Prophecy: This contains offensive content.Added Content 28 March 2013, 30 March 2013, 01 April 2013.
The Christian Importance of following the directive in the New Testament Holy Bible, can be taken the wrong way. The Christian follower cannot be a slave to any Government entity. A Government entity Set up by God will not enslave the Christian population or any other religious person.
Look at the history of every war fought. Where tyranny was forced by the powerful few onto the powerless common person. Any Government entity who rejects the Laws, Mandates and will of GOD. Becomes that government entity which Romans 13 does not apply. Thus, allowing for the common people to overthrow such tyranny, even if it is their own government entity. Send those corrupt leaders who have sinned against God's people, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD. Send those evil leaders who purposely changed and altered the system of government, which was set up by the enlightened fore fathers, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD. Including all of their associates. Back 50 years. Let their divine judgement begin sooner than later.
Added 30 March 2013. I have felt that I have hurt someone with great honor for the USA. This is about prophecy and not just for the USA. Canada, Europe, Australia and every other country on this planet.
For the USA, I still have hope for a turn around. A return to righteousness and godliness. I think I am the only human being on the planet who thinks that all prophecies can be prevented. That is my intention and purpose. I believe there is a reason why the USA is not specifically mentioned in the prophecies of the Holy Bible as is other Countries. The USA is of no importance. What does that mean? I have no idea. I also believe that 5 Billion plus lives can be saved as well as the rest of the life on this planet. The common people must flee from their sin, by logical choice. The true righteous and godly people of this country must run for every political office. If not. Then the powerful few will have all of the power that technology affords. The rest of the people will have nothing to defend themselves with. The state of technology is at such that numbers may no longer matter nor does the 2nd amendment. The weapons systems is of such that, there will be no defense against it. Especially from an enslaved world population which has no access to education or technology. Then all of those ancient prophets who foretold dire and dark times will manifest.
I truly believe that any undesirable prophecy which is known can be averted and prevented. No matter who has spoken it. Everyone must collectively work together to prevent the happening. Such is the story with Joseph and Pharaoh. The technology of the day could not prevent the happening but they could manage resources and people. Which is what they did under the leadership of Joseph. Because even a god pharaoh doesn't want to die.
Every educated, well spoken and capable Christian. Must run for every available political office. This is mandatory, crucial and critical for the whole of a righteous Nation under God to remain intact. If there is an absence of godly, righteous and honorable people. Then your Country given to you by God will be lost. Before it is lost. The government entity will commit terrible atrocities all over the world in the name of your God. Then your Country you love enough to shed your blood for, will grant supreme rights and freedoms to offensive sinners. While denying you your own rights and freedoms.
If you are a Christian follower and happen to be in the employ of a turncoat Government entity. You individually must follow all of the Romans 13. Which includes following the primary law in Romans 13:9. If the order tells you to search and destroy, You must disobey. If the order is for you to kill those associated with any Religious military group bent on protecting themselves from the evil government in which you are employed by, You must disobey and then join the righteous.
If you are a Christian follower and are employed by the turn coat Government entity, You must separate yourself from it. You are a part of the power base and enforcement arm of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You separating yourself from the government weakens the whole of the government.
If you are a Christian follower and yet under the employ of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You must walk away, leave all that you have been given behind including retirement rewards. Just as Lot and his wife had to leave their home and lands. So, may be required of you.
Ye, Christian warriors. When there is evidence that your beloved country has turn coat. Go into every church and proclaim that it is time to separate yourself from a corrupt turn coat Government entity, which was once a creation of God for his chosen children. You will have choices. To remain with the turn coat government entity or to remain with your Heavenly father or to choose nothing. Only one choice is correct. One choice will offer you short term rewards. One choice will only have long term rewards. One choice will only give you the rewards of animalistic behaviors.
Not only is Romans 13 important for the Christian follower. It is also important to the Islamic person, Jewish Person, Hindu person and any other Religious Tradition. If your government entity rejects holiness and righteousness. The common person who is righteous and holy has the right to revolution. A government can claim it is righteous and holy, but through their actions can you witness the truth. Who has the wealth? Who has the force of power? Who has the right to education? Who has the right to live without fear and intimidation from their government entity?
There will be signs of this coming prophecy.
Freedom without responsibility. Extreme freedoms is in fact enslavement. Romans 13: 11-14.
Laws which limits and offends the whole of the righteous, while granting supreme equality to the offensive lone sinner. Added on 28 March 2013. Laws passed will solely benefit the political and corporate elites. The common person will lose their health, life, freedoms and rights from the unlawful actions of the political and corporate elites.
Common peoples education based in the importance of social justice. While denying the non-offering of math, science, language arts, Real History, Logical and critical thinking. Added 28 March 2013. The common person will not need to be educated beyond the projected and defined limits
set by local, state, regional and national entities. If a human body is
required to work a certain job. Then that person will only be given the
opportunity to attain the required educational level required for
training in that job skill as defined by the governing bodies.
You can only do something wrong if you are caught. Then you lie, lie and lie.
Social and cultural importance becomes more important than righteousness, holiness, education, honor, integrity.
Access to quality medical care. Becomes non-existent for the common person. While the rich, powerful and famous receives quality medical at any time for themselves and all of their family. Added on 28 march 2013. Medical care will see a division in care responsibilities. The chosen select will have access to the best medical care that advanced technology affords. While the common work force person will only receive the medical care required to get that person back on the job. If the common work force person is of the advanced age of about 30 or40 years, Their medical care will stop. If it is deemed that that person cannot resume productive duties. The common work force person will know nothing of any kind of advanced medical care. It wont even be a conceptualized consideration. It is just the way it is. The average life expectancy of the rich, powerful and famous will grow beyond 100. While the common work force person will only be 30-50 years or what ever is deemed the end of the productive work years.
The rich, famous, and powerful receives the highest quality education and training which is individually desired by that person from birth. The elite children will be trained in martial arts and weapons, leadership, mathematics, Strategy and tactics.
The rich, famous and powerful will have access to the best and highest quality foods to achieve maximum health and life longevity. This includes vitamins, compounds and minerals. As well as non pasteurized foods. Even if these items are outlawed. A large bag of Doritos cost $4. while a small bowl of fruit cost $6. A bag of Doritos can feed you for a whole day. A small bowl of fruit barely a meal. Which is healthier? Added on 28 March 2013. There actually will be a division in foods. Foods specifically for the rich, famous and powerful and foods for the common people. The rich, famous and powerful will know not to eat and drink of the common persons foods and drinks. The foods and drinks will be engineered for low life expectancy (Health), population controls and control over a persons will.
Energy restrictions and control measures for the common person. Government entity Limits energy usage and who gets power at what times and for how long.
Fuel cost will limit the common person to move around. This is a restriction of movement and loss of freedom.
This planet is 7/10ths water. To exert control and authority over the water resource. Mandated restrictions will be implemented. The government knowing a rise in population is taking place has a responsibility to condition water and to move it to those needed areas. To not do so, guarantees an opportunity to exercise power, control and enforcement.
Added on 28 March 2013. News will no longer be truthful, complete or revealing. News will become an arm of the political and corporate elites. The lives of the famous will become more important than actual hard news in which the population needs to know.
Added on 28 march 2013.The common people become helpless to defend themselves against any force of arms. Weapons outlawed. Martial arts and any other fighting style outlawed. Any aspect of strategy and tactics outlawed.
Abortion. Added 28 March 2013. The sanctity of all life diminished for the common person.
Marriage of man and man, woman and woman, human and animal. adult and child.
Justified genocide.
Never ending wars.
The word use of "Christian" also means for the name of your religion of your particular government entity.
Comment " the 2nd amendment no longer really matters" What this means is with the advent of vastly superior weapons systems with automation. The few no longer really need human bodies as their human shields or castle walls made of flesh. The right to have and own guns as defined by the constitution is solely for the common person to over throw a government when voting rights no longer matter. Gun ownership is not about hunting it is about protecting yourself from any government entity. It matters not if it is from within or without. So, the common person should have access to military style weapons systems. Which as far as the advancements of technology. No longer is practical. Who can buy an F22, M1A1 Abrams, or an Aircraft carrier and any other vastly incredibly weapons platforms. The children thinks it would be cool to own. My own father would joke that everyone should own their very own thermonuclear ballistic missile. Which as a child, I thought it would be cool. But, as an adult, very scary.
The 2nd amendment no longer matters because even if every capable person had military style weapons and training. Any government military can neutralize any ground force from afar and at altitude. This comment is not saying that I desire that the 2nd amendment should be taken away. On the contrary. Every capable person who is in their right mind. Should have fully automatic weapons of their own choosing and the training to ensure safe use with their friendly COMRADES.
28 March 2013. Added content and some editing work.
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Uncertain Feet: (Unedited): 26 March 2013:
A person who watches their steps/feet, is one who is governed by uncertainty/fear. C.J. MacKechnie
================================================================= Your fear causes you to be uncertain in all new things you dream of doing. Your fear causes you to become or to remain stagnant in all things in life. Be realistic in the things you are capable of doing. A person who is not a runner can not run a full marathon.
A person who does not know how to swim will not swim in the Olympics.
Seek out your training and rethinking. Begin to have faith and begin to believe. Before you step off of that mountain to walk in the clouds. Do something less grand. Take baby steps. Grow and evolve.
Just as Jesus had to be with the disciples for a time. Before only one would attempt to walk on water. Then Peter's disbelief and fear overtook the wondrous thing he was doing. Because Peter knew that man cannot walk on water. He got wet.
Always know this to be true for you.
All things you believe you cannot do, will exactly be those things you cannot do.
All things you think you cannot do, will be exactly those things you cannot do.
All things you speak you cannot do, will be exactly those things you cannot do.
All things in which you have fear of or fear in, will be exactly those things you cannot do.
All things which you believe you are bad at, you naturally will not attempt to become good at. This is a fundamental thought which becomes a lie within you. A lie based in truth, which is something that begins within all of us who try any new thing. For some reason those particular new things you have decided you were bad at it. Thus, you decided not to continue any improvement in that particular area or areas. Stop quitting. Stop giving up. Stop perpetuating a lie. It is OK to say I just was not interested in that sport or that area of study. Do not automatically say, I was not any good at it and just quit.
Retrain your brain.
Unlearn all lies and deceptions which you believe as truth. This means you must question everything and everyone. Including me. This means all lies and deceptions which originated within you and from your outside environment. This includes those things which you naturally believed as truthful. This includes information from teachers who taught those things that they themselves believe as truth.
The lies and deceptions pushed upon the common people is many. All of the lies and deceptions began in our official education, cultural education and political beliefs. There is even lies and deceptions in the mathematics taught. There is lies and deceptions in the sciences taught. There is lies and deceptions in the human history taught. Disinformation to hide secrets are still lies and deceptions. Omitting information because of a need to know are still lies and deceptions.
Unlearning lies and deceptions, while discovering and relearning the truths of you, is very tough and difficult to handle. Especially in the areas of political thought, cultural acceptance and the definition of who is family.
Go to the source of the particular information you wish to relearn. Not the teachers or the charismatic speakers. The source is the place to go. You may have to upgrade your education in order to fully understand the contents. You may have to learn how to be your own detective and ask those questions which have not been asked or even accepted.
This is all just a beginning.
Prayer is you talking to your Heavenly Father.
Meditating is you listening to your Heavenly Father..
Contemplation is you thinking on what your Heavenly Father spoke to you.
Acting upon the words of your Heavenly Father.
To do these things without fear, threat and promises of hell fire damnation is of benefit.
To do these things from Love, Honor, Respect and from your willing intention is powerfully beneficial.
The lesson of Peter. The person with little faith gets wet.
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe
the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ
of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human
skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin.
Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where
as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but
still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned
all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare
other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys,
gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those
who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the
coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
Monday, March 25, 2013
Unhealthy Blind: (Unedited): 25 March 2013:
Unhealthy Pride breeds a blind arrogance. C.J.MacKechnie
=========================================================== Once arrogance is manifested by a prideful person. Only instant lessons in humility can become a hopeful cure. Sometimes repeated lessons are necessary. Until the persons arrogant pride is destroyed.
If the person or leadership has become completely infested with arrogant pride. All who look up to and/or follow will also endure the suffering of complete loss, death and destruction.
With arrogant pride also comes the self permission to do whatever it may will of itself. Including sin, torture, genocide and the choice of extinction of all life.
