Showing posts with label Wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wealth. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Merging Thoughts and Beliefs: (Unedited): 30 March 2015:

Through the merging of the deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Does the educated person become enslaved. 
To control how another person thinks and acts brings unity to the masses and control to the chosen few. There is power in the numbers in which the few shield themselves within the masses who protect them.
This is the essence of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Control, Authority and wealth. Where as political thought keeps you locked up in a box. The religious beliefs keeps taken care of the box. Both deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs will cause you to go to war in behalf of the box.
God brought the word to us all. He brought to humanity Love, Peace, Harmony, life and the law. When all of those few words work together for the benefit of the whole. By each persons free choice. Then everyone associated will find a joyful life worth living. This is more than just logical thinking. This is spiritual connectedness. While becoming a righteous person and a holy people. Without any lies. deceptions or false beliefs.
In the old days an educated person is a free person. They cannot be enslaved. Even slaves owners were concerned with the happiness of their slaves. Knew that if a slave was taught to much logical information. They would not want to be a slave.  ...Until psychological conditioning and brain entrainments were developed. Which merged together the mind, heart and soul into whatever false belief the leader wanted. When the specific entrainment of the mind begins at an early age. The older mind will hold onto it. No matter what actual truths are presented. Even backed up with many factual and logical facts/evidences. For instance racism. Racism is and has been the biggest lie that humanity perpetuates upon itself. Despite the facts of Human DNA finger printing and the human genome project as well as the ancient holy texts and through many oral traditions of many unrelated cultures around the world. All of this evidence proves that humanity is but one species, one race, one people and one family upon this planet.

To transcend beyond the constrains and restraints of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs into that of a true righteous life. Shall make that person an enemy of every political thought and an outcast of every false religious beliefs. To become righteous and holy in the eyes of God is the intention of God. This is something which must happen individually and by free choice. In order for the human being to get to that next state of development. What ever that may be.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cashless Opportunities: (Unedited): 05 Jan 2015:

Countries which go to a cashless system will discover a wealth of opportunities for managed financial growth in accordance to their populations needs. Without the worry of the overwhelming restraints of debt.
I'm in no way any sort of professional with money or the theory of wealth creation.
Money is largely an illusion. The importance of any money is basically an agreement of importance in any transaction. You cannot eat or drink money. Money cannot keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Money cannot protect you from extreme weather. But, money can be that useful tool which can exchange for items needed, wanted or selfishly desired.
When monies of any kind is directly tied to precious metals or oil. The quantity of those items becomes a limiting resource when the country grows beyond them. The debt of any country can become a significant handicap in any future growth and development. Which is what is being seen now with heavily debt ridden countries like the USA, Japan.
How to expand your country without any need for debt. A cashless society. When the people trust the government. The value of which will be high. There will be no limit to growth. Except for the availability to natural resources. Other than that expansion will be unlimited.
When all wealth comes from the government and is created out of digital creation. Then is accepted by everyone. The debt of governmental creation ends. The accumulation of natural resources becomes paramount. The recycling of natural resources becomes an extending factor to governmental growth.
Sending resources to other countries will become an exchange rate. Until a common world wide agreed upon cashless system is created where the world controlling body has ultimate authority.
The countries with the greatest debts will become the worlds first cashless societies. No longer being tied to a cash system. Their growth shall become self created without any debt pressures.
How will these new cashless countries pay back their international debts? Possibly a hybrid type of system. Where the cashless society is for the entire human population within that countries borders. Then outside of the borders the typical cash system tied to resources as is done now.  There would have to be exchange rates.
Could this be tied to the next world war? China wants their wealth in which they have earned at near slave wages and given as credit in trust. Only for those nations to become cashless. How are they going to get back what is coming to them? International legal action or Military action and how soon?
Lets say the USA goes cashless and all of the people are just going to love it. There is much hope and optimism surrounding the cashless society. Greater security and everything is just fluffy wonderful.
The USA can massively build up it's military very quickly. Can you say ?19? Aircraft carriers plus all of the other ships and submarines waiting for recycling being updated and upgraded. To be in service very soon. China, Russia, North Korea and other nations will become militarily overwhelmed. To be followed by military buildups from Japan, Australia and Great Britain. Plus others associated with NATO.
The next big military threat in the world will not be from Aircraft carriers. But, from military assets in orbit which can rain down hell fire onto all sea, air and land targets.
With a cashless society. Limited Finances are no longer a problem. The worry of debts burdens is gone. So as long as the people do as they normally do without concern. Everything works.
I do see a third form of monies and it is stock markets. This is beyond me to even comprehend. It would be like going to a casino and exchanging your real money for casino specific poker chips. That is the best way I can explain it. There would have to be an exchange rate.
 In a cashless society. The burden of prisons and hospitals become highly expanded and fully funded. Just as the burden of the homeless and mentally ill can effectively be funded and managed.
Education becomes fully funded.
All governmental pensions becomes fully funded.
NASA fully funded beyond today's imagination.
All beautification and tree hugging projects fully funded.
All of the Countries infrastructures are fully funded.
The biggest drawback to a cashless society is the lack of qualified people or people in general. A husband and wife will need to begin having 4-6 kids or more. Just to keep up with their countries growth. Not 1.5 children per couple.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

World System Slave: (unedited): 19 Oct 2014:

Your enslavement within the world system is contingent upon you remaining hopeless and helpless. 
We now live in a society. Where it now requires two college educated people to raise their families outside of poverty. Since 2008. Those two college educated parents will need to obtain advanced college degrees just to either maintain employment or advance within their perspective careers. Of course no one can this this as of yet. But, as the old guard retires. They will be replaced with those people who have superior educational records.
Where eating healthy foods also requires a certain level of wealth within the family unit.
Where a high quality non-free education also requires additional wealth to obtain.
Where a gifted person in the arts or in sports also requires additional wealth to obtain the necessary training to become more than competitive or skilled.
For those who have or are disadvantaged. It will become nearly impossible for any of them to obtain or achieve something more than the lower class of humanity they were born into. The disadvantaged young ones must work smart and hard. While at the same time ignoring cultural and societal expectations. Then and only then may they be able to rise up and out of their disadvantage.
There is hope. There is always hope. No matter how deep within the enslavement you are. There is still hope so as long as you continue to believe. Do not become like those hopeless and helpless who chase after any sort of mind altering substance or animalistic sins of the flesh. To do so will most certainly guaranty your everlasting enslavement.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Friday, August 15, 2014

False Admittance: (Unedited): 15 Aug 2014:

Not complete. Wife pushed me off of the computer.

The outward admittance of the false teacher usually only comes after they have achieved the fame, wealth and respect from those who have chosen to follow them under the guise of deceptions.  
False teachers always presents themselves as those who bring the truth. Then in an opportune moment they offer a nugget in which the sins of their chosen life should be an accepted truth for everyone.
For many teachers who want to maintain their steady stream of wealth. They reveal nothing and keep their secret sins from any public  ...................................
It doesn't seem like the different religions are immune from deceptive teachers. It seems that every society, culture, religion and political affiliation has their share of charismatic leaders.  In which truth, honor and integrity doesn't seem all that important to them.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reprobation Church: (Unedited): (11 May 2014):

The church/religion of reprobation will glory in their perceived worldly wealth. While becoming accepting of every immoral and sinful deed.
The reprobate are easily seen to those who are of the God of all. The god pretender or the ruler of this Earth rewards those who causes many to stray away from the righteous and holy Journey. 
Those who preach the homeless teacher/healer and surrounds themselves with great abundance. Does not understand his message of life giving water. For their god is of this world even today. Their greedy thirst will not be quenched in the here after and all of the worldly wealth shall not be transferred in any way. What they shall gain in the after life is the curses of causing souls to become lost instead of gained.
To simply allow ongoing immoral and sinful person into the church/religion. Corrupts the whole. The leadership of any church/religion silently gives permission for everyone to sin. Thus, the whole falls away into reprobation. Save for the select as chosen by GOD.
Righteousness and holiness is the journey to everlasting life. Love, peace, harmony and the sanctity of life are the attributes.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Freedom Gained: (Unedited): 26 March 2014:

The worldly person who losses all of their worldly possessions and wealth.
Loses everything.
The spiritual person who loses all of their worldly possessions and wealth.
Gains their freedom. 
This is about the mindset of two different groups of people. How those who have that singular focus of worldly gathering of things and wealth. When the worldly people lose it all. The worldly people sometimes do drastic things in response to all of that loss. The worldly people do not seem to understand that all of those worldly things and wealth are temporary and imaginary.  The true wealth a person has is their connections with the Divine, the planet, their family and their friends. These are first and foremost. This is why to love one another is so important. This is why living in peace is so important. This is why existing in harmony is so important. These are what is permanent and real. A life worth living cannot be bought or acquired with items which are temporary or imaginary. Just as you cannot have a life worth living when you drink or drug yourself and it matters not the legality or diagnosis.

The question of who is your family and who are your friends. Was answered wonderfully by Jesus.

What is the will of God? To love one another.
When you love. You will seek peace with a peaceful heart
When you love. You will hunger for harmony of all things to surround you.
This is logical and is a formula for life. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Value Networking: Valueless Friends: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2014:

Friends gained through professional networking become lost when your no longer of value. 
Valueless friends who gains you nothing of value or importance as defined by the world system. Will remain when the world system is no longer. 
 How have you made your friendships? Have you only made friendships with those who are of importance, wealthy and popular? Do you not know if you lose your importance, wealth or popularity, you will lose those friends. They will just walk away from you. When you lose that thing which is important to someone who has agreed to be your friend. The truth is easily seen when they have no time for you. The truth is they were never really your friend. They were friends with that thing you had acquired. That thing can be your wealth, fame, beauty, position, collection, drinking, smoking, bowling and etc.

It is very difficult to create friendships today. Even in churches. If you are poor you cannot participate in any outings and thus become financially excluded from Christian social activities. You can find yourself alone within the crowd who is supposed to love one another. The existence of Christian class division exists in many churches. Which may be part of the reason why the majority of the people rush out of church as fast as they can-alone. Financial class division is only one part. Then there are all of the other arts which just continually divides the congregation to such a degree that a pastor only knows the faces and not the soul.

These are the same practices in the every other place in the modern world. If you hold a position which is regarded highly. Everyone wants to be your friend. If you hold a position which is regarded as lowly, the friendships are few, unless of course they need you to do for them a chore. Otherwise known as a favor. Which are typically forgotten as soon as you are out their door.

I have found the most genuine of people are those who have been defined as worthless in the eyes of the world. I wonder if this is what Jesus saw in those lowly of people that He was accused of associating with. How can a homeless person pretend he is anything more than homeless? How can a skinny person begging for food be any more than hungry? How can a sickly person confined to a bed be any more than what they are? I tell you the truth, They all are more than homeless, hungry and sick. The depth of each one will certainly amaze you and maybe even encourage you to become more than what you truly are today. If you are willing to be their friend.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Social Deceptions: (Unedited): 15 Aug 2013:

The person who blindly believes in the lies and deceptions of social injustice. May become so enraged that he can harm them-self or others.  
Just look at the wiki on Social Injustice. There is no real clear definition of social injustice. It is personally defined by each individual in respect to how unfair their life has been. The distribution of wealth and advantages for each person is of big importance to the person who has been caused to feel the injustice or unfairness in life. So, this term social injustice which has not been clearly and definitively by those people on this whole planet which is far more educated than I, all have failed to define this term. Which is an indication that social injustice is a lie and a deception.
In time how far back can you go to feel social injustice? How long is fair? Or is it never fair and social injustice is merely a ploy to get a failed group of people to go on perpetual demonstrations. Just to prove a point.
You are responsible for you and your actions are yours to reap the advantages, disadvantages or both.
If you went to college and incurred a ton of personal debt and yet you did not excel. Then your debt is your problem and not some social injustice.  If you went to college and decided to party and cheat. What reward shall benefit you. A job which profits you greatly?
Yes, maybe on the first job, until they figure out your a cheating loser. Then you get canned or fired.
No, you unwise fool.
In any down turn in the economy. The first to be let go are the dead weights, dead ends. Those who cause the most problems in corporate life. Those close to retirement.

Did you go to college and get an arts degree or a philosophy degree? And you cannot get a job which pays well. Then your decision making capacity needs more infusion of logic.
The term harming can mean verbal expression resulting in loss of employment.  This is professional harm to ones self as seen in the news of ESPN professionals. Those were racists comments. Race seems to also go hand in hand with social injustice. Please read my race comments at the bottom. The separation and division of the races is a lie and a deception. We are all one human family, one species and one race.

Social injustice

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Social injustice is a relative concept about the claimed unfairness or injustice of a society in its divisions of rewards and burdens and other incidental inequalities based on the user's worldview of humanity. Immorality is often used as a synonym for this. The concept is different for different worldviews of persons and societies. Conflicts in definitions of social injustice is increasingly a platform of emerging political parties. For some societies, social injustice includes the distribution of advantages and disadvantages in society aren't equal. For other societies, social injustice includes repressing peoples' ability to be fruitful for themselves and the society they are in.
Social injustice is used as a slogan by certain societies to oppose other societies' definition of social justice. Current hot topics include wealth distribution relative to labor, skill and responsibility, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, religion, homophobia, racism, patriotism, casteism, capitalism, classism, ableism, ageism, stereotyping and sexism

See also

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Dated 15 August 2013 @ 2047 EST. USA.

Social injustice

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Social injustice is moral unfairness or inequity in the division of a society’s rewards or burdens. Differing perceptions of the presence and inevitability of social injustice lie at the root of many of the world’s political conflicts.


  • Et, se venons tout d'un père et d'une mere, Adam et Eve, en quoi poent il dire ne monstrer que il sont mieux signeur que nous, fors parce que il nous font gaaignier et labourer ce que il despendent? Il sont vestu de velours et de camocas fourés de vair et de gris, et nous sommes vesti de povres draps. Il ont les vins, les espisses et les bons pains, et nous avons le soille, le retrait et le paille, et buvons l'aige. Ils ont le sejour et les biaux manoirs, et nous avons le paine et le travail, et le pleue et le vent as camps, et faut que de nous viengne et de nostre labeur ce dont il tiennent les estas.
    • If we all spring from a single father and mother, Adam and Eve, how can they claim or prove that they are lords more than us, except by making us produce and grow the wealth which they spend? They are clad in velvet and camlet lined with squirrel and ermine, while we go dressed in coarse cloth. They have the wines, the spices and the good bread: we have the rye, the husks and the straw, and we drink water. They have shelter and ease in their fine manors, and we have hardship and toil, the wind and the rain in the fields. And from us must come, from our labour, the things which keep them in luxury
    • John Ball, quoted in Jean Froissart Chroniques (1369-1400), Bk. 2; translation from Jean Froissart (trans. Geoffrey Brereton) Chronicles (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968) p. 212.
  • For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
  • Il n'y a de société vivante que celle qui est animée par l'inégalité et l'injustice.
    • The only living societies are those which are animated by inequality and injustice.
    • Paul Claudel Conversations dans le Loir-et-Cher (Paris: Gallimard, [1935] 1984) p. 22; translation from The Independent, February 6, 2001.
  • It's the same the whole world over:
    It's the poor what gets the blame.
    It's the rich what gets the pleasure;
    Ain't it all a bloomin' shame.
    • Chorus of "She Was Poor but She Was Honest", an anonymous street ballad of the late 19th century; cited from Eric Partridge (ed. Paul Beale) A Dictionary of Catch Phrases (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986) p. 267.
  • O esforço humano consegue, quando muito, converter um proletariado faminto numa burguesia farta; mas surge logo das entranhas da sociedade um proletariado pior. Jesus tinha razão: haverá sempre pobres entre nós. Donde se prova que esta humanidade é o maior erro que jamais Deus cometeu.
    • Human effort may manage at its best to transform a starving proletariat into a well-fed bourgeoisie; but then a worse proletariat emerges from the bowels of society. Jesus was right, there will always be the poor among us. Which proves that this humanity is the greatest error that God ever committed.
    • "O Natal" (Christmas), from José Maria Eça de Queiroz Cartas de Inglaterra (1879-82); translation from José Maria Eça de Queiroz (trans. Ann Stevens) Letters from England (London: Bodley Head, 1970) pp. 36-7.
  • Where Plenty smiles - alas! she smiles for few,
    And those who taste not, yet behold her store,
    Are as the slaves that dig the golden ore,
    The wealth around them makes them doubly poor.
  • Ye have the poor with you always.

External links

Dated on 15 August 2013 @ 2049 HRS. EST USA.

The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Prophets Prophecies: (Unedited): 10 Aug 2013:

The prophets of old and the prophets of new.
The prophecies of old and the prophecies of new.
Matters not to the perfectly hearing and deaf ears.
Matters not to the healthy and hardened heart.
Matters not to the mind which only seeks 
selfish desires of wealth and nothing more. 
When the wind is the only recipient to the warning
 cries of the prophets? Armageddon comes for us all
and is caused by us all.  
No matter who you are and what you may believe. The prophecies of all of the prophets, both accepted and not are to be listened to and acted upon. The probable prophetic words of the prophets are to be acted upon in a collective attempt to prevent and or mitigate all undesirable events. It matters not if your Christian or a native American Shaman elder who has spoken or written of terrible things which are to happen to the world. It matters not if your Islamic or a Buddhist Holy woman who speaks or has written of dire times for the whole population of the world. They all should be heard and each human being should act in accordance in the prevention or mitigation. Especially if all of the trials and tribulations to come is in response to the spiritual condition of the entire planets population. 
To prevent and or mitigate all of the trials and tribulations which is or has come to this planet of our use. All we each need to do is very simple. You do not need to see a holy man, A shaman or even go to the place where miracles are occurring. All you need to do is:
Love One Another
Live In Peace
Exist In Harmony
So that we all may have a life worth living. 
All life is worth it.
And pray that the GOD of our understanding averts all of the trials and tribulations.
War no more. Know that the human being in which you point your blade, aim your gun sights on and target your missile. Is in fact your brother. Those leaders who have told you differently has lied to you. You give your own life so that they may profit from your willing sacrifice.
Your actions in this time is a direct reflection of the condition of your heart, atrophy of spirit and the state of your deceived mind. Which the world you have today is a creation by you.
All of Humanity will become purified both physically and spiritually. All of humanity will suffer. all of humanity will feel the misery of the whole world. 5+ Billion people will perish in a short period of time.  Maybe even extinction of the entire human species. That is where we are right now. Noah and his family were the remnant, who survived. How many humans were in the Ark? That is an example of a remnant.
I speak this truth in which you may not believe. It all can be averted, right now. Just live as the blue words above has declared to you or become blue yourself. It is and always has been your free choice and still is. Live or die. Innocent or guilty. It is all up to you. War no more and go home to your wives and children. Because they would rather have you present than you presented in a casket. But, when 5 Billion begin to die. It will be to late for us all. The first serious prophesied event approaches soon. All that has come before has only been birth pangs. The birth pangs will continue until and throughout all of those dire prophetic events.
Become a righteous and holy prophet of GOD/ALLAH. By living a righteous and holy life. Pray and meditate often to GOD/ALLAH. Do not automatically believe any man who wears costumes and stands above you. He is no better than you and is not superior to you. They are just men. Just as you and I are.
If any man who stands above you and proclaims anything which is contrary to love, peace, harmony and life. HE IS A LIAR AND A DECEIVER.  Their god is the father of lies, deceptions, death and destruction. If those who are in authority and have the power, are of Satan. Then the evidence of their unity will be despair, depression, destruction and death. What do you see around you? Destruction? Death? Despair? Depression? What do you see, hear and feel around you? Then, there is your answer.

GOD/ALLAH is Truth, Life, Love, Peace and Harmony. If you do not have these things in your life right now. Then there is satan in your life pretending to be the agent of God/Allah.

Updated and partially edited on: 13 Aug 2013 :
Updated on 16 Aug 2013:
I just viewed StarGate SG1 Season 4, Episode 16.  (Yes, This is a lesson from a fictional series).
How should a prophecy be acted upon? Even if the information is transmitted in a logically explainable way or not. Taking immediate action upon receipt. Alters the future if not outright changes it entirely. In regards to all of those bad and sad prophecies. There is always hope in their absolute prevention until the day when those events manifest into our reality.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hiring Illegals: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2013:

When the time begins where no one can or will deny that the trials and tribulations are in full effect. You who have benefited the most from your selfish and illegal hiring practices.  You will also, suffer the most at the hands of those very same men whom you have taken advantage of. C.J.MacKechnie
What does this mean? You think you are doing something good when you pay your illegal workers slave like wages. It is all within your own greed. Your own ability to make and keep more money. Your cruelty of these human men. Will be paid by you in the form of the true wealth which is to be lost by you. Even your own life and the life of your own family.
Your lack of love and compassion. Your cruelty and apathy is known and seen by GOD.
Going to church, Tithing and wearing a cross shall not protect you from your historical actions of misdeed.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dig Deeper: (Unedited): 01 Aug 2013:

Digging deeper into yourself reveals your own buried treasures which were always yours. 
You are so full of secrets. Not the kind of secrets where other selfish people feel empowered with greedy pride at the discovery of your dirty laundry hidden away in some locked closet.
These secrets of yours are all of those wonderful things which you have been innately born with. These secrets are more like those ancient treasures which are to be found by you. The value of which is incalculable.
There is a warning. These secrets when discovered can be great blessings of incredible personal wealth or they can become deep burdensome curses. The definition of which is solely created by you and the responsible actions you take when these internal secrets are revealed.
Dig deeper and do not fear the unknown parts of you yet to be discovered. Some of these unknown things are just seeds of non-conceived and undeveloped gifts and abilities. They are and can be wonderful achievements to be made when coupled with tenacity, discipline and responsibility.

The gifts and abilities you discover about yourself. do not just become simple users of those gifts and abilities. Learn about them, grow them and develop them. Fine tune those gifts and abilities into the definition of the miraculous. Yes, it is possible and very probable for you. We all have the ability to become Christs walking upon this earth. Maybe, even fictional Jedi's.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Celebrating Criminals: (Unedited): 27 July 2013:

Joyfully celebrating the life and actions of famous criminals is exactly like celebrating the life and actions of Hitler and Stalin. C.J.MacKechnie
 This is something that I'm unable to understand. How people can celebrate the greatness of criminals and criminal organizations. Especially when those criminal organizations habitually use as a practice intimidation, cruelty, thievery and murder to gain wealth for themselves. One should not even consider that it is OK or that these criminal organizations are not that bad. When some percentage of their over all business practice is legal.

These criminal persons, groups and organizations should be unaccepted, shunned and ridiculed.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Free Society: Bloodless Revolution: (unedited): 17-19 May 2013:

Those who have a difference of opinion or a different mind set as defined by the ruling authority. Will see a denial of services and exclusion within the new free society.
Lies and deceptions in any transformed society will be based in lies and deceptions. Such as those  who change any government from victorious wars actions. Will they themselves rule with a thirst of achieved power and authority. From this quenched thirst begins a satisfied pride. From the wealth and comfort of wars achievement begets a violent cruelty over those who questions in any way their new won rule. The outcome is the same despite the difference in rulers who seem to always promise a better life. The better life never comes for the common people as the limited wealth pie/spoils of war is divided up amongst the victorious war participants and their families. Leaving nothing left for the innocent common people.The suffering and distressed common people who seem to be perpetually the poorest and helpless of all. Know the truth of action over the words of those who claimed to be for them. Wealth, opportunity and true freedom is only for the new rulers and their relations/family/friends. While enslavement, a quiet tongue, hopelessness and a helpless state of being seems to be forever perpetuated amongst the common people. 
The change and transformation of any truly free society must be based in lies and deceptions. Because why would any free reasonably thinking person within any current free society be Willing to allow the newly elected rulers take away all of their GOD given freedoms?
Very easy to answer.
1). Wealth.          (It is always about the money)
2). Resources.     (It is always about the money)
3). Power.           (It is always about how to get more money)
4). Hate.              (It is always about how to take away the money
                            from those superficially different from you).
5). Godlessness   (It is about becoming a god. Making it a Right
                             for you to do whatever you will and then taxing
                             the people like the religions do. Which means even
                              more money for you)

The political and selfish pursuit to fill up the financial coffers only quenches their greedy thirst just enough to figure out how to get and take more. Even if it requires them to force the once wealthy common people to exist with only the minimalist amount of sustenance, housing, education and medical care. This even includes forced labor. Which those words will not be used. Different words will be used by the ruling authority and defined by them as their truth. Thus, When a person defines their own truth. They never lie. No matter their intentions. The word Enslavement changed for the betterment of us all. Government Managed jobs and duties to end the stranglehold of evil corporate business.
This can only work if the new ruling authority can hide their accumulated wealth and lifestyle from any questioning common person.
:Bloodless Revolution: 18 May 2013:
A bloodless revolution is one where the common people surrender their Freedoms, Responsibilities and Will without any blood shed. Becoming instant slaves and taxable property to ruling authority.
Asking good questions in any situation is based on a persons level of intelligence, education and work history. The greater of any of those three. Better the content and the formed question. If you can prevent or diminish any or all of the three. Then the population as a whole can be easily controlled  with the simple sound of the rulers voice.

To Prevent any enslavement to any people. No matter how the ruling authority names it and defines it. The common people must achieve a higher level of education and logical critical thinking skills then those who seek to Rule. That is it.

Once enslavement has become entrenched. What, how and to a ruler defined level of education, directly related to your job set has become normalized. Any person born like Nat Turner will be killed. Before, they can lead any rebellion. People like Nat Turner will be discovered through their excessive questions in their training years. The medical persons will deem those kids as mentally ill or defective. Then sent away to be medically dumbed down or killed. Study genetics. Study Breeding practices.  By stopping any genius kids from growing to maturity. You prevent rebellions for generations or for ever. It will be scientifically worse than you think. 
Did you know that ADHD doesn't exist? Go and factually prove it for yourself. I could find no real physical evidence. No real concrete provable test. ADHD is only proven through simple observation from a teacher (Which is illegal) or voiced from parent (Which is still illegal) to Doctor. Teachers and parents are not doctors and cannot by law practice medicine. Just follow the money. 
In mechanical machines we call a lack of fuel flow and the gaining of horsepower and torque as great improvements. In the human biological machine. We call the lack of blood flow into certain parts of the brain as problematic. While at the same time the brain works nearly twice as fast or faster, more than 20% more intelligent. We call that a defect. You need some critical thinking skills here.
My words are meant to prevent any enslavement within any group of people, culture, society, government or religion. This content is not a How to Enslave!!!
Added on 20 Jan 2016:
A word has come to me today "Exclusion".  I think 2015 is the beginning of the Christian exclusion within the USA. Yes there has been a build up over time. But, now discrimination against Christians has become actionable. As in with the Christian Cake bakers in Oregon. This is just the beginning. A time will come very soon when horrible and terrible things will happen to Christians and no one will know or even care. The crosses are coming down and the word "church" is changing to "center". Soon even that will not be enough.
American Christians have figured out how to live in the world and become a part of the world while professing their Christianity. I think this is done through privacy and minimal interactions with anyone else in church. The people who go to church do not seem interested in making relationships with any other. They seem to only want to feel good for their one hour of church service. While pretending to be good people only on Sunday. Of course this is not everyone. But, I think it is the majority. While the minority are those who go out into the world and peacefully protest evil. Will this minority become the chosen remnant as spoken of in prophecy within the Holy Bible? Will there be so few of the remnant in the USA. That if they all disappeared. Not to many people will notice. If they do notice. American pastors and religious leaders will ease all fears of any rumor that the rapture has occurred. By denying it and proclaiming that people just move around and leave. Or whatever other reasonable excuse which eases the minds of people.
Sample stories:
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

World Look: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:

Pride will eventually cause you to look up to the world. C.J.MacKechnie 
Great power, fame and wealth can be gained from the created world system of man. Especially when you give up on those things which have true wealth, power and importance. which is God, family, friends, Honor, Integrity, Meaning, purpose, life, love, peace, harmony,

Your self pride is based on your own selfish wants and selfish needs.
Looking up to the world or the created world systems of Man. Will force you to eventually ignore the things in life which is truly important. The created world system of man thus becomes your god, your governor, your supreme parent and your philosophical adviser into ultimate emptiness.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Servants Needs: (Unedited): 28 July 2010:

The true servant of the people. Must completely depend on the people for all of his/her needs. The true servant of the people will completely and totally divest himself/herself from all of his/her wealth. With no and zero options in regaining or restoring any of his old wealth.
:For all politicians:
 With zero options for retirement or free medical or any other financial option for merely serving as a servant. No matter how long they served.

The partial phrase "Totally divest himself/herself from all of his/her wealth. Includes all properties, businesses, assets, stocks, bonds, investments of any kind. AND where ever they are located.

All politicians must reveal all net worth, ownership that they have from every country.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Godless Men: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2013:

Godless men in charge of religion will bring in wealth and power from the common people, while putting out misery and suffering into the general population.  C.J. MacKechnie
Common people seem to always look towards the politician for physical leadership and to the religious leader for spiritual leadership. The evidence of their collective evil can always be seen in their glorious buildings and in the impoverishment of the people. Every time.
It is easy to see a godless Church, Mosque, Temple or Synagogue. Look inside and witness their self prideful glory. From here on in this blog the word "Church" is all encompassing.

Look at the physical location of the church. Was it planned in the affluent neighborhoods? Where is the teachings of the actions and life of Jesus Christ "Friend of sinners".

Look inside of your church. Is their exclusion, separation and division within. A club member mentality. Such as all white, all black, all Latino, all Jewish, All Islamic, All Indian.

Look outside of your church. Is their starvation while the religious servants are fat and happy. Is their wars. Is there the lack of responsible freedom via through the threats and fears.

Look outside of your church and see the level of educational freedom, quality and equality. Is there only educational freedom, quality and equality for those accepted persons and their families? While those who are unaccepted must learn only which is told to them by the church. How to think and what to believe. False teachings begins here. To love one another but to hate those who merely appear differently than you. To live in peace but go forth in war. To rejoice in every life born but to seek out a death which involves the murder of your brothers and sisters, which have been identified as infidels by the religious authority.

Look inside of your church. Has it become an entertainment mecca? Where the tithe plate is really admission paid. Are your performing church members paid professionals? The actual unpaid volunteer members of your church, do they number less than 10%, 5% or even 1%? Yes, even if the membership of your church is greater than 1000, 2000 or even 5000. The evidence of each individuals faith is in the works they he/she does.
The new concept for large wealthy churches.   Their collective works of faith.

End poverty through education and housing. This idea is much more meaningful than the handing out of Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Having your food and clothing pantry open only a few days per week.
In the wealthy churches local area. They can purchase duplexes and triplexes. Then house those promising young people who have been unfortunate enough to be born into undesirable families and placed into the foster care system. As a former foster kid. There are relatively few options for them. except for the pursuit of immorality and crime. Study the F.B.I. Statistics for yourself.
Pay for their schooling with a level of expectancy.
Counseling within the church.
and other necessities as required.
Also, expect a number of hours to work within the church each and every week.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Home Involved: (Unedited): WORD WARNING: ADULT CONTENT: 20 Jan 2013

You will always bring home the excrement of the world, when you involve yourself in it. 
When you involve yourself in the crimes of the world. What do you really think is gonna happen? This is what will happen. Your friends and family who are unaware of your crime will become victims. Innocent people who don't even know you will become victims of your crime. Then lastly, you become a victim of your crime either by severe disability, prison or death. You are not going to win in crime. You are not some untouchable pirate slash Robin Hood. Assuming you plan on sharing your wealth.
When you do crime from your own neighborhood. You involve your whole family. It doesn't matter if they know or not. Your secret life of crime will get them killed. Even if you do your best to conduct all of your crime business out of town or out of your neighborhood. The stench of that excrement will follow you home. Just like stepping in dog pooh. You can clean it off of your shoes in the grass and the smell follows you all  of the way home. This happens every single time and will happen to you.
It doesn't matter if you move out of your country. The offensive smell of your crimes will follow you even into the place where you have found peace and quiet.  The safe place to raise your own family. You will have none of it. For you to think so is only a delusion of your own creation.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey, Fl. 34653 USA

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Selfish Revelator: (Unedited): 02 Dec 2012:

The great revelator who reveals for the progression of hate and distrust, Maybe seen as a great leader. When the truth has always been the opposite. The great secrets which he reveals is only for his selfish accumulation for power, authority and wealth.  C.J.MacKechnie
A revelator of GOD, will direct everything to GOD and not to him self. The secrets revealed will be encompassed by a new beginning of moving forward in peace and harmony. Violence, anger and hatred will not be a viable option upon hearing the secret which has been kept from all of humanity for a great deal of time. In fact the secrets kept. All proof of it's existence has been utterly destroyed, Just like the planet Mars. Even where their is destruction. Something is always left behind, if your willing to look long and hard enough.
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Masters Lies: (Unedited): 01 Dec 2011:

The teachings from the masters of lies and deceptions will be believed by their faithful and unquestioning followers. While those who fiercely believe will loyally commit everything to their masters cause without hesitation. C.J.MacKechnie
 It is interesting how lies and deceptions are believed as truths by those people who do not question authority respectfully. I would suppose to guarantee ones position of wealth, power and authority, That person would not would not want some common unimportant person to ask questions. After all it might be considered dis-respectful or dishonorable. Interesting creation of a cultural tradition. All which only benefits those with power, wealth and authority. While having zero benefit for the common unimportant person who has zero wealth, power and authority.
 I guess you could argue that if every common person began to question every word which comes forth from a person with wealth, Power and authority, Nothing would ever get accomplished.
That is another lie and deception, meant only to re-enforce the false tradition of not questioning a persons plans or ideas or even a new way of thinking.
 Question everything and question it often. 
If a person in authority belittles you for questioning them. Then end their wealth, power and authority. Without violence, without death, without destruction.
The power of the common masses is more powerful than any singular man who claims authority, power, wealth. It is only the common people who guarantees the power, wealth and authority of a single man. The power of a singular leader is made up of common every day people. If the common everyday people refuses to follow a man who lies and deceives. Then they refuse to follow Satan.

Woe is the follower who believes a lie and deception as a truth with all of their being. Only to discover they have only been used. If you become awakened to the whole truth. Do not take any aggressive action based in a new found hatred.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: