Sunday, October 11, 2015

Schools Dream: 10 Oct 2015:

Last night dream. 09 Oct 2015: Very rough sleep. Very difficult to wake up in the sun. Not typical.
I see what looks to be great wide open fields of grasses. Close by a highway/interstate and close by a couple of large commercial buildings. Which appear to be a school or schools. maybe elementary/middle-school or middle-school/high-school.
I was anguished and felt panicked.
Added on 13 Oct 2015:
No new information of the above dream.
Will there be a major terrorist attack in some school somewhere? Maybe and most likely. The after effects of such a brutal attack upon children.
There were not enough security cameras. To see what was going on within the school at the time of the attack.
I saw a 3D representation of a video which showed where everyone was within a classroom. Without the use of typical security cameras. All done with computers desk tops and laptops. There was a program which brought all of the classroom videos together into a single image to show all that was happening within the classroom.
Every computer monitor within the class room had a camera installed. It was wired with it's own dedicated power supply and it's own direct connect internet access. No extra cables were visible. All internal wired. The cameras had their own addresses. Thus the external ability to control them.
So if a bad person entered the room. They would have to completely destroy the monitor. Instead of a single bullet into each monitor or at the onset completely disable all internet access to the school.
In this view of the classroom I saw. I saw a replacement of the dry erase board with a giant monitor. The monitor had a camera. Every student and teacher had their own classroom computer monitor with camera.
I can also see new fire alarms, smoke alarms and motion detectors with their own built-in cameras.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
Looking down while spiritually looking up shall prevent any sand-traps which comes before you.
What is on your mind is in your spirit.
The wise leader should choose the respectful inferior or the arrogant superior.
This is how to avert the total extinction of humanity. By your free choice and free will.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Silent Prophets: Judgement Occurred: Unbearable Silence: (Edited): 09 Oct 2015:

The prophets of God who become silent in the midst of turmoil are an indication that prophecies are no longer needed. As the hearts of all men have become hardened and the minds of all men have become bull-headed, the fate of humanity has chosen for itself shall manifest. Death, Destruction, Disaster, Disease.
Judgement Occurred: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015:
The silence of God and of His angels shall be assumed by His chosen prophets that Judgement has already occurred.
Unbearable Silence: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015: 
The silence of God and of His angels shall be unbearable to his chosen prophets. 
Because, after judgement has already been decided, what more can be said by the Holy Judge? Especially, to those who have already hardened their own hearts and have become bullheaded in their own minds.
Added on 16 Oct 2015: This section unedited.
I was just watching informed Christians on YouTube. I have only recently subscribed. Have you ever had that aha moment? I do all of the time. Even though I write poorly. There are many times I write and have no clue what any of it means. Such as the above content. Wait a minute I gotta go read it again. Scroll up time. I'm back. Christians basically teach. You will be judged upon your death. That is loosely taught. But, that is not necessarily true. maybe, this is a steep learning curve for me as I have never really considered the when of Judgement and have always assumed that upon my death. I shall be judged.
But, in real life and in real Israeli and world history according to the Holy Bible. Judgement always preceded Death of anyone, any city, any nation and any people. The cause has always been disobedience to the Laws of God. PERIOD. The judgement of God can happen at any time before your physical death. Just look at all of the old testament kings who were judged for their disobedience. Nebuchadnezzar DNA was apparently altered in a living judgement by God. Especially, after he declared (My Paraphrase)"I did This" with great pride and arrogance. Research and go read for yourself. (Hint. It has only been recently that we can apply some kind of rudimentary scientific understanding to this. Did God cause the arrogant king to become an insane mutant bird man for a time? can you imagine that? and then God caused the poor king to revert back to normal. This living Judgement of God was for a great and prideful king. What kind of living judgement would God apply to the common person? What about the perpetual disobedient person. Would God disallow freedom of change to a good and obedient person? I think so but I'm not God nor am I His agent to tell Him what he can and cannot do. I see people who are incapable of change all of the time and yet they cannot fathom why their life is so awful. I see it like that human god pharaoh during the time of Moses. God told Moses that he was going to prevent the living human god Pharaoh to relent. Go check it out. No hints this time and don't believe me. Go look. How many times?

 In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults survived out of all of the human beings. Including all of those human babies, cute kitties and adorable puppies. All of which you would have declared was worth saving of all of those innocent lives. There may have been up to 1 billion people on the planet. Yes, I know that number can be argued. The point is the God defined remnant which was saved was 8 out of how ever many humans were on the planet at that time. Today, There are more than 7 billion human beings on this planet. In which the prophecies in the Holy Bible states that a remnant will be saved. Assuming correct interpretation. As it was during the time of Jesus. Those who knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah were confounded. I believe yet again. The modern day theologian will also be confounded at the prophetic event to yet come.

Are we in the time of Noah? Well there is still argument on that. I'm in the boat for that argument. The one last thing which will prove that we are truly in the times of Noah is the return of the fallen angels into the consciousness of every common person on this planet. The Bible says as it was in the time of Noah. So to ...  The one thing we all forget is the fallen angels were openly amongst all of humanity. They were having their encounters with human women. The rest I will leave for you to read in Genesis as well as Enoch.
So what do we know about all of the seals in the Christian prophecies. A whole lot of people are gonna die in a very short period of time. Can you say for certain just how God is gonna define remnant yet again? If you do the math in the Bible. You will come up with immediate effect on life lost. The Bible does not include what life is lost after each event. In which more life can be lost after each event then during each event. We do know that God must intervene in order to prevent extinction.  
Note: I do not believe that the book of Enoch should be included in the Holy Bible. It should stand alone and thoroughly questioned. As it is now. By those who are way smarter than me.
This where I was flooded with Judgement. (Get it). Thank you for your inspirations and understanding of the quotes I've written.
3 Hours of Enoch

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pivots Divots: Aggressive Pivots: Seeking Pivots: Divot Crap: (Edited): 08 Oct 2015:

The pivots you seek may become the divots which cause you to stumble. 
As in anything prophetic, looking for the signs of the times is the same as looking for any pivot points or divots in the turf or sand. They have all already happened and are in the past. What is important is your present state of being. In this presence where you are present is the only place in time where the most profound changes can be made within you and the rest of the world. Part of that is where those purple words below come into play.
Aggressive Pivots: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
The aggressive pivots that thoughtless people make create deep divots that others will need to avoid.
Genuinely respecting the grass you play upon - no matter the name of the field, the official use of the field or the quality of the field - shows the quality of the person you are. It matters not if you're an amateur, student, novice or professional.
Seeking Pivots: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
The pivots you seek in others are less real to you then the divots in your own life.
Sometimes we become so concerned with the pivot points in other people's lives that we forget about those deep divots of our own ugliness in our own lives. Judging whether a person has had a genuine pivot point in his own life is something which may be important to know. But looking at those who have had a history of failure while ignoring your own or covering up your own divots in life may be very disingenuous.
Divot Crap: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015: 
Covering up your divots with any kind of crap still stinks badly.
This is just obvious.
You always make your divots as they were before you screwed up. You make it exactly as if you were never there. With grass, over time, this can happen. But with people, the harm, pain and suffering you have caused may never be completely healed from. Of course this is in degrees and those degrees cannot be defined by you, only by those who were harmed by you.
But as with anything, even grass, you can replace it, water it, fertilize it and add good soil. There will be that time that the harmed grass must do it's part and grow on it's own, even while other unknown things trample upon it on a regular basis.
But look out and observe that special kind of grass, the kind of grass that has been trampled, beaten and ripped up so many times but that still lives and even thrives. These kinds of people may be the kinds of people whom you need around you in some capacity. These are the ones who always seek out the light of goodness, who dig deep into the rich soil. They just don't ever give up or give in or quit or stop or run away. They are ever-present. It doesn't matter what ignorant amateur with prideful degrees slings at them from a dozen yards away, they always seem to continue on. These are the ones you need around you so that you can keep your own pride in check. This is not in reference to bad people who always act badly. You will know these types of people whom I refer to. They have survived great sufferings and yet do for others without any expectant reward. Their smiles are deeply genuine.
Added on 08 Oct 2015@1851 Eastern.
This entire work has been republished on :
Under the Politics heading: Go figure: I guess that is where my divots lay.
Go read for your daily Golf news.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Dr. John Fifty: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2015:

Good Defined: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2015:
I choose to be defined by my new and good memories.
Well, I'm Fifty. Never thought I would live past twenty four. I'm still on this life Journey which seems to be not mine. But, I'm now OK with this ride. I've become a husband of more than 25 years. I'm a father of 3 awesome men and one beautiful daughter who stole my heart. Apparently I've become a writer who doesn't know how to write. Go Figure. Today, I'm very thankful to have had a life as rich as I have had so far. Very thankful. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone else. But the last 25 years was good. I've always had work and always worked hard. Could have been better but there has been to much to overcome while at the same time trying and failing to support my wife and kids. Family, the one thing I always wanted and had to learn how to be a member of one.
Today, My lightning burns on my left temple decided to show their elusive selves today. It kind of looks like a two branched tree. No leaves. I guess it's my only tat. Maybe, my brother will like this revelation. That his tat-less brother has a secret one. I showed my very excited daughter. I think that was the entry. The exit was elsewhere.
I started reflecting on this life journey and how it is just not logically possible I survived. Or how I can save Mr. G group home family, bad stuck 4X4's. By doing all of the wrong things at the wrong time and yet still be able to meet up with all of the right people at the right time in the Oldsmar mud. That's a story where the door opens as i fly through it. And how is it that a 18 wheeler truck driver gets back there? just to give me a ride? Really. I would never had done that, ever. Maybe, something spooky? probably not.
Yea, read those words on the right column. That is the limited version.
Dr. John.
It seems those that have endured the most abuse have the most bad memories. It is easy for those who have endured the most hardship to identify themselves by the kind of memories they have. The vast majority of my memories were bad. So i identified myself as bad. But, once i started to create good memories and to act with good manners. The bad memories began to fade away and the belief that I may actually be good began to grow and develop within me. So to other concepts such as Honor, respect.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Common Insanity: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2015:

When insanity becomes the common manner in which the majority of people tend to think. Those who are reasonably logical shall be seen as the ones who are insane.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Intelligent Immunity: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2015:

Super intelligent people are not immune to their own internalized ignorance or outward actions of stupidity. 
Just because a person is intelligent does not mean they are immune to ignorance or stupidity. This even includes those who are educated beyond their natural intelligence and psychological levels.
I have met and known many people who considered Mensa membership an insult. Yet, with their individual IQ's higher than the top .1% of the world. None of them were immune to their own wrong actions and incorrect thinking processes. Which is apparently easily seen by those who have an IQ half of what the super intelligent people have. These super intelligent people still suffer from addictions, adulteries(Sins), divorces and psychological defects. In other words they are just like everyone else. Except they have created a bubble of false supreme superiority over everyone else. Yet, their advice and leadership in our modern world today is yet again bringing all of humanity on the brink to total extinction.
While completely denying any aspect to any God or gods and any sort of defined righteousness which goes along with them. So these super intelligent people seem to automatically assume that any sin is OK since there are no gods or a God. This is internalized ignorance at it's finest. Because, the end result is death and or extinction at the various levels within this kind of decision making process. It also de-evolves everyone down to base animalistic instincts. This also causes everyone to question every law ever created. Why should I obey any law of any man? This will lead to absolute and immediate enforcement of all laws through instant death by enforcers. These enforcers shall be the evolution of the police officer. Do we really want to go in this flawed line of thinking? Is the civilian population beginning to see the increase of police on civilian killings? It will get to the point. Where if any police officer pulls over or confronts any civilian. There will be shootings.
In any godless society. There will be UN-reasoned death. There will be spontaneous chaos masked as demonstrations. There will be armed conflicts from neighborhoods against any law enforcement persons.
In order for all of life to survive. Humanity needs to follow the purple words. All without fear, intimidation or threat. We each must use our own free reasoned will to follow through. 
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Life Worth: Worthless Life: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2015:

A few years ago. I had thinking's of thoughts that Detroit Michigan and then Michigan would become Islamic. I had no idea how and thought those thinking's to be absurd. Well, Of course anything after the fact cannot be used as anything prophetic. Not that I have any desire to be right on any bad and sad prophecy. Because, any man decided bad and sad prophecy can be mitigated, managed and prevented in their entirety. Just as when a mentor speaks to any young person in regards to hope and joyous wonders of their potential future endeavors. Those to are equally possible. If the young person just follows their gifts, obtain that employable college education. Develop a strong work ethic. Stay away from all drugs and alcohol. Then maybe a wonderful future is possible if not probable.if that young persons just believes a little bit and follows the mentors advice. The mentor expresses working hard, stay focused, no drugs or alcohol. While the prophet usually comes in after the fact. Proclaiming you screwed up and this is what is about to happen. You have very little or no time to change your ways. If that person, country or people have not hardened their hearts and have become bull headed. Then maybe, they do change their evil ways and their bad decisions. Thus, averting the worse of the bad and sad prophecies. Maybe, If they catch it before any doom like events. They all can be averted. If not mitigated and managed to a degree. The point is to save lives and to promote life for everyone. It matters not who you were born to or even where you were born.
Life Worth: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2015:
A life worth living comes to those who believes their life has worth. 
Worthless Life: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2015: 
Those who believe and work for the destruction of any kind of worthless life. Eventually prevents anyone from having a life worth living.  
The politicians of Michigan may continue to encourage the Syrian Refugees to come into the USA. preferably to Michigan. What will follow those refugees is Federal monies and the new jobs which will manifest for government workers needed to manage the federal cash as well as the Syrian refugees. Yes, many refugees will want peace as dictated by their religion and will strive to live as peacefully as possible. But, the majority will want no peace. They only thirst for blood, death and destruction. In time as their numbers grow at 8? children per couple. The Christian and other Americans will only have less than 2 children per couple. Their will be a great flight from Michigan which shall include wealth. Their will be white flight as well as everyone who is not Islamic flight. In time the entire state of Michigan shall become Islamic. The state of Michigan may even declare itself as a solely independent Islamic state. There may be a divide from those in the upper peninsula. Where as the upper remains tied to the United States. There will be great physical conflict and internal argument as they will be forced to become Islamic or die. You realize. This is a decade or three down the road. Most likely not 30 years and probably not 10 years. Once the Islamic population achieve numbers greater than 30% of the population of Michigan. All of your freedoms, education, medical care, justice, rights, privacy, safety and security are lost. This may be one of the precursors to the prophetic American Tet offensive.


To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lost Winds: Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015:

Saudi King and Prince's shall fall like the sands of a dust storm which loses it's driving winds. 
The entire royal family line shall flee from their safe places and hide like the dead Iraqi dictator. They all may become extinct. If any makes it to the USA. They better be able to hide in plain site in rural areas. Canada may be a better hiding place but not likely as every Muslim will want the reward money. You can forget about anywhere western Europe.
All Saudi Military assets shall become owned by Russia, China, Iran. The newest technologies and capabilities from the USA shall be added to the Russian and Chinese existing assets. Assimilation and added advantage in less than five years.
Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015: 
The invasion of western Europe by blood thirsty Hyenas has already begun under a guise. The death of all that is Western European is at hand. 
 This sole distraction will prevent any western European nation from assisting in any way the suffering and helpless United States (USA) when they are being destroyed. It shall be the good American people who suffer the most as the American politicians has sold out their entire country and caused it's own destruction. All American politicians shall be hunted and even killed by their own governmental security teams. Before, The destruction of the USA begins. You Traitorous politicians and your families had better be as far away from any USA asset as possible. If you want your gene pool to survive. The American people will thirst for revenge and no true red blooded American will protect you and your families. They all will be a threat to all of your personal lives.
(I don't think I have written in this manor before). The purple is the way to live your life. Forgiveness and not revenge. This is not a hope that I want. It is merely what I see coming during these times of great revelations. Timing is everything. When the common person begins to discover all of the foreign assets which belong to the American politicians. The end is coming soon for you and for the USA.
Added on 27 Dec 2015:
Added on 11 Jan 2016:
If Iran goes to war with Saudi Arabia with the backing of Russia and China. Iran will overwhelm Saudi Arabia. Iran will control the water ways and maybe the air. Once American Air defense systems are neutralized by Iranian special forces incursions.
17 Jan 2016: In the news recently,  Saudi Arabia seems to be scrambling to buy military equipment from anyone and anywhere. A sign of desperation. Russia and China will back up and involve themselves with any Iran military action. The only option I can see right now is to go around Iran and negotiate with Russia and China on the purchase of new military equipment. From this Saudi Arabia and Iran may become friends. To the point that when the time comes to be enemies with Russia and China. They will be united. I just get nothing involving the USA. I ask God about the USA and it is as if God is not there.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Billy Graham: (Unedited): 28 Sept 2015:

I had a Billy Graham sign yesterday. It was obvious and seem to be directed right at me.
Of course there was zero wisdom, zero understanding and zero knowledge. God likes to tease me.
I'm making light of this sign. I can only assume that the time is short. I still think that the Reverend Billy Graham is one of the Christian end of days prophecies signs for the USA.
 I do think it is time for those who are close to this great reverend. Go and make the journey and say those things which are important in person. (This is for loved ones and known friends of family).
I call this a living funeral. It is way better than after a persons passing.
Go and express your love, your prayers. Time is short. Your funny stories and achievements after great sorrows. Stories of forgiveness and of family reunited in Christ.
The reverend Billy Graham. Shall go to sleep one last time and then awaken more aware than he has ever been. His mission is complete and he is going home. This is a celebration.
Do this every time you make a possible final visit with anyone. Not just the elderly or sick.
Yes, the body ceases to function. The spirit within continues onward. Towards the victories reward after a life of long Christian battles. Freeing souls from ignorance. Opening the eyes and minds of those who were both blind and closed minded. With the power of the Holy spirit.
Added on 07 Sept 2015:
Prophecies and false prophets seem to be everywhere. Even today is a prophetic doomsday. Just as last month there were dozens of prophetic dates which has come and gone. Any prophecy ever written is not of any importance. The prophet who has spoken or written any prophecy is also not of any importance. What is of importance is the condition of your own spirit and the relationship you have with God. What is also of importance is how you have lived and are living your life within that relationship with God. Accidents happen. Sickness and illness occur which takes the physical life. Your spiritual life is that which continues on after the physical body expires.
Evil men plan war and force the common citizen to cause death and destruction for the profit of those who commanded the troops. In which all war is against God no matter the proclamations of the perceived holy men or worshiped political leaders. No mater what the beautiful newscasters read from those who right their thoughts. War is wrong. All of humanity are brothers and sisters to each other. This is the truth. More than 99.9% of your DNA is identical to every other human being any where. No matter how they were born or not. No matter where they were born or to whom they were born. All of those who go forth to kill and maim have all become Cain. All of those who promote wars and plan for wars are all Antichrists. Anyone who does not freely choose to live a Christ like life without any threat, fear or intimidation. Dooms every other human being.
Added on 24 June 2016:
Is there a person who is to replace the Great Reverend Billy Graham? That is very much the wrong question. Or shall the USA Bare witness of a Jonah type of prophet who may come? Or shall God just destroy all that is of the covenant country (USA). I do think there may be one from the line of Graham. There is a look that a person has when they have been spiritually on Holy fire in the genuine. Miss Anne has that appearance. Whether she is or was, I do not know. It is how she appears. Also, with the spiritual purification comes with it a psychological oddity or oddities as well as spiritual laser beams. (No, I am not going to explain the spiritual laser beam comment). If you do not know what I'm referring to then you do not know. No, it is not a secret.Miss Anne does not agree with the term of prophetess in regards to her.
Miss Anna message seems to be pray, repent, righteousness and revival. I concur with this Holy message for this time in US history.
God will do and cause that which HE wills. God does not need me to tell him what he will or will not do.
The message of revival is a Graham family theme. Anyone who is righteous in the eyes of God. Will deeply desire revival. God himself may or may not cause a revival to storm across the land with great spiritual fires. I do not think so and hope I'm very wrong.
Revival comes when the worldly sinner sees the difference between himself and the Christian. The worldly sinner sees and knows there is a difference between their miserable life and the better life of the Christian. But, in today's modern era of legalized sin. There is no difference between the publicly accepted definition of a Christian and of the worldly sinner. Because, all of the worldly statistics prove there is zero difference. Why would a reasoned worldly sinner want to become a Christian? When the net effect is nil.
This is how to avert the total extinction of humanity. By your free choice and free will.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

WW3 Long Burn: (Unedited): 27 Sept 2015:

The long fuse of WW3 has already been lit. Yet, It seems like no one is even aware that a state of war exists. Am I the only one who sees the chess pieces moving into position? Am I the only one who can see the flickering light of the lit fuse thousands of miles away? Am I the only one who  is aware that the USA political leadership is just one screw-up away from the lights going out? Am I the only one who knows just how helpless the continental USA is to any kind of missile attack? Sure the USA gets to retaliate. But we are all still back to the stone ages with zero life knowledge/skills to survive it. The long fuse is lit. Only a person who is in a leadership position can remove the fuse or cut the fuse. But, If the red horse has already ridden. Which I believe it has. Then we are all doomed. Because, the worlds leaders free will has been taken from them and they are no longer capable of choosing peace. We are truly all doomed. Only the chosen remnant of God shall survive. Maybe,  my family shall be chosen. If this is the case in these last 10-20 years or maybe in these last few days. What shall you do which is meaningful and genuinely important?
The fuse is already lit and there is nothing the common civilian can do to stop it. Except for mothers to tell their warrior/soldier sons/daughters to all come home. But, even then. Someone will launch their automated weapons.
I am wondering about something. Why does this all seem to be a secret? Why do the Americans still buy any Chinese goods when those funds are used to create a military weapon which is pointed at us? Isn't China in the Christian prophecies? China's navy has done 3 things which it has not done before and their newly modernized aircraft carrier is in Syria. Russia is in the Christian prophecies and they are setting up bases in Syria. How is it that there is literally no news within the USA?
Israel caught in the middle. To their North North East is a new Chinese Aircraft carrier. To their West Egypt will have 2 brand new Helicopter aircraft carriers from France. Russia is building a military presence in Syria. The USA seems to be arming the enemies of Israel.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 25, 2015

One Love Flame: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The twin flames of love. Can become extinguished in a variety of ways. The most beautiful way the individual twin flames of loves cease to exist. Is when the two flames of love merge as one singular flame. Ceasing being two.
This reminds me of the supposed to be typical outcome of love. When two lost in the throes of love intermingle and become one growing life separate from the mother but still within. What actually happens. Most adults know who have had babies. The individual seed of a man gains a struggled entry into the egg of a woman. Then nearly suddenly the two DNA's are mixed in some amazing way. Which ultimately destroys the once two separate and individual living elements of the seed and of the egg. Thus, a new life is not created but continued on within the woman's womb. Becoming a continuous memory of loved shared.
This is how I see the beautiful eventuality of two individual flames of being who merge into a singular flame of pure love. They both must cease to exist in order to become one flame, one body and maybe ultimately one soul. This must be the ultimate goal of the two. If one flame is or has any disagreement by any definition. Then it will not matter what the other flame wants, desires or needs. The ugliness of this kind of any defined rejection can have a deep and profound impact on both souls. Hopefully, The one who rejected will see their errors and own the responsibility of causing harm. While the suffering one can return to a time when their own flame is purely renewed after giving so much to another unworthy soul who lied, selfishly cheated and stole life from a loving flame.
The suffering loving flame who has freely given so much. May feel that they have lost much and this may be a very true feeling. Please also consider how much you have gained and how much life is still within you. You do not have to cover your flame to hide it. You do not have to diminish the self to elude continued theft. Rather become a blazing beacon of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  become a genuine teacher to those young souls. Express wise mentoring words while also espousing the powerful prophetic words. The caring and thoughtful words of the mentor should almost always overshadow the words of the prophet. The words of the prophet usually come after the mentors have taught and spoken.
Note 1.
In this instance the words cease and destroy does not mean death or any form of negativity.
Note 2.
It is my belief that no human has the natural ability to create life. Only through the mixing of a mans seed and of the woman's egg. Is life continued or perpetuated. There is no time when life begins. Life does not begin at conception nor at birth. Human life only began with Adam and was continued through with the creation of Eve. By the use of Adam's rib. So the rib of Adam was even alive in order to make another living life.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Passing Red: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The first pass of the red horse of Christian prophecies will be for those world leaders who have already freely chosen to get onto the crazy train for their thrilling and exciting ride to extinction.
While the young ones who have newly chosen to be of the world without heart or conscience. Shall be amongst the first influenced of the passing red horse. Ready to hop onto the Crazy Train party without any forethought.
The naive young ones. They can range in age from 9-24 years old. Once one of these young ones have the ability to choose who they will be and how they will live their chosen lives. Then they will receive those just rewards or judgement. Think about this for a moment. In the Holy Bible. Which is the most accurate history book ever written. The 8 surviving people on board Noah's Ark. Were all adults. There were No children, No disabled, No helpless, No innocent little babes.
My ages listed is only through my flawed understandings as God will do as God does. HE doesn't need me to box him into a corner. Nor will HE ever abide by my own set parameters of HIM or even yours.
Here is Crazy Train Lyrics by Ozzy Osbourne. This is not for your enjoyment or entertainment value.

In order to get onto the "Crazy Train" You just freely choose to get on. No need to buy a ticket. It is free and the final stop is extinction. I bet the party aboard that crazy train will be awesome. DDDDD= Dance, Drink, Drugs, Disease, Death.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wrath Judgement 1and2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:

Those who do everything within their power to force God into showing himself. May just get exactly what they want. Plus wrath and judgement.
Those who force Gods hand through purposeful wickedness. Shall receive their just rewards in full abundance of wrath and judgement.
All of humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet. And yet in the midst of our apparent failure. Everyone who is in a position of  religious leadership. Wants God to return. This is HIS vineyard in which we were supposed to honor and respect. He sent His son and only heir to us and we all murdered Him. Yet, in this modern age. We all seem to want Him to Come back. He came as a lamb and shall return as a lion. Really, Have you met a lion? ever. Up close live and personal? How is this a good idea? Especially, when we all have failed and are about to begin our own extinction through absolute war? You know LOVE and PEACE, everyone. Love and peace.
I do not want the return of the Messiah. Not when we are all collectively failing. Now, if the worlds leaders can get off of their own self created "Crazy Train" and bring the whole world together as one singular family as we all are. While putting out the information that the races of humanity is a complete lie. Erasing all lies.
Then when all of humanity has begun to live in accordance to this partial logical formula. LIFE=LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY,LAW.
Then we can welcome the coming of the Messiah as a celebration and victory. That is my hope. This is my unlikely prophecy for the whole world. So that we all can have a life worth living. No matter where you are or who you were born to. Even if your orphaned, adopted and/or fostered.
Just so you know. Just because, I have a song listed any where. Doesn't mean I like it or love it. The artist known as Ozzy Osborne I find offensive and is likely a demonic person. This is his Crazy Train lyrics. Something so profound and from a demonic source. Even from the demonic we all can learn the message. I have also used this in another blog. I have no idea where it is now. I believe it is an inspired use of this song. This song used here is not for your enjoyment or entertainment.
I do believe all of the worlds leaders. Which include political, religious, social and cultural leaders have already or is getting aboard the "Crazy Train".  It is yours, ours and my choice to not to get on that "Crazy Train". There is only one final stop for this crazy train and it will be at full speed ahead. Into all of our extinction. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 