Showing posts with label Harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harmony. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2015

Mentored Prophecies: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2015:

The mentored becomes mentors at prophecies end.
 The perpetually mentored are also the same ones who must endure the prophecies manifestations. The rewards and curses in life are brought upon each one of us through those fundamental decisions we each have made in our life. From those decisions do we each also bless or curse the next generation of life to come. It is only us who bless or curse ourselves directly. *God will bless and curse or He will not bless or curse those whom He wants in the time He wants. Although God can and will do as He sees fit with or without any agreement or decent from any human being.
It is only when the mentored becomes both the mentors and prophets when all of the prophecies which have been made or is to be made become invalid. The mentors are those who freely choose to obey the laws of God. Not because they have to but because they want to. For these true mentors of God can see the pure truth and have the genuine logical understanding in the laws of God.
Which is based in some way to the incomplete and poorly arranged mathematical formula of Life below. (The formula below is my inadequate and incomplete understanding of what I'm trying to express).
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony and Law.
11 Nov 2016: * Changed sentence structure. Error. Telling God what He can and can't do. Never a good thing. or even would or would not do.
Mentors and prophets are one and the same person. It is usually the timing of when the mentor and prophet speaks. Some people are better mentors then they are prophets and some prophets do not make good mentors. I would suppose and assume God would send mentors and teachers first and then when the stubborn mind and hardened heart does not change or alter course. God sends in the prophets with their hammers and chisels. When neither the mentor and prophet has had negligible effect or affect. Then that person, family, people and nation. Must endure their own self ascribed predestined fate. 
Is not a teacher a mentor? 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

4 States of Physical Peace: (Unedited): 14 Dec 2015:

First State of Peace:      Is when you are sleeping and not in a dream state.
Second State of Peace:  Is when you are in a meditative or prayerful state of being.
Third State of peace:     Is when you are actively in a spiritually wakened state where harmony, love,
                                       Life and the law of God is your whole pursuit in all aspects of your personal,
                                      Private and professional life.
Forth state of peace:       Is when you are physically dead.
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Faithful Young Adult: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2015:

A faithful young adult who is also well reasoned and well balanced. Will be seen as odd and ridiculed by an insane and violent world. 
From that violent world. Insane people rise up to kill those who bring the true messages of love, peace, harmony and life. 
To love one another means to love everyone.
To live in peace means not to be violent in any way. This means internally and externally of the self.
To exist in harmony means not to be chaotic with any aspect of life. Regardless of how you define the importance of any particular thing is.
The law, The Law, The Law. A lot of people wants to bring excuses against the Laws of God. The Laws of God are necessary for every single person to live as nearly drama free life as humanly possible. The Laws of God are to be obeyed by those who choose of their own free will to obey them. All without fear, without intimidation and without threats. If you disobey the Laws of God. God is not going to strike you down with lightning and send you screaming to Hell. Well, you may end up their. But, God does not want us to be slaves. There is great wisdom in freely choosing to obey the Laws of God. To fundamentally know the Laws of God are Right.
A person can know and bring into to their lives all of the wisdom of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. But, if they cannot abide by the Laws of God. Then Righteousness and Holiness as seen and identified by only God cannot ever be attained. It matters not how wonderful your podium is and how high the people raise you up. It matters not how well you sing a tune glorifying the savior or the fancy airplane you have. It matters not how much wealth you promise to everyone who listens to your words of worldly wisdom. If you bring sin into your being, into your home, into any other holy place. You have brought into you desolation of abomination.
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.


To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Worth Humanity? : (Unedited): 30 Nov 2015:

Humanity becomes worthy when humanity as a whole begins to save itself.
This note dated 02 Dec 2015:
The only action required for humanity to save itself is in-action. The refusal to make conflict or war. The refusal to kill or harm any other. The refusal to dissent or promote chaos. The refusal to hate or to become angered. The refusal to cause anyone to suffer and to become saddened. This all must be done by free choice as a collective human decision. For those who do these things will gain them nothing as has been promised to them by those evil leaders whom they follow even if they falsely believe that the religious teachings they mindlessly follow will guarantee them a place in the heavens with great rewards and pleasures. We each must understand that everything you freely choose or are forced to take into your mind. All of it is brain washing you, controlling your mind and altering your mind.
This note dated 03 Dec 2015: 
The black words above is just the first step. The final step is below in purple. Those purple words is the only way for each one of us to save ourselves from complete extinction.
Your own path of divine righteousness and holiness while being directly and continuously connected to the Divine.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Race Solutions: (Unedited): 30 Nov 2015:

Solutions. How about truthful solutions. Something everyone should consider when based in absolute fact, even historical fact. Especially, when even today certain groups of human beings still teach that other groups of human beings are less than dogs and thus are not included in any righteous or morale correctness or Laws of God. Which basically means you can do how ever you desire and God will not hold you accountable. We all know about racism today. While racism is an absolutely real fact of life. Racism is also solely based in lies and deceptions. Racism is also a very power motivation force. Where one group becomes fearful of another group based only on appearance. One group immediately becomes superior human beings and the other savages or less than human beings. Now you have permission to go to war and justify killing. All the while those who are in control will hopefully profit from the knowing lies and deceptions they tell and teach their own populations. Until, A point is reached when the adults teach their own children. When cultures teach their own people.
You want solutions. Does the truth matter? Are you even willing to accept the truth no matter how brutal it is and the age of this truth. Yet, this truth is not taught to anyone. This truth if openly revealed will steal power and authority by those who desperately want to hold onto it. What if I told you that you and I share more than 99.9% of all of our DNA. Do you believe it or would you believe it if the absolute scientific facts were presented to you? Would that MORE THAN 99.9% of our identically shared DNA make us brother and sister to each other? By your own understanding. Research the completion of the Human Genome Project of 2003. Well that is only one fact how about a second one which involves international law of the whole world. It was formerly called DNA Finger printing of 1985 but is now called DNA profiling. It is where the genetic identity of a person ends in the conviction or freedom of a person. What it does is take about 99% of the total DNA information which seems to be identical to everyone else. The lawyers, Juries and judges focus on the remaining 1% which is used to prove guilt or innocence. This has already been used to free people who were on death row or have been falsely imprisoned for decades. There are two facts. Do your own research and when you get into the numbers. They get very very large as in astronomical. Way cool though. The third fact. The human skin is only an organ. Do your own research on the primary functions of the skin and the minor functions of the skin as the largest organ of the human body. Learn how if you lose a primary function. You can die, but if you lose the ability to create melanin. You will just become uncomfortable in the sun and will become a social outcast. So how come we do not create other races for the quality of a persons liver. I can't handle alcohol and I know people who can drink a lot of alcohol. By the definition of race simply based on skin tones. Then my argument of the differences of liver efficiency is equally valid? yes? maybe?
What about genealogy. Whose history can we trust and how far back can we go? Well, the most accurate history document is the Holy Bible. From that document. We can prove that all of humanity came from Noah and his adult children. Noah and his wife came from Adam and Eve. Who were most likely Genetic lab creations. As modern humanity can label the actions of some being.
But, when did the races and racism begin. Possibly the confusions of the tongues of humanity. This is also in the Holy Bible under the story of the "Tower of Babel". Do the research for yourself.
The separation of the races begins with truth. The more the truth is known, understood and accepted. The ugliness of racism begins to fade until it ends. What you are left with is a people who begin to know each other as true brothers and sisters. Or as the Native tribes of North America refer it to as "ONE RELATION". This one truth can end all of humanities wars with each other. Because, Who wants to shoot their own brother.

When I use the word "You" I do mean you but also everyone else.
john (C.J.MacKechnie)

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spiritual Communication: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2015:

Today, Something weird happened. If you read my blogs on a regular basis. You may know that strong spirits can use a person to communicate with you. Nothing permanent and maybe only long enough to pose a question. It may not even be a spirit, It may be an Angel of even a fallen angel. It could even be The Holy Spirit or God. Or can it be which god?

Sometimes you have to look at those things which are not typical of a particular person.
I work in a cooler and I'm pretty much left alone to do my duties. I like it. I pray and meditate almost all of the time while I'm in there.
So here comes one of the assistant managers and he asks the A-Typical Question.
Are you going to save the world? another question on to some kind of heroics on my part?
 Of course I was flippant in answering of the question. I said naw. I'm just going to wait in here and chill and watch it all happen.
Here is the real answer.
1). The world cannot be saved by any one human being. Except Yahshua.
2). The world has already been given the option for eternal spiritual life. It is each individual persons free choice to accept, deny or to ignore it. 
3). There are to many people who seem to believe and to teach that all prophecies are absolute and that we are all helpless to consider any other avenue. Prophecies are not absolute and they all can be either prevented and or mitigated. 
4). There are to many people and religions who work hard insuring that all of the prophecies of the bad and sad manifest. This is just insane. Because, the end result of all of the bad and sad prophecies is our extinction. It matters not which religious prophecy or the incorrect interpretations of them.
5). The people of the world have already been given all of the wise sages, prophets, messengers we need to make a well informed decision. All of these chosen wise men and women all had some things in common. They followed the formula. Whether they were aware of it or not.
The formula is: Life=Love,Peace,Harmony,Law.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
It seems to me and I can be in error here. The Native American tribes or the tribal peoples of the world. Have been given the wise messages related to Life. The Christian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Love. The Islamic Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Peace. The Asian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Harmony. The Jewish Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of the Law. In which all of humanity have screwed them all up. Hence all of the bad and sad prophecies from all of the prophets, both approved and unapproved . The big question is. How do I save humanity or save the world. It is to only point to the purple words. Without threats, fears or intimidation. It is really this simple. If you want to live and to have a life worth living. Well, then logically adopt those purple words as something you should actively do in your own life, everyday. Not because you have to but because you want to and it is the right thing to do. To do what is right and wise is Righteous.
Before anyone can humanity. We each must first become our own heroes and save ourselves. That means by becoming righteous everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Extinction Begins: (Edited): 25 Oct 2015:

The extinction of humanity begins with you. 
What you do. 
What you have done.
What you haven't done.
What you will do.
But the continued existence of humanity also begins with you. It is our free choice. It is how we choose to live.
The religions and churches have fallen and are falling. The devoutness of the genuine are becoming a mere remnant of the whole. Isn't this prophetic? And yet those who have fallen seem to have become unable to change their ways. This is the passing of judgment, when sin is celebrated within the holy places.
If your church and religion teach one truth but expect you to follow another, you are facilitating the coming extinction. It shall be all your fault and not the fault of God.
Whose fault is it when you choose to hate others? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you choose to fight, go to war, promote and engage in conflict? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you act chaotically? Are entertained by others' chaos? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the laws of God are no longer of importance? When you no longer obey the Laws of God?  It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you no longer consider becoming righteous or holy as something to actively aspire to? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the life of a human being no longer matters? When you actively agree with the right and freedom of abortion? It is your fault.
Don't blame God 
for the state of the world you live in. It is all your fault and the fault of your elders.
It is you who has lied, cheated and stole in your life in which you are solely responsible for.
It is you who has abused and tortured your own children and pets.
It is you who has done all of those sins in private and when you were caught, you decided to continue to sin at the total expense of your family and friends.
It is you who has murdered your namesake and genetic continuation of your blood line with your gay (LGBT) rights and legal freedoms. You have decided that.
It doesn't matter any more for all of you shall curse God and blame God for all that shall befall humanity. This is prophecy and was foretold. You have already been judged in this life. This is why apathy is spreading all across the world. Those who do not care have already been judged, even your children.
Think about this. Those who already have been judged have already celebrated sin within the holy places. Those who continue to remain in any church or religion which has accepted sin into their holy places are equally guilty of the desolation prophecy. They all will continue to sing, celebrate and be entertained even into their own destruction. They will know not why or even understand why God has done this to them. Maybe it was the god they choose to follow. The god of sin and of falling away. The god of this world system.
For those who have not been judged yet, the purple words are for you. There is a big difference between being merely religious and being righteous. Those who are religious pretend very hard to follow the purple words, while the righteous live the purple words, all without any threats, fears or intimidation.  If these words have shaken you into action of change, then do not follow me. I'm just a finger-pointer. Follow the Bible. Pray and meditate always. Clean up your life and walk away from all sin, even if that means walking away from your religion, church, family, friends, careers and the country you love. The word "remnant" does not mean many. You may find yourself alone with God.
(edited by RL)
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: This work has been republished on #Prophecy Everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Dead Peace: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2015:

When all is dead. Then there shall be everlasting peace.
 The war path is becoming clear. The soldier brothers shall bleed each other red. Until, there is nothing left to flow.
This seems to be a twisted philosophy of the world today. This is a false truth  even though it is true.
Have you read the logical formulas that I've come to see. Though they are only partial and not arranged correctly. Here they are in their most incomplete state. Which happens to be the best I can do.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, Law. 
New elements for Life just realized. This elements are Pure, Righteousness.
The absolute reversal of this is as follows.
Death = Hate, Conflict, Chaos, Lawlessness.
 New elements for Death just realized. The elements are Defiled, Impiety.
So the above quote is most related to which law? I know to obvious.
If there is any mixing of the death formula into the life formula. Death shall become the final answer.
I think these elements are less in equality to those other primary elements. I'm just not sure how it all works. I would suppose those who knew the actual formula would know how to arrange the elements in an ideal setting.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

1 of 1000: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2015:

:This is a word vision Prophecy:
It is year one of one thousand. A new method to count the years. As prophecy dictates. There shall only be one thousand years of peace. In that time and possibly on this new planet. All has been renewed or newly prepared. The chosen and snatched away remnant shall begin anew. They shall embrace the wisdom of love, peace, harmony, law and life. To such a degree. That the law shall nearly be forgotten but not replaced with lawlessness. You cannot say that lawlessness rules where law is forgotten. The purity of love, peace and harmony brings forth life and automatic observance of the law.
The planet is still very difficult and hard. The animal life and all aspects of fauna is in abundance. The stars may even be different. The remnant shall become the true caretakers of this new or reformed planet. They each shall have a direct communication with all of the life upon this new world. Some, most or all aspects of the spiritual gifts shall be readily used by those who easily embrace them. The animal life shall openly come to them for assistance or assurance. Even the great and fearsome predators shall come to them in love and acceptance. The fear that the former humans once have had is as extinct as they are now. These animals shall not be treated as pets or as service animals. Direct two way communication shall be easy and not divined in any way. The understanding of the needs, wants and desires of any animal or plant shall not be confusing or vague.
In the year one thousand of one thousand. The destroyer shall come. His thirst for blood shall go  unquenched. The one thousand years of peace shall end. This is only a prophecy and revelation of any prophecy can alter it completely. So if the new remnant of humanity plans and prepares for the eventual arrival or freedom of this great destroyer. Then destroyed they shall not become. By holding firmly onto love, peace, harmony and life. By not allowing themselves to forget the laws. By keeping in actual communion with God. By becoming and remaining a holy and righteous people in the sight of God. The destroyer shall have no effect. In one thousand years much can be lost and forgotten. Just as this digital content shall be lost forever when the power goes out. So to many things can be forgotten or just simply unknown. Through prayer, meditation, Contemplation and fasting. Shall answers and new questions come to the forefront of the searching spirit and mind. 
In year one of one thousand. Begins a life of survival. Shall the new humans forget everything and regress back into their most basic of animalistic natures? or will they embrace all that they can evolve to be? That will be their every second and every day choice. With those very important questions. How can we do more than just survive? When survival in any sense. Is not fun and is not living a life with any kind of purpose or meaning. Survival is merely not becoming extinct. With all of the bruises, blood and broken bones. That go along with survival.
In year one of one thousand. A thousand years may seem like it is so far away. But, it is not. You must begin at day one of these next one thousand years. To plan for the future of humanity and for the coming of the great destroyer. Every single day must be for the future of humanity. Every day must have purposeful and planned works for the last day of one thousand years. So that when that very last day is upon humanity. When the destroyer does come every aspect of his arrival shall be mitigated and or prevented. The destroyer shall become ineffective. But beware, in all of these things. Do not allow hate to seep in. Do not allow a war footing to take a hold. Do not allow chaos to cause you to fear greatly in those last hundreds of years. Do not give up, give in or to quit any where in between. Do not acknowledge that your death/extinction is an option to be considered at any time. To burst through that coming one thousand year barrier. Shall become the birth of something new and wonderful. Something which shall not know any limitation of time and space.
This may very well be the last time that God shall save humanity. It is in this prophecy in which nothing follows. This prophecy does not declare any saving. There shall not be a Noah, A Moses, A new Adam/Eve or even a Jonah with a warning. There shall not be a remnant to be saved yet again. So in this last one thousand years. It shall be all of your responsibility. To maintain your holiness and righteousness as seen by God. It shall be all of your responsibility to choose by your own free will to love one another, to live in peace, to exist in harmony, to revere all life and to honor the laws.
It shall be your time:
To save yourselves and become your own heroes.
Your right to life will only be seen in your daily actions. Throughout the entire one thousand years.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fallen False: satan World Ends: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2015:

False teachers teach from within the fallen Churches/Religions. Thus, all that you may have been religiously taught may in fact be wrong.
The word church is my universal word for Mosque, Synagogue and temple.
A fallen church is one where the church leadership has allowed sin to dwell within the holy places.
This also means any little lie and deception. Such as racism, sexuality and prophecies. This is to also include cultural-ism. This includes hatred which breeds a war footing against a defined enemy. An enemy which is your brother or sister. Those who go to war or conflict are all Cain in mind. Those who hate are all Cain at heart. Those who are disobedient to Gods original intentions are all Cain in action.
Personal Note: I am a Cain who is struggling not to be. When everything seems to be known as lies and deceptions. Everyone has become Cain. Every religion is a Cain. Therefore everyone needs to by their own free will. Just go to God in long prayer and meditation. Prayer is you talking to God, Meditation is you Listening to God. Quiet time is you contemplating Gods words to you. 
False teachers, false prophets and anti-christ are here and their numbers are growing. Those religious leaders whom you favor or once had favored and learned a great deal from. May have contaminated your way of thinking with the teachings of false prophecies, false teachings. These things and every little thing you must reacquaint yourself with. For instance "The Left behind series" what if this is in it's entirety a false prophecy. Yes, there may be some truthful elements contained inside. But, didn't satan mix the truth of the word with false understandings and knowledge's? When he tempted Jesus. Get it or find it, dust it off and look it up in the ole Holy Bible.  Let that sink in for a moment. Then what about the rapture? Is it real or not. For me the rapture is not an absolute and hope that it is absolutely true. In spite of the word rapture not being in the Holy Bible.
A good friend of mine is absolutely sold on the rapture and I told him I shall not be like those who shall continue to argue or debate the point when it occurs. Yes, He will tell me so. But, on the other side of this vague coin. If the rapture does not happen. I hope he will not deny God and curse God. Because, that shall happen as well. Those by mouth only Christians shall take the mark of the beast. While the devout and righteous Christians shall die of thirst or starve to death. While others hunted and killed. Imprisoned and enslaved. With every imaginable abuse and torture to endure. Will you still dye after enduring all manor of physical and psychological hell with Jesus as your last word upon your last breath? Think about the old disciples, old believers and all they had to endure? Think about the Christians within the Roman Coliseum. How is it that your deserving or entitled to be any different? If every person on this planet began to love one another. There will be no need for government, kings, queens, dictators or any other evil leader of anything.
satan World Ends: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015:
The world of satan ends. 
All because of love. 
With love there is true peace. 
With love there is true harmony. 
With love there is true life worth living. 
Love is the key to everything good and righteous. 
With love there is no need for the Law. This doesn't mean there will be lawlessness. It means that the Law of God is not all that apparent. When all of humanity begins to love one another. 
The laws of God or the Ten Commandments is for a people who do not love one another.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Paradise Lost: (Unedited): 21 July 2015:

Your paradise shall be lost 
When you lose love and begin to hate. 
When you disregard peace and and take in conflict/war.
When you forget the importance of harmony in favor 
of those things which are chaotic to nature.
Everyone knows the lessons "To Love one another" and yet they continue to commit sin/crime against their own brother's and sister's.
Everyone seems to want peace and yet they thirst for war. Even in the games they play.
Everyone seems to have forgotten the the importance of harmony in any aspect of their lives. Chaos seems to abound in everything which surrounds each of our own individual worlds.
Paradise has been lost to the Human beings upon this planet and there is still time to regain paradise lost. Although it will require altering all aspects of living life we are living today on this planet.
For instance relearning the truths of who our brothers and sisters are? Or relearning who our relations are? Even if their appearance is just a little different than yours. Genetically speaking more than 99.9% of all of your DNA is identical to mine or that other person whom you may hate on the other side of the city or world. This is a fundamental truth proven in DNA since before 1984. The factual conclusions cannot be argued. This is also an absolute truth with the completion of the Human Genome project. The separation and division of the various races of humanity is a lie.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Church of Sin: religious gods/idols: (Unedited): 10 July 2015:

The religious leaders who lie, cheat and steal (All Sin) in order to start and grow their churches prove to themselves to be the gods of their own creation. 
This is not just about lying, cheating and stealing. It is about all manner of sin, secret sins and criminality. By thinking yourself to be justified to rob even time from another just so that a good work can be done for your religion or for your church. Is still a sin as someone must sneak away in order to deceive some boss.
This does also includes any form of intimidation's, threat's and the perpetuation of any fear's.
This isn't just about churches. The word church can be substituted for Mosque, Temple, Synagogue or any Holy Lands/places. The greatest of holy places on this Earth is the whole of the Earth with all of it's waters. The greatest of any temple is not made of any stone or rock. It is within you the human being.
religious gods/idols: (Unedited): 10 July 2015: 
You religious gods. Who have set yourself up and apart for the worshiping masses. Shall become the idols of those whom tithe to you their god incarnate. 
All of you who are considered religious leaders, no matter the religion. Are not supposed to set yourselves apart or even set yourselves up to the accumulation of wealth and prosperity. You are supposed to be teachers and those who only point the way for the whole to become more than you are.  Just in the act of setting yourself apart from all of humanity and acquiring all manor of wealth, comforts, prosperity's, and even secret decadence. Yes, can you imagine the common person discovering that those place you visit outside of your own spheres of influence is where you express your own internal decadent expressions. For those of you religious leaders who do such things is reason why and how your evil and deserving of judgement from Him who is much greater than I can even conceptualize. fear not or fear you shall. Because, even in your own misinterpreted prophecies. When HE comes and HE is coming. Just as you preach to the worshipers the truth of the coming Great One. Who shall defeat all of the(HIS) enemies. You shall be one of those enemies and those who have decided to make you their god/idol. You shall be one of the ones who shall be judged as one of the greatest evils upon this planet. It matters not which religion I speak of. For the religion of peace has become the religion of war, death and destruction. The religion of love has become the religion of hate exclusion and apathy. The religion of harmony has lost it's rudder, it's compass and their sails cannot find a wind. Such is chaos for the religion of harmony
This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Outward truth: (Unedited): 08 July 2015:

The truth of who you are should never be covered up with the lie of makeup or the deception of hair coloring. By keeping love within your heart, peace within your mind and harmony within your body. This is the outward truth of you which should be accepted by God first and then by you. This shall be enough. Have faith in truth.
Can you not see the outward expression of who you are is representative of the truth within you. A pastor who colors his hair or wears a wig. These things are outward lies seen by all who you want to know the truth. The young girl who sees herself as less than desirable because she has dark hair and then becomes a blonde. These are all lies which hide the truth of you.
You are good enough as you are. Because, all that you are is that pure truthful outward expression of the condition of what is inside of you. If you outwardly express lies and deceptions. Then this is what is inside of you.
:Needs work:
A man who does not have to see through your outer appearance to get to your inner truth. Is a man who will appreciate the beautiful flower without all of that false dusting of makeup. 
You pastors and other professional religious persons. Why do you think the pastor's kids flee religion. Because they see how you entertain, how you perform and how you lie and deceive each and every day. The truth of the Bible, The truth of God is not dependent on the condition of your wig or your hair coloring. Although it may in fact be a sign of your faith. A faith which needs hair coloring and wigs. This is something each of you really need to address within your own selves. Because the message of divine truth you deliver is more important than your hair, your clothing and even your being. The message of divine truth is even more important than your buildings you call a church, temple, mosque or synagogue. Because, long after your holy places have returned to the earth as dust and ruble. The divine word remains as it always has and as it always will be.
This is for every religion. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Divine Connections: (Unedited): 19 June 2015:

Obtaining physical connections to the Divine is not the same as creating within yourself internal spiritual connections with the Divine.
 There is power in those divine and holy things in which we have in our possession/ownership. There is power in those divine and holy places all over the world.
All of these divine and holy things and places should be revered/respected/honored. But, only to a point. The point should be where one or many cross a line and become hateful, angry, chaotic, murderous and destructive. As well as any other describing word which ends in any harm or suffering or even perpetuates all negative thinking and feelings.
In the physical sense they are only important to the physical person. In regards to their physical, emotional and logical aspect of their being.
But more importantly. Those holy things and places are not important at all. Because, they are all only made up of physical properties and that is all they shall ever be. Is there some kind of special or spiritual energy which has been given to these holy relics and places? Absolutely. But, again. They are only made up of those physical things which shall always be physical. Is there some kind of spiritual energy in various forms of rocks and crystals? Yes there is. Are they important?  Yes they are. But, again I must tell you they are all made up of physical properties and shall never become anything more than they are now.
Here is what is truly important. All of the holy things come from very select holy places in which there are no holy borders or holy property lines. national interests or a waters edge does not create a limitation to a holy site. For I tell you the truth. The ancient holy sites of the Hopi, Christian, Islam, Hindu, and every other place all belongs to one single holy place. This entire planet is a holy place and so to this entire solar system and so to this entire galaxy and so on. Because, It was all created by the Holy Hands of The Most Divine Creator. So all that The Creator has made is Holy. Including you. Which brings me to the next and most important of all of these points.
None of those places or things are important at all. You are what is important. Your own self created spiritual connection to the Holy Creator. This begins with with genuine repentance of every sin. Not just asking for forgiveness but declaring that you are sorry for doing such things and then praying for those whom you have harmed. This is followed closely by reverence to those things in which the creator wants each of us to learn and how to live our lives by His Laws. All with our free will and by our free choice. All without fears, intimidation's and/or threat's. Make it your mission to become sinless by your own free choice and then go forth and sin no more.
Through these things that we each genuinely do and practice daily. Shall we each be able to achieve a state of righteousness and holiness as defined and accepted by the Divine Creator.
In this way we all shall become a singular family of human beings who have become holy in the eyes of God.
Love, Peace and Harmony shall all be freely expressed not because they are absolute laws but because it is right and that our creator desires that we all love one another, Live in peace with everyone and exist in harmony with all.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Threatened Theologian: (UNedited): 11 June 2015:

Without repentance, reverence and righteousness. The religious shall be threatened with becoming a theologian.
The three keys to being aware of your spiritual connections with the Divine God are as follows. Repentance, Reverence and Righteousness. But these three keys are not the first things you need to begin this logical awareness in your journey. Just as wisdom, knowledge and understanding also require something else but are logically tied to Repentance, Reverence and righteousness in some way.
There is a definite logical and mathematical relationship with the following term groupings. Not in listed order. The four groupings should be correct.
God, Spirit, Word.
Repentance, Reverence, Righteousness.
Love, Peace Harmony and Life.
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

How they relate to one another mathematically. Is beyond me. But, I do know it is so. Almost like one red apple plus one green apple equals one red and one green apples.  Did I even express my fruity example correctly?
There is also and inverse to those above blue words. In which I'm not entirely aware of. But here is a few. The words in red is my best guess.
satan, devil, lucifer.
hate, war/conflict, chaos, death/destruction.
ignorance/stupidity, incompetence, intolerant.
Sometimes the thesaurus is just weird. If your a wordy type. Read this or these. The antonyms. Do the antonyms for each of the blue words as well as the red words.
So I guess you can only be satisfied and happy if your unrepentant.
The word censure sticks out but is unrelated to this topic.

Theological relationships with these.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Righteous Human Potential: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Righteous Thinking,
Righteous Behavior,
Righteous Living,
Must precede achieving your unknown maximum human potential.
What is our maximum human potential? To achieve that next step of physical human evolution? To evolve into something more spiritual, mental and physical? Or is to just become better at what ever it is that we are doing now? Is there a balance? Will forgetting or refusing to believe in a thing keep us from getting to that next level? What does righteousness have to do with anything? Look at all of those intellectually famous people who refuse to believe or accept anything spiritual or non-physical. Look at those super physical athletes who tend to live their personal live however they desire. No matter who they harm. Look at those beautiful people who seem to have the most screwed up lives and yet they become wealthier and more famous.
There is absolutely no righteousness within these people and yet they seem to be better than everyone else. Why is that?
The balance of your own humanity is the key to achieving your unrealized maximum human potential. This balance can only begin when you unlearn the lies and learn the truths. This is all tied to what you believe in and disbelieve in. Are they actual truths or lies believed as truths? Do you know the difference and how can you know the difference?
For instance there is a law of physics that states that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. In a sense this is true until you get down to the basic subatomic structures. If two objects collide with enough force, they would become one which would be different then the two original objects. So, is the law wrong or am I wrong. I do not study science nor have I been formerly trained/educated and yet I knew this thing as a teenager. (Not bragging). Especially, the Cern type of machines are discovering this thing today. Right now they want to see those broken up particles but also they will see those particles which collide and become something different even if for a very short period of time.
What does this have to do with anything? truth, belief, acceptance and understanding.
But what are all of the qualities of the human being? The mind has two or more parts? yes and no? really? The intellectual and the emotional part of your brain. There is two parts. Are there any more? I'm still in discovery mode in regards to the human brain so it seems is all of humanity. Which includes those studies of things which began as a incorrect thought or even a known wrong thought in order to sell more medications. Such as bi-polar and ADHD. Are those two things truths or just profit mechanisms taught to the mass population to be truths when they are lies? why did I even select Bi-polar and ADHD? Because, it is important. Because, being bi-polar or ADHD may not be a psychological defect if seen in another light? For instance is it bipolar or a gifted empath who knows not of their gift. Is ADHD really attention deficit or is it an accelerated mind which does not need so much time? How you see and what you believe may not be so true especially, if the physical evidence is lacking or non-existent. What does this have to do with righteousness? Truth is righteousness. Separating yourself from all that are lies and deceptions even if they are believed to be truths. All of it, is that important.
The balance of every aspect of who and what you truly are is of much importance. Especially, if you truly want to get to that next level in life. Which means the whole of who you are must equally grow, develop and evolve at an equal rate. This equal rate is assuming that all parts of you are already balanced equally. With equal levels of growth, development and evolution. Equal is equal. Cannot be any more or any less.
Righteousness is or was taught within the established religions and seems to longer be accepted or even taught. Righteousness is living the right way with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Righteousness is tied to love, peace, harmony and life. Anything which is contradictory to love, peace, harmony and life is not of righteousness. Righteousness cannot be achieved if you must pretend to be holy and sinless because of fears, intimidation's and threat's. Righteousness is your self choice by your own free will and is based because you inherently see that righteousness is right, just and true.  To see means without actually seeing. You know it to be so.
To begin to walk the path of righteousness. I would suppose the first place to start is within the old established teachings of the religious texts. The text of the laws. The texts of love. The texts of harmony. The texts of life. The texts of peace. It doesn't really matter if the religion of loves hates more than anyone else. It doesn't matter if the religion of peace only knows war and conflict. It doesn't matter if the religion of harmony only knows chaos. It doesn't matter the religion of life only knows death. Their basic teachings are of truth even though the outward physical human expression of them all is very wrong and corrupt. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Prophetic Fate: (Unedited): 05 June 2015:

You each are the change for humanities prophetic fate this day. Show Love, Be merciful, Express compassion. Not just this day but all days to come.
The prophets of ancient humanity.
The prophets of recent history.
The prophets of today.
All have warned humanity of it's coming demise. It shall be not by the hand of God. But, by our own collective human insanity in which we all participate in. Extinction is in the near future for humanity.
All of it can be averted when we each willingly and by our own free choice. Without any threats, intimidation's or fears. All begin to do the following.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Apocalyptic Band Wagon: (Unedited): 04 June 2015:

Will Robinson!
Apocalyptic band wagon is running at high speed again.
Well, If you have been reading my writings. You know we are in the third set of seven years of discipline for the USA. Which means we have about three months left at most before the next event. What day shall it be? I have no idea and am not really interested. Except for the actions and responses of those people who gave the date of the END as they saw it coming.
The exact dates, the exact years, the exact hours, the exact minute or even the exact second is of no importance to anything. What is of the most importance is you and how you are responding to the running of this new apocalyptic band wagon into hells fires. We are all gonna die again on 24-25 Sept 2015: Who knows, it may be very accurate. But, history suggests that this date shall also be incorrect. But, what if this date is the date? what if? Will those who gave the date and celebrate the loss of life and proclaim " I was right!" To what end shall that proclamation be seen in the final event(s) aftermath?
Or worse will those who prophesied the date be saddened that nothing happened at all. Just like Jonah who found his good spot to watch God destroy all.
There is one key to the prophecies and that person is the prophet Billy Graham. If Billy Graham prays earnestly enough for a delay in the end of the USA. Maybe, Just maybe God will delay for as long as Billy Graham shall live.
Other than that here is a short list of what everyone must do to avert apocalyptic disaster.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
To choose to become holy and righteous in the eyes of God. Is your free choice to make. Without any fear, intimidation's or threats. You must accept, reject or ignore. This decision shall be seen in all aspects of your life. You freely make your choice simply because is it right. That is all to begin with. everything else shall fall into place. All aspects of your life also include your thinking process within your own mind. Go and sin no more.
 We all can still begin a new era for all of humanity. This is a new era of human righteousness. This era of human righteousness shall begin with the remnant of chosen human beings. When man goes through with their insane plans for total warfare and misunderstood scientific explorations. In that moment the rapture shall occur and the remnant taken. So few shall be taken. That the event  shall be argued as a non rapture event.
So it was in the time of Noah. So shall it be in the end. The only thing left is the common people to have common everyday knowledge of the fallen and righteous angels/aliens. Please forgive my use of aliens word. In this modern era. The word alien may apply to angels.
This applies to all human beings. Not just this group and not that one. The idea of races within the human beings is all lies and deceptions perpetuated by world leaders even though the truths have been known for more than 20 years now. We are all one human species and thus one singular family of 7+ billion people.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 