Showing posts with label Person. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Person. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Inhumanely Inhumane: Inhuman Humanity: Civility Lost: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2014:

A person who acts inhumanely to the thoughtful and caring actions done for them by loving people is inhumane. 
An inhuman person who abuses the caring and thoughtful deeds done for them by loving people has lost their humanity. 
Civility lost often begins with the ignorant young. 
Civility lost is associated with the elders irrelevance.
Civility lost is a result of the loss of parental teachings of propriety.
Civility lost leads to barbaric vengeance and animalistic responses. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Confident Probability: Mission Heart: Mission Mindset:(Unedited): 06 Nov 2014: 08 Nov 2014:

The confident and trained person does not accept the probability of any mission, task or job to fail. 
This is not permission to refuse to listen to any possible or probable problems which may arise. To also prepare for any eventual and possible probability is a part of training before the mission, task or job even begins. As well as your own development of how to take the necessary logical actions in order to achieve a high level of success.
While it is necessary to prevent unwanted pride and stubbornness in any objective. Self control and self discipline is necessary to successfully completing any mission, task or job. 
Those who get it done ahead of schedule, safely and below costs are the quiet heroes you need and want. Better get'em and keep'em.

Mission Heart: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2014:
The projected probability of failure can be overturned with a confident possibility of highly trained and motivated persons who have the heart for mission success. 

Mission Mindset: (Unedited): 06 Nov 2014:
The difference between a probable failed mission and the possible completed mission is in the mindset, heart and training of those persons involved. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Virus Contamination: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2014:

A person does not need to be contagious with any virus to spread it. Any person can be contaminated by it.  
Today, there is much fear in regard to Ebola. There is a difference between being contagious and being contaminated by any agent. Whether it is chemical, biological, radiological and etc. Each of which can cause there own specific ailments which can include death.

I am not a medical doctor or an expert in regards to what is contagious or what is contamination. I encourage you to do your own research of the actual sources. Which is not from the media news, media commentator or from any political person. You must go to those medical sources. Even those you will find conflict such as with the CDC and WHO.

We all know to wash our hands after we do anything more or less intimate. we should all go a step further and wash up at every opportunity and use the pocket sanitizers often. Try to get out of the habits of touching your ears, eyes or mouth and or other body parts.
If you do come in contact with someone who has an illness. Just speaking with them while they are contagious can cause you to get it. When we talk we exhale and in our exhale is our human bodily fluid in mist form. 

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Friday, October 10, 2014

Pretenders Devotion: (Unedited): 10 Oct 2014:

Any person who only loves one another with only their words. Is an empty giver or a devout pretender. 
 There are those persons, religions, churches and other entities. Who seem to always goes forth and proclaim just how much they love everyone or just you. Yet, even though you are in need, they seem to always turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.
Or worse what you actually need is a hand up and not a hand out. A hand out only prolongs your suffering. While the hand up does seem to end your suffering in a predictable amount of time.
A bag of food or a bag of clothes may indeed meet an immediate need. But without a definite direction or even a hand up. The hand out only makes the giver feel good well after the receiver as used up the goods. The one who has received has used up the given goods and was most likely very thankful and prayed many prayers of gratitude. But, without a meaningful hand up. The suffering endured only repeats itself like a broken record.
For me this is a personal one. As I know to well how people profess their love, their compassion and they're mercy. Only to be ignored.  Even my adoptive mother who beat me on a regular basis, told me hateful things, locked me in small closets and tried to kill me. Used to always say how much she loved me. Yet, she still poured boiling tomato soup on my arm.
A shelter home in which they nearly starved every child and yet they could proclaim three hot meals to the counselor and not lie about it.
A foster home of a Scientology member who wanted me to become one of them. Would beat both me and his natural son with a ping pong paddle while laughing.
An abuser always seems to express love verbally in some believable way. Even to those whom they need to prove it too with their perfectly clean homes.
Another name for pretenders is liars and deceivers.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Evil Risk: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

The most evil you shall ever witness. Is from the single person who is willing to risk the lives of everyone, just to save themselves.
Think about this. Rape is bad, torture is bad, murder is bad and etc.

What do you think about a person who has had direct contact with any disease like Ebola?
Then in order to only save themselves plan a trip to any major country with great medical care. Then lie on a questionnaire. Board a plane with innocent persons on board. Then travel to that country. All the while spreading an infectious disease like Ebola to everyone they have the least bit of contact with. Then of course that person dies.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Witness Evidence: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2014:

Being concerned that there are to many witnesses and to much evidence to be collected. is not a valid reason as to why you should not do an evil deed. 
You who think in this manor are in error in your whole life. To only consider not doing an evil thing simply because of the greater probability of getting caught is truly not a reason for not doing an evil deed. Not doing an evil deed is not an indication you are a good or righteous person. That which you entertain on a regular basis is your daily evidence of what kind of person you truly are. You do not need to do the evil deed.
All that which is and has ever been thought of within your own mind is all the evidence the God of all needs to convict you. I am not saying you should believe in a God or that you should fear a God.
You should ask yourself these things. If there is a God is it important to be a good and righteous person as defined by the ancient written texts? If there is no God then there is no laws which should govern you and you should act in whatever manor in which pleases you. That is what many learned persons proclaim. If it feels good then do it. If it makes you happy then do it. That is all fine and wonderful until the person who sees you have more than them. Thinks to them self. That they would be happy if they took your stuff. They would be happy if they raped you. They would be happy just to drive your car for a little while. They would be happy if they can abuse you. No really, Think about it the insanity of this. Worldly criminals are in jail and do not think they did anything wrong except get caught. Criminals are seen on video doing an evil deed and proclaim it is not them even in the court room. Refusing and denying the facts is delusional to the person proclaiming it is not them.
What is the truth? Where is the truth within your own mind and heart? Do you even care?
Is being good and righteous really a good thing or is it a sign of weakness?
Is being good and righteous really valid in the world today? or is only being good as defined as what ever you can do without getting caught.
Here is a trucker quote. Not one of mine.

" If you can't be good then be good at it"

That really sums up the world we live in. To be a good criminal means not to be caught and convicted in a court of law.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Journey Alone: Walks Alone: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2014:

The person who journeys alone may be self led and self empowered. 
The word alone is not a negative word or an undesired word in both of these quotes.  A person who is self empowered and self led doesn't need anyone to hold their hand or to lead the way. Their path is already chosen in their self described journey. They will not even to need to ask directions. They automatically know exactly what must be done and how to do accomplish all of those necessary tasks.
Do not wait or become helpless into thinking and believing that you can do nothing without any assistance. But, do not become so egotistical and prideful to not ask for assistance when it is justified.
The person who faithfully walks alone has been purposed by the spirit. 
The spirit will lead the willing where ever it may. The willing human spirit, the willing human mind and the willing human heart which is open to the gentlest of impressions follows those silent urgings without negative questions or whining complaints.
Every so often two or more Faithful human spirits paths will cross in their journeys. Just like two long lost brothers or sisters who haven't seen each other in a great while. Immediately know one another and expresses great love to the other. Each again may become temporarily saddened when the time comes that their own unique journey separates. Each both knowing that they will know each other in the better spiritual life to come.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Prophets and Mentors: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2014:

The person or peoples who ridicules the prophets and discounts the mentors. Suffers the fate of the world. 
One should always listen to the mentors and prophets. Especially, if their words are more than plausible.
The mentors of the world seem to be those who want to steer you into the best kind of life which is possible for you. If you so choose to heed the mentors wonderful words of probability.
The prophets are also the same as the mentors. except they are the bringers of warnings. The prophet wants you to stop doing what ever it is you are doing. If not then the very probable doom and gloom shall come to you and to your people.
The mentor and prophet are one and the same. The direction of message is the same. Just spoken differently. As a matter of fact. A mentor can also wear the hat of the prophet.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Calm Eye: Hard Wisdom: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2014:

It takes a stormy person to become a calm eye at the center of their being.  
I have grown up with great storms in my life and some how I just survived them all. There is no logical reason why I survived. I was never the smartest or strongest. I was actually drugged into mental oblivion for the vast majority of my childhood. Beating, abused and nearly killed many times. Yes, there is a great storm about me. Deep within my core is a great and peaceful calm. Is it always that way? Naw, I'm not Jesus. 
Real life hard experiences in which you actually become a good person or are able to hold onto those good qualities of goodness within you. Is a form of purification. Although purification does not feel good. The end result is a more solid and righteous you in the eyes of God. Does this mean you are perfect or should be revered in life? Naw. It just means your a better you and if your purification is ongoing, then you will become a better you tomorrow and the day after. 
For those seekers of wisdom or for those to be blessed with wisdom. The storms experienced in life is often times un welcomed. Which is probably as it should be. Those persons who have been blessed with that thirst for wisdom. They always ask a million questions and seek 2 million answers. Which is followed by 3 million more questions and 4 million more answers and etc. 
Sometimes it is very easy to get caught up within the whirlwind of chaos. Helplessly thrown about in violent random confusion. Once you begin to reacquire your focus, your calm. Your peaceful center will be there like it always had been. Untouched and undamaged by any storm. Just stop and pray. Just stop and meditate. Just stop and contemplate. Just stop. 
Amazing things will happen when you just stop. Peace and harmony begin to slowly show first then love is remembered. If you focused on the love first, everything which is good and right just pops into place immediately. 
People can be selfish and thankless. Even they in their stormy times of their own life. It matters not if the storms are of their own creation or not. They go to the person who seems to have much wisdom. Someone who seems to have been to hell and back. Someone who does not mind the trip into hell either. The person who has been blessed with much wisdom is often searched by all who know of this person. The selfish and thankless will get what they can get plus maybe a free meal. Then depart without even closing the door properly.
The wisdom which is given freely to them should be given with a heart of love and understanding of their state of being. Because, it can be hoped that the wisdom your freely give out of the outpouring of your love for them. Will eventually crack their hardened heart. Even if your not the one who will offer them support with the hardness falls away. It still should be celebrated when it does. Even if no one remembers the first wise person who made that first singular crack into that hardened heart.
So give of yourself freely. by doing so no one can use you.
Hard Wisdom: (Unedited):  17 Aug 2014:
Out of your love. 
Your wisdom freely given should be harder and finely pointed, so as to crack the hard heart and to remain within. 
Wisdom which is like a splinter. Lasts long enough until it is pushed out or is absorbed.  In this instance absorbed is good wisdom remembered and pushed out wisdom is rejected wisdom. Though not necessarily bad wisdom. Good wisdom can be rejected as easily as bad wisdom. Bad wisdom is like a dirty splinter which causes infections within. Thus, continues the suffering in new ways which has not been experienced before.  Even good wisdom can have a similar effect upon an bad person. The good splinter of wisdom can likewise infect the bad person with goodness. Which can eventually take over the bad person.
You should not feel bad or rejected because someone came to you for advice and then refused what you had to offer them. Feel good that they actually came to you and have hope that all of the wisdom they ask of you becomes thorns on their hardened heart. That is the goal isn't it? To have the hardened heart free of it's shell, one crack or splinter at a time.

As inspired by Janice Louise. All of this from your little spark.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Young Alcoholic: (Unedited): 10 Aug 2014:

The young person who is already excited about drinking alcohol is already an alcoholic without ever having had a drink. 
The signs for the parents are already present. The parents were most likely the teachers on how much fun drinking alcohol can be. While their child's excited public display of alcoholic beverages is just a mirrored reflection of your own preferences.
The young persons future is already becoming set in hardening quicksand and the young ones thinks it's cool, fun and exciting.
It doesn't matter the legality, medical usage, cultural acceptance or even social traditions. Any mind altering substances ingested, injected and inhaled is not a healthy practice for anyone for any reason, not even once. This includes smoking cigarettes, medications and of course illegal drugs. They lead to addictions which is the very least of the problems associated with any mind altering substances. Can you fathom this fact, the addiction is the least of the problems associated with and mind altering substances. The mind altering substances can lead to death and murder. The mind altering substances can lead to illnesses and diseases. The mind altering substances can lead to a loss of control and loss of soul via outside demonic influences. Which have taken over the hosts body because of their now weakened energy fields known as auras,
A demonic spirit can take over your body. A demonic spirit can even take over the body of your unborn child all because you used or was prescribed a mind altering substance while pregnant. 
Have you ever seen a child who had a demonic spirit within. Their outbursts of animalistic behaviors and then the parents see their child within. Over time, the child will be lost. Confined in a prison within a prison, within a prison. depending on how many demons are within the childs host body. The suffering of the parents will be obvious. The accidents to the other children and animals will also become historical evidence.
Yes, I added this and it doesn't really matter if you believe this demonic stuff or not. It still happens and will become more prevalent as humanity gets closer to their own extinction by their own trigger finger. This is prophecy not of me. Hell on Earth is to come.
If humanity does not love one another by their own free choice.
If humanity does not live in peace with one another by their own free choice.
If humanity does not exist in harmony with all things by their own free choice.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Faith Flames: Faith Myth: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2014:

Faith Flames: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2014:
Your faith becomes inflamed when you begin to realize that the myth your religion is more real and more wonderful then you ever knew. 
C.J. MacKechnie
Faith Myth: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2014:

A  devout religious person believes intensely in the myth of their faith. 
What are the defining characteristics of a religious person and a holy person? Can there be a difference between the two? Is a holy person only that which has been approved by some supreme religious authority? Is a religious person just some lay person while the holy person is a religious professional of some declared, awarded, certified sort? 
What of those regular persons who do not seem to be religious or accepted by a standard earthy  religion? Can they be holy? or are they forever to be deemed as a evil cult group by the world's standards? If the person or person have become nearly sinless as best as can be and their personal direction is towards the supreme being. Are they not holy? even if they wear only sack cloth?
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Corporate Family: (Unedited): 26 July 2014:

The flaws of leadership and of management can be accounted by 4 perceptions. Remember it is the rare person who can be both a leader and a manager. It seems in this modern world no one really wants a leader. Because, a leader can break out of the box he/she was confined to by the rest of the officers or corporate officers. Either way a person who can do both lead and manage can and will profit you most in the long term. A leader/manager who is also personable and a teacher is a gift. Because, this very rare type of person will cause an effect upon everyone to work towards their goals from an outpouring of emotion.


A person, group or organization who become purely reactionary in how they manage and lead. may very be the ultimate in selfishness. Their intentions may very well be to pass the buck. Because, in the medium or long term. The consequences of any of their decisions will fall upon the person or persons who follow them. Pure reactionary decisions will gain you the most monies possible in your promised bonuses but at what long term cost? Loss of life? Loss of equipment and property? The negative things which may happen will fall upon others shoulders and the blame will be not placed upon this person(s). Assuming they ever even cared.

Being temporarily reactionary can be a good thing as the person or persons can effectively engage all unforeseen problems which may and will arise. A management/leadership team who also engages their employees or enlisted personnel for advice, input, insight and ideas. Brings all of the wholeness of gifts and talents to bear into hopefully all unforeseen situations.  This is team work. This is family in which everyone is supposed to have a say. This is the corporate home in which everyone is responsible for doing their part. Caring people is what makes an awesome home even if it is within the corporate structure, military structure or which ever organized structure.

Being forced into a reactionary situation will mean you have to mitigate the problem quickly. Then once the new threat is managed and dispersed.  You go into a proactive stance for a time. proactive is this sense means how to put into place those new policies which will prevent any other occurrences from happening again.


Corporate starvation
This is where all of the corporate officers and investors absolutely starve the corporation to near death. This is done by withholding the vast majority of funds for any kind of improvement and or maintenance.
Renegotiating worker benefit and pay packages to lower over all costs to the corporation while at the same time inform all of the employees just how much better the plans are. The corporate officers may even add new benefits which become better over the duration of employment. Then every few years renegotiate all of the benefits so that everyone must start back at day 1 with the new packages.
All the while the corporate officers base pay, benefits packages and bonus programs are all corporately classified. 
There can also be a cycle of where the stocks crest and then fall. The corporate officers can manipulate the stocks rise and fall so as to profit the most out of it. Sell when the planned stock prices are high and buy when the planned stock prices are at their lowest. Repeat the process over and over again. I've seen it being done in the trucking industry. Even though the process can take a couple of years between troughs. It's all how to see the patterns.
The worker turnover is also planned out. By promoting consistent worker turnover. You never have any long term benefit pay outs or retirement payments. Payroll always stay nearly the same. Pay raises never become so high that wages become a problem. By maintain employees at all levels for 4-6 years. Then push them out as in cause them to leave willingly and rehire that position at a lower starting wage.
The corporate officers who actively this form of corporate starvation has no emotional connection to the corporation and is doing what they are doing in order to make them their desired income potentials and windfalls. While at the same time ruining any opportunities for any worker to have any sort of future.
Usually the corporate officers who starve the corporation are also only managing in a reactionary style. It is all about the corporate officers, the investors and nothing else.
Just as in any war time situation. The captors nearly starve all of their enemies of war who have been captured. This is to prevent those in captivity to not have enough strength to make an escape and to protect their own soldiers from any kind of an attack.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mindlessly Aimless: (Unedited): 28 April 2014:

The aimless person is mindlessly apathetic to what ever they happen to be doing. 
The job is just the job before the next one.
Can you imagine only being present and nothing more? Can you imagine associating with other employees because they are just there and nothing more? Can you imagine not having any emotional attachment to what ever it is you are doing? Can you imagine doing nothing what so ever for the betterment of your own life? Can you imagine the belief of  "whatever happens, happens"? Can you imagine have such a degree of apathy in your own life that you do not even care about anything you do? Can you imagine believing that going to work just doesn't matter?

The above questions isn't just about your job. It is about anything that you are doing right now. If you do not care about the place or the people present, Then why bother? Is there actually hope of some kind in there for you. Like having enough to buy those things you desire? Like a roof over your head? Like paying for your phone or internet? Is that all you care about?

What kind of an effect and how do you have an affect upon your co-workers? This question may not even ring in the apathetic or aimless mind set. They just don't care. Except when maybe something bad or embarrassing happens to another co-worker and they become entertained. Maybe, even pile on as a method of minimal involvement.  The only involvement an aimless or apathetic person does is when it freely involves them without any integration into the unit structure. Such as free food, free things and piling on. 

Everything you do has an effect upon all aspects of your life. Everything you do not do has an impact on all aspects of your life. For instance.

The absolute importance of drinking, partying and having a good time and not getting an education.
Just existing day to day while refusing to make a life for yourself which is worth living.

Doing the wrong things based on your own apathy for others.
Stealing instead of working to earn for yourself. 
The business of illegal drugs instead of creating for yourself a lawful and respectable business.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Peculiar Humor: (Unedited): 23 April 2014:

A peculiar person who tries to make a worldly joke. Is looked upon as peculiar by the world. 
Any person who has come to GOD or GOD has come to them. They are changed into a person who is now peculiar to the world under the authority of satan. So, when a peculiar person under the guidance of GOD tries to relate to any worldly person. The worldly person will see them as peculiar.

This isn't just about humor. It is about decision making. It is about reactions to certain stimuli.
When you become Holy and righteous in the eyes of God. You have become an alien to the worldly humans. You have changed that much and will continue to change even further.
First spiritually you shall change even if you know it not. Then mentally you will change and then finally your physicality.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Perfect Spot: (Unedited): 20 April 2014:

The person who seeks perfection, leaves a spot in order to dissuade people to believe he/she has achieved a level of perfection. 
There are some people who purposely leave a spot on something which has been perfectly completed. Which for reason only they can relate.
There is humor involved with this.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Infidel Lost?: (Unedited): 10 April 2014:

A person who is lost. Has not chosen the life path they walk of their own free will and knows not what they do or where they are going.
A person (Infidel) who freely chooses to walk a life path absent of holiness and righteousness is not lost. But, is either wholly deceived or has fully rejected the good news openly.
A person who is not lost, deceived or has rejected the good news. Should pray and meditate often to their Heavenly father.

Inspired from: Adult content warning.
When you as a believer encounter a person who is not lost and has made the decisions they have made. There is nothing you can do for them. They have already decided and are infidels. Leave them to God.
 Those who are still lost and deceived and who are willing to honestly listen with their spirit, mind and heart. They are the ones whom you should continue to search for. They are the ones who will rejoice when they are no longer lost or deceived.

It is of paramount importance to continue to search for the lost and deceived. Do not remain with the infidel who has chosen to be whatever they are and whomever they are. It is the intent of the infidel to keep you from searching for more lost souls. Through a variety of methods which only hinder you or even stop you from converting lost souls. Once you discover a soul is not lost. Give them and leave them for God. Move on and move forward without any other thought.
To do so, will be a waste of your very limited time. Research for yourself. The methodologies of search and rescue. They are very similar to what it is you do of saving souls. You cannot save souls if a good portion of your energy, resources and time is spent with a purposeful infidel. Who only wants what they want for their own entertainment. Yes, even an infidel will go to a free church for their own entertainment.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Furious Flames: (Unedited): 01 Feb 2014:

Stubbornness is the accelerant which furiously inflames a persons pride. C.J.MacKechnie
Stubbornness can become one of those traits, which when becomes out of control can even cause you to automatically reject even that which is right, true, correct and righteous, 
Stubbornness can also cause you to lose God, love, friendships, employment and family.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Freedom Gained: (Unedited): 26 March 2014:

The worldly person who losses all of their worldly possessions and wealth.
Loses everything.
The spiritual person who loses all of their worldly possessions and wealth.
Gains their freedom. 
This is about the mindset of two different groups of people. How those who have that singular focus of worldly gathering of things and wealth. When the worldly people lose it all. The worldly people sometimes do drastic things in response to all of that loss. The worldly people do not seem to understand that all of those worldly things and wealth are temporary and imaginary.  The true wealth a person has is their connections with the Divine, the planet, their family and their friends. These are first and foremost. This is why to love one another is so important. This is why living in peace is so important. This is why existing in harmony is so important. These are what is permanent and real. A life worth living cannot be bought or acquired with items which are temporary or imaginary. Just as you cannot have a life worth living when you drink or drug yourself and it matters not the legality or diagnosis.

The question of who is your family and who are your friends. Was answered wonderfully by Jesus.

What is the will of God? To love one another.
When you love. You will seek peace with a peaceful heart
When you love. You will hunger for harmony of all things to surround you.
This is logical and is a formula for life. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Unclean Beauty: Beauty Gift: (Unedited): 17 March 2014:

From a distance a beautiful woman and a handsome man are exactly as they appear to be. That is until they each come closer and you begin to discover the unclean ugliness within. 
Think about this. How many times have you seen that beautiful woman or handsome man and only discover how terrible of a person they are. Such as most of those Hollywood types.
Beauty Gift: 18 March 2014:
A person may have the genetic gift to be physically beautiful. But, poor lifestyle choices, ugly attitudes and bad behaviors will shorten the gift of physical beauty. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Drama Friend: (Unedited): 22 Feb 2014:

The person who has to explain to their friend the drama queen on how they do not have any drama in their life. Is unwise to have a friend who is the drama queen.  
I over heard a conversation of a woman on the phone with her friend the drama queen. The woman was upset on how she had become entangled in some sort of drama caused by her friend. 
If you do not want drama in your life. Then do not associate with family or any other person who is know to have continual drama in their lives.
A good and happy life is really that simple. Disassociate yourself from those who create and perpetuate problems.
below is two topics with no separation. rewrite and edit.
It is OK to leave them behind as you move forward, as you develop, as you grow, as you evolve. Those who continue to remain in their own self created negativity are worse than stagnant in life. They are actually De-evolving into something less than they are now. What is worse they know not of this and will actually blame you for trying to advise them otherwise.
Then comes their smart arse responses. Your so smart, how come your not that kind of professional? Whatever? You know everything? and etc.
These negative and dramatic people become so prideful and egotistical in their own argument on how they are such a failure and how this particular event wasn't their fault. That whatever you say which is contrary to their negative thinking and emotions. Causes you to be the bad person. Even though you are the one which is righteous. Which may mean demonic control is at play. The demonic control main purpose may be to cause the righteous person to no longer lend a hand and assist those who are in need.
A demonic power who is unable to control a righteous person will infect a weaker mind/soul. Just to cause spiritual and/or mental harm to the righteous person. Just by causing the righteous to think and believe that it is not effective to lend a hand when the hand is bitten by so many.
Drama can be the effect of a demonic power attempting to influence a righteous person into inactivity. The righteous person may want to help and assist but does not out of fear.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 