Showing posts with label Fallen Angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallen Angels. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2017

Every Second: (Unedited): 01 Feb 2017:

While the clock of humanity ticks forward every second. The clock of satan and the fallen angels ticks backwards every second. When the clock of humanity and the clock of satan are at their mutual zenith's. The coming of the Lord is now.
Sometimes i write things and I just have no clue. This is one of them.  I guess this is something for someone else to figure out.
I would think that when the human clock and the satan clock meets together at one specific time. Then the coming of the Lord is now. The question is. What does the human clock and satan clock look like and what time are they both currently set at?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Prelude to War as not typically known: (Unedited): 28 July 2016:

You may not be aware.
Though the signs will be there but the digital imaginations will only ensnare.
The media has become a state controlled thing in which you can only mindlessly stare.
The truth is hidden from you in which there is no care.
When the angry Lion comes all will only know despair.
Those who have embraced chaos, hate, warfare, lawlessness and death shall exhale their last vile swears.
While the selected righteous remnant who know prayer shall breathe in a new free air.
This has no title: Weird, I do not write like this.
12-13 Feb 2017: Just read this again. I just don't typically write like this. May be more or less important than I am thinking. That which is red was added.
In my mind WW3 has already happened. The entire planet already has been purified by fire. The stench of what has become of humanity has been cleansed. To a degree that the entire has been renewed. This is what those whom have come before and who have been here desperately want. The complete extinction of humanity is not enough. The entire memory of what humanity was, is and what they/us should have become. Shall be as we/humans never were.
The moon is gone. Mars becomes not as it was or as it is now. All of those gods or fallen angels who freely roamed shall be retained in one of two hell's. The God of all and with His angels all are angry. For this is how they have arrived. To discipline their chosen children and to imprison their fallen brethren. Even the selected remnant Shall be dealt with in a more adult fashion. Such as was done with Lots wife.
 The prelude to war as humanity has known. The evil force is at the gates and we all must martial our forces to repel the evil barbarian hordes. For they are inhuman or even subhuman and they are not like us. They have done awful and terrible things to innocent people and nations. And off to war the good guys we go with honor and victory to come.

Not so anymore. In this age where all media is controlled by the political and corporate elites. For they all point to those far away people and declare them all as the enemy of us good people. Those evil doers over there are the ones who bring us suffering and death. For it is they who has taken away from all of us. The finger is pointed to those evil them and they.
Now every nation and every people who is capable is preparing for war. They all are. Their war machines are being modernized, created and tested. Strategies and tactics also tested. This last and final war shall be against all of humanity. A humanity which has been lied to and deceived for thousands of years. In this final world conflict. No one who is in the political, religious and social elites shall fear for their own safety and security. Even their own selected family and friends shall be safe. They shall not be in any kind of risk. While the entire general population of humanity will become sickly, suffer, starve and die. But, fear not if your one of the general population of the Earth. For even the political, religious and social elites. Will all perish along with everyone else. Their pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance is what built their own government created doomsday bunkers, (COG) Continuation Of Government and in them they will all die. All off of the backs of those common people whom they already decided will die in any disaster of their own creation.
 In those last moments they will all discover that their gods/fallen angels or other worldly beings has led all of them to their dying place as well as the rest of humanity. Even then they all who have secreted themselves in those places of safety and security. They won't think of anyone else but their own physical demise. Then follows judgement.
Before it all begins. You will be distracted by civil disobedience all over the world. As what you see now is only the beginning. You will not see the maneuvering of the military's and wonder how they got that or get there. Then it shall begin and you won't even know of it.
All of the distractions of the worldly systems shall blind and deafen you to the truth of what is real and true. No matter how much education and natural intelligence you have. The more immersed you become in your digital games, in your sports in what ever dominates your life. You will not see the what and how of your destruction. Let alone the why. For all of those distractions have become your idols and gods. Think about that when you reside in your man-cave, game room, poker room, theater room or in your own liquor bar. Because, just like the very week Russia threatened war with the USA everyone decided to play the new App called Pokemon Go. The actual day of your destruction may be like that day.  
Not in any specific order.
1) You will see much more secret satellite launches. Assuming they are reported by your local media. National Media will not report anything like that.
The so called (ROG) Rod's of God or Kinetic energy weapons. Any Nation must have hundreds or thousands of these in orbit. The higher the orbit the safer the weapons platform. There is as of this writing. No publicly made military asset in which to defend against these types of Kinetic energy weapons. Which means every naval asset is an easy target, every military base, every city, every fault line and (DUB, DUCC) Deep Underground Bunker is at risk. Assuming those are real and if they are would be very classified.
2) You would begin to see orbital assets fall from the sky day or night. You may even see high altitude high energy flashes in which you may disregard. Satellite communications and Satellite televisions will begin to fail. The mess that is created will cause much more damage to every other non targeted satellites and space stations. The debris field's expands from impacts and explosions will cause more and more. It will expand and all will eventually fall back to earth. This is what it will look like.
3) Power outages and (EMP) Electromagnetic Pulses will/should prelude any other form of military attack.
 Military installations depend on commercial power. Yes, many do have power backups. But, these problems are only for attrition and to diminish capacities and capabilities. Any EMP attack near any nuclear power station. Will cause uncontrolled meltdowns and explosions. How many nuclear power plants are in your country? This does not have to happen because of a launched rocket from North Korea. In which all North Korea has to do is achieve a easterly (LEO) low earth orbit and then send a command or pre-programmed to detonate over anywhere Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa or Missouri. Once that classified altitude is achieved. Any EMP attack in the USA will affect Russia and China and North Korea eventually. Any EMP attack on Europe, Russia and China will have an effect on the USA and South America eventually.
Once power is knocked out and all technology eliminated. This begins the other forms of attacks. Especially on the eyes and ears of the targeted enemy nation. This is where drone threats become a possible severe nuisance. Opening a window for blindside attacks. This is assuming the From possible locations near any Ballistic Missile installation comes the drones. Their only purpose is to cause damage of the actual RADAR itself.
4) What will the people know? Not very much. All power will be out. All news and information stops. All technology will be unusable. No water, no food, no tools and no skills to survive as humans once did in the 1700's. 100+ million American deaths.
5) Many enemies will rise up and march forth. The war of wars begins. When all become enemy to each other. The last ditch military action is when the nuclear war heads fly and detonate. The extinction process has begun. It may take a hundred years or less. It is really that bad. I believe it is now to late. The purple words below is our only collective hope.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad. We each must decide to do the following everyday.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
 To want to obey those purple words because it is the right thing to do and not because you have to because of any threats, fears and intimidation's. Yet, That is all I have provided in this particular writing is threats and fears. This is the purple word grocery list.
What do you want to hear? That you can do whatever you want? harm whoever you want? destroy whatever desire for fun and comfort? There is a cost in all things. The deaths and destruction's in your own heart are played out in the digital games you play. There is no difference in the digital deaths you cause as there is hatred in your own heart and murder in your own mind. For it is all sin against God Jehovah.
When the stench of humanities evil deeds becomes to much for God and to thrilling for satan. There will be judgement and discipline. It will be right, true and just. Even if your (I'm) on the receiving end of it all. This includes me as well. Because, I do want a rapture to happen before all of this. I think the rapture is a lie in order to maximize the sufferings and deaths of Christians. If there is a rapture. You will not be the one who decides if you go or not. God will either judge you/me worthy or not worthy before the rapture if it occurs and his judgement will be absolutely right, true and just. This goes for even the selected holy remnant. If you are selected or not. That decision only belongs to God. The judgement of God will absolutely be right and true and just. Even if you and me both are left behind. If we are left behind. The only one to blame is you for you and me for me. Both yours and my sins, faults and failures were just to much for God. That is my cold hard dime of truth.
So how much have you prayed and fasted? Which sins have you accepted into your life and which ones have you rejected? How much time have you spent reading the Holy Bible? Why do you think it is called the Holy Bible? Will you hold onto your secret sins that you naively believe are secret or will you flee from them and make them known to all. After all that is the path to maintaining righteousness as only accepted by God.
If you do not know that Jesus fella. Go find him. He is in any and every page of the Holy Bible. It is my personal opinion. The best Holy Bibles are those which have been discarded and even marked as such. For Jesus received marks all over his body as the Jewish people rejected him. All for you and me. Start in the New Testament.
Additional note:
For even the remnant shall be continually tested even after being selected. There will be no negotiations. If you choose to even deviate in thought or in heart. You shall be released from the angelic protection. There will be no recourse, no argument, no debate. It will be you were saved and now your not. That fast. I write all of this knowing that I may not even be one of the saved or protected. For if all of this writing I do is all I'm supposed to do. After all, I'm apparently a writer who cannot write, right.
I may not share this with the whole world. Those who find it find it. Yes, Sharing everywhere.
Added on 07 Oct 2016:
Secret War: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2016: 
Everyone will suddenly become aware of the lies and deceptions of their government, when the surprise secret war begins. 
 No one wants to know. No one cares to know. The Government has been stoking the fires of war and it is about to spread unto your own front porch. Do you really think that Russia or China are just going to fight a war in their own backyards or front yards and not bring doom to you as well? Your sadly mistaken if you think that. For they know that yes, The United States ability to project war elsewhere is superior to each of them alone. But, they also know that the lands of the USA is absolutely helpless (Because of MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction). You should really read that evil book called the "ART of War". In which every military leader worth their salt knows as their own bible. One of the themes is deception. feign an attack and go elsewhere. Avoid the strengths and attack the weaknesses. When fighting a superior foe conduct acts of continual attrition against them. Where are our weaknesses in the USA? Zero actual air defense. Zero border controls on land, air and on water. A police force which is not capable of defending itself against a tactically trained person. On one hand this is a good thing but on the other hand not so good when the federal government is stoking the fires of wars with nations which will have no problem in attacking the American homeland.
Think about this. The American common people are friends with those of eastern Europe and frequent Chinese restaurants. If the American people actually hated any group of people. It would be very difficult for that hated group to peacefully exist within the USA. Let alone be successful in business.
To this day right now. The American people are friendly to any Asian person as well as any Russian person. The American people do not know war is being made on their behalf by the entire Federal government of the USA. But, they will know soon enough when Russia and China become fed up with all of the secret shenanigans.
Added on 07 Oct 2016:
Extinction Victory: (Unedited):  29 Sept 2016:
Victory declared does not guarantee the absence of misery, suffering or the beginning of the human extinction process.
Once any society attains a level of technological development. They can easily become extinct by their own hands. Yes, one military organization, or government entity will proclaim victory in that very last war. The end of conflict does not mean the end of misery, suffering or the beginning of the extinction process.
Even though a nuclear exchange may be limited for each side or just one side. The fall out clouds will slowly kill all possibilities for food and clean air. The now offline and melting of the nuclear power plants will radioactively contaminate all drinking water. So what does it matter if your in your private underground publicly funded mega doomsday bunker? They shall become your own concrete coffins. Your only hope is the Purple words above. Implemented by all of humanity right now.
Added on 12-13 Feb 2017:
 We are already at war. World War Three has already begun.
Who will be against the USA? Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba's old allies and all of Islam.
Russia will take Alaska. Defensive arc across Japan. Russian subs conduct EMP attacks on the USA. Low altitude at first.
China will take out all military assets in the South China Sea and Pacific Ocean. Hawaii will be a stepping stone and one of their first jewels. Chinese subs conduct EMP attacks on the USA. Low altitude at first.
All of Islam. Will begin their assaults on USA, Israel, Christianity and Europe. The sacrifice of the Pope on his own alter. An American and European Tet Offensive shall occur on a specific day and hour. Imagine hundreds of thousands of Islamic teams conducting simultaneous attacks in each country. The Islamic Tet shall not end at one attack. Each Islamic team shall continue to move and attack until they each are martyred. Islam will eventually turn against China and Russia. The complete erasure and absolute destruction of all Non Islamic history will begin and it already has.
North Korea. Will over take South Korea. Failures and successes. Will North Korea be able to launch into Low earth orbit (LEO) a nuclear bomb? Declared as a scientific instrument of some sort. To be detonated at a specific altitude over central USA? Can North Korea get their ancient ballistic Missile submarines into the Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of California and the Gulf of Mexico? To launch their EMP missiles vertically.
The first goals of the coalition against the USA. Is to cause the USA to divide their forces.
To the protection of Europe and NATO against a Russian threat.
To the protection of allies like Japan and Taiwan in the Pacific.
To the protection of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Severe and total losses will occur in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Not from the outside but from the actual leadership of Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The complete loss of nuclear weapons from Turkey as well as those security codes and technical manuals.
To the on going war with Islam in the Middle east.
To the threats in Syria.
These are 5 divisions in which will weaken the strength of the US military forces.
Cause the military buildup into those areas of threat. To the degree that the USA becomes nearly defenseless. The USA is already mostly defenseless because of the MAD deals with Russia.
How the USA can defend itself. It is all about the purple words. The return to God by the vast majority of American citizens who abide by the purple words of their own free will. To freely decide to sin no more. To become a righteous and holy people as only accepted by God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
-------------Above is righteous and below worldly-------------------
1). Islamic persons and gang members need to be wholly neutralized. Criminals need to be finally and permanently punished.
2). A complete and layered network of air defense systems around the entire USA and Canada. Which will include Low/Medium Earth Orbit (LEO)(MEO).
3). The wall all along the Mexican border. With automated military weapons.
4). All military bases and posts. Must become entirely self sustaining and hardened. With all manner of automated defensive weapons systems. All family members need/should/must to be housed on every military site.
5). The Coast Guard heavily weaponized. Numbers increased.
6). National Guard modernized and weaponized. Numbers Increased.
7). A renewed US Militia as governed by each city, county and state. A nationalized militia with numbers greater than 5 million total. All with their own specific weapons, uniform, hair and beard. As it was in the old days of early freedoms.
8). Generalized civilians should all become self sustaining as a doomsday prepper would. Just without all of the mental illnesses and criminality associated with many of those on the old T.V. show.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, July 11, 2016

United Religion: (Unedited): 11 JUly 2016:

A religion or church which is united with one another may in fact not be united with God. Especially, when celebrating the acceptance of sin into their holy places.
People should start asking themselves which gods do these wayward churches and religions follow? Each of the demons or each of the gods (Fallen Angels) of old. Had their own specific psychology and their own favorite forms of sin. Through the knowing of those sins can you then identify which fallen angels do these churches and religions follow blindly. Through your own free will. By freely attending a church that is in sin and has become one of the fallen. You to shall suffer as they will.
You will be better off being alone with God then being with a group of people who have separated themselves from God while still mocking God with their worship and prayers.
You already know what you are supposed to do with your life. You are supposed to be righteous and holy in the agreeing eyes of your Lord. You are to reject and flee from all sin. This includes people, churches, religions and politics. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Devoured Ecstasy: (Unedited): 23-27 May 2016:

Ecstasy overtakes the demonic predator who is about to devour innocent souls.
 The demons, the spirits, the ghosts, those evil entities without physical form, The fallen angels. They all know and have kept it hidden or secret from simple human beings. They having already been judged cannot reasonably change from bad to good. They do not have the freedom to do so and are not aware of this. All they know is they have already been judged and that their time of torment and torture will have a beginning date and time. No where and anywhere in their individual thinking processes is the single thoughts of wrong doing, of guilt, of remorse, of repentance with any intention of not doing wrong ever again.
This is also how you know when a human being has already been judged by God. Because, all they know is the evil they do, the harm, the suffering they have caused and their only thinking processes is how not to get caught again.
For they are all of "The Unforgiven". This is not the case in every situation, every human being or for any one else. For God alone will do as He may and for whatever reason He may without any of my own faulty human understanding.
This is for you ghost hunters, psychics, mediums and others who dabble with the communication of those demons, ghosts, spirits and those evil entities without physical form. As they become closer to their own end of time. They will want their last party, their last time to inflict upon humanity the last  great sorrow. For they wrongly believe that all of humanity is the source for all of their woes. They do not see their final judgement as their fault. For they accuse humanity always.
They will seek their own last social justice against all of humanity.
They will as one knowing their time is very very short. They will become as excited as the young newly married couple who did everything right in the eyes of God. On their day (Subjective), their party will begin and leading up to their last party they will all become happy like in anticipation of what it is they are all about to do. This happy like attitude will be expressed in ways in which only a very sensitive person, a psychic, a ghost hunter or a medium will know and experience.
The sensitive people may even feel or think they know that all is very good in the spirit realms. The sensitive people may not even be aware that all of those who are in the spirit realms do know things in which human beings are not permitted to know.  This is on top of those secrets they have which enable them to continue on in their warfare against humanity. You should really study warfare and all of it's aspects, strategies and tactics. Especially subversion. Shooting guns or firing missiles isn't all there is in warfare. Then when you realize that humanity was shown small fragments of warfare by those fallen entities. Even those human beings who have spent their whole lives studying warfare do not know even 1% that the fallen angels know or even their capabilities. But, the fallen angels knows humanity intimately. Even how humanity thinks within the confines of their own minds or so we all think our thinking is within the confines of our own minds.
Update: Beware and be aware of those spiritual entities which do not want to leave and will want to exert more control over you. Be aware of your own self and of those things you would not do even how you would not think. By their character, by their feeling and not by their name you shall become aware of them who repeat themselves. They will not want to leave or even leave those whom work with you. Especially, if they are not true believers and are only present for the entertainment value you bring.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Demonic Miracles: (Unedited): 21 July 2015:

The coming deceiving demonic miracles, signs and wonders shall be those which causes our own natural senses to lie to our own minds. 
How can we protect ourselves from these things to come which can so easily deceive our natural senses to lie to our own brains? On the reasonable and intellectual level it is impossible. After all, These demons, Fallen angels or space aliens were a part of the reprogramming of humanities language centers during the time of the building of the tower of babel.
On the emotional level it to may be impossible as the emotional state is directly tied to our intellectual state of being. The key is within that mysterious spiritual connection to the divine. By keeping our focus upon the divine. We may able to see the true nature of the coming demonic signs and wonders. These lying signs and wonders can only be seen for what they are through your spirit connectedness with the divine. Through righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. These false miracles may not have an affect on those who are righteous and holy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Human Enslavement: Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 JUly 2015:

The final conclusion of total global enslavement is if you are only of use or a user. For humanity. We can only be of use to those who come. As it was in those days of old so shall it be in these coming of days. 
Like any easily defeated foe. The defeated ones have retained all of their anger and hatred. Yet, they know the only ones in which they can just as easily defeat are the lowly human beings. Who are on the order of magnitudes less evolved than they are. Yet, the human beings who are just a created species have saddened the God of all things. Yet, again God will destroy all life on this planet with a coming fire. A purification which shall lead to a thousand year peace. And then....
The individual power of humanity is greatly less than that of those fallen angels. So our natural and intellectual ability to even defend ourselves against any one of them is without any hope. But collectively and with a singular mind set all of humanity can conquer any outside foe or even the most difficult of insurmountable of all obstacles.
We each are like a single falling rain drop of water. The effects of any one of us is barely noticed. But, when our collective human mind set is of a singular focus we can become a tsunami of action in which our collective choices can either be destructive or constructive.
The collective destructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Hate, War, Chaos and Death.
The collective constructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
The mixing of any of the two  groups shall end in final destruction.
Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The gifts of magic which the en-slavers/false saviors shall bring to humanity. Are but only toys for the pets/play things in which they shall/already own. 
For their amusement they give the gifts of magic to the lesser beings to selfishly enjoy. Just a sample of the true nature of things that those lesser human beings cannot even conceptualize in it's entirety.
So as long as each of us continue to be amusing and abide by their complete will. We each shall be welcome and accepted. Once we each become a problem as defined by them. Then we will be killed. Even the entire planet of humans. Not that they would soil their own hands in our collective murder. they can and do have the individual power to cause their selected human leaders and those blind followers of the human leaders to go forth and make war against the other.  All without any awareness of their actions and for whom their destructive war machines were made by.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Human Achievements: (Unedited): 10 June 2015:

Righteousness and holiness should become the personal achievements of every human being. All without arrogance, pride and ego.
We all should learn to reject all of those things in which we have learned from those fallen angels which came to this planet and solar system and enslaved us all.  From our beginning knowledge of astronomy to the use of makeup as well as their evolution into our modern world. While astronomy is important to us looking out into the world. The names of planets and constellations should be altered/changed. No longer should we use those names or identifications which force us to remember those who have fallen from the grace and acceptance of God. Just by continuing to use identification of those things learned from the fallen ones. It continues to separate our minds from our spirits and our spirits from God. By rejecting those things contaminated by those fallen ones. We can then become reacquainted with God. Is my recommendation the essential step for all of humanity to know the God of our creation again? No, but it is a very good step in the process. Those steps which are of supreme importance are in purple.
The stand alone importance of the fragments of the book of Enoch should be considered nearly second in importance to The Holy Bible .
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Traps Righteous: (Unedited): 20 April 2015:

That narrow path upon which the righteous have chosen to journey upon is surrounded by many different spiritual traps. All of which look very right, very innocent and very holy. Just as any trapper of furs hides and disguises their metal teeth and claws. So to do those fallen ones who hide themselves as well as their traps. Traps specifically designed to ensnare and bind you alive.
The suffering and torture is only about to begin once the righteous one becomes entrapped and ensnared. I can see these traps. many of them but not all of them. Those traps and snares that you do see and I do not see are those designed and placed for me. Just as those snares and traps in which I can see and you do not are meant for you. Together the righteous ones who walk and remain together are those who shall complete their missions in this life. The righteous one who walks solitary upon their own path isn't really alone so as long as they keep their solitary focus on the Heavenly father.
I try to see where we all are in Prophecy. On that singular point it is both revealing and entrapping. To keep and maintain the focus is very difficult for me. After all I'm a deeply flawed human being even by human standards. As one who has not had the benefit of education or a stable family life. I can no longer use as an excuse. Nor do I desire to do so. Never the less, I still see as I do and feel as I do. I can see and feel the probable end of humanity as well as the possible new beginning of humanity into the outer reaches of this solar system as a singular family of humanity. Humanity is on that cusp where life and extinction is both present. At that point life and death will be collectively based on life and spiritual decisions. If humanity makes those wrong decisions and become more and more ensnared in the false belief of absolute freedom without responsibility. Then death to us all. No amount of technology or heroics will save any of us. The righteous remnant few cannot save the worldly religious majority who seem hell bent to bring about humanities doom. Just to force the coming Messiah to make an appearance. Just as the big brother who scolds and disciplines the younger for their disobedience and dishonor to their family. So to comes your awaited Messiah. Are you sure you want your Messiah to come as a great lion? an upset lion? an angry lion? a lion who shall be humanities adversary?
All of the old famous prophets who have warned us all over humanities history. Shall become right. While all of the wise mentors who seem to have already been forgotten. Shall not even be remembered in our time of coming doom. Just their desperate pleas into the heavens shall not be heard. As it was in the time of Noah. So shall it be in the end. Only one thing remains. The common people who have common knowledge of the angels or aliens. That is a final key. As in the time of Noah. The common people of the world had direct knowledge of the angels. In today's modern world. the term angels will most likely be left out and the use of the name of those beings instead. The term alien shall even be minimized. 
 There are spiritual structures hidden upon this Earth. A technology which shall be hidden from those fallen angels which will return. This spiritual technology and structures will do their thing. What eve that may be. to me they are just structures. Much like looking at a generic wall or beam of a bridge. I do not know what the beam holds up or what the wall is a part of.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Foreboding Foretold: Freedom Died: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2014:

The foreboding dark prophecies comes quickly. To fast for all of the bad and sad prophecies come. For anyone to even remember that all that is coming was ever foretold. C.J.MacKechnie
All you had to do was love one another.
All you had to do was live in peace.
All you had to do was exist in harmony.
All you had to do was respect all life.
Humanity has failed.
 Now all will be lost just as those fallen angels have lost everything. Even today those angels know not their lack of free will. Their inability to repent or to even change their ways. So to will those who embrace the insanity of total freedom to sin.
Today, as of right now I do not want any more to do with prophecy. Of course I say that knowing full well that if God say otherwise, i shall comply.
The current new realizations in which I'm still trying to wrap my head around. Is how the media is used to create demonic messages from ancient gods of old. After all even the Bible says satan is in charge of this earth. Jesus, did not even argue the point of who is in charge. As to why? I may not be smart enough for that level of wisdom.
The fallen angels are in control of the world system. They are the creators and manipulators of it all. They control every aspect of worldly life. Which includes religions, cultures, societies, organizations, corporations, clubs and etc. They all have one singular thing in common. They exclude everyone who is not alike. Thus adding another level of human separation to all of humanity. By continually dividing the numbers of humanity. All of humanity can be more easily managed/controlled. Even to the point where a very small minority can overtake the majority in their right to practice freedom to sin.
The majority of good and reasonable people are naively trusting in the world system that their very religion warns them about.
A few of the very gods of old has returned and they freely name themselves. In due time the rest of those who enslaved humanity long ago shall once again identify themselves and exert their public authority over humanity.

Soon very soon. The whole of the world will see the failure of Christianity and Islam. i can be killed for saying this  and in another time i would have been. Maybe shall be still.
The religion of love and righteousness becomes a lie in the name of God.
The religion of Peace and Holiness becomes a lie in the Name of Allah.
What shall come of the religion of harmony and wisdom? Shall they accept as a right the freedom to sin as each individual person desires? If they do, then they to shall be known as liars and deceivers.

The falling away shall be in totality as the unnatural darkness which shall befall the Earth is from invited agreements. These luminaries shall only be lighted by the holy and righteous souls in which they consume. For their is no light within them save for those which are consumed.
The USA and other countries shall fall hard. Weapons systems shall fall into the hands of those who desperately thirst for revenge which may not be of their own experience.
Freedom Died: Unedited): 25 Oct 2014:
There shall be no law, no justice, as righteousness has already died in the land of the free. 
Added on 27 Oct 2014:
Studying, prayer, meditation and contemplation. I have done and continue to do.
What is baffling me is how God can imprison those fallen angels upon the planet in which his creation resides. Then allow another 200 fallen angels to also come here in humanities ancient. Then allow those very same fallen angels to enslave humanity and to contaminate our being. Even if it is just by simple observation. Which it was not by simple observation. Humanities genetic may be so contaminated that the purification process is mandatory and that the remnant to be save as has been prophesied may only be in genetic material. You have to define the word remnant and then who defines how the word is actually used? Then try to understand how the remnant is to be decided.
I do not know where it is. but, in the Bible if i remember correctly, The saved select will receive new bodies. What does that mean and what could it mean? Will the selected spirits be saved while only genetic material is to be gathered?
Note: Just tried to quickly look for the new body prophecy. i was unable to find it.
So, what hope is there for the living? Not very much at all. Only God knows for certain. The hope is in our individual spiritual survival. It may go well for those who live under spiritual control? then this leads to the question. Which spiritual control? Those who are controlled physically are completely back words. If this is confusing let me explain more
Typically, it is supposed to work this way. The spirit is in control of the mind. The logical side of the mind leads the emotional side of the mind. The mind controls the physical body. While in agreement the spirit, mind and body chooses to be holy and righteous as defined by God.
In the modern world which was most likely created by the 200 fallen angels and who will influence humanity to free the imprisoned and bound fallen angels, deep within the Earth, most likely unknowingly. Humanity seems to operate backwards. The physical body is dominant over the mind. The emotions lead the logical side of the mind and the spiritual being which is our true selves isn't even believe in or if it is, it's not even relevant.
I don't think anyone knows just how bad it is gonna get before final human extinction. This is what is very heavy on me right now. That our survival is and may only be in our spiritual being. Which is our true selves. The rapture may only be for our spiritual selves.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quitting Thing: Power Reach: Superior Extinction: Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:

Quitting a thing isn't as important as beginning the thing. Although quitting does make you a quitter.  
If you never begin anything you desire to do. You will never have an opportunity to grow, develop or to evolve. Fear, intimidation, a false sense of how things will end up. Which is basically all fear based. Overcoming fear and all of those other negative emotions which is holding you back. You may think it is to hard and impossible. But, those are just illusory excuses which are only real inside of your own mind. Overcoming all of those illusory excuses is a simple logical decision away from you.
By switching to the other side of your brain for dominant action. You switch away from being controlled by your emotions to logically controlling your emotions. This is how it is supposed to be. You have a very real logical thought and then you have an emotional response. This is the correct way of thinking. Having and obeying your emotional side of your brain and then creating a logical response is just backwards. On the spiritual side. Thinking emotionally first and then logically second opens you up to easy demonic attacks. It is easy to control how any human feels.
The fear of failure without any logical fact is illogical as to why you should never begin a thing.
By doing, by learning, by developing skills, by growing wisdom, by gaining understanding all of it proves your fears wrong. Even a failure proves your fears wrong. Because out of your failure(s). If you just sit and analyze (contemplate) your mistakes. You will still gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding then if you had accidentally succeeded in the first place.
Power Reach: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Reach out beyond the negativity of your own mind and in doing so you will discover the real power of you. 
The fallen angels were not happy with our creation. We were made to be above them. Which means they had to and will have to destroy us before we can evolve higher than they. So the fallen angels know the power of emotions as they themselves had very little control over their own emotions. Falling in lust with human women. Which I think is worse than incest with a child. This is what makes the fallen angels so evil. Beings so superior than any human being in every way. Yet, they fall victim to their own pride and sin.
I think their easy destruction by methods which is still beyond human understanding is how those falling ones are trying to destroy all of humanity. By psychically influencing the emotions of all of humanity is their key to the logical control of any human beings logical mind.
The fallen angels are really close in influencing the world leaders into self destruction and extinction. Those human leaders will know not what they have done until afterwards. Where political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom.
Superior Extinction: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Humanities extinction comes when political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom. 
Maybe, there are rules involved to anyone's involvement with the development of any new species. Rules that we know not of. Probably because just knowledge of those rules would contaminate humanities development. From non-physical contact is the only way those demonic souls can influence humanity. The most powerful of demonic souls will have their place in close proximity to those world leaders, religious leaders, cultural leaders, the wealthy and the prideful elite. The most powerful of all of the fallen angels are not going to waste what time they have on the simple common person. They do not have any power in the power struggles in any world decision or event. Your total deception is complete.
Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Common people are just pawns and the human kings are just puppets
Think about that. It is true.
You world leaders go back to the divinity of wisdom and understanding. Which is love, peace, harmony and life. Base all of your decisions on these things and you will instantly cut all of the demonic strings which control your life and actions without you even being aware of it.
 Is the puppet ever aware of their strings or the one(s) who controls them?  Nah.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Friday, October 10, 2014

Corrupted Religion: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2014:

Unacknowledged sin within any house of worship is evidence of a religion corrupted by worldly beliefs and laws. 
The world shall always have their laws, their beliefs, their freedoms and their rights. They all or some may have nothing to do with God. But, then again you have to always ask which god do they worship? The quick and easy answer they each may give is Jesus or God or Allah or Jehovah or by some other acceptable name as defined by that specific culture/society.  When the truth of their answer is far more sinister. What this means is. If a person who is a leader has many immoral sins in their life. Then they are not of God, Jesus or Allah.  Or however you define a righteous and holy God.
You cannot lead a religion based on or in God/Allah/Jesus/ Jehovah and still live a secret part of your personal life in regular and everyday sin acts. You are a false prophet, False teacher and false leader as defined by God who has brought to all of humanity the laws and rules to live our life by. With love, peace, harmony and life.

The corruption of the worlds religions, politicians, leaders, clergy is plainly evident as is most likely influenced by the demonics and fallen angels who are imprisoned here on Earth. These beings greater than any human is involving themselves in the mind thoughts of all leaders and many people. This is why sexual immorality is so prevalent today.

Within your Religion, Church, Synagogue, Temple and Mosque. If the leadership does not even mention specific sins as a wrong. Then they are in sin and most likely corrupted by the world. It matters not their logic based in fears or by governmental law.

Just like John The Baptist. He proclaimed God so loudly the king had to shut him even after his own lustful sins of his own mind. This is the kind of faith we should all have.
Even in physical death. There isn't true death to those who are deemed righteous by God.
The word use of clergy also includes any person in any leadership capacity of any religion.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 6, 2014

unHOLY Reflection: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2014:

The darkest and most charismatic of souls may surround themselves with those deceived righteous persons who are illuminated from within. In order to become the reflection of their internal holy light.  
Can you imagine a dark soul, one who is absent of any divinity. They knowing their darkness and knowing they cannot become enlightened. So they surround themselves with those who are enlightened. Those who are illuminated from within and yet still can be deceived.

Imagine a human person who is like a flawless mirror. They can never absorb any light and are completely full of darkness. All light no matter it's source can only be reflected by them. To those who gaze upon their reflected illumination may be deceived into thinking that this persons light originates from within them. When the truth is they are pure darkness to such a degree that they can only reflect all light. 
Do not become deceived by the fabulous church, temple, synagogue, mosque. Do not become deceived by the men who when they speak everyone applauds and worships the speaker. Do not become deceived at their outward show of status, clothing or personal wealth. These things are all rewards from their worldly teachings.
Run and flee from their speech because they mix in just enough righteous truth to cause their lies and deceptions to become believable.
When the God of love teaches that we should all love our brothers and yet these deceivers also teach it is OK to hate.
When the God of peace teaches that we all should live in peace with all of our brothers and yet these deceivers teach that the enemy they define for you is less than humans or dogs. Go and make war with those dogs. Know that they are deceiving everyone.
When the God of Harmony teaches that we all should exist in harmony with everyone and with all things. The deceiver teaches it is OK to make chaos for freedom and for your rights.
When the God of life teaches that we should all respect and honor all life. The deceiver who stand upon those high places proclaims it is OK to kill them, to kill accidents, to kill those who are less than you.
Yet for some reason they beguile us all. All over the world there are many great human deceivers and they are very knowledgeable of the ancient holy texts. Their words have much convincing power. So much so it bypasses your own human reason and common sense. This is the power of the fallen angels and demonic powers at work. I the writer of these quotes am not immune to their powers. One of the best methods any angel which is greater than any human is to implant false thought and false beliefs by mimicking your own thought patterns. They listen to how you think and just impersonate you.
Yep, Impersonations of famous people in a comedy shows is funny, funny, funny. But, when it is done in the most secretive way in order for you to conform to the fallen angels will. It is no longer funny anymore. Especially, when you know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Then over time you slowly or quickly relent to the steady flow of impersonating thoughts that you wrongly consider to be your own. For some people who become so disturb by wrong or inappropriate thoughts seek psychological help and end up on mind altering medications. Either way it is a win-win for all of the fallen and imprisoned.
Constant and continuous prayers, meditations and contemplations of/by your own free will. To the God of love, peace, harmony and of life is necessary for you to no longer be deceived. By staying with the very basic core principles within your own being. You shall not be deceived. This four core principles is absolute on there logical content. No words written or spoken can go against these four words. If they do. Then the speaker or writer is deceiving you.
The deceiver leader will proclaim to go make war with His/Her defined enemy so that we all can have peace. There is some truth mixed with lies.
The deceiver leader will teach to love one another while their defined enemy can be hated because of their differences and to go destroy them and cause them all to die.
The deceiver leader even confuses who their God is. The God of love is the same as the God of peace or the God of harmony or the God of life. While at the same time the great deceiver will mix in their gods of war, of hate, of chaos, of death, of destruction, of lies, of pride, of ego, of wealth, of power, of intellect and etc. All for a singular end result which is unknown to the darkened human puppet.  That which is the extinction of humanity.
For me personally. The how all of humanity or the absolute majority of humanity will become extinct. The majority of the activities is all below or far above the human forms ability to naturally perceive these beings.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Humanities Remains: (Unedited) 28 Aug 2014:

Only the echoes of an extinct humanity will be all that remains within the universe. 
Out in space and traveling at a great speed. All of the RF and Television signals that humanity has ever created is going out into the universe. For any being to hear and or see. If they have the technical capability to do so. But, eventually, even those signals from earth will fade out to the point that no amount of technological wizardry will be able to see  or listen to them.
Soon very soon God will begin his process of purification. Once God begins this process. There will be no human heroes to save our lives. No cutesy tricks, no super weapons, no computer virus and no Will Smith. Humanity will become extinct. This planet will no longer remember any of humanity, the fallen angels or even any space aliens. Our end game is approaching and what is really interesting. I still think we can avert it all. Is it probable? Not Likely. But Possible. Humanity as a whole must begin to live holy and righteous lives, right now. I've already written about them before. Read my older works.
How to save yourself and possibly all of humanity?
Love one another
Live in peace
Exist in harmony
Respect and honor life
 Do these things because you want to and not because you have to. Do these thing because you know it is the righteous thing to do and not because you have to. Do these things without threats or fears. There is a difference.
In doing so. Humanity may in fact remain. Get it yet?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Humanity Mutated Prophecy: (Unedited): 28 July 2014:

The truth of the fallen angels/aliens. They have always been here and still remain. We have lived and existed among them before and after the flood. They have eaten us and we have killed them. This is the truth from the ancient holy texts such as the Holy Bible.

The historical aspects of the fallen angels/aliens as told by ancient holy texts. There is an absolute certainty that they can be killed. The time of Noah is approaching and the fallen angels/alien will bring gifts of long life and perfect health. The outcome of these gifts will ultimately destroy our unique evolving genetic identity of humanity. We become Nephilim or humanity mutated. Which humanity will easily become as we all have been taught through innocent comic books and entertaining movies that it is OK to be a mutant, a freak or just different. I would suspect the advanced physical genetic altering gifts won't just be long life and perfect health. There will be other genetic changes and they will warn us. Even though humanity will not listen because, we do not even heed while listening or reading the warnings from medical pharmaceutical companies. We are being prepared to blindly accept/trust without questioning or using reason in our decision making processes. Go and view any pharmaceutical video without sound and look at the paid actors.  An actor is a paid liar and deceiver.

This truth that angels/aliens can be killed. Gives all of humanity some hope. But, the gifts presented to humanity becomes the purchase price for global enslavement. In which humanity ends in the guise of becoming something better. Yes, maybe in the short  in grand scheme of things. But, in the long term. Losing your evolving humanity to become something you think is better under the control and authority of supreme beings who care nothing for you except that which you provide. Your physical body in some yet to be discovered way. 
 Maybe, to genetically cause the physical human body to no longer support a spiritual being or to change the energy fields which surround the human body protecting it from outside spiritual influences. Yes, it is called the aura. My odd photo is my aura from over a decade ago.  I believe this aura is some kind of advanced bio-engineered spiritual force shield. That we each have. Assuming you are not actively taking any mind altering substances. No matter their legal, medical, social and cultural status.
Do not become deceived. Do not accept any of the gifts from those who may soon reveal themselves. Because, when the fallen angels/aliens do reveal themselves. That in itself will be Biblical prophecy realized.
 Warning by refusing any of the gifts will also mean you will not be able to participate within any aspect of society, culture, religion. You will have to become migratory because you will not be allowed to own anything. It will be tough if not nearly impossible to want to refuse their offers as their natural abilities are incredibly superior to us lowly humans in every way. This includes all of the psychic abilities known and unknown to humanity.
To know more about this and other Biblical Prophecies. Visit your local church which is not in accepting of any sin as taught through the Holy Bible. It doesn't matter what is now a legal right or freedom. This also includes those churches which preach and teach prosperity, stay away from those to.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Christian Exclussion Prophecy Has Begun: (Unedited): 24 May 2014:

 The evidence of losing ones job/life or being sued because of your Christian faith is direct evidence of the beginning of Matthew 24:9 prophecy.

 Now the openness of such obscenities is evidence of how satan is firmly in control of this world.
 ( You cannot give that which is not yours. Note that Jesus did not argue the point of ownership.)
 Almost to the point that one day soon satan and his fallen angelic/alien followers will completely reveal themselves to the whole common world. As in the time of Noah.
While one righteous Christian loses his/her career over an anti-gay comment. The overtly gay in a public spectacle is celebrated on every media outlet.

I tell you this is only the beginning of the woes for all devout Righteous Christians around the world. Just as at one time to be gay was both a crime and a mental illness. So to will it be for the devout righteous Christian. 

There is a definite difference between  a devout Righteous Christian and a entertained Sunday religious christian. The entertained Sunday Christian will see minimal woes in their lives nor will they be delivered into personal tribulation. The devout righteous Christian will see much personal tribulation in their lives. Such as absolute rejection of any participation within general society. A devout righteous Christian will not take on the mark of the beast and thus not be able to buy, sell or work. They will become outcasts unable to own anything or to be permitted to live any where. 
Any owner of anything who is discovered to have aided and abetted any devout righteous Christian will be publicly ridiculed and will probably lose all they have. Family members and friends may also lose much as well. By simple association.


Matthew 24

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Signs of Christ’s Return

24 Jesus came out from the temple and was going away [a]when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.”
As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the [b]end of the age?”
And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the [c]Christ,’ and will mislead many. You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10 At that time many will [d]fall away and will [e]betray one another and hate one another. 11 Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. 12 Because lawlessness is increased, [f]most people’s love will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. 14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole [g]world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Perilous Times

15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), 16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. 17 [h]Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house. 18 [i]Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. 19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20 But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. 21 For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. 22 Unless those days had been cut short, no [j]life would have been saved; but for the sake of the [k]elect those days will be cut short. 23 Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the [l]Christ,’ or ‘[m]There He is,’ do not believe him. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will [n]show great [o]signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the [p]elect. 25 Behold, I have told you in advance. 26 So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them. 27 For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. 28 Wherever the corpse is, there the [q]vultures will gather.

The Glorious Return

29 “But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from [r]the sky, and the powers of [s]the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. 31 And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His [t]elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

Parable of the Fig Tree

32 “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; 33 so, you too, when you see all these things, [u]recognize that [v]He is near, right at the [w]door. 34 Truly I say to you, this [x]generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 37 For [y]the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and they did not [z]understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40 Then there will be two men in the field; one [aa]will be taken and one [ab]will be left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the [ac]mill; one [ad]will be taken and one [ae]will be left.

Be Ready for His Coming

42 “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. 43 But [af]be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be [ag]broken into. 44 For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
45 “Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his [ah]master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Blessed is that slave whom his [ai]master finds so doing when he comes. 47 Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48 But if that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My [aj]master [ak]is not coming for a long time,’ 49 and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards; 50 the [al]master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know, 51 and will [am]cut him in pieces and [an]assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Phil Robertson:
Brandon Jenkins:
Brendon Eich:
David and Jason Benham:
Tim Tebow:
Sarah Mbuyi:
Gary McFarlane:
Jamie Haxby:
Mark Jackson:
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim
 Craig James:
 Jack Church:
 Paula Fathi:
Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk:
Elaine Huguenin: Elaine Photography: New Mexico:
 Barronelle Stutzman: Arlene's Flowers and Gifts: Washington:
Betty and Richard Odgaard: Görtz Haus Gallery: Iowa:

 Just names from around the world and back a few years.
Matthew 24:12.
Keep all forms of apathy away from you. 
Apathy seems to always begin with a minor complaint or plain ole whining. 
Apathy also begins with the self spoken or outward verbal statement " I don't care".
Enduring to the end can mean many things. This does not necessarily mean to endure to the end of time. It can mean to endure until your ending. However it may come.
Matthew 24:17-18.
Make yourself ready at all times. Keep with you your bug out bag. 
27 May 2014: Read the whole story on how being a Christian is becoming unethical or the hiring of a Christian is becoming unethical.
Added on 30 May 2014: Jack Phillips: Masterpiece Cakeshop: Denver, Colorado:

Added on 03 June 2014:
Will Christians become forced to leave their anti-God state in search for a Godly state? What if there will no longer be a Christian USA and all Christians become excluded from the entire society? All because the Christians of this nation refused to vote, refused to take action and began to believe that gays have rights which are beyond mental illness and sexual crime. The tables shall be turned on the Christian. It will be considered that to be Christian is unethical, a mental illness and then a crime. Can being a Christian become a crime? a mental illness? How many Christians will renounce their faith when faced with starvation in this Country(USA) or the whole of the world? Christians are already being murdered and dieing in other parts of the world with not a care for the USA.
Will Christians become self organized and move to a state where their Christian beliefs and practices are honored? They will have to for the short term. Until, the federal government forces compliance of any or one gay person within that Christian state. The federal government will use force. The media will deceive the whole world and proclaim a civil war has been started by the criminal Christian. Christian law enforcement agents (All Levels) will lose their jobs because of ethics violations. Can this happen? Look at the names and links above and witness how this is progressing. All because you the Christian refused to vote, you godly men and women refused to take political offices at every level. The absence of prophetic information in the Bible can be evident of it's demise or lack of importance in the end times. Even the Christian rejected Hopi prophecies declare as much. When the ISS falls. What then?
Then again what kind of Christians?
Here is the most and least Christian states. Righteous Christians? Religious Christians? Social Christians? Entertained Christians?
Added on 07 June 2014: Apathy Prophecy happening now.
Matthew 24: 10 and 12

I have been thinking about these two verses for the last many days. I think we have been in this prophetic revelation for some time now. I have written more than a couple of dozen quotes related to apathy over the last 10 years. So, I guess I always knew it without even realizing it.  A news story of a few days ago really had an impact upon me. Even though i stay away from all news. This one just popped onto my screen. 
Here is the story from a news source.
Jesus said; Many will betray one another and Hate one another and then most peoples love will grow cold. What better example then this in the current news.
This is just another one of those little signs of the times.
Verse 12 seems very troubling to me. Especially the word "MOST". Without compassion, mercy which are aspects of love. Could dead human bodies lay on the side of the road like other dead animals. Could other abuses and torture happen without any fear of the law? Is this the future. Everyone on their own to do as they may. As was in the days of Noah ...
 Added on 29 June 2014: Ohio Dad Jailed:
How come the dad didn't go to church with his kids? Message from God or Christian discrimination  from a local police officer or both? Those who study the Holy Texts do understand the dimensionality of the lessons.
Added on 21 April 2015: Well Tim Tebow has a one year contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. He should have gone to Tampa Bay Buccaneers. But, The Bucs are most likely going to go with the wrong choice of the Florida state Player. The Bucs have not published any news on who they will choose. But, all of the news media outlets seem to think it will be the Florida State Quarterback. Immediately upon this young mans selection by the Bucs. Will bring much controversy. The kind which does not bring any ticket sales. 
The other quarterback. Will bring a level head. No known personal drama. He will sell many Latino/Hispanic tickets. Plus, everything which goes with ticket sales. Marcus Mariota.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers future will be promising with Marcus Mariota. The Bucs bad reputation all the way from the office down to the field will continue with the selection of Winston. The Bucs reputation will become so bad. That the local news media will portray how the Property management team abuses their minimum wage help during games. Employees will begin to talk just how bad it is to work for any aspect of the Buccaneer organization.
Change can happen. Unlikely.
This is the quality of person that the NFL has nearly given up on.

If the Philadelphia Eagles can create effective plays which utilizes Tim Tebow's strengths and guard against his weaknesses. They will see the Super Bowl. Not because Tim is the greatest, but because Tim creates a united team around him. Teams win. Teams with super stars don't. Think Dallas Cowboys. A high dollar club.
Added on 28 Oct 2016:
The how of modern day persecution is being developed right now. The Government will be using all manor of technology to subvert any disobedient group of people in this manor. The Federal government will jam all GPS, Cell phone, satellite communications signals in the given area. This is to prevent you from communicating with anyone to tell your story of the atrocities of being committed against you and your people. No access to you or your group of people will be permitted. This includes any entry or exit. Until you surrender and submit or die of thirst, hunger or weather. The law of attrition is a warfare tactic. You and your people will be surrounded and denied entry or exit. You and your people will not be allowed any form of weapons. All the while the police will be militarized with all manor of weaponry. You and your people will have to endure all forms of psychological warfare. The media will be silenced to your plight. No one will know anything that you endured or even how you died. If it comes to that. The Governments intentions are clear. When you pray and the police come at you with mercenaries, dogs, helicopters, planes, APC's and men wearing military equipment. The governments intentions is for you to die or to absolutely submit. Regardless of how right you are and how wrong they are. What is the message the government is trying to convey. When you pray and the government responds with machine guns and shot guns? Just think about that for a moment. When the government believes they can do whatever they want in spite of what the people want. This is tyranny.
For you Christians this is what is coming for you. Research for yourselves the events occurring in North Dakota. The DAPL at Standing Rock. See how long this has been going on and no media has been involved. How can the police conduct a many months longs long military action and no real news. Against a tribe of natives in which the action is being done on their lands from two treaties. how can 250 tribes come together and no one knows about it.
You Christians watch your native brothers and sisters suffer atrocities and their only weapons have been prayer. But, after the events of this past weekend. I expect violence will occur. In which the helpless prayerful will be slaughtered. Just as their ancestors had been before them. The police officers will suffer from blood lust and lose control after the sound of one gun shot and then all begin shooting into the women, elders and children.
When the angry warriors of 250 tribes come together. The sheriff and his deputies will surely die. It shall be the pride and arrogance of the sheriff which will kill you and your men. History shall always remember your name and the wrong side you took. The names of the deputies, mercenaries, and outside police forces shall also be remembered in shame and dishonor.
For the government, This coming atrocity which will garner worldwide attention will also be a boon as new laws will be passed. The elimination of guns, illegal to gather laws which will affect churches. The use of military forces, equipment and weaponry in any police situation called upon by the local police leaders. To include missile use.
After all, it is more important to save the lives of the police and military personnel then it is of the common citizen. Really?
You Christians are about to elect an anti-Christian zealot. Either by not voting or splitting your votes among various people. Hopefully saner heads will come around in North Dakota. The police will know they are wrong and the true corporate evil doers will suffer for their deceptive endeavors. Hopefully, the media will also change to go back to how they were once the protectors of the people through revelation of the news and politicians evil and immoral deeds.
Hopefully, There will be no violence in North Dakota. Those lands have already been baptized in much ancestral blood. Much of which was innocent blood. Perpetuated by the American Government.
Hopefully, the wise tribal elders and shamans will continue to pray and cease any and all angers and accusations towards those confused souls with batons, and shotguns. You must meet with love and peace and not with threats and accusations in force or even a show of force.
Warning not all of those souls with military weapons are confused. Some of them just want to kill and it doesn't matter who or for what reason.
Prophecy: The rise of or becomes commonly known in which there will be no Justice. 
The rise of corporate military services will rise. The rise of corporate assassinations against common peoples who speak up and speak out against corporations will begin.
Search Terms: DAPL, Standing Rock, Protestors, Water Protectors, Natives, Indigenous Peoples. Tribes.
Search out Native or tribal media sources.
Pray and meditate upon your Lord always.
Repent from your sin.
Flee from all sin.
Reject sin inwardly and outwardly.
Become holy and righteous instead of merely religious.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 