Quiet Sensitive: (Unedited): 25 March 2013:
Sensitives. When your quiet and fully open to the all. Do not be surprised when you feel the little critter of your own little world or even the excited young empath who arrives on mars for the first time. Even the little critter and the young empath may not even be aware that they are transmitting their own signals into the vast greatness of the whole universe, for all to hear. C.J.MacKechnie
:Update on 28 June 2013:
Will be included in future volumes of
“Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
=====================================================Sunday, March 24, 2013
Sheath Set Lay: (Unedited,Unfinished): 24 March 2013:
Men and women of the warrior heart.
Sheath your blade.
Set aside your bow.
Lay down your gun.
Men and women of the warrior heart.
Anger is the pits and cracks in your steel.
Hatred is the rot in your bow stave.
Pride is the contaminant which attracts water.
Men and women of the warrior heart.
Sheath your blade.
Set aside your bow.
Lay down your gun.
Men and women of the warrior heart.
Love is stronger than any steel forged.
Mercy flexes better than any composite bow.
Compassion is superior to any bluing.
Men and women of the warrior heart.
Sheath your blade.
Set aside your bow.
Lay down your gun.
To survive extinction of humanity.
Brother and sister warriors of this world, must never spill the life blood upon any soil, any where.
Brother and sister warriors of this world , must never loose their arrows into living beating hearts.
Brother and sister warriors of this world, Must never fire their magic bullet into the brain pan of another living soul.
Love one another.
Live in peace with each other.
Exist in harmony with all.
So that we all may have a good life to live.
==============================To love one another does not mean to destroy all that you hate.
To live in peace does not mean to kill all of your enemies first.
To exist in harmony does not mean to have slaves, build your the world of your dreams.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.==============
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
Composite Bow,
Lay Down,
Set Aside,
Steel Forged,
Warrior Heart,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Catholic Equality: (Unedited): 21 March 2013:
Is it any wonder that the greatest Catholic Leader and teacher of the last hundred plus years was a woman Named Teresa. Real effective change within the Catholic Church may happen when the roles of the men and women are reversed or merged in absolute equality within the Catholic Church. Where women become Popes, Bishops and Cardinals and the men become Nuns. C.J.MacKechnie
Let us not stop with only the Catholics. All Christian Traditions. All Jewish Traditions. All Islamic Traditions. All Hindu Traditions. All Buddhists. AND ETC.
Let us not stop with only the Catholics. All Christian Traditions. All Jewish Traditions. All Islamic Traditions. All Hindu Traditions. All Buddhists. AND ETC.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Losing Pearl: (Unedited): 00 June 2010:
The responsible oyster that makes an error in judgement, will not only
become devoured but will also lose his precious pearl.
===========================Such is life. Life is with great risk. A person can lose everything when trying to gain the whole world. Which is seen often with the current generation of working people. They risk their family to gain those things of little importance. The human created world system must know it is of the ultimate importance, even greater than God. Those who follow in and pursue the world system must also have an expectancy of those rewards to be received for sacrifices made. Typically those sacrifices are the loss of family, the loss of self, addictions or chemical controls, and a realized loss of purpose or meaning.
OK Job: (Unedited): 12 June 2010:
There will always be those who will only want to know the job at hand and nothing more. That is OK.
Some people only want to do that which is minimally required of them. That attitude is perfectly OK. Some people want to be a slave and live as slaves do. That to is OK. Even though the slaver attitude may be an irritant to the free man or to the person who has a deep hearted desire to do with the highest of quality controls. It is still OK.
This is something that I've had to come to terms with. It is OK for a person to do exactly as directed for them and nothing more. Even if that person sees another problem or that they know what they have been directed to do won't fix a problem. They remain quiet and allow the authority to take all responsibility and blame. You know something That is OK for them to do what they do. That is not me and I'm unable to do just a minimal task. Yes, it drives me nuts. But, It is still OK.
World Look: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:
Pride will eventually cause you to look up to the world. C.J.MacKechnie
============================================================ Great power, fame and wealth can be gained from the created world system of man. Especially when you give up on those things which have true wealth, power and importance. which is God, family, friends, Honor, Integrity, Meaning, purpose, life, love, peace, harmony,
Your self pride is based on your own selfish wants and selfish needs.
Looking up to the world or the created world systems of Man. Will force you to eventually ignore the things in life which is truly important. The created world system of man thus becomes your god, your governor, your supreme parent and your philosophical adviser into ultimate emptiness.
Look Up,
Philosophical Adviser,
Selfish Needs,
Selfish Wants,
Supreme parent,
Ultimate Emptiness,
World System of Man
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
True Spirit: (Unedited): 12 June 2010:
No matter what front a man puts forth. His true nature will always be
seen first by those who can view the spirit before hand.
=================================================================== Learn to see the spirit of any person. Look beyond their words and see through their intentions. In doing so their motives will be revealed. The truths and their deceptions easily known. The content and condition of their heart recognized.
A good man will be loyal to those who he deems as family or friend. Maybe, even to a fault. Adolf Hitler deceived an entire nation and still had his blind followers. Even after the sins were revealed. Then again, maybe those followers were not blinded and had become equally evil as Hitler.
So you, the good man must ascertain the heart of your friends and family. You must ascertain the life path they are on. Then decide if you want to join in on the grand party. Even if the cool mans path is on the highway of death. If you choose to be on that party path of death. Know that when the destination is finally reached. The same end will be for you as well. It won't really matter much, because even a good man will begin to lose his identity the longer he is on that path of death. All of the goodness and innocence within you must die first. Along with your good caring heart. All to be replaced with apathy, selfish hate, and selfish anger.
Once you begin to laugh, ridicule and tease those who use those extreme positive and compassionate words of inspiration. The disease of apathy is already within you and spreading like an incurable virus. The apathy disease is using you to further spread apathy throughout your personal world. Until, such a time that the whole word no longer cares enough to even exist.
The death of the disease of apathy comes when you force yourself to take the big pill of love, the cough medicine of peace and the chicken soup of harmony.
The life path is one where you will discover Love, peace, harmony and of course life. You will encounter compassion, mercy, forgiveness and other such wonderful words within your own spirit.
Adolf Hitler,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
True Truth: (UNedited): 02 July 2010:
The truth will always be true. Even if you want to believe something
else. When you believe in something else. Your new found believed truth
will still be false.
====================It matters not the origin or the beginning of any lie or deception. It still is a lie and a deception. Even if the lie or deception began many thousands of years ago. All things must be questioned and researched. Even if a thing has always been believed as a truth.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
==============At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Never Dishonor: (Unedited): 18 March 2013:
An apology is only true if you never repeat your dishonor. C.J.MacKechnie
Honor is crucial to have in this life. Honor is also what survives you in death. Honor is not taken nor bought. Honor can only be created by you and maintained by you. Just like a precious metal or rare jewel. Every deed and action done or not done. Keeps your metal polished or tarnished. Keeps your rare jewel in high luster or fractured in a million pieces. Your honor is far more valuable than an accumulation of much precious metals and many precious jewels.
Honor is that thing which takes your entire life time to create and build. Honor is also very fragile. You can destroy all of your honor in one single misdeed or an action not taken.
Here is a sliver of hope. Once you have lost or destroyed your honor. You can rebuild it, from scratch. Those whom you have dis-honored may never ever show any honor towards you ever again.
Show, think and feel no negative emotion for those who cannot forgive you. Have only love, compassion and kindness for those who cannot forgive you. You may have to cut ties and move away forever. Then do so in order to ease their unease with you. Then start a new. Be warned Dis-honor follows and will stick it's ugly head up from time to time. Your built up honor in a new place may be the rock which deflects the old and dead dishonorable you.
Life or Death Road:(Unedited): 19 March 2013:
Before you reach your chosen destination on the road of death. You will encounter many stops along the way such as death, despair, depression, disillusionment, darkness, disaster, destitution, and demonic. C.J.MacKechnie
Before you reach your chosen destination on the road of life. You will encounter many stops along the way such as Life, Love, Limitless, Liberation, Light, Leadership, Legitimacy and Lucidity. C.J.Mackechnie
=========================What road are you on in this life? Life or death? or both from time to time? It is really simple. Your beliefs and actions dictate what road you are on.
Are you on drugs? It matters not the legality or cultural acceptance. Depending on the type of drugs. You may either be on the path of life or death.
Are you a drug dealer or any other kind of criminal? Your on the path of death.
Have you surrounded yourself with images of death and horror? Your on the path of death.
Are you an out of control thrill seeker? You may have never felt more alive when risking the probability of death.
Are you always angry and full of hate? Your on the path of death.
Do you find entertainment in other peoples suffering and misery? Your on the path of death.
Do you agree with abortion? This is not political and those who have caused you to believe this is a political and social right are wrong. Your mind is on the path of death.
You own actions can be confusing. Your mind can think one think, your spirit another and your physical actions different then all three. Oh yea, you may not believe in a spirit or soul. Your own internal conflict means your on the path of death.
The path of life. Love, Peace, Harmony and of course Life. Surround yourself with these four things and you shall have it. Believe with your own spirit, your own mind, your own body. Then follow through with action. Love one another, Live in peace, exist in harmony and cherish all life. To love one another is the key. Without Love, Continued Life is not possible.
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Monday, March 18, 2013
Letting Go Empath: (Unedited): 18 March 2013:
Let go of those emotions which has no logical content, before you create them from memory. Let go of those emotions which were never yours to begin with. Let go of the memories of other peoples hurts and torments. Let go of those fears and anxieties which may grow within you and cause you to avoid human contact. Let go of those internal uncontrolled feelings of being cursed by this great empathic blessing. Let go of your own history of faults and failures. Let go of those feelings of being overwhelmed and over powered. Let go of being owned and controlled by your empathic gift. Letting go of the negativity has always been your choice. Just as embracing the positive feelings of others is a very relevant side to being an empath. Letting go of the undesirable will leave an empty space within you, which is to be filled with that which you deem desirable. C.J.MacKechnie
Human Contact,
Let Go,
Over Powered,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Even Know: (Unedited): 17 March 2013:
Do you even know who you are?
Do you even know that God would give up a soul or two.
Do you even know that God would do all that he wills, just to protect you, Even if it's ugly for those who come against you.
Anticipate the news this day. Be saddened and humbled. Witness How God is to those who chooses unwisely and how your Heavenly Father shows his love and grace to thee. C.J.MacKechnie
As the good sons and daughters of your Heavenly father. The Sons and daughters who obey the words of your Heavenly father and live your lives which reflect and honor Him. Expect very real actions for your protection in your everyday life. Even if they are ugly ones against those who are against you. Because, you are with God, you live as God want, You do as God wants. All of those who come against you goes against God. Do you even know who you are? Do you even know how rare you are? Do you even know how important you are?
Know that all that you are willing and can do for your own children. Know that God is infinite and will do the infinite for his most loved and precious children. Don't you know yet? Don't you realize? That you are the sons and daughters of a very real Heavenly Father (God). That you are the brothers and sisters of a very real and alive Jesus Christ.
Do you even know that God would give up a soul or two.
Do you even know that God would do all that he wills, just to protect you, Even if it's ugly for those who come against you.
Anticipate the news this day. Be saddened and humbled. Witness How God is to those who chooses unwisely and how your Heavenly Father shows his love and grace to thee. C.J.MacKechnie
As the good sons and daughters of your Heavenly father. The Sons and daughters who obey the words of your Heavenly father and live your lives which reflect and honor Him. Expect very real actions for your protection in your everyday life. Even if they are ugly ones against those who are against you. Because, you are with God, you live as God want, You do as God wants. All of those who come against you goes against God. Do you even know who you are? Do you even know how rare you are? Do you even know how important you are?
Know that all that you are willing and can do for your own children. Know that God is infinite and will do the infinite for his most loved and precious children. Don't you know yet? Don't you realize? That you are the sons and daughters of a very real Heavenly Father (God). That you are the brothers and sisters of a very real and alive Jesus Christ.
Against You,
Heavenly Father,
His Will,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Compilation of Dream Interpretation Responses: (Unedited): 16 March 2013:
Partial Compilation of Dream Interpretation Responses. The original persons are kept secret. For their privacy, respect and honor. These are out of order. The divisional lines are inaccurate. Consider this a puzzle to be put into an organized and logical order.
A man had a dream of fat cows and tall grass. Beautiful days and starry nights.
How would you define this dream? It seem like it would be a wonderful dream to a cow farmer. It might be a dream where a vegan would vomit. It might illicit anger from a PETA person. For a city dweller he might be confused. For a man new to cattle farming. It might be prophetic and hopeful.
The point is. The dreams that you have cannot be defined by anyone or any book. This includes me as well.
The best and most accurate methods of dream interpretations is learning four things.
1. Learn how to debrief.
This is a skill which you can self learn. Then you can use it to help yourself and others.
2. Learning how to be a detective.
This is a skill which you can self learn. Learning how to see things and questioning everything. Like gathering puzzle pieces for an unknown puzzle. Often times. When many people get involved. They each bring to the table their own puzzle pieces or insights. Which seem to just fit together.
3. Learn your psychology.
This is important and incredibly revealing about your true nature and your internal conflicts. Learning about your own psychology. Will aid you in understanding your own dreams. What you learn about psychology in general can be used to help others. This I believe is the first step in dream understanding. Always, the first step.
4. Prayer and meditation. You can end with three and not do this one. If you choose. Sometimes, all of the above can fail, or ego won't let go, pride just won't accept and etc. You can consider prayer as telepathically talking to the source. While meditation is telepathically listening to the source. You should have a heart of expecting revelation. Which is followed by contemplation. Four parts each which will require dedicated time on your part.
5. The spooky.
I said four didn't I. The broadest definition of what is spooky applies. This is the last term which should be applied to any and all dreams. This is when nothing else in our daily world applies. Once you give a dream the spooky term. You get to return to debrief, detective, psychology and prayer/meditation.
This step by step plan. Can be altered and revised as you see fit.
I forgot a critical component.
During the entire process. You must be like a Vulcan. Absolutely logically objective.
Then after you have found all of the puzzle pieces to that obscure dream of your. Then you can be emotionally subjective.
Dreams seems like that old spooky mirror. All you have to do is step through it and learn as you go.
Dreams seem to be the door way which leads to other locked doors. Which leads to questions. The answers you discover and the corrective actions you make in your whole life. Is what unlocks the doors. Which leads to knew wonders to be discovered and more locked doors. Your emotional attitude, your logical need for discovery, your heart on each of the doorways. Seems to be all in agreement to unlock any door.
Kind of like the fictional character Nancy Drew. My daughter is reading me her scary books from time to time. That's what I tell her. Anyway Nancy would on purpose go into unknown and possibly dangerous situations with a heart of helping, with a logical mindset of discovery and with a spirit of duty. All working together to solve the puzzle. The importance of these books is teaching her skills for when we continue her own revelation of self discovery.
We as adults can do our own grown up research into more serious areas. Like how to be a private detective. Researching debriefing techniques use by the military and law enforcement. Begin a general study of psychology. All of this should be done for free from your local library and online with Google.
There also needs to be a lot of love, compassion and understanding when doing any dream interpretations for other people. Oh yea and being delicate. Which I'm very weak in.
When a person is suddenly confronted with deep emotional issues from the depths of their own mind. They can become angry, lie and deny, and accuse you. So, you should not argue with them at all. Just leave the information to them. So, they can work on it themselves. Its OK.
You may not be a BIBLE person. Read the story of Joseph. While he was in prison. He interpreted dreams. He was very frank and matter of fact. Some times after the deed is done. The price must be paid in full as defined by an outside source and not you.
In dreams. Each person, creature and thing is a different aspect of you.
In your dreams. Everyone and everything and every person is YOU.
This is a wonderful dream about you. Let me know if I repeat to much.
Every person, every creature and everything in a dream is you.
You are you. You are the lions and you are the beach.
Like your comment said your not a violent person. Which may be why you thought of the fork.
Learn how to interpret your own dreams. By becoming your own NCIS agent or private detective.
Ask yourself a thousand questions. Question and test your ability to pay attention to details.
Like day time. Night time. Summer or winter. Color of the trees and what kind. Time of day. Beautiful day or stormy night.
By practicing on your psychological, fantasy fun, learning, message and change yourself dreams. Not only do you learn an incredible amount of information about yourself. You learn how to pay attention to details. Which in life is the difference between life and death or success and failure. Depending on the job title you hold.
Every aspect to a dream is crucially important. Including colors and those boring details.
The 5 am jolt. get rid of the aggressive alarm clock
Everything' everyone and every creature within a dream is you. Before a person quickly jumps to the conclusion. you must first rule out the primary purpose of dreams. Which are. To teach, to unlearn bad behaviors, For psychological revelations' fantastic fun fantasy and a few other. Which I just forgot right now. Then when you cannot assign any of the above reasons. Then you assign a spooky description as defined by you and others.
Warning. Revealing your dreams to just anyone. Especially in a world wide or galactic wide public setting as this. Is just like standing before them absolutely naked. Thus' instantly revealing all of your good' bad and ugly aspects of you.
This is a duality dream. A dream of guided revelation.
I think this dream started as a fun lucid dream of fantasy and then' something else began. something spooky. Spooky should not be assigned until after verification from other sources.
No matter if your awake or asleep. When an intelligent being or person is getting into your mind. Its called "pushing". When they are taking information out of your mind it is called "pulling". When this process is done on purpose by two individuals with mutual agreements' Its called "Communications". When it is done without permission by one party. It has an official designation. Its just plain "BAD". But' of course human history seems to tell us. That when one person or a group begins to believe that they are superior. We all know how ugly it gets. ANY SUPERIOR BEING WHO INVADES ANYONE'S MIND WITHOUT CONSENT. IS A BAD SUPREME BEING. No matter how fun and fantastic you supreme beings make the dream content. My opinion.
The message of death underneath and life's continuation above ground. This part of the message which can only be defined by you. How do you feel about life and death. You mentioned Wales. How is this significant to you? Who died there?
The church and its meaning to you. Graveyards are often close to the old churches in the USA. Don't know about Wales. Christians are raised in church from birth, baptized, live a life in the church and then die next to the church.
The message of going back to the old church. May mean what was taught by the old church. Or the original meaning of Christs message to humanity or to you. The final definition of this dream is up to you.
In every dream you have. Every person, every creature and everything is you. The following questions is for you to answer. I do not need to know them. Unless you wish to discuss them privately. This is the detective and debrief part. All questions are not intended to insult or demean you in any way. It is a part of the process. That is all.
If you have studied any dream dictionary and believe it. Then you will need to refer to it as well as your own psychology in life. Then you have to figure out which is the best answer that benefits you best. For your growth. For your evolution and not for your agreement because it is enjoyably.
What does green mean to you? and how do you feel about the color green?
What is the meaning of a parakeet to you? Or your history with pet birds? Or a desire to have pet birds?
What was the dog trying to do with the bird? Before it harmed it? This could be a message for you to be careful when trying to help people. Unintentional harm can occur when helping others.
Then when you discover your error. The broken bird cannot be repaired or fixed.
the bird crashes in to the house. So, even if people come to you. Some may even desperately crash into you.
How do you feel about the particular house in the dream?
Of course you are also the bird. Who has been harmed in some way from the home your in. Why do you feel like you have a broken wing? This is symbolic to you in a way you can only define.
This is a psychological dream. A message from you to make those needed corrected actions in your life.
Within every dream the bad and the ugly all aspects of your dream should /must be questioned. Like the good detective on the hunt for the bad guy. The bad and ugly must be included so that you must weed out of your life. So that the precious flower that you are can manifest into your defined beauty.
The questions. Is both a teaching method as well as an empowering method for you to define your own dream. Yes, you must ask yourself a thousand different questions from many different angles. Then you must seek out the truthful answers to them all.
In dreams. All persons, all creatures and all things are different aspects of you. The story in the dream is usually about what is going on in your life in what ever time of your life. Dreams are incredibly revealing about your true nature. Be careful about who you reveal them to. Read my previous responses to dreams here. So, as not to repeat myself. Learn this process. This will empower yourself and when you correctly interpret your own dreams logically and objectively. your self correction, your growth, your ascension, your evolution. Will hastened in your own self defined time frame. My questions and comments are not to insult and I do not require any response. Unless you want to continue conversation. As your answers are for you and not for me to know.
OH YEA... Reading a dream dictionary may do more harm to understanding your dreams then good. As you are already fully equipped in interpreting your own dreams. So, you really do not need anything else. Except a how to.
Your brain is a permanent memory device. All and everything which you have ever sensed, thought or experienced is permanently stored within your own brain. Assuming no illness or damage to the brain. Also, if your brain is clean......
Creating awake habits. Such as preparing your bed and yourself for a wonderful night of dreaming. Such as creating a non disturbed and non offensive to all of the senses atmosphere.
Creating a special place where minimal movement is taken to reach for your non offensive dream journal nite light. A special one and only used for this one purpose.
A special notebook and a special pen. Again only used and placed in this one easy to reach place.
If you have to get or add lumber to your bed to create space. Then do it.
Your alarm clock cannot startle you.
Create time to pray. You talking. To meditate is you listening.
Before bed give yourself permission to remember whatever it is you want and give yourself permission to dream about whatever it is you want.
Do not drink or eat stimulant food and drinks. Keep your mind clean.....
When you wake up. Wake up slowly. Without moving a muscle. Remember your dreams. Give yourself permission. That its OK to remember and to learn.
Slowly reach for your light, pen and notebook. Write down the date and time. Then write the words of your dream. If you do not remember but had dream(s). Write that down and the number of dreams. Everyday you write in your notebook. Everyday.
Pray and meditate. Tell yourself it is OK that you remembered or not. Give thanks and gratitude. Its all OK.
Then repeat daily. No vacations or holidays. Keep your mind always clean...
You are getting better at analyzing your dreams and seeing the depths of your dreams. There can be many layers or dimensions or story lines to each dream. Meaning each person, animal and things is all you. Each of them can tell a separate story or lesson in which you need/should to learn or to just become aware of. I do not think this is prophetic. Your own mind can mix a prophetic element into a dream with many different story lines. Each element of a dream should be separated from the other elements to easily ascertain it's individual lesson.
Added on12 April 2013:
Typically in dreams. You are every person, animal and thing. The psychology of each applies to you. Analyze each aspect of the dream as something telling you a different story. It is like reading three different books or watching three different movies all at once.
Something which disappears could be something as simple as you changing your attention within a dream or something which you have decided is going to end. If it seems to be of nothing of importance, it is probably you changing your attention within a dream. If it seems important, Then you have decided it was going to end. This decision may either be the right one or the wrong one. If the aspect of the dream develops honor, integrity, character and all of those other words of description, your choice is probably wrong. If the aspect of your dream involves you changing your mind and quitting in regards to a crucible, life's challenges and other difficult tasks, in which the wise elders have told you you must complete. Then you should probably should listen to the wise elders. No matter how negative a description your culture places on the elders.
Three unicorns may be an indication of you wanting to remain a child. It could also represent the 3 very real gifts you were born with, possibly even magical gifts (How you think of them). The baby is being fed by one unicorn. This could mean that one of your gifts creates a new thing of great importance. No matter what you have learned about babies in school or culture. Babies are the continuation of humanity. Babies are also a new creation. Babies are important and represent life.
Research the "Meaning of 3" on Google. You had three aspects to your dream. Realistic, magical and new.
A man had a dream of fat cows and tall grass. Beautiful days and starry nights.
How would you define this dream? It seem like it would be a wonderful dream to a cow farmer. It might be a dream where a vegan would vomit. It might illicit anger from a PETA person. For a city dweller he might be confused. For a man new to cattle farming. It might be prophetic and hopeful.
The point is. The dreams that you have cannot be defined by anyone or any book. This includes me as well.
The best and most accurate methods of dream interpretations is learning four things.
1. Learn how to debrief.
This is a skill which you can self learn. Then you can use it to help yourself and others.
2. Learning how to be a detective.
This is a skill which you can self learn. Learning how to see things and questioning everything. Like gathering puzzle pieces for an unknown puzzle. Often times. When many people get involved. They each bring to the table their own puzzle pieces or insights. Which seem to just fit together.
3. Learn your psychology.
This is important and incredibly revealing about your true nature and your internal conflicts. Learning about your own psychology. Will aid you in understanding your own dreams. What you learn about psychology in general can be used to help others. This I believe is the first step in dream understanding. Always, the first step.
4. Prayer and meditation. You can end with three and not do this one. If you choose. Sometimes, all of the above can fail, or ego won't let go, pride just won't accept and etc. You can consider prayer as telepathically talking to the source. While meditation is telepathically listening to the source. You should have a heart of expecting revelation. Which is followed by contemplation. Four parts each which will require dedicated time on your part.
5. The spooky.
I said four didn't I. The broadest definition of what is spooky applies. This is the last term which should be applied to any and all dreams. This is when nothing else in our daily world applies. Once you give a dream the spooky term. You get to return to debrief, detective, psychology and prayer/meditation.
This step by step plan. Can be altered and revised as you see fit.
I forgot a critical component.
During the entire process. You must be like a Vulcan. Absolutely logically objective.
Then after you have found all of the puzzle pieces to that obscure dream of your. Then you can be emotionally subjective.
Dreams seems like that old spooky mirror. All you have to do is step through it and learn as you go.
Dreams seem to be the door way which leads to other locked doors. Which leads to questions. The answers you discover and the corrective actions you make in your whole life. Is what unlocks the doors. Which leads to knew wonders to be discovered and more locked doors. Your emotional attitude, your logical need for discovery, your heart on each of the doorways. Seems to be all in agreement to unlock any door.
Kind of like the fictional character Nancy Drew. My daughter is reading me her scary books from time to time. That's what I tell her. Anyway Nancy would on purpose go into unknown and possibly dangerous situations with a heart of helping, with a logical mindset of discovery and with a spirit of duty. All working together to solve the puzzle. The importance of these books is teaching her skills for when we continue her own revelation of self discovery.
We as adults can do our own grown up research into more serious areas. Like how to be a private detective. Researching debriefing techniques use by the military and law enforcement. Begin a general study of psychology. All of this should be done for free from your local library and online with Google.
There also needs to be a lot of love, compassion and understanding when doing any dream interpretations for other people. Oh yea and being delicate. Which I'm very weak in.
When a person is suddenly confronted with deep emotional issues from the depths of their own mind. They can become angry, lie and deny, and accuse you. So, you should not argue with them at all. Just leave the information to them. So, they can work on it themselves. Its OK.
You may not be a BIBLE person. Read the story of Joseph. While he was in prison. He interpreted dreams. He was very frank and matter of fact. Some times after the deed is done. The price must be paid in full as defined by an outside source and not you.
In dreams. Each person, creature and thing is a different aspect of you.
In your dreams. Everyone and everything and every person is YOU.
This is a wonderful dream about you. Let me know if I repeat to much.
Every person, every creature and everything in a dream is you.
You are you. You are the lions and you are the beach.
Like your comment said your not a violent person. Which may be why you thought of the fork.
Learn how to interpret your own dreams. By becoming your own NCIS agent or private detective.
Ask yourself a thousand questions. Question and test your ability to pay attention to details.
Like day time. Night time. Summer or winter. Color of the trees and what kind. Time of day. Beautiful day or stormy night.
By practicing on your psychological, fantasy fun, learning, message and change yourself dreams. Not only do you learn an incredible amount of information about yourself. You learn how to pay attention to details. Which in life is the difference between life and death or success and failure. Depending on the job title you hold.
Every aspect to a dream is crucially important. Including colors and those boring details.
The 5 am jolt. get rid of the aggressive alarm clock
Everything' everyone and every creature within a dream is you. Before a person quickly jumps to the conclusion. you must first rule out the primary purpose of dreams. Which are. To teach, to unlearn bad behaviors, For psychological revelations' fantastic fun fantasy and a few other. Which I just forgot right now. Then when you cannot assign any of the above reasons. Then you assign a spooky description as defined by you and others.
Warning. Revealing your dreams to just anyone. Especially in a world wide or galactic wide public setting as this. Is just like standing before them absolutely naked. Thus' instantly revealing all of your good' bad and ugly aspects of you.
This is a duality dream. A dream of guided revelation.
I think this dream started as a fun lucid dream of fantasy and then' something else began. something spooky. Spooky should not be assigned until after verification from other sources.
No matter if your awake or asleep. When an intelligent being or person is getting into your mind. Its called "pushing". When they are taking information out of your mind it is called "pulling". When this process is done on purpose by two individuals with mutual agreements' Its called "Communications". When it is done without permission by one party. It has an official designation. Its just plain "BAD". But' of course human history seems to tell us. That when one person or a group begins to believe that they are superior. We all know how ugly it gets. ANY SUPERIOR BEING WHO INVADES ANYONE'S MIND WITHOUT CONSENT. IS A BAD SUPREME BEING. No matter how fun and fantastic you supreme beings make the dream content. My opinion.
The message of death underneath and life's continuation above ground. This part of the message which can only be defined by you. How do you feel about life and death. You mentioned Wales. How is this significant to you? Who died there?
The church and its meaning to you. Graveyards are often close to the old churches in the USA. Don't know about Wales. Christians are raised in church from birth, baptized, live a life in the church and then die next to the church.
The message of going back to the old church. May mean what was taught by the old church. Or the original meaning of Christs message to humanity or to you. The final definition of this dream is up to you.
In every dream you have. Every person, every creature and everything is you. The following questions is for you to answer. I do not need to know them. Unless you wish to discuss them privately. This is the detective and debrief part. All questions are not intended to insult or demean you in any way. It is a part of the process. That is all.
If you have studied any dream dictionary and believe it. Then you will need to refer to it as well as your own psychology in life. Then you have to figure out which is the best answer that benefits you best. For your growth. For your evolution and not for your agreement because it is enjoyably.
What does green mean to you? and how do you feel about the color green?
What is the meaning of a parakeet to you? Or your history with pet birds? Or a desire to have pet birds?
What was the dog trying to do with the bird? Before it harmed it? This could be a message for you to be careful when trying to help people. Unintentional harm can occur when helping others.
Then when you discover your error. The broken bird cannot be repaired or fixed.
the bird crashes in to the house. So, even if people come to you. Some may even desperately crash into you.
How do you feel about the particular house in the dream?
Of course you are also the bird. Who has been harmed in some way from the home your in. Why do you feel like you have a broken wing? This is symbolic to you in a way you can only define.
This is a psychological dream. A message from you to make those needed corrected actions in your life.
Within every dream the bad and the ugly all aspects of your dream should /must be questioned. Like the good detective on the hunt for the bad guy. The bad and ugly must be included so that you must weed out of your life. So that the precious flower that you are can manifest into your defined beauty.
The questions. Is both a teaching method as well as an empowering method for you to define your own dream. Yes, you must ask yourself a thousand different questions from many different angles. Then you must seek out the truthful answers to them all.
In dreams. All persons, all creatures and all things are different aspects of you. The story in the dream is usually about what is going on in your life in what ever time of your life. Dreams are incredibly revealing about your true nature. Be careful about who you reveal them to. Read my previous responses to dreams here. So, as not to repeat myself. Learn this process. This will empower yourself and when you correctly interpret your own dreams logically and objectively. your self correction, your growth, your ascension, your evolution. Will hastened in your own self defined time frame. My questions and comments are not to insult and I do not require any response. Unless you want to continue conversation. As your answers are for you and not for me to know.
OH YEA... Reading a dream dictionary may do more harm to understanding your dreams then good. As you are already fully equipped in interpreting your own dreams. So, you really do not need anything else. Except a how to.
Your brain is a permanent memory device. All and everything which you have ever sensed, thought or experienced is permanently stored within your own brain. Assuming no illness or damage to the brain. Also, if your brain is clean......
Creating awake habits. Such as preparing your bed and yourself for a wonderful night of dreaming. Such as creating a non disturbed and non offensive to all of the senses atmosphere.
Creating a special place where minimal movement is taken to reach for your non offensive dream journal nite light. A special one and only used for this one purpose.
A special notebook and a special pen. Again only used and placed in this one easy to reach place.
If you have to get or add lumber to your bed to create space. Then do it.
Your alarm clock cannot startle you.
Create time to pray. You talking. To meditate is you listening.
Before bed give yourself permission to remember whatever it is you want and give yourself permission to dream about whatever it is you want.
Do not drink or eat stimulant food and drinks. Keep your mind clean.....
When you wake up. Wake up slowly. Without moving a muscle. Remember your dreams. Give yourself permission. That its OK to remember and to learn.
Slowly reach for your light, pen and notebook. Write down the date and time. Then write the words of your dream. If you do not remember but had dream(s). Write that down and the number of dreams. Everyday you write in your notebook. Everyday.
Pray and meditate. Tell yourself it is OK that you remembered or not. Give thanks and gratitude. Its all OK.
Then repeat daily. No vacations or holidays. Keep your mind always clean...
You are getting better at analyzing your dreams and seeing the depths of your dreams. There can be many layers or dimensions or story lines to each dream. Meaning each person, animal and things is all you. Each of them can tell a separate story or lesson in which you need/should to learn or to just become aware of. I do not think this is prophetic. Your own mind can mix a prophetic element into a dream with many different story lines. Each element of a dream should be separated from the other elements to easily ascertain it's individual lesson.
Added on12 April 2013:
Typically in dreams. You are every person, animal and thing. The psychology of each applies to you. Analyze each aspect of the dream as something telling you a different story. It is like reading three different books or watching three different movies all at once.
Something which disappears could be something as simple as you changing your attention within a dream or something which you have decided is going to end. If it seems to be of nothing of importance, it is probably you changing your attention within a dream. If it seems important, Then you have decided it was going to end. This decision may either be the right one or the wrong one. If the aspect of the dream develops honor, integrity, character and all of those other words of description, your choice is probably wrong. If the aspect of your dream involves you changing your mind and quitting in regards to a crucible, life's challenges and other difficult tasks, in which the wise elders have told you you must complete. Then you should probably should listen to the wise elders. No matter how negative a description your culture places on the elders.
Three unicorns may be an indication of you wanting to remain a child. It could also represent the 3 very real gifts you were born with, possibly even magical gifts (How you think of them). The baby is being fed by one unicorn. This could mean that one of your gifts creates a new thing of great importance. No matter what you have learned about babies in school or culture. Babies are the continuation of humanity. Babies are also a new creation. Babies are important and represent life.
Research the "Meaning of 3" on Google. You had three aspects to your dream. Realistic, magical and new.
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Embrace Christ: (Unedited): 16 March 2013:
The length of the error of my ways and the depth of my innumerable sins is insurmountable. All of it forgiven when I embrace the truth and righteousness of Jesus Christ. C.J.MacKechnie
Jesus Christ,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Friday, March 15, 2013
Corrupt Change: (Unedited): 15 March 2013:
A corrupt entity who makes a Superficial change, to alter a dire prophecy about themselves. Essentially only changes the name of the last one to lead them into their final destruction. C.J.MacKechnie
Terrible pride will cause them to persecute the prophet of the prophecy for being wrong. They are wrong in their deeds. It is the duty for every person to alter any prophecy which is deemed undesirable. It is the duty for every person to cause any positive prophecy to happen in a timely manor.
Supposed to be vague. Only for those who are in the know.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Initial Disconnect: (Unedited): 14 March 2013:
In the initial moment of the great ending. There will be a sudden disconnect in which the unrighteous will not be able to understand or tolerate.
The unrighteous and unbelieving will have great fear, when all that they love stops working.
The ungodly will not know what to do, when all that they have trusted evaporates.
The sinners who have thrived and excelled in the world by any means necessary. Will be at an absolute loss when their world is no more.
The righteous and believing prepare yourself with expectancy. (Mind, Body and Spirit).
The godly, continue to listen to the Word and do as the Word instructs.
When the Word declares it is time to go. You must move yourself then. Do not look back and wish for all that you have left behind. The ways of the world will come to an end just as the day always ends after your nightly prayer.
Matthew 5:3-6
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
3 “[a]Blessed are the [b]poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
5 “Blessed are the [c]gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
5 “Blessed are the [c]gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
- Matthew 5:3 I.e. fortunate or prosperous, and so through v 11
- Matthew 5:3 I.e. those who are not spiritually arrogant
- Matthew 5:5 Or humble, meek
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
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Everyone and everything within the dream is under your creative control. Unless it is from outside of you. Even then, the beings must have your continued permission and your continued acceptance to have entry and to remain within your dream. BUT, if you are partaking any mind altering substance, drink, injection, inhalant drug. It matters not if it is legal or not. It matters not if it is culturally acceptable or not. The entity may decide to remain within you.
A being, human, ghost, demon, angel and spirit which is not of you. Can, Will, May exercise a level of psychological warfare, lies and deceptions to gain entry into your dreams as well as to remain within your dreams. Those entities which is and are purely good. May also exercise a level of identity deception in order to protect you from any HARM, while at the same time teaching you some important truth which is meant for you to evolve and grow from. Really, think about these two polar differences.
Such as a dream about an innocent and helpless kitten which has been harmed in some way. You pick it up and care for it. That is what any good person would do, right?. Then the kitten begins to express gratitude and it's love for you while answering your questions with seemingly innocent and fun stories about your death and destruction. What is the truth?
The being must keep you calm and nonreactive. Because, all you have to do is change the dream in any way and the evil entity is gone from you.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver