Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Blind Enslavement: (Unedited): 25 April 2016:

Blindly Believing another persons opinion without knowing and understanding the origins of the spoken/written content. Enslaves you to their way of thinking and believing.
There are a lot of people who offer their opinions. Including me. Know matter who you follow. You cannot take anyone's words as gospel fact. You must research their words always to insure they speak truthfully. You should not allow yourself to become deceived. In this world there is a lot of deceptions. Even the so called fact check organizations have been wrong. Not to say that whom they have reported as wrong was still wrong. But, how can that be? TO keep you thinking and believing as you are directed. To keep you angry and hateful. Think about it.
If your mind is full of lies and deceptions even though you believe them to be truths. How close can you get to Jehovah?
If your heart is full of anger and hatred? How close can you get to Jehovah?
If you pray and your spirit, heart and mind are negatively tuned? Who is listening? satan and the other fallen angels? maybe?
Are the thoughts of your mind full of sin, any sin? Like mistrust of those long haired hippy types or that certain group of people with the dark sun tans? It doesn't matter why, who, what, where or how you sin or in what degree. This is what keeps you separate from Jehovah and in tune to the fallen angels. Who are willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings and mimic them right back into your mind. Thus, influencing you into their will.
You see. Regular unscripted prayer and meditation. Teaches you how to control your thoughts for an extended period of time. Teaches you how to block and expel any unwanted thoughts and emotions. Which may not have originated within your own mind or heart or spirit.
All of the content of any entertainment show only distracts you away from Jehovah. Even Christian programming. When you are involved in listening or watching any show. Including the very produced shows at your churches. You are distracted from Jehovah. OH But... You say. I'm worshiping. Are you really? I'm not judging here. Look into your own actions which preceded the worshiping. Do you remember what each of the holy men had to do before any of them could go into the holy of the hollies? Go look in the Bible. Come as you are is out of context here. Study that one as well.
Are you actively becoming holy and righteous as only Jehovah will see it in the fruits of your life. Both inward and outward. You gotta have both ways.
Personal Note. I'm a deeply flawed human being who is making the effort.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Prophecy Revelation Understanding Lord God: (Unedited): 03 April 2016:

Do you remember that old Clint Eastwood Movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly? It's an ole Truckers favorite. It is full of partial truths. For instance the bad man was really bad, the ugly guy was well ugly and the good man was not a good person either he was just good at what he did. Do you get it so far. Which leads to a trucker comment. "You be good and if you can't be good then be good at it".
We are in Revelation. I know this. How? Just do. But, what does revelation really mean? Extreme apocalypse and were all gonna die except for all of those who ever proclaimed to be christian? Well, Nope. If your a professed Christian and have not turned away from sin and have not begun your journey to becoming a righteous and holy person as defined by Jehovah. Weel, you may be one of the ones whom Jehovah proclaims as to have never known. Only you and Jehovah shall know or you may be surprised.
Revelation to put it simply is a revealing? A revealing of what? Everything. All of the truths as lies and all of the lies as truths. Also, all of those secrets and hidden away things. Which means all of the Good, The bad and the ugly. There will be many theologians, pastors, teachers, preachers, Nuns and priests who will absolutely reject the learned and discovered truths which have only been revealed in this modern age. For instance, would you become offended that the word Lord means the god Baal? Many will after all they have been calling for Baal or Lord for decades. If Baal or one of his many many names is actually ruler of this world. Then all of your worldly riches is directly from Baal or your Lord. How do you feel about my comment? I would be really really upset and I am because I have said my own prayers using only the word "Lord and God". I'm as of today still in the process of studying the word "Lord and God" and am only in the beginning stages of it. But, it looks like the old Catholic church had changed the name of Jehovah to Lord and God maybe a thousand or so times. More revealed crimes against the Catholic Church. (I used the word God).
This is just one example. But, everyday something else is revealed. We can either accept the cold hard truth or just bury with all of the other treasures of the physical world. I want to encourage you to seek out the truth and continue to remain focused upon Jehovah Yahweh.
How many songs have you grown up with and how many songs do you love and worship with? If you see the revealed truth in this? Will you change your practice or continue on with your old ways?
If you study and research the origins of the word Lord and God. Will you continue to use those words. Especially, If one or both of those words is offensives to Jehovah Yahweh. Remember the lessons of Jesus and traditions?  It's in the Holy Bible go and find and read them.
What of Islam who use the name Allah which means God. Is all of Islam being deceived with the simple names they use? Are Islamic Muslims unwittingly praying to Baal just as the Christians are unwittingly calling out to Baal? Thinking one think but saying another.
The point I'm trying to make is that we all have been lied to and deceived in many different categories of information. Much of these lies and deceptions are many thousands of years old and have been just assumed as truths today. For instance. The separation of humanity by the standard of skin colors. We call it the races of humanity and has led to many wars, many wrongful deaths and many many other wrongs. Which are still perpetuated today. Even though scientific fact has proven that all of the different races of humanity is all based in lies. This racial truth was revealed in and around 1985 and more exacting again in 2003. AND This is now 2016. Still the majority of this planets population does not know this absolute truth and those who do, do not really care.
There may be thousands and millions of lies that we all believe to be truths today. On the contrary, There may be thousands and millions of truths that we believes as lies today. Then there are the actual truths and actual lies that we do know. Can you begin to see just how confusing the Revelation of the Bible really is? Just be sure to keep your pride and ego in check while you alter from one way of doing into the truthful way of doing.
If you can get through all of this confusion and are able to get to those little purple words below. Then you shall be a very special human being in the eyes of Jehovah. (I almost said God).
Added on 25 April 2016:
Then those who know of prophecy. Know that satan is going to copy all that Jehovah has done. All of this in order to deceive. Satan and the 10% of the fallen angels which still are free to roam this Earth all know when the appointed time is or it's very close approximation. These 10% of the fallen angels along satan are doing everything they can to continue to deceive and to hide, mask or cover up all truths of Jehovah. Especially changes the meaning of those holy symbols of Jehovah in the mind set of humanity. So, yes satan and the 10% fallen angels are controlling and manipulating the thinking and beliefs of human beings.
For instance Hitler took the holy German cross and corrupted it. The LGBTQ community took the rainbow and made their symbol for gay pride. There are many many more things. So we are in the days of divine revelation and satan and his free to roam fallen angels. Will also have their own revelations to mix in with the true revelations of Jehovah. Which will all be designed to confuse and to keep separated those from Jehovah. In this point of time satan and his 10% fallen angels are winning. Then a prophecy states that the remaining 90% of the fallen angels will be loosed upon all of humanity. So if 10% are winning now? What will happen when the other 90% are freed? and who will free them? Humanity under the controlled delusion of the fallen angels? Will CERN be the tool which frees the 90% of the fallen angels? as many believe? How can we all know what is true? Easy and yet not so easy. You Pray Jehovah. You meditate to Jehovah. You fast regularly. You flee from all manor of sin and wrong teachings. You continue to keep your eyes in the Bible and away from anything which may avert your attention or distract you. Which includes many forms of entertainment. Especially on the Christian radio and in your church.
Remember the study I'm doing on the words Lord and God. These could be a deception from satan or baal. All to keep you and me away from communicating with God. But, what if it is true? How should we as Christians communicate with our Heavenly father? Which is most respectful and honorable? Especially when you know just how the catholic church has corrupted the Bible and of Christianity.
--------------------------------  (Focus only on  President Bill Clinton's speech).
Prayer is you talking to Jehovah.
Meditation is you listening to Jehovah. Keeping your focus upon Jehovah.
Contemplation is your trying to figure out all that has been said by Jehovah.
Updated on 05 April 2016 @0710.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fundamental Truths: Happiness Contentment: Freely True: (Unedited): 13-14 March 2016:

Those who refuse to accept the fundamental truths in life. Will suffer and die by those lies.
Happiness Contentment: (Unedited): 14 March 2016:
There is no true happiness or true contentment of life when lies and deceptions rule over you.
Freely True: (Unedited): 14 March 2016:
The true you cannot live freely within the lies and deceptions you create for yourself. 
In your personal and private world. All throughout the whole of the world and any where else. There is only a false reality in the real world you merely reside in for this short period of time. When you have decided to cloak your true being in the shackles of lies and deceptions.
Happiness and contentment shall always be fleeting for you in this very short life we all have. Especially when the lies and deceptions you have created for yourself are discovered. Especially when the lies and deceptions which have been created for you were all designed to control you and to cause you to risk everything for those who will profit from your ultimate sacrifice.
No matter how much you learn or how much you have invested into your own education. Freedom will never be fully known by you or anyone else so as long as lies and deceptions rule over any aspect of your life.
Three fundamental truths are the separation and division of the human species based on (1)race is a lie. We are not (2)alone in the universe. The universe is not a (3)nice or friendly place.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Single Illuminate: (Unedited): 14 Dec 2015:

A single spiritual candle illuminated within a grand darkened world. Receives all of the attention.
A single spiritual candle illuminated within a grand darkened world. Reveals all of the truths and lies  that is within.
A single spiritual candle illuminated within a grand darkened world. Will be ridiculed for disturbing those who choose to remain in the dark.
A single spiritual candle illuminated within a grand darkened world. Illuminates the source for those who are ready to wake up and to go into the light, by their own free will.
The candle must be lighted by a source.
Only the source chooses which spiritual candle to light and not to light. Only the source allows any one spiritual candle to burn for a predetermined amount of time.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Clouded Truth: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2015:

Clouded to the truth a mind becomes to the truth believed as deceptions. 
Clouded with the lies the mind will become to the lies believed as truths.
I firmly believe we are in the Christian Revelations. Where all truths become revealed in the time and order in which those unknown truths are revealed. For me it is easy to see and hard to digest. While others just outright reject everything which contradicts their current state of mind truth. Even if their truth has a degree of lies and deceptions believed as truths.
For instance the perceived separations and divisions of the human races. This is a lie which is generationally based and may have even affected genetic memories. The difference between on person and the next person is their belief system within their own mind. It is that which makes up the contents of our own minds which has created the races of humanity. It is not the color of our skin, shape of our eyes, size of our noses,  positions of our check bones and efficiency of our livers. What makes us all Scottish, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, American or Russian. Is our belief system and how we have been raised and taught. This even goes deeper into our separation in to specific cultural identities and even to which sports teams we like or do not like. Even deeper still to which Chess club, poetry club, boat club, classic car club we each belong to. And etc.
The races of humanity is just one of those lies only recently revealed by scientific fact and yet most people don't want to believe it or even care to believe it. Read my other writings in regards to race. I list the evidence in many of those older writings.
The other lie. Are we as a human species alone. The historical proof says no humanity is not alone.You may want to visit the Holy Bible on that one and maybe the books of Enoch. Substitute the word aliens for angels. Just as a for instance in order to only modernize the words.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Monday, November 30, 2015

Race Solutions: (Unedited): 30 Nov 2015:

Solutions. How about truthful solutions. Something everyone should consider when based in absolute fact, even historical fact. Especially, when even today certain groups of human beings still teach that other groups of human beings are less than dogs and thus are not included in any righteous or morale correctness or Laws of God. Which basically means you can do how ever you desire and God will not hold you accountable. We all know about racism today. While racism is an absolutely real fact of life. Racism is also solely based in lies and deceptions. Racism is also a very power motivation force. Where one group becomes fearful of another group based only on appearance. One group immediately becomes superior human beings and the other savages or less than human beings. Now you have permission to go to war and justify killing. All the while those who are in control will hopefully profit from the knowing lies and deceptions they tell and teach their own populations. Until, A point is reached when the adults teach their own children. When cultures teach their own people.
You want solutions. Does the truth matter? Are you even willing to accept the truth no matter how brutal it is and the age of this truth. Yet, this truth is not taught to anyone. This truth if openly revealed will steal power and authority by those who desperately want to hold onto it. What if I told you that you and I share more than 99.9% of all of our DNA. Do you believe it or would you believe it if the absolute scientific facts were presented to you? Would that MORE THAN 99.9% of our identically shared DNA make us brother and sister to each other? By your own understanding. Research the completion of the Human Genome Project of 2003. Well that is only one fact how about a second one which involves international law of the whole world. It was formerly called DNA Finger printing of 1985 but is now called DNA profiling. It is where the genetic identity of a person ends in the conviction or freedom of a person. What it does is take about 99% of the total DNA information which seems to be identical to everyone else. The lawyers, Juries and judges focus on the remaining 1% which is used to prove guilt or innocence. This has already been used to free people who were on death row or have been falsely imprisoned for decades. There are two facts. Do your own research and when you get into the numbers. They get very very large as in astronomical. Way cool though. The third fact. The human skin is only an organ. Do your own research on the primary functions of the skin and the minor functions of the skin as the largest organ of the human body. Learn how if you lose a primary function. You can die, but if you lose the ability to create melanin. You will just become uncomfortable in the sun and will become a social outcast. So how come we do not create other races for the quality of a persons liver. I can't handle alcohol and I know people who can drink a lot of alcohol. By the definition of race simply based on skin tones. Then my argument of the differences of liver efficiency is equally valid? yes? maybe?
What about genealogy. Whose history can we trust and how far back can we go? Well, the most accurate history document is the Holy Bible. From that document. We can prove that all of humanity came from Noah and his adult children. Noah and his wife came from Adam and Eve. Who were most likely Genetic lab creations. As modern humanity can label the actions of some being.
But, when did the races and racism begin. Possibly the confusions of the tongues of humanity. This is also in the Holy Bible under the story of the "Tower of Babel". Do the research for yourself.
The separation of the races begins with truth. The more the truth is known, understood and accepted. The ugliness of racism begins to fade until it ends. What you are left with is a people who begin to know each other as true brothers and sisters. Or as the Native tribes of North America refer it to as "ONE RELATION". This one truth can end all of humanities wars with each other. Because, Who wants to shoot their own brother.

When I use the word "You" I do mean you but also everyone else.
john (C.J.MacKechnie)

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Curses, Curses, Curses: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:

 Sins Gifts: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:
Do not bring into the Holy Places. Your worldly works and rewards from the actions of your sins.
All of the rewards you receive from your sins are all curses upon you. Even if you have already spent those sinful monies made. They continue to remain curses upon you. Even those question items in which you currently own or even had owned. They are all curses upon you. Every single sin you have ever done are all curses upon you. It matters not if you don't even believe in sin. When you make a family or just start having babies. All of your curses and the curses of that other person who helped make the baby. That baby will inherit both of your curses.  
Soiled Curses: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:
Acquiring questionable goods, works and rewards. then giving of those things to the holy places. Is bringing your soiled curses and pretending them to be righteous gifts.
Churches do need to helpers and good workers who just come in and are unquestionably dependable and reliable. When you do not question or even expect righteousness from anyone. Then their so called good works are in truth curses upon your church. For instance a man who is well loved and respected within your church. Brings equipment to do maintenance, beautifying or even repairs. The beloved man does not own the equipment but is still using them. This beloved man may not have even been given permission. He just took them and is using them while he is being paid to do work for his employer. None of this is right and no one even questions him. Yet the very poor church is in better condition than it has ever been in. This beloved man of the church is actually cursing his church and just is not even aware of it. Causing wear and tear upon any machine without permission is theft. Your employers believes you are working for him, but you sneak off and do other work elsewhere. How many curses are coming upon this church? What about your church? This is questionable works.
Gift Curse: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:
Curses which you bring as gifts into the holy places are still curses, your curses. 
I think this is one aspect as to why many churches have become fallen churches. They no longer require the people who come to church to be righteous, holy or even good people. Just so as long as they bring in their tithes. These churches do not even question the source of the money coming in. Whether it be from deceptive practices from disrespected persons or even from the criminal element pretending to be good. Everyone knows that the catholic church doesn't care how they get their money or even from whom. Blood money no matter how it is obtained shall always bring with it curses.  Just because you give your very questionable gift to a holy place. Does not mean you are resolved of that curse. It shall be better for you to just burn anything in your possession which is from any questionable source. That is unless, You already know it is sourced from any sin. It is better for you to walk away from all of your wealth which is sourced from any sin then it is to continue to profit from it. Burn it all.
Psychics and priests:
You go to that psychic person who proclaims that you are cursed and have many curse upon you. The psychic claims to be able to remove all of these curses for progressive fees. What would any person who has just become so desperate in life because of all of their trials and tribulations. They would say yes and write a check. The first of many and as the curses are all removed one pay day check after another. Then as the curse become fewer and fewer they also become more and more worse. Thus, those very serious of life curses do require a bigger check.
I'm reminded of stories I've heard from many catholic Latinos. Who have had to pay large sums of money for the priest to get a loved one who has passed away out of Purgatory and into heaven. Sometimes the priest would say to the family that their loved ones sins were many and that they would need to continue to pay for a long time. Just so that their loved one would be free of Purgatory and rise into Heaven. I see this as the same con job, a deception, a lie. Only to gain more and more money from people who are desperate and heart broken.
Psychologically both the priests and the psychics may indeed help their clients. The clients may even feel better and feel renewed in their lives. The clients may even show a profound change in their being. But, Those psychics and priests who do these things, curse themselves.
Because, It is not within the power of any man to remove curses. All any man can do is point the way to that source which can remove curses and that doesn't even require a check or any other sort of payment. That payment has already been made by the sacrifice of the prophesied Innocent lamb.
Once you have made those necessary decisions. Go forth and sin no more. Go forth, cleanse and purify yourself from all of those things you had obtained from illegal sources, sinful sources and even questionable sources. If you do not know for certain if a thing was righteously obtained. Then destroy it. Do not sell it. Do not donate it. Destroy them all. Then think about blessings and how you can bless yourself by not blessing yourself. In which you cannot bless yourself. Others can bless you and God can bless you. That is how you do it. Did I forget the change of heart or the softened heart? Well, there it is. Go and love one another and witness what happens within your small little world.
Then never ever acquire anything which is from sin or condones sin or agrees that certain sins are legal rights. This include employment. So where will anyone work now?  The legalized sins are  curses which affects the entire nation and everyone associated with it. What this means is that the curse of legalized sin not only affects every citizen but also everyone else who is associated with the country of sin by any means. (Militarily, Business, Support, Agreements). If God severely disciplines the Nation of legalized sin. Then all who are associated will suffer to their degree. 
Added on 09 July 2015: 
Other curses in life in which you do to your own self. May not be a sin as defined by God. But, they are sins of the self.
1). Your failing to educate yourself and failing to continually better yourself as a human being.
2). Your failing to nurture and grow those gifts which you were born with.
3). Your failing to always do your highest quality no matter the project, job or mission.
4). Your failing to do the highest quantity of work. That you are capable of doing.
5).  Your failing to learn, to use and to understand the wisdom of those spiritual gifts in which you
       were gifted by God to you or even to your family lineage.

1) Some of these things may seem like the requirements of a master who owns slaves. Except for that first one. Which is key to not ever becoming a slave. The more education you have and the more math you learn which entrain's your brain for logical critical thinking. These two elements, education and a strong understanding of mathematical concepts. Will make it impossible for you to ever be a slave to any stronger enemy. Except where the lies and deceptions of political thought is seems to rule out. All political thought established is about how the few special people can prosper while controlling the little(common) people majority.
This leads to how you can better yourself as a human being? That is only for you to answer as I myself am a deeply flawed human being. Who seems to be able to better themselves in every category.
2). Your failing to nurture and grow those gifts you were born with. Those intellectual, athletic, artistic, musical, mechanical and empathy. There are more and those are for you to seek out and to discover for yourself. It does not matter how unaccepted they are to the world. For me one of those gifts is writing. If you can call it that. I know I hack every writing style law to shreds. I guess that makes me a writing criminal.
This is not to be assigned your failure when your parents were neglectful in the raising of you or your family was very poor and were not able to afford you to discover, learn or even grown your gifts. But, once you have a realization of what your gifts are. It is now your responsibility to do as you should in regards to all of those gifts. So as long as it does not interfere with the raising of your own children and family. You do now have the wisdom in teaching your own children the value of their gifts and encourage them in the development.
I should have played baseball and been a runner. But, I never had the fair opportunity. In life fair is not something that life is until you have that deep inner courage and reach out to grab that all powerful bull by the horns and exercise your very real power over it. I now have an athletic son. in which I can pass along my unfulfilled wisdom.
I should have learned music, taught to sing and the use of musical equipment. But, because my childhood was what it was. I can now enable a gifted daughter to learn classical music.
These things that I missed out on in my youth were not my fault and if your childhood was even remotely similar. They are not your fault.
I should have gone to college and received scientific and/or engineering degrees. To the point that the government says go live here in this secluded place with all of these cool toys we shall provide you. But, I was tested with an IQ of about 70? in the first grade. Thus ending any fair opportunity for any sort of real education. Is that my fault? of course not. A life changing unfortunate and very wrong decision. In which took me many years to unlearn once I discovered I did not have an IQ of 70?. A false belief of a self truth which had to be unlearned. That happened many years after High school. Now you know the why in how I write or is that hack words.
No matter how hard life has been or how awful your family were to you. You eventually gotta step up and grab that bull by the horns and don't let go. But, does this information find you before or after you have fallen in love with the one? have you already made children? Your newly self aware and self importance must take a back seat to the proper raising of your children. Then when they are grown and beyond their college years. then maybe it shall be your time. Or not, as the grand babies shall need your presence. Who better to care for and teach the grand babies? You or day care? Hopefully you said you as in day care they will not learn any wisdom or understanding. They will not learn the rich family stories, history and lessons in life that only you can provide. The more the grand babies learn from you. The greater the potential that they will supersede the previous generations. After, that is a silent hope of any good parent or grand parent? Yes?
3). The quality of what ever work you do. Should always be at your very best. Continually.
4). The quantity of the work you do. Should always be at your physical and metal maximum. 
5). The spiritual gifts in which was given to you by Go or even given to you through your families genetics. These things can and will either be a blessing for you or a curse. The differences of the two is often the rejection from the parent to their unknowing child. A parent cannot just forget about those genetic spiritual gifts and hope that they are not passed to their children. I see this has happened in many situations or in my case. The adopted parents were just completely unaware.
In your situation where spiritual gifts have manifested in some form. Did you go and seek help and then become diagnosed and medicated. This is the curse side of those genetic spiritual gifts. The rejection of spiritual gifts. Well are you bipolar or have you the uncontrolled gift of discernment? Really.
The unbeliever in such things as ridiculous as spirit anything and crazy psychic stuff. Never the less if your family has a genetic history of those weird crazy people who seemed to know and do things which is not done by any regular human being. Well, Just because you do not believe does not mean they are not very real within you. It won't matter how much you smoke, drink or drug yourself. They will continue to remain real within your own genetics. Until, while in a medicated, drugged or alcoholic state or all of it. You create a child with the new genetic damages of the alcohol, drugs and medications. Thus, you will see the result of your disbelief through the life of your child. Will your child be a curse or a blessing upon you? But, of course you don't believe in curses or blessings.
Then there are those who are newly spiritually gifted by God. They are the believers who are on the cusps of becoming righteous and holy in the eyes of God. From their inward and outward rejection of all sin. Have they become something better then they once were. They have and are evolving at the leading and direction of God.
Then there are those other gods. They to have their own gifts which they also give to their own followers. In which the absolute good qualities are absent such as Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. They tend to focus on the pride, ego and selfish desires of the follower. There is usually no intentional benefit for anyone else. When everything is internalized for reasons that are absent love, absent peace and absent harmony. Then there is no where for this "thing" to go except to continue to go in on itself. Thus, becoming an all consuming black hole in which the very life of you will be sucked out.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Era of False Prophets: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:

Humanity is in the era of false prophets. As humanity experiences more and more false prophets. So to will the level of miracles they do increase and be more wondrous. Until such a time when the greatest amongst the false prophets can call down fire from the heavens. Then will this revelation be finally revealed to all peoples. But, those devout followers and true prophets will already know who, what and when the prophecy means. But, those devout followers of God. Will already be suffering much and crying out to the Lord for respite.
False interpretations believed by the majority of the believers shall lead them astray. All the way to the point that they become absolutely deceived and know not their true Lord when he comes. They the deceived will war against the coming savior. The majority of humanity shall war against the coming savior.
Deceived Religions: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:
For those who are merely religious within their own religion and only does the minimum requirements as dictated by men who adorn themselves of their religious cloth. Shall be deceived and know it not. 
Blindly Fooled: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:
Those unbelievers and evil doers who have been full of the world and of apathy. When they see the miracles with their own physical senses. They shall believe and blindly follow in what they perceive by their own fooled physical senses.
Righteous of God:(Unedited): 27 June 2015;
Only those persons who are deemed righteous in the eyes of God. Shall know and understand which prophecies have been misinterpreted. Before a person can become righteous. They must revere/respect all that God has done and created. They must know their own guilt and repent of them all. Then go and sin no more.
This is not intended to be all inclusive.
Righteousness Acknowledged: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:
Righteousness is an acknowledgement from God and not from any human or human organization. 
Truth Light:(Unedited): 27 June 2015:
 A person who has been in the cave of shadowed deceptions for their whole life. Becomes greatly pained when the brilliant light of truth shines into their newly opened eyes.
Before you research the below links. Pray and meditate upon them first. Ask God your Father to allow your eyes to be opened, Your mind to understand the wisdom and knowledge contained within. Don't just read from the surface. Go deeper into every Bible verse. Allow and Let in the Word to reveal the Word into your spirit, mind and heart. Let these truths illuminate the lies within you and burn them up until they all become wind blown ash.
All I am is a finger pointer. The finger is only important until you see the source of the truth being pointed to. Then you move all of your attention to that source and move forward in your life. Forgetting about me. That is my sole intention.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Phony Phriends: Self Lost: (Unedited): 12 June 2015: 19 June 2015:

Phake and phony phriends seem to always be pecking on their phones.
Not really sure as to what to write.
Other than the confusion of what is the difference between what is real and what is digital or not real. I have watched many people come and go on this digital media. I have seen people lie and deceive. I have know many people who have many different accounts with a variety of different identities.
In real life. It can be the same. People use different names from time to time. People pretend to be one person in front of one particular group and then someone else in front of another. It seems like in the modern era. People can have their professional identity, Personal identity, family identity, Church identity, Political identity and secret sin identity. All of which can be digitally accessed and separated from one another with ease.
Self Lost: (Unedited): 19 June 2015:
The self lies and self deceptions in which you create or perpetuate will cause you to lose the truth of self.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Unlearn Human Lies: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Before you can achieve your fullest human potential. You must first unlearn the racial lies, cultural lies, political lies, social lies and religious lies.
C.J. MacKechnie
All lies are bad. All lies cause harm to those who discover the truths behind the lies. Lies and deceptions perpetuated gives power and authority only to those who continue to tell those lies and deceptions as irrefutable truths.
Those who perpetuate any lie and deception is the master owner of those who obey and are obedient to those lies. Which is absolutely known to be truths by the unaware slave.
To end all of those bad and sad prophecies for the end of the world to come. This is what each of us must do of our own free will/choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's.
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
So if your apart of the world's war machines. Separate yourself from it, go home and become a family man. Become brother and sister to any human being you come in contact with.  if your a tough guy be not the bully and become the protector of the weak and defenseless. No matter where they are from. If your one of the intelligent ones. Then do as your own intellectual gifts demands for the benefit of all human beings. Without ant reward, accolade or acknowledgement. We all are on the cusps of total extinction and it is by our own hand and not from God of all. The gods who have enslaved humanity in those ancient days are still trying to cause humanities extinction through subtle influence. They are the gods of those lies and deceptions. Everything is lies and deceptions with those fallen angels whom we were taught to believe were and are gods. Which is why the purple words above are very basic truths. The very basic truths are those things in which those can rebuild from corner stones. To rebuild we do not as a species have to begin rebuilding when 5+ billion people have already died in a short period of time. Assuming we conquer extinction. 
All of our fullest human potential begins by rejecting all lies and all deceptions. Then to begin to rebuild all of our selves with the purity and wholesomeness of basic truths. All of those purple words works together as a singular conclusion. You cannot add or take away from this logical purple formula.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Common Righteous rejection: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

When the common people have endured to many lies and deceptions. 
When the common people Have cause for mistrust and a lack of justice.
When the social suppression of any fairness in life has all but muted any hope.
The common people may outright reject the unknown hand of a righteous stranger.
 What is it that a common person is supposed to believe? What is truth? Why is bad-good and good-weak? Any person who twists the true meaning of any word is either a purposeful deceiver or a mindless deceiver. (I myself have the habit of improper word use and am doing my best to change the wrong habit).
we each must strive to seek out the truths and make all of them important again. It will be very difficult as anger and hatred may rise up against those who have continuously deceived you. Knowingly or mindlessly. Do not become angry and do not act out in violence. For the end result shall be our whole extinction on this planet. We as a species are at that point in our development. Either way a Human Righteous Era or Era of Human Righteousness shall begin as prophetically foretold. Actually, I do not believe those words have actually been spoken like that. Let me go and Google it. Nope. No matches. Interesting isn't it. Must be classified.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Looking Person: (Unedited): 2? April 2015:

A person can look, long and hard and yet never see anything.
I think I've heard this one before but not certain.
I guess this would be similar to you can lead a horse to water.
I live in a beautiful area of Florida. People spend thousands of dollars to come to this state on vacations ranging from a simple weekend to 6 months. It is just interesting just how some people can never see a beautiful sunset or complain that the small cloud partially blocked the setting sun.
Beauty is everywhere even in the state of Missouri. Where I have heard the negative slang for this state. What is that other quote. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
If you have chosen not to see any beauty. Then you shall not ever see anything beautiful. It is really that simple.
Every single day. I see the same sun setting upon the exact same horizon and yet every sunset is uniquely beautiful and awe inspiring. This is exactly the same for your sunsets and sunrises. no matter where you are on this planet.
This is more than just being able to see beauty. This is about seeing everything and anything with a truthful heart. Or is that being able to see or to discern truths which is outside or beyond your physical senses?
Think about that for a moment. What is truth? Do you believe truths are actually lies? This is a hard one to grasp. Like the lie of racism. Historically racism started at the tower of Babel story. In these modern times the many races of humanity has been absolutely proven to be a lie. research the Human Genome project. Then the DNA finger printing. Yes, so since the 1980's this has been a known fact and yet no one talks about it. Yes, The final conclusions are that more than 99.9% of all of humanities DNA is identical. This is a proven fact based on logical evidence. You just cannot get around this big elephant in the room. Even though you may hear those who profit the most from racism that it's all lies and deceptions. Which is interesting because all of those racists have been proven to be absolute liars and deceivers themselves. Even though many have been titled with being men and women of God. Which is of course a human title and not a Godly or Righteous title.
 What are the truths that you are refusing to see? At first thoughts. You may proclaim nothing at all. Which in itself is a self deception. If you just focus on what is actually true and what is actually a lie. Then your life can begin to become pure and righteous can also begin to grow within you. This can begin with exaggerations. Exaggerations are lies and deceptions. Which will prevent any righteousness to develop within you.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Instant Abuse: Think freedom: (Unedited): 19 March 2015:

Once you reveal the lies and the victimization of you. It will be nearly instantaneous when your abusers begin to accuse you with violent intentions. 
Your abusers will bring out all of their big psychological guns. Everything shall be your fault. You will be the only guilty party for all of the problems your family has. They will bring up all of your mistakes, errors and troubles. They will blame you for everything. After, They have always declared to you. It's all your fault.
Be strong. Be brave. Be courageous.
Leave your bad awful family behind and begin your definition of what a life is really like. Choose to live your life without all of that bad and sad of your own childhood. Remember the alcohol? Drink none of it. Remember the drugs? Do none of it. Remember the sinful life? Reject it all. Remember the violence? Be at peace always. Remember the tobacco? Smoke nothing. Remember the medications? Take nothing.
To rise above your circumstance. Mean you must leave it all behind. Completely. No one take their trash into their new house. Same thing. To better yourself means to actually better yourself. Go and get that education and then some more.
 Think freedom: (Unedited): 19 March 2015:
Your freedom shall always be tied to your education and to remain free will be always tied to your ability to reasonably think for yourself.
09 Feb 2021
Even the educated slave may not be able to reasonably think for themselves. While the uneducated who can think for themselves can remain free. 
You can see this today in communist societies and in those nations led by a dictator's. Those who follow those regimes are paid and given many benefits to do what they do. Even kill their own people. Which is their cost or price to live and to raise their own families in the familiar blood that they shed. The abuses and tortures that they cause. 
Having the Wisdom of knowing that you are reasonably thinking for yourself.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Historical Destruction: Historical Record: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The gods of the worldly religious. Must go forth and destroy all that is historically significant to the truly righteous.
Historical Record: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:
When all of the historical record has been cleansed and sanitized of the supreme God of all. Then those who are the fallen will show themselves and become humanities new saviors and gods. 
All of the historical record shall be sanitized and cleansed from every human mind. Then and only then can those fallen angels reemerge as the gods they once were. This is Prophecy. As it was in the time of Noah so it shall be in the end of days. It seems all that is left for this prophecy is common knowledge of the angels amongst all of humanity. Shall they be called angels or aliens? or something else entirely. Their return will most likely be called something else. So as to further confuse the masses as well as the religious and righteous. 
The gods of this world are still amongst us all and still influence us all by any way they can. Before they can show their new faces to all of the world. They are about to re-enslave. They need to delete all historical reference to the GOD who wiped them out within this solar system. In a very short period of time as define by human standards.
To create a new history or a new past based in lies and deceptions. Which cannot be proven or dispelled by any person.
Any person, group, religion, politics who alters, diminishes or deletes the true history of humanity. Is of the rulers and gods of this world. Thus, the enemies of humanity. Even if you do not like your history. Any history cannot be altered in any way. There is always wisdom and understanding in how your/our ancestors lived. All history is important. This is why there are so many screw-ups in the Bible. It's the truth. I probably should have used a different phrase than "Screw-Ups". Right now for me it seems the most accurate.
This is Prophecy.
I use the term gods as those fallen angels who came to this solar system and did terrible things to humanity. It was the supreme being (God) who wiped them out in a very short period of time.
They came as gods- use of the little "g".
The Supreme Being God- Use of the big "G". who created the fallen angels and became the human gods.
Warning: The urban dictionary has expletives.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dark Shroud: (Unedited): Unknown Date:

The righteous knows of the darkness which surrounds. 
From the hell below. 
To the sky gods up above. 
From the left side lies of all kinds.
From the right side deceptions of every sort. 
In the front is all manor of negativity, wishful thinking and doubts.
From the rear all manor of failed memories and what could have been's remembered.
The dark shroud surrounds the righteous always. Exactly the same as with any other human person except they know not and believe not.

The light of the righteous one illuminates the path they walk by faith upon.
I just found this on 2014 or page 2 of my blogger. :17-20 Sept 2014:. Incomplete and forgotten. Completed on 18 Jan 2015: 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wonder Mind: (Unedited): 30 Dec 2014:

The wonder of belief of truth opens the mind to everything. While the mind of disbelief in a truth is relegated to animalistic behaviors. 
 To believe in something does not close the mind. To believe in a divine truth is not only liberating but expands the whole of your entire being. Where as to believe in a lie as a truth. Will always limit and stop you from any kind of real evolution or growth of being. There is much more to all of humanity than the physical body and the physical awareness of our physically limited brains.
The concepts of any truth always begin as a thought within our own conscious awareness. From there we think about this new conceptualized thought. We ascertain through reasonable deduction if it is valid or a falsehood. Then we actively can choose to build upon the new concepts regardless if it is true or false. 

An absolute truth mixed with small falsehoods. Creates a power base of authority over those considered lower human beings which believe and follow. Thus, is how religions begin and grow. 

Such is the concept to "Love". "love one another". But only if they look like us and are not defined enemies by our government or religious group. At which point it is OK to hate, to war, to kill, to destroy. Why are there any claimed Christian in military service of any country?

Such is the concept of "Peace". To be peaceful within ones self and to be peaceful with others around you.
But only if they look like us and are not defined enemies by our government or religious group. At which point it is OK to hate, to war, to kill, to destroy. Why are Islamic Muslims active in conflict/war. Where ever they may be.

Such as the concept of "Harmony". Create and grow a harmonious relationship with everything which surrounds you. But, only if it doesn't get in the way of your human expansion. But only if they look like us and are not defined enemies by our government. At which point is it OK to hate, to war, to kill, to destroy. Yet in the eastern religions. There is much chaos in their lives.

 Such as the concept of "Life". The sanctity of life. The respect and protection of all life. Well so as long as it is not inconvenient. Then abortion is OK and has been deemed a fundamental right choice. The female form designed to grow life naturally. Now has the artificial power to kill life within her womb by her free choice. Which is lawful. The elderly sick who are beyond usefulness to the community, it is OK to euthanize.

Can you not see that all of humanity is being played against itself. By those who only want for themselves and who are under the control of those fallen ones.  The end result after all of the variables have been assigned. The final right answer is extinction. Which will be realized in time.
There is most certainly powers which are much more greater than us human beings. Many of these greater beings do not want us to evolve in any way. As a matter of fact, they want us extinct. But, there are powers and principalities which are even far superior than they. Who protects humanity in the hopes that we all will over come this evil which is among us. It is those evil fallen ones who teach us lies and deceptions that they have given to us as truths. So that we all falter and fail collectively. So that even the superior beings who are truly greater than the evil among us. Will be forced to destroy us all if we do not destroy ourselves first. It is basically a lose - lose situation for humanity. The truly superior beings have brought to humanity those philosophies which would guarantee our human survival into the next evolutionary stage. These philosophies are Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Four very basic words in which logically are absolutes in survival in any species who do evolve to the point of understanding those four words. But those fallen ones who only want our destruction by any means available. They have their own four powerful words in which any integration of those four words into the divine four words. Destroys the over all outcome. These very powerfully evil four words are hate, war/conflict, chaos and death. When we as human beings begin to believe that it is OK to live by those four evil words by any small degree. Then our eventual destruction becomes assured in the long term. If we begin to freely choose to live our lives by those four evil words by a greater degree. Then our eventual destruction by our own hands will be known in the short term.

It is crucially important that we each test all new information presented to us all as well as test those old belief systems for actual truth. Such as the lie of the many races of color among humanity. The essential truth is there is only one race of human beings. Skin coloring does not mean you are of a different race or even species of humanity. Neither does the shape of your eyes, nose or cheek bones.
Added on 19 April 2015:
Thank you Cacofony for publishing some of my works. 

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: