Showing posts with label Compassion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compassion. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Love Lust: (Edited): Teen Rated Warning: 06 Feb 2013:

Lust often begins when that which is searched for is easily seen. Love often begins when that which is not easily seen is discovered. C.J.MacKechnie
Lust always begins when you seek and search for those physical traits which are acceptable to you and then you give into those physical feelings. Knowing the mind of that person isn't of any importance. Knowing the heart of that person isn't even a concern. Knowing the spirit of the person may not even be believed. The spirit, the heart and the mind of a person is and can be of more importance than only the physical traits easily seen outwardly.
The mind of a person is necessary to know before you decide to give a person your time. The traits of a person in their outward life, such as honesty, dependability, reliability, loyalty, integrity, confidence and others.
The heart of a person is necessary to know before you decide to give your own heart to a person, such as compassion, love, mercy, empathy, forgiveness, affection, warm-heartedness, devotion, courage, trust, tenacity and others.
The spirit of a person is necessary to know before you can give all of who you are to the one who shall be your one and only, such as their connection to the Divine, vision, principles, openness, commitment, steadfastness, persistence, gentleness, patience, faithfulness and others.
It is important for you to make wise decisions in your life, especially if you desire that one true love with whom you can begin your own family and walk hand-in-hand with even when you have been rewarded with crowns of silver.
Always giving into your lusts may in fact prevent the love of your life/soul mate ever to be known. What if the love of your life/soul mate is not womanly or manly enough for you? Yes, you may know physical pleasures that you could not know with him or her. But, you will never know the heights of the heart, the mind and the spirit. How much is that for a loss or absence in your life? Choose love over lusts. The growth of love grows forever in life. Whereas lusts fades over time and the bodies age becomes limited. Love is forever.

What is deemed important in your culture may actually be of zero importance in life. In fact, your acceptance of a cultural wrong may be harmful to you in regard to your physical, mental and spiritual health. Do not settle for lust's pleasures when it will cost you the love of your life and the loss of your soul mate.

Happy Valentine's day

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Light Limit: (Unedited): 20 Jan 2013:

Just a star lights glimpse of the Divine. Causes you to know the limits of your own mind. C.J.MacKechnie
Can you imagine Moses only being able to see the back side of GOD? No, really think about this. The God of our creation is so much more advanced than we are that HE has to limit His contact with us. Just to prevent our own destruction. How incredible is that.
Then in our flawed and incredibly weak humanity blame God for all of our woes and troubles. We blame God and never even realize why His contact is extremely minimal. His care and compassion for us is incredibly delicate. Maybe in a few hundred thousand years. We can have physical contact with the Divine.
Our life in this heaven is predicated by all of our collective choices.  God has sent his messengers to teach us. Love, Peace, harmony and life. These are that which is logically important. So, that we do not self destruct.


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Friday, January 4, 2013

Lifting Up:(Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Uplifting another spirit is the love and compassion we should all share with one another. C.J.MacKechnie 
The Christ servitude. Is all about lifting up a poor soul. So that they can see the true light of GOD for themselves. Then empowering that former poor soul to do as Jesus had done for them. Outwardly expressing  love, compassion, mercy and kindness. That is and always will be the only true sign of a real Christian.
Mercy and kindness we should all share with one another. This is just some of the essential foundations to any civilization. To be civil towards one another even if they are different in some minor way or even live in a far away land or on a different celestial body. Greetings of friendship should always begin, maintain or even conclude a relationship.
To be cynical of everything breeds distrust of others for you. To be rude, mean and cruel will just cause people to flee from your presence at all times. Leaving you alone with your mean cynicism.  Wars are always started with selfish greed by the rulers of that described evil lands of evil people. Who seem to always proclaim peace for all at the conclusion of the wars started.
Long lasting peace can only come when the common people base their life in love, harmony and have a deep respect for the importance of all life. Then it will matter not what the selfish rulers want. Wars can only happen if the common people are willing to fight and die for the lies and deceptions of the rulers words. Peace cannot come from warfare ever. Unless absolute extinction of all life occurs. Then there will be absolute peace. If there is one survivor or even one fearful observer then revenge and war preparations will be made. So, peace will never last long by the tip of the sword.
Christianity and Islam are still fighting the crusades today. Or is it the unholy rulers of both sides who are just using the religions as their tools to motivate the common peoples to go to war on their behalf?
It's always about the money, the lands, the power, the control, the resources, The authority, The total wealth. War is always about the few who want the most. Even in negotiated peace treaties. The few on both sides will profit in some way. While the common people on the declared winning side have fought and died receive nothing but a minute pay check. While the common people on the declared losing side have fought and died receive nothing but maybe a minute paycheck. The wives and mothers of the common soldier who has fallen. Each equally mourn their losses. No matter which side they are on.
Repent and flee from all of your sin. Pray and meditate often and daily.  You the common man who is a warrior or soldier. lay down your weapons and Go home and live your life in peace with your family and people.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Timed Emotions: (Unedited): 27 May 2010:

Your feelings will always lag your thinking and your thinking will always lead your emotional state. No matter if the thought is current or a memory. C.J.MacKechnie 
This can be difficult to understand as it involves those who are normal minded, Mentally Ill and gifted. To simply sum this up. That which you are thinking always precedes your emotions, every single time. Those who have been factually proven to be mentally ill via various brain scans which determine brain defects and brain damage. The signals could become mixed up as in no emotional response to any thinking process. A continuous flood of emotions which are unrelated to a particular and specific thought. This also includes other responses in various degrees, orders and timings.
For the gifted person who are the natural em-paths. Without any factual proven diagnostics tests. The natural empath can be declared to be of a various mental disorders such as bipolar. Then these gifted persons are drugged into emotional oblivion and their brains electrocuted until they feel nothing anymore. Most often then not these persons who have been deemed to be bipolar may in fact be naturally empathic and not even be aware of it.
It needs to be known that being empathic is one of the first Christ gifts. The gift of knowing another persons feelings in order to express love, compassion, Kindness and mercy is essential to the teachings of Jesus. When the Christian person or any other person whom GOD chooses is gifted with this gift of being empathic. It is often time accompanied by zero information from GOD and denounced by the church as witchcraft. Which neither is helpful. But, for whichever reason for God's part is something I am not going to question outwardly.
This is where active and continuous prayer and meditation is necessary in order to learn about all of the gifts from GOD by GOD and taught by GOD.
Being empathic is not a disability, defect and it is not proof that something is wrong with you. On the contrary. There is something very right with you and GOD has chosen to give you this gift and others.
The evidence of being an empath is varied.
You strongly feel the emotions of your loved ones and close friends before any normal means of communications has been made.
When traveling through crowded places. You feel a myriad of whispering and fleeting emotions flow through you. While thinking about a specific task.
When going to an away game of your favorite team. You feel like you want to cheer for the other team and may even get caught up in the emotions of a score made over your team.
Getting distance from people is peaceful for you. Such as fishing or hunting. You may not even want to hunt or fish as you may be so sensitive. That you even feel their death.
You may get childishly happy by driving close to a school or any place which has many children playing.
When driving by a hospital, jail or any other place where sadness is prevalent, you feel it all as well.
You feel adventurous when driving by an airport.
When everyone is asleep. You awaken to the peace and quiet. You may even stay awake while everyone sleeps. just to start clearing your own brain. 

These are all normal. and there is more. To learn how to control them. You need to actively and continuously practice prayer and meditation on a regular basis.
Simply put.
Prayer is you talking. To God.
Meditation is you listening. To God.


 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Your Spiritual Tree: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

From a tiny seed of creativity deeply rooted within your mind. Nourished with love, compassion and mercy from the outpouring of your heart. A full great spiritual tree will be realized and joyfully embraced by others to admire. C.J.MacKechnie 
 A simple idea is a seed which needs much attention to grow into an idea of wonderful complexity. From this one simple idea. It can grow beyond the limits of your own mind and into this world in which reality is created. As with anything which has every been created by Man. It was first just a simple idea. Then a plan was formed and materials gathered. Then the idea was manufactured into a realized entity in this reality.
An idea which is fed with love, kindness, compassion and mercy. Grows into a wondrously beautiful thing. While the idea fed with hatred, anger, evil intentions and murder. Grows into a flaming and smoking tree of death and despair. 
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Passions Feel: (Unedited): 15 April 2010:

Intense passion is the reaction from the love you feel. C.J.MacKechnie 
From the love you feel. Causes any good person to give it back. Through outward expressions of compassion and passion. Passion is not just intimacy. It is the passion you have in your own daily work and duties.
To take this a step forward. To unconditionally give your love, your compassion and your passion without any expectation of it's return is the Christ's level of love giving. Just by giving your love away, does indeed open up that person who receives it. No matter their internal intent of how and why they receive your free gift of love. The change to them shall come. In the time of their destined awakening.
Even if you receive rudeness, anger, claims of your foolishness or other accusations in return. just know that by them simply receiving your gift of love. Is like a seed placed within them to grow in it's own time.  Eventually, that one seed of love you have given freely, may spring forth in a lovely outward expression.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Apathy's Cure: (Unedited): 23 Dec 2012:

Apathy's cure means, your humanities re-emergence. C.J.MacKechnie
When you begin to care again. You become reacquainted with your humanity. Even if  the strongest emotions is anger and hatred. From there you can evolve into those more healing and calming emotions of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness.  
When you begin to care about the self. This will also evolve into caring about other peoples needs as well. You will eventually begin to lose the desire to hurt and harm other people. This is assuming you allow yourself to think and believe that love, caring, mercy and compassion is not weak but a strong emotion. Strong enough to prevent extinction. Where as the disease of apathy spreads itself throughout the entire population of a planet and then the extinction process begins. The whole people are unaware and cares not. They just have the thirst for more anger, more hatred and more violence. maybe even welcome death as a preferred event.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Get your hanky ready.
The National Problem with the Foster care system would end when 500,000 good Christian families become foster parents. If that were to happen. The national crime rates and gang populations would go down steadily.
This is not a problem in a few states. It is with every state in the USA and the world.
The pharmacology used against children is in itself a hells prison.
Even if you cant be a foster parent or even an adoptive parent. Mentor a foster kid and not treat them like they will be the Future Criminals of America (FCA). Kids tend to become what you expect of them to be.
:Be Sure to share and to Spread this information:


I was born to an unwed mother in 1965 Arizona. Before, I was born,. The birth father wanted my birth mother to go get the problem fixed. In which about a 45 minute drive south across the border and the problem would be solved.
I spent 5 months in the Arizona foster care system. Where I endured some kind of abuse. I assume it is related to the 20/900+ eye sight I had.
Then I was adopted by what appeared to be the perfect family.

I'll write more later. It late tonight.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Death Walking: (Unedited): 14 Aug 2012:

The death of a child can often times be seen in the empty shells of walking adults. C.J.MacKechnie
Loses and abuses can be so traumatic for a person. They often become temporary smiling shells of walking humanity. The death of a child is an awful thing for any parent to experience. The death of a kids own childhood. Can lead that young person to become an empty shell of adulthood. So full of nothing, That not even apathy can fill the void. 
Ive in my history witnessed many deaths. Both physical and emotional. Some become the walking dead. This means they just exist in life as some lower animals do. Their early death is a sort of misguided and deceptive freedom from this life of living hell. In which no one seems to care, another false perception. They seem to be to broken, to un-socialized, to feral for  any good persons compassion or love, kindness or friendship. When a friendly kind person makes their way. It is often only kindness and compassion in the moment. The lesson of the good Samaritan is forgotten. Especially in regards to the time it took for healing and recuperation. It seems that many Christians seems to think a good dead is only the writing of a check or should only last for the duration of the purchasing of a McDonald's meal.
A person who has experienced more abuse than you the reader could handle. Needs friendship, guidance and mentoring more than the cash your willing to give. Because, When you give a person full of emptiness  your cash. They forget you quicker than you have forgotten them. Logically, Spiritually, emotionally and physically. What positive benefits have you the giver actually given? Something of great importance or of minimal value? The selfishness of giving money benefits you more than the tormented soul who received your money. You the giver will feel better for days, weeks and even years for the continuous giving of the loose change which is of little importance to you. You may never realize this. But, the giving of your loose change. This may be more of a dis-service to the tormented soul than it is to give nothing at all. Thus, prolonging their self tormented hell of a life. Unless, a person is critically ill. A person will not starve themselves when given the opportunity to save themselves. In the USA the land of many Opportunities. There is always an option for a person to save themselves.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Love fabric: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2012:

Love is the fabric on which we embroider the most important words of our lives. C.J.MacKechnie
Talk to anyone who sews. You cannot embroider anything without the fabric. The Fabric is Love. Then everything else can be embroidered on to it. Such as peace, harmony, Kindness, Compassion, friendliness, Patience, gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Self Control, faithfulness, 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck driver":

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tested Leader: (unedited): 28 April 2007

A man/woman who is to be a leader. Shall be constantly tested. By GOD and by those who choose to follow. The leaders morals, honor, integrity, compassion, commitment, self control and self discipline shall be tested. The leaders ability to teach, inspire and motivate shall also be tested. C.J.MacKechnie
NOTE: A true and good leader must have more than the education from the best acceptable schools, be born into the family with the good or proclaimed holy or royal blood line, They must have more than a pretty face or perfect hair. A person who only looks good when they speak. Is not enough evidence of a leader.
Added on 23 Oct 2015: A good leader is one who takes care of their own, supports their own and leads their own through being the example.
When any kind of unfortunate disaster happens they seem to always assume total blame. Unlike politicians where torture, death, destruction and embarrassment has occurred.  Those politicians seem to always assign blame else where or try to lessen the importance of those unfortunate events.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Forgiven Proclamation: (unedited) 29 July 2012

Forgiveness is more important to the the person who has been hurt, abused, tortured or victimized.
Forgiving is a way for the abused person who endures daily from the aftermath of those tragic event(s).
Forgiving the bad person/people eases the spirit, mind and body.
Forgiveness is not conditional of the bad persons agreement or acceptance of the abused persons proclamation of the bad person being forgiven. as a matter of fact the bad person no longer matters.
The hurt, victimized or abused person does not have to search out the bad person to proclaim forgiveness of them.
However, the bad person should seek out those whom they have harmed in a formerly agreed upon manor. Then apologize and then repay. The hurt, victimized or abused person does not have to meet the bad person in person. Forgiveness can be relayed via message from the bad person to the good person.  The bad person who seeks and is denied. Still can seek forgiveness through GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather. The bad person still needs to repay even to the degree that it hurts. I'm not talking about money. Although, that is a part of it, with interest. The bad person who is becoming a good person. Must repay until he/she no longer feels guilt. The key of when this happens is when they continue to do works of goodness and have joy from it. There will be no sense of repayment or debt to be paid.
The formerly bad person will have to endure hells memory of his/her actions until his death. Your memory is your prison. Unless, you escape from your memories via chemicals, drinks and drugs (Any mind altering substance), which includes foods. It matters not the legality. Then there maybe a spiritual cost. Which means your loving and compassionate heavenly Father becomes your JUDGE. Then it Will suck to be you.

NOTES: Doing good works because you feel that you have to. May have no bearing on your spiritual destiny. I do not speak for GOD or speak on how GOD will decide upon your own fate. That is solely GOD. Logically balancing out your debts with good works. Never works for you personally. Even though the good works that you do, are real good works and help people directly in real time. Doing works out of genuine love and compassion may work as judged and defined by GOD. Pretending to love and have compassion in this physical life, May become extra ammunition for God's judgement against you. You must have true genuine love and compassion as Jesus had.
You can spend 50 years dedicating your miserable life in the helping of others and you may be very successful. If there is no love within you or only deceptive love outward from you. It will mean nothing for you. Even though you had saved lives. But, in that final moment of your life. If you just give a simple cup of water to a thirsty person who needed it and in that moment you had genuine love, compassion and cared for that person. That cup of water will mean more for you than all of your previous 50 years as a do gooder. (Yes, Gooder is a word, if it is not in your dictionary then write it in.). Even if that person has no memory of you or the cup of water. My words does not mean you should not have to do 50 years of good works. You may be so hard headed and hard hearted that 50 years of doing good works leads to that moment of genuine love but, then again. You may be so hard hearted that you never love. I hope for you to love. Even if your moment of genuine loves expression ends your physical life horrifically. It still would be better for you. WOW. Long Note. C.J.MacKechnie