Showing posts with label Remnant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remnant. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Magnified Cruelties: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2015:

As humanity gets closer to complete revelation. Personal worldwide cruelties shall be magnified. 
This is prophecy.
Judgement shall fall upon the living. Just as it was in the day of Noah. Only the remnant chosen by God shall be saved. That chosen remnant may be saved but not saved from the witnessing the judgement of God in all of it's ugliness (My words). Just as Noah was saved from the wrath of God. They were not saved from witnessing of it.  For the Judgement of God is absolute righteousness and holiness. There is no escape.
The cruelties which shall come forth to all of humanity. Shall be a continuation of steady worsening. At every level of humanity. Shall all peoples be persecuted by anyone for any reason. Extreme violence shall be expressed upon another human being for any expression of any kind of difference. All manor of civility will fade into complete animalistic barbarism.
The jails and prisons shall be partially emptied of those who went to jail for crimes which are now a legal right. Those who are in the corporate business of prisons will need a new customer base and these will be the newly criminalized Christians. These newly criminalized Christians may be brutalized, tortured and murdered while in jail. No one will ever know. Just as a road of Rome was lined with Crosses bearing Christians. Just as Rome slaughtered untold numbers of Christians in their Colosseum for entertainment purposes. So to will the modern Christians deaths be horrific and it will not matter if they are in jail or not.
The refugees who are streaming into Europe shall become peacefully settled and gratefully supported. Then in time. Those many who have lied about their Christian faith. Their young ones will begin to roam the streets in gangs to rape and beat those who are alone, weak, old. These are true Islamic terrorists who is bringing the war to your own countries, cities and homes. Because, they must create as much conflict, chaos, hate and death in order for the return of their Mahdi. They will be victorious. Because, the only way you will be able to destroy them is to kill and murder them all. All of their children. All of their female baby making machines. All of them. In doing so you magnify conflict, chaos, hate and death. In a soon to come time. They all will rise up as one and become lawless. It will not matter what country they are all in. Their first country of attack may be the USA. The attack on the USA may/will happen at any time. The European attacks may/will happen around the time of 2025-2040. The USA must fall before they all can go after Israel. Only God will know. Do you remember the formulas for life and for death? If you mix them in any manor. You still end up with Death as the end result over an extended period of time. Human extinction does not have to be quick.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Law
Death = Hate + Conflict/war + Chaos + Lawlessness.
The death of the USA shall come soon as they remove the Ten Commandments without any argument or struggle.
I no longer believe it is probable to avoid the coming prophecies of those accepted and non accepted prophets. It is to late. I believe judgement of God has already occurred. The execution of Godly justice is soon to come. But in case I'm in error and their is still hope. We all must decide on our own. To follow the purple words. Not out of fear. Not from any sort of intimidation or threat. But, from that deep place within all of us. To live the purple words because it is the right thing to do. Not because we have to or are forced to.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Under God's Authority: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2015:

This is for those who have been gifted with the ability to write. Since, it is obvious that I'm not gifted in the perfect speech. Which is accepted by everyone who has been educated. 
This is a Christian sign for prophecy.
The prophetic era of Christian persecution has begun with Mrs. Kim Davis. Can you stay in Jail for 18 moths over your faith? Can you stand and face all of your sins from your recent past or even in your current state of being? This is what Mrs. Kim Davis is doing. None of the traditional media outlets have supported her in any way. The Republican politicians have declared their support of this democrat. While the democrats including President Obama have denounced her. This also includes Hilary Clinton.
The evidence of faith which seems obvious may very well make her one of the chosen remnant of God. Which means all of those other professing by only mouth Christians shall be those who God may say to them. "I never knew you". It is not for me to say. It is only for God to choose who is to be a remnant and who is not. This includes me.
Mrs. Kim Davis may be the first who shall be martyred. Can you say for certain that she will not be? Can you say that she will not ever see her freedom? She probably will. But it is evident that the evil U.S. District Conservative Judge David Bunning has put to jail an innocent woman. In which the evil politicians had made laws of man to be superior to the laws of God. This District Judge is at the very least a Pontius Pilate. I'm not stating nor am I implying that Mrs. Kim Davis is a Jesus Christ. Mrs. Kim Davis, may very well lose everything over this.Since even one news story has even declared that she cannot use Go Fund Me website for support.
In order to be a Conservative Republican like this District Judge David Bunning. Do you have to be a Christian? If this District Judge is any way a professing Christian. His lies are now seen through his actions against this woman. How can any person who is a Judge. Make their decision before any evidence is heard or seen? Did this Judge make his decision before court even began. It can be assumed he had as the deputies and the jailers were already present. If this District Judge is a professing Christian how can he honor or even obey any law which is against the laws of his God? or should I say which god?
Mrs. Kim Davis and her imprisonment can be compared symbolically to other persons who were to be disciplined, punished and killed. I'm not implying that Mrs. Kim Davis will be killed.But, when you are surrounded by evil persons. The jail guards cannot protect anyone and cannot guarantee anyone's safety or well being.
Any law which has been established by any man. Which replaces, Denies or rejects any Law of God. Is not a righteous or truthful law. Nor is it a law which should be honored or obeyed by any righteous person. Even to the death of that righteous person.  To those men and women who agree upon and obey these laws. Even if you do not agree with the laws but still honor them to keep your employment. It is them who can now be easily seen and known to be of genuine evil. This includes any professed Christian who holds any office or works in any place who must obey any anti-godly law written and agreed upon by human beings.
Is it judging to say to a murderer that he is bad and what they do is bad? You can say the same thing about anyone who commits crime. It is a crime of God for anyone to honor, accept, obey any anti-God laws or regulations.
Sinners or LGBT persons pretend to be nice, kind, compassionate and merciful. So that you will think a good feeling lie about them. Many LGBT persons are symbolic murders. They are actively murdering their own family names and in the end their genetic lineage of their family. Yet, These symbolic murderers are being accepted into churches and celebrated. They have no intention of converting to Christianity in any way. These LGBT persons are spies for the evil ones.When your at war. Your spies are necessary to gather intelligence about your enemies. Do not think for an instant that this is not a war. For the god of this Earth wants all of humanity to become extinct. This is satans end game. By any means necessary he will do as he thinks he will. satan is the one who leads all of the LGBT community. It matters not if the LGBT person is politically active or not.
So if satan is the leader of all LGBT persons and LGBT persons are welcomed in your church to hold any official church position and they have no intention of ceasing their LGBT lifestyle. Then you and your whole church is of satan. satan is your god. When your are singing those popular non specific Christian songs. Know that you are singing and worshiping satan.
What is happening to Mrs. Kim Davis is only the beginning. As it is evident that the few who are in protest shall be ineffective. It is apparent that there are very few genuine Christians of real substance in Rowan County Kentucky. There are also to few Christians of merit in the whole state of Kentucky. With Kentucky a part of the famed southern Bible Belt. It is also evident that there are to few genuine born again Christians. Just pretenders who are merely associated with the Christian entertainment fan base as well as those who are members of their local christian social club.
There is very little real news about Kim Davis and any news is primarily related to the effects upon the LGBT community. The news also attacks Mrs. Kim as well. Revealing all of her sins prior to her becoming a Christian.
This is prophecy. The LGBT community shall be victorious over all Christians. To the degree that Christian persecution shall involve all manor of jail, loss of employment, abuses, tortures and death.
The entire Christian population must put a stop to this right now or face starvation, homelessness and death.
After the events of Mrs. Kim Davis. The atrocities which shall follow against the entire Christian community. Shall not be heard or seen on any mainstream media outlet. The true devout and righteous ones of God shall be exterminated and none in the general Christian community will care to even know. So as long as they can happily sing and enjoy the entertainment for a couple of hours a week.
In order to be a Christian. This is after you have made the proclamations and have been baptized. You are to go forth in your life to begin to live it righteously and godly as is taught within the Holy Bible. This is by your own free choice. All without fears, threats or intimidation's. You go forth and outwardly exercise all manor of mercy, compassion, kindness, fairness. Not because, you have to but because you want to. Not because your forced to or even expected to but because it is truly the right and most truthful things to do.
Yet, today it seems the gay sons and lesbian daughters show more love and compassion to their sick and dying family members than do the Christian. Even to friends do they support more than a Christian. I've seen it. I've experienced it.
Just because, I post a news article does not mean I'm in agreement with any of them. 
The ugliness of the news media. This is not politics. This is purely about what is right and wrong. This is about how the government is wrong with the passing of evil laws.
In order to turn this entire country around. Every political office must have righteous persons in those seats. I think it is to late. The USA is lost. The USA was a republic which became democratic and is now an Oligarchy. The USA is no longer of the people, for the people and by the people.
Steve McDonald "By Law"
Added on 07 Aug 2015:
A woman who has not committed a real crime. Unless if you call going against the political will a crime. Has not been offered the ability to make bail. Either way the precedent will translate nationally for anyone who commits political related crimes. Their are now laws against your conscience. How about that for a loss of freedom. In which you can be imprisoned for an indefinite amount of time. If you are big in investments. Invest in the corporate prison systems. They now have a new revenue source. Devout Christians shall all go to jail because of conscience. Don't expect to make big money. Apparently there is only a remnant of true and faithful Christians who have not been deceived. The rest of Christianity just doesn't care. This is all prophecy. A heartless Christian body which allows an innocent person to rot in jail.
Added on 09 Sept 2015:
Added on 10 Sept 2015:
Added on 11 Sept 2015:
Enslaved Extinction: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2015:
Absolute freedoms begets total enslavement. Which leads to over all extinction.
Death Parent: (unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
As death embraces the older parent. They shall gaze into the eyes of their LGBT children and know this is the one who murdered all of me.
You cannot and will not have any sort of freedom without a self controlled restraint. Free love, like free drugs and free liquor. Ends in the loss of family, freedom, health and welfare. Unnatural sex harms both persons physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as a man or a religious man viewing porn is said he only harms himself. This is the lie. The viewing of porn harms the persons involved in the sex acts being viewed. The viewing of porn harms the wife even though she is or may not be directly or indirectly involved. The viewing of porn harms the children. You must see this truth.
The eventual destruction of the family through sins continuation. So the LGBT life style destroys the whole natural family. As a matter of fact. The LGBT Life style murders the family. The LGBT person has often times separated and isolated themselves from their own family. Only to return as the pretended loving son or daughter who wants to become the last person their dying parent ever sees or think. I have seen this happen many times and have myself been caused to think how nice and loving these LGBT persons are. Especially, if the person dying has minimal or no people to express their love in those last days. The LGBT person may think to themselves that what they are doing is a good thing. But what they are actually doing whether they think of it or not. Is witnessing the extinction of their family name and genetic line. This is worse than a person who just murders you and tries to escape. The Punisher in the movie is satan in our lives. Satan manipulates all of us for our total destruction and extinction. Those of have not the one true God will be influenced, controlled and manipulated by satan. To the point that satan will look through your eyes in the final moments of your parents death. just to witness the final extinction of your family name and  genetic lineage. This is what the end result is to be LGBT.
As I've written about in prophecy. The LGBT will be victorious in all that they are to accomplish within this world. Until the coming of God. This is because of the do nothingness of all Christians. The LGBT will win. They will successfully criminalize all of Christianity. They will create a rightful tradition of abuse, torture and the murder of any Christian they see fit. All without any investigation, judgement or prison time. Of course it is not yet. But, it will be. Assuming that Christian on the whole do not put an absolute stop to the LGBT insanity or mental illness which will infect everyone. Mrs. Kim Davis is the first. Unless she does as ordered by the court and marries any and all LGBT persons. Then we all will know that God has been effectively removed from the Bible Belt. This is Prophecy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Less Than 30 Days: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2015:

Will the coming September event be a self fulfilling prophecy? There is growing hype of 23 Sept 2015(Not my date). Before the 3rd. 7 year economic collapse begins. Look to the events which precede it. Which I believe have already begun. Look at China explosion and for any more which are to follow. If they do follow then there may be a state of war and that fear alone will crash the worlds economies.
Do not become so focused on the 23rd Sept 2015 date. Maybe, see it as an end point instead of an exact set date.This Sept 2015 may just be the event which precedes the 2022 event. All of which gains in magnitude in correlation to the sins of the USA. What is not certain, Is 2015 to be the end of the USA or will it be 2022. It may be  2022 as none of the worlds military's are ready for any kind of global war. This includes the USA. The USA is most likely the most helpless of all of the nations.  The key dates may be from 15 Sept thru 28 Sept 2015: Remember It's not the prophecy which is import or even dates. What is important is the purple words. Your relationship to God and your direct efforts to live your life as righteously as possible as seen by only God. This is truly important. Your preps or whatever else you may do. Is just less than.

