.
You may have to come together with other people who are like minded and who claim to be on the righteous and holy path. You may have to establish or be a part of an organized movement. In the literal sense.
Do not be around or have any relationships with those people who are actively engaged in sin or sinful rights. Because, if they know who you are and your beliefs. Then they have already been judged with a great delusion and their freedom to change from wrong to right is no longer possible. They will just be entertained and ridicule you because of your perceived idiotic way of thinking.
Be sure your Christian beliefs and faith are not conditional on the physical saving of your own skin and the physical saving of your family. There will be many martyrs. It may be given for you, your family and your friends to be martyrs. I'm saying this to myself as well. My hope is in something greater than my human body and human comforts. My hope is in something more than human rights and human freedoms. May yours and my last thought be of God and of forgiveness to those who may or will do you a great wrong.
Added on 14 Sept 2017:

I am becoming aware that being a Christian in the modern day world may no longer be tolerated or accepted. If it s possible and legal it will be necessary to form exclusive christian business clubs outside the awareness of modern day society.  In which if you are not associated with the structure. Then you will not be allowed to participate. I would suppose these Christian entities will be their own micro economies. Solely exclusive to one another. The devout Christians will also need to make decisions to no longer do any business with any outside non Christian entity or person. Unless otherwise approved by the whole.
The time will come when a Christian will not be able to safely eat at restaurants without  becoming sickened on purpose. Christians will be targeted for assaults of every kind. Christians will even be attacked while going to and leaving from church.
I'm not a prophet. I'm just someone who can see things becoming more and more prevalent. Just as the sinner was refused all manor of access to public society in the past. So to shall be the Christian.
Warning!!!: Offensive videos and offensive language: Warning!!!:
I'm done you get the point. To many to list. This is all very offensive to me.
Cops refused service. If people can get away with refusing to serve cops. What do you think will happen when they refuse Christians in a world which hates Christians? The media will come to the point of not covering any hate crimes against any Christian.
I'm done you get the point. To many to list. This is all very offensive to me.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Evil god like elected ruler: (Unedited): 07 June 2016:

Divine judgement comes to the people when their apathy turns sinful activities into mocking the God whom they have rejected.
The evil godlike elected ruler shall be absolutely apathetic over the plight of his/her people who must endure the divine curses brought upon them. 
The evil godlike elected ruler shall seek an outside source to go forth and kill those who seek to replace him.
On the appointed day. Fingers shall be pointed abroad and the evil godlike ruler shall hold onto his authority. Those who rebel and are disobedient to his rule shall become as ash and smoke.
 Ever read about the people in the Bible? Especially those rulers and kings? Some of them were some messed up people. These chosen men had everything and then for some reason they brought sin into their kingdom and then all began to suffer from it. Pretty much in every case. Even the great Solomon fell to sin and rejected the God who chose him and gifted him very many great things.
It seems these quotes are about a single person. Who desires to keep his position in spite of term limits. Usually, when I try to decipher what these things mean. I'm usually wrong. but, that never seems like it ever stops me from trying to understand what I write. It is just not for me to know.
I automatically want to think this is about President Barack Obama. But, it could be for the next president of the USA. Hillary Rodham Clinton or Donald Trump. Mrs. Clinton is the apparent traitor and liar while Mr. Trump appears to be an Apollo-ish type of godlike person. Either way a vote for either can further separate the American people from Jehovah God of Abraham, Enoch, Elijah and Moses. In which the American people will suffer just as the Jewish people had suffered in the Bible. The suffering shall be multiplied as the American people has rejected both repentance and righteousness. These are the sufferings of the three's.
Three's of sufferings.
1) Rejection of repentance and righteousness.
2) By their free choice do they elect godless and godlike people.
3) The godless and godlike people shall cause their subjects to suffer greatly.
If the USA is not in Bible prophecy. Then the USA will fall from it's leadership role in the world. Maybe even in overall importance in the grand scheme of things. If the USA is the migrated Babylon of old. Then it may in fact be better for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah during the fire rain judgement. That alone may mean a near complete depopulation of the United States of America.
If these quotes are about President Barack Obama. Then I might expect the president to come up with plans to hold onto office and to do what is necessary to squelch those who he considers as enemies. Which will be everyone in the Republican party as well as the Democratic party. So close to the election and maybe during a party, gathering or a debate. Clinton and Trump may be killed as well as many supporters. A national emergency needs to be initiated in which President Barack Obama becomes the hero to the American people. As what has been done in the Middle East by the Americans so to shall be done to the American people. To the tune of possible civil war, religious war, racial war and cultural war. The American people will kill each other simply because they feel a need to do so.
The American people have already rejected repentance, cleanliness, holiness and righteousness. Even many of those who go to church do not repent or have no desire to be righteous as they are worshiping God. What does the bible say about that. Isn't that the essence of mocking God? What of those old ways in which are not taught in churches today. What must be done before you can come into the presence of God?
Ye who looks for revival. Shall not see one even though you desperately want the Holy Spirit to move through. Revivals happen because the sinner see how the Christian lives their lives with righteousness and honor, With compassion and mercy. In the modern christian world today, the sinner sees not any of this and thus sees no desire to become which is the same as in the world systems.
Added on 05 Dec 2018:
Has President Donald Trump made a pivot against freedoms? Censorship and the right to Bear arms? The right to bear arms is troubling as in every other so called free nation you are guilty until your proven innocent. Only in America are you innocent until your proven guilty in a court of law.
Former president Barack Obama seems to be still in the news and has not quietly gone away. Can Barack Obama run for the presidency again in 2020? Is that even legal?
Added on 26 Dec 2018:
While the Christians all seem to love President Trump. I have not altered this blog or deleted it.
Could all of America see the real Donald Trump after the 2020 elections? I'm not in the we love Trump boat. I still think this is all about how many times can the prince/god of this world deceive Christians before the laws are passed to kill them all. Really.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books