Showing posts with label Judgement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judgement. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Christian Acts +5: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016:

The state of the nation and of the world is directly a reflection of the Non-Acts within the entire Christian bodies failure to know in a heartfelt manner The Acts within The Holy Bible.
I saw a video about a year or so ago. Some American major city somewhere had a large LGBT pride parade and only two Christians showed up. They got beat up and the police allowed it to a degree. Yep, only two Christians in a major city who rejected sin. There is actually more than one major city. I think they are Seattle and St. Petersburg. There could be many more.
A Christian and all Christians do have a duty to protect their home, their cities and their nation from sin. To endure hardship and death for peacefully standing up for your faith is proof that you have become worthy as is mentioned in the book of Acts. Every time the Apostles were threatened, beaten, imprisoned and killed. Look to the death of Steven. They did not waver. Today's modern era of non-righteous Americanized Christians seem fearful of everything and everyone. All the while the Middle Eastern righteous Christians are torture and killed. With their last words being that of Steven and Christ.
Woe to you Christians. Ye have lost your nation and your place in the world. All because you failed and have become fearful to act. The Government is learning how to commit horrendous crimes against their own people. Today, it is the native tribes at Standing Rock North Dakota in which the corrupt federal Government you Christians have failed to either vote or allow men and women of dishonor into office and who allegedly in collusion with North Dakota state government funding by the Oil and banking corporations may cause what shall be known as "The Standing Rock Massacre of 2016".
If it happens. Right now all agency's of Government is against thousands of people who are helpless and unarmed. Who only pray, sing and dance. Once all of the corporate controlled government agencies in this newly formed Corporate Oligarchy. Have become controlled and aligned, under one authority. The Christian population who will not conform to a politically conformed definition of freedom for all sinners and freedom from all religions. Will begin to lose their own freedoms and acceptance in society anywhere. Just remember this and how you accepted the laws against homelessness as you lose jobs and housing because of your faith. How will you eat and cloth yourself? Where will you get water to drink as you realize you did not support anyone at Standing Rock. Woe to you Christians who Act not. Woe to you Christians who have not the Heart of Christ within them. Woes and sufferings is coming for the Christian. The Christian being like the Jews having no nation and no freedoms.
Act Not Christians: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016: 
Christians who act not shall have not.
Be warned. Do not allow fear to cause you into inaction or a sinful action. Watch and learn a better way of dealing with Christians as the Government learns how to control all aspect of life, liberty and freedom at Standing Rock. Which may very well involve massacre. Just like an abusive person always blames their deeds and actions upon their victims. So to will the Corporate controlled Mainstream Media news sources which includes your beloved Fox News of perpetual sexual abuse.
Research the TYT News for more accurate info of Standing Rock. Research the black snake prophecy of the Lakota. research the Hopi prophecy and figure out if you can match them to the Christian prophecies time lines. I think so. Beware of those who immediately discount this without any research. Because, God will speak to whomever He wishes, when ever He wishes. You and I are not God  and cannot tell God what He can and cannot do. That is idolatry of human arrogance. 
Christian Body Diseased: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016: 
The Holy Spirit shall not come and the miracles shall not be widely evident. When the whole Christian body is diseased with sin and has a continued life of sin as a freedom. 
It is simple, even though the theologians and other greatly educated and learned people write their thesis and books upon. There is only a singular reason why miracles are not common everyday occurrences. That is the being of sin. The sin in your life is what repels the Holy Spirit. Not in a sense of you having power over the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a gift to all of humanity. When sin is overtly or secretly present. Then the Holy Spirit decides not to manifest anything in regards to it being. This is also reason why some have only experienced the Holy Spirit maybe once or even a few times. This is because those persons are not continually focused upon the Word of God. They do not pray, meditate, contemplate, fast, Stay in the Word, Flee and reject all sin. The exercise of their faith as evidence of their willing works.
Note: There is a big difference between willing works and works to prove faith. While one is based in the spirit and of the heart. The other is only from a persons mental decision to do that which is perceived as good. Which may be the proof of why a person becomes burned out. When the Holy Spirit flows throughout. There is no exhaustion or weariness.
Acts Judgement: (Unedited): 30 Nov 2016: 
The Christian body return to the acts. Will either be a responsible decision of the Christian body or a disciplinary judgement from God.
It is not enough to tithe or to simply write a check when the pastor cries about a terrible terrible thing. When sin is in you. You must fight it and struggle against it.
When sin is in your family. You must fight it and struggle against it.
When sin is in your city. You must fight it and struggle against it.
When sin is in your country. You must fight it and struggle against it.
Not in the sense of taking up arms for actual violent conflict or warfare.
To stand quietly firm and allow to happen whatever may. Even if you are tortured and murdered for bearing your own cross as it was in the days of old. For it is then when you find yourself worthy.
If the Christian does return back to the Acts of Christian life. They all will be met with the laws of the land taken from them against them all.  Just as what is facing the indigenous tribes of North America, right now at Standing Rock. So to will the government begin to criminalize all of Christianity. As has already begin.
The events of Standing Rock may end in a massacre in which this one event will cascade in violent ways not yet known or has ever been seen within the USA. Cops and police officers will be seen as the enemy to be feared. Out of that fear more and more violence against the honored and respected profession of Law Enforcement shall be magnified. All because of the dishonor and greed of political officials. Who will remain protected and safe by the laws they write. While men and women of deep rooted honor shed their blood upon the land.
Know this that when those politicians make their speeches of respected honor it is with a great emptiness of love and a mind full of apathy. For they all know what they have done in action and profited from it. They do not care for they have their cop schools and a new body will be present who is willing to sacrifice their honor for the cause of unworthy and dishonorable elected leaders. Who only pretend heart, honor and respect in the public spotlight.
Men and women who are deep in heart and honor. Do not freely give away that which is of great value to elected prostitutes. For they drink blood like a fine wine and relish in created violence as their personal source of entertainment. The joy that these elected prostitutes receive only causes them to thirst for more wealth, more power and more authority. In their arrogance will you witness the truth.
Evil is seen when the pure goodness of the medical rescue and fire fighter crews used as weapons to cause harm among the helpless who only pray, sing and dance. 
When any good thing is used to purposely harm and maim helpless people. It is evil and those men and women who you perceive as men and women to follow. Is not nor have they ever been worthy of you. So do not freely give away your heart and honor. For when these and other evil events are over. Those evil men and women will sleep well at night as your own cold restless sleep is forever experienced by you who has not their covering of honor to keep them peacefully warm. This you will always remember and never have the benefit of personal forgiveness. That is a simple truth for mean and women who are deep in heart and honor. Your participation in evil is something you will  never forget or forgive yourselves for. You are warriors and this does not mean you will always thirst and need wars. Your deep motivations has always been to protect those who need protecting and your willingness to give yourselves entirely over to them whom you must protect. Because, you must protect. To protect is not a choice nor has it ever been an option. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Prophetic Prophecies Collide+8: (Unedited): 20-21 Oct 2016:

Unheeded Prophecies:  (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
The unheeded warnings from all of the prophecies given to all of mankind shall mean a violent collision of all of those old prophetic words into your modern day reality. 
God always seems to use a step by step approach when dealing with people or nations. Families grow huge when they are obedient to the word of God and families end when they do not. All of this can take time and is not instantaneous. God send his chosen teachers and mentors. Then as more and more teachers and mentors are ridiculed, ignored and scoffed at. The prophets of doom arrive on the scene. Mentors are the same as prophets and can be the same person or not. I think most of the time the psychology of the mentor and prophet is not the same. But, it can be. A loving, gentle and wise mentor can be a wise, gentle and loving prophet. But a prophet who is of the fire side of psychology may not be the ideal candidate for a mentor. The same can go for the gentle mentor when a prophecy require much fire.
If you have noticed that the teachers and mentors who actually teach the purity of love, peace, harmony, law and life have disappeared. Now there seems to be an over abundance of firebrand prophets who proclaim doom and death is coming. That alone is an indication that the collective population has no repentance within them and the idea of righteousness is an alien concept. You need to know you me and we are about to die horrible deaths. It won't matter what side of the planet you are on. because, when the Holy one dressed in blood trimmed garments arrive. Everyone may think he is the devil. Because, the devil has been imagined in red. satan is a beautiful being of white light.
Prophetic Rejections Collide: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
As all of the old prophetic words to all of humanity collide. Great calamity, chaos and confusion comes to those as they suffer and die. For their rejection of the prophetic words is their judgement before they even committed their crimes/sins. 
It seems that many different traditions which have their own prophecies. Seem to have similar prophecies with other traditions. Such as the Hopi, Lakota and Christian. You guys and gals who know more than me. These puzzle pieces may be able to fit together to form a better and clearer picture of when things can happen. Are you following me on this. To be able to study all of the old prophecies and match them together. Humanity has only been able to do this until recently. You just have to make sure the prophetic information is from actual sources. The Lakota Black Snake is happening right now. Is the Hopi red Purifier the Jesus in Christian prophecy? What about the other prophets? accepted or not? yet still accurate-ish?
Prophecies Collide: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
The wisdom of living a righteous life as only accepted by God is the only way to prevent and/or mitigate all of the bad and sad prophecies about to collide into the realities of all human beings. 
The purple words below. All without fears, threats or intimidation's.
Last Ditch Prophets: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
From all over the world. Many peoples and traditions have their prophets. The prophets seem to have a common tone of coming calamities. For the words of the living prophets shall be your last ditch change of averting death and destruction.
A possible time line may be stitched together to form a clear event plan. For instance the black snake prophecy of the Lakota. How does that fit into the Christian timeline? How does other prophecies fit into the Hopi prophecies? How does it all fit together? How do you use this knew collective information to illuminate false teachings and reveal wrong interpretations? The big HOW!!! Indian Pun. (Stupid I know). How do you save lives? How do you prevent or mitigate all bad and sad prophecies ever spoken or written? Because, when Jesus comes again dressed in blood trimmed robes. He is coming to destroy. There will not be any negotiations or surrenders? The lamb of God is coming back as a hungry and very not happy Lion. Ever tried to deescalate a hostile lion face to face with soothing and loving words? Don't try it.
NOTE: I'm probably the only human being on this entire planet of 7.7 billion people who does not want Jesus to come back. I just don't. Not like that as stated in prophecy. I do however want Jesus to come back as a loving adopted brother of mine. A holy older, wiser adopted brother who welcomes me with open arms and a gentle smile. The other way as prophesied. Not so much. At all.
But, if the world continues on and the Lakota black snake is completed. Then the end follows in time. The DAPL in North Dakota may be just one of those obvious prophetic keys to all prophecies timings. Especially, if there is another mass killings of Native Americans by a militarized police force. Made up of various law enforcement organizations from various states. The militarized police force has air assets, armored personnel carriers against a people who pray. Which looks like mostly women. Really. This is becoming offensive to think about. But, I believe the Native Peoples will lose.
When those native peoples lose. It will force another very clear sign of prophecy. My writing does not mean I want the natives or first peoples to lose.
I want the first peoples to abide by the purple words. To pray. To conduct ceremony 24 hours a day. The shamans and holy people from around the world need to come together in that spot of Standing Rock. Stand together and become the rocks the people need. All peoples.
Repentance Last Call: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
The words of the long deceased prophets were your fore-warnings as the pleas and cries of the insane appearing living prophets are your last call for repentance and life.
 The time is at hand. When prophecies from all of the various peoples and traditions shall collide into oneness. From that oneness shall be seen the great purifier dressed in blood. He shall be followed by the hosts dressed in purity. There will only be war. No options for negotiations. satan has done his best to confuse the people with his own devil clown deceptions of dressed in red, horns and a tail. When in reality satan was the most beautiful of the angels. So when humanity sees the being dressed in blood trimmed clothing of holiness. We all will think that the purifier is the satan. For we all have been deceived to follow satan.
One Moment: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
As one is victorious in the moment another shall lose everything.
Who defines who the another shall be?  For the another is all of us.
Can you see with your eyes of reason? and a heart of love? or shall you see with disbelief and a heart of apathy? Look to Dakota and it's meaning. Look to the women and men who arm themselves with prayer as they are confronted with military men equipped with warfare. Who shall win? For I tell you the truth. As one is victorious in the moment another shall lose everything. The water protectors whose only weapon is prayer. Shall buy all of us time. Unless those prayer warriors lose against the thunderous weapons of apathetic men. Then how shall any of you drink clean water?
It seems the Lakota prophecy of the black snake leads to the Hopi prophecy of the red purifier which leads one to the return of Christ dressed in blood.
In the Dakotas. The name shall change when history of slaughter, suffering and death repeats itself. Where the prayers of the helpless. Shall be answered as the their last prayerful breath returns to the heavens. This shall guarantee a response.
Prophetic Tongue: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
It is for man to predict the possibilities and probabilities of his own future or even fate. But, man can only communicate words of actual prophecy when that absolute prophetic message has been placed upon his own tongue from God.
Even the angels, do not know absolutely what is going to happen. Although, the angels are more advanced than us lowly human beings. They most likely mentally reside in the realms of absolute probability than that of possibility. Where as humanity tends to reside from the impossibility to the possible. To the most intellectually gifted of all human beings. The consideration that the angels and even the fallen angels may seem like they operate in the prophetic. But, they do not operate in the prophetic. The angels operate at an extreme higher degree of probability that seems like prophetic to us lowly human beings. Thus making us human beings that easy to deceive. Even those human beings that belong to that very exclusive club who consider MENSA an insult. I just hope that you smart people know that if your dealing with the fallen angels. They lost the war, lost badly, lost quickly, they were captured, imprisoned here and they didn't foresee it, nor could they defend themselves from any of it. So if you think your love, mercy and compassion for them is real. Well, maybe not. The fallen angels end game in regards to any human. Is humanities total extinction. Including their most devout and loyal followers.
The last part of the quote "when that absolute prophetic message has been placed upon his own tongue from God." Those angels and fallen angels which are far superior to any human being. They each can implant thoughts and memories as well as delete thoughts and memories from any human they choose. What the angels can do to our minds can go far deeper than I can explain now. I'm not even fully aware. Nor do I pretend to. The fallen angels and the good angels can alter your decision making capabilities as well as your belief systems.
Added on 20 Oct 2016@1715hrs.:
Well, Apparently the non-Christian and non religious people like to follow certain blogs that I write. So, I would suppose just by the numbers of certain groups who read these writings. May indicate a possible importance. Sometimes it is disheartening to suspect that the so called bad people are more interested than the so called good people. I find it interesting.
Over all It doesn't really matter. Because, Those persons who are the so called bad people or even the religious. They all will endure the coming wrath of God upon this world. What is worse is if those persons have no intention or care to change their own lives to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Which can lead a person to believe that they have already been prejudged. Just as those in the day of Noah and the time when Sodom was destroyed. Those people were living and they most likely knew not that they all had already been prejudged. I will soon be adding a section on prophecy, possibility and probability. In which you have already read.
Added on 21 Oct 2016:
Prophecies End: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2016:
All old and new prophecies end when the Holy purifier clothed in blood begins to rain fire down upon us all. 
This is for everyone who is only religious and not righteous. This is for everyone who has already been pre-judged by only God. This is for those who believe in a rapture which may not be a true teaching. Everything ends and a new thing or a new way shall also begin. All that was known and forgotten shall be erased. It will be like nothing ever existed. There shall be no escape unless it has been ordered by the Holy One dressed in a blood red robe. If you have the ability to depart this solar system. You may want to go now. It will not matter if you can go back in time or not. Because, the purification from the Holy One may even cleanse the entire time line. It will be like you never existed. Except you will either be rewarded or perpetually purified in everlasting pain and torment.
Note: I Really Really Really want the Rapture teaching to be true. Really. But, I also know that no matter how this body I reside in expires. The greater form of living life actually begins out of the prison of this very limited life form known as a human being. I also know how the prophets, saints, disciples, unknown common Christians and Jesus Christ died. I'm not as worthy or as important as any of them. Who died as Steven and Jesus had. With love and forgiveness being expressed as they fell asleep.
Unknown News in the USA: Middle Eastern Christians are dying horrible deaths and are being exterminated. Many reports state that they are dying as Jesus and Steven had. There was no rapture for any of them. So what makes us think we are more important?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.


At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Amos 6 Prophetic Sign: Plus More: (Unedited): 10-14 Sept 2016:

Need to research and get facts on what the Baptist southern convention Churches taught in the summer of 2001. Going by memory. I think Amos was being taught during the weeks or months prior to 09/11/2001. First Baptist Church of Abbeville, Al. Need to get information on what the Southern Baptist Churches is teaching or has taught during the summer of 2016.
Research the possibility of God communicating through the Southern Baptist Church without them even being aware of it.  
Could Southern Baptist Churches be the last of the organized religions to maintain their righteousness? By actively honoring God through the rejection of all sin?
In the Bible. Where God has warned a nation or people. That there will be death and destruction. How much time typically elapsed between the First warnings and the last warning and the actual doomsday events? 
Sign of Judgement.
The day of the Lord comes.
The prophets of Israel and of New Israel (USA) must pray, fast, repent and become a righteous people in the agreeing eyes of God only.
--------OOOPs Breaking Gods Rules are ya?-----
-----Bad News China Corp----
Unable to locate website for Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
Is this a non existent and legal fictitious company in order for China to purchase
unable to access from the USA
Looks like screwball business dealings from China
---------Blah Blah Blah------
I am not including all of the regretful reporting of this sad loss.
Xinwei Technology Group
Xinwei Technology Group
Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
The Original source of inspiration is her.
My Comment on her video: Which was deleted. I included links. Sometimes that is automatic deletion. I think I will be writing about this. You will will my source of inspiration. Beginning research now. I think this is a prophetic sign. For the USA as the original name of the USA is either New Israel or New Jer-USA-lem. Remember this? Who was the arse? is it related to your comment about exiting rear of plane?
Amos 5 Israeli Satellite Lost communications. 
I now believe this is an unseen sign from God unrecognized by everyone. 
How do you lose communications with God?
How many communications related words are in the Bible Amos 5?
Is this directly tied to the actions of the USA and Marriage? I think so, nearly certain.
Offensive content warning. WARNING!!! WARNING!!!
Added on 12 Sept 2016: In relation to the book of Amos chapters 1 and 2.
What are the 3 or 4 major transgressions  against God. That the Americans have committed? When I say Americans. I do mean all of us. This is because we collectively agree upon those elected who are suppose to serve the common American citizen. So what ever becomes laws and rights are all of our collective faults.
You list the transgressions and their years.
If you read all of Amos. What do you think God is going to do to the churches or those places we humans define as holy places. Where all forms or religious transgressions occur.
Can you list three or four transgressions and their years? 
Other signs that Jesus is coming. Just watch it. It is worth 2 minutes and 8 seconds.
For advance Biblical Teachings: Yes, I do mean advanced. If your not at that level or desire to get to that level. this is the Guy. Dr. Joseph Cerreta.
When I include any outside source into any of my writings. You must assume that those outside persons, groups or organizations may or will have zero agreement in anything that I have ever written.
I'm not a prophet. I'm too deeply flawed of a human being to be one of them. I do not receive phone calls, text messages or emails from God. Which would be interesting as I do not have a cell phone. I have not looked up into the sky and seen any kind of neon sign's from God.
I just write possibilities and probabilities as I see them, read them, understand them and pray upon them. Prophets are given direct messages from God in which the prophet is not confused as to the origin of the messages, the purpose of them or the direction the prophet is to go. Once the prophets purpose or mission is complete. He or she becomes just like everyone else.
Prophets of Doom: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
 Prophets of doom shall come into your life when you have long forgotten the mentors you have rejected. 
The word use of "you" means not just you individually. But, also your family, city, state, nation and planet. If you or any other entity continues on in their sinful ways. They will find extinction. Extinction of self of family of city of nation or of planet.
The prophets of drastic and imminent doom come just before you have been judged. You will become a person who is still physically living but has had the freedom to change into a good person taken away from you. Even without your awareness or agreement.
Living Judgement: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
Living Judgement means. There is no hope for your salvation. After, you have already rejected mentors, messengers and prophets who have come to you. The living judgement also means the ability of you to freely choose to repent has been taken away.
Prophets Shall: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
You shall not silence, subdue or slay any of the prophets of God. Doing so shall invite destruction and death upon you, your family and all of your people. 
Miracles have always surrounded those who were the genuine representatives of God. When they begin to manifest their time as has been decided by only God. You will not be able to harm them without direct and most likely immediate retaliation from God. A God who is perfectly righteous. A God who is perfectly Just. It matters not if your in agreement or your feelings get seriously hurt. Know this, If you are in close proximity to  any of the coming ones of God and you have sin, hate or evil doings in your heart. You will not even have to do the dead. As those sinful, evil and hateful thoughts will be grounds enough for immediate discipline from God as He so does it in whatever manor He chooses.
This is also a warning for the churches who will suffer the certain chapters in Amos.
===Purple Words===
This is how you avert most bad and sad prophecies. 
To love one another. 
To live in peace with all. 
 To exist in harmony with everything.
To revere and cherish all life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Guilty Grace: (Unedited): 21 July 2016:

By the Judgement of God. We are all guilty because of our sinful nature/spirit, corrupted thinking and contaminated being. 
But, through the grace of God by the perfect saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are all forgiven and free. Through the mystery of the three in one. 
There is nothing for us to do or can do. In every aspect of who we each individually was, are and will be. We can do nothing for ourselves to be acceptable in any way to God. So God had to to it all. Everything in the last 6000+/- years. Just to save us from ourselves. That's unconditional and undeserved Love.
After, You realize what Jesus had done for each of us and you accept it through faith. The changes do begin if you let it. You begin to want to become a good son/brother or daughter/sister. You do this by staying in the Word/Bible. You begin to pray often and always. You begin to fast for others as well as situations. You begin to reject and flee from all sin. Thus, is only the beginning and over time as you develop a continuous history of these good habits. You shall with all humility become righteous, holy and without blemish or spot accepted by only your Heavenly Father.
Flee from all sin. Even from the church you have loved for so long. When your church, denomination or religion accepts and brings sin into the holy places. Do not associate with them ever again. Until, they have turned away from those sins.
This includes any LGBTQ person who is allowed to hold any position of authority. If you continue to attend these places. You also will suffer along with them all. For it is assigned for the remnant to be separated from the whole which have become corrupted, contaminated and with a great many soiled spots. If you remain among the sinners who continue to sin without shame or any intention to change from their evil ways. Then it is you who will share as it is not you who has the power to change them. Only your heavenly Father can do that if they had not already been judged. For I tell you the truth before Noah cut down the first tree. The whole world had already been judged. Do not become as Lot's wife had. For even a remnant can be separated from their parents and siblings who they love and care for much. Never to see or to know them again.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Prophets Silence: Silenced prophets: (Unedited): 03-04 July 2016:

Once the people have been righteously judged. The prophets no longer need to speak divine truths and shall be silenced. 
Silenced Prophets: (Unedited): 04 July 2016:
Once the people have been judged. The prophets shall be silenced and the prophets disappearance shall not even be in the awareness of those who have been judged. 
Jehovah does only what is right and just. No human can question or even understands why He does what He does. So to when judgement befalls upon a people. In their ignorance and arrogance. They know not they have already been judged. The crazy and insane prophets which spoke to everyone in gibberish have all been silenced and the people who have already been judged shall be unaware of the silence. Maybe, even the living legends like Billy Graham shall be taken home as evidence. The timing of this great reverends birth and death shall be perfect. His death shall be celebrated by everyone for different reasons. The Great Reverend Billy Graham is a sign. This is all I know. I do not know the depth but I do feel it is a very strong lesson. Very similar to what Israel has had to go through. When they have sinned and had rejected all aspects of Jehovah.
The already judged people shall go on with their lives. Being married, Having babies. living their lives however they shall choose. Living in sin without any guilt or remorse. Completely apathetic to all of those they have harmed all along the way. Even when Noah and his family was locked away in their great ship. No one noticed. Only when the strange rain began to fall and the noise of roaring waters in the distance did they finally know the truth. All of their doom was at hand and only 8 human adults were saved. So to shall it be when doomsday comes for the once protected people. they shall know a protracted extinction.
In order to avert any righteous disaster which comes because of the divine and righteous judgement of Jehovah. You must flee and reject all sin. You must create a history of prayer and fasting as only accepted by Jehovah. You must become righteous and holy as only accepted by Jehovah. AND you must do all of this by your own free choice. All without any fear's, threat's or intimidation's. All because you know it is the right thing to do and you have that desire to want to do what is right, just and true.
If you do not care. Then apathy is a sign of being already righteously judged.
Do you remember the blue words I have often written of:
To Love one another always.
To live in peace with everyone
To exist in harmony with all things.
To cherish all life.
To obey the commandments of God because it is the right and wise thing to do and not because you have to or are forced to.
Soon even these blue words will fade away from consciousness from all human beings who have been judged as their own free choice and free will has already been taken from them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Sinners Judgement: (Unedited): 16 march 2016:

As guilt and shame settle into the minds of the sinner who has initially survived. They lament for what was and what they once had. All the while cursing God for what they know is yet to come. Extinction and post judgement.
I do believe that God is all love, all mercy and all compassion.
When we each walk our last walk, breathe our last breath. or can even foresee the end of ourselves. Will you become as the repentant sinner or remain the unrepentant sinner? Only in that last moment and if your even aware of it as the repentant sinner was. For even the unrepentant sinner was still full of his sin and mocking the innocent soul who endured more than was humanly expected.
Everyone knows what is coming for humanity. Everyone has read, listened to or watched those apocalypse documentaries on the Television. Everyone knows that God is gonna receive all of the blame for humanities extinction and destruction of the whole world. This is not the case. The sole blame shall be upon all of humanity. For humanity has walked away from righteousness, holiness, honor, respect, sanity and logical reason. Humanity has walked away from truth and embraced all manor of lies and deceptions because it feels good. So humanity will be allowed to destroy itself and the whole planet shall be purified with a great fire. In which no one/life will survive not even those deep underground.
All we have to do to save this whole planet and ourselves is:
To love one another,
To live in peace,
To exist in harmony,
To cherish life,
To obey the laws of God.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Dark Life: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

There is no joy or happiness in the life of darkness. There is however the perpetual state of loneliness and the feeling that no one really cares.
There is a lot in the life lived in darkness. You can do whatever you want and no one will ever really ever know who you are. But, they all will see what you are becoming and they will not care. You shall become as apathetic as they all are.  It is all your free choice of endless sin in the life of darkness.
So as long as you're a part of the party of loners, you will always be accepted. But, once you decide to stop living in darkness, they all will angrily hate you and accuse you of trying to be better than they are. But, if and when you ever return into the life of darkness, you will have to endure ridicule and then their apathetic acceptance.
Then when you die amongst them they will drink a toast to you, tell a few stories and maybe make a few jokes. Then they will all forget you were ever there as someone else sits in your seat.
There is a cost to all of this life of darkness. No one who is living a life in darkness even cares what the costs are or will be. This is the apathy taking a hold over your mind. So as long as you get what you want in that moment you want it, who cares what the future bill will be? Those who live in the darkness don't even want to hear about the light. They will even get angry if you come to them with how wonderful it is in the light. There can even be forgiveness from the light.
They know the truth. Those who freely choose to live in darkness know that if they reach out for the light, go forth into the light, all of their sins, crimes, mistakes and misdeeds shall be known and remembered. They will all know that they decided to live in the darkness in favor over their own family and the good friends who could not  go into the darkness to live their lives.
For those who already live and remain in darkness, many have already judged themselves and have been found deserving the solace of the final judgement to come from God.
These who freely choose to live and remain in darkness have already been judged by God. This is evidenced by their apathy, selfish desires and anger toward you who are good. For it is solely your goodness which reminds them just how bad and evil they were, are and have become.
Is there any hope for those who live in darkness? Sure there is and only God will know for certain.
For you who are in the light who have family members who have chosen to live and remain in darkness, continue to pray for them. Continue to love them. Continue to express compassion and mercy for them when needed, even if that mercy is in their own homelessness, hunger, medical care and burial.
For myself, it was with my adoptive father, his medical care and cremation/burial. His so-called girlfriend wanted to take care of him and use his money to fix a hot water heater, roof, car. Set up her children in a rented house. I denied all of it and banned her from any contact. After his bills were paid. There was no burial and I could only afford for him a cremation. At least he is with his own family by blood. After years and decades of total rejection of me and mine, I was the only one who he could trust in the end. At least his sister saw him take his last breath. Roll Tide.
There are many stories of people who have come out of the darkness and into the light. But those numbers are rare. Sometimes a person has to get so low and hit bottom without dying. Then for some reason, they either seek help or continue down the gutter's drain until they finally find death. In the end, no matter how it happens, you must find your comfort that you did not abandon them or walk away. It is always those who have chosen to live within the darkness who had walked away from you.
Note: Historically, I was not considered a good person by anyone who ever knew me. I brought embarrassment to my adopted father and to his family in many different ways. At least in his end. I could honor him.
Edited by: RLD.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Magnified Cruelties: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2015:

As humanity gets closer to complete revelation. Personal worldwide cruelties shall be magnified. 
This is prophecy.
Judgement shall fall upon the living. Just as it was in the day of Noah. Only the remnant chosen by God shall be saved. That chosen remnant may be saved but not saved from the witnessing the judgement of God in all of it's ugliness (My words). Just as Noah was saved from the wrath of God. They were not saved from witnessing of it.  For the Judgement of God is absolute righteousness and holiness. There is no escape.
The cruelties which shall come forth to all of humanity. Shall be a continuation of steady worsening. At every level of humanity. Shall all peoples be persecuted by anyone for any reason. Extreme violence shall be expressed upon another human being for any expression of any kind of difference. All manor of civility will fade into complete animalistic barbarism.
The jails and prisons shall be partially emptied of those who went to jail for crimes which are now a legal right. Those who are in the corporate business of prisons will need a new customer base and these will be the newly criminalized Christians. These newly criminalized Christians may be brutalized, tortured and murdered while in jail. No one will ever know. Just as a road of Rome was lined with Crosses bearing Christians. Just as Rome slaughtered untold numbers of Christians in their Colosseum for entertainment purposes. So to will the modern Christians deaths be horrific and it will not matter if they are in jail or not.
The refugees who are streaming into Europe shall become peacefully settled and gratefully supported. Then in time. Those many who have lied about their Christian faith. Their young ones will begin to roam the streets in gangs to rape and beat those who are alone, weak, old. These are true Islamic terrorists who is bringing the war to your own countries, cities and homes. Because, they must create as much conflict, chaos, hate and death in order for the return of their Mahdi. They will be victorious. Because, the only way you will be able to destroy them is to kill and murder them all. All of their children. All of their female baby making machines. All of them. In doing so you magnify conflict, chaos, hate and death. In a soon to come time. They all will rise up as one and become lawless. It will not matter what country they are all in. Their first country of attack may be the USA. The attack on the USA may/will happen at any time. The European attacks may/will happen around the time of 2025-2040. The USA must fall before they all can go after Israel. Only God will know. Do you remember the formulas for life and for death? If you mix them in any manor. You still end up with Death as the end result over an extended period of time. Human extinction does not have to be quick.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Law
Death = Hate + Conflict/war + Chaos + Lawlessness.
The death of the USA shall come soon as they remove the Ten Commandments without any argument or struggle.
I no longer believe it is probable to avoid the coming prophecies of those accepted and non accepted prophets. It is to late. I believe judgement of God has already occurred. The execution of Godly justice is soon to come. But in case I'm in error and their is still hope. We all must decide on our own. To follow the purple words. Not out of fear. Not from any sort of intimidation or threat. But, from that deep place within all of us. To live the purple words because it is the right thing to do. Not because we have to or are forced to.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Extinction Begins: (Edited): 25 Oct 2015:

The extinction of humanity begins with you. 
What you do. 
What you have done.
What you haven't done.
What you will do.
But the continued existence of humanity also begins with you. It is our free choice. It is how we choose to live.
The religions and churches have fallen and are falling. The devoutness of the genuine are becoming a mere remnant of the whole. Isn't this prophetic? And yet those who have fallen seem to have become unable to change their ways. This is the passing of judgment, when sin is celebrated within the holy places.
If your church and religion teach one truth but expect you to follow another, you are facilitating the coming extinction. It shall be all your fault and not the fault of God.
Whose fault is it when you choose to hate others? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you choose to fight, go to war, promote and engage in conflict? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you act chaotically? Are entertained by others' chaos? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the laws of God are no longer of importance? When you no longer obey the Laws of God?  It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you no longer consider becoming righteous or holy as something to actively aspire to? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the life of a human being no longer matters? When you actively agree with the right and freedom of abortion? It is your fault.
Don't blame God 
for the state of the world you live in. It is all your fault and the fault of your elders.
It is you who has lied, cheated and stole in your life in which you are solely responsible for.
It is you who has abused and tortured your own children and pets.
It is you who has done all of those sins in private and when you were caught, you decided to continue to sin at the total expense of your family and friends.
It is you who has murdered your namesake and genetic continuation of your blood line with your gay (LGBT) rights and legal freedoms. You have decided that.
It doesn't matter any more for all of you shall curse God and blame God for all that shall befall humanity. This is prophecy and was foretold. You have already been judged in this life. This is why apathy is spreading all across the world. Those who do not care have already been judged, even your children.
Think about this. Those who already have been judged have already celebrated sin within the holy places. Those who continue to remain in any church or religion which has accepted sin into their holy places are equally guilty of the desolation prophecy. They all will continue to sing, celebrate and be entertained even into their own destruction. They will know not why or even understand why God has done this to them. Maybe it was the god they choose to follow. The god of sin and of falling away. The god of this world system.
For those who have not been judged yet, the purple words are for you. There is a big difference between being merely religious and being righteous. Those who are religious pretend very hard to follow the purple words, while the righteous live the purple words, all without any threats, fears or intimidation.  If these words have shaken you into action of change, then do not follow me. I'm just a finger-pointer. Follow the Bible. Pray and meditate always. Clean up your life and walk away from all sin, even if that means walking away from your religion, church, family, friends, careers and the country you love. The word "remnant" does not mean many. You may find yourself alone with God.
(edited by RL)
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: This work has been republished on #Prophecy Everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Silent Prophets: Judgement Occurred: Unbearable Silence: (Edited): 09 Oct 2015:

The prophets of God who become silent in the midst of turmoil are an indication that prophecies are no longer needed. As the hearts of all men have become hardened and the minds of all men have become bull-headed, the fate of humanity has chosen for itself shall manifest. Death, Destruction, Disaster, Disease.
Judgement Occurred: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015:
The silence of God and of His angels shall be assumed by His chosen prophets that Judgement has already occurred.
Unbearable Silence: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015: 
The silence of God and of His angels shall be unbearable to his chosen prophets. 
Because, after judgement has already been decided, what more can be said by the Holy Judge? Especially, to those who have already hardened their own hearts and have become bullheaded in their own minds.
Added on 16 Oct 2015: This section unedited.
I was just watching informed Christians on YouTube. I have only recently subscribed. Have you ever had that aha moment? I do all of the time. Even though I write poorly. There are many times I write and have no clue what any of it means. Such as the above content. Wait a minute I gotta go read it again. Scroll up time. I'm back. Christians basically teach. You will be judged upon your death. That is loosely taught. But, that is not necessarily true. maybe, this is a steep learning curve for me as I have never really considered the when of Judgement and have always assumed that upon my death. I shall be judged.
But, in real life and in real Israeli and world history according to the Holy Bible. Judgement always preceded Death of anyone, any city, any nation and any people. The cause has always been disobedience to the Laws of God. PERIOD. The judgement of God can happen at any time before your physical death. Just look at all of the old testament kings who were judged for their disobedience. Nebuchadnezzar DNA was apparently altered in a living judgement by God. Especially, after he declared (My Paraphrase)"I did This" with great pride and arrogance. Research and go read for yourself. (Hint. It has only been recently that we can apply some kind of rudimentary scientific understanding to this. Did God cause the arrogant king to become an insane mutant bird man for a time? can you imagine that? and then God caused the poor king to revert back to normal. This living Judgement of God was for a great and prideful king. What kind of living judgement would God apply to the common person? What about the perpetual disobedient person. Would God disallow freedom of change to a good and obedient person? I think so but I'm not God nor am I His agent to tell Him what he can and cannot do. I see people who are incapable of change all of the time and yet they cannot fathom why their life is so awful. I see it like that human god pharaoh during the time of Moses. God told Moses that he was going to prevent the living human god Pharaoh to relent. Go check it out. No hints this time and don't believe me. Go look. How many times?

 In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults survived out of all of the human beings. Including all of those human babies, cute kitties and adorable puppies. All of which you would have declared was worth saving of all of those innocent lives. There may have been up to 1 billion people on the planet. Yes, I know that number can be argued. The point is the God defined remnant which was saved was 8 out of how ever many humans were on the planet at that time. Today, There are more than 7 billion human beings on this planet. In which the prophecies in the Holy Bible states that a remnant will be saved. Assuming correct interpretation. As it was during the time of Jesus. Those who knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah were confounded. I believe yet again. The modern day theologian will also be confounded at the prophetic event to yet come.

Are we in the time of Noah? Well there is still argument on that. I'm in the boat for that argument. The one last thing which will prove that we are truly in the times of Noah is the return of the fallen angels into the consciousness of every common person on this planet. The Bible says as it was in the time of Noah. So to ...  The one thing we all forget is the fallen angels were openly amongst all of humanity. They were having their encounters with human women. The rest I will leave for you to read in Genesis as well as Enoch.
So what do we know about all of the seals in the Christian prophecies. A whole lot of people are gonna die in a very short period of time. Can you say for certain just how God is gonna define remnant yet again? If you do the math in the Bible. You will come up with immediate effect on life lost. The Bible does not include what life is lost after each event. In which more life can be lost after each event then during each event. We do know that God must intervene in order to prevent extinction.  
Note: I do not believe that the book of Enoch should be included in the Holy Bible. It should stand alone and thoroughly questioned. As it is now. By those who are way smarter than me.
This where I was flooded with Judgement. (Get it). Thank you for your inspirations and understanding of the quotes I've written.
3 Hours of Enoch

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wrath Judgement 1and2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:

Those who do everything within their power to force God into showing himself. May just get exactly what they want. Plus wrath and judgement.
Those who force Gods hand through purposeful wickedness. Shall receive their just rewards in full abundance of wrath and judgement.
All of humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet. And yet in the midst of our apparent failure. Everyone who is in a position of  religious leadership. Wants God to return. This is HIS vineyard in which we were supposed to honor and respect. He sent His son and only heir to us and we all murdered Him. Yet, in this modern age. We all seem to want Him to Come back. He came as a lamb and shall return as a lion. Really, Have you met a lion? ever. Up close live and personal? How is this a good idea? Especially, when we all have failed and are about to begin our own extinction through absolute war? You know LOVE and PEACE, everyone. Love and peace.
I do not want the return of the Messiah. Not when we are all collectively failing. Now, if the worlds leaders can get off of their own self created "Crazy Train" and bring the whole world together as one singular family as we all are. While putting out the information that the races of humanity is a complete lie. Erasing all lies.
Then when all of humanity has begun to live in accordance to this partial logical formula. LIFE=LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY,LAW.
Then we can welcome the coming of the Messiah as a celebration and victory. That is my hope. This is my unlikely prophecy for the whole world. So that we all can have a life worth living. No matter where you are or who you were born to. Even if your orphaned, adopted and/or fostered.
Just so you know. Just because, I have a song listed any where. Doesn't mean I like it or love it. The artist known as Ozzy Osborne I find offensive and is likely a demonic person. This is his Crazy Train lyrics. Something so profound and from a demonic source. Even from the demonic we all can learn the message. I have also used this in another blog. I have no idea where it is now. I believe it is an inspired use of this song. This song used here is not for your enjoyment or entertainment.
I do believe all of the worlds leaders. Which include political, religious, social and cultural leaders have already or is getting aboard the "Crazy Train".  It is yours, ours and my choice to not to get on that "Crazy Train". There is only one final stop for this crazy train and it will be at full speed ahead. Into all of our extinction. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Professionally Religious: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

The professionally religious shall suffer many torments when they cannot or will not become spiritually righteous.
I would suppose this would be prophetic/prophecy as in one of the torments would be the taking away of free choice. While still doing that which is completely against The God of all. Think about it. Lets say you absolutely know the difference between right and wrong, Good and evil, God and gods. You may even be an achieved theologian with many accreditation's, awards, accolades and books.  Yet, you can only do as you do even while being in the full knowledge that what you do is an absolute sin. This is beyond caring or even apathy. You are just unable to alter or prevent the sin you are about to commit. This is also far beyond out of control habits or addictions. You remain in the full knowledge of your wrong doing. Where as an addicted person just doesn't care anymore.
You see God isn't going to send you an email or a memo. There won't even be a visitation by a divine angel of judgement. Stating the judgement which has already befallen you. With fiery sword in hand as the angel desires to slay you and save the ass.
The first use of the word ass is related to the donkey. The reference is related to a story in the Bible. Find it yourself. Then ask yourself who is the ass? The third use of the word ass is a derogatory comment. Hint below.
This is only one of the torments to come for the commonly or socially religious and professionally religious. This includes those who are musically religious as well. 
Even in ancient days. The prophets knew how to get around the blessings of God. By causing those who are blessed to curse themselves. Sound familiar to the USA. The USA is really New Jerusalem or New Israel. This is the original name for all of us. This history has all been scrubbed away and destroyed to the common person to find. So we the people have cursed ourselves by allowing sin to come into our country and by all of the legalized sin shall we become destroyed by our own will/choice or suicide by our own free will. Our free will can keep us healthy and inside the blessings of God our Heavenly father. Our free will can purposefully remove ourselves into the realms of spiritual and physical helplessness and self cursing.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 
