Friday, September 30, 2016

Evil Government People: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2016:

Blind Obedience to a corrupt and self serving government. Is you perpetuating their brand of evil upon the people and maybe the world. 
Does it matter to you or are you just surviving and thriving at the expense of others. When you create your own form of evil in support of a corrupt and self serving government. You have become your own self defined evil. Even though you may not think of it as such. As soon as you cause harm and suffering upon any other living soul. You are harming yourself more. You are losing your own honor.
As you also begin to figure out how you can profit more from the corruption within the Government you wholly support. You shall eventually lose everything, your wealth, your family, your honor. You may even become so blind that you may not even be aware until all of those things which are truly important are gone.
When you receive satisfaction, happiness and even ecstasy from causing others to suffer because of some minor offense. You are evil. There is no more becoming evil for you. Beware of those living signposts of great warning which are in your life. When a person who used to be of importance to you. Speaks and tells you that you used to be a good person and had a good name. That truth becomes a dagger which shall enrage you as your blind arrogant pride has been harmed. So you think you must cause them even more harm and suffering and you do so.
The soul which is still good. Will reflect upon those words as a fresh branding from a red hot iron. Hopefully this reflection will lead to repentance which leads to a return to righteousness.
What shall be the cost when you return to goodness. A complete loss to your place in the world. A loss of your worldly wealth and respect. A loss to your worldly future. Can you see how even you have become corrupted to a world which will eventually end by fire?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Fewer Police: Underground Church: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2016:

New thought impressions. Updates on 23 Jan 2017, 24 Jan 2017,
At this time I will no longer be doing yearly prophecy blogs. I am about to close up the 2017. For whatever reason. I feel nothing for doing them any more.  I do know they are tied to the Jewish Calendar. I also, suspect Islamic attacks are associated with the Islamic Calendar. I've learned a  lot about prophecy in the last few years. The most important things I have learned. 1). Is that any bad and sad prophecy ever spoken or written can be mitigated and/or averted. 2) The condition of your heart and your journey towards righteousness and holiness seem to be a key in preventing prophecies to specific groups of people from the individual, family, tribe, community, nation, continent, entire planet and most likely entire solar system and entire galaxy. If we as a people survive the coming extinction level events which will be our own fault.
In the USA fewer and fewer men and women of honor and integrity shall pursue a career in Law Enforcement. This may be more valid at the local level. The militarization of the police and Sheriff forces all across the country will become mainstream.
Once the balance has been tipped in favor of chaos and it is commonly known. Then the people will take law and judgement into their own hands. Forcing the hands of the Government who has not honored the people to alter the laws and send in the military to violently bring law and order. It shall not matter whether or not the special interest oligarchy or the corporate oligarchy is voted upon. 
In the USA. Predominantly white churches will need to learn what the black churches had done to survive. They both will come together as they each will go underground. The underground churches will begin to experience miracles as a common occurrence.  This is also to include Latino, Asian and other racially specific churches.
Wisdom and knowledge of how those churches survived around the world will also be of great importance. But, more important than anything is their individual free choice or repentance and righteousness as only accepted by the eyes of God. Then when they all come together in one righteous spirit. Great holy power shall come forth. But this shall be after...
Need to read 2 Timothy:
NOTE: If you read my writings in regard to race and racism. Then you should know that these words of the colors is not insulting. Nor are they intended to be. 
Added on 23 Jan 2017: It seems already this year of today's date an increase of 150% increase in cop killings by gunshot. Neighborhoods who seem to be more stressed than others. Have begun to openly walk around with guns in order to protect themselves from police brutality (Read this again). The events at Standing Rock North Dakota are also having an impact on the nation's civilian perception of the police. That the police are becoming a threat to society. People are showing their guns in the face of a wrongly perceived threat. It is only going to get worse. Especially if the Standing Rock Massacre occurs. Even if the Standing Rock North Dakota massacre is prevented. Those who have a deep evil within them will have their massacre elsewhere.
Added on 24 Jan 2017:
Once a large group of people decide they have had enough. Once there are enough of the civilian population which believes that cops are the enemy. Cops will die as is already happening all over the USA this year alone. A Louisiana cop was just killed the other day for stopping to assist in an accident while off duty and still in uniform. Someone just shot him in the head.
Who is at fault?
1). Bad cops who caused black lives matter to begin and who cause black lives matter to remain a force. (Black Lives Matter organization do have the right to exist).
2). The law enforcement and politicians of the entire state of North Dakota and the 8+ month long protest at the area known as Standing Rock North Dakota.
3). The entire organization called the main stream media. Collective Media Blackout.
4). The Federal Government. It seems like it doesn't matter who is in charge. Same ole same ole.
5). The anarchist and violent minded which have gotten themselves involved with this peaceful protest.
Added on 05 Feb 2017: The tone in the air of Standing Rock, North Dakota has changed. Anytime a bad and sad prophecy is revealed. It is not to give power to it. It is to give you the power to prevent any and all bad and sad prophecies. You all have the power to decide to take action in order to prevent or mitigate. If you decide to do nothing or to just play your mindless and spiritless part. Then the bad and sad prophetic event may just happen worse than it was foretold. A human created or inspired prophecy can have many variables to it. While a natural event bad and sad prophecy will be more focused on very specific events and outcomes. Although the outcomes can be mitigated if the natural event cannot be prevented.
Back to Standing Rock, North Dakota. The Government of Standing Rock seems to want and are planning a massacre. They will continue to incite as they have done for the past 9+ months. Everything the Government of North Dakota has done is based in strategy and dehumanizing those who are in the way. This is evidenced by voting on laws which makes it legal to run over Oil protestors. This also includes laws which take over all of the tribal lands which were guaranteed by federal Law. Under the guise of doing good for the poor Indian people.
The purpose of all of my writing is to prevent all death and to save all lives.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

American Habakkuk Judgement Cometh: +5: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2016:

If you think or feel that God is going to discipline or destroy you, your family, your people and/or your nation. You are correct. Fore God has already judged all of you and your discipline and/or destruction comes.
God will discipline you individually. God will discipline your entire family. God will discipline your entire denomination. God will discipline your entire nation. God will discipline your entire species. Then as the disciplines are not reacted to in an accepting manor as only defined by God. Then God will destroy you all, save for His elect. Which could be very few in number. In which the majority may even think and believe they are one of the elect but in fact are not as which is only decided by God only. I've written this before. I believe the people of the world were already judged and were not allowed to repent or to pursue cleanliness, holiness and righteousness. That most likely occurred when Noah swung his axe for the first time onto that first tree. So what happens when discipline does not cause the people to return back to God. Near extinction of the entire human race save for those genuine righteous souls as selected by God.
You worry about a coming judgement and a following destruction is in error on your part. Your only concern should be cleanliness, repentance and righteousness. That you should be doing right now. If you have no need or want to repent. Becoming holy and righteous is some hateful joke. Then your living judgement may have or has already occurred.
Worry and fear is all from satan and his fallen angels who are with him. If you are really sensitive you will also not only feel their fear they instill in you but you will also feel their own ecstasy. God and His angels will always want positive thoughts and feelings from you. satan and his fallen angels do have great powers over any human being. Just Read Job. But, only with permission. BUT, How does that work when the people have already been judged? Will satan and his fallen angels have free reign?
Again if you have no need to repent and that becoming righteous is some hate speech, a form of absolute ignorance, and great embarrassing humor. Then you have most likely already have been judged and your simply unaware that your freedom has been removed from you as it has been done with satan and his fallen angels. You are now a walking and living judgement. In which you can continue on in your evil ways. The title over your soul is now in the hands of satan. You are now satan's tool and slave. Your timeless soul is already in the pits of a timeless hell. In which you will always be fully aware of everything.
As a devout Christian. You should be able to use the first gifts of discernment. This is where you will know who is to be spoken to and who has already been judged. This is also where your trust and faith will be exercised. You will have the urging to speak and other times you will feel like your actual voice box is shut off. Just express love and kindness. Pray for them.
NOTE: When I remember, I do not capitalize satan nor do I use his former position or ranking as Lucifer. He was demoted to satan or devil. Which may very well be a reminded insult to a still very superior being who still desires to be above God in every way imaginable and even in those ways not conceptualized by any mortal man.
Your destruction is assured. When you think your worthless vote for the lesser of two evils is superior to repentance and righteousness. 
Your reasoning is that a vote by the collective religious community for one person will delay or prevent judgement from coming is in great error. If you know that destruction comes. Do you not try and escape? The only way for you to escape is to repent and to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. Because, it is not enough to simply say and believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. I tell you the truth. All of the angels both accepted by God and all of those who have fallen know this to be an absolute truth. You and I do not know this to be an absolute truth. We must believe and have faith in this one truth. There must be evidence of your faith and it cannot be forced with simple human effort. There must be genuine love. The love that Jesus had for all of us when He willingly gave himself over, tortured, nailed and then speared. His blood falling through the crack in the Earth and dropping onto the right side of the Ark of the Covenant. In which it is still in that place today. If it were anywhere else. People will just die continuously.
Those who have already been judged. Will never consider the validity and importance of repentance and a life of righteousness. 
The new already judged adopted children of satan. Will be those who shall do everything in their power to bring forth the extinction of humanity. Never once considering what they do as evil. The sons and daughters of satan will blindly obey every urging they have without question of right or wrong, love or hate, peace or war/conflict, life or death, law or lawlessness, harmony or chaos. They all will just absentmindedly do the bidding of satan and the rest of the fallen angels. Because, we all are lower then they are and only deserve to not exist any more.
Added on 29 Sept 2016: Forgot this part. 
Those who have already been judged. Will also instantly reject anything which is contrary to their own way of thinking. Even if you bring evidence. They will absolutely refuse to look at  it or listen to it. The already judged will want nothing of the actual truth you bring. You will know this to be true as the already judged will ridicule and accuse you of the most ugliness. If the already judged do like you, they may tone down the insults. 
On some level of human existence.  Genuine prophets and devout persons of righteousness. Will both know as fact the coming doom against all of humanity. While joyfully rejoicing in God. Even as the breath of life departs from them.
Read and learn the known history Habakkuk. I cannot say that I'm one of them or ever will be. I know I'm a deeply flawed human being. I know what I know. I'm not a prophet. For me walking on the path of righteousness is like a baby learning to walk for the first time. Stumble, fall, get up, Stumble, crash, get up, stumble, cry. Get up.
These judged souls who cannot or will not repent and become righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. Go forth and enjoy your last meals. Go and enjoy the oceans, forests and mountains. That HE has given to you. Gaze upon the wonders of the night sky for the last time. For the stench of your dead relatives shall fill your nostrils as all of your willful and disobedient sins of humanity has filled God. Your cries of anguish and sufferings shall fall upon deaf ears. For HE has had enough as His judgement is absolutely Perfect, Holy and Righteous.
Who are your relatives? The first peoples have that answer and actively teach that answer. Your relatives are all of those innocent souls who have died or was killed. Even by a pill while that innocent life was still in the womb. Every human being is your relative. No matter their stage of life or physical death.
==Do Not Be Afraid X365==
When viewing any video I ever post anywhere and at anytime, it is solely up to you to do your own research, fact checking, praying, meditating and fasting on any subject matter. Do not get stuck on old or new interpretations. Including my own interpretation. All Biblical prophecies will be known when they are seen in their time of revealing. Remember, The Jewish religious leaders were looking for a military leader to free them from their Roman captivity. What they got was the perfect sacrificial lamb who freed and cleansed us all from all of our sins. You know the rest of the story.
Added on 01 Oct 2016:
Added on 05 March 2019: Will there be a Habakkuk type of prophet for America? If there is, he will be ridiculed and branded a traitor. For worshiping, glorifying and encouraging the coming of the destruction of America. Isn't that what Habakkuk did when Israel was destroyed. Think about this for a moment. Will a prophet come to America and come from within America to say awful things about America and its coming destruction in which 90% of Americans will die in the first year alone. Will he boast and yet he will always be for God only. No one will take notice of that. That this new Habakkuk type of prophet will only be in favor of God and in favor of God's actions against all sin. When a blessed nation turns away from God, from righteousness, from holiness, from cleanliness. This prophet will be against all sin and all sinners. So when God tells him that HE will discipline America and Israel. The Habakkuk style of prophet will celebrate it.
NOTE: I do sense the coming destruction is coming for America(New Israel) and Israel. I still cannot celebrate it as I still want to save lives and to seek a turn around or genuine revival. In which I think will not come for America or for Israel. I think I've written that a Habakkuk will and won't come. Only God will know. If and when the destruction of America is a done deal in the view of God. Then a Habakkuk style of prophet will not be sent. Fear the Jonah style of prophet. One who deeply and profoundly hates America and arrives in America in some unexplained way. Telling all of America to repent with a countdown. In which his countdown will be the real deal. But, will he be sent? and to whom? Will he be sent to the Vatican? In which they will know not what to do with him. Will he be the kind of prophet that no man can touch or harm?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Righteous Trail X4: Forced Hunger: (Unedited): 19-21 Sept 2016:

I have to write even when I don't want to. To be obedient to the words to the best of my ability. In the hopes that the readers will discover the true meaning and intentions of the words I do write in my best uneducated way as possible. I have come to the realization that the purpose of my writing is for those who are gifted in writing.
Traveling on the righteous trail less traveled means you will encounter more prickly thorns and more tangling briar patches from the world. 
Have you ever walked on any trail less traveled by any other human being. It is not very comfortable. The walk is not very easy as there will be uncertain footing and moving stones. There may be thorny vines in your way as well as hanging and slithering critters. You may get sweaty or uncomfortably cold, You may get dirty and tear your clothing. You may remain hungry and thirsty.
If your your walk is contrary to how the disciples of Jesus suffered and died. You may need to re-evaluate your faith. Especially, where sin is welcomed and celebrated.
You must always focus more on God and of Heavenly things when you freely decide to travel on the righteous trail of the lonely walk.
The righteous trail can be very treacherous and you may lose your life after much suffering. This may be your call to be a martyr of God. To be able to express love, peace, harmony and life. While under sever threat. Then just before the breath of life leaves your body. You can still express love and forgiveness. By keeping your focus only upon God and of heavenly things. You will be able to hold onto the truths while sever pain is continually inflicted upon you. By remaining righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. Will you be rewarded greater than any other. For even as Jesus died after severe pain. He still loved and as he gave up the ghost. He forgave. To live as Jesus had, to be as Jesus was and to become like Jesus is. Is the way the truth and the life eternal.
Walking the righteous trail is never as lonely as the person who has never walked it seems to think it is. 
The one who has never walked upon the righteous trail. can see the dangers, the risks, the unsafe situations. They can see movements in the shadows and hear strange vicious animals within the loneliness of that mysterious trail. This is why the few who get onto the righteous trail remain on it for any time. Because, From the righteous trail you still see and hear the parties, the cheering of a winning sports team, The seductions of smiling beautiful women and of manly men manliness. You can experience the speedy thrills which always happen in the world of concrete and steel. There is never a dull moment in the world away from God. Even to the point where God no longer exists. Until you become your own god.
One is never alone when God is with us/me. When you and Emanuel are on that trail of righteousness. You shall never be alone.
A good father is always close by when the child must do a thing which will guarantee growth and maturity. Even if the child falls off of the bike or takes a big UN-welcomed gulp of water.  Something is always learned. especially, when the child gets back on the bike or jumps into the water again. Still the father is there. It is the same with your heavenly father who is Emanuel to us all. God is with us and God is in us and God is all around us. God Is. When you do feel like you are alone. Know those feelings of loneliness do go away when you spend the correct amount of time in the Bible, in prayer, in meditation and in fasting. Always repent and remain on the righteous path.
Forced Hunger: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2016:
Forced hunger while walking upon the righteous trail. May not be a suffering discipline forced upon you. Being hungry may be God calling you for a fast, a talk and a listen.
 Many of the righteous people do become hungry. Do not see this in any kind of negative light. Do not see your hunger as a curse or some sort of discipline of sin. If you are righteous, holy and are on the righteous trail which was created by God your heavenly father. Always know that you are his beloved child and God will not give you rocks and stones to eat and drink. A loving God who is your Heavenly father may just desire to talk with you in Heavenly power. In heavenly power the body must be physically tried. Your mindset, your attitude, You humility and your understanding will go a long way in the successful deliverance of the message and or mission. What are you will to give to be like Christ? How much are you willing to give to be as Christ was? So in hunger discipline yourself and ready your whole selfless self. Eat the Bible, Pray in tears of blood, mediate with sweat of blood. Know, know, know. By shedding yourself you become more that you are.
In no circumstance am I indicating for anyone to ever harm themselves or anyone else. The expression of love, peace, harmony and life is in their most purest form.
The use of hunger is one in which you are not in control of. If you are not in control of the food you have or do not have. Then it could be a sign for you to read the Bible, pray, meditate and contemplate.
You may also be one of the selected righteous souls of the Heavenly Father who has ordained for you to be that witness to how the church no longer cares for those who are the most needy. You may even be disabled to a degree which guarantees you helplessness in this life. The church which does not express love, mercy and compassion shall suffer more than you. This also include those in attendance. because, to them you are their Christ and when their faith is empty and they are apathetic of your plight. Do not think they do unto you. They do unto Christ Because it is Christ who is in you and works through you. Just do as Steven and as Christ. Love and forgive.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Protestors End: Loudest Warrior: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Hatred, anger and violence in the hearts and minds of the protestors. Shall end with more injustice, more social inequality and more suffering.
No matter the environment you are in. When all of the common persons and their family members refuse to participate in any Government. That Government will instantly lose all power and authority instantly.
When the protestors go out into the public with hatred, anger and violence being expressed. All persons even indirectly related to the subject matter of the protest. Will all experience more social injustice, mores social inequality and more suffering.
Any evil Government which cause chaos, inequalities and injustices. They all want the protestors to act out in vengeance and violence. For they will win by wanting and needing more men and more weapons and more laws to prevent any organized groupings. The evil continues to win and becomes more hunger for more power. Thus, they must create more and more hardship, suffering, misery. While at the same time blaming another group.
=How Protests should be done=
With love, peace, harmony and all life respected and cherished. Those who express any hatred, anger, chaos or any expression of destruction or death. Should be convinced otherwise. If they cannot then they must be excused. With love and peace escorted out.
The group shall come together and express only a welcoming openness. The group shall care for the men and women whose only purpose is to separate and divide. Even if there primary purpose is to protect those who are being protested against.
The leaders of the group shall invite the leaders of the police as well as those being protested against for all meetings, meals, dancing, singing, prayers and meditations. The leaders of the police will want to sit in on your meetings as it will be important tool for the gathering of intelligence in their plans against your activities. Or will it? If there is nothing to plan against. Then what?
Loudest Warrior: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:
As chaotic thinking and emotional turmoil erupts. The warriors which quietly sit makes the loudest impact. 
About only 10% of the entire human population are genuine warriors. It matters not what tribe, people or nation (Ethnos). The genuine warriors are truly more related to one another then they are to any other groups of people. They are often very well known within their own communities. The warrior who has been blessed with great wisdom and then sits quietly while fanning flames of chaos is stirring. Is a genuine sign for the people to imitate.
Great Common Wind: (Unedited): 17 Sept 2016:
When all of the common peoples refuse to participate in the world systems designed for and favors the chosen few. All of the world systems shall cease. The rulers, emperors, presidents, kings and dictators will all become powerless and their words becomes like hot tea vapors in a great common wind. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blind Obedience: Martyrdom Joy: Greater Quality: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Blind obedience gains a person virtually no wisdom or understanding. Except for the saving or profiting for the benefit of the self.
While a person who freely decides to do good has done so based on their wisdom and understanding. Even though they may lose their own life and/or lose their wealth.
A robot blindly obeys all of it's instructions or programming code. A robot does not know good or evil. It just obeys. Their is no wisdom or understanding neither is there a need to want wisdom or understanding.
Human beings and even of animals. Learn and Know wisdom and understanding. I understand if I place my hand on a hot stove. Serious pain will result.
To force a person to obey or to die. Causes that person to learn nothing except how to save their own life. A person who is forced to obey becomes an instant mindless slave or robot. Absolutely dependent on those who tell it what and when to do it.
With the exercise of free will and free choice. That person learns much knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Even if it will cost that person their wealth or life.
All of the quality, meaning and purpose in life a slave will ever have is what comes from those who rule over the slave.
Martyrdom Joy: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
By creating great enduring misery in life for the slave. The slave will learn to yearn for the day that they will be selected to know the joy of martyrdom. 
Martyrdom Joy #2: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
The joy of martyrdom is freedom from a life of misery, sadness and pain.
The great misery you endure in life comes from those who rule over you. Do you not think that if they wanted for you to have any sort of life with any kind of satisfaction or joy. Then could give it to you or allow you to experience. Instead those who rule over you pass the blame to them and those in that far away land. Those who are less than us and who are less than dogs. They are the barbarians who have caused all of your misery. While at the same time those who rule over you only offer one way for any kind of joy, satisfaction and happiness. That is through the joy of holy Martyrdom. Have you not seen in the eyes of those who were selected for the great honor of Martyrdom, joy and satisfaction of being selected? While hoping that they will be self worthy enough to go through with the holy mission of righteous martyrdom. This is the only way for an Islamic person to ever know peace. For all of their joy, satisfaction shall end when their blood flows into the streets. While what meaning and purpose they had in that brief period of time has been transferred to those who rule and profit over all of your deaths.
The misery, sadness and pain you desire to free yourself from. Can come through escape from the enslavement of your spirit, mind and body. You have worth and importance in this life. Purpose and meaning does not have to come through hatred, anger, violence, destruction and death. These are anti God. God wants for all of us to express life with love, peace, harmony. God wants for all of us to cherish life as something of great value.
Greater Quality: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
Greater is the quality of life, meaning of life and purpose of life for the person who can freely and willfully choose to do good things.  
1). What is good? Only God. We can only learn good from God.
We all can emulate good to the best of our own unique abilities.
2). What is good? Love, Peace, Harmony and life. The laws of God assists us into seeing and maintaining good through our own abilities for self control and self discipline.
Yes, the laws of God are absolute. But, they reflect the gift of our free will. This is why when we each fracture any of the laws of God we are not instantly dead. This is why I do not believe that God wants slaves. Slaves do not learn on their own. Slaves do not grow up to become responsible and dependable human beings. Slaves do not become self sufficient to a degree as defined by only God. Only those who have a free spirit, free mind and a free body can become the most it can be as only God can define it.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Amos 6 Prophetic Sign: Plus More: (Unedited): 10-14 Sept 2016:

Need to research and get facts on what the Baptist southern convention Churches taught in the summer of 2001. Going by memory. I think Amos was being taught during the weeks or months prior to 09/11/2001. First Baptist Church of Abbeville, Al. Need to get information on what the Southern Baptist Churches is teaching or has taught during the summer of 2016.
Research the possibility of God communicating through the Southern Baptist Church without them even being aware of it.  
Could Southern Baptist Churches be the last of the organized religions to maintain their righteousness? By actively honoring God through the rejection of all sin?
In the Bible. Where God has warned a nation or people. That there will be death and destruction. How much time typically elapsed between the First warnings and the last warning and the actual doomsday events? 
Sign of Judgement.
The day of the Lord comes.
The prophets of Israel and of New Israel (USA) must pray, fast, repent and become a righteous people in the agreeing eyes of God only.
--------OOOPs Breaking Gods Rules are ya?-----
-----Bad News China Corp----
Unable to locate website for Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
Is this a non existent and legal fictitious company in order for China to purchase
unable to access from the USA
Looks like screwball business dealings from China
---------Blah Blah Blah------
I am not including all of the regretful reporting of this sad loss.
Xinwei Technology Group
Xinwei Technology Group
Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
The Original source of inspiration is her.
My Comment on her video: Which was deleted. I included links. Sometimes that is automatic deletion. I think I will be writing about this. You will will my source of inspiration. Beginning research now. I think this is a prophetic sign. For the USA as the original name of the USA is either New Israel or New Jer-USA-lem. Remember this? Who was the arse? is it related to your comment about exiting rear of plane?
Amos 5 Israeli Satellite Lost communications. 
I now believe this is an unseen sign from God unrecognized by everyone. 
How do you lose communications with God?
How many communications related words are in the Bible Amos 5?
Is this directly tied to the actions of the USA and Marriage? I think so, nearly certain.
Offensive content warning. WARNING!!! WARNING!!!
Added on 12 Sept 2016: In relation to the book of Amos chapters 1 and 2.
What are the 3 or 4 major transgressions  against God. That the Americans have committed? When I say Americans. I do mean all of us. This is because we collectively agree upon those elected who are suppose to serve the common American citizen. So what ever becomes laws and rights are all of our collective faults.
You list the transgressions and their years.
If you read all of Amos. What do you think God is going to do to the churches or those places we humans define as holy places. Where all forms or religious transgressions occur.
Can you list three or four transgressions and their years? 
Other signs that Jesus is coming. Just watch it. It is worth 2 minutes and 8 seconds.
For advance Biblical Teachings: Yes, I do mean advanced. If your not at that level or desire to get to that level. this is the Guy. Dr. Joseph Cerreta.
When I include any outside source into any of my writings. You must assume that those outside persons, groups or organizations may or will have zero agreement in anything that I have ever written.
I'm not a prophet. I'm too deeply flawed of a human being to be one of them. I do not receive phone calls, text messages or emails from God. Which would be interesting as I do not have a cell phone. I have not looked up into the sky and seen any kind of neon sign's from God.
I just write possibilities and probabilities as I see them, read them, understand them and pray upon them. Prophets are given direct messages from God in which the prophet is not confused as to the origin of the messages, the purpose of them or the direction the prophet is to go. Once the prophets purpose or mission is complete. He or she becomes just like everyone else.
Prophets of Doom: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
 Prophets of doom shall come into your life when you have long forgotten the mentors you have rejected. 
The word use of "you" means not just you individually. But, also your family, city, state, nation and planet. If you or any other entity continues on in their sinful ways. They will find extinction. Extinction of self of family of city of nation or of planet.
The prophets of drastic and imminent doom come just before you have been judged. You will become a person who is still physically living but has had the freedom to change into a good person taken away from you. Even without your awareness or agreement.
Living Judgement: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
Living Judgement means. There is no hope for your salvation. After, you have already rejected mentors, messengers and prophets who have come to you. The living judgement also means the ability of you to freely choose to repent has been taken away.
Prophets Shall: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
You shall not silence, subdue or slay any of the prophets of God. Doing so shall invite destruction and death upon you, your family and all of your people. 
Miracles have always surrounded those who were the genuine representatives of God. When they begin to manifest their time as has been decided by only God. You will not be able to harm them without direct and most likely immediate retaliation from God. A God who is perfectly righteous. A God who is perfectly Just. It matters not if your in agreement or your feelings get seriously hurt. Know this, If you are in close proximity to  any of the coming ones of God and you have sin, hate or evil doings in your heart. You will not even have to do the dead. As those sinful, evil and hateful thoughts will be grounds enough for immediate discipline from God as He so does it in whatever manor He chooses.
This is also a warning for the churches who will suffer the certain chapters in Amos.
===Purple Words===
This is how you avert most bad and sad prophecies. 
To love one another. 
To live in peace with all. 
 To exist in harmony with everything.
To revere and cherish all life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Self Freedom: Hood Life: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2016:

Freedom from your enslaved mindset begins with your first self inspired thought being realized. 
As soon as you realize that you are capable of creative thinking without outside control or restraint. Everything about your present and future shall change if you continue to be brave and to prove your courage of self existence. Your right to exist and your right to freely think is all yours. Unless to give it all away or allow it to be squelched and controlled. Sometimes you just have to stand up even if it is for the last time.
Freedom is gained when you put into action your self inspired thoughts into realized self empowerment. 
Enslavement shall never be possible for anyone who is self realized, self inspired and self empowered.
Enslavement begins with the control over the thoughts of your own mind. A slave is not free thinking. Which is why,
The majority of young people who have lived the hood life take the mentality of the hood life with them when seeking a better life away from the dangers of hood life.
Hood life is a very dangerous trap. Down here in Florida. Transplanted hoodlums who did their very best to escape the dangerous traps of the hood life. Brought the traps with them. I hear parents all of the time say how good their children are and then are repeatedly arrested. The parents who fled the hood from where ever they came from. Brought the hood mentality with them. What do you think is going to happen when your kids lie and steal and continue to lie and deny? Where did your good kids learn this? By your permission. When you say your children are good. You do not mean good in the Biblical sense. You mean just good at being bad. Then when your children whom you rescued from those bad people up in the northern hood. Only go to school to socialize and to eat food. What do you think will become of your adult children as you declare the educational system failed in their education. This is a lie. It wasn't the educational system that failed to educated your children. It was you who failed to express the importance of education to your children. This is why your children will be worse off than you. I'm just a janitor who became one at 49 Years of age. Do you really think a 49 year old becomes a minimum wage janitor because they made the right decisions in life? Or a minimum wage stock person in a retail store? or in my case both?
The laws and traditions of the world which declare you as a servant, slave or a lesser human being. Becomes worthless when you are self realized, self inspired and self empowered. 
You are a human being. Your value as a human being can only be made by you and agreed upon by you. This goes in the same line as how I believed as a young person that I was dumb, stupid and retarded. After all I had an IQ of about 70. I knew my value as a human being and I wasn't worth educating. I new my value as an adopted member of a family. The words of my adoptive mother still ring in my head at times and even now as I write this. "We should have never adopted you". So I knew I was not worthy of love or acceptance. I can go on and on with my own negative memories as I can self torture myself with them. Foster Care in two states and the various abuses I had to endure.
Even though I write poorly and speak even worse. That my message still gets out. So as long as you my readers only take the positive messages out of what I write. It is all your free choice to take what you do.    
Yes, yes, Listen to the words of this song. Feel it and then choose to change you. You are truly awesomely beautiful and of great value. You are a divine creation of the God of Love.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Self Grown Apathy: (Unedited): 03 Sept 2016:

The new calm and peace you feel especially after unresolved stresses or torments may have their origin from your own self grown apathy. 
Living in this world is very stressful. Trying to be or being successful in this world especially when you have not been properly prepared is very stressful. Maintaining profitable employment especially when the rules change every so often is very stressful. All requiring more and more out of you.
The idea that continual education is becoming a new thought to people who have never considered it as far as advancement and promotion is concerned. This just adds to the stresses.
The idea of multiple and mutually related bachelor degrees will become more desirable for first time employment. This just adds to the stresses.
Family stresses, working spouse stresses. The difficulties of truly getting to know your spouse and your children. In other words becoming and remaining in the lives of your family.
Then people resort to smoking, alcohol and drugs. Maybe, seek the stress releases of various sorts of sins. This is often times when apathy has already begun to sprout within you. All without your awareness. Even though you may say "I don't care".
Internalized calm and peace comes from you choosing to use all of your humanity. Which means not being drunk or even partially. Which means not being drugged up and it does not matter if those drugs are legal or not. Then to seek out various kinds of sins or even those sins manifest upon you out of the internalized turmoil of your life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Russia China V. USA War: (Unedited): 06-08 Sept 2016:

The new content is near the bottom of this blog.
I think when I write in this format. It is usually for others who are better writers and researchers than I am. There are no quotes that I can see. Yes, there is a quote.
Recently, unknown things have happened between Russia, China against the USA. Guess what? it is all a secret to the civilian population of the United States and Europe. The decision has been made.
War is going to happen and I'm not so certain the USA are the good guys. What I mean is, the politicians which control this nation for the benefit of the civilian population have stirred the pot for war with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.
Additional note:
The use of directed EMP energy type of weapons will be often used in the next hot war. My use of "EMP" may be inaccurate. I see these weapons becoming a spearhead for every attack. What this means is just as technology will be used to jam or confuse RADAR's and other electronic sensors prior to or during an attack. So to will these directed energy weapons. Which seems to have been functional since public revelation around 2008. Assuming they are real. Because, there is news of the weapons system known as the "Rods of God". I find it hard to swallow even though the weapons systems would or should be easy to deploy and to guide through the atmosphere.
As has been imaged in the Holy Bible. The USA is both the most powerful nation on the planet as well as it is the most helpless. All at the same time. Although not specifically mentioned in the Bible.
The military assets of the USA can project both offensive and defensive capabilities against any foe, any where and at any time. Even multiples of foes. While at the same time the north American Continent and every American state/city is mostly helpless in any defensive capabilities against any real military action. Any action above and beyond civil disobedience will be very difficult for any law enforcement agency to engage and repel. Such as the one tactically trained shooter in Dallas Texas recently.
NOTE: Law Enforcement persons:
Because of the Dallas Texas shooting of police officers.  I just cannot imagine the stress each of you are under any more. I think before I could pretend to understand. But, now. Everything has changed.
I highly recommend that each of you go out and seek training for yourselves. In hand to hand combat against bladed weapons. All manner of tactical training. Always be mindful of Islamic persons in your local gyms and dojo's. It does not matter if they are quietly working out or employed by the gym. Islamic men do have varying hair styles and clothing styles. Just as the Islamic persons all seemed to change their appearances before and after 09/11. So to will they again. It is all deception. Any Islamic person you see in a gym. They are doing what they are doing in the hopes of being selected to be a martyr for Islam. This selection is not one which they individually make for themselves. They're no lone wolves in Islam. They each must be obedient to the ruling authority of Islam. This is why they smile and are friendly. In the hope of attaining the perfect Jihad for Allah.

NOTE: Law Enforcement families: This also includes politicians, doctors, fire fighters, rescue personnel, military, FBI and other leaders of the community.
You must be aware of your surroundings at all times. You must practice lock downs within your own homes as well as in public places. You must train your children to quietly obey when the secret code word is softly spoken.
Fire arms weapons training will be necessary as well as the advancement into tactical weapons training with a focus on defensive, evading, eluding and escape thinking processes.
These words is not to instill fear within your own families and you should not instill fear either. There are ways to teach without the buildup of fear. Because, you do not want that fear based training to become a freezing moment when any extreme emergency happens. As have been portrayed in that TV show Doomsday Preppers. Even a psycho-ologist can buy a cave for his Korean wife and daughter. After which the wife had to explain why a cave may not be such a good idea. Or the guy who builds a mirrored tree house for his wife who is skeered of heights.
Those gang members and Islamic enemy combatants already know how to react in extreme situations and they are already physically fit and ready to fight in a moment. Through their own life history as they are alive and have survived it. Their Tattoos are proof of their lifestyle.
For instance: 
In other words, If any nation like (NK)North Korea can learn how to operate their submarines in blue waters and then into the Gulf of Mexico. There is nothing the USA can do to stop it. So as long as that submarine remains in international waters. (Legally speaking).
So what does (NK)North Korea have in regards to Ballistic Missile Submarines and ballistic missiles.
NK has 10 Golf II submarines each capable of launching 3 ballistic missiles. So that can be a total of 30@830+/-KT nuclear warheads capable. Assuming a certain number of those submarines were not cannibalized to create few or only one working Golf II submarine. NK has had those Golf II submarines for a long time now. Improvements in regards to reliability and modernization should be expected. To what degree? Unknown.  Except that they might be being used to launch test missiles recently. Research the news. Especially in regards to the three launches in one day.
What does this mean in the light of NK missile launches in the direction of Japan? Well, ask any doomsday prepper and they will tell you. DUH.
Anyway, they have to traverse a half of a world or more. Ships will have to be in place to service and fuel the subs. Then they will have to make it into the Gulf of Mexico and possible hide close to the shelf corners of Pensacola or Brownsville or anywhere else. Big shelf. That is what I call it. My terminology may not be correct. As long as those submarines are on the right side of the ballistics vertical launch geometry. Nothing USA has can shoot it down. Although, The USA will see an unknown target go vertical. Then lights out and all modern technology dead for 1500 mile approximate radius. Then the two remaining nukes can be used to target desired enemy assets. Assuming the subs survive their own EMP attack. It is that really easy but not really easy. Possible yes and as the years go by possible becomes probable.
There is even another way to the USA. By following the coast north around by Russia to Alaska. One can park in the Gulf of Alaska, Another can go south towards Washington state and then one parking close to Northern California. The USA will probably see it coming but so as long as they remain in international waters. You can't do nothing legally.
The established gangs around the USA will be promised powers and authority to rule however they each will it. They will become the administrators of law and justice. They will define the rights. Who has rights? and what is right? They will become the new historical heroes of the world. That is until their usefulness comes to an end. That end will come with a religious defined end as well as a racist defined end. Put it this way. Even the Islamic men of color (African American) in the USA will never attain a preferred or respected status outside of this country. It will be because they are either white, black or Latino. It is what it is. Yes, there is racism in Islam and it will be anti-black former American. In Islam a African American will always be a second class citizen or less.
The gangs in the USA will be used, armed and trained by Islam.
The gangs of the USA will target all persons in authority and those who are not of their own race. Unless agreements have been established with other gangs.
There are 809,000+ police officers in the USA.
There are about 1,150,000 gang members in the USA.
There are 3.3 million Islamic peoples in the USA. Which means about 1 million Islamic people are enemy combatants within the USA. If you have read my Islamic research in previous writings. You already know that number of 1 million Islamic enemy combatants is probably accurate on the high end. My Islamic enemy combatant numbers do not include females. Islamic females can now attain their reward in Heaven. That reward is not something I want to discuss anymore. Can you imagine up to 250,000 attacks each within the USA, Canada and Europe on a single day called a day of Jihad.
Added on 09 Sept 2016: 
When will WW3 start?  I believe it has already started. It is a slow burn fuse. No country is ready for a global conflict. Except maybe the USA with their force projection capabilities in which every other nation combined could not compare. I do not think that is boasting. As I stated above. Something unknown happened which has caused Russia and China to decide to go through with their team up plans. In which North Korea, Iran and certain South American countries will most likely be involved in. So when will this war go hot. I would think no sooner than about 2025. This is the approximate year for both Russia and China to complete their modernization's and military build-ups.
But, what does that mean for the USA? Will the USA be the first to be eliminated. In which the USA is easy to eliminate and North Korea could realistically do it alone. Assuming they can get their modernized Golf II Ballistic Missile Submarines to North America. Without detection.
I do think the end of the USA or New Israel is imminent. While the end of the world systems of control and authority will cease sometime around 2045-2050. Human extinction will follow. Then all life when the Earth will be purified and then reborn clean. How will it happen? It doesn't matter the how. It just does. The when won't matter either as Humanity will be gone.
Added on 10 Sept 2016: Anonymous - Message to the Citizens of the World V
I just found this message this morning. It is dated 04 Sept 2016: Even Anonymous suggests that the USA may not or are not the good guys. Isn't one of the ideals of being an American is that the Americans are the good guys and always have been? Or has that become a psychological point of manipulation in controlling the population into doing what the politicians desire or plan in secret? Could the Saudi Arabia attack on Sept 11, 2001 have been an actual American inside job? Could this repeated manipulation begun during the Korean conflict, then into Vietnam and other military actions afterwards?
All the while forgetting that you cannot be honorable or being known to have integrity without first being righteous and holy in the agreeing eyes of God only.
I can tell you this. When I saw the number of apparent prostitutes with three security badges going into the Republican National Convention in Tampa Florida. I absolutely knew for certain that the claims of the Republican party of being in support of the Christian conservatives was an absolute lie and an absolute deception being ignored by the media in general. This includes those media outlets which hates the Christian agenda like CNN and MSNBC. What does this say about Fox Network which is supposed to be owned in part by Saudi Islamic interests. Then this leads to the questions as to why the Democratic party has not ever presented this easy evidence? as simply witnessed by me. A genuine nobody janitor.

Even those who support Anonymous knows that we (USA, Russia, China, world) are already at war and I agree. It doesn't matter who is right when it started. It doesn't matter who will win. It doesn't even matter who started it. The civilian populations of the world will all suffer the same way. The end result will be the same and humanity committed their own suicide. It wasn't the fault of God.
Hybrid war and little green men.
Added on 12 Oct 2016:
War to go hot soon? Do your own research. It looks like Mr. Putin is being forced into an action by our own politicians. No matter what happens. It might be a good idea to reconnect with family and friends. Offer forgiveness and make your apologies. Pray. This is one of those signs which precede a hot war. The other signs are government, military and civilian preparations for war. Which have been happening. Do your own research. All of this is still a secret to the entire American population.
President Putin recalls all Russian officials and relatives back to mother Russia. Will this be an October surprise?  Any attack to the USA cannot be prevented when the combined forces of China and Russia are mobilized. The first thing which may happen is the elimination of electricity and technology. This is an advantage that the USA has. In war all advantages must be eliminated. I think we have now crossed that point where it is now worse than the Cuban Missile crisis. I think the word Immanent. Can be used very soon.
Added on 04 May 2017:
It looks like all eyes on North Korea. Russian is massing at their North Korea/Russian border. China is said to have amassed 150,000 men all along their own border with North Korea. Russia is also massing troops in the Arctic region and in close proximity to Alaska. So will North Korea be used to begin humanities extinction process? I have read the Art of War. When you know your enemy will be prepared for war on a certain date. You should attack sooner. That date is 2025+/- a little bit for both Russia and China. Is this a ploy created by the Americans to start a war. Because not even any of the European Nations are ready for any kind of defense or attack from Russia. Israel may be the only Nation ready for war with anyone. Yet, Israel is small.
Up above. I stated we could use the word immanent very soon. Can it be used now? Because, you need to know this. When the nukes and EMP devices are loosed.  Those nuclear power plants in close proximity to the weapons used and close proximity may mean 1500 miles. There will be melt downs from many of them and a release of continuous radiation. Worse than a single nuclear weapons detonation. Russia, those threats you have made against Europe. How many Nuclear power plants do they each have and are you down wind? So do you really want to nuke anywhere in Europe? Because your own babies will begin to die and your young women will give birth to sick babies even if you do have a total victory in which songs of glory are sung.
Maybe, this is when God will purify the Earth with a fire. After humanity who was supposed to keep safe and protect the Earth. Instead humanity has poisoned and is poisoning the water and the air. The land will also become contaminated. Because, think about it. We are one species of Humanity. There is no such thing as races and nationality is only a human construct. So what one of us does we all will suffer the consequences of all of our collective actions or even inaction's. Think about that before you hide in your own DUMB COG. That DUMB COG may end being your coffin. Especially if God decides that the Earth purification process entails the entire Earth Globe is to become a liquid molten ball of fire. So how much do you love your wife, children, mother and father? Enough to stop the insanity.
Added on 14 May 2017:
It is Sunday Mothers Day. As it is reported today. North Korea has test launched another ballistic missile. There is very deep and profound meaning to this launch. One of which I'm still trying to muddle through. There are many definitions and they are all correct. The ones which are not explained are the most accurate ones. The message has been sent and on Mothers Day.
The keys to understanding the truth of this message is in the trajectory and altitude. The message is for Russia, China, South Korea and the USA. The message is in remembrance, support and a warning for each specific Nation or global organization. Primarily the message is directed at the Military and political persons of the USA.
Biblically speaking This may be more evidence to define the USA as modern day Babylon. A very powerful nation that is at the same time very nearly defenseless. North Korea just proved beyond any reasonable doubt that not even Americas most classified spy and military satellites are out of reach from North Korea. The only things which is uncertain now is terminal entry guidance or even guidance to target. If one is selected for destruction.
If I list anything in this little section. it just means it sparked an interest and may not mean anything at all. It is up to you to seek out the truth and your own direction to discover the true meaning.
Added on 17 May 2017:
I have been following the news on this North Korea Missile launch. It seems everyone reporting is concerned about whether or not a missile can reach the United States. I still do not think that was the intention of this particular launch by North Korea. I still think the message was primarily for the US Military, The CIA and the NSA. Where do they place their perspective super secret satellites? Go seek those none classified answers. If you need to know.
Just because I post any particular website does not mean it won't have it's own flavor of propaganda. Please wear your anti-propaganda glasses.
Added on 18 Oct 2017:
North Korea plans to launch new satellites for the benefit of the people. It shall become know that what is the benefit of the people s the death of up to 90% of the American population in the first year. As well as a percentage of the Canadian and Mexican populations. Due to the inaccuracies of predicting how far and how powerful an EMP burst in Low Earth orbit will be. Because of this uncertainty. North Korea will need many EMP satellites called science packages or communications devices. It may be very true that these devices will be on board but can they also hide one of those Russian EMP devices on board? YES, they can. North Korea will need EMP satellites to take out a large target list. Each place will have it's own EMP satellite to target. My list is not in any order of importance. Which will be the 2+@48/USA, ?ISS?, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Great Britain/western Europe, Japan, Australia, Maybe India. Israel. Then all the North Koreans need to do is figure out how to detonate these EMP satellite devices without causing harm to their friends Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran. And which ever nation I have forgotten. This is enough information for the smart people to figure out.
North Korean plans are revealed. China and Russia is to blame.
North Korea to build new Ballistic Missile Submarine. This news may be more than three years old. The media may be all panicky Pete and posting it worldwide now for paranoia effect. Maybe not.
China is still the key to humanities future. They are set to be the leaders of the world. China can be the ones who leads humanity to the edge of the solar system. All China needs to do is look up and go their with the proper heart, mind and spirit. China has rejected this so far and have only looked sideways for conflict, blood and resources. Thus, China is destined to be the prophetic trigger to end all of humanity. Who will be the one to squeeze that trigger? USA, North Korea or Russia? Or will China just squeeze their own trigger and cause the extinction process of humanity. Once that process begins. It won't stop unless an outside influence intervenes and not the ones which are already involved. For it is they who wants humanity to perish. Mr. Leader of China how is that dream? Mr. Putin, did you have one to? How about Mr. Trump? Saturn.
Added on: 06 March 2018: Just a note: RT banned me. LOL.
warning semi nude advertising. Seems to be an Anti-American rant. Nothing about how Russia gave North Korea nuclear EMP weapons as well as other advanced rocket technologies. LIKE GUIDANCE!!!!
Added on 07 March 2018:
Before any war goes hot. Humanities prophetic extinction can be averted.
If we all collectively decide without any fear's, threat's or intimidation's to follow the purple words below. Not because we have to but because it is the right thing to do. All based on your free choice.
Added on 26 July 2018:
Well it is now Iran's turn to fan the flames of war with the USA. Iran may have use of an Islamic weapon which can be used around the world by simply giving permission. In Islam they have a planned "Day of Jihad". I have called it an American or Western nation Tet offensive. The people in Islam are incredibly obedient to their religious leaders. To the point that if their local religious leader ordered them to sacrifice themselves. They would and if they are not given permission to sacrifice then they would not. In Islam there is no lone wolf attack. Especially if the Islamic person is given a full Islamic funeral. An Iranian military leader Major-General Qassem Soleimani has communicated to President Donald Trump in a threatening way. If Iran does have the power to give permission and to order every Islamic person to wage war however they see fit . Then a very large majority will do so. The end of the western world begins as there is no defense against millions of people going in millions of directions killing and destroying. 
But, it is still to early as both Russia and China are not ready to do their parts in a war against the USA. So I would expect that both Russia and China cause Iran to understand that they need to calm down. North Korea if they do launch their new Bright Star Satellite this year may actually contain a secondary device known as a nuclear EMP bomb. This cannot be allowed. Without any open and verifiable inspections with constant and reliable security.
Unable to find anything on "Day of Jihad". This idea seems to have been scrubbed.
There is now no news in regards to North Korea launching a new satellite later this year or 2018: Possibly scrubbed or fake news earlier in the year or The Prez did good.
Added on 30 Nov 2018: Quora Content.
Original Question: Will nuclear weapons be used in World War 3?
Answer: Yes, most nations use small tactical nuclear weapons. These will be used for tactical advantage in the sea, land, air and in space. This is considered very survivable. Even though most civilians think the whole planet is going to explode. So far more than 2,000 nuclear weapons have been tested in or on the world. This include an approximate half power Tsar Bomba by Russia. Which blew out about 1% of the Earth's atmosphere into space. Yep, that happened. Also, if a nation is losing it can be expected that the losing nation will use their own “Dead Hand” plan. Which will include all aspects of classified NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical. These are usually very classified and have evolved and or changed or have been added to, over the last 50–70 years. Yes, The USA had/have their own and called it something else. Each or some European nation(s) most likely had their own as well.
Yes, Nuclear weapons will be used and Russia is said to be building their *TSAR Bomba (many?) in full capacity or a very modernized greater capacity. Including weapons worse than nuclear like biological and chemical. The biological and chemical that the common person has seen in the media in the last 30 -40 years. Were just chemical weapons used by amateurs or elementary school children(symbolic) in comparison to what the USA, Russia, Europe and China has and will evolve in their own creations. The other worse weapons and their after effects is DEW (Directed Energy Weapons). DEW is not just LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). DEW is the full range of any frequency within the radio spectrum and in some classified cases outside of the radio spectrum. All frequencies can be weaponized and it seems that Russia has weaponized some or much of the radio spectrum to cause particular effects upon different things and flesh. These are very concerning when you apply a lot of power into a very small stream and then aiming it at things or people. In typically known protections in warfare are no longer suitable with DEW, which is not LASER only. Think about your microwave oven. What happens when you put something cold inside? What happens when you put metal inside? Think about other questions without actually doing them? Like causing living human beings inside of a ship to begin to cook from the inside out and cause any metal object to begin to react to the DEW causing fires, explosions and circuitry to burn out. Think about weaponized medical MRI devices and how MRI can even react to medical radioactive isotopes purposefully put into the human body to see other specific effect illnesses. These can be weaponized for warfare. So if a plane is carrying (a) or many nuclear weapons and a microwave type of DEW is used against the offending plane. Will the nuclear material react to the DEW and how? Can you make a nuclear material detonate from a distance with a DEW? Can you cook and kill all living persons inside of a military or civilian compound/building without causing damage to the compound/building? Can you capture warships with these devices? Can you disable and cook entire invasion forces upon the sea, land, air or space?
Lets not forget the EMP weapons. A nuclear EMP weapon can be launched in some classified LEO(Low Earth Orbit) and detonated. In which all modern day electronics everywhere on a land mass approximate the size of the USA 48 states would permanently go dead. This means all electronics everywhere becomes unrepairable. To the degree that not electronic parts can be salvageable or cannibalized for future uses. But, a nation which conducts such an attack is gonna use a variety of devices at a variety of altitudes and in a variety of places to coincide with the using of other DEW and already embedded special forces units. Then comes the MIRVed (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) Nuclear missiles.

Notes: * The remaking of the Russian Tsar Bomba for underwater use is most likely thought of as a better use where collateral effects will be minimized against themselves. That is because that the single tested use of the approximate half power TSAR Bomba blew away about 1% of the Earth's atmosphere(Repeat on purpose). So to use the TSAR Bomba underwater to cause tsunami effects against the enemy is thought to be the better use option. But, the propagation of the energy in water will cause the Tsunami to travel in all directions as well as cause other effects including localized or global plate tectonic effects or massive underwater landslides. The use of one TSAR Bomba like device could even cause a global cascade effect in some undetermined way. Which may even have an effect on every mountain chain in the world.

The below information is not Plagiarism. The content is not mine and is for educational purposes only.
The Nuclear Testing Tally
Dead Hand - Wikipedia
To love one another.
To live in peace with all.
To exist in harmony with everything.
To cherish all life. 
To obey the laws of God.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 