Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Righteous Human Potential: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Righteous Thinking,
Righteous Behavior,
Righteous Living,
Must precede achieving your unknown maximum human potential.
What is our maximum human potential? To achieve that next step of physical human evolution? To evolve into something more spiritual, mental and physical? Or is to just become better at what ever it is that we are doing now? Is there a balance? Will forgetting or refusing to believe in a thing keep us from getting to that next level? What does righteousness have to do with anything? Look at all of those intellectually famous people who refuse to believe or accept anything spiritual or non-physical. Look at those super physical athletes who tend to live their personal live however they desire. No matter who they harm. Look at those beautiful people who seem to have the most screwed up lives and yet they become wealthier and more famous.
There is absolutely no righteousness within these people and yet they seem to be better than everyone else. Why is that?
The balance of your own humanity is the key to achieving your unrealized maximum human potential. This balance can only begin when you unlearn the lies and learn the truths. This is all tied to what you believe in and disbelieve in. Are they actual truths or lies believed as truths? Do you know the difference and how can you know the difference?
For instance there is a law of physics that states that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. In a sense this is true until you get down to the basic subatomic structures. If two objects collide with enough force, they would become one which would be different then the two original objects. So, is the law wrong or am I wrong. I do not study science nor have I been formerly trained/educated and yet I knew this thing as a teenager. (Not bragging). Especially, the Cern type of machines are discovering this thing today. Right now they want to see those broken up particles but also they will see those particles which collide and become something different even if for a very short period of time.
What does this have to do with anything? truth, belief, acceptance and understanding.
But what are all of the qualities of the human being? The mind has two or more parts? yes and no? really? The intellectual and the emotional part of your brain. There is two parts. Are there any more? I'm still in discovery mode in regards to the human brain so it seems is all of humanity. Which includes those studies of things which began as a incorrect thought or even a known wrong thought in order to sell more medications. Such as bi-polar and ADHD. Are those two things truths or just profit mechanisms taught to the mass population to be truths when they are lies? why did I even select Bi-polar and ADHD? Because, it is important. Because, being bi-polar or ADHD may not be a psychological defect if seen in another light? For instance is it bipolar or a gifted empath who knows not of their gift. Is ADHD really attention deficit or is it an accelerated mind which does not need so much time? How you see and what you believe may not be so true especially, if the physical evidence is lacking or non-existent. What does this have to do with righteousness? Truth is righteousness. Separating yourself from all that are lies and deceptions even if they are believed to be truths. All of it, is that important.
The balance of every aspect of who and what you truly are is of much importance. Especially, if you truly want to get to that next level in life. Which means the whole of who you are must equally grow, develop and evolve at an equal rate. This equal rate is assuming that all parts of you are already balanced equally. With equal levels of growth, development and evolution. Equal is equal. Cannot be any more or any less.
Righteousness is or was taught within the established religions and seems to longer be accepted or even taught. Righteousness is living the right way with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Righteousness is tied to love, peace, harmony and life. Anything which is contradictory to love, peace, harmony and life is not of righteousness. Righteousness cannot be achieved if you must pretend to be holy and sinless because of fears, intimidation's and threat's. Righteousness is your self choice by your own free will and is based because you inherently see that righteousness is right, just and true.  To see means without actually seeing. You know it to be so.
To begin to walk the path of righteousness. I would suppose the first place to start is within the old established teachings of the religious texts. The text of the laws. The texts of love. The texts of harmony. The texts of life. The texts of peace. It doesn't really matter if the religion of loves hates more than anyone else. It doesn't matter if the religion of peace only knows war and conflict. It doesn't matter if the religion of harmony only knows chaos. It doesn't matter the religion of life only knows death. Their basic teachings are of truth even though the outward physical human expression of them all is very wrong and corrupt. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Off Ramp Repentance: Righteous Roadblocks: (Unedited): 26 May 2015:

Genuine repentance is the little off ramp. Which leads to the small unused road of righteousness.
Righteous Roadblocks: (Unedited): 26 May 2015: 
Churches and religions which do not teach and expect repentance. Create spiritual roadblocks to righteousness.
Righteous Toll Booth: (Unedited): 26 May 2015: 
Genuine repentance which is seen and acknowledged by God is the necessary toll booth to get onto the narrow path of righteousness. 
Righteousness and holiness as defined by God seems to be no longer expected within the Christian and catholic communities/religions. It hasn't been for some time. Yes, there seems to be just a few who have achieved righteousness as defined and acknowledged by God. 
The repentance of sins. All of which is known by each one of us. Seems to be just secreted away. Never to be revealed to anyone. Almost as if God won't know. Really?
You must repent of your sins of your own free choosing. Without threats, intimidation or any fears. You do this because you know you have done wrong and have that deep desire to make it right. Then you steadfastly go forth in your life and sin no more. It is that simple and yet so very difficult. Especially, for me a deeply flawed human being.
Without any repentance. There will be no free pass through the toll gate to righteousness. The best you could ever hope for is to be wholly accepted by the religion of your selection. By becoming religious.
Without repentance. There shall be no righteousness and without righteousness there shall be no working of the spiritual gifts. Can you see how it all ties together? The absence of any genuine miracles is a sign. Sure there will be miracles on an individual basis. But, with the whole of the church body or of the entire religion. Miracles are absent.
The absence of information should always be sought out. The wisdom and understanding should be gleaned. The intended meaning of the absence of information should be known and from a Righteous and Godly heart, it shall be.
So what is this absence of information. I'll give you the token and it isn't me.
This was inspired from:
From a conversation he started. Thank You sir.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 22, 2015

Digital Addictions: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Your mental intentions of your digital addiction will prevent you from ever living your physical life and keep you from ever being aware of anything spiritual.
All of these new digital machines. Keeps us so tuned into the digital world. That we forget the genuine world all around us. We also forget those things which are truly more important like an actual relationship with real family and real friends. Even though they are close by or even in the same house. Who is it your paying meaningful attention to more and of a higher mutually beneficial quality? The machines or the people who should mean more to you?

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spiritual Messages: (Unedited): 2? April 2015:

Those who are not involved with the delivery or content of a spiritual message. Will not know or even be aware.
Something happened or at least, you think something happened. Your spouse on the other hand had something happened or maybe it was that special child of yours.
When the Angelics come a visiting. They will be focused on their mission. The delivery of their message to that one person. If you are deemed to be a distraction or worse. You will be held down, held back and/or just plain ole "turned off!" When you become aware that you were sleeping or turned back on. You may even have some physical discomfort or pain.

For those who have had that delivery of a spiritual message. You will wake up from that dream/vision. With full memory of the dream. You can almost close your eyes and vividly see all aspects of the dream. Even many days after the dream/vision has occurred. This happens for a variety of reasons. One, being a meaning of importance. Two, being you should really devote much mental energy to this dream/vision to ascertain the total message. There will be much information to be learned with the depth or dimensionality of the message given to you. It would be similar to the depth of teaching in the Bible story of Jonah. Did you know there are about a dozen or more separate spiritual teachings within the story of Jonah? there is. It is really amazing how God could put into so many different spiritual lessons within one single story. This is nearly the same for the person who was given the spiritual dream/vision message. There is almost always more information than what is basically on the surface of the dream/vision basic content.

A sign of the differences between the good Angels of God and those fallen ones. The good Angels of God will be solely focused upon the delivery of the message(s) to be given. They will do whatever is necessary to deliver only the entire content of the spiritual message. Which includes blocking any non receiver by any means they deem necessary. Even if you are the non receiver or will be an aid to that spiritual message after the fact. Then after the fact you shall be aware. Every bit of your ego, pride and arrogance shall be negated. If you feel bad or sad, guilty or jealous. Then that is your problem. The spiritual message is not for you. It is just the way it is. Be happy that another soul is to be awakened and hope that soul remains awake. To become one of the knowing and not just one of the sleeping faithful.
The angels of God. Will not want you to believe that they are gods or the GOD.  They will be both present and absent from the spiritual message given. The message is all about the receiver and for the benefit of the receiver. For instance you may sense or see others around you. But, they are all subdued or shaded or removed in some way. But, you know they are there. There are many reasons for this. The message of the dream/vision is of the greatest importance. The importance of the Angelics can become to much of a distraction so they purposeful diminish their importance within the dream/vision. So that you the receiver of the dream/vision can focus entirely upon that message. AND... some of these Angelics are so powerful that they must shield themselves from you. In order to prevent you from any physical and mental harm. 
The fallen ones who have contact with another human soul. Will express much of their own pride, ego and arrogance into their false spiritual messages. They will also enjoy their power of you. They will also enjoy causing you much discomfort and turmoil. They of course will deliver their own spiritual message to you. In which the end result will hinder your growth and development. While all the while your focus upon them is heightened. Almost to the point that the fallen angel is superior than the message delivered. 
The fallen angels will relish in you knowing that they are gods and that they are all powerful over us monkeys. The fallen angels will be integral part of their own message to you. maybe, even the primary focus. The message is all about them and the potential harm to their targeted receiver.

Special Note: Please get this one.
Special is used in the spiritual sense and not in the needy or physically disabled sense. But, then again. It does seem that certain of those persons whom we see as special tend to be more aware of the spiritual than normal people. To the degree of redefining who actually is disabled or normal in the spirit. Think about that one peanut.
Note 2. New word.
I just decided that "Angelics" is a word. Angelics are those spiritual beings which are accepted by God and who are not those fallen ones who are an adversary to all of humanity.
Added on 29 April 2015: This Blog quote was republished on :
Minor edits was also done.  Added some content.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spiritual Chaff: Chaff Winds: (Edited): 26 April 2015:

Edited by RLDW
The spiritual chaff is the believing religious person who is to be considered as the worldly, accepted good seed, then used and digested by the will of the worldly, accepted cattle and ruling bulls. The righteous believing and living person shall be discarded as worldly chaff, only to be blown by the spiritual winds of the Holy Spirit.
 The spiritual chaff is of no use in anything spiritually holy, just as worldly chaff is of no use to anything worldly. Actually, everything which is considered as worldly chaff is a direct threat to everything worldly and shall be cast into those worldly fires. Everything which is spiritual chaff is of no threat to anything spiritually holy and shall be cast into the spiritual fires. Shall you lose your physical life to gain spiritual life? Or shall you lose your spiritual life to gain the physical?
There are two kinds of winds for chaff. The chaff of the world is different than the chaff of the spirit.
Chaff Winds: (Unedited): 26 April 2015:
The worldly winds blow the spiritual chaff, just as the spiritual winds blow the worldly chaff. 
Can you see the difference? Those who are merely religious shall be accepted by the worldly belief system, so as long as the world can change/alter the belief systems of the religions by political will and lawful worldly laws. We are in that era now where religions are falling like both hard rain and silent snow. When the religious leaders of those old established religions begin to bring in to their holy places sin's freedoms and sin's rightful acceptance, there is the abomination of desolation.
In time, as the exclusion out of worldly society progress against the righteous Christian or any other righteous person, there will be that tipping point where laws will be passed against the righteous ones and they shall be placed into those worldly fires. The evidence of their righteous beliefs and living shall be blown by the worldly winds into worldly non-existence.
Just as it was done to the Jews in WW2 in only a few places of worldly fires, so too shall it be again, but this time there will be worldly fires in every place. Except this time it will be against everyone who is thought of as against the established political will and political laws that shall be enforced.

Added on 26 April 2015: This blog/quote was republished on:
Edited by RLDW: 
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Traps Righteous: (Unedited): 20 April 2015:

That narrow path upon which the righteous have chosen to journey upon is surrounded by many different spiritual traps. All of which look very right, very innocent and very holy. Just as any trapper of furs hides and disguises their metal teeth and claws. So to do those fallen ones who hide themselves as well as their traps. Traps specifically designed to ensnare and bind you alive.
The suffering and torture is only about to begin once the righteous one becomes entrapped and ensnared. I can see these traps. many of them but not all of them. Those traps and snares that you do see and I do not see are those designed and placed for me. Just as those snares and traps in which I can see and you do not are meant for you. Together the righteous ones who walk and remain together are those who shall complete their missions in this life. The righteous one who walks solitary upon their own path isn't really alone so as long as they keep their solitary focus on the Heavenly father.
I try to see where we all are in Prophecy. On that singular point it is both revealing and entrapping. To keep and maintain the focus is very difficult for me. After all I'm a deeply flawed human being even by human standards. As one who has not had the benefit of education or a stable family life. I can no longer use as an excuse. Nor do I desire to do so. Never the less, I still see as I do and feel as I do. I can see and feel the probable end of humanity as well as the possible new beginning of humanity into the outer reaches of this solar system as a singular family of humanity. Humanity is on that cusp where life and extinction is both present. At that point life and death will be collectively based on life and spiritual decisions. If humanity makes those wrong decisions and become more and more ensnared in the false belief of absolute freedom without responsibility. Then death to us all. No amount of technology or heroics will save any of us. The righteous remnant few cannot save the worldly religious majority who seem hell bent to bring about humanities doom. Just to force the coming Messiah to make an appearance. Just as the big brother who scolds and disciplines the younger for their disobedience and dishonor to their family. So to comes your awaited Messiah. Are you sure you want your Messiah to come as a great lion? an upset lion? an angry lion? a lion who shall be humanities adversary?
All of the old famous prophets who have warned us all over humanities history. Shall become right. While all of the wise mentors who seem to have already been forgotten. Shall not even be remembered in our time of coming doom. Just their desperate pleas into the heavens shall not be heard. As it was in the time of Noah. So shall it be in the end. Only one thing remains. The common people who have common knowledge of the angels or aliens. That is a final key. As in the time of Noah. The common people of the world had direct knowledge of the angels. In today's modern world. the term angels will most likely be left out and the use of the name of those beings instead. The term alien shall even be minimized. 
 There are spiritual structures hidden upon this Earth. A technology which shall be hidden from those fallen angels which will return. This spiritual technology and structures will do their thing. What eve that may be. to me they are just structures. Much like looking at a generic wall or beam of a bridge. I do not know what the beam holds up or what the wall is a part of.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Growth Blocks: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:

Your pride and ego will become continuous stumbling blocks to your spiritual growth. While sin, lawlessness, disobedience shall prevent you from achieving the next level.
To remain humble and less than all others seems to be key to spiritual growth.  You can't fake it or be self deceiving. Only the truth which is in your mind, heart and spirit will coalesce into a singular force of truth. From this essential truth does your spiritual growth come. From righteous living by your own free and logical choice does the understanding of the wisdom you have learned is gleaned. The understanding is from the spirit where as the wisdom is of The Word. So as long as The Word obeys the laws of Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and the law. From there you will know if the word is holy. from there you will know if the writer is in compliance and not deceived. Each and every word should be judged by this holy law in blue.
*NOTE* Even all of my writing should be and shall be judged. i am not exempt. I do - do the best i can. I am not formally educated nor am I a trained writer by any measure. You can laugh here. it is the message which is important. Not me who is just pecking away. In which I have to in order to free my mind.
It is my hope that you the common person freely choose to live your life as a righteous free person. To attain a level of humble holiness like John the baptist and not haughty high regard like within the Catholic Church, Islam, Mega church pastors and anyone else who professes to be greater than you while holding their own chin up. 
From this will humanity survive the coming prophetic times of man made self extinction.
From this will we all begin to have a life worth living. With great meaning and purpose.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Gifts Absence: (Unedited): 11April 2015:

With the absence of your ego and pride, will you be able to fully witness the complete manifestations of your gifts. 
 In the beginning of the development of your gifts it seems that mental and physical gifts are not so hindered by ego and pride. But, once the individual person reaches their realized pinnacle of accomplishment. Their pride and ego takes hold of them and then they suffer a very hard fall from grace. So by taming your inner ego and pride early on. They shall not become blood thirsty monsters later on. Do the research on a lot of those who became athletically great in their own sport. Who in boxing? Who in the UFC? Who in golf? Who in Baseball? Who in sprinting? Who in Swimming? Who in religion? There seems to be many more in religion than anywhere else.
Who do you see right now in any field of your choosing is so filled with pride and ego? That they will soon fall very hard.
There you go point proven.
It is also the same in business or which ever your profession is. When you begin to think and believe that you can do whatever you want to do in your personal, professional and spiritual life. This is when severe disciplines will manifest. It will affect your profession and your personal life very directly. Everyone who is associated with you will also be affected. With a ruined reputation you shall not attain levels once achieved.
In your spiritual life. It does seems that direct spiritual growth is tied directly to your ego and pride. So the more humble you become, the less important you are, the more you spiritually grow. It is just contrary to the world way of doing things. It seems like everyone boosts your ego and pride. Just to watch you crash. (Bruce Lee) in mind. Does water know when it is about to fall or crash? But those who are in seemingly control of the water can make it fall and crash at their self defined will. Who suffers the most? The water and those who are impacted most from it. While those who caused or created the timing for the water to fall and crash. They get to stand back and enjoy. At which time after the fact those who were in control can come back into the picture and become the saviors who saved a former great soul. Or at least an opportunity to do so.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beautiful Conformity: Bloody Dissenters: (Unedited): 04 April 2015:

There will be those who believe that for humanity to become a one people and a one world. There must be conformity in all aspects of life. Through strict conformity shall humanity obtain an accomplished beauty that has never been seen. But, at what cost? Loss of natural evolution? Loss of Self directed ascension? 
The management of all of humanity is not the right path to becoming a singular people, a singular family, a singular planet or even a singular race of humans. Before we human beings can become a singular planet and a singular family of people. The truth must all be revealed. Starting by first making the truth, news worthy. You can start with all of the different human races and how racism is an action based on an absolute lie. Research for yourself DNA finger printing, The Human Genome project and a clearer understanding on how the skin functions. Not to mention how the ancient oral traditions and the Ancient holy texts clearly prove that we are all one race called human beings.
There is a reason why the leadership in North Korea are heroes to the rest of the world who wants to control everything. Just like how the wealthiest dictators are some of the wealthiest people in the world are are admired by the rest of the worlds leaders. 
Other losses will be in the arts, Music. Illegal - Free and illegal- unrestricted thinking will limit invention as well as accidental invention. Stagnation in all aspects of life will begin and will become an exponential decline. Creativity will be murdered. Any aspect of spirituality merging with the human mind and physical body will be impossible.
Of course all of those human beings who are to be managed forever. Will know not of anything and only know what has been taught to them without the freedom to question other possibilities. But, those who are of the management class will have the freedom to do as they will. So as long as nothing is revealed to the managed class.
Bloody Dissenters: (Unedited): 04 April 2015: 
Bloody shall be all physical, mental and spiritual dissenters. Those enemies of directed conformity. To be free of freedom's enslavement is a stressful release. Which often times requires the dissenters blood to be freed to flow upon the battlefield.
Assuming there is a such a thing as evolution or ascension. Which I do believe are both real and yet somewhat different to each other. I think evolution and ascension can be achieved in the single short life span of any human being who chooses to seek them out. But, for any human to do so. Immediately becomes a genuine threat to every religion and every political leader. A threat which must be destroyed. Just as all of those who have taught love, peace and harmony have all been murdered.
All of those who isolate themselves shall be killed. If you cannot be exactly like the many who are to be managed. Then you will be killed. This includes those survivalist and doomsday preppers. How this will be done is through isolation. With the state of technology the way it is today. Conduct research into their secret locations and then just drop bombs on them. End of their anti-conformity problems. If those who are to become the Human managers/gods cannot find a human being to obey their orders. Then those robotic drones will do it for them. All without dissent, hesitation or guilt.
Top Secret Drum Line from blue to bloody red. What is the real message? From minute 3. Just watch how the two dissenters are separated and isolated from one another. Then they each are ganged up on and then ultimately destroyed. This to is how everyone will be responded to in that time of the cleansing of all dissenters.
Captain America. Is he a dissenter from planned and directed conformity? What happens in the next movie. Where Bucky the former dissenter is brought back into conformity time and time again. When any dissenting unwanted memory develops or creeps back.
The only hope for humanity at this time is to search out the truth and to question within themselves everything they think they know is truth. The journey towards evolution and ascension can be merged together for a spiritual freedom. Which has only been known to only a few human beings all throughout human history. This does involve choosing to freely live your life within the philosophy of love, peace, harmony, life and law.
Your total freedom if you freely choose to follow the journey towards evolution and ascension based on the principles of law, life, love, peace, and harmony.  You shall become as the creator intended. A righteous and holy people as he defines it to be.
To be righteous and holy are not those things which are only awarded to a lucky few and is determined in a vote by only a few so called superior human beings
Righteousness and Holiness are states of being. 
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Demonic Car Thieves: (Unedited): 27 March 2015:

Auras are real. Auras have a purpose. Auras are both physical and spiritual in nature. In the spiritual realm the aura is very slippery. In the spiritual realm auras are the egg shell for human beings and human souls. The auras is our star trek shield barrier to all other spiritual beings. It is nearly unbreakable and cannot be punctured unless. You go through a process of weakening your aura by physical and mental means. Living a life of sin and lawlessness. Being a depraved individual of unbelief and apathy for anyone's feelings. Any mind altering substance can weaken your aura or spiritual shield enough to allow a demonic entity entry. Mind altering substances can be legal or illegal. They can even be medications. Some demonic entities are like car thieves. They go to every car to check who left it unlocked or in this case they go to every person to see if the auras is weak enough to just jump into. But usually a good strong shield will cause those demonic entities to stay back many feet. A weakened auric shield will allow an entity to get very close as close as the one videoed. Assuming the video's are real. In which at this time I am getting nothing on it.
real serious red words below.
Use your own discretion when viewing these few videos and others. Because, Just becoming a person who knows these things are true and real. WILL alter your own interactions with any kind of beings and/or entities. There is a huge difference between just believing and actually knowing. This is a warning. Especially to those ghost hunters. Because, they will follow you home and interact with everyone whom you call family and/or friend. PERIOD...
Once you transcend from fun and entertaining belief into the cold hard realization of the true nature of things -spiritual. You will no longer be able to have a simple sleeping human existence. Nor will you ever be able to responsibly involve most people in your life of knowing. It wouldn't be fair nor is it right. It is like waking someone up who is not ready to be awakened and if you do. You will be held responsible for their insanity and self destruction. PERIOD... 
These entities cannot be controlled by you nor can they be forbidden by your will to do your will. It is they those fallen ones who only want the human existence to end. These beings or entities will cause as much death and destruction to the host as they see fit. Because, the killing of the body does not kill them. 
The only for you to successfully negotiate with any of them is to become Holy truthful in your body, mind and soul. Just your mere presence will cause them to be uncomfortable and stressed. To the point that leaving the body in which they inhabit would be healthy for them. 
Because, if Peter can be influenced by satan. What makes you think you won't be? Your pride? Your ego? All weapons used by those fallen ones against you. That is in sense, a true and pure defeat. When you use all of your opponents strengths against them. The bottom line is they want all of humanity to die and they will promise everything in their short term as defined by their sense of time. Their end result is our extinction. You have to know this. You better know this fact. 
The entire Bible is filled with satan influencing humanity and the demons inhabiting human bodies.
Destructive Gifts: (Unedited): 28 March 2015:
Cool gifts from your unknown and unrealized enemy may in fact be those neat things which brings forth your own self destruction. 
This quote is primarily for those worldwide governmental entities who actually have the ability to cause the extinction of us all. It can also be applied to the individual level of persons who want to play with magic.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Warrior's Chosen Journey: Warrior's Evolution: (Unedited): 24 March 2015:

A warrior who chooses to remain in an uncertain battle is going forward in their own self chosen journey.
Warrior's Evolution: (Unedited): 24 March 2015: 
Warriors of physical aggression. 
Warriors of mental strategy. 
Warriors of spiritual combat. 
The true warriors are the ones who evolve beyond aggression, strategy and combat. Become the ones who have embraced love, peace, harmony and life. 

Snoozing Warrior: (Unedited) 24 March 2015: 
The lazy warrior is one who battles nothing and snoozes in an epic lounge chair in the middle of their journey. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spiritual Righteous Growth: (Unedited): 21 March 2015:

Spiritual growth without righteous growth. Is religious sinfulness and lawlessness. 
Us humans tend to make a religion out of anything. For instance the new religious center in our homes involve the creation of  "Man Caves". In which we give all of our mental and spiritual energy towards that which entertains all of our family and friends. The laws in which promotes all of human life seem to have been completely forgotten or has become serious political debates. In which new laws are enacted in favor of sin and spiritual lawlessness under the guise of equal rights and more freedom.
Spiritual and righteous growth can only come when the whole person who is in complete agreement of the laws of God. Which are  (Law is Life = Love, Peace, Harmony). The arrangement of my formula form is the best I can do and is most likely inaccurate in it's representation.
Spiritualism of the self without any regard for any other life or soul is a self defined religion. Much like worshiping your sports team and the various sporting events viewed in your "Man Cave". Has this not become the place where you pray to the sports gods for victory? Isn't this the place where you have positioned the artifacts/relics and idols of your sports teams?
Spiritual Self growth can become it's own internalized religion. Where you develop your body, emptiness of mind and silence of spirit. In which the final result is you becoming an empty purified vessel. Ready for any demonic type spirit or fallen angel to easily reside in. Often times by your own permission.
Spiritual and righteous growth must involve The God of Love, The God of Law, The God of Peace, The God of Harmony and The God of Life. In which all of these things revolve around One God and not many gods. The many gods or fallen ones try to copy and mimic the supreme being but their true intentions become revealed when the false gods of peace desires you to go to war. Or the false gods of love want you to hate. Or the false gods of harmony desire you to sow seeds of chaotic mischief. The selfishness of the fallen ones becomes revealed when they send contrary messages of the Supreme Beings laws.
Added on 21 March 2015: This entire blog was published and shared on. Thank You very much.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pain Depart: (Unedited): 16 March 2015:

That which causes you pain and suffering must depart from you. Before your own natural healing can begin. 
It does not matter what kind of pain you suffer from. Whether it be physical, mental or spiritual. You may even suffer from many pains and sufferings that involve many different parts of your whole being. 
Each and every thing which causes you pain must be removed from you before your natural healing can begin. Even if a body part has become to sick, to injured and to damaged. Then it must be removed so that you can return to good health.
That is key to good health. All that has ever harmed you or has caused you injury. Must be removed from you. This includes all mental and spiritual injuries. No matter how far back they occurred.All of those memories of your abuses and tortures must be released by you. You must let go of all of your old woes and ancient sufferings. Even if they only ended days, weeks or months ago.
For any of your mental and spiritual healing to begin. You must be in control of your own mind. You must not be intoxicated in any way. You must not be drugged up or medicated in any way. You must not even be medicated in any way with mind altering substances. This does include smoking. Smoking even cigarettes is an addictive mind altering substance.
In order for you to make any logical decision based in reason. You must be sober. Being better because of medications, cigarettes, smoking marijuana or having a few nightly drinks. Is not being completely healed or perfectly healthy. You must make that decision to be healed and to become healthy. This is what begins your journey to becoming mentally and spiritually healthy. It is the same with physical health. In order to be physically healthy. You must first remove that which is causing injury or sickness. Makes sense? yes.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Divergent Confluence: Many Confluence: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

Achieved confluence of unity cannot be disrupted by any outside divergent source. 
An outside force which promises much in the way of worldly profits and comforts. Almost will always take away from the achieved confluence of that which has become naturally beautiful and sacred.
The outside source will always see emptiness and desolation. The outside source does not have to have any victorious conclusion to cause a divergence of the achieved confluence. Just the mere idea, the plans, and the promises of a better life for all. Which shall become a slavers life of minimum wages. While the true owners reap all of the benefits and profits. While sucking the life and sanctity out of all they invade like a virus.  
Those who have achieved the confluence of unity. Must always be on guard and immediately deny all ideas and suggestions for any man made improvements to that which is already deemed spiritual and sacred. To even listen can cause contamination. To even consider can cause corruption. To even go through with those plans will separate you from that which is holy and wise.
Are you searching for something worthwhile to save? Something pure, natural and spiritual? Well, Here you are. These people seem to be already in year 3+ of their battle. 
Grand Canyon Escalade Confluence Partners LLC.
added on 05 March 2015: Foreign ownership with zero regard for history, traditions or for the identity of holy sites. It is only about money. PERIOD.
Make a donation to Save the Confluence.
Make a donation to the Grand Canyon Trust.
Added on 09 March 2015: Just found this. Probably of no relation to the confluence dispute.
Added on 10 March 2015:Seems to be directly related to
Added on 11 March 2015 : Important timely news about politics of tribal nations.
Information on whom to comment to. This info is sourced from Save the Confluence. I do not know the accuracy of any information. So please be nice, respectful and polite.
Ya'ah'teeh (Hello) Everyone,
We hear that the Navajo Nation Council is waiting for a number to be placed on the proposed Grand Canyon Escalade bill. When the bill gets a number, there will be a five-day comment time.
Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly and his chief of staff Deswood Tome, are fast-tracking the bill because of the upcoming president's election. The bill is an agreement about an idea for a project, which lacks funding and investors.
In addition, many local families, including grazing permit holders, have not been given proper notice and or have not signed off to give authorization to this project. The bill also ignores federal and tribal laws required of the project. This includes whether a mall, a tram is appropriate for the environment.
We ask for your help. Thank you!
Please contact your council delegate and recommend the council postpone the decision about the project until after the elections.
Council Delegate Contact List:
Lorenzo Bate 480-280-1423
Kee Allen Begay Jr. 928-380-6345
Mel R. Begay 928-380-5366
Norman M. Begay 928-286-7335
Nelson BeGaye 602-317-9732
Benjamin Bennett 928-380-2761
Nathaniel Brown 928-380-2273
Tom Chee 928-380-2756
Amber Crotty 928-286-7968
Seth Damon 928-380-0284
Davis Filfred 928-380-0425
Jonathan Hale 928-380-6057
Lee Jack, Sr. 928-380-1674
Jonathan Nez 928-277-6291
Jonathan Perry 928-380-2031
Leonard Pete 505-488-3834
Walter Phelps 505-906-1721
Alton Joe Shepherd 505-906-1613
Tuchoney Slim, Jr. 928-380-2246
Raymond Smith, Jr. 928-286-7325
Otto Tso 928-255-2912
Leonard Tsosie 928-814-7283
Dwight Witherspoon 505-906-1520
Edmund Yazzie 928-679-5398
Office of Legislative Services
P. O. Box 3390
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Main Phone: (928) 871-7254
Fax Number: (928) 871-6623
Added on 16 March 2015: About Life:
“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”
Adolf Hitler
From the wisdom of evil people. It is easy to see their plans and their patience. 
If this project begins to falter and it may. There will be a call for an expansion for a Casino. Surely this will ensure the success and profitability of the project.
If this project becomes very lucrative, successful and populated. There will be a call for expansion  for the benefit of all of the people. Thus a casino will rise up out of the sacred ground. Guaranteeing the loss of the historical and ancestral spiritual connectedness.
Either way a win-win for the Grand canyon Escalade Confluence Partners LLC.
As of right now. I do see more than one gondola ride. Does this mean the entire project will go through an ever lasting expansion phase? A city will rise from this. An Airport.
As of right now. There is not enough support to stop this project. The Grand Canyon Escalade Confluence Partners LLC. will win and will move forward. Unless, there is much support from all peoples, not just those from the Tribal community.
Many Confluence: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:
From the confluence of the two rivers. Which is made up of the confluence of many more waters. The racism which envelopes the tribal peoples must be abated.

Humanity was once a singular source and then became many. With deep understanding of those ancient wisdom's. Humanity can once again become a confluence of many into oneness.  The tribes and clans of mankind becoming as it once was - One humanity.
Added on 24 March 2015: Spiritual Connections.
Have you ever thought about how your ancient tribe or clan becomes forgotten? It is very easy and does require only a few generations. Which in the grand scheme of the totality of time. Is barely a quick blink. The importance of your families history is a crucial key to gaining wisdom and understanding which is beyond just knowing knowledge. Knowledge can lead to wisdom and wisdom to understanding. When ancient historical knowledge is something which is tangible not only to the physical senses but to those senses which are beyond the physical. The aha of wisdom and the amazing emotion of understanding is brightly gleaned. This is why ancient lands are crucial in the protection of any tribes/clans history. All of the lands upon this Earth, above and below the waters are sacred.  This sacredness and respect of it all is necessary for all of our starting points in life. You do have to know where you have begun in order to begin and continue your journey of free choice.
This is what is going to happen. Just as what is happening with those wealthy Native American tribes. Everyone knows they are Indians or the politically correct term of native Americans. In which neither description is a true description. That is all the people know. Maybe, they will know they are Seminoles of Florida. Then that may be the extent of that knowledge.
As each of those Native American tribes begin to chase the wealth of the world. They each will forget themselves in the hopes of bringing opportunities and jobs to their people. Which will of course happen but at the cost of self identity and a fracturing of their spiritual connectedness.
That is the cost. Your self identity, your tribes identity and the continued fracturing of your spiritual connectedness.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mind tattoos: (unedited): 03 Jan 2015:

The errors, sins and wrong doings of your life are like tattoos upon your mind and spirit. You may forgive yourself and God may even forgive you. But those tattoos will always remain on your memory.
The representation of the tattoo can be anything. It can be that permanent disease. It can be loss of limbs. It can be brain damage. It can be that unfortunate birth of a child who has to start life addicted to your drugs. It can be that child born as a FAS baby.

Your tattoos of mind or even spirit can be those bad awful things you have done and are not those tattoos which burn your mind and soul. This can happen after you have that wide awakened feeling that good is necessary and badness should be avoided.
Have you ever seen the meanest of the mean or baddest of the bad. Just cry after having been spiritually awakened? Well, It's a sight. The life change is instantaneous. For those types of persons. The spiritual and mental tattoos cannot be bleached away or covered up.

God can wash away all of your sins which burdens your spirit. It seems like in every case God leaves the memory alone as well as any physical ailments which resulted from your poor choices. As that reminder, to you, for you. Possibly enabling you to become that real life teacher as to why other people should not ever do as you have done. Yes, You may suffer and endure daily. You have that choice to internalize it all daily in a very dark and negative way. OR you can be positive and be a teacher to those young ones. Sure it is most likely very embarrassing for you to go out in public and reveal all of your deep dark secrets. In doing so. You may find that unexpected healing or even a spiritual awakening. That is between you and God.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: