Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Empathic Time Waves Concept: Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 may 2016:

Note Form:
For the most sensitive of empaths. They can smell smells which have not been made. They hear the words of people who have not spoken them yet. They can see things which have not even become into action.
Sometimes I wonder why so many who know not the gifts they have been given seem to always know them all as curses. Medications they consume until their brain is numb and dumb. Maybe even chemically burned up.
An empath can see, feel, hear and smell those things which only ride the top of a profound time wave which like a stone tossed into a calm lake. Sends it's ripples outward in all directions. The empath being on top of the water can only see that which is facing them in the on coming wave. The closer the empath is to the source of the wave. The more clear and stronger their picture will be.
Think about it. In our natural state of being we see, hear, smell and feel everything? or do we? Think about that. Our human state of being is very limited as compared to other animals and in some cases at a distinct disadvantage.
If I'm not being clear. Try this. Go out into a safe place.  This is realized humor.
Here is the test for you. Go and just sit and then begin to focus on everything and everyone all at one single time. Try to see, hear, smell and feel everything and everyone all around you all at once. No excuses. Don't immediately accuse me of being silly because your defective human form has only given two eyes at the front of your face and you cannot see all around you at once.  Get it. smile.
Then travel to the beach. Go and enjoy yourself except for about 15-30 minutes. Be sure you know how to swim and watch out for under toes or is it under tows. Go out into the water to that safe place where you are comfortable and safe. Face the incoming waves and keep only your eyes above the water at all times. Yes, breathe occasionally if you have to. (More humor).
Imagine the waves covered in real time news feeds. With those family and friends the most highlighted. Imagine again but in truth. As each wave approaches what can you see, hear and smell? You can only see the front side of the wave as it approaches. The back side not so much. The information deep/dimensionality in the unseen wave can only be seen when you yourself go deeper into the information within that wave. The wave is more than the seen surface. But, once the wave is gone so to is that information. Coming at you quickly is another wave with additional information. If all you know is what is on the front side of the incoming wave. You begin to notice that all you know is bits upon bits of information in real time.
 But, if you can body surf or dive into the depths/dimensionality of that one wave of interest you can stay in or on that wave and know more actually, spiritually, and mentally. 
The speed of thought is greatly superior to the speed of light. The difference between the speed of thought and the speed of light. Can be equated to comparing a baby walker and a rocket ship or maybe one of them ultra cool UFO ships on the T.V.  Because if you can think of a person or place. Then you can actually be in that timely presence mentally, spiritually and maybe physically. But, that can be very hazardous if you do not have total control of every thought, emotion and desire. This includes knowing which are your thoughts and which ones are not.
Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 May 2016:
New thought Concepts become probable when you consider them possible instead of impossible.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Modern Nephilim: Chimera Transhumans: Human Corruption Code: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:

Modern Nephilim: (Unedited): 30 April 2016: 
The offspring of the modern day transhumans and posthumans shall be the near equivalent to the old days of the Nephilim.
Chimera Transhumans: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
The chimera stylized genetics of transhumans and posthumans will begin to subjugate the inferior base human beings.
Human Corruption Code: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
Transhumanism and Posthumanism is the corruption of the pure genetic code of humanity. 
The evolutionary time coding of the Pure Human DNA strands shall be broken with any corruption of the coding sequences.
Humans were made to evolve at a certain rate of time. With possible leaps within. The leaps maybe a design parameter to keep the whole human population in time with each other. When a percentage of humanity is in mutual sync. Then a genetic leap can happen. Thus keeping the entire human population equalized and stable.
Authors Personal Message: (Unedited): 30 April 2016: 
The information contained within the human DNA strand sequences is made just like a three dimensional book. Plus, there is a personal message coding from the Author.
Currently living human beings who have not had their DNA and RNA defiled, corrupted or contaminated. Will have locked into their sequencing a personal message to those who find the ability to read the coded message within the code. Also within the code is a genealogical history of that person. Which can be numeralized and decoded.
Those who have had their genetic coding corrupted, contaminated and defiled to any degree as only known by the Author. Any messaging of the past or present will lose perfect tense in long term functionality.
(The word numeralized may not be a word)
The use of Wikipedia is a starting point only. Some of which leads to dead ends for me. For you maybe not. Especially, if you do not see any further information to support the Wiki link. You must always pray and meditate before you you do a thing.
Before you begin to get into this. Better have your drinks on hand and snacks. This is gonna get deep. Way above my pay grade kind of stuff. Nothing in this list is in any kind of order. Pencil and paper is advised. Prepare for brain fry time.
 As it was in the days of Noah. So it will be
The military's of the world will want their super soldiers. Hollywood has already given us their versions of super soldiers and even cyborgs.  They have even answered some very important questions and posed many more. There will be some things that will be absolutely necessary when the governments of the world begin to make their soldiers. For instance. Watch the trailers below and then watch the movies with a mindset towards genetics.
1).  Absolute control and reliability. They must obey and follow through or complete their mission.
2). Short life expectancy. For instance. Once DNA enhancements have been initiated. That soldier will die quickly of natural causes in 6-20 years.
3). Unable to procreate. No politician or leader will want any super soldier to procreate with anyone. To do so will introduce uncertainty in the offspring and be outside of the controls of government. Do you really want a Nephilim walking around. Planning on taking over your country as they once did.
4). Introduced Specific psychological defect or tick or tell which will identify the enhancement program of the transhuman.  For instance a purple flash light causes laughter. Which identifies super pilots. 
After studying all of this genetic type of information. The Science aspect of the Holy Bible is revealing itself to me. All I can say is wow.
The comparison to Greek mythology and the fallen angels become more real.  The Indian gods and the Asian gods as well as all of the other gods of the world. For they are all the fallen ones whom have many names but can or should be all identified by their character traits. All of those gods of the world seem to directly leads to the histories in the Holy Bible and the Holy Bible leads everyone to Jesus Christ. For those of you who are far more talented than I am. There are many books here which should be published. If you are one of the inspired ones. No need to mention or credit me.
Added on 05 Aug 2016: DNA Corruption may be legalized in the USA.
Added on 23 Aug 2016:
Written on 19 Aug 2016:
Chinese prophecy: Will China be the first to edit their own accepted people's DNA to achieve certain desirable effects. There will be many drawbacks which will not be easily quantified. Blind Arrogance. Thirst to be beyond those who are deemed less than. A true loss of their humanity and they won't even be aware that they have lost their humanity. But, this isn't about just China.
The highest accepted class of Chinese shall have an average IQ which shall increase every few years. To an average IQ of 250+.
The highest accepted class of Chinese shall achieve a stable and healthy average height for men 6 foot and 4 inches and for women 6 foot and 0 inches.
The age of Transhumanism has begun.
Added on 02 Dec 2018: Dated late November 2018:HIT: Cats out of the bag now.
Prophecy: By the 2030's maybe sooner. Genetic editing of a nation's best athletes and intellectuals will become commonplace. In other words genetic editing of living and growing human beings outside of the womb. World records will even begin to fall at the high school level. To the degree that children born will be required to have genetic identification made. So that quick genetic comparisons can be made of any person who excels far beyond the average for every age group and educational levels. Genetic identification of all parents will also be made to ascertain genetic anomalies between parents and child.
Fallen Angel Nephilim Prophecy:
A new kind of Nephilim is or has appeared on Earth. They will be of average human height and of typical human characteristics. Except their rage and hatred will be extreme. Their physical strength, speed and stamina will be more than three times any modern day human being. The new Nephilim will also have the same regenerative capabilities. Head removal necessary as is Biblical historical.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Beautiful Love: (Unedited): 29 April 2016:

When you fill yourself with Love. It's reward is the recognition of beauty which has always surrounded you. Just go and look with expectancy. Enjoy the sweet reward of joy in which you will receive. 
Only those who have a love, peace and harmony within them can see far more beauty then they have ever known. To the degree of recognition beauty in everything and everywhere. The more apathy, hate and anger you have within you. The less beauty you will ever see and know. 
The reward of knowing beauty fills you with the sweetness of joy. Thus, causing you to want to love more. Even unto the point of regaining your innocence back. That you may have lost because of the ugly realities of worldly life.
Just go and listen to those who always hate and anger. Ask them Where beauty is? They will be confused and they will think of you as foolish or of wanting to partake of whatever drug they think you are on. 
Thank You Miss HDG for inspiring this writing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Evil Doer Apathy: Tsunami of Guilt: Spiritual Tsunami: (Unedited): 26 April 2016:

The wicked evil doer is apathetic in all that they do or even think. 
 The sudden softening of the wicked evil doers heart. Opens the flood gates to a tsunami of guilt for all of the bad things ever done, could have done or thought. 
Guilt is the suffering you have caused others, becoming open wounds in your own heart. The spiritual blood bath pours out of you like a great tsunami. Destroying what you once were as your birthed into something new.
 This is the beginning of your healing process. To feel all of the pain and suffering you have caused. To the degree that you do not want to harm anymore. I have read of genuine warriors who enter into a time of lone quietness. Only to become destroyed by what they have done to other human beings. Only a few have emerged to become Men and women of peace. Just as any new baby is born. Is not a guarantee that you will survive. For me it is beyond human reasoning as to why I have survived all that I have endured and caused.
It is pretty simple. The wicked evil doer cares nothing for you. Even if your a brother, mother, sister or father. Even if your an aunt, uncle or long time friend. The blackened heart of the wicked evil doer is cold with a dark blackness of apathy. They are animalistic in nature. With only a care for what they get when they can get it by what ever means they devise. Your feelings, thoughts, human rights, legal rights or even social rights are not even a thought of consideration within their hardened heart. Just like the animal must always fight for and kill for their next meal or protection of their self claimed terrortory. (Yes, I know the word is territory).
The wicked evil doer does not have to be a single person. It can be a gang and it can be a people, a nation and a religion. It can be a combination of many things.
Prophecy China
What of China? Their Naval forces are being accused of professionalism in the South china Sea. I suppose that is a good thing. As Russia has begun playing their old childish games. China is on the cusp of actually realizing that they have very real power. Will China do unto the world as it has done in the past with their own people? The word past can mean yesterday. In doing so China will cause the whole of the world to mistrust all of China and Asia. To the degree that all of the wealth in which they have built up. Will depart from them. To the degree of loss. That none of the educated intellectuals will foresee the coming total collapse of all that they have built up in this modern time. Even to the degree that the whole of China will become yet again a fractured people of a dozen plus short lived warring nation states and then hundreds of tribal communities. As it was in the old days before their great warlord of the Middle Lands. So it shall be again. It's gonna happen if the Chinese leadership doesn't find their heart and their spiritual compass.
All of the Chinese leadership is on the cusp of becoming the worlds new wicked evil doer. Thus, leading all of the Asian peoples into extinction before the rest of humanity follows suit. China shall become the trigger to the extinction of all of humanity. The only ones who shall care are the mothers who remained silent as they all begin to drop to their knees at the total loss of the babies in which they all birthed. For a great nation and people is born through the woman. From the delicate woman who is in child birth can you see determination, strength and courage. To be followed by intense love, compassion and mercy.
To the Chinese Leaders. Turn you gaze upward and go their. Go up into the cold darkness of emptiness. Let this be your focus. Do not create more secrets or maintain the old ones as the USA and Europe has done. Soon they will be purified and then it will be your turn. Because, the loss of Europe and the USA will mean the loss of your wealth. Then in time the great darkness will envelope you in entirety. Most likely by 2060. If humanity even lasts that long. What shall you do? Do as Europe and the USA has done placate the evil within. This is like ignoring cancer within you. The false belief that it will go away shall consume you.
Stop building your war machines and turn your gaze to the machines of space and of traveling to the other planets, moons and other minor bodies. You shall become surprised that everyone shall follow you. Creating new friendships which will not require treaties that no one adheres to.  Do not become the trigger of humanities destruction that someone else shall squeeze.
For instance a religion which teaches love your neighbor is not something to be outlawed. While a religion which is by their own laws are told to subdue by any means necessary, everyone who is not of them. Just as you should not outlaw those who teach harmony and wisdom. For those things are deep in your history. To outlaw everyone who teaches good things is an evil doer. While at the same time allowing 1.8% of your population to coexist within is flirting with disaster. That 1.8% Muslim Population will be a open doorway to your destruction. Because, once Europe and North America are destroyed. Their focus shall be upon you and Russia. The European destroyers shall walk into your lands and do to you as is being done to Europe. The evidence is what has been happening in the Middle East since the 1970's. How many Christian states were their? How many Christians are there now? How many son called non sharia compliant Muslims are there? A portion of the North American destroyers shall go south. Like I said. Where has your wealth gone?  The USA is not your enemy. Your enemy is already within and all they will want to do until their zero hour is to negotiate and be nice. They are the foothold.
Personal note: I still think you should turn those islands into vacation spots. The propaganda would be huge. The comedy which would come from it equally huge. Everyone who is not Chinese would lose. But, in the mean time. I would place some more of those old WW1 era artillery pieces around. It won't matter if they function or not. Have a good laugh on me. Assuming China has not banned me again. I have not seen any Chinese readers in some time.
Added on 14 May 2018:
China has fully militarized those islands. Even with secret energy weapons.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Blind Enslavement: (Unedited): 25 April 2016:

Blindly Believing another persons opinion without knowing and understanding the origins of the spoken/written content. Enslaves you to their way of thinking and believing.
There are a lot of people who offer their opinions. Including me. Know matter who you follow. You cannot take anyone's words as gospel fact. You must research their words always to insure they speak truthfully. You should not allow yourself to become deceived. In this world there is a lot of deceptions. Even the so called fact check organizations have been wrong. Not to say that whom they have reported as wrong was still wrong. But, how can that be? TO keep you thinking and believing as you are directed. To keep you angry and hateful. Think about it.
If your mind is full of lies and deceptions even though you believe them to be truths. How close can you get to Jehovah?
If your heart is full of anger and hatred? How close can you get to Jehovah?
If you pray and your spirit, heart and mind are negatively tuned? Who is listening? satan and the other fallen angels? maybe?
Are the thoughts of your mind full of sin, any sin? Like mistrust of those long haired hippy types or that certain group of people with the dark sun tans? It doesn't matter why, who, what, where or how you sin or in what degree. This is what keeps you separate from Jehovah and in tune to the fallen angels. Who are willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings and mimic them right back into your mind. Thus, influencing you into their will.
You see. Regular unscripted prayer and meditation. Teaches you how to control your thoughts for an extended period of time. Teaches you how to block and expel any unwanted thoughts and emotions. Which may not have originated within your own mind or heart or spirit.
All of the content of any entertainment show only distracts you away from Jehovah. Even Christian programming. When you are involved in listening or watching any show. Including the very produced shows at your churches. You are distracted from Jehovah. OH But... You say. I'm worshiping. Are you really? I'm not judging here. Look into your own actions which preceded the worshiping. Do you remember what each of the holy men had to do before any of them could go into the holy of the hollies? Go look in the Bible. Come as you are is out of context here. Study that one as well.
Are you actively becoming holy and righteous as only Jehovah will see it in the fruits of your life. Both inward and outward. You gotta have both ways.
Personal Note. I'm a deeply flawed human being who is making the effort.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Last Prophetic Event: (Unedited): 24 April 2016:

In the aftermath of the last prophetic event. There will be no one alive to fear or give respect to the prophets. 
Prophecies are meant as warnings to the people to change from their evil ways and to return to a righteous and holy lifestyle. Prophecies may not be absolute events, which will occur.
In this modern day. There seems to be many professed prophets who proclaim to be right and glorify in themselves that they were right or were the first ones to be right in whatever they have said concerning an undesirable event(s). 
It is in fact very simple and yet so very difficult for humanity to cause the vast majority of all prophecies which have ever been written or spoken to be wrong. All everyone needs to do in order to save human lives and to save humanity from extinction is to do these things which are in purple below. All without any threats, fears and intimidation's. Each person must see these purple words below as truths of goodness and see that they are right. Then each of their own free will and free choice. Begin to live in accordance of those purple words below. Yes, there are more positive inferred purple words in the lesser but still of importance degrees. But, that is for those people who are far more knowing than me.
To Love one another.
To live in Peace.
To exist in Harmony.
To cherish all Life. 
To obey the Laws. Sinless. Righteousness. Holiness.
In the prophetic warning of every prophecy ever written or spoken. If you continue to live in the red or even mix any aspect of the red into your lives. Then all of the purple will be of non existence. These red words below is the absolute inverse of the purple words above. The red words only appear to be more powerful than the purple words and in the physical they are. But deep within the dimensionality of true power. From strength to weakness. All of the purple words are genuinely superior to any of the red. Even though a single red word can appear to corrupt and contaminate the whole of the purple words.
Any aspect of the red words corrupts and contaminates the pureness and righteousness of your being.
lawlessness. sinful. disobedient.
Yes, there are more red negative inferred words in the lesser but still of importance degrees. But, that is for people who are more knowing than me. It is your free choice to allow any of these red words to dwell within you and by doing so. You give power and probability to every bad and sad prophecy ever spoken and written. So, yes every bad thing which happens in which the hand of man touches is your fault, yes you, the reader of this. Just as it is all my fault because I'm a deeply flawed human being who is trying to make things right. So that we all can have an opportunity to each live lives worth living with a righteous meaning and a holy purpose. Because, it is really an either purple or red. You cannot mix any aspect of the red with the purple. Always has been. From the time of the first human/Adam.
Note: These purple and red words. Do form a logical math formula. I can only see a few of the elements. I can only see how it works in time and how either the red or purple can over take the other color thru time. The actual formula is not for me to see as I'm not educationally trained. As is evident in my writings. Thank you for enduring my words. If your one of my readers who takes what I right and make it better. Then do so, but only after prayer, meditation, and research. As always, no need to mention me. It is my intention to stop all bad and sad prophecies. Because, i would rather meet my God who says to me good and faithful servant rather then meeting an angry God who comes as a angry lion. That is prophecy. God comes again as an angry lion. Who wants to meet an angry lion or attempt to negotiate with an angry lion? Really. Contemplate on that one. Something no church or religion we even consider to think about. Go read the Bible and learn how many of the chosen people who were meant to be saved. Some of which began to try and negotiate with the life saving angels. Really. "Lot" and others.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Beautiful Songs: Ugly Hold: (Unedited): 14 April 2016:

 By not having the intention of paying attention in your life and to your life. You will miss the beautiful songs which surrounds and in the missing of that richness you shall know the cold dark silence. 
Ugly Hold: (Unedited): 16 April 2016:
 That which is ugly needs your continued attention, your continued agreement and continued acknowledgement that the ugly thing is beautiful. That is why the ugly seems to always want to grab and hold onto you.
This is a Facebook posting:
14 April 2016 @0528 Hrs. 
Good Morning. This morning I saw two videos on my Facebook page from women. Some guy called disturbed singing songs of silence and Joshua Bell playing his zillion dollar violin for a buck in a subway station. By not having the intention of paying attention in your life and to your life. You will miss the beautiful songs which surrounds and in the missing of that richness you shall know the cold dark silence.

Inspiration in your life and for your life can come from anywhere. If you can just choose to take the time to see, to know and understand. Can you see what I see in all of you. If your on my page. I think of you as amazing persons. Did you get this far? Good morning today will be a beautiful regardless if you see it, know it, aware of it, to sad for it or not. Beauty never needs your attention, awareness or permission to show itself. That which is ugly needs your continued attention, your continued agreement and continued acknowledgement that the ugly thing is beautiful. That is why the ugly seems to always want to grab and hold onto you. Did you get this far.?
The world is a beautiful place. Everyday is a beautiful day. Our solar System is beautiful. The whole of the universe is beautiful. Even though all of these things and places can be very dangerous. What is most interesting is the beauty which surrounds you always. Does not become ugly when your heart and mind are ugly. The whole of everything does not become gray and uninteresting when your inattentive. Every is as it is. No matter what you think and how you feel. Beauty surrounds you always. You just have to clean away the ugliness of your mind and heart. Then you can see with your renewed eyes of awareness and intention. 
When your in that ugly place or just around those ugly people. You know those persons who think only ugly and bad thoughts . Those people whose clod hearts have been blackened by the darkness of other human beings. Good tends to not be within them as they have allowed the beauty of good to be pushed out of them for whatever reason. 
But at the same time. They do want to be continued to be told they are beautiful and they will hold onto that person who fills them with externalized beauty. Without ever trying to change their lives for the better. They will hold onto that good person until they can suck out all of the goodness within them and then throw them away and find a fresh new person. Sounds bad doesn't it. Well, they are. When a person refuse to acknowledge the bad within them and yet wants to be continually uplifted as something beautiful and wonderful. No matter who it hurts. That is bad and that is their need without putting forth any effort.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 