We had the disciplines of 1995, 2001, 2008 and then if they do continue we shall have another discipline more severe than the one in 2008. This is progressive and I believe directly related to the sins of the American people. Lets look at what 2015 means as far as the American sins are concerned.
:Sins of 2015:
1). The number one sin which has been ongoing all year long is equal marriage rights for the LGBT community and they won. With minimal actions from the entire Christian community. This inaction may be seen by God as a non action by the entire Christian community as a whole.
2). The repressed news of Planned Parenthood. Which will be eventually scrubbed from every media source. Including YouTube. Yet the American people do not seem to care and the entire Christian community is not taking collective action against any entity of Planned Parent hood, any politician and on abortion rights. Abortion is clearly big business which is wholly supported by the USA. In which the Government of the USA is supposed to be reflective of the entire civilian population. In which because of Abortion every civilian will be held responsible. It is obvious that Planned parenthood and other directly related entities are breaking federal abortion laws back to 1994. I'm no lawyer. But it seems a variety of state and federal laws are being and have been broken, everyday.
3). The USA has been and is now an Oligarchy. Again, The entire Christian community has allowed the loss of their Country given to the corporate world. Which began during the Reagan administration.  Thus, as of 2015 is clearly evident as the worldly corporate powers even have powers over the states including Florida.
4). The Lies and deceptions of the races of humanity which promotes the actions of murderous racism. In the Holy Bible it declares that we all of humanity are direct descendants of the adult family of Noah and that they are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve. Yet, The entire Christian community have isolated and separated themselves based on race, culture and sociology. Which is directly against the intentions of God. We are all one family and of one relations. We are all meant to aspire to become Israel. Even all of Islam. The absolute truth was known before DNA Finger Printing of 1985. The Human Genome project of  2003. Which made absolute proof that more than 99.9% of all of OUR(Humanity) DNA is identical. Identical means the same. This information has not adequately been relayed to all of humanity as such. We are all brothers and sisters to each other. 
5). Abomination of desolation within the churches. Any Christian which follows their pastor before Jesus. Just as any Muslim person who follows any human leader into anything which separates them from the pursuit of peace. The acceptance of any of the sins of God which have been commanded. Which is brought into any of the holy places and agreed upon by the representatives of that church or religion. Shall be disciplined by God. They may all suffer. Save for the remnant which shall be removed in some manor as designed by God. The remnant may be so few in number. That every church congregation and denomination. Would declare that no rapture has occurred. This may not even become a declaration as the response would be. People move around, people change churches. Never mind that all of their worldly things are abandoned. The actual remnant may become so alien to the church they attend. That their disappearance may be welcomed.
6). The Federal Government of the USA is currently attacking the Navajo nation. These kinds of actions which support corporations shall become more common. Research this for yourselves. It seems like the primary water source for the Navajo nation was purposefully poisoned and contaminated. Then the EPA sends the Navajo Nation water in uncleaned/non-santized oil tanks. This is a new beginning of atrocities being conducted on behalf of the federal government by the direction of a mining corporation. This is not the first though. The first was the BLM in Nevada against a rancher on behalf of Walmart and China.  To build a solar panel farm. I believe all of that news has been scrubbed and/or just forgotten.
Just in case that God passes over the USA. I really do not think so. It is better for you to get right with God. Then it is to make all of your doomsday preparations absent of God or anything related to the godly spiritual gifts.
Also, Just in case the pre tribulation rapture is a false teaching. You should endeavor to endure unto your ending. However that may come to you. May you worship and bless all that is Godly with your last breath.
As I have mentioned. Just in case nothing happens. It would be wise to put into action all of your final doomsday preparations. It will also be necessary to activate your relationships with other like minded persons and groups. The greater number of groups in which you have a mutual relationship with. The greater the possibility of your survival. Like I said, even if nothing happens. Each of you must evaluate each other for strengths and weaknesses. Without any emotion.
The severity of a possible economic  down turn may be more severe than it was in 2008. It probably will be more severe. The 7 year pattern exists right now and should be easy for anyone to see. If you have planned properly. You should see it through and into the next discipline of 2022. In which the USA may end in 2015 or in 2022.
I think that since the USA is a newly established oligarchy. The corporations of the world will want to continue to suck all of the wealth from the USA and begin to enslave the entire civilian population. I think this is possible and may not be probable. I think it is directly related to the Trans Pacific Partnership and the abolishment of forbidding the use of slaves within the agreement. This may eventually work both ways.
Added on 24 Aug 2015@0625 Hours.:
2 explosions in China and one explosion in Japan at an Army ammunition warehouse in the last week or so. The Chinese stock market has already taken the worst plunge since 2007 and it is not even day light in the USA. North Korea has deployed the vast majority of their Navy including 50 of their approximate 70 submarines. They are preparing for war with the south. While talking peace.
Wall Street Futures may down by as much as 350 points. (I have no idea what a future is.)
Added on 25 Aug 2015: I do not believe this is the end as humanity is not fully into the Christian prophecies. What i mean is. "As it was in the days of Noah..."
There is still at least one critical thing left. In those days everyone had common knowledge of Angels. Today, we still do not have this. Or as they may be called in our current modern world as Aliens. This is common knowledge as in all of humanity knows of these angels/aliens. No more doubts. No more theories. No more wishful thinking. These angels will just be obviously present in our world and most likely involved in our everyday life. This is a key sign.
Added on 26 Aug 2015:
So since all of humanity does not have common everyday real knowledge of angels. Then it can be thought that if a dramatic economic collapse occurs. Which shall be worse than 2008. Then this last days until the beginning of the coming Jewish New year. Shall be survivable. For those who have prepared in advanced. Unlike my family which is to poor to do much preparing at all.  To repeat the key before the end of the Christian Prophecies. The angels must make a return. I could be in error. So be prepared for this error as well. Then plan for a 2022 event. Which should be worse than the 2015 event. If it happens. Billy Graham is a sign to look for. What? and How? and Why? I have no clue. It is also becoming apparent to me that Billy Grahams daughter may be a Christian prophetess. She would be a person to watch and to test (With Respect).
Here is the short list on how every human being can avert extinction. Remember extinction does not have to be immediate. It can last a couple hundred years or so or not.
Added on 31 Aug 2015: Doomsday Preppers and survivalists.
In and during these times of plenty and maybe even a little while after the possible 2015 events which causes the economies of the world to crumble yet again. For the third time.
You must immediately begin to prepare for the 2022 events. Which will most likely be in September as well. Remember my words above. Your number one prep is your connection to God. Remember the Mathew 24:22
It isn't going to be any of your physical preps which saves you. All your physical preps are going to do is allow you to survive longer than those poor souls who have done nothing. Like me and my family. It isn't that we won't. It's that we can't. Anyway. Here is your words. This is new. Share the Wealth. Find those and test those who are to be like you. Begin relationships and develop partnerships with other like minded persons, families and groups. Form up into towns. Realize your gifts and the excesses of them and give them freely. You may be the chicken lady. Well, from your excesses and from your experience. Teach and give those who are passionately willing all that they need to become better than you. This also goes for those who are gifted in cattle, Goats, Pigs and every other manor of raising animals and crops. One can hope that good deeds do not go unnoticed. So if something happens to you. Then the whole of the group does not suffer from your absence.
Also, You and others will need to come together to support those persons who are gifted in other ways and cannot do for themselves in an agrarian type of society. For instance a medical doctor, dentist, veterinarian and etc. You may know how many chickens or cattle are needed for your family. But, have you even thought about these importantly crucial people who are necessary for survival. But what about that jack of all trades guy and the school teacher. They will be important to. Because when everything is said and done. God has done his thing. The 1000 year countdown begins. We had 2000 years after Christ. So when humanity begins again at nothing and depleted resources. A thousand years is all we or you will have left. Till the next major event which shall test all of humanity yet again. Not that surviving isn't a test. But surviving isn't living a life.
Your group or township may also desire to support a devout person, a gifted, a shaman or a spiritualist. They will need to be tested and the numbers of them cannot be more than the group or town can support/sustain. There is a reason why there was usually only one within any group. Sometimes there were a male and a female.
Remember the meek shall inherit the Earth. For whatever that may be worth. If God does not exercise a boat load of miracles. Because the Earth shall be of fire for a time and the only true safe place may in fact be off planet for a time. Can you a Doomsday Prepper become one of the remnant? Will I be one? The purple words below are a start.
These purple words are awesome. Do you want to avert the majority of the bad and sad prophecies spoken and written by awesome prophets of old and of today. the importance of the purple words is of free choice. To do the purple words without and fear's, intimidation's or threat's. Well read the purple and do the purple. For instance to obey the Laws is a choice and is not to be forced upon anyone. God has not forced any human being to obey the laws. It is only mankind who has forced other people to obey the laws. You do so because you can see the good importance in them. Not because you have to but because you want to. It is the absolute basic understanding to a righteous and holy life as designed by God. So that we all can become a righteous and holy people as seen by only God and not to be decided or awarded by any human being or any other entity who is not God.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 03 Sept 2015: Do the research yourself. Always remember. Go to sources and not propaganda report repeaters from the foreign owned news/media sites. For instance. Check out.
By counting how many warships and subs are out at sea. Then if you can extrapolate a reserve fleet in the established ports. This would be a concern. If you see former inactive naval equipment under going  reactivation. This would be a concern. Especially, if the entire civilian population is completely unaware of any war footing from their President. Mr. President Obama, What are you doing? Are you going to strike first? If China, Russia and North Korea believe that you will strike first. It would be prudent for them to strike before you can.
War. Will the events in Sept 2015 be war? China, North Korea and Russia will attack the USA? How many American ships and boats are at sea right now? How many have a return to fleet status? China has 5 ships near Alaska. Russian spy ship near Nuclear sub base in Georgia, USA. 50 or so submarines from North Korea are missing still. I have only read a few sources where a few subs have returned due to storms. Before you attack you position your assets. Then attack.
Please read Hole Shot Prophecy: For possible locations around the World and the USA.
Added on 17 Sept 2015:
Well, It looks like. The USA has made it through these last many days. The next upcoming series of doomsday events follows through until 28 Sept 2015: I just do not like date setting at all. Because, this year alone there has already been dozens of were all gonna die dates. Were all still here. What is of interest though is happy new year on the Jewish calendar.
The prophetic red horse has already been riding through for a couple of decades. If you are deeply involved in prophecy. Then you must be aware that just as the Jewish religious elites were confounded and confused with Jesus Christ/Yeshua. Because of false interpretations. What was thought to happen did happen but not in the way expected. I believe this is the way it shall also be during the entire time of the Christian Prophecies. That many, most or all of the Christian prophetic interpretations of Christian prophecy will be in error. This is most likely at the design of satan. Just think about it. If satan can manipulate even Peter to influence Yeshua. Who are we or who are you Christian person who has written and taught much about Christian prophecy interpretation? What you think is absolute truth and correct in Christian prophecy may only be partially correct. Prophecy is not meant to be an absolute thing which must happen. Prophecy is meant as an all encompassing sign. Telling everyone that they need to change their ways or else. I refer back to Joseph and the Pharaoh story. The pharaoh had a vision in which was an absolute thing which was and is to happen. Basically, Joseph said to this living god. "Were all gonna die". But, if you mitigate and manage the event. Then maybe you will live as a living god for a little longer. Please forgive my over simplified paraphrase. Go to the Bible yourself. Then Joseph with the blessing of God and the Pharaoh. Saved them all. Thus averted the absolute nature of the prophetic vision. This one lesson is proof that we all can avert any and all prophecy caused by any man. We can also mitigate and mange any awful natural event prophecy. In order to save lives.
What is of the importance is those purple words above. Coupled with your doomsday prepper plans.
I think the Christian red horse in prophecy can be resisted. maybe? possibly? or most likely not? I may write about this more later. Although the red horse does seem to be an absolute of God and it probably is. Which means when peace is taken away from all of mankind. Extinction cometh for all life on this planet. We may not have to many choices. As it appears. The leaders of the world seem hell bent on going to war with each other. There seems to be little or no option for any peace. The sides of this coming WW3 is easy to see. The time lines are becoming very very easy to see. It will boil down to who will ignore the signs? Most likely Europe. Who will jump the gun? The USA under whose leadership? President Obama after a severe natural or man made emergency. Hillary Clinton who may be the harlot of Babylon? Donald Trump who shall steal the business vote of both parties in this Corporate America which is a corporate Oligarchy. Whom ever it is shall be a bought and paid for voice of them all who actually run/own the USA.
Added on 29 Sept 2015:
Well, Nothing to drastic or tragic has happened. All of those predicted dates from early September to yesterday. Many people whom you have researched have set dates. For me this was just another test. Another unfolding of the didn't happen 2012 event or the year 2000 event or the mid eighties events. What does it all mean? Well, I don't know. I do know what usually happens. People who are weak in the faith falls away. The prophecy dates are very stressful to live with. Because, In Bible prophecy God has to intervene lest we all be destroyed. That is our fate by our own hands. We destroy ourselves and blame God for it all. Well, just go and collect yourself. Stay focus on those things which are truly important. Your faith and soul. Your family. Your close friends. Your good works which you freely choose to do without any expectation of reward or that you have to because God said so. You do good works because it is the righteous thing to do and for no other reason more than you want to.
Then on the list of important things comes your Doomsday preps. Because, it is the smart thing to do. Did you hold your practice drills? Did you mutually conduct your drills with other persons, families and groups? Did you at least talk to others about this?
You know there will be other people who are going to set prophecy dates in the hopes they will become famous for being right. Yea, Really. Remember what I said. Prophecy isn't important. They are just warnings for you to seek out those signs on your own and then to do as Joseph in the Bible had done. He managed and mitigated the dire natural event which came through proper and wise preparations. Joseph basically saved all of Egypt. Including the human god called a Pharaoh.
It's about those purple words above. Your relationship with God. Your continually active prayer life. Your continually active meditative life and those other times in which you just contemplate those things. That you should.
I shall be looking and seeking those signs of the times. I think one sign is The reverend Billy Graham and his passing. The return of the angels. What is the time line for these 2 things and many more? Well, any time between now and 2048. Most likely sooner than the 2048 date. But, I seem to be the only person on this planet who wants to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written down or spoken. I believe it is better to listen to a mentor than a prophet. Because, if you live in a world where there are more prophets than mentors. Your in a big world of trouble. It just seems that we may not have that Jonah who just walks around yelling "Your all gonna die" and then we all change our ways in order to alter our prophetic fates. Are you getting this. Part of the red horse is the taking away of freedom to choose peace. What of the other horses. What do they take away within our humanity internally. This is getting deep and the fate of the world shall threaten extinction when God intercedes. Will 5-7+ billion die before that happens? Will there be a rapture of the remnant? Are you a remnant or how do you become one and remain one of the remnant? A good start is in the Bible as well as those purple words above. AND do not think I'm part of that good start. I'm a deeply flawed human being. Who is struggling as you are. All i do is point and you are to freely choose to go forward without following me.
Not to add any more stress. But, this is only the beginning of the Jewish New Year and the bad and sad prophetic events can happen anytime throughout this whole year. Yea, Just remember if a sudden confusing bad thing happens. Don't automatically become an angry hateful animal. Ready to kill everyone who comes to close. Just be prepared and when it is time to go. Do not return to your home or anywhere else for anything forgotten. Just go. This can be considered harsh advice but, it is Biblical advice. Be sure to train everyone to act accordingly and be able to trust your children. Teach them without adding fear. This is about being smart.
I think this whole month of September 2015. There were about a dozen prophetic dates spoken and written by many different people. With dozens of duplication's. Well, I work with one of those Bible readers. Whom I enjoy interrupting or bothering all of the time. It's just easy. Like when I don't see him in a while. I look astonished and declare I thought you went and got yourself all raptured. Or For a dozen times this month I greeted him with we missed it again. We were all supposed to die yesterday. By the way Good morning.
The point to this bad humor of mine is. If you are so worried and concerned about the real life end of days bad and sad prophecies. Then your missing the point of all of this righteous and ever lasting spiritual life stuff. Your body has to go to sleep that last time in order to free the true being within your physical body. That is where the true you exists. From your true self can you freely choose to become righteous and holy has seen and defined by only God. Then no matter what happens to the shell of your physical body. Your true spiritual self shall continue on. Get yourself right with God. Without any fears, intimidation's or threats. Know that if anyone expresses anything which is the opposite of life, love, peace, harmony and the laws of God. This includes me. They are absolutely wrong, wrong, and more wrong. It doesn't matter how popular, how educated or how rich they are. They are still seriously wrong. It doesn't matter if they preach and teach at the largest churches, mosques, synagogues and temples in the whole world. They are wrong.
How about this. Remember the SIGNS. This one is obvious. Anyone who goes against life is wrong. Remember satan and his fallen angels wants us all dead/extinct. They all know that God uses people like the poor and homeless Jesus. So why do you think the majority of abortion clinics are in poor neighborhoods? Anyway here is your sign.
 Thank you for reading through my writing style mess. john
02 Nov 2015:
We still here? Last comment.
Added on 17 Jan 2016:
We are all through the new year. There have been a few events since the signs completion. Signs are and always have been information sources. To look here or there. To think about this or that. Signs always require your choice to be aware and your choice to choose to abide by the sign(s).
As of right now there have been Three western events. Russia and China united in continuous military action in Syria. The Islamic attack in France. The Islamic attack in San Bernardino.
Signs always precede. So now we are in the continuation.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them from sources and not from parrot people.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

1 of 1000: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2015:

:This is a word vision Prophecy:
It is year one of one thousand. A new method to count the years. As prophecy dictates. There shall only be one thousand years of peace. In that time and possibly on this new planet. All has been renewed or newly prepared. The chosen and snatched away remnant shall begin anew. They shall embrace the wisdom of love, peace, harmony, law and life. To such a degree. That the law shall nearly be forgotten but not replaced with lawlessness. You cannot say that lawlessness rules where law is forgotten. The purity of love, peace and harmony brings forth life and automatic observance of the law.
The planet is still very difficult and hard. The animal life and all aspects of fauna is in abundance. The stars may even be different. The remnant shall become the true caretakers of this new or reformed planet. They each shall have a direct communication with all of the life upon this new world. Some, most or all aspects of the spiritual gifts shall be readily used by those who easily embrace them. The animal life shall openly come to them for assistance or assurance. Even the great and fearsome predators shall come to them in love and acceptance. The fear that the former humans once have had is as extinct as they are now. These animals shall not be treated as pets or as service animals. Direct two way communication shall be easy and not divined in any way. The understanding of the needs, wants and desires of any animal or plant shall not be confusing or vague.
In the year one thousand of one thousand. The destroyer shall come. His thirst for blood shall go  unquenched. The one thousand years of peace shall end. This is only a prophecy and revelation of any prophecy can alter it completely. So if the new remnant of humanity plans and prepares for the eventual arrival or freedom of this great destroyer. Then destroyed they shall not become. By holding firmly onto love, peace, harmony and life. By not allowing themselves to forget the laws. By keeping in actual communion with God. By becoming and remaining a holy and righteous people in the sight of God. The destroyer shall have no effect. In one thousand years much can be lost and forgotten. Just as this digital content shall be lost forever when the power goes out. So to many things can be forgotten or just simply unknown. Through prayer, meditation, Contemplation and fasting. Shall answers and new questions come to the forefront of the searching spirit and mind. 
In year one of one thousand. Begins a life of survival. Shall the new humans forget everything and regress back into their most basic of animalistic natures? or will they embrace all that they can evolve to be? That will be their every second and every day choice. With those very important questions. How can we do more than just survive? When survival in any sense. Is not fun and is not living a life with any kind of purpose or meaning. Survival is merely not becoming extinct. With all of the bruises, blood and broken bones. That go along with survival.
In year one of one thousand. A thousand years may seem like it is so far away. But, it is not. You must begin at day one of these next one thousand years. To plan for the future of humanity and for the coming of the great destroyer. Every single day must be for the future of humanity. Every day must have purposeful and planned works for the last day of one thousand years. So that when that very last day is upon humanity. When the destroyer does come every aspect of his arrival shall be mitigated and or prevented. The destroyer shall become ineffective. But beware, in all of these things. Do not allow hate to seep in. Do not allow a war footing to take a hold. Do not allow chaos to cause you to fear greatly in those last hundreds of years. Do not give up, give in or to quit any where in between. Do not acknowledge that your death/extinction is an option to be considered at any time. To burst through that coming one thousand year barrier. Shall become the birth of something new and wonderful. Something which shall not know any limitation of time and space.
This may very well be the last time that God shall save humanity. It is in this prophecy in which nothing follows. This prophecy does not declare any saving. There shall not be a Noah, A Moses, A new Adam/Eve or even a Jonah with a warning. There shall not be a remnant to be saved yet again. So in this last one thousand years. It shall be all of your responsibility. To maintain your holiness and righteousness as seen by God. It shall be all of your responsibility to choose by your own free will to love one another, to live in peace, to exist in harmony, to revere all life and to honor the laws.
It shall be your time:
To save yourselves and become your own heroes.
Your right to life will only be seen in your daily actions. Throughout the entire one thousand years.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Apocalyptic Band Wagon: (Unedited): 04 June 2015:

Will Robinson!
Apocalyptic band wagon is running at high speed again.
Well, If you have been reading my writings. You know we are in the third set of seven years of discipline for the USA. Which means we have about three months left at most before the next event. What day shall it be? I have no idea and am not really interested. Except for the actions and responses of those people who gave the date of the END as they saw it coming.
The exact dates, the exact years, the exact hours, the exact minute or even the exact second is of no importance to anything. What is of the most importance is you and how you are responding to the running of this new apocalyptic band wagon into hells fires. We are all gonna die again on 24-25 Sept 2015: Who knows, it may be very accurate. But, history suggests that this date shall also be incorrect. But, what if this date is the date? what if? Will those who gave the date and celebrate the loss of life and proclaim " I was right!" To what end shall that proclamation be seen in the final event(s) aftermath?
Or worse will those who prophesied the date be saddened that nothing happened at all. Just like Jonah who found his good spot to watch God destroy all.
There is one key to the prophecies and that person is the prophet Billy Graham. If Billy Graham prays earnestly enough for a delay in the end of the USA. Maybe, Just maybe God will delay for as long as Billy Graham shall live.
Other than that here is a short list of what everyone must do to avert apocalyptic disaster.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
To choose to become holy and righteous in the eyes of God. Is your free choice to make. Without any fear, intimidation's or threats. You must accept, reject or ignore. This decision shall be seen in all aspects of your life. You freely make your choice simply because is it right. That is all to begin with. everything else shall fall into place. All aspects of your life also include your thinking process within your own mind. Go and sin no more.
 We all can still begin a new era for all of humanity. This is a new era of human righteousness. This era of human righteousness shall begin with the remnant of chosen human beings. When man goes through with their insane plans for total warfare and misunderstood scientific explorations. In that moment the rapture shall occur and the remnant taken. So few shall be taken. That the event  shall be argued as a non rapture event.
So it was in the time of Noah. So shall it be in the end. The only thing left is the common people to have common everyday knowledge of the fallen and righteous angels/aliens. Please forgive my use of aliens word. In this modern era. The word alien may apply to angels.
This applies to all human beings. Not just this group and not that one. The idea of races within the human beings is all lies and deceptions perpetuated by world leaders even though the truths have been known for more than 20 years now. We are all one human species and thus one singular family of 7+ billion people.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Right To Live: Required To Live: (Unedited): 11 March 2015:

Earning the right to live is not the same as thinking you deserve to live or believing you are entitled to live.  
Earning the right to live requires something other than, violence and struggle or to Fight and survive.
Is all of humanity only a mammal? Is there nothing more to humanity than this one physical short life we all live? Are we no better than ants, Apes, Cows or fish? Or is there something more to humanity? Have we evolved from the apes as some kind of random mutation which just happened to go right by some fluke or accident? Or is all of the verbal stories from many different cultures which are  very similar very accurate? Or that humanity is a created species and that we are capable of evolution from the point of creation?
So is humanity entitled to live? does humanity deserve to live? or are we supposed to earn the right to live/exist?
Which is it? Does the ant deserve to live when the ants build their home to close to your personal property? The actions of the ants were simply an accident and we humans without any real thought go forth with chemical warfare.
In Numbers 22. God makes a donkey speak it's mind. Which means a donkey has a mind with thoughts and only has the inability to verbally speak. What of the other animals on this planet? If the animals have their own thoughts, memories and emotions. How can we justify in eating any of them? Do not animals have the right to live, especially if they think in their own way? Read that story for yourself. Who was the ass? Who obeyed God? Who was the good servant? Even an Angel of God was going to strike down a prophet of God. Serious disobedience. Who is deserving to live?
In the animal kingdom that we humans are supposed to be a part of as mammals ourselves. Yet, we humans do not do as the other animals do. Animals must be violent and they must struggle. Animals must fight and they must survive. This is a daily or an hourly occurrence for all animals. There is no real rest except after meals maybe and even then the animals cannot really relax and be at ease.
Where does that leave humanity? Because, most of us no longer live like animals. Has humanity become entitled to live because of our own self perceived greatness? What is your answer?
What happens if the big bad aliens or fallen angels return and the so called God who is really a superior alien to those bad aliens which enslaved us all, a long time ago. Doesn't return? What then? Are we to become like the ants. Succumbing to some alien chemical warfare beyond our own current ability to understand whats going on. Just like the ants. Or will the bad aliens come in their planet sized ships and mow us all down like some great and fantastic lawn mower which is again beyond our ability to understand.
Is humanity really entitled to live and to continue to exist within this galaxy after all that we have done to this planet and to ourselves? Will all of humanities collective sins become the evidence of some supreme being? To just destroy us all with a simple properly sized space rock. That's all it would take. Pretty easy for a supreme being/super alien and it wouldn't really cost very much. Since we already have an asteroid belt and the Oort cloud full of them. Just a simple nudge in perfect relation to a boat load of math formulas. In time we will all be doomed. The planet will have problems for a time but will not be destroyed. All ready for new forms of life to be seeded. Maybe, that new life will succeed where humanity has failed?
God has not exterminated us as of yet. That's obvious as I'm still typing. But what if God already pushed that rock during the first Catholic Crusade against Islam? Or in some other unwarranted war. Can we as humanity still earn the right to live? or will only the select be chosen to live while all of the rest of humanity become exterminated? The Bible is clear that two groups shall be saved to some interpreted degree. One is the 144,000 and the other group is the remnant. The defined word for remnant is something small. I guess God will exactly define who, what and how many are the chosen remnant and from where? So it can be said that the 144,000 and the remnant are going to earn the right to live. Are they entitled? were they deserving? How are they going to be different from the rest of humanity? Can we ascertain who the remnant shall be or the 144,000 and become just like them? But, what are their qualities? Is it physical, mental and/or spiritual? Or are the remnant to be chosen by simply how they lived their live by free choice?
This is what I think how they shall be selected. I am not God, Jesus or any of the angels. So my best guess is that no greater than any other human quality of guesses
The selected remnant  may be the ones who are already living in accordance to all of Gods laws by their own free choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's. The remnant has each become righteous in the eyes and judgement of God. The remnant each express inwardly as well as outwardly Love, Peace, Harmony and Life all under the laws of God. They are all willfully obedient to the urgings of their Heavenly Father. All by their own free choice. Because, deep down they understand the truth and the wisdom of God as right and true. From this holy knowledge. They have decided to live righteously. No argument and no debate. No sneaking around God. No trying to journey where you think God isn't. No negotiating or dealing with the instructions of God.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rising Problems: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2014:

Rising above the problems of your humanity is something we each should consider.
We each have our own set of personal problems. 
We each have our own set of family problems. 
We each have our own set of local problems. 
We each have our own set of regional problems. 
We each have our own set of national problems. 
We each have our own set of worldly problems.
Then there are the many innumerable problems which have there own specific associations.

This list of human problems seem to be never ending and everlasting in the grand scope of that which is humanity. Humanity has become the sole creator of their own problems with those fallen angels fanning our created flames of self destruction. So just how can we each rise above it all? How do we as a human species express our right to live and thrive as a self determined people? or shall we all just relent to the prophecies of the Holy Bible and wait for humanities restart again. Maybe, more than 8 human adults will be the remnant? Think about that one. No children were saved during the flood. So there will be no guarantees for your own children. It will not matter how much you love them or want to protect them from the coming end of times. You as adults and parents will get to watch your children die or die yourselves leaving your children alone. Just has been done during the flood.
So, what can you do? What will you do? Humanity was made less than the angels and yet the angels fell victim to their own prides and sinful lusts. So how can we as lowly humans do better than they who are greater than all of us? or shall we just roll over and die? shall we just go forward and end all of humanity with a collective suicide?
Humanities collective suicide begins when the majority of nations, religions, groups and peoples begin to adopt within their own lives these 4 core principles.


Within these four core principles is where the extinction of humanity resides. Thus, ending all of our collective human problems and the problems the fallen angels has with the existence of a humanity.  Yes, the fallen angels blame us for their problems. It's kind of like the abuser blaming the ones whom they abuse for them being abused. Really, It was all my fault that my adoptive mother abused and tortured me. It is always the child's fault for the cause of the parents alcoholism or drug problems. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
The end of one set of problems will begin another set. No matter how much you have evolved or think you have evolved. Consider how the angels who are greater than humans have had their own set of problems. Some angels have fallen because of their own set of problems. They have died, they have been disciplined and they continue to suffer. Yet, do not show any compassion for the fallen angels on going plight. They are still unrepentant and unrelenting of their hatred for humanity. The fallen angels still are working in their higher ways to undermine and cause the extermination of all of humanity. It looks like these fallen angels will be mostly successful. As Biblical prophecy states that humanity will nearly become extinct save for remnant who are to be saved. Did I mention that only 8 adults were saved during the last near extinction level event otherwise known as the flood. The next extinction level event may have many more than 8 as the remnant to be saved or only the surviving genetic material is to be saved. Think about that one. Either way as defined by those who will be doing the saving, humanity will be saved. In other words who or what is to be saved will not be decided by any living human being. It will not matter what you think or believe. It will only matter with how you live your life and why you have freely chosen to live your life as you have. A free choice absent of fear, intimidation, threat or reward. 
How do we each rise above all of our unique problems? It is really simple and not complicated at all as others may suggest. Those who suggest that the solutions are incredibly complicated are those very same persons who selfishly and pridefully are working very hard to extend their way of life. Because, if all of humanity begins to live by these four core principles. They everything those world leaders have created will just - END.
People will begin to live with an expression of human family, respect, compassion, mercy, honor, righteousness and holiness. Which will be contrary to what the leaders of the world want. This limited list of expressions are based on the four core principles. Which are


By making all of our collective decisions based on these four core principles. All of humanity will begin to live lives worth living without fear, intimidation or threats. The end of most of the bad and sad prophecies will be realized.
By rising above all of our collective problems associated with today's humanity. We all will naturally want to look up into the stars and will need to go to them. As we do so. We as humanity will begin to realize the problems associated with the angels and will have to learn how to solve those problems. Hopefully humanity will not become so advanced beyond their evolution that they forget about these very basic four core principles.
The end of all bad and sad prophecies will come in one of three ways.
1). To do nothing and to change nothing maintains all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken. Thus the end result is the end of all prophecies.
2). To embrace the worldly way of life as defined the basic core principles in anger red maintains and hastens all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken. Thus the end result is the end of all prophecies.
3). To adopt and express of your own free will which is absent of any fear, threat or intimidation the four core principles written in the purity of purple. Thus, the end result is the end of most of the bad and sad prophecies. Begins the importance of the written and spoken words of the wise mentors. Continuation.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Reprobate Waves: (Unedited): 08 May 2014:

Many will become enticed to ride the exciting waves of the reprobate church/religion. Only the remnant will be able to veer off or duck dive the wave before it crashes into the cliffs. C.J.MacKechnie
Those who begin to succumb to the waves of sound from a church or religion in reprobation. Will likewise become reprobate. Just as many of those who have made the headline news in recent years for the revelation of sin, immoralities and crimes. The lies and deceptions of omission drives hard into the follower who can sin and be as cruel as they can be without reproach.
Any member of any church or religion who can sin without any consequence is a member of a church or religion which is in reprobation. Reprobation is as defined by God and the Holy Bible.

A sign of a person who is a reprobate is when they sin. They are not even aware that what they do is sin. When it is revealed to the sinner that they are sinning. They either look at you as if you are insane or mock you. For a person who is in reprobate. There is no sin, no wrong and only what is right for them. There will never be any guilt or remorse. 
As the number of reprobate grows within any family. The family will end.
As the number of reprobate grows within any community. The community will end.
As the number of reprobate grows within any nation. The nation will end.
As the number of reprobate grows within any world. The life on that world will end.
This is Prophecy.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Separated Remnant: (Unedited): 22 April 2014:

The remnant piece of the corrupted cloth must be separated before the cloth is thrown into the fire.  
 It is tough and very hard to become separated from the family you love or even want to love. If your family is to remain of the world and you have chosen to remain awake. Your new family has become of God, your Heavenly Father and the other followers become your new brothers and sisters.
Even if other family members have had a direct interaction with angels and yet they still refuse angrily. This is no longer your problem even though your love for them is very strong. They have in that moment refused and remained amongst the corrupted. Possibly even a reprobate. To the degree that Exodus 7:3 may even apply.

In order the remnant to be saved. It must be removed from the whole of the corrupted clothe. Pray always for those whom you have been separated from. But, know that they have already chosen.
Look for other mutually related remnants and become a new clothe blessed by God. They shall be your holy and divine family.
If you choose to remain with the corrupted clothe of your worldly family. You shall have to endure as they do. Though by God's will, you shall still be saved after the fact. While the rest of the cloth becomes ash.
There are many remnants which have been saved in the Bible and many more without number. There are usually conditions. There are limits as defined by GOD and not revealed til after a rebuke.
 As inspired from listening to the Jonathan Kleck Show.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Post USA Observations: (Unedited): 21 May 2013:

Please do not get me wrong. I love the USA. I want the Country as a whole to remain as great as it was or is. Here is a new vision which foresees the ending of the importance of the USA. It is related to the Brain Trust collective within the USA. I do believe the USA can be saved and saving the USA as the sole remaining free society, can save the rest of humanity. Saving the USA saves 7 Billion lives and or final human extinction. Can you see what I see? Would you want to? There are worlds within worlds. The dimensionality of the whole is all interconnected. Meaning the intentional effect we make in our own individual small world has a direct impact on the rest of the great bigger world of Earth and maybe even the whole of the Universes. What you do and what you think has an impact on the small worlds which are connected to your own small world. Then those small worlds  having been impacted by you, influence the the other smaller worlds which surround them by simple associations. Thus, never knowing that you were the originator of good or evil. What you do, what you say and what you think is that important. So, how will you change today and right now. Will you continue to pursue warfare or peace? will you continue to hate or to love one another? Will you prefer to live chaotically or in harmony? What you do right now, will eventually have an effect on some farmer in some mountain town on the opposite side of our planet, that we all share with one another. 

The greatness plateau in the USA occurred around 1973. Imagine a bell curve if you will.
From around 1973 through around  2003. Is the Great USA plateau. After, around 2003 the downfall had begun. The downfall may not be a steady free fall. There will be speed bumps as the downward slide progresses in speed. Until, any speed bump will not be felt or recognized.  The great communicators have been voicing the warnings to the citizens of the USA since around 1983.

Can you find the correct puzzle pieces and put together the various picture groups. This is prophecy. We are in 2013. The rest of 2013 can be predicted and prevented. Here is a key. Now matter what any person actively does to make it happen or to prevent anything from happening. Both actions together will only compound upon that which will happen.
It is only the condition of the hearts, spirits and minds of the whole population. Which can alter all of the bad and sad prophecies as spoken by every great prophet in the last 6,000 years. That is all which is required. A simple change of the heart. Choosing to discover within your own self the eternal spirit which resides within. The will within your mind can change you. Choose to think for good, kindness and compassion. That is all that is necessary. The world will change and all of the bad and sad prophecies will become stories for the elder wise to teach the young. 
Billy Graham is the key support structure which is slowing down the USA free fall. When Billy Graham goes to be with the Lord. There will be a great vacuum within the USA. Not even the likes of Glenn Beck can voice his will. Most people who listen to Glenn Beck changes not their heart. They do not take a compassionate action from the love within them. They hold in there love and only take action based on the anger in their heart. This is wrong.
No righteous person shall go into any military branch within any country on this planet.
If you truly are a righteous person. You shall leave the military service of any country on this planet. ASAP.
Yes, I know there will be those who are 1 day from retirement and they will lose all of their retirement benefits. This is not an easy choice for any one. The choice is simple. Human Life or Human extinction? The end of the USA comes and with it the extinction of humanity. Save for the remnant.
This also includes law enforcement personnel at every level of government. City, State, County and Federal.
The righteous person shall only do business with the righteous. 
The trading of clean goods with dirty goods only fouls both persons/groups. No matter their intent or purpose.

 It is time for the righteous to separate themselves from the godless into those places which they deem as survivable. By beginning to live outside of a which has no morale's, ethics or honor. A better life can be achieved. Especially, when the end of days tribulations are no longer an argued prophecy.
The righteous must become elected to every governmental office at all levels of government. The City, The County, The State and The Federal. 
This must happen right now. This is another crucial task for the righteous. If this one thing does not become a follow up to those righteous living a righteous life. The end of the USA is certain and so to humanity. I feel the time limit is the final sleep of Billy Graham. So, It is now a race. Can it be won? will it be won? All i can tell you is prophecy says "NO"!!!. But, all
 Prophecy is only that which is probable.
Not Absolute.
This new vision may be just a new observation. Especially if someone does the research to back up my claim. Maybe, someone else has spoken this before I have.
A great vacuum is puling away all that which is unprovable by the limited human natural senses.
The American intellect, Invention, adventure, creativity and leadership. Shall be pulled away from the godless and re-gifted to those strange faces who yearn for the American freedom. Even liberty and freedom is being pulled away from the godless. Maybe the new faces will choose godliness instead of godlessness.  The wise and sensitive amongst you can only feel the absence of  or something that which is now missing or less than. This will continue until not even your physical lives belong to you. Not even the clothing upon your naked bodies.
The wiki version is very limited in it's over all description. I use the word Brain Trust as those group of individuals who have achieved a status which is deemed superior to those who are merely professional. This designation can only be given from/by those professionals in that field or profession. Every profession and every field has their own Brain Trust.
=====================  (I'm not able to see this puzzle piece.)
===================  (Whomever is in charge of keeping Billy Graham alive.) (Better do gooder). (If GOD takes him. Then He just does). A living Billy Graham buys humanity more time. Even if he is in a coma. Not very compassionate for The Great Billy Graham. Billy Graham is our Exodus 17. Who will hold up his arm? Who will carry on?
:Sign Posts:
The most wealthy and powerful people in the world will no longer visit the USA for any medical
                care. As time progresses all able Americans who are capable. Will seek medical care in
                India and China. For Instance.
The majority of all American wealth will be outside of USA governmental control. 
The wealthiest and most powerful Americans will quietly seek education outside of the USA.
               as time progresses on, upper class and then upper middle class families will send their
               children abroad for an education. 
The foreign nationals will no longer come to the USA for an education, better life and freedom.
The most skilled, talented and brilliant of all Americans will leave the USA for the best jobs and
                 livelihoods. Never to return.
Chaos in California. Leave California very soon. Somewhat in Oregon and a little in Washington.
                  The logistics, transportation, warehousing and rail, will see a loss in jobs beginning
                   after 2015-2016. Desperation will rule in Cali. 
The national political leaders shall be bought and paid for by foreign nationals who own American corporations. Be warned when the politicians become very rich through their own self created non-profit shell organizations. It shall be too late for all Americans. Their common votes shall no longer matter. The American government will only be pay to play. The USA has become a foreign owned entity.
Pray and meditate constantly. Live a life as GOD would want you to, by your own choice free of threats. I believe all of the end time prophecies can be averted. GOD does not have to return angry. GOD can return in celebration. Either way it is all of our choices. Hope we all choose wisely.
===================    (This is one factor which will encourage the United nations to seize control over USA assets.). Not just the Chinese but all wealthy foreign nationals.
The righteous family and church, must become a defensible force. Just the fact that every abled bodied person within a church congregation are all martial artists, trained and skilled in the use in fire arms, and knowledge in logical security approaches. Would be intimidating enough for any group to leave you alone.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 