Showing posts with label True. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scented Duct Tape Invention: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2013@2203HRS.:

It is never wise to reveal any potential invention idea to anyone. So, Don't tell anyone about this one. Keep it secret.

Guys are always doing stuff and sometimes that stuff really stinks. What can a guy do when he must attach one stinky thing with another awful smelling thing? This happens all of the time. If your a girlie type you already know it to be true. Just smell him after he has been outside doing something you would rather not know he was doing. Why do you think there are outside showers behind some homes?

The perfect Christmas gift for any smelly guy. Even your smelly guy.
   Febreze Duct Tape.

and the second part is the marketing.

Febreze Duct Tape Air Fresheners.
Just tear a piece off and stick it some where.
Oct 24 (4 days ago)

to me
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Subject = Duct tape  invention idea

Country = USA

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message = Hey guys. Just thought of this. Enjoy.


First Name = John

Last Name = MacKechnie

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State/Province = FL

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ZIP/Postal Code = 34655

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Added on 29 June 2014: Corrected a mis-speelling. A commercial. 
Wanted to added a comment here. There have been over 70 readers of this Scented 
Duct Tape idea. I just find that odd. That was meant to be both a serious idea 
and a silly one.
I do think every woman should have free access to Febreze scented duct tape in 
all of those pretty flowery colors. Which would also, have the psychological effect
of irritating their smelly man to no end. Because, He would always know that she 
transgressed his Man cave zone of manliness. 
Can you imagine if you will the manly maleness squeakily walking down stairs into 
the darkened hole. Only to hesitate to a smelly fragrance that only an estrogen 
filled humanoid would find pleasant. He now knows and expresses dissatisfaction at 
her trespassing with guttural grunts. She smiles from her comfortable place of 
pleasantness and whispers to herself. He's such a man. 
He looks for the out of place odor with flaring nostrils. He marches towards the 
pretty tape like a predator on the hunt and makes several attempts to throw it into 
the trash can. Finally having success in throwing the scented duct tape away. He 
cheers at his own great success. She again whispers. Now, his trash can will smell 
good. Her total victory with febreze scented duct tape.
Added on 29 July 2014. Well, I have a new idea on this febreze duct tape thing. There
have been 120 views so far. So here it goes. 
Duct Tape Smoker
Adding a new real scent that men would love. Hickory smoke into duct tape. This is 
how you would do it. 
You will need a box of some size. Which should be fire proof and heat proof. Attache 
pipe from barbeque smoker grille to the return intake vent to an air conditioner. The
outlet side of the air-conditioner with cool air into the bottom of your smoker box.
Poke holes into top of box and a couple of smaller ones at the very bottom. The 
bottom holes is to insure that the box is completely filling with smoke. The cool
 incoming air should not harm the glue on the duct tape. but the hickory smoke 
should easily penetrate into every layer of the clothe material. How much time is 
needed? Have no idea. Maybe, over night. 
You may be able to forget about the Air-conditioning unit if you can keep the box 
temperature cool. Such as below warehouse summer temperatures. 100 or so degrees 
Fahrenheit. Do not use plastic piping as those smells will get into the duct tape
as well. 
leaving a fire burning over night and unattended is not a good idea either. So, 
your warned and be careful. Be safe and create something no one else has. 
Hickory smoked duct tape. This would even work with mesquite wood. 
Halloween is coming. So, in your smoker grille. Make a ring of charcoal which 
will go around a stainless steel bowl full of wood chips and a ton of very cheap
garlic powder. Well not really a ton. Then add hot boiling water and place inside
of your charcoal briquet ring. Warning. When walking with hot boiling water. Please
note if you spill onto your front pants. Your manliness may be harmed. So be careful
and extra safe. Throw some wood chips onto the coals and since the fire is going, put
some meat, bread, veggies and potatoes on the grill as well. Can't waste a flame now
can we? All of that smoke will travel down the metal pipe into your duct tape smoker
box. Remember, not to hot in there. Get a digital A/C thermometer and put it inside. 
You'll be high tech then. 
Additional warning. To much humidity within the smoke may/will cause your duct tape 
to wrinkle. So be extremely cautious when using the hot, boiling water method when 
adding the garlic scent to your anti neck sucking vampires. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 
First published on Facebook @ 2144 Hours.
The scented Duct tape conspiracy 
Added on 07 Feb 2015: An invention idea which I won't ever be credited for. Is now on the market.
To date this is my second idea which I've given away. One because of legal theft and this one. In which I've posted. I wonder if they will use my T.V. commercial idea as well.  There are even a lot of you tube videos.
Guess how much money I have earned from this product or invention idea. Zero, zip, zilch, Nada. This is exactly why you should always keep all of your invention ideas secret. This also includes using any organizations such as those invention submission corporation you have seen on T.V., Read in magazines and heard on the radio, as well as those pesky pop up ads on the internet. All someone or anyone has to do is add a thing or alter the name or add a novel noise. Then walla. Your invention can easily be stolen by any of those organizations. My first idea was stolen because they wanted to charge me $25,000 to follow through. I didn't have $25. dollars. So I just filed it away and forgot about it. Then one day I saw it for sale in a major hardware store. With an added alarm on my security device. By adding that alarm they antiquated my invention. It was a very hard lesson to learn. But is was a valued lesson.
As with this invention idea. The word Febreze is not used anywhere I have found as of yet. By using any other scent. They can get away with the marketing of the idea for their own profit. Any person who is an idea making and creating person. Really needs to learn this lesson well or you will lose all of your invention rights. If your very poor like me. You of course will not be able to financially obtain a lawyer for a long drawn out court case.
Added on 29 July 2015: 
The intention of this posting of this content is just how easy it is to lose a good idea. Even if you think it is a silly one. I have children who are incredibly creative and wanted to use this as a lesson for them. It worked very well. better than I had imagined. Who would have thought this would become real and for sale at many retail stores.
My children are wiser because of this. I do hope the nearly 200 hundred readers of this blog have become wise as well. Because, I'm not the only one. I won't be remembered for this idea but Duck Tape will. Just as the legal thefts of inventions, authored stories and new technologies are stolen all of the time. Just research all of the high profile tech giants who sue each other for some kind of infringement. Did Bill Gates steal Software? Is Facebook a stolen idea of a broken promise created by a smart person. Will your ideas create another Bill Gates while your forgotten. Probably not, but your earned wealth from your original idea's should be yours.
Be careful.
Be cautious and secretive. Tell NO ONE.
Always advance your ideas 10 times. 
Always plan alternative variations.
Add widgets and various color schemes.
Research who would or could profit from your idea's. Then patent color schemes and possible shapes which would possibly take away a potential theft situation. Theft from authored stories is rampant. Many of the best movies were stolen from someone. Research that one.
The adding of widgets and color schemes may seem stupid to you. But, they may be important to someone else. The adding of widgets and various color schemes is for the protection of your idea's.
Obtaining more than a dozen patents for a single idea. This is protection. Is it a guarantee of absolute protection? NO. China steals everything and then manufactures all of it.
I have found hundreds of groups/people selling my published books in which I see no income. The digital versions are given away, in which I see no income. I set up the DRM so that people can share the digital content. It was a risk, but I wanted other people to share as they wanted.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Recognized Beauty: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2013:

The beauty seen with your own eyes. 
The beauty heard with your own ears. 
The beauty you perceive. 
Is all recognized as such by your own beautiful heart. 
 Exercise of your heart is necessary to condition it to witness the beauty which surrounds you always. Always, Know that your ears always hear and your eyes always sees. So, if you do not see the beauty which always surrounds you. Your heart is ailing and sick. Begin to pray and meditate. Begin to expel apathy from your heart and mind. Begin to care for things outside of you and begin to see the flowering weed for the enduring strength of beauty that it truly is.
Know that everyone may have tried to extinguish your beauty from this existence. Always, know your beauty is not dead and gone. It is merely hiding awaiting for you to become a rekindled phoenix. A true fiery flower of UN-extinguishable beauty. Be bold and brave beautiful soul.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hiring Illegals: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2013:

When the time begins where no one can or will deny that the trials and tribulations are in full effect. You who have benefited the most from your selfish and illegal hiring practices.  You will also, suffer the most at the hands of those very same men whom you have taken advantage of. C.J.MacKechnie
What does this mean? You think you are doing something good when you pay your illegal workers slave like wages. It is all within your own greed. Your own ability to make and keep more money. Your cruelty of these human men. Will be paid by you in the form of the true wealth which is to be lost by you. Even your own life and the life of your own family.
Your lack of love and compassion. Your cruelty and apathy is known and seen by GOD.
Going to church, Tithing and wearing a cross shall not protect you from your historical actions of misdeed.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Healing Re-Connection: (Unedited): 12 June 2013:

The healing you seek is already present. All you need to do is just believe and make the re-connection. C.J.MacKechnie
For some the question originates with believe in who or what? And make the re-connection with who or what?
This leads to the question, was I once connected to who or what? The simple answer is yes you were.
The rest is for you to discover on your own journey of discovery or re-discovery.
From the discovery of your own true nature will lead you to the re-discover your true identity and true beginnings. A pure journey into the amazement. Become like a child who discovers the miracle of a beautiful flower in bloom. Especially if it wasn't there yesterday. Reacquaint with your purest and most sacred innocence.
The infinite power of healing is is focused from the capacity of your love. Learn to love yourself. Become the embodiment of love. Live, believe, think and feel like your all love. From this can pure healing begin within you and forever emanate out from you into others who are accepting of your gift of love.
Have you ever met some of those autistic persons who are incredibly quick to forgive and forget. Who just so easily show and express love to everything in the world. So, how is it that we so called healthy and normal people always think there is something wrong with THEM. When the truth of the matter is we are the blinded ones who are deficient and unable to even see what is right with THEM.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Motivate Doom: (Unedited): 31 May 2013:

Your doom approaches when the only way to inspire or motivate your people to do good is through fear, threats, anger, hatred and rage. C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot move people to do good works or to live a good life with negative inspirations and motivations. In the short term. You may very well be successful in steering people to move in the direction of your choosing. In the end, they will hate you. Even if your motivations are true and righteous.

So Glenn Beck and others like him wants to save the USA. Very noble cause. He is trying to keep every one awake and active. He and they must realize that all is lost when threats of  any demise cannot move the population to keep and maintain their Country. A disease worse than cancer has already spread all across the land. It is
From apathy all is lost. You cannot force people to care for one another in an "all for me" culture.
You cannot motivate people based on self motivations or the loss of freedoms. The absence of WE in favor of Me, losses the wholeness of agreed upon unity. If a population cannot see or will not see the benefits of freedom in their lives. Then freedom they will not have. Love will be absent from them. Compassion will flee from them. The DE-evulation back in to the rules and laws of the animal kingdom will become prevalent. The laws of GOD has been pushed out of society. So the protections of GOD have not been removed. They also have been pushed away by the people through their continuous vote of evil people into offices for the last 60+ years.
The Non-Prophecies involving the Absence of the USA  is evident today in show like the Glenn Beck program.
Look at the absence of God within the mega churches within the USA. Yes, You get that feel good feeling. But, when the feeling disappears when you open the front door of your life. That feel good feeling is of the occult. Something which is only a covering to which that is true and real.
While the real and true churches of God suffers as Christ had in near destitution. This is where the righteous amongst you be. 
There is a reason why Glenn Beck is in Texas. Glenn Beck only thinks he knows. Those of you who follow and believe as Glenn Beck does. Make your plans to re-locate now to central Texas. Begin to organize your own economies, education programs, news sources and security. You have until mid 2015. You will then have to exclude all of those who are not of your own belief systems from your lives-Completely. Your part of Texas maybe your ARK.

Even within your micro-economy. You must exclude from doing business with anyone not of your agreements. After all, it is already being done in this USA by other groups. (Historically).
You cannot associate with those evil doers. In any way. 
There is no where else to go. We cannot go to another land or even planet. So, When those who left Europe to worship in peace with the discovery of "New Israel" or "New Jerusalem". They risked it all and sailed in ships to the new land.
What can you do? Better have babies.
Pray always.
Meditate constantly.
Contemplate often.
Worship in tune to your gifts.
Take actions in accordance to your inner guidance. Take Action.

Love must be the source for all motivations and inspirations.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

True Spirit: (Unedited): 12 June 2010:

No matter what front a man puts forth. His true nature will always be seen first by those who can view the spirit before hand. C.J.MacKechnie 
Learn to see the spirit of any person. Look beyond their words and see through their intentions. In doing so their motives will be revealed. The truths and their deceptions easily known. The content and condition of their heart recognized.
A good man will be loyal to those who he deems as family or friend. Maybe, even to a fault. Adolf Hitler deceived an entire nation and still had his blind followers. Even after the sins were revealed. Then again, maybe those followers were not blinded and had become equally evil as Hitler.
So you, the good man must ascertain the heart of your friends and family. You must ascertain the life path they are on. Then decide if you want to join in on the grand party. Even if the cool mans path is on the highway of death. If you choose to be on that party path of death. Know that when the destination is finally reached. The same end will be for you as well. It won't really matter much, because even a good man will begin to lose his identity the longer he is on that path of death. All of the goodness and innocence within you must die first. Along with your good caring heart. All to be replaced with apathy, selfish hate, and selfish anger.
Once you begin to laugh, ridicule and tease those who use those extreme positive and compassionate words of inspiration. The disease of apathy is already within you and spreading like an incurable virus. The apathy disease is using you to further spread apathy throughout your personal world. Until, such a time that the whole word no longer cares enough to even exist.
The death of the disease of apathy comes when you force yourself to take the big pill of love, the cough medicine of peace and the chicken soup of harmony.
The life path is one where you will discover Love, peace, harmony and of course life. You will encounter compassion, mercy, forgiveness and other such wonderful words within your own spirit.

True Truth: (UNedited): 02 July 2010:

The truth will always be true. Even if you want to believe something else. When you believe in something else. Your new found believed truth will still be false. 
It matters not the origin or the beginning of any lie or deception. It still is a lie and a deception. Even if the lie or deception began many thousands of years ago. All things must be questioned and researched. Even if a thing has always been believed as a truth. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Never Dishonor: (Unedited): 18 March 2013:

An apology is only true if you never repeat your dishonor. C.J.MacKechnie
Honor is crucial to have in this life. Honor is also what survives you in death. Honor is not taken nor bought. Honor can only be created by you and maintained by you. Just like a precious metal or rare jewel. Every deed and action done or not done. Keeps your metal polished or tarnished. Keeps your rare jewel in high luster or fractured in a million pieces. Your honor is far more valuable than an accumulation of much precious metals and many precious jewels. 

Honor is that thing which takes your entire life time to create and build. Honor is also very fragile. You can destroy all of your honor in one single misdeed or an action not taken.
Here is a sliver of hope. Once you have lost or destroyed your honor. You can rebuild it, from scratch. Those whom you have dis-honored may never ever show any honor towards you ever again. 
Show, think and feel no negative emotion for those who cannot forgive you. Have only love, compassion and kindness for those who cannot forgive you. You may have to cut ties and move away forever. Then do so in order to ease their unease with you. Then start a new. Be warned Dis-honor follows and will stick it's ugly head up from time to time. Your built up honor in a new place may be the rock which deflects the old and dead dishonorable you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Servants Needs: (Unedited): 28 July 2010:

The true servant of the people. Must completely depend on the people for all of his/her needs. The true servant of the people will completely and totally divest himself/herself from all of his/her wealth. With no and zero options in regaining or restoring any of his old wealth.
:For all politicians:
 With zero options for retirement or free medical or any other financial option for merely serving as a servant. No matter how long they served.

The partial phrase "Totally divest himself/herself from all of his/her wealth. Includes all properties, businesses, assets, stocks, bonds, investments of any kind. AND where ever they are located.

All politicians must reveal all net worth, ownership that they have from every country.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

True Source: (Unedited): 27 June 2010:

The disturbed rippled reflection of you in the mirrored surface. Is just a false image of your true and real beauty. Know the truth about who you are before believing any external source. C.J.MacKechnie 
 We as humans tend to believe everything that we are told. Especially, when those words are negative. Such as ADHD, Ugly, Dumb, stupid, Retarded.
Some questions become mental doubts in all that you do such as "There is something wrong with you, Your clumsy, Your slow, You always make mistakes".
Then we turn the negativity into perpetual self replicating doubts. Such as I'm bad at math, I'm not good in school, I'm not a musician, I'm not athletic, I'll never do anything good, and etc. These self doubts often times have their origin from an outside source. Such as a medical doctor proclaiming a lie such as ADHD or OCD. Even if that doctor believes his/her diagnosis is true. The child will now forever believe that there is something wrong with them. When the truth is there is something right with them.
The cool people proclaim you to be anti-cool and never shall you be. The beautiful people judge you to be less than handsome and you choose to believe you are less than pretty. All because of a false proclamation. The same with intelligence and being athletic.

Know yourself is by learning about yourself. Finding your strengths and focus upon them. Discover your weaknesses and grow them. Use your intention and attention and focus your energies into becoming a positive force for yourself. Then and only then can you become a positive force for the benefit of the world.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Patriot Pay: (Unedited): 10 Jan 2013:

A truly unbeatable patriot is one who accepts as their only paycheck. Righteousness, Honor, Truth and integrity.  C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot defeat the person who is willing to fight by principle only. A person who fights for justice, morality, freedom and peace. Does not need a leadership or teacher who is concerned with maintaining morale, focus and the will to fight. The true patriot understands that they are not fighting for themselves or for the generation who is alive in the here and now. Their fight and ultimate sacrifice is for the generations to come.
Those who have a selfish form of justice will become imprisoned and die. Those who have an excessive definition of freedom without responsibility will discover insanity and a hopeless death.  Those who lack the resolve of character will suffer great mental and spiritual torment and then a lonely death. Those who question the meaning and purpose of their fight will lose their peace, will to fight and will die without struggle. A great suffering of never ending torment and pain will be the reward of the person who discovers they are or were the evil ones as they die by their own hand.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hatred Generated: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

Self generated hatred with no reasonable evidence to cause such an extreme emotion. Is evidence of a psychological defect, demonic activity or both. C.J.MacKechnie
What can cause a person to hate another? There are various reasons as to why. Evil deeds done to them once or often. But, what of a person who has done nothing and they are still hated? A psychological defect? A demonic influence or a psychological defect caused by a demonic influence? What about just a plain old bad person who wants their bad activities to remain private. The good person just always happens to be present to be a witness. The bad person will get mad and then evolve that anger into hatred. This is just a natural process of the bad person. It does not matter if you the bystander(s) of the hatred really likes the bad person and the good person who is being hated. The bystander(s) are the witness to the revelation of the true nature of the bad person.
A person can be a bad person without any demonic influence.
If the action of hatred is unique to the very likable person who is doing the hating. Then the demonic force is exerting it's force upon the controlled person.
From revelation, to prayer, to fasting, to meditation, to action, to freedom. Some of the steps are concurrent.
To identify a bad person versus a demonically controlled person. May be difficult. The bad person will only do for the self. Self wants, Self desires, Self pleasures, Self secrets, All attention to self. With no remorse or guilt.
The demonic controlled person will have all that has been mentioned above. Except, now there will be incredible guilt and remorse and a intense feeling of not being in control over their own actions.
The demonic influence will hide itself behind any psychological defect and selfish desires and evolve those selfish tendencies. The demonic force will want all of the pleasures for itself while destroying the human host. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Apparent Miracles: (Unedited): 09 Dec 2012:

Miracles are those unknown certainties, with no apparent origin or creator. C.J.MacKechnie
A spontaneous and miraculous event which happens is often times a surprise to the Christian who has prayed fervently for it.  How can this be? or is it another one of those lessons of Peter who walked on water until he got wet. Or is it another one of those lessons from peter who believed he was unworthy of a Christs death and was possibly hung upside down on a cross.
Having a undeserving heart and immature faith brings about doubts of any explanation against manifested miracles. Some even believe that luck is superior to Gods grace and love. Which is true for you?
We humans are such creatures with an incredible amount of disability which limits our individual perceptions of the true nature of this universe in which we exist. The absence of information completely surrounds us and we are not even aware. Think about the night sky and how it is dark. when the truth of the matter is, the night sky is full of light. Think about your hearing and compare it to dogs, dolphins, elephants and bats. Think about the vibrations which continually impact our bodies. Oh yea, I forgot we don't have vibration sensors like the gator and other animals. The sense of smell as compared to dogs or even ants. Think about our communication or outward expression. You get the point. There is an incredible amount of information which is absent to our very limited human bodies. Once you become aware of this fact. You then will begin to see/sense things which is happening when they are not physically perceived by any natural human senses.
Then you will then start to become spooky and thus begins new secrets in your life. Spooky things tends to cause people who are unaware and unawakened to flee from you, and it is OK. Both for them and for you. Maybe, one day you can gently cause an unaware person to be aware and a sleeping person to gently and softly awaken. Responsible and tender care must be taken. Cause no harm.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Event Certainty: (Unedited): 25 Nov 2012:

Future events which are absolutely certain. Should be the easiest events to predict.
So, Why aren't they? or is it just the how to, which is illusive?     C.J.MacKechnie
Any futuristic prediction no matter who the author is, is a prophet. For which ever reason the prophet who it got it correct those few times, was right for some unknown reason. Maybe, the predicted event which was foreseen was of natural origin. Which means that event was a matter of certainty. Where as human involved events are not so easy to see or predict. I always go back to the story in the Holy Bible where Joseph tells the meaning of the Pharaohs dream. Which basically means we are all gonna die. The Pharaohs dreams was absolutely true. Until , he dream was understood. Then the dream began to become less correct. Except for the natural event to come. The event to come was an absolute certainty.
So, why cant more exact prophetic predictions in regards to weather be made and on a regular basis?
Or is it directly related to the sinful nature of the person? or is it the number of distractions we have in our lives? or is it the disconnected place we tend to be in with the Divine GOD? Maybe all of the above plus that which has not been said.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Family D's: (Unedited): 25 March 2008:

Those families who embrace despair, self destruction and impending death. Will soon find that their hopes and dreams will come true.
C.J. MacKechnie
Formerly Named "Family Extinction":
We manifest what we all spend time thinking about and doing.  If you and everyone in your family embrace all of the self destructive activities. Then your family and gene pool will end. That is the end result. First the loss of the name and then the rest of your families existence.
Think logically about this. How do you think your life is going to end up. When you drink, smoke, do drugs, Have many partners, Kids from all of those various partners, Alternative lifestyles, Crime, No education, No truth, No honor, No character, No trust, No responsibility. How is it your supposed to live any quality life with none of those good words? You don't have a life. So your having a little fun when you can remember it. Before or after throwing up? Before or after getting out of jail? Before or after leaving the hospital from alcohol poisoning or drug overdose?
Then without a family member to teach your children what is right and what is wrong. Your children will become better than you. A better alcoholic. A better drug addict. A better partner. A better criminal. Your family will become forgotten and no one will even know that your family has become extinct. That is the end result. Finality is extinction.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Exodus from the Church Vision. 30 Jan 2003, 21 March 2004

Worship in the church will no longer be safe.
Worship in privacy will be mandatory.
The isolation of Christians will begin.

Christians will be hunted and killed.
A slow separation from the church will begin.
GOD will bring individuals together and build churches without walls.
They will have personal things in common and worship their personal Heavenly father with love, They will.
21 March 2004
A minor exodus of the church is taking place. Where persons of the church have become hungry that the church is unwilling to provide. They will go away and find those who thirst for more and form small house churches. Who will become more effective in the community than the million dollar churches. They will have more meaningful ministries.  C.J.MacKechnie
17 July 2012 Thoughts
I think the minor exodus Will be in the form of the faithful who will leave or walk away from the American Churches because of the American Churches failure to feed the hungry and quench the thirsty. This is reference to the whole of the American churches. Both protestant and catholic.
This will also coincide with the elimination of financial tithing. Where as the home owner will not need to be paid and the faithful can used their tithed monies in their own missions or works. Which is the origin of going out by twos.
There will also be a secondary exodus from the churches. This will be by those who are not the true and faithful believers. Those who do not live their lives by the Commandments of GOD or by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those who divorce and remarry and then abandon their former children. These are the evil doers who will be in singular places who will pay money for their entertainment and call it tithes.


To love one another. 
To live in peace.
 To exist in harmony.  
To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 