Showing posts with label Hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hell. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dark Place: (Unedited): 12 May 2013:

The knowing soul, aware of it's purposeful sins. Will always seek to cover-up and find it's place within the darkness. C.J.MacKechnie
To hide and keep secret your sins is impossible. Becoming angry and upset over the discovery of your sins, does not change your heart when you only correct the errors of discovery.

You must know or become aware of that all humans are empathic in nature. Which means the discovery of your sins by caring good people who care for you will be possible. Your only recourse for the prevention of discovery. Is to rid yourself of all of the good, caring compassionate people in your life. Especially those persons who have your back and look out for your best interests. After you have become alone, Then you can embrace all of the heartless, apathetic people who shares in your sins. You shall find them hiding and living within those dark places of sin. You know where they are. So does everyone else. They reside within the hells torment of their own lives. A hell created by them who are willing to mutually share their place with you.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life Storms: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:

Even during the rain storms of life. Something good and positive can be found if searched. 
If you are reading this and your life has been hell. Then know right this very moment. Your a survivor. Your a conqueror. Your victorious. Yes, You do not feel like one. Neither did I. But, never the less you are. Yes, the abuses and tortures you have endured were evil, bad and terrible. Yet, here you are reading this goofy quote.  Of all of the hell you have had to endure. Your strength and will defeated those who tried to end you. Your strength and will to live is proof that you won. I do understand, what I am trying to prove to you. I did not feel strong let alone a winner. I felt very much the opposite.
No matter what you have already endured in this life. Even if you think and believe that all this life has ever been is Hell on Earth. There always is something positive to learn. Even if it is a simple positive thing that people can smile at in a weird way. Such as for me. "It is not good to try and kill your adopted son (me)". I know that was probably a failed attempt at humor. That is a basic lesson to learn. It is not good to kill your children, to abuse your children, to torture your children and etc.
There are about 500,00 kids in foster care every single year in the USA and the majority of those kids have parents who did not know that one simple truth and still don't. 

Search for those positive good things which are within you. You are of great value and importance. 

You are worthy of the life you know you should have. You can give to your own children the life you always ever wanted. make the effort and make it happen.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Earth Hell: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2013:

What makes Hell on Earth? Hate, War, Chaos, and Death. You do these 4 things intentionally daily and hell is ours to share. C.J.MacKechnie

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Get your hanky ready.
The National Problem with the Foster care system would end when 500,000 good Christian families become foster parents. If that were to happen. The national crime rates and gang populations would go down steadily.
This is not a problem in a few states. It is with every state in the USA and the world.
The pharmacology used against children is in itself a hells prison.
Even if you cant be a foster parent or even an adoptive parent. Mentor a foster kid and not treat them like they will be the Future Criminals of America (FCA). Kids tend to become what you expect of them to be.
:Be Sure to share and to Spread this information:


I was born to an unwed mother in 1965 Arizona. Before, I was born,. The birth father wanted my birth mother to go get the problem fixed. In which about a 45 minute drive south across the border and the problem would be solved.
I spent 5 months in the Arizona foster care system. Where I endured some kind of abuse. I assume it is related to the 20/900+ eye sight I had.
Then I was adopted by what appeared to be the perfect family.

I'll write more later. It late tonight.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Spirit Man: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2011:

The spirit of the dead man. Learns the truth of his wrongful deeds by his own bloodied hands. 
The spirit of the dead man. Learns his actions from his own loveless heart and the suffering he has unjustly caused to others.
 The spirit of the dead man. Learns the evil thoughts of his own disturbed dead mind caused harm to the innocent.
 The spirit of the dead man. Knows now the guilt and missed opportunities to do good works as he looks down upon his lifeless corpse.
  Inspired from people who think and write about their own death. This is meant to be positive and hopeful. This is meant to inspire others to believe. They don't have to have missed positive opportunities in this life. .
 Suicide is not an Option. The pain, suffering and harm you cause to those who are still living. Is what you will do when you kill yourself. If you fail you cause those loved ones to care for your now disabled body. You create a hell for yourself and for others whom you wrongly thought. Would be better off without you.
The word "man" is meant as a unisex term for both genders.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Death Apathy: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2012:

The death of you always begins with a small disease like a single cancer cell. Apathy is such a disease. Which kills your humanity via the contamination of your mind. 
Apathy always begins with the small things. 
Such as taking a small interesting or useful thing which has been lost. Maybe, at work you have a collection of lost and found. You search the lost and found box often for items to take. After all, the excuses you create, justify the theft and you even re-define it as something which is not theft. That makes it all OK. No it doesn't?
Such as lying and cheating, speaking falsehoods which benefits you or creating rumors which is meant to harm another. Cheating in a simple and fun game or even on a minor test in school. You can say it is all OK until you have been caught. Then you begin to rationalize that the only wrong you have done was getting caught. So begins your evolution of becoming a better liar, a better thief and a better cheater. After all it is only wrong if you get caught. 
Apathy is a sweet candy, which tastes wonderful and can be very exciting. Apathy is all about you, your own selfish wants and selfish desires. The feelings of others, the laws of civilization, the laws of morality matters not to you. What you feel is right for you is what you falsely think and falsely believe is absolutely right for you. The disease of Apathy causes you to believe that a lie or falsehood is true and right. The disease of apathy begins to transform you into that wrong thing in which you believe you are. Over time, Over the years and Over the decades, that sweet apathy candy begins to spoil inside your body and mind. 
The disease of apathy takes hold of you. All that you have once loved and taken for granted is long gone. The freedoms you once had is as well long gone as you peer through bars of steel. The health you once had is gone as the physical diseases with immoral behavior is killing your body and isolating you from good people. Through all of the apathy, you have discovered that you are now alone and abandoned. All of the apathetic people whom you have chosen over the good and caring people are gone as well. Your chosen apathetic friends have chosen to reject you. For some delusional reason you think why? why? why? Probably because they were all as apathetic as you. When you can no longer be a source of their entertainment, excitement. They will no longer include you. Just as you have done to others.
Hate and anger wells up. Other negative emotions surface and begin to die as the apathy within you kills off those emotions as well. Numbness and nothingness. There is no more feeling. There is nothing you care about anymore. Not even yourself. Your will to live has become a will to merely exist. Soon that to will be gone. Soon, very soon. It will no longer matter if you are alive or dead. 
All you have now is time. The silence of nothingness cause time to tick away loudly. The logic part of your mind remains intact. So, you begin to reflect upon your life. The life without meaning, purpose and understanding. The logical conclusion of how you have become a waste of life begins to over take you. Even in this self-destructive moment you may not even be aware of the apathy which controls your entire being. You only know your alone and no one cares. Your last choice and your final option leads to your last action. A logical action solely based on the original lie and deception. In which you believed as truth. Something which was so small and so insignificant you no longer can grasp it. So you think the bridge or rail tracks looks good. The trucks zooming under bridges become an option. Even your choice of suicide causes harm to others. As the innocent train or truck driver will never forget how you choose them to kill yourself. The officers and emergency workers who only want to save and help others must retrieve your lifeless body. They know from the discovery of your corpse, That they could not help or save you. You do harm many others with your suicide. Even in your total apathetic nature. You do not care. You do not love.
Th cold quiet end has come. Your family and former good friends have many questions. Forever hurt and harmed they have become. They loved and cared about you and you left them after you walked away.  Into that lifestyle, into that world of crime, into the dark shadows of immorality. You choose it and you choose to leave your own family and friends. You choose the addictions over your own family.  Its funny how the truth always comes out after a suicide, after a death from disease or execution. 
Your suicide does not end with your death. Those young ones now see your actions as a possible opportunity for their own life if they make a wrong decision. Even in your death, suicide will live on within the family and friends you have abandoned. Your suicide may even lead to the total disintegration, death and extinction of your whole family. 
Your dead and gone, But not really. Your just dead and now you get to see the conclusion of your life's actions. Through the healthy hearts of your loved ones. You get to feel all of their pains and sufferings. The apathetic disease does not follow you into that which continues after this death of yours. There is continuation. With the apathetic disease dying inside your old dead body. You get to feel everything. Can this be the hell which awaits you? Feeling all of the pain and suffering you have caused in your former life walk?  What shall you do now? Await hells fire and damnation as defined by Christian preachers and pastors. Create you own hell as you begin to dwell on the life's hell you have caused those you still lives and endures on? maybe both? 
Reject all sin and flee from it, right now. Apathy is the active war zone in which the innocents flee from. Even when the innocents flee from the war zone. There pain and suffering may forever be evident upon them. Though they still live.
Reject from yourself all lying and cheating. Reject from yourself all immorality and crime. Reject from yourself all dishonor and unholiness. Seek the truth of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and know it is all about a life worth living and not just an exercise in control and authority.
For those of you who read. Thank you for enduring through my improperly strung together words. Please know the message is important and not the how it was written or even the messenger.  I've not had the benefit of a proper education.
Adding and deleting of content will happen from time to time.
A whole boat load of editing will also happen.
There is no Ink and no copies.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Human Animal: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

The caged and entrapped human may become a dehumanized animal. C.J.MacKechnie 
It matters not if you have been Imprisoned, Alone, Forgotten and abandoned. You may become a dehumanized animal. It matters not if you have endured much time of severe abuse and torture. You may become a dehumanized animal. There is always hope for you and within you. Even though the word hope may have been long forgotten or is an alien concept to you. The feral De-humanistic animal in which you have become is what was needed for you to survive your horrors. Once in the place of safety. Once in the environment of love, peace, harmony and life. You can now remember who you are supposed to be. Who you were supposed to become. You can now remember that you are more than an Earth animal.
Even if right at this very moment your in a prison or a cage. You do not have to become the animal the prison keepers think you are. If you are that animal. You do not have to be anymore. Search for your own spirit. Reach for that pure and holy light deep within you. That is where you will find your peace, your love, your belonging, your joy and the forgiveness of your Heavenly Father to be.
 From the depth of you. You must endure the full memory and emotion of all of your evil. From there a hard and true wisdom will grow. The kind of wisdom that incinerates the old you. Leaving behind an empty lifeless shell. This too must happen. Now begins the birth of the new wise you. A new you which can now live with your memories and a full knowledge of the terrible emotional damage you have caused. Yes, you are guilty. Yes, You must admit to all of your crimes. Yes, You are forgiven.
Now is your time to become the wise teacher. To become the soft humble destroyer or hardened prideful hearts. This is your repayment. This is your duty to freely walk the wrong way through the open gates of Hell and point the way for the souls to exit. It was Jesus who burst open the gates to free all of us. There are still those who are so entrapped by guilt that they know not the way.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wrong Three: (Unedited): 05 June 2008:

The good man who does wrong, will repent of his sins, ask for forgiveness and sin no more.
The bad man who does wrong, will not repent nor ask for forgiveness while searching out his next.
The other man who does wrong, will not repent nor ask forgiveness. Simply because he feels so much guilt. That he has chosen to wait for whatever punishment comes his way.

C.J. MacKechnie
The other man is the reason why many remain in Hell even after they have been freed by Jesus Christ. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Death Walking: (Unedited): 14 Aug 2012:

The death of a child can often times be seen in the empty shells of walking adults. C.J.MacKechnie
Loses and abuses can be so traumatic for a person. They often become temporary smiling shells of walking humanity. The death of a child is an awful thing for any parent to experience. The death of a kids own childhood. Can lead that young person to become an empty shell of adulthood. So full of nothing, That not even apathy can fill the void. 
Ive in my history witnessed many deaths. Both physical and emotional. Some become the walking dead. This means they just exist in life as some lower animals do. Their early death is a sort of misguided and deceptive freedom from this life of living hell. In which no one seems to care, another false perception. They seem to be to broken, to un-socialized, to feral for  any good persons compassion or love, kindness or friendship. When a friendly kind person makes their way. It is often only kindness and compassion in the moment. The lesson of the good Samaritan is forgotten. Especially in regards to the time it took for healing and recuperation. It seems that many Christians seems to think a good dead is only the writing of a check or should only last for the duration of the purchasing of a McDonald's meal.
A person who has experienced more abuse than you the reader could handle. Needs friendship, guidance and mentoring more than the cash your willing to give. Because, When you give a person full of emptiness  your cash. They forget you quicker than you have forgotten them. Logically, Spiritually, emotionally and physically. What positive benefits have you the giver actually given? Something of great importance or of minimal value? The selfishness of giving money benefits you more than the tormented soul who received your money. You the giver will feel better for days, weeks and even years for the continuous giving of the loose change which is of little importance to you. You may never realize this. But, the giving of your loose change. This may be more of a dis-service to the tormented soul than it is to give nothing at all. Thus, prolonging their self tormented hell of a life. Unless, a person is critically ill. A person will not starve themselves when given the opportunity to save themselves. In the USA the land of many Opportunities. There is always an option for a person to save themselves.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Your Hope: (unedited): No known date:

Escaping from a negative life of trials and tribulations.
Exiting from a discouraging life of addictions and immoralities. 
Leaving from a helpless life of disease and depression.
Departing from a false life of lying cultures, profiting religions and deceptive political beliefs. 
Freeing Yourself from a involuntary life of prison and incarceration. 
Evacuating yourself from evil people who abuse, torture and belittle you.
Taking yourself out of the despairing and lonely heat of hells tormenting furnace.
These are not the luxuries for the privileged, wealthy and accepted people of the world. All of your true hopes, your real dreams and your promises made in stone. They are all within you and of you. All you have to do is walk away from the bad and sad. Under your own power of free will.  Give yourself all of the permission you need. Turn away from life's Hell.  Walk freely through and exit the open gates of your hells prison. Taking those steps of faith is only a decision away. Know that the worst is behind you. Have the strength and courage, to know that the unknown before you cannot be as bad as that you survived behind you. You are now safe.
Go forth in victory. Nothing and no one can harm you now.
The son of God or your Heavenly father if you choose. He sent his only begotten son to set you free of hells torment by destroying the locked gates of hell itself. So all you have to do is look over their and begin to walk in the direction of that busted up and broken gate. I cannot do any more. The rest is up to you to pick yourself up and move in the direction I can only point to. Freedom is your if you want it.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Healed Freed (unedited). 22 Jan 2011

If you have resigned yourself to remain at deaths doorstep or have convicted yourself to remain behind the open gates of your hells creation. No one can heal you or free you. Especially, when our Holy Brother has already done it all for you. 
Your Holy Brother is Jesus Christ.
No one can save you from yourself. No one can free you from your own self imposed prison. Any person whom is caring and compassionate enough to give unto you their own ear and heart. Should know that their is nothing they can do for you. Except point the way out of your own hells prison.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books