Showing posts with label Future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Future. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Never Fear Water: (Unedited): 05 May 2015:

The fear of embarrassing ridicule can cause a person to never begin.
Fear we think of as those negative feelings that tend to prevent us from doing most anything. Putting our hands on the stove or sticking our tongues onto frozen poles up north or swimming with alligators in Florida. These seem like very reasonable fears of self protection and of course there are many many more.
BUT, There are those other fears which seem to be pressed onto us from society and from our peers. Your peers may not have the best regards for you and may only see your mistakes or accidents as instant sources for their own amusement. This very rude and selfish behavior can easily be seen in those YouTube videos where people go out and have those embarrassing accidents or do those things which were not thought out very well. In which you can hear their own so called friends in the back ground laughing while taking video of the stupidity. Any friend not even a good friend would stop another friend from doing any physically harming thing on purpose. I guess today in this modern world there are few friends while there are many who only associate with others who bring amusement and entertainment.
This same kind of attitudes can also prevent a person from ever beginning a thing. Even if that thing could be their thing of future perfection within their own lives.
To be laughed at no matter what the reason or cause. Seems to be more than enough to cause those delicate souls from ever taking that first step towards a wonderful dream or goal which can be manifested. I see this as one of the greatest thefts and cruelties in modern society today.
I'm an INFJ. As an INFJ I'm not immune from ridicule from my peers as there are not many peers in my world or this world of 7.2 billion people. I'm not a very good writer and yet I still write. I would suppose if ridicule affected me to that degree of stopping I would have several thousand quotes ago. But, The message seems to be more important than proper writing style and you do have to really think about what you read from my uneducated writing style. Can you just get over how I do not use the word There, their or the other one incorrectly from time to time or is that most of the time. Because if you cant it's like staring at the finger and missing everything else. aha, Bruce Lee mix "Be water my friend".Yes copy and paste, go watch it.
Think about Bruce Lee. I do not know if he was an INFJ . But, he suffered ridicule and death threats from all of the Asian martial arts community. Yet, today his vision can be seen in the mixed martial arts which is very popular today. Except for the obvious absence of wisdom and understanding which has been associated with martial arts in their recent history. I guess that is a great sadness in martial arts. Where any person can achieve great skill and knowledge of any art and yet be so unaware of it's history, wisdom and understanding. This is emptiness or a cup with no water and you have an unquenchable thirst for something which seems to be that unknowing thing at the tip of your tongue.
We should all be like Bruce Lee and not like him at all. In other words be yourselves and be unyielding in your endeavors, even if you have not begun them yet or even have a clue as to what endeavor actually mean. Because , be water my friend.
This isn't about fighting and yet it is. Can you fight with yourself?  Can you fight the Bruce and Chuck which is within each of us at once? We all do and we all must. Those who do find there thing in life. Had to fight many internal battles to get to where they are today and we each must fight many more unknown battles just to see tomorrow.
The statistical and logical conclusion of my childhood dictates. I should be dead more than once, I should be homeless, I should be incarcerated, I should be forgotten. This is my reasonable truth. This is not showing off or up for comparison of bragging rights. I'm pretty sure I may not have been able to survive the life you have lived. This is just a proof that we all must fight our own fights from within and from the outer world. Just the pressure from the outer world can be enough to keep you within your own inner world and that may in fact be a crime. Because, you may be that one person who changes the whole of the world. Can you see how you could be that water flow of change. The avoidance of stagnancy should be within us all and become our outward expression in this life.
Added on 07 May 2015: This was republished by:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Was Will Exists: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2015:

Everything that is, was and will come. All exists in the here and now.
All that we know exists in the here and now. Even all that we knew and experienced. Were in the here and now in that moment of time. Just as all that we will know and experience will also be in the here and now.
Each of us are biological time machines. At least in the past. We can relive the moments in our past. Some who have even suffered great harm can somehow even become do immersed into the memory (PTSD) that they remain in that time.
Those very special people who can visualize their own futures. Can even fantasize everything they are about to create for themselves. Thus, working diligently towards their dreams and goals. Until, such a time that all of there mental efforts are manifested in a future here and now.
So what is the key to time travel. Ceaseless focus upon one intention. Until, your where you desire to be. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Entirely Your Future: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

By taking responsibility and ownership of your present self. Your future shall belong entirely to you.  
I see in my everyday walk in life many helpless people. But, who just cannot and will not without someone to do it for them. It is almost a slave mindset in a world where excessive freedom abounds.
There are those who seem to be so fearful of everything. That they just cannot move on their own power and if you try to help them. For them any kind of change or even movement is something to dread.
Then you have those Ten percenters and One percenters. They are those rare persons who seem to be self directed and self motivated into continually moving in the direction of their own self choosing.

What are Ten Percenters?
This is the top ten percent of the total population. Those who seem to just do as they do. With minimal direction, assistance or guidance,

If you put Ten Percenters in a room. What shall arise is another group of standouts which will equate to ten percent of this population. In this group you will also have the one percent. Who will stand above the total.

What are One Percenters?
This is the top one percent of the total population. Those who are self directed and self motivated. Those who need zero direction, assistance or guidance.

If you put One Percenters in a room. What shall arise is another group of standouts which will equate to ten percent of this population. In this group you will also have the one percent. Who will stand above the total. These One percent of the one percent will be the Tenths.
The tenths are the elite of the elites. 

I think Tenths is correct. What is one percent of one percent?

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Predicted Few: (Unedited): 11 Dec 2014:

There will always be those few whose future cannot be predicted. It is they who can truly attain anything. 
There are those individuals who seem to be born who can just do anything and they truly can. As such their future cannot be truly predicted with any certain probability.
There are also those who are born who have the heart to be able to do anything but their minds have been effectively been conditioned to be normal and average. Their hearts may urge them onward but their conditioned minds hold them back. But, once they have shaken free from the mental enslavement of the world systems. They will be both unpredictable and unstoppable. Thus a free mind is a threat to the world system of norms.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hell or Heaven: (Unedited): 01 Dec 2014:

The wicked and adulterous generation creates for themselves a hell of Earth. To be forced upon all. While the righteous and holy generation makes for all a heaven on Earth as a wondrous gift to God. 
This is a very simple logical prophecy for everyone no matter their faith. If you live in sin and express any of the quantities of sin.  From the essence of your own personal world shall become hellish. This self created hell of yours will spread out like a virus and infecting everyone who comes into contact with your personal world of hell.
Sure in the beginning you may be living a very grand life with many excitements. But, soon after you have drank your fill of all of the sins. You shall become helpless to all of the demonic forces. Revelation of any of your sins shall even begin to destroy your own family. A family in which you should have shelter and protection. When you do become naked and alone. No one shall give you safe harbor save for those fallen angels who only want you to no longer exist. All you will know in the end of your times. Will be loneliness, sadness, depression, destruction and death. Upon your own death another kind of hell shall become known to you. This is your prophecy for the adulterous generation.
There is also a very logical prophecy for a generation which has become a righteous and holy generation. Their future is brighter than any star and it limitless beyond the boundaries of any galaxy. For everyone. Their future shall not even be occulted by anything or anyone less than they have become.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Logical Future: Accurate Future: Prophecy of You: Time Rope: Stupid Excitement: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2014:

Logical Future: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2014:
The future shall always occur exactly how it logically should. 
Accurate Future: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2014:
An easily predictable future is an accurate one when you do all of the right things without any outside influences. 
Prophecy of You: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2014:
The prophecy of you and for you by anyone can be easily and logically seen by those who are gifted. Their words will remain constant and consistent to you. 
Time Rope: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2014: 
The future, Your future is all about the time line and your specific time line. Time is all intertwined like a great linear rope. What you do and how you do a thing in a timely manor has an immediate effect upon the whole of the time line. 

Having and working towards a dream is just not good enough. You must also make all of the correct and right decisions in every thing which occurs or have the possibility of occurring. This is crucial in regards to laws, personal honor, self respect, reputation, righteousness and holiness. 
You must even react correctly to any probable event which may or could happen which is not desirable. By taking the correct measures in the prevention of any foreseen undesirable event. You stream lime the predictable nature of your specific time line. By doing so. You should also have a positive effect upon the whole of the time lime which is directly related to you and on those other specific time lines which has nothing to do with you. Especially, when those watch you from the outside of your influence.
Michael Phelps is a good current example of how people make mistakes and end up paying dearly. Professionally, personally and financially.
Michael Phelps is the greatest swimmer of all time.

There is the brief history. His come back attempt may  have just been derailed by stupidity. Again this will cost him a bruised history when future people talk about him or teach about him. This is what happens when you make very personal mistakes in your life. It will cost you professionally, personally and financially. This is the way it always happen with certainty.
Michael Phelps isn't the only athlete who will lose much. Recently there has been more than a few professional athletes who have lost much including college athletes and students.
Here is a new one where a simple moment of stupidity can cause you to lose everything especially when you have done nothing and may have nothing. Anthony J. Wunder.
There are lawsuits ongoing. So Mr. Wunder is innocent until proven guilty. In the mean time. Mr. Wunder had a full ride scholarship with dorm room. Just his act of running onto the football field may cause him to lose his college education. Really. Especially, since he was nationally televised live on air. Getting thrown down by an Assistant coach. This young man may have just lost everything without even having had to begin his professional career as a mechanical engineer.

I bet he thought his future was very predictable as a mechanical engineer.  But, because of his stupid Juvenile decision. What major engineering firm will hire him? Especially, those corporations who deal in the classified contracts. There is usually no forgiveness in that area.  This type of loss for a single stupid mistake may just be a catastrophic one.
I'm just giving 2 current examples of stupid mistakes people make. This kind of thing is really about everyone. You don't have to be young either to ruin your life with stupid mistakes. This is exactly how people ruin their future selves. Especially, after planning and working very hard. Then after the event or events everything is lost. Your profession, Your career, Your family, Your finances and maybe your freedom.
Stupid Excitement: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2014:
Stupid ideas always are fun and exciting. Especially when you wrongly think no one will be harmed and you won't get caught.
The word harmed is a funny word. LOL, Because in the stupid act. One thinks of physical harm and nothing else. You can also harm someone or yourself legally, economically, educationally, professionally, personally and psychologically. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Exact Future: (Unedited): 03 Oct 2014:

The probable future events of tomorrow will most likely be exacting in their timely occurrence.   
 No matter you do or what you do not do. The probable future will automatically react to your actions or inaction's. Even that which you think about. The probable future will also react to each individual thought you have. So if you and everyone thinks negatively. Then the world automatically becomes negatively created. So if you internally hate. The world becomes hateful. So if you are internally angered. Then the world becomes angry.

So do you want a better world? A world free of bad and sad prophecies? A world where a mentors words of profound positive direction is looked for and heeded?
Then begin by thinking about loving one another.
Then thinking about living in peace.
Then think about existing in harmony.
Then after you think it. Believe it and take actions upon that which you believe in. 
Then maybe we can save ourselves from extinction.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Undereducated Future: (Unedited): 07 March 2014:

The advent of 3D printing is going to alter the whole world. To such a degree that world wide unemployment could become greater than 25% and maybe even 50%. 3D printing is still in it's infancy, Eventually all manor of construction, manufacturing and industrialization will be done with this new 3D process. Which means construction, manufacturing and industrial jobs for undereducated human beings will dramatically go down and Careers will end. This should occur within 20-40 years. There will be a ramping up process. Meaning that worldwide jobs are not going to disappear over night. It will take at least a decade or two after the first 3D machines are put into place for a specific process.
Those people who are now in their twenties will witness the growth of this new technology and will also see their job disappear. Just as others will see all around the world. It is easy to see the negative ramifications in 20-40 years. There is a positive opportunity for those very bright people who are not capable of formal education. 
 By becoming self educated. You can be one of the needed who will be paid a very good wage or better yet, you can become a new self owned business person. Below will be a list of working knowledge and working skills you will need to be successful in the next 20-40 years as this new 3D printing technology develops and matures.
General Skills Needed           (Mechanic)

Functional industrial programming, troubleshooting and testing. Repair of key computer components and other related hardware. You will also need to be a skilled user and teacher to those who use the devices.

You will need to have at least a basic understanding of the various trades. Such as various construction styles, manufacturing and industrial applications.

You will need a working knowledge of industrial robotics. The 3D robotic machines which have not even been invented yet will parked along the perimeter edge of a commercial building which will soon rise from the ground. Every building will be manufactured in this new 3D process. Everything will become made via 3D robot.

The era where machines were built inside of a building is gone. Soon the entire building will become a mechanized robot.

:The New Leaders:
The person who is to be one of the new leaders of this new 3D technology. Will obtain a collection of those college degrees in the areas of business, robotics, computer science, civil engineering, industrial engineering and etc. That is about 10+ years of continuous college classes. This is the new paradigm in education. Education is now never ending. For the young person who is in middle school right now. If he or she can see the validity of this new 3D printing process and is will to put forth the energy to collect the soon to be necessary college degrees. Invest in your child. In 2014, the 4 year college degree is the high school diploma of the 1950's. A masters degree is the associates degree of the 1970's. Multiple and mutually related degrees and advanced degrees is the key to your child's future.

The advanced college educated young person will not have to obtain these skills below and could hire out the work. 
As well as other education in welding with certification. Diesel Mechanics. Electricity and electronics.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Right Place: (Unedited): 10 Feb 2014:

Being in the right place at the right time should be a purposeful expectation of yours every moment of your life. 
Everyone can be in the right place at the right time. Do not become the victim of well wishers. Because it is the owners of the well who gains the most from the well wishers donations.
Expect of yourself that you will be in the right place at the right time, all of the time. Expect from yourself that every day, every hour and every minute you live are and will will good ones.
Even if you have zero gift for seeing more than one second in the future. Plan for a good day and expect it. Even if a bad thing happens, make good of it. You know the lemonade out of lemons thing.
Waiting and wishing for your ship to come in, is a waste of time and only suitable for those who prefer to be lazy and powerless in their own lives.
Go and do. Take action. Something more important will happen than if you just sit and wait for your ship to come in.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fire Fire: Unedited: 13 Sept 2013:

Fire shall be the future of a planet when those who live upon it contaminate it with radiation and alter it through genetic manipulation. C.J.MacKechnie
Fire shall purify all of that which has been done. Thus, Natural life can be renewed.
Sin harms life. Genetic manipulation changes life away from the natural. Radiation destroys the building blocks of life.  When man harms a planet so much. It may become necessary to save a viable planet through a process of purification by fire. Thus a clean planet can be replanted and renewed.
This is prophecy.  It is not my prophecy. The thought I bring forth is just a possible reason why. The fire storm shall come to purify all life and things. The blame is not of those who shall purify this world, but rather a necessity by those for all of the wrong decisions we have all collectively made which is killing this planet.
All bad and sad prophecies can be averted. Through active changes in lifestyle choices by each human being. By rejecting the notion using any Genetic Modified Organism. By ending the use of any devices that utilize nuclear energy.
Electrical transmission lines are a necessity for energy delivery throughout a region. So why not plant large multiple scale natural gas power generation plants in close proximity to the actual sources of natural gas sites. By ending the use of nuclear energy. Any nuclear accident can be averted. Such as in Russia and now Japan. The Japan problem may become world wide as life in the pacific ocean may mutate and or become extinct. If life becomes radio-active in the pacific ocean. How will the people eat? Possible realization of Biblical prophecy here.  How much life in the oceans die and how many people will starve from it? What does the Bible Prophecies say about the percentage of life loss in the oceans? Is this the beginning of global starvation of peoples who depend on the oceans as their primary sources for foods?
It is not my intention to only reveal or to proclaim bad and sad information. It is also to empower everyone to think, to consider, to plan and implement new strategies for a positive change away from anything which is bad and sad to possibly come.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 5, 2013

Factual Concerns: (Unedited): 05 July 2013:

Not being concerned with your present will translate into your future. Your future state of being will be the factual result of what you truly cared about in the past. 
That which you think about in the here and now is that which is important to you right now.  So in your irresponsibility you desire to spend all of your time playing games instead of growing your intellect or evolving your soul. You will have neither and a profound sense of critical stagnation in your life. A stagnation so profound that achieving victories in new games or using new more powerful machines can not even quench.
If you do not begin to spend time in developing your intellect and physical skills. You will find yourself unable to even play the games you really want to play. Your gaming friends will migrate away from you as they migrate away from the old and obsolete. Your real life friends will begin to disappear as they go off to college and develop new friendships which will go along with them in their journeys. Then other friends who do not go off to college will begin their working careers out of trade schools. Thus, a third tier of friends which will leave you. You need to realize that it was you who became stagnant by choice in a universe that is constantly moving. So, just by doing doing which will benefit your life is the fundamental choice which ended all of your friendships. It is not your friends fault. They could not and would not remain stagnant just for you. Doing so would jeopardize the quality of life in their future.
For you it is not to late. Get focused back into your studies. Create a plan. Work the plan until it is completed. No quitting. Quitting is not an option to even be thought of. Accept no excuses. Start over if you have to. Begin at the bottom. End the stagnation in your life by you moving forward under your own power. Even if you have to go get that GED. Then do so. Then go to a trade school and get a trade. Then don't stop there. Keep going. Go to college and get that Associates then Bachelors, maybe 2 or 3. Go for that Masters or 2. Follow up with A PHD. Your limitations in this life is created by you or those which you have agreed with.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Free Future Lost: (Unedited): 29 June 2013:

A free and civilized nation who forgets their history also loses their future. 
Historical Dates are important for remembrance. Historical places are important to know something important happened there. Historical people are important because they are the ones who risked everything in order for you to have the life you have now. Ask those hard questions to find out why a few did what they must of felt they had to do.
All of the history must be learned and understood no matter the outcome. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. The new generation of students must learn the ugliness of history just to prevent a future repeat occurrence. Do not celebrate the ugliness nor keep them secret.
The Bad aspects of history or the mistakes made must also be learned and understood. In order to avoid making those same or similar mistakes again. Do not celebrate the bad mistakes nor keep them secret.
Where the ancestors got it right. That you celebrate. Know more than a date. Such as the American July Forth. Is it more than just beer, hot dogs, barbeques, picnics and fireworks? It can be said it is more than just an American Holiday. Did you know that? Do not just accept that a day is a declared holiday just so you can obtain a free day of pay.

When the mandated history as taught to school age children in your free country is diminished in any way. There is a long duration plan to take your country and enslave your children or children's - children. Take away the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of any of your history. You lose parts of your future freedom. As the decades go by. Piece by piece of your history as taught to your children means their ability to be free in the future is taken away piece by piece. When you can say you were taught more than your children are and you remember your parents were taught more than you. That is when the evil plans of a corrupt government can be seen. When the test to become a citizen is beyond your capability of answering. You or the next couple of generations will be the ones who will witness the death of a free society. Or is it the transformation from a free society into an enslaved one. But, of course if your in an enslaved society. You won't be reading this. 
When the political, social and anti-religious ideologies of falsehood are taught in the history and social studies classes. You will know the social conditioning's of your children's minds are in play. The Children are actively being (Brain Washed) psychologically taught to believe the opposite of you. Your children will not be your own as they will begin to choose the new form of government over the old form. They will not know or understand that they are in the wrong. The children will only know they are in the right. This will be the purity of complete deception. (Prophecy, in progress).
How to stop the changes which have already begun. Right now every pure of heart religious person must run for every political office in their city, county, state and federal government. RIGHT NOW. You must be an active Participant in your free society. If you are a pure of heart religious person and have complaints about anything within your free country and have done nothing more than vote. You will lose your freedom and become a criminal will the evil entities become formed into one large voting block and turn your country in a free state for themselves. Being evil is selfishly greedy. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Extinction Journey: (Unedited): 10 June 2013:

The journey to extinction does not have to be sudden. 
The extinction of any species is not sudden but it can be. Scientist have been warning about particular species becoming extinct or will be extinct in some future foreseen time line. The same goes for humanity or individual families within humanity. There are many levels of extinction.

The physical death of every individual is a form of individual extinction.
A family which falls a part into sin and lawlessness. Will become extinct in name and then by blood in just a few generations.
A nation which falls victim to apathy, oppression and authoritarianism will become extinct in a few decades or less. Probably less.
A worlds population can also become extinct when global insanity becomes additively rampant. This can take a thousand years which can culminate in sudden global suicide. Started by the controlling and elitist few who wrongly think they will be OK. Their bunkers will become their coffins.
To avert extinction at all levels. One should live by their own free choice without fear or threats. To love one another. To live in peace with everyone. To exist in harmony with all of creation. All of this must work together like a complete logical formula. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Futures Result: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

The actions or non-actions you make today. Creates your future which will be a logical result of those actions or non-actions taken. C.J.MacKechnie
There is a logical math formula in this. Which I cannot see the whole of. Relates to volumes and quantities. Degrees of importance and unimportance. Predictable prophetic outcomes.
Learning logic and math principles is crucial to determining the probable prophetic outcomes or achieved goals within your life. Beforehand. If a young person can dream about what their own future is desired. Then through the skill of logical thinking can that young person accurately predict a logical path to achieve those goals. The logical journey in which they embark on, will have a specif heading. Just like a tall sailing ship which incorporates a directional heading. Just like a wise Captain who uses maps and a determines the best and swiftest course to take. Combining the logical information of the map with the compass. The wise captain will discover the safe conclusion to the journeys ends.
 If the wise captain deviates from the logical path. Then all can be run aground or destroyed upon the rocks. The powerful gales and hurricanes will not be avoided. Then all will be drowned in the deep dark loneliness.
Prophecy is for all and is of all. Each and every one of us can be our own prophets.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Best Hope: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The best future that you can hope for is in the good and right decisions that you make today (each and everyday). C.J.MacKechnie
Pretty simple. Sometimes we have to slow down when we make our decisions in life. We each have to just stop and think about things. There is time and yes, you do have the time to think about your decisions. Unless, of course your in a life and death moment. But, then you resort to your training. You look in your tool box of life.
Typically, the common person is not always in a life and death situation. Where a decision must be made right now. So, it is OK not to buy that item on sale. It is OK to hold off in a decision of something deemed frivolous. Even if that which is actually frivolous is of importance to you. That is something to think about. How can a frivolous thing be of importance and yet not be. If the thing does not guarantee life, love, peace and harmony. It is probably not of any real importance. You know, it is still OK to really like a frivolous thing and make it of importance for you. It's OK.
It seems those really important decisions that are made in today's life succumb to the dictates of false cultural traditions/laws which only guarantees your perpetual enslavement. Yes, That is right. Your culture may be a contributor to mass enslavement.
 Just think about this.
 How does your culture deal with people who pursue education?
 Are they belittled? Threatened? Bullied? Beat-up?
are accused of being something they are not? and etc?
 Education and especially being educated in math, logic and critical thinking is the path to freedom and to maintain freedom. Other forms of education is also of great importance. Such as a command of the language. The history of the world and how people have become enslaved.
To sin or not to sin? The differences between right and wrong? Oh but you say you are not religious and that your were taught that right and wrong is not real. Well, One or both of those thoughts are a false teaching for you. Designed to enslave your mind with a false belief system. I have heard people claim that their is no right and wrong. They believe it as a truth. This is the truth of a growing evil seed.
Yes, even deciding what you learn and believe as a truth is a decision to be made by you. These decisions based in a trust of educated people, who stand before you and smile as they teach a falsehood as truth. That is another level of evil. Because to train up a young person, to only be a mind to be controlled is brainwashing and a form of enslavement. When you are taught there is no right and wrong. Those authors, teachers and leaders. Only want for you to do their bidding without hesitation, question or denial. That is all.

When you decide to believe the teachings that the spirit is not real. You dis-connect from Divine input. Your pathway to justice and morality ends.
When you decide to trust in and believe in the false teachings of how to think by evil authors, teachers and professors. Your mind becomes enslaved. Then which follows your body.

For some people who have problems with foods. Even this simple decision can have a profound impact on their daily lives. The decision to eat a breakfast or not to eat a breakfast can alter even a good day into a bad day.

Did you know that historically governments have used addictive drinks and drugs in order to exercise a level of control over the population on a land that the government wants to own? Yes, It is true and it is still done today. Through beer and alcohol sales. Through cigarette sales and through the omission of illegal drug sales all over this country. Think about that. In every city in every state, you can get any kind of drug you want. Just this fact alone is an indication of an incredible logistical network that must use big rig trucks for transportation.  There is just to much drugs available for grandma and grand pa to haul it in their RV.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
So, do you really think, I went off track or off on a tangent? Really?
 Slowing down and thinking about all of those decisions you must make daily. Is of crucial importance for your future. How many hours of game play will have a direct impact on your ability to find personal and professional success in life.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Scapa Flow Plan: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2012:

To prevent the United Nations or which ever replaces it. The acquisition of the Former United States Military might. Including all of the Military manufacturing capabilities. The personnel who has direct contact with any military asset must scuttle the equipment before it is taken over by the One World Governmental Body. All Military Assets must be rendered to the point that there is no useable or recoverable parts. All the way down to every bullet and gun bore cleaner. All civilian personnel who are associated with any military parts manufacturer. Must destroy all machinery, parts, plans, buildings and materials.
This is similar to the actions by WW2 Germany Officers in and around Scapa Flow Scotland. Except those former Americans must do a better and through job. While giving their own lives. That is what is going to need to happen and will probably happen regardless of their actions. Especially, if your civilian.

To save the world from destruction and extinction as has been prophesied in the Holy Texts and by the prophets. It matters not if you accept them or not. The words from them are similar.

However the United Nations or some other world political body evolves into the One World Government led by a singular charismatic leader, who is loved by all. His military acquisition must be delayed and or prevented. This can only be done by the self sacrifice of those persons associated with the former USA military apparatus. To give your life to save the world. Even if it is to be a Chinese one. Really.

I've thought and written about China. The future of China is difficult. They can either be the evil dominant empire which is the trigger finger who destroys and causes the extinction of all of humanity or they can become the savior of the world. If China becomes connected to the first Future leader of the world. We are all doomed. If China becomes the enemy to the One World Government and the One World leader. Then we are all doomed. If China goes to war with the Current and existing USA. Humanities end result is still the same. Human Extinction. I think this is why China is difficult to see, is because it is so easy for China to be either or. China can be that leader which leads all of humanity towards the stars. If China does nothing. Then we all die. If China embraces more of Communistic thought and doctrine. Then we all die. If China acts out with anger because of some unknown action in the future. Then we all die. If China reaches out to the world with compassion and mercy. Then maybe, we can survive. I think that is the key. China needs to step forward in a world leadership role with compassion and mercy. The absence of any world leader may just bring about a New World Order. From Chaos comes the bringer of organization. It will be no surprise that the bringer of Organization was also a participant to the creation of chaos which will come. It can only come with an absence of the United States of America. A plan which has been implemented since before I was born.

The best option for China is to protect the USA From insanity. It matters not if the insanity is from within the white house or from some other country. Meaning a simple EMP bomb or several aboard balloons rising into the atmosphere and detonated in various locations. Meaning a million Islamic men going in a million different directions to wage warfare similar to the Tet Offensive. In the Countries of the USA, Canada, Great Britain and the rest of the European Union. The Asian Countries will not be immune. A Tet Offensive for around the world. Conducted by men who are willing to die and will continue their attacks until they each are killed.

Another option to the Scapa Flow plan is for the former American Military assets to be sailed or flown into China ports. The secret bases within the USA should be surrendered to China.  This maybe the only option for the DOOMSDAY WEAPON not to be used. What China does and how they evolve is crucial. On one hand trust the One World Government or trust China? Prophecy dictates not the One World Government or even China.

 For the common person to survive. We each must become a holy people in the eyes of God. Then to not become involved in any war fighting. This little part is key. No person who practices any religion can be involved in any warfare at any level. If this begins to happen amongst the common people of the world. Then humanity may survive. Humanity survives because there will be no real fighting force. No Christian can be a part of any military organization. This also includes Islam, Hindus, Buddhists. Love, peace and harmony must be outwardly expressed by all religious persons. Which will equate in Life for all. 

China may be Humanities only hope. Go figure. Probably not.

Sometimes people can surprise you, even after you can easily predict their likely outcome from knowing their past history. Most of the time you will be correct in your prediction. But, Sometimes. We all must look forward to the sometimes. Even with China. China as a whole can be everyone's end result including their own. The leadership of China must turn away from a mindset of conquest and towards a protectionist and exploratory mindset.

The protectionist mindset is that mindset which protects everyone and everything. China will become the sole super power of the world. That is until the New World Order led by the beloved and Charismatic World leader. Then we all die or become extinct. Except those selected remnant saved by God. The word remnant may be just DNA samples.

If China begins to be the protector of the world. There intentions will be seen by the American Officers. Thus, If and when the time arises. Where the USA ends. The officers may have an opportunity to have a choice. The One World Government or China. Who to choose? Right now, It would be best to find a deep trench and sink it all. This may be the preferred delaying method and may extend the life of all of humanity. Except, for the Doomsday device which creates a square lake in most of the South West USA. Which then destroys humanity. So as Long as the USA has that Insane Doomsday Device. Don't go underground to deep. Because, every plan China develops, Even if they had not developed them yet. Kills us all. I've already suggested a possible solution here in this blog. It's the only one, so far. 

I think the USA was the worlds last hope. But, Maybe China can or will take up that mantle. By giving their people more rights and freedoms. By going forth into the world and rendering aid and comfort. By becoming an active world leader and not like what the USA has become in the last 30 or so years. World leader does not mean global military actions or global intimidation. Leading means leading and others just willingly follow out of your outwardly seen honor and respect.
:The Israel Option:
During the time when the USA ends and it's military assets are given to the the United Nations or whoever the world body will be. The military and space assets must not be given to that One World Order form of Government. This will bring about all of the prophecies of the end of time prophets. The military and space assets may not even be given to China. Especially if a fundamental change has not occurred. Because, China becomes a part of the prophetic problem to humanities extinction. 
The Israeli Option is to surrender all military and space assets to Israel. 
1). Those persons who have access codes for all space based assets are to give all access and authority codes to Israel. Then physically destroy your own computers and those others who can gain access. Because of your knowledge and experience, ask to become a citizen of Israel. 
2). Those persons who have control of US Naval warships and Boats (Submarines). In accordance to the laws of the waterways. Surrender and abandon your ships and boats to the Israeli defense Forces. Then ask to become an Israeli citizen. 
3). All other air and land assets needs to get to Israel by the best means possible and do as suggested as above. 

There will be personal drawbacks and sacrifices for each person. But, you may just save humanity by doing so. Yes, this is that serious. Israel cannot protect and save your family. USA homeland worst case is over 100 million dead in the first year. Massive Latino exodus back south across the borders. No law. No civilization and No Country.

If you the American military officer follow your orders or take your equipment to an unrepentant China. Humanity becomes extinct. Yep, That serious as prophesied by pretty much everyone who is or was a prophet. If you take your equipment to the One World government. They will guarantee the safety of your family and guarantee your future. The cost is the extinction of humanity. Either way you die and your family dies. What is the most honorable thing for you to do? I want the prophecies to be a warning that never happens. 
Are you a Bible man/woman. Read the story of Joseph and Pharaoh. Pharaoh dream was absolutely true. The meaning of which was, (Paraphrase) "they all were going to die". Then Joseph was placed in a position to mange it all. The technology at that time could not stop the natural event, But, they could mitigate the effects and save human lives.  I believe that the extinction of humanity is the fault of all of  (Humanity)us. All bad and sad prophecies is not meant to be a thing to be expected and looked forward to.  They are not to be celebrated and prayed for to come. They are to be prevented and if not, then mitigated. 
You Military officers are way smarter than me. Logically put the puzzle pieces together to see the best picture for all of us (Humanity). Create the best plan and implement it. You may not have time. You may not have the speed or the distance. Then your only option is to sink your great ships, planes and other equipment. Where no one can use them, ever. You may have less than two years or another forty years. The signs you will see. Strategy and tactics you are not blind to. Remember, political miracles never happen. Miracles are only from GOD.
Do your personal part. Repent and flee from all sin. Become the Holy warrior of great honor. Even if the saving of humanity means your at the helm as your machine of war goes to the bottom.

 17 Sept 2013. 
 There is always an origin to things. Even those which were successful in implementation. How can a Vietnam event work for a coordinated attack around the world? Easy. Technology of today can guarantee instant communications around the whole world. Thus, a world wide coordinated attack can be implemented very easily. Just look at how Flash mobs are planned.  Once an Islamic leader proclaims that all Muslims should go forth an attack that which they can easily do. Then those who are the most devout to anti-peace and anti-Allah. Will go to kill and destroy all they can. Then move forward for the second, third and more attacks. There will be those who will only attack once and remain to kill law enforcement and to be killed by them. 
To be anti-peace is to be anti-Allah.
I did have news that began with this new content. But, It did not pan out. So, I shall not include it. I do feel like there will be a beginning coordinated attack within the west or USA. A handful of Jihadist men in different areas will coordinate a attack just like the 9/11 event. They will be the beginning and evolution into the American Tet.
 Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
 This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
Love One Another
Live In Peace
Exist In Harmony
So that we all may have a life worth living. 
All life is worth it.
And pray that the GOD of our understanding averts all of the trials and tribulations.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony
All prophecies as written and spoken, are only events of probability. Bad and sad Prophecies are meant as warnings. In which we are all supposed to work in preventing there occurrence. The good prophecies are supposed to be worked on individually and collectively. To make them happen at all levels of organization. 
Added on 27 May 2014:  
The American Tet Offensive may be beyond the planning stage and into the implementing stage.  Where financial resources are planned for use. Weapons of every sort will be assigned and people paid for their participation. The American Government knows and is going to allow it to happen. Those person who are in the know. Know that the one world government must replace the USA and the USA must end forever with zero hope for a re-start. This is prophetically correct in accordance to some ancient prophets like the Hopi. The USA is absent from Biblical Prophecy in the end times.
It seems the vision of this day includes the involvement of many nations. Including Russia, China and central American Countries.  Islamic peoples will also join in the attack on innocent American lives. 
Wanna guess how it was all paid for? All from the sins of the American people. Here are just a few sins. Illegal drug use. Purchased porn of every sort. Conducting business transactions with those persons who are directly related to the enemies of the USA. Your sins and rejection of God is what has moved you out from under the protections of the Holy Spirit. So much so, that when the Tet attacks come. There will be nothing and no one to come to your aid. 
Added on 21 June 2014: Jonathan Kleck video 

Added on 04 Aug 2014: 
 If  Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi is able to take land and cause much problems for Israel. Then his victories will solidify him as a genuine Caliph. 
Do not become confused with my term of god's. There is only one supreme being. But, there are many other beings who pretend to be our god's and in actuality are so superior to us lowly greatly inferior humans that they can enforce their will upon any human. They each can be that powerful. These gods, fallen angels or even aliens have always been with us and were defeated in a great war within this solar system. The remnants of that great war is everywhere. Mars, Earth's moon and in other places yet to be discovered. I just know this and yet somehow these fallen angels have buried/secreted themselves within the Earth. This is just a little out there even for me as I type this. 

  A spirit of Horus is at work within ISIS of today. Is Horus the Father of terror?
 Added on 26 Aug 2014: 
There have been news on how American civilians are fighting with ISIS and ISIL. 
This may in fact be one of the origins for the Tet offensive in the USA and Europe. 
Then there was the Palestinian American teenager who was beaten by Israeli soldiers.  There is a pattern forming.
Added on 01 Sept 2014: 
It seems that Islamic civilians all across the western world are in active war. They have traveled from their adopted homes and into harms way. In order to murder all of those who have not agreed with them. This is the futuristic Tet Offensive which may occur with in the USA, Canada and all over Europe. If the resolve of these Islamic peoples causes them to go into active warfare. With no regard for their own lives and to anyone else. This is a huge threat to anyone who disagrees with them within their own adopted country. If they can go to another country to make war. Then they can make war within their adopted countries. Had to use the entire article as it appears the story is getting scrubbed from the internet.

Western Governments Step Up Efforts to Block ISIS Recruits

ABC News
Alarmed by the attempt by a 16-year-old French girl to travel to Turkey this weekend allegedly to join the Islamic militant army of ISIS, the French government is urging parents to call a toll-free hotline if they know of anyone they believe may be considering joining the terror group.
It was the latest attempt by Western governments to prevent their citizens from joining the jihadist group where they could be trained in terror tactics and bring those lethal strategies back home.
The French teenager was arrested Saturday in the Nice airport in the south of France as she tried to board a plane to Turkey with the alleged intention of joining ISIS in Syria. Authorities announced that several hours later, they caught a 20-year-old man who had allegedly recruited her and paid for her plane ticket. The girl's parents reportedly had no idea about their daughter's plans and the statement said that airport police were responsible for her arrest.
In a statement released Sunday, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called on the parents of young people to use the hotline if their children exhibit "a disturbing trend of violent radicalization."

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The hotline was established just over four months ago -- well before the threat posed by ISIS was fully understood by the American public -- and the Interior Ministry reports they have received almost 300 calls. A quarter of those calls were about children who were suspected of getting involved with the terrorist group and 45 percent were about suspicious women and girls. It is unclear how many of those calls led to arrests.
France is the Western country with the most citizens who have joined ISIS and militant fighters in Syria and Iraq. An estimated 700 French citizens have joined the cause, followed by 500 citizens of the United Kingdom who have come under similar suspicion.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at Parliament today calling for greater anti-terror legislation, including giving police the ability to seize passports at airports. He said that the measures will help address "specific gaps in our armory."

The proposed changes come three days after the British government increased their national terror threat level from "substantial" to "severe" for the first time in three years. The “severe” threat level is the second highest in the U.K.’s threat level system, topped only by “critical” which is used to indicate that an attack is “expected imminently.”
U.S. security forces took a different approach when they realized there was a 19-year-old woman in Denver who was planning on traveling to Turkey to join a jihadist group after connecting with a 32-year-old Tunisian man.
The woman, Shannon Maureen Conley, had eight interviews with police and FBI agents over the course of the six months leading up to her arrest at Denver’s international airport on April 8 – and the charging document reveals that she repeatedly spoke about her support of jihad and how she wanted to associate with terrorists in the hope of helping them. The Justice Department confirmed on Aug. 11 that a plea deal had been reached in the case but they did not release any information about what the deal entailed.
The British push to have police take passports away from suspected jihadist fighters comes nearly two months after the Australian government began doing so.
“I’ve canceled a number of passports on the advice of intelligence agencies,” Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said June 16.
An estimated 150 Australians are believed to have joined the fighting in Syria.
“We are concerned that Australians are working with them [ISIS], becoming radicalized, learning the terrorist trade, and if they come back to Australia, of course it poses a security threat,” Bishop said.

American authorities have not announced specific steps they have taken to prevent citizens from joining ISIS or other Islamic groups, though they have reported an estimated 100 or so cases of U.S. citizens leaving the country to train and fight with ISIS. Special attention is being paid to Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota as nearly a dozen of the suspects have ties to the city.
The White House confirmed the death in Syria of Minnesotan Douglas McAuthur McCain, who records show was born in Chicago but was schooled in Minneapolis. An opposition group in Syria, the Free Syrian Army, claimed McCain was fighting with ISIS. The FSA also claimed another American ISIS member had been killed in recent fighting.
FBI officers have been aware of disaffected Muslim youths traveling abroad to join radical groups for years, as many Minnesotans went to fight in Somalia starting in 2007.
“In Somalia, it started as a nationalistic call… [but] we’ve now seen where some individuals perhaps are not interested or not inclined to travel to Somalia, [they] start to branch out to other hot spots around the globe, obviously Syria being among them,” Kyle Loven, the FBI’s Chief Division Counsel in Minneapolis, told ABC News.
Added on 05 Sept 2014: 
Apparently ISIS is in El Paso, Texas.  Where else are they. Can you begin to see the Coming Tet Offensive forming. Working with the drug cartels. Is the source of ISIS wealth the USA drug trade?
Added on 20 Sept 2014: As we all get closer to these style of events in which the possibility becomes very probable if not certain. More and more peoples will have more and more visions and dreams.

Added on 05 Dec 2014: Very Interesting.
Evangelist Anita Fuentes
Added on 08 Jan 2015: France Terrorist attack. Muslims attacking Hindus. Muslim Boy in Maine allegedly burned down 4 apartments. To be set free. This is a ramp up. People do not understand that the Muslims are at war with everyone. Is this the Tet Offensive against western societies? NO. When it begins, you will know and will not question. Here in the USA and in Europe. There is a common flaw. The law Enforcement agencies seem to all show up in the place of the attack. France Law Enforcement also mobilized their forces in various areas of the Country. Of course when the Tet Offensive begins. The attacks will just happen in those places where there is no or minimal forces in protection. A witness saw a highly trained male. Walk up to an injured police person and shot him in the head. Then calmly left. 
The only true protective option is for the civilian population to arm themselves at places of employment.
Added on 09 Jan 2015: Evolution Seen:
A two man Islamic team attacks Charlie Hebdo in France. The two men indicate an evolution in attacks. They did not wait around for their own deaths. They were mission orientated. They were focused on the mission and completed their mission. Then the two men escaped. The two men were masked. It seems obvious that the two men had been trained in western style of military thought and military action. Their execution of the attack looked very western. It seems that this new wave of Islamic fighters have benefited from American led military training and all of that training is being used or will be against the civilian populations.

France also showed an evolution of defensive posturing. Most likely because of the actions of the two masked men. France deployed security forces throughout France. Whether or not these security forces would have been effective is in question. This is because of the two New York policemen assassinated while sitting in their patrol car all unaware of the approaching threat.

Right now the only way to prevent the effectiveness of any future Islamic attack is for the citizenry to be armed and trained in defensive tactics. Which within the USA. That won't be possible as the politicians want the American people to be dependent upon the police forces and local swat teams. There will be confusion. If ISIS fighters are wearing all black and the swat teams are wearing all black. How do you really know who is who? Westerners are traveling to ISIS controlled areas to receive military training and war fighting experience. Then are they going to go back to their so called home country to kill civilians in everyday life??? 
I'm very hesitant to even mention any potential targets which continue today mostly unarmed and untrained. Because, by the time a Swat Team arrives. Dozens will have already been killed. Then if the enemy combatants practice shoot and scoot in their own local areas. All of the Swat members are at the first place of attack. Thus, the rest of the local area shall be undefended by trained personnel. Only the civilians can deter attacks. Especially, if the civilians are those unknown quantities to any attacking force. Which at one time was used as a cold war thought against the USSR from the USA. 
In the time of the cold war of the USA and the USSR. The USSR had plans of occupying the USA. In Alaska, Florida and throughout the western states. Florida and the Gulf coast had a threat of a million man multinational force led by Cuba. At that time the civilians were self reliant and self dependent. Any attacking force will be met with a fire fight from every direction. It would have been worse than Afghanistan. I still think the threat is still similar today as it was back then. But, the civilian mindset has changed. To that of dependency and "ME". Which makes isolation and killing of civilian persons by any invading force possible.
Added on 10 Jan 2015: Janes comments.
Added on 15 Jan 2015:
It is most likely that at this very moment. Your schools are being or shall be surveiled. By those who are new members or low ranking members of a terrorist organization. They will be just sitting along your schools outside perimeter and taking video with their cell phones. After all, It's not against the law to just sit in public and to take pictures. The Beslan School attack may be the last of it's kind as the evolution of Islamic attacks is very notable in the recent France killings. Most notably amongst a very helpless and defenseless population of France. If more attacks are being planned as we speak. They may begin or end within a school or a close by day care center. There may even be a sniper involved. I'm using the word sniper very loosely. In other words. A certain amount of time will only be spent in each location of attack. Then the terrorists will move on. Much like those bank robbery shows on the movies. The bad guys have their clocks. So that they may escape. The success of the France shooting will become a training manual for all future attacks. Until, the next evolution takes place. 
I have been reading the news about this and how some people want students to throw soup cans or throw desks at the terrorists with guns. These plans will not work and will only create dead heroes. I do believe what will work is this coupled with what the professionals will modify. 
I do believe that every teacher who is capable and not receiving any mental type of treatment or medications. Should have at least a revolver of any caliber. Where they have proven accuracy and reliability. Even if it is the lowly .22 caliber.  Additional communications should be planned out with passwords for those who have cell phones. So that there is no friendly fire.

For teachers only. Additional defensive training should be made with only the teachers on what can happen and how to quickly and quietly create defensive positions within the classroom environment. The teacher and administrators are not to reveal who has weapons and who has been trained. You will want any terrorist or any psychotic shooter to believe the Police officer stationed at the school has the most visible weapon. While an undetermined number of teachers will have had training. Creating a very unsurvivable circumstance. With embarrassment to the terrorist attackers. 
It should be noted that as with the Chechen school attack. Those who are of any kind of leadership position or of any physical threat. Most likely will be the terrorist first targets for killing. Remember the helpless cop in France. Wounded, unarmed and executed.

My writings are not to create any kind of panic. It is meant for those to plan their defenses in order to save many lives.
Added on 21 March 2015: Is this the origin of the coming American Tet offensive. Of course the event may be called another name. If it happens. Hopefully the USA can prevent it. Here is today's news.
Added on 14 April 2015: News: ISIS sets up camp 8 miles from the USA in Mexico. Only one real news source. This may still be very early in reporting.
Added on 13 Nov 2015: France attacked: Is this one of the first coordinated attacks to be a precursor for a future American, Canadian, Australian and European Tet offensive attack at a singular date and time?
Added on 14 Nov 2015: 10,000 Syrian refugees enter USA. From unverified eyewitness. These Syrian refugees are all men. No women or children. I say again unverified. 
Yes, I'm posting these unverified sources. I have much (HUGE) doubts. So you should to until they are reasonably verified. 
This are the standard source which used to be true, honest and dependable. But, Not any more. You be the Judge. Notice how every story begins with how the US is not doing enough. Do you feel guilty after the France attack? Did you feel guilty in Oct and early Nov 2015? After reading those stories. 
This has evolved and yet is still related. One of the other. The later causing the former. Time. 
The Tet offensive seems to be in the quiet invasion stage. 10,000 hardened war fighters enter into the USA with governmental permission. These 10,000 lead and form up into millions of attackers. All doing their own will and making their own individual war plans. Thus, on the day given by the one most respected and honored ?Grand? ?Imam?. The unstoppable American Tet offensive begins and through this national emergency. A president remains in office forever. 
The 10,000 will receive a flood of wealth from their stated enemies as well as from all Muslims. 
The ease to which transportation is made throughout the USA and the delivery of illegal drugs. So, to shall weapons, bombs, armor piercing and anti-aircraft weapons of every sort shall be delivered without any suspicion. 
The Tet offensive may begin in remote places and with freedom loving people. You know the religious gun hugging folks and those American militia types and those doomsday preppers people.
The Bible belt is disappearing and those Bible thumper's now live in more remote places. This is a war on the devout Christian. They shall be hunted and killed. All without any news reports to specify the Christians. Will this American Tet offensive begin in the Spring of 2016? 
This Islamic styled Tet Offensive will also spread into Canada, Europe, Australia and other places.  
AND There is nothing anyone can do but "Kill them all". All Islamic men, women and children. This is a very harsh truth. Because, I believe they are raised by God to exact Judgement upon His Disobedient people. Remember the purple words above? The true nature of war is absolute destruction, absolute death. When their is absolute destruction and death. There shall be absolute peace. This is also very harsh. Yet, these Islamic enemies are do exactly this and destroying any contradictory history. That my friends has been in the news. For these Islamic enemies are right now killing every single Christian they can find. It matters not if they are women or children. They are as of right now destroying every Christian place of worship. This to is also in the news. The Islamic led destruction of the USA and of every person is their goal. This wholesale extermination of every American will transcend all race, social, religious and cultural boundaries. 
NOTE: I used the term Race. If you have read any of my writings. You know that I believe the usage of race is an absolute lie and deception.  Read my proofs that I have put forward. They are absolute and cannot be effectively argued against. Yes, that we there is only one race of people on this planet and they are all human beings.
Added on 28 Dec 2015: The term "Tet Offensive" used for the first time I have ever heard. I think this radio show is to be considered "Paranoid Radio" I'm listening to the whole show right now. 3 hours. The researcher seems real. I have never heard of him. But, I find it interesting how he has made the same connections to the Vietnam Tet Offensive. 
Dave Hodges. 
This is not all inclusive of my writings.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pigs. Not sure of the facts behind his claims. 
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported: 
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Apparently people are starting to figure out how the American and European Tet Offensive may pan out. Just a few pieces of this puzzle.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. YouTube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran verses with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 