Sunday, October 25, 2015

Extinction Begins: (Edited): 25 Oct 2015:

The extinction of humanity begins with you. 
What you do. 
What you have done.
What you haven't done.
What you will do.
But the continued existence of humanity also begins with you. It is our free choice. It is how we choose to live.
The religions and churches have fallen and are falling. The devoutness of the genuine are becoming a mere remnant of the whole. Isn't this prophetic? And yet those who have fallen seem to have become unable to change their ways. This is the passing of judgment, when sin is celebrated within the holy places.
If your church and religion teach one truth but expect you to follow another, you are facilitating the coming extinction. It shall be all your fault and not the fault of God.
Whose fault is it when you choose to hate others? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you choose to fight, go to war, promote and engage in conflict? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you act chaotically? Are entertained by others' chaos? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the laws of God are no longer of importance? When you no longer obey the Laws of God?  It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you no longer consider becoming righteous or holy as something to actively aspire to? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the life of a human being no longer matters? When you actively agree with the right and freedom of abortion? It is your fault.
Don't blame God 
for the state of the world you live in. It is all your fault and the fault of your elders.
It is you who has lied, cheated and stole in your life in which you are solely responsible for.
It is you who has abused and tortured your own children and pets.
It is you who has done all of those sins in private and when you were caught, you decided to continue to sin at the total expense of your family and friends.
It is you who has murdered your namesake and genetic continuation of your blood line with your gay (LGBT) rights and legal freedoms. You have decided that.
It doesn't matter any more for all of you shall curse God and blame God for all that shall befall humanity. This is prophecy and was foretold. You have already been judged in this life. This is why apathy is spreading all across the world. Those who do not care have already been judged, even your children.
Think about this. Those who already have been judged have already celebrated sin within the holy places. Those who continue to remain in any church or religion which has accepted sin into their holy places are equally guilty of the desolation prophecy. They all will continue to sing, celebrate and be entertained even into their own destruction. They will know not why or even understand why God has done this to them. Maybe it was the god they choose to follow. The god of sin and of falling away. The god of this world system.
For those who have not been judged yet, the purple words are for you. There is a big difference between being merely religious and being righteous. Those who are religious pretend very hard to follow the purple words, while the righteous live the purple words, all without any threats, fears or intimidation.  If these words have shaken you into action of change, then do not follow me. I'm just a finger-pointer. Follow the Bible. Pray and meditate always. Clean up your life and walk away from all sin, even if that means walking away from your religion, church, family, friends, careers and the country you love. The word "remnant" does not mean many. You may find yourself alone with God.
(edited by RL)
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: This work has been republished on #Prophecy Everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Russian Defense: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2015:

By around 2025:
Russia will need 12-18 active overlay-ed large arrayed Radar systems similar to the ones in which they had during the cold war years. But, modernized.
Russia will need independent power plants for each facility. The sustained power output shall be far greater than the radar requirement. There will be a future defensive/offensive attachment.
These new radar stations will also need to evolve in directed energy weapons platforms in the Megawatt ranges. If and when these Megawatt directed energy weapons become reliable and coupled with the new ballistic missile radar systems. The Russian Ballistic missile shield will be effective.
First radar systems shall be seen as defensive. In which they are. Radar systems do not attack. They are just the eyes. I saw three Lasers in a triangle. Miles/KM's apart.
Second is power generation. Which must exceed needed requirements. The math just won't add up. Military requirements, commercial requirements and civilian requirements.
Third is the Megawatt LASER's installations.
Forth. To be followed up with typical military re-enforcement's. Hardened. 
Russia will need to master on demand satellite movements. By creating satellites with the ability to see and range with other satellites. Then to be able to park right next to them or on them and just launch darts into them or to grapple or to just suicide. For future collisions.
Russia will need to continue to up-range and increase the speed of their long distance cruise missiles. By placing several hundred at their new military facilities in the Arctic Islands and on the Siberian side of Alaskan coast. Beware, Russia wants Alaska back and will get it back. I see a flat building with a thousand skylights. They are not skylights.
Russia will need a reliable 5th generation fighter plane. That completes the thought of old school fighter airplanes. Speed, maneuverability, range and payloads. Yet, can still be easily serviceable by typical knuckle dragger military personnel (Meant with respect). It looks like Russia is getting very close and is most likely vastly/infinitely superior to the F35 and moderately superior to the F22.
The F35 news may be all negative propaganda for the benefit of the Americans. SunTzu comes to mind. When your numbers are low build more fires. When your numbers are high build fewer fires. (Paraphrase). Maybe, the F35 is a genuine superior awesome machine. But, then again. I think the bad news in regards to the F35 is all very accurate including the trillion dollar price tag. 
Russia will need a new armor platform. The T14 Armata tank platform. Looks superior to any other tank on Earth. Except one broke down while in a parade. A reminder of old soviet reliability issues.
I guess the big question. Is there a cause and an effect? Is the actions of the USA since the Iraqi invasion 25 years ago and the USA is still at war in the middle east. Why? Once you think about 25 years. Why? ISIS today is portrayed as the new enemy and the American government is financially supporting them? Is this true? the common American civilian may never know as the entire American news media seems to be controlled by corporations and the government. Yet, in response to Russian actions in Syria. The USA drops weapons, ammunition and grenades to Syrian rebels who are ISIS, ISIL or IS. Is the USA starting a war with Russia and China?
In the world today the USA is the biggest player or bully of them all. In prophecy the USA is not clearly identified. Which May or (most likely) mean(s) the USA is no longer in existence or is no longer an important player in the world. Either way the American civilian population seems to be the ones who shall soon suffer greatly. Just as the wealthy and politically powerful will live comfortably in their COG Doomsday shelters. Just as they are proclaiming all of those doomsday preppers as crazed lunatics and outlawing their essential human rights of survival. Even to gather rain water.
Anytime you cause unto others disability, death, destruction and disease. That is what you will always get in return. What you sow is what you shall also reap. A man who plants tomato seeds. Will not expect cattle to grow out of the ground in its due time.
Added on 30 Oct 2015: Russia and President Putin. 
You need to study strategy and tactics in regards to the letter "C".
Once you know them all. You will see just how "Confused" the media are in relation to the news reporting of "Cables".
Do Not Underestimate or question the resolve of President Putin. While the Bully American politicians want to play ignorant political games with Putin. He will knock the whole of America out. You need to understand "MAD" The whole of the USA is absolutely helpless. No one is investing in anything defensive for any civilian or even for any military base/post.
Oooops. Back to the Letter "C". Command, Control, Communications, Coordination, Civilians. (There are more I just forgot them.)
In warfare of any you must Control/limit or destroy all of the enemies "C's" while at the same time magnifying your "C's". In doing so you will "Conquer" your enemy.
So lets look at the underwater cable paranoia propaganda that Russia is conducting against the USA. It is all about Communications. So President Putin's actions is all about a strategy of preparation for actual warfare. Russia is actively preparing for war with the USA as is China. But, this is about Russia. Not China.
Remember those die hard movies. It's always about the Cash or the Control of energy and the Conversion/denial of US Currency in energy transactions.
So Russia will plant themselves into Syria as they have done in Crimea. The target will be the new energy resources of Israel. They may be able to limit or completely stop. But, Israel will have that new resource. Which at this time is still unknown, not found and most likely not Conceptualized. The target is Israel. By Creating energy uncertainty. Russia makes more money in energy. Thus, completing the building and modernizing of their entire military and space military programs.
Added on 09 Nov 2015: 
Russian military Coalitions are coming together. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Turkey?, India?, Syria, Cuba and certain South American Countries.
It seems Americans think that India is our friend. When you look at the military contracts with Russia. This is direct evidence of A very tight relationship.
India is also buying military equipment from the USA.
I think the US military is run by insane persons. Meaning why would you launch a Trident Missile at night close to your own shore and not warn your local lawmen and the civilian airspace controllers?  Isn't that unnecessarily risking civilian lives? Which means they will push your buttons to cause you to launch your nukes. OR? is the American government so irresponsible and apathetic towards the civilian population? That it would Nuke it's own city like new York City and blame who? Russia You probably should count your nukes. That the Clinton's helped you build.
Added on 12 Nov 2015: Russian news.
Well Russian Military personnel accidentally and briefly released classified information on a nuclear torpedo on National Media.  Yea Right!!!. This is part of the game which is being played. The USA launches 2 Trident missiles in full view of millions of Americans and called it classified. The USA flies 2 B52 bombers near newly created Chinese islands. Expect a likewise response from China soon. Back to the nuclear torpedo. I think the idea has been around since the 1950's. Tactically could be used to eliminate Aircraft carrier battle groups. Underwater speed is said to be anywhere from 60mph to 200mph and run at a depth of several hundred feet. For tidal effects. Another use is in the attacks on naval bases as well as ports for civilian industry.  So could this be a possible future tidal wave event for New York city region? As discovered by Jonathan Kleck of the new US currency? Can the use of this giant nuclear super captivating torpedo be used against every civilian and military naval port in the USA @ once? Does Russia have that many and are they reliable?
Added on 22 Nov 2015: Jonathan Kleck tidal wave on the money? Maybe? Source?
Russian drone submarine. 10 MT nuclear warhead.
Think about this. The problem is fallout after any nuclear exchange or just a single sided delivery. Which poses the question. How would you occupy the country you have destroyed when radiation will kill your own troops and civilians? The answer could be. Allow the ocean to absorb the majority of the radioactivity while creating a tidal wave which may leave infrastructure behind. When the waters recede. So what would be the Russian targets against USA? All of the military and civilian ports. All of the military bases and posts which are in close proximity to the ocean. For instance. The complete destruction of New York city and Long Island. May require up to or more than 10 of these UUV drone submarines. Staggered x-miles/KM's  apart and maybe aligned in some way along the shallow deep water ridge.
Once detonated. The second incoming wave may be more destructive than the first.
Florida alone would require 20+ of these UUV submarine drones.
Maybe, one strategy is for the Russian military to focus nuclear strikes on fault zones and volcanoes.
Added on 12 July 2016: What you the reader may not know. Is that there are usually precursors or signs before any war goes hot.  1). Reject all lines of formal and informal communications. 2) Military movements. 3) kick out diplomats. 4) Modernize and modify all equipment for warfare right now. 5) Launch numerous satellites which are not scheduled. 6) Quickly plan war games with friends.
7) Last will need to be all submarines launch.
Here is a 2 year old story from list verse.
Here is another nearly two year old story.

I have been thinking about this today. The USA is not the same country or people they were in the 1940's. Since the 1950's the people and country has fallen away from their God and from their own families. The American person is now more self isolated than they ever have been. The American person no longer cares (apathy). Sure they may argue the point because they know the right answer to speak. But, in action the American person no longer cares. The American person no longer cares about righteous wisdom or the right way of thinking. Which translates into the right way to live your life.
So President Putin, is in trouble. How do you communicate with someone who doesn't care and the end result may very well be extinction?
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Spiritually Real: (Unedited): 1? Oct 2015:

Many can be confused between what is real and what is imagined. Those who do make and maintain a spiritual connection with God shall never be confused.
The spiritual world is like that of the zero state of all things. They are both neither real in our physical dimension and are real.  They are neither positive nor are they negative. Yet they are still as they are.
Falsehoods shall not deceive you when they disobey the Laws of God. Which do include the obvious 10 Commandments as well as the purple words below.  If anything is presented before you and it disagrees. Then it is wrong. No matter how eloquent the speech or how convincing the argument. The fact that a person needs to argue or debate is evidence of some kind of deceit or an attempt to convince you to be less holy and righteous. This is of course if you are already living your mental, spiritual and physical life as how God has intended.
By keeping your focus on what is true and truth. You shall not be overcome spiritually or mentally. I know that is easier typed than lived. But through the struggle is where the reward is. What is the reward? Victory in itself. Any test of your righteousness and holiness in which you have become more resolved into being unchanged and UN-moving. Is a victory. Just keep your connection with God. Even though the world and religions around you have already become drunk with sin.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sin Fade: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2015:

Reasoned and imagined sin shall fade away with your active mental energies focused upon God.
Both reasoned and Imagined sins or thoughts can become uncontrolled within any person.  If they were ever controlled disciplined thoughts.
This is where reading the Holy Bible, prayer and meditation comes into importance to each and every person. These three actions teaches everyone discipline and self control of thoughts. By learning how to control your own thinking processes. You begin to mentally sin less and less. Which will eventually translate into less physically manifested sins. The way more educated evil psychologist persons who want to keep you forever as a patient. Will tell you to your face that it is impossible to control every thought. So don't even try it. While they up the doses of your new more powerful prescriptions which keep you enslaved to them forever.
The more of a threat you are to the fallen angels and the spiritually demonic. The more attention these entities will pay attention to you.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Unhappy Equally: (Unedited): 19 Oct 2015:

Both the educated slave and the uneducated free person can be equally unhappy with their lives.
Was it wrong for the wife of the master of the slave to allow education. Knowing that the slave will become unhappy with their circumstance.
I share a birthday with Nat Turner.
Then there is the free person who may be mentally enslaved by their deceitful culture, social circles  or poor family upbringing. They to will become saddened by their life once they have become enslaved by it and unable to alter their course without harming others in the process.
The wise and strong who are in the age where everyone is free. Will discover this is not so. For an imprisoned criminal can be more free than the jailer. The homeless more free than the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). The autistic more free than the declared normal person.
Know the difference between those who only want to harm you by keeping you down or one of the down trodden and those who offer you sage advice of deep wisdom. Such as an education is only the first steps to your freedom. While those who want you to remain enslaved as they are. Will declare to you and accuse you of trying to be white or someone else whom you can never be or become. You can only ever be who you are. This is the wisdom. Do you want to be a better human being or remain unchanged in your current and possible undesirable state of living. Then you must know that it is not everyone else who must change for your benefit. It is and always has been only you who must change for your own self benefit. This is where your freedom shall always remain.
There was a time when Nelson Mandela was an imprisoned criminal who had no freedom. Then in a singular moment of time. he became more free than his jailers and the rest of the people of south Africa was.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Russian Peaceful Leadership: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2015:

The thrum reverberates through our entire home world. From below my feet I want to dance the war dance. I can hear the war drums coming from the West and East. I can feel the war drums coming from the north and south. Hate and anger is all around. Men want to fight any other men for any reason. There is no talk of peace or yearning to love any other. Even if they are all brother and sister to each other.
The desire for war is very strong. The expectant excitement for the blood of another to drip upon our tongues will become an uncontrolled insane enraged action to kill more. Just like the hungry bear who has slept long only to awaken to see a stupid and sin drunk eagle causing unwise chaotic problems for the rest of the world. Even a stupid sin drunk eagle can respect the power of the irritated hungry bear who is waking up. For even this dark eagle who is prideful of its own great intelligence. Shall be easily destroyed by it's own self ignored ignorance. Maybe the sin drunk dark eagle is not so ignorant if it's desires are to cause the destruction of all that is righteous and holy in the soon to be destroyed land of freedom it rules over.
Oh the bear, the bear of the north. Great power the bear has. Timid is not this bear with it's new found strengths in which the sin drunk dark eagle does not even know. For now is the time of the reawakened great bear and startles the sin drunk eagle by leaping over it and devour the evil in which the dark eagle feeds and protects.
Oh the bear, the great bear of the north, whose deep wisdom and understanding has evolved beyond it's own natural animalistic aggression's. Can and will the bear choose wisely and express wise insights to the whole of the world or will the bear succumb to enraged blood thirst and become one of the animals who brings about the extinction of all humanity.
The dark sin drunk eagle cannot fly as it wants when (ALL) of it's sins are known to the whole world. Even a great wise bear cannot protect a brother who only wants to wallow like a pig in it's own sin drunk fecal matter. Eventually the sin drunk eagle will drown in it's own creation. As all that the dark sin drunk eagle creates torment for the rest of the world. It will come back upon eagle like a great smelly torrent. The wise bear must let the eagle fall in order to save the rest. The sin drunk eagle may never fly again. Even when the eagle regains it's former glowing brilliant luster. If it does?
The wise bear who has evolved out of it's own animalistic ways can save the world from extinction. So as long as the great bear does not De-evolve itself into acting from it's own animalistic natural tendencies.
The Christian prophecies dictate that revelation shall occur and all common peoples shall know the truths. No matter how harsh they are and who has perpetuated those lies known as truths for eons. Let and allow those who have perpetuated lies and deceptions to suffer their own fates. In the short term humanity will be angry but in the long term a new enlightened brotherhood will rise out of the darkness.
I just hope the great balding bear remembers these purple words below. Is this prophecy?
Note to self: Do not add or delete anything.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Humanity Zero Point: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2015:

Work in progress
How do you control the evolution or De-evolution of humanity?
How do you restart all of humanity at zero?
You must first control all of education. The lack of and the limited of.
You must first Control all of the religions into one unified belief systems which focuses upon you.
You must eliminate all historical records and the evidence of them all.
Anyone who offers any insights by any extra ordinary means must either be controlled or eliminated. Which shall include their entire blood line. This includes all psychics, spiritualists. Even the helpless tribal peoples around the world shall be eliminated along with their belief systems.
All historical documents must be destroyed and the memory of them erased. This includes all ancient holy texts and scrolls.
All ancient and any buildings, monuments and stone carvings of any historical significance must be destroyed and forgotten in their entirety. Not a single stone shall be like a puzzle piece to be put back together.
Prior to Humanities zero point. All of humanity must want to reject all aspects of religion and be willing to destroy or recycle their own copies of religious texts and other artifacts.
There shall be no religious themed songs to sing. All of the religions shall be forgotten in one generation.
For example. This is prophecy.
The Vatican shall be utterly destroyed. Thousands shall die. All of the Catholic buildings around the world shall be destroyed and burned down. It shall all begin at the Vatican. No historical documents of any kind shall be removed. They will all burn. Only the precious metals and precious stones shall be taken and re-worked into new forms. This is what shall be publicized as the attackers primary intentions. But, the destruction of the Catholic Churches libraries and all ancient records shall be their primary purposes.
Who is actively destroying history or has had an active part in destroying humanities true history?
The ancient man-gods.
Fallen Angels.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Journey to Your Innocence: Naturally Reacquainted: Innocent Odd Ball: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015:
The return to your innocence isn't lost in your forever. You are who you were and can become so again. We each can be all of who we were and once were all at the same time. No matter the difficulties we had ever faced. No matter the abuses and tortures of our youth. Innocence is merely lost and not gone. Waiting to be seeked for and found within the deep recesses of your own mind. It is close to where your child like joy was once prevalent. Finding one will reveal the other.
Many adults have lost their innocence. Even lost the capacity of their own humanity. It doesn't matter how or why these things were lost. They just were. Typically, It is not just the two things it is also true deep and meaningful joy. If you can imagine that joy can be meaningful. Which it is and joy can be yours all over again or be a brand new concept which has become a part of you.
The return to your innocence will require you to take that purposeful journey into the deep dangers of your own mind. Where you will be required to fight for your own sanity and for the right of your authority over your own thoughts and feelings. No  matter how displaced it all seems to be. Can you muster the courage and become brave enough to go into your own dangerous mind and tame all that is within? because, once you have conquered all that is within yourself. Can you then begin to know the joy of loving other struggling souls. The happiness of peacefully living with other dangerous spirits. The intimate harmony of being directly connected with all of the wonders of life. This is where the deep and most profound of joys resides.
Naturally Reacquainted: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015: 
Shedding off all of those self created defensive shells also releases the torrential tsunamis of uncontrolled tears of every and all angst. This is healthy and necessary as you reveal your own helplessness and delicate nature to the whole of the natural world. You become reacquainted with the natural world through your return to innocence. 
Quotes in here. Not sure where? 
The return to your own innocence also means losing the worldly self whom you have grown to know in the artificial life you were brought up to look forward to living within. The artificial adult is what we all have become. Unable to know or experience the wonders of the true reality of all that is natural in this delicate and innocent world in which we inhabit. We can each mindlessly inhabit a self created artificial world and not ever actually have a life within the real world which surrounds all of it.
Innocent Odd Ball: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015: 
The returning to your innocence will make you an odd ball in the artificial world.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Inevitable Heart: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2015:

It matters not if you win every game or lose every game. The greatest of hearts is the one who played every game already knowing the inevitable outcome. 
Have you ever seen the young athlete who could not be defeated? Have you ever seen the tiniest of athletes who continually faced every monster who has come before him? Have you ever seen those who just quit or those who just refused to play the superior player?
Of the three different types of people. Who showed the greatest heart, the greatest courage and the greatest dedication?
It can be said that it is easy for the greatest athlete to face any opponent. While those who quit or refused to play a superior opponent were realistic or smart. But, neither of these two ever showed any real heart, real courage or real dedication. It is that tiny one amongst you who daily faces all of his monsters and returns to face more. No matter how many times he loses against the giants of this world. The tiny one wins. For his will, his resolve has never been defeated.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Beauty Deep: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2015:

The beauty of any flower always begins deep down in the roots and from deep inside the core of it's being. 
The beauty of any flower does not begin in any external superficial understanding of accepted outward beauty. What it means to be beautiful does not begin with an agreement from the world or even from any sort of approval from the world.
While a delicate and beautiful rose can be agreed upon by many as beautiful. The rose never allowed any worldly constraints or global acceptance to be assigned a beautiful designation. it just is, was and remains beautiful.
Yet, when a beautiful rose plant becomes bothersome, unwanted or not of use anymore. It is simply dug up and replaced by something else. With never any thought of any sort of loss of missing anything which was deemed beautiful. This is the worldly way of things. In which no one of the world and who is in the world can ever truly understand the origin of beauty. The origin of beauty simply does not matter. To those who are in the world and of the world. It only matters how the beautiful thing makes them feel, right now. That is until something else makes their good feelings renewed. Then that which was beautiful is of no importance. It matters not if the old thing is still beautiful. The old beautiful thing has become nothing to the world and no longer of any significance. This often becomes a great sadness to that which was deemed beautiful. It should not be so. For the great sadness and the deepest pity should be for those who had genuine beauty in their midst and then rejected it wholly. The rejection of anything which is beautiful is not a judgement by the world that YOU are no longer beautiful. You are still beautiful so as long as deep down within you. You have maintained the deepest understanding as to the source of great natural beauty.
Here are your keys in keeping your beauty beautiful. Remain pure of spirit. By spiritually becoming what it means to always love, to always be in peace, to always exist in harmony, to always cherish and allow life. These are spiritual laws. Which are not enforced. There is no threats, no fears and no intimidation's to cause you to obey. You do so because you want to and see them for as they are. Which is good and righteous.
Remain pure in mind. Always only take in that which is truthful, clean, morale and pure. In this aspect. It may be of supreme importance to unlearn and to UN-know false truths. For instance RACE. The lie that an abused young person knows. That all of their abuses were their own fault. There are many lies and deceptions in the world. All and any lie and deception makes your mind ugly. To seek out truth and making it a part of your mind is beautiful. By throwing away all of the ugliness into the trash and then not remembering those old lies and deceptions any more is also beautiful. For instance, when you throw away the trash. Do you remember all of those individual things you had thrown away? really, go into your own trash and retrieve them so you can remember them all. (Don't do that, just understand the concept).
Do not put other peoples trash into your mind. From your eyes and through your ears. If that which you take in is not loving, peaceful, harmonious and life continuing. Then it is evil. Evil is ugly. Even if that country music you listen to is not considered by you as evil. Then you shall be aware of it when you consider the words of hate, drunkenness, lust and revenge that is within. The same goes for your T.V. shows, movies, books, magazines or video games you play.
Remain pure in your body. By eating and drinking those things which are known to be good, healthy and pure. Your body remains healthy and youthful. This just makes sense. Research and study GMO foods and foods which have been bathed in pesticides and hormones. They are just not good for you. Do not take in any drugs or alcohol of any kind. Do not smoke, sniff or dip any tobacco products. All of those things harm the body and alters your natural thinking mind. Everyone knows it.
Do not take in any medication which alters your mind. Here lies yet another lie and deception. If you have no conclusive proof of any kind of brain damage, injury or genetic defect. Then you should not be taking any sort of mind altering medication. I understand people get depressed. Depression needs to be talked out, worked out and understood. The long hard way. The easy road of medications only covers up your problems. Your mental problems never ever go away with any medications. Unless of course you become a life long zombie. Is this beautiful or not? It is never beautiful.
There are your three keys for true life long beauty. Maintain your spirit, your mind and your body.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Schools Dream: 10 Oct 2015:

Last night dream. 09 Oct 2015: Very rough sleep. Very difficult to wake up in the sun. Not typical.
I see what looks to be great wide open fields of grasses. Close by a highway/interstate and close by a couple of large commercial buildings. Which appear to be a school or schools. maybe elementary/middle-school or middle-school/high-school.
I was anguished and felt panicked.
Added on 13 Oct 2015:
No new information of the above dream.
Will there be a major terrorist attack in some school somewhere? Maybe and most likely. The after effects of such a brutal attack upon children.
There were not enough security cameras. To see what was going on within the school at the time of the attack.
I saw a 3D representation of a video which showed where everyone was within a classroom. Without the use of typical security cameras. All done with computers desk tops and laptops. There was a program which brought all of the classroom videos together into a single image to show all that was happening within the classroom.
Every computer monitor within the class room had a camera installed. It was wired with it's own dedicated power supply and it's own direct connect internet access. No extra cables were visible. All internal wired. The cameras had their own addresses. Thus the external ability to control them.
So if a bad person entered the room. They would have to completely destroy the monitor. Instead of a single bullet into each monitor or at the onset completely disable all internet access to the school.
In this view of the classroom I saw. I saw a replacement of the dry erase board with a giant monitor. The monitor had a camera. Every student and teacher had their own classroom computer monitor with camera.
I can also see new fire alarms, smoke alarms and motion detectors with their own built-in cameras.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
Looking down while spiritually looking up shall prevent any sand-traps which comes before you.
What is on your mind is in your spirit.
The wise leader should choose the respectful inferior or the arrogant superior.
This is how to avert the total extinction of humanity. By your free choice and free will.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Silent Prophets: Judgement Occurred: Unbearable Silence: (Edited): 09 Oct 2015:

The prophets of God who become silent in the midst of turmoil are an indication that prophecies are no longer needed. As the hearts of all men have become hardened and the minds of all men have become bull-headed, the fate of humanity has chosen for itself shall manifest. Death, Destruction, Disaster, Disease.
Judgement Occurred: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015:
The silence of God and of His angels shall be assumed by His chosen prophets that Judgement has already occurred.
Unbearable Silence: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015: 
The silence of God and of His angels shall be unbearable to his chosen prophets. 
Because, after judgement has already been decided, what more can be said by the Holy Judge? Especially, to those who have already hardened their own hearts and have become bullheaded in their own minds.
Added on 16 Oct 2015: This section unedited.
I was just watching informed Christians on YouTube. I have only recently subscribed. Have you ever had that aha moment? I do all of the time. Even though I write poorly. There are many times I write and have no clue what any of it means. Such as the above content. Wait a minute I gotta go read it again. Scroll up time. I'm back. Christians basically teach. You will be judged upon your death. That is loosely taught. But, that is not necessarily true. maybe, this is a steep learning curve for me as I have never really considered the when of Judgement and have always assumed that upon my death. I shall be judged.
But, in real life and in real Israeli and world history according to the Holy Bible. Judgement always preceded Death of anyone, any city, any nation and any people. The cause has always been disobedience to the Laws of God. PERIOD. The judgement of God can happen at any time before your physical death. Just look at all of the old testament kings who were judged for their disobedience. Nebuchadnezzar DNA was apparently altered in a living judgement by God. Especially, after he declared (My Paraphrase)"I did This" with great pride and arrogance. Research and go read for yourself. (Hint. It has only been recently that we can apply some kind of rudimentary scientific understanding to this. Did God cause the arrogant king to become an insane mutant bird man for a time? can you imagine that? and then God caused the poor king to revert back to normal. This living Judgement of God was for a great and prideful king. What kind of living judgement would God apply to the common person? What about the perpetual disobedient person. Would God disallow freedom of change to a good and obedient person? I think so but I'm not God nor am I His agent to tell Him what he can and cannot do. I see people who are incapable of change all of the time and yet they cannot fathom why their life is so awful. I see it like that human god pharaoh during the time of Moses. God told Moses that he was going to prevent the living human god Pharaoh to relent. Go check it out. No hints this time and don't believe me. Go look. How many times?

 In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults survived out of all of the human beings. Including all of those human babies, cute kitties and adorable puppies. All of which you would have declared was worth saving of all of those innocent lives. There may have been up to 1 billion people on the planet. Yes, I know that number can be argued. The point is the God defined remnant which was saved was 8 out of how ever many humans were on the planet at that time. Today, There are more than 7 billion human beings on this planet. In which the prophecies in the Holy Bible states that a remnant will be saved. Assuming correct interpretation. As it was during the time of Jesus. Those who knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah were confounded. I believe yet again. The modern day theologian will also be confounded at the prophetic event to yet come.

Are we in the time of Noah? Well there is still argument on that. I'm in the boat for that argument. The one last thing which will prove that we are truly in the times of Noah is the return of the fallen angels into the consciousness of every common person on this planet. The Bible says as it was in the time of Noah. So to ...  The one thing we all forget is the fallen angels were openly amongst all of humanity. They were having their encounters with human women. The rest I will leave for you to read in Genesis as well as Enoch.
So what do we know about all of the seals in the Christian prophecies. A whole lot of people are gonna die in a very short period of time. Can you say for certain just how God is gonna define remnant yet again? If you do the math in the Bible. You will come up with immediate effect on life lost. The Bible does not include what life is lost after each event. In which more life can be lost after each event then during each event. We do know that God must intervene in order to prevent extinction.  
Note: I do not believe that the book of Enoch should be included in the Holy Bible. It should stand alone and thoroughly questioned. As it is now. By those who are way smarter than me.
This where I was flooded with Judgement. (Get it). Thank you for your inspirations and understanding of the quotes I've written.
3 Hours of Enoch

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pivots Divots: Aggressive Pivots: Seeking Pivots: Divot Crap: (Edited): 08 Oct 2015:

The pivots you seek may become the divots which cause you to stumble. 
As in anything prophetic, looking for the signs of the times is the same as looking for any pivot points or divots in the turf or sand. They have all already happened and are in the past. What is important is your present state of being. In this presence where you are present is the only place in time where the most profound changes can be made within you and the rest of the world. Part of that is where those purple words below come into play.
Aggressive Pivots: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
The aggressive pivots that thoughtless people make create deep divots that others will need to avoid.
Genuinely respecting the grass you play upon - no matter the name of the field, the official use of the field or the quality of the field - shows the quality of the person you are. It matters not if you're an amateur, student, novice or professional.
Seeking Pivots: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
The pivots you seek in others are less real to you then the divots in your own life.
Sometimes we become so concerned with the pivot points in other people's lives that we forget about those deep divots of our own ugliness in our own lives. Judging whether a person has had a genuine pivot point in his own life is something which may be important to know. But looking at those who have had a history of failure while ignoring your own or covering up your own divots in life may be very disingenuous.
Divot Crap: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015: 
Covering up your divots with any kind of crap still stinks badly.
This is just obvious.
You always make your divots as they were before you screwed up. You make it exactly as if you were never there. With grass, over time, this can happen. But with people, the harm, pain and suffering you have caused may never be completely healed from. Of course this is in degrees and those degrees cannot be defined by you, only by those who were harmed by you.
But as with anything, even grass, you can replace it, water it, fertilize it and add good soil. There will be that time that the harmed grass must do it's part and grow on it's own, even while other unknown things trample upon it on a regular basis.
But look out and observe that special kind of grass, the kind of grass that has been trampled, beaten and ripped up so many times but that still lives and even thrives. These kinds of people may be the kinds of people whom you need around you in some capacity. These are the ones who always seek out the light of goodness, who dig deep into the rich soil. They just don't ever give up or give in or quit or stop or run away. They are ever-present. It doesn't matter what ignorant amateur with prideful degrees slings at them from a dozen yards away, they always seem to continue on. These are the ones you need around you so that you can keep your own pride in check. This is not in reference to bad people who always act badly. You will know these types of people whom I refer to. They have survived great sufferings and yet do for others without any expectant reward. Their smiles are deeply genuine.
Added on 08 Oct 2015@1851 Eastern.
This entire work has been republished on :
Under the Politics heading: Go figure: I guess that is where my divots lay.
Go read for your daily Golf news.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Dr. John Fifty: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2015:

Good Defined: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2015:
I choose to be defined by my new and good memories.
Well, I'm Fifty. Never thought I would live past twenty four. I'm still on this life Journey which seems to be not mine. But, I'm now OK with this ride. I've become a husband of more than 25 years. I'm a father of 3 awesome men and one beautiful daughter who stole my heart. Apparently I've become a writer who doesn't know how to write. Go Figure. Today, I'm very thankful to have had a life as rich as I have had so far. Very thankful. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone else. But the last 25 years was good. I've always had work and always worked hard. Could have been better but there has been to much to overcome while at the same time trying and failing to support my wife and kids. Family, the one thing I always wanted and had to learn how to be a member of one.
Today, My lightning burns on my left temple decided to show their elusive selves today. It kind of looks like a two branched tree. No leaves. I guess it's my only tat. Maybe, my brother will like this revelation. That his tat-less brother has a secret one. I showed my very excited daughter. I think that was the entry. The exit was elsewhere.
I started reflecting on this life journey and how it is just not logically possible I survived. Or how I can save Mr. G group home family, bad stuck 4X4's. By doing all of the wrong things at the wrong time and yet still be able to meet up with all of the right people at the right time in the Oldsmar mud. That's a story where the door opens as i fly through it. And how is it that a 18 wheeler truck driver gets back there? just to give me a ride? Really. I would never had done that, ever. Maybe, something spooky? probably not.
Yea, read those words on the right column. That is the limited version.
Dr. John.
It seems those that have endured the most abuse have the most bad memories. It is easy for those who have endured the most hardship to identify themselves by the kind of memories they have. The vast majority of my memories were bad. So i identified myself as bad. But, once i started to create good memories and to act with good manners. The bad memories began to fade away and the belief that I may actually be good began to grow and develop within me. So to other concepts such as Honor, respect.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Common Insanity: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2015:

When insanity becomes the common manner in which the majority of people tend to think. Those who are reasonably logical shall be seen as the ones who are insane.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Intelligent Immunity: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2015:

Super intelligent people are not immune to their own internalized ignorance or outward actions of stupidity. 
Just because a person is intelligent does not mean they are immune to ignorance or stupidity. This even includes those who are educated beyond their natural intelligence and psychological levels.
I have met and known many people who considered Mensa membership an insult. Yet, with their individual IQ's higher than the top .1% of the world. None of them were immune to their own wrong actions and incorrect thinking processes. Which is apparently easily seen by those who have an IQ half of what the super intelligent people have. These super intelligent people still suffer from addictions, adulteries(Sins), divorces and psychological defects. In other words they are just like everyone else. Except they have created a bubble of false supreme superiority over everyone else. Yet, their advice and leadership in our modern world today is yet again bringing all of humanity on the brink to total extinction.
While completely denying any aspect to any God or gods and any sort of defined righteousness which goes along with them. So these super intelligent people seem to automatically assume that any sin is OK since there are no gods or a God. This is internalized ignorance at it's finest. Because, the end result is death and or extinction at the various levels within this kind of decision making process. It also de-evolves everyone down to base animalistic instincts. This also causes everyone to question every law ever created. Why should I obey any law of any man? This will lead to absolute and immediate enforcement of all laws through instant death by enforcers. These enforcers shall be the evolution of the police officer. Do we really want to go in this flawed line of thinking? Is the civilian population beginning to see the increase of police on civilian killings? It will get to the point. Where if any police officer pulls over or confronts any civilian. There will be shootings.
In any godless society. There will be UN-reasoned death. There will be spontaneous chaos masked as demonstrations. There will be armed conflicts from neighborhoods against any law enforcement persons.
In order for all of life to survive. Humanity needs to follow the purple words. All without fear, intimidation or threat. We each must use our own free reasoned will to follow through. 
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Life Worth: Worthless Life: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2015:

A few years ago. I had thinking's of thoughts that Detroit Michigan and then Michigan would become Islamic. I had no idea how and thought those thinking's to be absurd. Well, Of course anything after the fact cannot be used as anything prophetic. Not that I have any desire to be right on any bad and sad prophecy. Because, any man decided bad and sad prophecy can be mitigated, managed and prevented in their entirety. Just as when a mentor speaks to any young person in regards to hope and joyous wonders of their potential future endeavors. Those to are equally possible. If the young person just follows their gifts, obtain that employable college education. Develop a strong work ethic. Stay away from all drugs and alcohol. Then maybe a wonderful future is possible if not probable.if that young persons just believes a little bit and follows the mentors advice. The mentor expresses working hard, stay focused, no drugs or alcohol. While the prophet usually comes in after the fact. Proclaiming you screwed up and this is what is about to happen. You have very little or no time to change your ways. If that person, country or people have not hardened their hearts and have become bull headed. Then maybe, they do change their evil ways and their bad decisions. Thus, averting the worse of the bad and sad prophecies. Maybe, If they catch it before any doom like events. They all can be averted. If not mitigated and managed to a degree. The point is to save lives and to promote life for everyone. It matters not who you were born to or even where you were born.
Life Worth: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2015:
A life worth living comes to those who believes their life has worth. 
Worthless Life: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2015: 
Those who believe and work for the destruction of any kind of worthless life. Eventually prevents anyone from having a life worth living.  
The politicians of Michigan may continue to encourage the Syrian Refugees to come into the USA. preferably to Michigan. What will follow those refugees is Federal monies and the new jobs which will manifest for government workers needed to manage the federal cash as well as the Syrian refugees. Yes, many refugees will want peace as dictated by their religion and will strive to live as peacefully as possible. But, the majority will want no peace. They only thirst for blood, death and destruction. In time as their numbers grow at 8? children per couple. The Christian and other Americans will only have less than 2 children per couple. Their will be a great flight from Michigan which shall include wealth. Their will be white flight as well as everyone who is not Islamic flight. In time the entire state of Michigan shall become Islamic. The state of Michigan may even declare itself as a solely independent Islamic state. There may be a divide from those in the upper peninsula. Where as the upper remains tied to the United States. There will be great physical conflict and internal argument as they will be forced to become Islamic or die. You realize. This is a decade or three down the road. Most likely not 30 years and probably not 10 years. Once the Islamic population achieve numbers greater than 30% of the population of Michigan. All of your freedoms, education, medical care, justice, rights, privacy, safety and security are lost. This may be one of the precursors to the prophetic American Tet offensive.


To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 