Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Empowered Escape: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2016:

Self empowerment is an escape out of helplessness and dependency. 
I was inspired to write this from viewing a 41 second video.
Thank You very much for inspiring me to write.
I've been thinking on empowerment for a while now. Trying to be a good father and trying to figure out how to teach self empowerment to my children.
This is the way and belief of the modern society. Where ancient wisdom's are either of no value or are only for entertaining value.
The words used "Helplessness" and "Dependency" are meant to mean depressive states of being where non-doing is the way of doing.
It does matter and yet it doesn't matter. Where ever or however your origins have been made to manifest in this here and now. In this Country it doesn't really matter if your ancestors were slaves or survivors of genocide. If your ancestors lost wars or were the ones who one the wars in a very ugly and dishonorable manor. It doesn't matter if you have survived severe neglect, abuse or even torture in your youth. I even write this knowing for many my words will seem cold. They are also applied to me as I'm one of those who were abused and tortured. Adoptive mother even tried to kill me at least three times. Enduring Foster Care abuses. My own ancestors were enslaved by the Vikings for about 500+/- years. My own ancestors even survived the ugly clan wars of Scotland. There is a lot of ugliness in the history of Scotland. I really do not know any more about my own family history.
Personal Note: When I write something that tends to be harsh. I become a mirror to those words. Or at least do my best. So if you see redundant personal information. It is for those who do not know of my past.
Also, You need to know. I'm a very rare bird. Failed adoption and problems in foster care in two different states. They're are not a statistic which applies to me. Adoptions are important and foster care is important. Both saves lives and can be paths for those of becoming productive members of society. For me it just did not work. ...
Past Remains Present: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2016: 
Decide for yourself to cease being the victim of the past. The past cannot hold you unless it remains a part of your chosen present. 
Trucker wisdom:
What you do as a self empowered individual is all about what you do with your right foot. Are you gonna hold the brake pedal like a panicky Pete or are you gonna mash the gas and get yourself down the road?
Note: the word use of "Gas" is meant for the rookie, as an experienced trucker would question what flavor of diesel 1 or 2? Then argue with you until your brain goes numb.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Fools Gold Wisdom: Righteous Life Decision +3: (Unedited): 21-22 Oct 2016:

The lovers of wisdom who yield not to the righteous ways of living. Reveals to the world the egotistical fools gold contained within their own heart and mind.
Words of wisdom seem to always makes a person feel better. But, when those words should be acted upon. They are quickly forgotten. Especially, when the next set of words of wisdom makes that person feel good. Even if for only a moment. Continual reading of wise words can become addictive and can become the only good things you know.
Wise Surroundings: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
Surrounding yourself with wise words does not make your life in which you live a righteous one.
Personal Foolishness: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
To know good personal life wisdom and not applying them into your life. Is personal foolishness.
By you deciding to learn good words of wisdom and taken those necessary actions to make good wisdom a part of your own foundation to good living practices. many things will begin to happen. anxiousness and anxiety will begin to fade away. Worry, confusion and nervousness will begin to fade away as well. By freely choosing living a righteous life. Things will automatically happen. You will become certain in everything you do. Getting a good night sleep without sleep aids or nightmares will become common occurrences. you shall even begin to notice all of the beauty which has always surrounded you and it was you who was never aware of anything truly beautiful.
Righteous Life Decision: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
The decision to live a righteous life. Is you actually walking out of the dank darkness and into the lovely light of creation.
 Conflicted Wisdom: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
When good personal wisdom conflicts with cold hard professional wisdom of the world. You shall always be confused, torn and conflicted.
When and if you decide to embrace the world ways of doing, thinking and believing. You shall always be torn and stressed. You shall never experience relief or ease.
Then when you travel to quiet earthy places on vacation or holiday. You feel a temporary sense of ease, calm and peace. In which you head back into the harsh realities of the modern world. Not even once realizing that what you experienced on vacation or holiday. Was the true reality of all things.
 I live in Florida. People come from all over the world to see our sunsets and walk upon the sand with naked feet. They spend thousands of dollars to come to sunny Florida and no one ever realizes that the beautiful Florida sunset on the west coast or two hours away the lovely Florida sunrise is still the same star from where ever they came from. Where ever you are, you can experience calm and peace daily. All you have to do is recognize it and accept it. To become aware that where ever you came from has it's own beauty is something wonderful to know.
I know many people who are from way over there some where. While others move to Florida to escape some kind of awful and ugly life which was caused to them. Only to realize the lie that the awful ugliness followed them to Florida. When the truth of the matter is that they are the awful ugliness which came to Florida for a better and safer life than which never happened. If you ever move to where ever you think the grass is greener on the other side. Leave all of your trash and stinking thinking behind. Leaving the ugly hood behind. While keeping your hood attitudes will only recreate the ugly life you left behind. The only difference is you now have new ugly friends that you recreate your awful life with.
There is a quote in here somewhere.
When you bring good words of wisdom into your life and express them all through your actual living practices both personally and professionally. An inexhaustible life energy will overflow from the depths of your being. A new purpose with real meaning shall be expressed from your life. Causing people to become joyful in your presence and confusion in those who refuse to understand. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Prophetic Prophecies Collide+8: (Unedited): 20-21 Oct 2016:

Unheeded Prophecies:  (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
The unheeded warnings from all of the prophecies given to all of mankind shall mean a violent collision of all of those old prophetic words into your modern day reality. 
God always seems to use a step by step approach when dealing with people or nations. Families grow huge when they are obedient to the word of God and families end when they do not. All of this can take time and is not instantaneous. God send his chosen teachers and mentors. Then as more and more teachers and mentors are ridiculed, ignored and scoffed at. The prophets of doom arrive on the scene. Mentors are the same as prophets and can be the same person or not. I think most of the time the psychology of the mentor and prophet is not the same. But, it can be. A loving, gentle and wise mentor can be a wise, gentle and loving prophet. But a prophet who is of the fire side of psychology may not be the ideal candidate for a mentor. The same can go for the gentle mentor when a prophecy require much fire.
If you have noticed that the teachers and mentors who actually teach the purity of love, peace, harmony, law and life have disappeared. Now there seems to be an over abundance of firebrand prophets who proclaim doom and death is coming. That alone is an indication that the collective population has no repentance within them and the idea of righteousness is an alien concept. You need to know you me and we are about to die horrible deaths. It won't matter what side of the planet you are on. because, when the Holy one dressed in blood trimmed garments arrive. Everyone may think he is the devil. Because, the devil has been imagined in red. satan is a beautiful being of white light.
Prophetic Rejections Collide: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
As all of the old prophetic words to all of humanity collide. Great calamity, chaos and confusion comes to those as they suffer and die. For their rejection of the prophetic words is their judgement before they even committed their crimes/sins. 
It seems that many different traditions which have their own prophecies. Seem to have similar prophecies with other traditions. Such as the Hopi, Lakota and Christian. You guys and gals who know more than me. These puzzle pieces may be able to fit together to form a better and clearer picture of when things can happen. Are you following me on this. To be able to study all of the old prophecies and match them together. Humanity has only been able to do this until recently. You just have to make sure the prophetic information is from actual sources. The Lakota Black Snake is happening right now. Is the Hopi red Purifier the Jesus in Christian prophecy? What about the other prophets? accepted or not? yet still accurate-ish?
Prophecies Collide: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
The wisdom of living a righteous life as only accepted by God is the only way to prevent and/or mitigate all of the bad and sad prophecies about to collide into the realities of all human beings. 
The purple words below. All without fears, threats or intimidation's.
Last Ditch Prophets: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
From all over the world. Many peoples and traditions have their prophets. The prophets seem to have a common tone of coming calamities. For the words of the living prophets shall be your last ditch change of averting death and destruction.
A possible time line may be stitched together to form a clear event plan. For instance the black snake prophecy of the Lakota. How does that fit into the Christian timeline? How does other prophecies fit into the Hopi prophecies? How does it all fit together? How do you use this knew collective information to illuminate false teachings and reveal wrong interpretations? The big HOW!!! Indian Pun. (Stupid I know). How do you save lives? How do you prevent or mitigate all bad and sad prophecies ever spoken or written? Because, when Jesus comes again dressed in blood trimmed robes. He is coming to destroy. There will not be any negotiations or surrenders? The lamb of God is coming back as a hungry and very not happy Lion. Ever tried to deescalate a hostile lion face to face with soothing and loving words? Don't try it.
NOTE: I'm probably the only human being on this entire planet of 7.7 billion people who does not want Jesus to come back. I just don't. Not like that as stated in prophecy. I do however want Jesus to come back as a loving adopted brother of mine. A holy older, wiser adopted brother who welcomes me with open arms and a gentle smile. The other way as prophesied. Not so much. At all.
But, if the world continues on and the Lakota black snake is completed. Then the end follows in time. The DAPL in North Dakota may be just one of those obvious prophetic keys to all prophecies timings. Especially, if there is another mass killings of Native Americans by a militarized police force. Made up of various law enforcement organizations from various states. The militarized police force has air assets, armored personnel carriers against a people who pray. Which looks like mostly women. Really. This is becoming offensive to think about. But, I believe the Native Peoples will lose.
When those native peoples lose. It will force another very clear sign of prophecy. My writing does not mean I want the natives or first peoples to lose.
I want the first peoples to abide by the purple words. To pray. To conduct ceremony 24 hours a day. The shamans and holy people from around the world need to come together in that spot of Standing Rock. Stand together and become the rocks the people need. All peoples.
Repentance Last Call: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
The words of the long deceased prophets were your fore-warnings as the pleas and cries of the insane appearing living prophets are your last call for repentance and life.
 The time is at hand. When prophecies from all of the various peoples and traditions shall collide into oneness. From that oneness shall be seen the great purifier dressed in blood. He shall be followed by the hosts dressed in purity. There will only be war. No options for negotiations. satan has done his best to confuse the people with his own devil clown deceptions of dressed in red, horns and a tail. When in reality satan was the most beautiful of the angels. So when humanity sees the being dressed in blood trimmed clothing of holiness. We all will think that the purifier is the satan. For we all have been deceived to follow satan.
One Moment: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
As one is victorious in the moment another shall lose everything.
Who defines who the another shall be?  For the another is all of us.
Can you see with your eyes of reason? and a heart of love? or shall you see with disbelief and a heart of apathy? Look to Dakota and it's meaning. Look to the women and men who arm themselves with prayer as they are confronted with military men equipped with warfare. Who shall win? For I tell you the truth. As one is victorious in the moment another shall lose everything. The water protectors whose only weapon is prayer. Shall buy all of us time. Unless those prayer warriors lose against the thunderous weapons of apathetic men. Then how shall any of you drink clean water?
It seems the Lakota prophecy of the black snake leads to the Hopi prophecy of the red purifier which leads one to the return of Christ dressed in blood.
In the Dakotas. The name shall change when history of slaughter, suffering and death repeats itself. Where the prayers of the helpless. Shall be answered as the their last prayerful breath returns to the heavens. This shall guarantee a response.
Prophetic Tongue: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
It is for man to predict the possibilities and probabilities of his own future or even fate. But, man can only communicate words of actual prophecy when that absolute prophetic message has been placed upon his own tongue from God.
Even the angels, do not know absolutely what is going to happen. Although, the angels are more advanced than us lowly human beings. They most likely mentally reside in the realms of absolute probability than that of possibility. Where as humanity tends to reside from the impossibility to the possible. To the most intellectually gifted of all human beings. The consideration that the angels and even the fallen angels may seem like they operate in the prophetic. But, they do not operate in the prophetic. The angels operate at an extreme higher degree of probability that seems like prophetic to us lowly human beings. Thus making us human beings that easy to deceive. Even those human beings that belong to that very exclusive club who consider MENSA an insult. I just hope that you smart people know that if your dealing with the fallen angels. They lost the war, lost badly, lost quickly, they were captured, imprisoned here and they didn't foresee it, nor could they defend themselves from any of it. So if you think your love, mercy and compassion for them is real. Well, maybe not. The fallen angels end game in regards to any human. Is humanities total extinction. Including their most devout and loyal followers.
The last part of the quote "when that absolute prophetic message has been placed upon his own tongue from God." Those angels and fallen angels which are far superior to any human being. They each can implant thoughts and memories as well as delete thoughts and memories from any human they choose. What the angels can do to our minds can go far deeper than I can explain now. I'm not even fully aware. Nor do I pretend to. The fallen angels and the good angels can alter your decision making capabilities as well as your belief systems.
Added on 20 Oct 2016@1715hrs.:
Well, Apparently the non-Christian and non religious people like to follow certain blogs that I write. So, I would suppose just by the numbers of certain groups who read these writings. May indicate a possible importance. Sometimes it is disheartening to suspect that the so called bad people are more interested than the so called good people. I find it interesting.
Over all It doesn't really matter. Because, Those persons who are the so called bad people or even the religious. They all will endure the coming wrath of God upon this world. What is worse is if those persons have no intention or care to change their own lives to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Which can lead a person to believe that they have already been prejudged. Just as those in the day of Noah and the time when Sodom was destroyed. Those people were living and they most likely knew not that they all had already been prejudged. I will soon be adding a section on prophecy, possibility and probability. In which you have already read.
Added on 21 Oct 2016:
Prophecies End: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2016:
All old and new prophecies end when the Holy purifier clothed in blood begins to rain fire down upon us all. 
This is for everyone who is only religious and not righteous. This is for everyone who has already been pre-judged by only God. This is for those who believe in a rapture which may not be a true teaching. Everything ends and a new thing or a new way shall also begin. All that was known and forgotten shall be erased. It will be like nothing ever existed. There shall be no escape unless it has been ordered by the Holy One dressed in a blood red robe. If you have the ability to depart this solar system. You may want to go now. It will not matter if you can go back in time or not. Because, the purification from the Holy One may even cleanse the entire time line. It will be like you never existed. Except you will either be rewarded or perpetually purified in everlasting pain and torment.
Note: I Really Really Really want the Rapture teaching to be true. Really. But, I also know that no matter how this body I reside in expires. The greater form of living life actually begins out of the prison of this very limited life form known as a human being. I also know how the prophets, saints, disciples, unknown common Christians and Jesus Christ died. I'm not as worthy or as important as any of them. Who died as Steven and Jesus had. With love and forgiveness being expressed as they fell asleep.
Unknown News in the USA: Middle Eastern Christians are dying horrible deaths and are being exterminated. Many reports state that they are dying as Jesus and Steven had. There was no rapture for any of them. So what makes us think we are more important?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.


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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blind Obedience: Martyrdom Joy: Greater Quality: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Blind obedience gains a person virtually no wisdom or understanding. Except for the saving or profiting for the benefit of the self.
While a person who freely decides to do good has done so based on their wisdom and understanding. Even though they may lose their own life and/or lose their wealth.
A robot blindly obeys all of it's instructions or programming code. A robot does not know good or evil. It just obeys. Their is no wisdom or understanding neither is there a need to want wisdom or understanding.
Human beings and even of animals. Learn and Know wisdom and understanding. I understand if I place my hand on a hot stove. Serious pain will result.
To force a person to obey or to die. Causes that person to learn nothing except how to save their own life. A person who is forced to obey becomes an instant mindless slave or robot. Absolutely dependent on those who tell it what and when to do it.
With the exercise of free will and free choice. That person learns much knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Even if it will cost that person their wealth or life.
All of the quality, meaning and purpose in life a slave will ever have is what comes from those who rule over the slave.
Martyrdom Joy: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
By creating great enduring misery in life for the slave. The slave will learn to yearn for the day that they will be selected to know the joy of martyrdom. 
Martyrdom Joy #2: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
The joy of martyrdom is freedom from a life of misery, sadness and pain.
The great misery you endure in life comes from those who rule over you. Do you not think that if they wanted for you to have any sort of life with any kind of satisfaction or joy. Then could give it to you or allow you to experience. Instead those who rule over you pass the blame to them and those in that far away land. Those who are less than us and who are less than dogs. They are the barbarians who have caused all of your misery. While at the same time those who rule over you only offer one way for any kind of joy, satisfaction and happiness. That is through the joy of holy Martyrdom. Have you not seen in the eyes of those who were selected for the great honor of Martyrdom, joy and satisfaction of being selected? While hoping that they will be self worthy enough to go through with the holy mission of righteous martyrdom. This is the only way for an Islamic person to ever know peace. For all of their joy, satisfaction shall end when their blood flows into the streets. While what meaning and purpose they had in that brief period of time has been transferred to those who rule and profit over all of your deaths.
The misery, sadness and pain you desire to free yourself from. Can come through escape from the enslavement of your spirit, mind and body. You have worth and importance in this life. Purpose and meaning does not have to come through hatred, anger, violence, destruction and death. These are anti God. God wants for all of us to express life with love, peace, harmony. God wants for all of us to cherish life as something of great value.
Greater Quality: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
Greater is the quality of life, meaning of life and purpose of life for the person who can freely and willfully choose to do good things.  
1). What is good? Only God. We can only learn good from God.
We all can emulate good to the best of our own unique abilities.
2). What is good? Love, Peace, Harmony and life. The laws of God assists us into seeing and maintaining good through our own abilities for self control and self discipline.
Yes, the laws of God are absolute. But, they reflect the gift of our free will. This is why when we each fracture any of the laws of God we are not instantly dead. This is why I do not believe that God wants slaves. Slaves do not learn on their own. Slaves do not grow up to become responsible and dependable human beings. Slaves do not become self sufficient to a degree as defined by only God. Only those who have a free spirit, free mind and a free body can become the most it can be as only God can define it.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Worldly Fools: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2016:

The fools of the worldly ways. May actually, be those people of wisdom and righteousness you should know and support.
The world systems seem to have become absent of any wisdom or righteousness. So it only makes sense that those who have rejected the worldly ways of living and doing. Do not achieve or find success in the world.
Those worldly fools. Are those direction pointers you encounter in life. Which can guide you to decide to possibly right your own ship and to correct your own course. 
The use of the word support. Does and can mean on a regular basis and most likely means financial. It can mean a variety of things as well. It does not mean to set them up for life. It means to watch out for them so that they are enabled to do good in the world. To what ever degree they are destined for.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Pool Digging: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2016:

Excitement in your mind, anticipation in your heart as you dig your own wonderful swimming pool in this rich world. Only to come to know that the rich world, which gives to all who puts forth a profitable effort. Has convinced you to dig your own lonely grave in the cold dark soil.
The importance of gold, silver and money is all very important in the world systems we all have to live in. Even your worldly education which must be tied to approved accomplishments is now very crucial to any worldly wealth generation.
-----First Peoples Lessons----
Yet, at the same time. We have all forgotten what the true wealth of the world is. Such as true family, real friends, genuine wisdom and spiritual development. We all have forgotten what is truly important in this world. In which those brothers and sisters which have maintained tribal or native wisdom's. May in fact be one of the keys to our survival as a species of human beings.
Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and the Laws of God is how we exist. The essential wisdom's of Harmony is still with the Tribal or Native peoples. Yet, all we can do as modern thinking people is laugh at how they live and automatically discount what they know as inferior and with little value.
It is crucially important for the Native, Tribal and first peoples to openly go forth and begin teaching their most secret wisdom's in regards, to life, love, peace, harmony and the laws. To continue to keep these specific wisdom's secret only hastens the extinction of all of the peoples of a singular humanity.
The prophecy of the first peoples, native and tribal peoples is this. They all will be continued to be threatened into either extinction or to become a part of the modern world. In which the modern world will lead all human beings into extinction. This is because the modern world has abandoned righteousness, wisdom and spirituality. One of the keys to human survival is in the wisdom's of these ancient peoples. Harmony is a part of the logical formula to life. In which the absence of harmony does end with extinction of the whole. If you do not have harmony then you will have chaos. There is no nothingness to be in between them.
Life = Love + Harmony + Peace + Laws

 This is an all inclusive formula. In truth you cannot have one without any of the other purple elements. Sure there are more positive words assigned to this formula to form a multi dimensional formula. But, it isn't for me to write or to even know. I'm meant to focus on these five word elements. Even how I write these five purple words is most likely in error. The fact that there are these five purple words is what needs to be focused upon.
Just like there is an inverse to the five purple word formula which is:
All of those five words as well as their associated negative word elements all leads to varying degrees of death and extinction. As in individually, family, city, state, nation, ethos, everyone. one of these shall always lead up to the other. Or is it like lighting an explosives fuse in the middle with bombs on either side and all around. Have you ever seen a fire works explosion? or a fireworks factory explosion. One just does not explode. They all go off eventually in an apparent random set of explosions. In which the first to blow causes all other to eventual blow or to become destroyed in some manor. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Serpent Ends You: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2016:

The serpent which you choose to follow. Shall be the one who decides when and how your free will shall end you. 
Think about this. In most every culture there is wisdom in regards to the snake. You carry the nice snake across to the other side of the river and then it bites you. The snake replies to your cries of why. Well, the snake says, You knew I was a snake.
So it is with your friendships. There are many snakes in human form. They seem cool, informed, fashionable. They are still snakes. Those that follow the snakes are just the next meal to be had by the snake or they will just be the next to be sacrificed by the snake in order for the snake to save it's own slimy and oiled skin.
How do you know what is the truth. When good has become bad and evil has become good. Justice for the criminal has become righteous while the good citizen is criminalized into an evil doer.
No matter what the law states or what the officer demands of you. Good will always be good and evil will always be evil. No matter how twisted society becomes.
For example. This just popped up in the news. Assuming it is true.  I just read a story where Heirloom seed collectors are now considered Agri-Terrorist. I have no idea if that is an actual fact. But, I have known where dairy farmers have had their milk destroyed by machine gun toting law enforcement persons. Really...How does a reasonable person or a group of reasonable people who choose to go into a public service with honor and integrity and then intimate farmers with an extreme over kill of weapons. While their are gangs, drugs and terrorists every where in this country. You cannot say the politicians passed the laws in favor of food corporations and that makes it a lawful right. It is the snakes which are making the laws and it is you who blindly follow those laws which cause you to choose to freely give up your honor.
Are you as an honored law enforcement person. Willing to give up your honor. So that you can arrest or harass peaceful people who cause no harm to anyone. Except maybe, when they are driving their horse and buggies on the road with horse droppings as a trail of crime to be followed. I'm just waiting for that photo of (APC) Armored Personnel Carrier to be at the farm house showing evidence of milk crimes against humanity. While military clad men pointing their machine guns at a people who will only pray for them.
No I won't be following this story and it is your duty as a reader to take information to the source. Not just to some reporter who reported on a thing. Because, with the demise of the newspaper industry so to has truthful and respected reporting.
What do you do? When the profession of service to your fellow citizens has become insane with laws which criminalize your fellow peaceful citizens. Really, Is this further evidence of our former peaceful government becoming an Oligarchy. As law Enforcement persons arrest people who grow natural seeds, foods and raw milk. How does a cop maintain his honor and self respect? In an environment where everything seems backwards. Where crime is rampant and heirloom seed collectors have become the focus for attention by Law Enforcement agencies. It is just to weird for me to understand. But, it is a part of prophecy. Where a person in Law Enforcement no longer knows what is good or what is evil and must obey all laws, rules and direct orders without question. Even if that means losing their own honor and self respect.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sins Monster: Sin Thief: (Unedited): 23-24 May 2016:

In adversity, persecution and in slavery. Unity can be found.
While the progressive nature of sin grows disunity 
into an out of control apathetic monster.
Just like everything we know of about life. There are living babies, then toddlers, kidlings, Pre-teens, teenagers, Young adults, adults, parents and then old people. These are the stages of life and then you die. Sin sort of works the same way. Sin always begins small and easily controllable and manageable. Then they grow into those things which must be kept secret at all costs.
As sin grows and grows. Sin becomes more important than your own flesh and blood family. Sin becomes more important than friends or career. Until, a point is reached where the sin over takes the mind of that person becomes fully in control of life itself. of course no one tells you any of this when you first begin to sin. It's like your first adult or alcoholic drink. But, your funner and cooler to be around. Unless your an anger management drunk. That usually comes later. Once your out of control and the demons begin to influence you or just take you over. Why do you think they call alcohol spirits? Really... No one say your gonna become an alcoholic. You just do. You just learn how to manage your alcoholism. Until you lose your job, your family and the good friends you once had. Now all you have is your bar friends. Who are not really your friends or are only your friends when drinking is involved. The rest of your time is working and being alone until it is time to go to the bar.
Very similar to smoking cigarettes. No one says these will become more important than the health of your children. It just does. Smoking makes you more calm and more at peace. Yes, it does. But it is in the how smoking does that. Smoking tobacco makes you care less. Smoking causes your brain to become apathetic to everything around you. To a degree and that degree of apathy grows with the duration of decades of smoking. Even when a needed thing is needed for the family and yet you buy a pack of cigarettes. Nothing is more important than you cigarettes. That is what they become. Even when your lungs are full of cancer. You still smoke. Until you die. The love from your own family cannot persuade you from smoking. So you die with a cigarette in hand.
Yes, drinking and smoking is a sin against your own physical body and mind.
There are also all kinds of sins and once a person has one sin. Other sins will be desired and developed. A multitude of sins will further push you away from the good people and good things in life. The true meaning of life will become absent from your mind. The true purpose of life will become that undesired side road not taken. You life becomes like a NASCAR track. Left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer, left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer. There is no purpose or meaning to a NASCAR life other than to go faster and faster.
But, what about the adversity, persecution and slavery. Like minded people will find their unity. Until sin is introduced and divisions are made. Such as people who have experienced the same persecution can find common understandings. These things will grow until a sin is discovered in which one or the other cannot accept. Then disunity gains a foot hold and the two who shared similar horrific experiences become divided because of sin. While the two who share the similar persecutions and the same sins. Will go off and become fast friends. Not because of the shared experiences but because of the same sin. It is always about the sin and the sin becomes the cornerstone.
While those without the sin and who focus on their shared and similar persecution. They find meaning. They find understanding. They gain wisdom. They move forward. There is comfort in wisdom and understanding that any bad and sad during a childhood. Was not ever about the child. It would not have mattered if the child was someone else. The abuses and tortures still would have happened to that other one.
This is vastly different than those who embrace sin. The sin becomes the corrupted blood which covers their growing  negativity. This corrupted blood must be poured into and onto the body daily. In order to try and forget or to make it all go away from their mind.

 A man and a woman will marry and find their unity in their children. Those new legalized relationships made from sin cannot ever find true natural unity. As their rewards are purely selfish and cannot be perpetuated naturally.
Sin Thief: (Unedited): 24 May 2016:
Sin is the thief which steals righteousness, wisdom and understanding from you.
It is not my intention to Insult NASCAR or NASCAR fans. Even though I did. I know you NASCAR types are very serious about your racing. Just painting the picture here. Especially, you fans who think that one driver is hotter than your spouse and you would have an intimate relation with them if it were presented to you. Lust is a sin and you don't even have to touch. Or that you hate that one driver for being better than your favorite driver. Hate is a sin and is as is murder. This also includes other wrongful emotions and thinking. Maybe, that e-vile driver will crash in which we will become excited over every crash. How many back in the day cheered Jr.'s crash head on into a wall and then he died. You see now you former Jr. haters keep it secret.
How much beer do you drink while watching NASCAR? Enough to cause you to walk funny or to slur your own speech? Are your children watching you and learning how to become alcoholics by your own example? But, this isn't just about NASCAR. Football, baseball or any other sporting event.
I remember my adoptive mother walking out onto the playing field of my little league baseball game and then passing out on the field. Yea, that was before I went back into Foster care for the second time of my life.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

You Know: (Unedited): 15 March 2016:

Trials, tribulations, temptations and tests are those things which must be endured in order for you to know your faith, your will, your righteousness and your honor.
Failure of life's real tests are those opportunities to grow from the sadness, guilt and embarrassment. In order to become a better human being. Their not fun. Some of those mistakes, failures and sins revealed are meant to hack away at your pride, ego and arrogance. Thus, bringing you more in line with those very important spiritual lessons of wisdom and understanding.
One of the greatest forms of arrogance, pride and ego is to never admit your failures, sins, mistakes, faults and weaknesses. Even when you commit crime, get accused or even caught. You continue to deny it all. It matters not what the evidence proves conclusively or how many believable witnesses there are. All the while, You are doing more harm to yourself than you have done to your victim. Because, maybe your victims will survive and go on leaving all that you are behind them as an eventual forgotten memory. You to will go on. You may even forget their names. But you shall never ever get away from their curses upon your own living soul. The more harm you do. The more harm you do to yourself and it shall all be magnified to an unbearable level. Beyond that tolerance which destroys all of your own sanity and reason.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

6 Quotes of Prophets and Mentors: (Unedited): 12-13 Jan 2016:

Mentors Diminish Prophets Rise: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2016:
In the beginning of the lives of any people. There is always the presence of mentors. The mentors who teach in a positive and uplifting manor. The mentors offers no threats, no fears and no intimidation's. They just teach Development of character, faith,belief and skill. As a person, town, country, people and world become hardened to the good things in life which offers the most true wealth to any person. The numbers of mentors begins to diminish and the numbers of the prophets begin to rise.
Saturated Prophets: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2016:
The world which has become saturated with prophets and prophecies. is a world with deaf ears, prideful eyes, egotistical minds and arrogant hearts. This has become a world which will soon end and begin again with meek mentors.
Entertaining Prophets: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2016:
With full knowing and awareness the insane world will seek out the prophets and prophecies. Become entertained from their profound words of wisdom's and change nothing in their lives. Despair and death shall come to them all.
Confronted By Prophets: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2016:
The troubled world when confronted by the prophets and their prophecies. Shall become angry and upset. Many in the troubled world may even cry bitter tears and wringing their hands red. Even then they shall not change their lives as they clearly see and hear destruction and death over take them all.
Mentors Absence: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2016:
The mentor is a useless tool when the heart and mind are hardened and unwilling to change. This is why there is great absence of mentors as a hardened world approaches extinction.
Saturated Prophecies: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2016:
A society/people which becomes saturated with bad and sad prophecies is a society which has not listen and will not change. This is also a society/people which is destined to become extinct.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Friday, October 30, 2015

Past Deep: (Unedited): 30 Oct 2015:

Truthful and deep, intangible wisdom, knowledge and understanding come to those souls who have gone past their own mentality and physicality to truly know what is not there. 
Wisdom and understanding can easily come from watching those around you. What to do and what not to do. Especially, the what not to do. You know watch some of those YouTube videos of people doing stupid things. Watching those whom you consider to be successful and then copying their actions. So that you can have similar gains. You can also learn much more from your own failures than you can from success. Think about that one for a moment. Who was that inventor that invented the everlasting candle after more than a thousand failures. Now we have LED light Bulbs.
These kinds of wisdom, knowledge and understand is only the tip of the ice berg. To what is really underneath the water. That point of division between the ice, the water and the air. One you cannot see but can feel if something wrong happens to the air.
To go really deep in your own journey to find new wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You must become blind, deaf, helpless, breathless, without senses and unfeeling. All of your fears, anxieties and psychological boxes must be released, opened or disappeared. Almost to the point that even your own physical body no longer matters any more.
Then after you free yourself from all of physicality. You can then begin a new journey into those deeply profound intangible things. 
-As I'm writing this. It always seemed to me that the wisest of the wise always seemed to be weakly thin. I wonder if that is some kind of clue. But, then you have that fat Buddha. The reader needs to know. I'm 5-10 inches and weigh 230 pounds. I'm not comparing myself to the wisdom of Buddha, only our common rotundness.
- I am not implying anywhere that you must die, to seek physical death or to continually flirt with death by any possibility. Nor am I implying that you must harm yourself in any way. I also, do not agree in anyway the use of any mind altering substances of any kind. No matter their legality or how they are prescribed for medical uses. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Christian Enemies: Righteous Understanding: Religious Truth: Righteous Martyrdom:(Unedited): 14 July 2015:

You religious Christian's whom God knows you not. The enemies are at your gates and have surrounded you on all sides. Yet, you continue to celebrate and rejoice in your religiosity. 
 You religious Christians. The enemies are at your gates. The enemies has their spies amongst you. While you rejoice and are entertained within your worldly feel good churches. You shall be torn asunder and no one will know. All atrocities to the Christian shall be sanitized. All content from the Christians shall also be sanitized. No one will know. No one will know that the Christian doomsday prepper who have fortified themselves has been completely destroyed and buried over. Never to be found or heard from again.
Your churches shall also be destroyed and burned without regard to the lies and deceptions which is racism. Again, no one will know. The only thing which shall save your church is to be on the LGBT good church list. These good churches will not teach anything in regard to sin or repentance. They will also make a declaration that anyone who is LGBT is A O K. and welcomed in any capacity within the entire church organization.
Church goers of the bad churches which is not on the LGBT good church list. Shall be followed and tormented. Their personal homes and things shall be destroyed. They shall also be physically punished and murdered. Yet, no one will know and their shall be no justice.
satan's justice: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Like a lightning Bolt Justice comes for the benefit of the most defiled of sinners. Justice comes with a vengeance to destroy all of humanity. Especially, the righteous ones in the eyes of only Yahweh Elohim. This shall be satan's justice. 
The bringer of justice should always be questioned. The Christina religious masses have become totally helpless and will do nothing. The world as they have known it has ended and they shall become the criminal as they already have. Through lawsuits all manor of Christian business shall be sued into nothingness. It will not stop there. The pressure on every single christian shall become over whelming to the point that their only safety is in the darkness of the forests and deserts. Yet, in time they all shall be found and buried in their places of discovery. For in that time. Those who hold until their end shall receive the divine blessing of the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Righteous Understanding: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Any person can live right without God but any person who lives rightly with wisdom and understanding is righteous as accepted and seen by only God.
I have met many people who have considered themselves good by simply living a good life as a good civilized citizen. You know those godless types who recycle and save energy where ever possible. They never even make the connection that their gods and idols are those man made symbols in which they seek out as a consumer of goods.  
Religious Truth: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
You religious Christians have revealed the truth of your spirit when you permit by permission sin to enter your holy places. You have become more fearfully obedient to the offensive worldly laws than you are with Godly laws. The truth is you never were righteous Christians.
The evil threats which are within many churches shall be revealed when in those holy places sin is allowed to reside and is welcomed. This is only an aspect of abomination of desolation. 
Righteous Martyrdom: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Only those who are righteous to the cause and in their lives shall know the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Those who are merely religious shall be tortured and killed. Many may believe them to be a martyr and declare it so. But, it shall not be the case when they only become the forgotten victim of a murder.
Lost Focus: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
The people who lose their focus of God are the ones who have chosen to turn their gaze and attention on the charismatically gifted of tongues. The unwavering belief and faith in any mortal person is he who becomes like gods and idols. 
This is how the common people follow men who have become god like Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Mao Zedong. The promise of a better future is paid for in blood. The sacrifices of humanity are of those persons who would have been or become the biggest stumbling blocks for the leader. You must murder every alpha male/female in order to exercise absolute and total control over everything.
Even though these dead blood thirsty dictators are long gone. They are still worshiped and their beliefs continue on.
Keep your focus upon God, seek out His Face. Do not follow any person. No matter how wonderful their words are. If you are one of the righteous ones as accepted by God and the spiritual gift of martyrdom is for you as it was for YAHSHUA Jesus Christ. Let you last gaze be for the face of God and your last urging thoughts be for Yahshua. In this way you shall have endured unto the end.
Christian Doomsday Preppers.
You shall fight and you shall kill many. But when the government authority focuses upon you and your prepper group. You shall be isolated and killed. Just watch the videos of the militarized police who respond to a shooter in some house. An army of militarized police show up with all manor of vehicles and air assets. Those targeted individuals who are in the zone of control. In that day shall be killed. All witnesses shall be cleared away.
The new government authority shall redefine what it means to be an accepted citizen and offer guidelines on how a good citizen is socialized, acts and reacts.
A part of your doomsday prepper plans should entail a focus on maintaining your own individual righteousness/holiness as seen and accepted only by God. For I tell you the truth. There shall be no place safe on the Earth or in it. No amount of physical preps shall keep you safe from free roaming demons who can just walk through your secret walls and concealed barricades.
Good Physical Death: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Enduring unto your end with your last willful act of your free choosing being that of righteousness and holiness is a good physical death. 
Control Zone: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Within the zone of control the government authority shall have total privacy to do as they will.
Added on 17 July 2015: This Quote series was published on:
Thank You guys and gals at Anything Prep for publishing this quote series. 
This was a tough series of quotes to write. As I'm still not so certain that there will be a rapture of the faithful. But, I'm not so against the rapture that I will absolutely reject it, when it occurs. I just know historically throughout the Bible that God does not historically save the masses. God only saves a remnant. Such as 8 adults of Noah and his family. No children. I'm not condemning God just trying to grasp it all. No children were saved. Aren't children innocent or were children so contaminated down to the most basic of levels. They to had to be destroyed. God is all knowing and all wise and we all must trust in him. Even if we are all physically so contaminated that we are not selected to physically survive the coming hell on Earth. In a short period of time the entire Earth shall be DE-populated down to even to extinction of all human life. Except for the remnant to be saved.
So it is important to have your own spiritual connection to God. By you choosing to become more than just religious. By you freely choosing to be righteous and holy in the eyes of God. Because, when our physical bodies end for whatever reason. It is our spirits within which survives. This I know as an absolute truth without offer any proof.
Added on 17 July 2015:
Other related Prepper quotes:
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Threatened Theologian: (UNedited): 11 June 2015:

Without repentance, reverence and righteousness. The religious shall be threatened with becoming a theologian.
The three keys to being aware of your spiritual connections with the Divine God are as follows. Repentance, Reverence and Righteousness. But these three keys are not the first things you need to begin this logical awareness in your journey. Just as wisdom, knowledge and understanding also require something else but are logically tied to Repentance, Reverence and righteousness in some way.
There is a definite logical and mathematical relationship with the following term groupings. Not in listed order. The four groupings should be correct.
God, Spirit, Word.
Repentance, Reverence, Righteousness.
Love, Peace Harmony and Life.
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

How they relate to one another mathematically. Is beyond me. But, I do know it is so. Almost like one red apple plus one green apple equals one red and one green apples.  Did I even express my fruity example correctly?
There is also and inverse to those above blue words. In which I'm not entirely aware of. But here is a few. The words in red is my best guess.
satan, devil, lucifer.
hate, war/conflict, chaos, death/destruction.
ignorance/stupidity, incompetence, intolerant.
Sometimes the thesaurus is just weird. If your a wordy type. Read this or these. The antonyms. Do the antonyms for each of the blue words as well as the red words.
So I guess you can only be satisfied and happy if your unrepentant.
The word censure sticks out but is unrelated to this topic.

Theological relationships with these.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Religious Threatened: (Unedited): 11 June 2015:

Without repentance, reverence and righteousness. The religious shall be threatened with becoming a spiritless and heartless theologian.
Any person at any time can study and have full knowledge of any ancient religious holy texts. Their very personal or even professional action does not guarantee that they will ever have profound wisdom and understanding of those dimensionally deep messages within those ancient Holy Texts.
It does not matter how much educational background they have or even how high Their IQ is. They may know a great deal but are absent any solid understanding and wisdom.
Do not be deceived into thinking a person is much more than you will ever be. Especially when they confuse you with their words with other words which are yet still confusing. Yet they smile within that air of religious pride and arrogance.
The evidence of their true spiritual nature and the condition of their heart shall be hidden from you. You can see this in their exclusion and privacy from everyone's prying eyes. Never ever do they realize that Their Homeless Jesus Christ had no privacy. Besides how can a true servant of God have any privacy or exclude themselves from those people whom they are supposed to serve.
Their service from a distance can also easily see their truthful nature. If they seem to be the ones who are always being served. Then they are not from Jesus Christ.
The false prophets shall be fully revealed. While their followers are completely blind to the absence of what they do not teach. The false prophets who are also the greatest religious teachers of this modern time. Shall accept and bring sin into their holy places and everyone will accept it as a new normalcy, as a new right, as a new form of social justice. This abomination of desolation shall precede the coming Disciplines and shall be the cause of the disciplines. Yet, no one shall even be aware and they shall continue to support their false religious leaders and false prophets. For the masses have been deceived with much false prophetic interpretations and false teaching. Have been expressed.
But, only after the fact, shall only the remnant of those false teachers, prophets, theologians, preachers, pastors begin to see with new eyes. The remnant shall repent, revere and become righteous in those last days when the fires shall purify the whole of the world. Those few who have their eyes fully opened shall be saved as the end comes for all living things. Just as the repentant man had been saved.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Thunder Speaks: Walking the Abyss: Prophecies Curses: (Unedited): 2? April 2015:

The thunder speaks to everyone in accordance to their own belief system. One person may become fearful of the coming storms while another will hear the incredible sciences in action. One person has no real interest while another gleans amazing understanding of new wisdom's.
All life upon this planet shall hear and feel the thunder when it comes from the unseen storm which approaches. The animals shall be some of the first to respond to this great sound. Men, women and children everywhere shall also hear the great sound coming ahead of a nothingness perceived. 
Only the select righteous shall be saved in those days which shall end for all. Just as in the days of Noah. Where only eight adults were saved. So to, you shall know that your own children may not be saved either. No matter how your define or proclaim their innocence.
Escape from your religious traditions and begin to live your lives in righteousness as instructed by God, the prophets and the Angels who have delivered the messages to and for all of humanity.
In the coming days. Those who are merely religious shall be forgotten. They shall be the majority of professing peoples. While the silent, forgotten and rejected remnant of the truly righteous as defined by only God shall be saved.  To the degree that the rapture may never be proclaimed as an event which has already occurred in it's time.
in the time of Revelations revealing and openings. There is much thunders. Thunders in nature when they are not of eminent danger are largely ignored by everyone. So to shall be these spiritual thunders when they are heard and yet misinterpreted by each individual religious person. Even the heartless and spiritless theologian shall ignore the thunders meanings. With comedy they who are easily seen shall laugh at rumors of thing has already happened. Their worldly wealth shall be lost if they admit the truth. Their worldly wealth has already been given as their reward from the god and gods of this worldly system. They shall see God coming and they shall see the end of all they know. They will think that God has forsaken them. But in truth God never knew them.
The who shall be forsaken shall only be defined by God and not by me or any other human being. The truth of me. I'm a deeply flawed human being and I struggle daily with becoming righteous and holy. Which is only given by God and not by any award from any man or institution.
To further your own research and understanding of this. Begin below here and then go deeper into the fearful waters of the wisdom of God. Just know that all of these efforts shall not profit you in the world.
Walking the Abyss: (Unedited): 28 April 2015: 
 As you claw into the wet sand of the worldly system of things. Know it is the fallen Angels who came as gods and created all that we humanly know. Become like Peter and yet not like Peter. Let go of the wet sand and let the spiritual waves take you out into the fearful deep of the tumultuous abyss.  Then call upon His Name and walk.
I've clawed into this world and want to hold onto it. My faults and failings as I do understand. That humanity is at the stage of truly altering this planet with knowledge and yet humanity does not have the wisdom nor the understanding of what they do. To the degree of causing great harm to this planet. I'm coming to that point where I know that one unknown voice shall not be enough to avert any coming man made disaster and they shall be man made on a global scale.
Everyone thinks it is God who brings the disasters. What if it is humanity who brings all of the prophesied disasters? If this is true. Then we all have the collective power to alter every bad and sad prophecy every written or spoken.
Prophecies Curses: (Unedited): 28 April 2015:
Prophecies can evolve to become more than what can be probable into that which has become self fulfilling curses. 
Everyone wants the coming Messiah to come and save us all. Yet, no one makes the correlation of his attitude and temperament when he does come again.

This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 