Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sign Post Dreams: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2012:

DejaVu is that unexplainable occurrence which happens to all of us and the easiest explanations are listed in the notes below. For the majority of those DejaVu moments Those are the answers.
 For those other moments which do not easily fit into logical, scientific or psychological reasons or responses.  
One still needs to ask very logical questions about this vision or dream. Because that is what it may be, a brief vision, quick dream, snap shot image of time, a sign post, a marker of something in which attention needs to be directed. These genuine  DejaVu events when they cannot be explained by logical psychology. Needs to be considered in an emotionally neutral light. Logic is the rule and logical questions is the required action. It is not wise to ever insert your own assumptions as we all know the street or urban definition of what assume means. It just makes an ...
These sign post dreams/Visions are and have significant importance. Even if it is as mundane as a simple emotional reaction or event involving a simple happy time. 
Such as: My little girl had a possible DejaVu the other day. She was waiting to do her violin class and I was there. This was my first time taking her to the violin class. Before class we walked over to the swings under the tree canopy and she swung, I pushed. It was a beautiful day and was fun.  But, Because she had not gone through the private detective time after she had the dream or vision. It will be impossible to consider this as DejaVu. But, I think it was as it was a first time and a new event for her, Although not a new place for her, but was for me.  Oh yes, We also, had a flat tire. Which was easy to manage. Since it was her possible DejaVu, the flat tire was probably not of importance. Especially, since she is not the panicky Pete type of personality. 

Private Detective Time:
1): You cannot analyze these small sign post dreams and visions if you do not have in place within your own life a active history and habit of writing your dreams down in your dream notebook.
2): Ask yourself how you felt during this brief dream or vision. A non emotional answer is an answer and is relevant to the logical conclusion of a DejaVu Title.
3): As with any other dream in which you have gone through the logical analysis process. You must do the same with the potential DejaVu dreams as well. It is OK, to analyze these brief dreams and visions before you conclude that it was directly linked to an official scientific definition as listed in the NOTES below. It is NOT OK, to automatically assume that a short dream or vision is DejaVu before all of the questions have been asked. You must include the official psychological and scientific response as well. Yes, it is more fun to assume a short dream or vision is automatically DejaVu. This is a gentle warning for you. The funniness of a DejaVu immediately takes you out of the logical thinking part of your brain and the logical part of your brain is where you should be NOW. 
4): Time questions: Day or Night? Seasons? Seasons can be ascertained by weather and clothing observations. The new leaves, old leaves or no leaves on trees, all indicate a time of season. Heavy snow means heavy snow. Day time, Is the sun high or low in the sky? Can you ascertain a direction for sun rise or sun set? Night Time, Do you know the stars and planetary movements? The phases of the moon?
5): What was the weather like?This is important for time as well as some places only have rain or snow in certain times of the year. The same with fog and sun light. 
6): What and where was the place, city, State, Country of the short dream and vision?
7): Who was in the short dream or vision with you? Are they still living? Yea, This is important for the direction of psychology, DejaVu or both. Did you know the people? If yes are you still friends with them? If not, you have to get psychological with this. You cannot avoid the psychology. It is important and probably not fun at all. Especially, if you have much baggage. Do not get into the blame game at this time. Only the facts and the logical questions do need to be posed.
8): Is there an event, party, gathering, concert and etc.? 
9): Does it seem to be just a regular day or night for you? Regular daily or nightly activities?
10): Alter and evolve this basic and brief list to yourself and to your use. Just keep it absolutely logical. Even when you ask emotional and psychological related questions. All emotional and psychological responses/answers must be directed back into the logical.
All questions should adhere to the basics. Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why?, How?,

After, the conclusion of this Private detective Time process it is OK to be emotional and all touchy feel-ly.
This may be confusing as it is my responses to other peoples dreams: The actual dreams are not included nor is the peoples names. For their protection. I will edit this as I have time. There is important information. For your own empowerment. So, That you can learn how to interpret your own dreams for yourself.  
Why not remembering dreams.
There can be more than one reason why.
sweets, alcohol, (unspeakable topic) and caffeine before bed a NO-NO.
(My opinion. No not drink any alcohol or unspeakable topic, Ever. If you do, Stop now.)
Stop all energy drinks at any time. 
Irregular sleeping patterns. No good either.
Light pollution. Not helpful. Block all light.
Noises. Causes fight or flight or just paying attention.
Bad bed. Basic cause. Water bed is the best for men. Really...
Not a comfortable temperature for you. Cant get to REM.
When waking up do it slowly and without shock and awe of blasting alarm clocks.
Get your 8. Just get it. Same bat time and same bat channel. Gotta create that sleeping habit.
No technology allowed within the bed chamber.  Really... No tech.
Creating a habit for remembering dreams
Before going to bed. Mentally prepare yourself for dreaming. Give yourself permission to dream, to remember your dreams. Meditate and Pray, make the time for this. Be calm, relax.
Go to the store and buy a special bed lamp, a special pen and a special notebook for your dream journal. The bed lamp cannot hurt or cause discomfort to your eyes or make loud clicking on/off sounds. Must be easy to operate as well. easy on-easy off. No clap on and clap off.
Create a dream journal habit. Every single morning just as you wake up. Don't move and just remember. Then move slowly to gently reach for the light, pen and note book. With minimal movement of your entire body.
Then write down the entire dream. (begin debriefing process). OR
I had a dream and am not able to remember. Yes, write it down. OR
I do not remember if i even had a dream. Yes, Write it down.
Gotta create the mental intention of a physical habit.
Always include date and time of dream occurrence or wake up.
For prophetic dreams. One should get into the HABIT in their awake daily lives. To have calendars all around and digital clocks as well. When something interesting is happening in your awake life. Always, ask what time and what date it is.(yes, really.). Even point it out on the wall and look at the clocks longer than normal. When you create habits. Hopefully they will translate into your dream state. We are all creatures of habits. Creating good and positive habits are very important.
Write it all down in the best way for you to grow and evolve your dream state relationship. No vacations or holidays from this self created habit. Even if in a motel, hotel or tent. The prayer and meditation process is crucial in every aspect of your life. Even in your dream life. Make the time.
------------------------------------------------------------  ( I like some of the info, Just not the god, It is up to you to define importance).
Your bedroom or sleeping room or dreaming room:
Oh yes. I forgot about the technology contamination. No excessive technology in the bedroom. In other words no TV or Computer. Calming, peaceful, relaxing, Spiritually uplifting music OK. NO rock and roll to spur your soul. No country music to sadden your soul. No hate and anger music. Get it. Ive heard but have not used products such as magnetic bed sheets or the grounding of the bed or the combination of everything. What works for you is what works. If you have high intensity power lines close to your home. Then MOVE.

Research "Home EM and RFI shielding". Youtube.
Dream Dictionaries
Dreams are very revealing. Dream dictionaries can be very accurate in general. But, Specifically they can be way off. Such as dreaming of a thousand alligators and they are all looking at you. Probably not a good dream for the average person. But, For the person who sees money and food in Alligators, it is a very good dream or omen. You have to account for your own psychology, your way of life and how you think and feel about things, when interpreting dreams.
Will be adding to above content:
Still working on below content:
  I hope they inspire you to become the detective of your own dreams. First be the detective on each individual dream. Ask yourself a whole host of questions. Such as Day or night? Clear skies or stormy? Seasons? The age of you and other known people? Age, condition and cleanliness of man made objects?I see common themed messages in each of your three dreams. Each dream has there own key words. They should be found. These dream discoveries that you make will empower you. They may even re-enforce your own resolve.I do see all three dreams as positive. Even though trials may be evident. Trials and tribulations always prove we are stronger than before the trials and tribulations began.If you Have any questions about these dreams. Please read my messages for other dreams in this group. Then message me anytime with any other questions.Dreams can have a great depth to them. Within one story There can be many stories and many lessons with in each.The first one seems to be about history. How focusing to much of your attention on your history can lead to disaster. Which could have been avoidable if you were just paying attention to the here and now.All of the war memorials is your history. The boyfriend is you and isn't.The here and now is you in the war machine vehicle. Which may indicate that you are currently still in war. Why else be in a vehicle of warfare?The boyfriend ends up dying in the war vehicle. The war vehicle is you. So, your current state and your history kills the boyfriend, ends the relationship might be better use of words.Superficially you can see and experience the beauty of each day.At the end of your relationships you do your best to ease pains with warm goodbyes.I may add more later, Unless you message me not to. Dreams can be incredibly personal and revealing.Naw, probably only symbolic.As the truck was falling down. You had to be up high and the husband was still in the car? 1. A species which is stagnant. what happens to them? 2. A species which devolves. What happens to them? 3. A species which evolves. what happens to them?The word species can be replaced with the word person.Your position of being higher represents which of the three statements?The trucks position of falling which is an aspect of you and your history. Represents which of the three statements?If the husband was still in the truck as it plummets. Which statement would he relate to?You have to know for sure if he was in the truck. Because your husband is who he is in the dream but, he is also an aspect of you. Which means? whatI think your stressing.... I think your trying to connect the dreaming and abductions. Not good.This is the deal. all of the things in which you are truly interested in. The probability that you will dream about it is much greater than average. Most of the people on the planet only have a taught faith in the space aliens, spirits, ghosts, Angels, demons, GOD or gods, Devils or Satan.Human Beings as compared to most of that list of other worldly or other dimensional or all of the above/below. They are very powerful. Some or most have the ability to turn you off like you can turn off a light switch. They can add, delete or alter your memory by their will and desires. The bottom line is there is nothing you can do to stop them. Like I said, It is by faith that most people know this. As a matter of fact you don't even have to have faith or even believe. Which are you/ A non believer? or a faith believing? or you absolutely know? or are you transitioning from one level to the next? There is much fear to overcome for each of us. Yes, it will affect your dreaming. The key in any next step is the quality time you put into MEDITATION. Please understand its not just me telling you this. This is from people who are way smarter, better, skilled, gifted and more Than I am.If your interest in a thing is causing you to have great fear and is an element to your stagnant growth and evolution. Then stop it. Stop looking into alien abductions. This is a distraction. Which ultimately keeps you from Meditating. So, meditate when you want to look or read about aliens.When you can not or know not?You have not.When you have not?It doesn't mean you can not or know not.It just means you simply have not. Keep It Simple Sir/Senorita.When you have and knew not? It Simply means you always have been able.When you have and thought you could not? It simply means you always have been able.
Look up on YouTube, Facebook and twitter. First YouTube though. Look up this helpless and pitiful kitten who cannot and cant. A kitten with a serious disability of being born with no hips or back legs. Will you Bring tissue? or will you celebrate? Watch all of the videos and read the story. What is this Cats message only to you? "Anakin the two legged cat". Every dream is a message and vision just for you. In every dream there is a duality. Meaning for every person, every creature and everything is what it as well as an aspect of you. Each an every dream is a new Nancy Drew mystery or a Hardy Boys mystery. Waiting for you to search, to ask questions. Don't ever feel bad or discouraged when one question leads to a single answer. Which then leads to many other questions. A persons dream is never two dimensional. There is great depth of meaning and understanding. Do not be surprised if your dreams are about losing a part of you while gaining something new. A duality in a dream such as an incredibly clean space alien which is attacking a dirty smelly me without end. Well, maybe I should take a bath and wash my clothes. Do you see this easy duality. The clean space alien is what I should be. While the dirty smelly me is what I am now. Once you understand this dual nature of dreams.What's next? Your action. Meaning. Soap, scrubby, water and nakedness. If you take zero positive evolutionary action for your own personal betterment. Expect repeat dreams with an amping up in volume and intensity
Spooky visions. When you cannot apply the awake real world understandings in relation to you.Then maybe the spooky description can apply. Which will still require debriefing and investigated. By others who are both friendly to you and who are not.
Be warned there are people who are psychics for profit. Who have learned that if they are rough and tough with you or anyone else. Then you shall not be a repeat customer. 
Anyone and everyone can be an advocate or a prophet.
A prophetic vision which benefits or is catastrophic to humanity. Must involve action by all involved parties. A bad and sad prophetic vision. Must be averted or mitigated if it cannot be averted. My reference for this is the story of pharaoh and Joseph in the Holy Bible. A prophetic vision which is good and promising. Must also be looked into and planned for if decided to be of importance by the body. Your brain is a permanent memory device. All and everything which you have ever sensed, thought or experienced is permanently stored within your own brain. Assuming no illness or damage to the brain. Also, if your brain is clean......
Creating awake habits. Such as preparing your bed and yourself for a wonderful night of dreaming. Such as creating a non disturbed and non offensive to all of the senses atmosphere. Creating a special place where minimal movement is taken to reach for your non offensive dream journal nite light. A special one and only used for this one purpose. A special notebook and a special pen. Again only used and placed in this one easy to reach place. If you have to get or add lumber to your bed to create space. Then do it. Your alarm clock cannot startle you. Create time to pray and meditate. Prayer is You talking. To meditate is you listening. Before bed give yourself permission to remember whatever it is you want and give yourself permission to dream about whatever it is you want. Do not drink or eat stimulant food and drinks. Keep your mind clean.....When you wake up. Wake up slowly. Without moving a muscle. Remember your dreams. Give yourself permission. That its OK to remember and to learn. Slowly reach for your light, pen and notebook. Write down the date and time. Then write the words of your dream. If you do not remember but had dream(s). Write that down and the number of dreams. Everyday you write in your notebook. Everyday.Pray and meditate. Tell yourself it is OK that you remembered or not. Give thanks and gratitude. Its all OK.Then repeat daily. No vacations or holidays. Keep your mind always clean...How did you feel about the dream? during and after?Why did you use the word ineptitude? Do you think you were lacking?what were the symbols? what color were the symbols? Where were they positioned on the robe? what side? front or back?what color were the robes? were they single color?who was the person in the hooded robe?why do you think you were not ready? what must you do in this awake part of your life to become ready? Do you want to be ready?why do you think you were not supposed to be there? Did you not belong? were you not wanted? Were you not ready? were you not prepared?why is this not your time? Do you want it to be your time?Why did you have to go? what is your feelings and meaning of "feeling a warmth all over"? Was it in the day time or night time?The questions. Is both a teaching method as well as an empowering method for you to define your own dream.In dreams. All persons, all creatures and all things are different aspects of you. The story in the dream is usually about what is going on in your life in what ever time of your life. Dreams are incredibly revealing about your true nature. Be careful about who you reveal them to. Read my previous responses to dreams here. So, as not to repeat myself. Learn this process. This will empower yourself and when you correctly interpret your own dreams logically and objectively. Your self correction, your growth, your ascension, your evolution. Will be hastened in your own self defined time frame. My questions and comments are not to insult and I do not require any response. Unless you want to continue conversation. As your answers are for you and not for me to know. OH YEA... Reading a dream dictionary may do more harm to understanding your dreams then good. As you are already fully equipped in interpreting your own dreams. So, you really do not need anything else. Except a how to.
Lion Time... Only lions on your mind.....Symbols. A stone Lion may be of reference to the Christian Faith or to which ever religious faith you are into. A stone lion is never changing. What kind of pyramid building was the stone lion in? What color was the stone lion? what kind of stone was the lion? How was the stone lion living? The stone lion as a source of information? or a source of more? What kind of information? Why were you not supposed to be there? Why was it not your time? In every dream you have. Every person, every creature and everything is you. The following questions is for you to answer. I do not need to know them. Unless you wish to discuss them privately. This is the detective and debrief part. All questions are not intended to insult or demean you in any way. It is a part of the process. That is all.
If you have studied any dream dictionary and believe it. Then you will need to refer to it as well as your own psychology in life. Then you have to figure out which is the best answer that benefits you best. For your growth. For your evolution and not for your agreement because it is enjoyably.
What does green mean to you? and how do you feel about the color green? What is the meaning of a parakeet to you? Or your history with pet birds? Or a desire to have pet birds? What was the dog trying to do with the bird? Before it harmed it? This could be a message for you to be careful when trying to help people. Unintentional harm can occur when helping others.Then when you discover your error. The broken bird cannot be repaired or fixed.the bird crashes into the house. So, even if people come to you. Some may even desperately crash into you.How do you feel about the particular house in the dream? Of course you are also the bird. Who has been harmed in some way from the home your in. Why do you feel like you have a broken wing? This is symbolic to you in a way you can only define. This is a psychological dream. A message from you to make those needed corrected actions in your life. What aspects of your dad is within you? The good, the bad and the ugly. The bad and ugly. You must weed out of your life. So that the precious flower that you are can manifest into your defined beauty. The mountain lion is you. You are you and the message in the bottle is you.You are the one preventing your own message to get through. The unknown message in a bottle may be prophetic. Unless the bottle is a reference to alcoholism in some respect.
A man had a dream of fat cows and tall grass. Beautiful days and starry nights.
How would you define this dream? It seem like it would be a wonderful dream to a cow farmer. It might be a dream where a vegan would vomit. It might illicit anger from a PETA person. For a city dweller he might be confused. For a man new to cattle farming. It might be prophetic and hopeful.
The point is. The dreams that you have cannot be defined by anyone or any book. This includes me as well.
The best and most accurate methods of dream interpretations is learning four things.1. Learn how to debrief. This is a skill which you can self learn. Then you can use it to help yourself and others.2. Learning how to be a detective. This is a skill which you can self learn. Learning how to see things and questioning everything. Like gathering puzzle pieces for an unknown puzzle. Often times. When many people get involved. They each bring to the table their own puzzle pieces or insights. Which seem to just fit together.3. Learn your psychology.This is important and incredibly revealing about your true nature and your internal conflicts. Learning about your own psychology. Will aid you in understanding your own dreams. What you learn about psychology in general can be used to help others. This I believe is the first step in dream understanding. Always, the first step.4. Prayer and meditation. You can end with three and not do this one. If you choose. Sometimes, all of the above can fail, or ego won't let go, pride just won't accept and etc. You can consider prayer as telepathically talking to the source. While meditation is telepathically listening to the source. You should have a heart of expecting revelation. Which is followed by contemplation. Four parts each which will require dedicated time on your part.5. The spooky. I said four didn't I. The broadest definition of what is spooky applies. This is the last term which should be applied to any and all dreams. This is when nothing else in our daily world applies. Once you give a dream the spooky term. You get to return to debrief, detective, psychology and prayer/meditation. This step by step plan. Can be altered and revised as you see fit. I forgot a critical component. During the entire process. You must be like a vulcan. Absolutely logically objective. Then after you have found all of the puzzle pieces to that obscure dream of your. Then you can be emotionally subjective. It was meant to be a little funny. I would suppose the boogie woogie ave. Shows my age. Dreams seem like that old spooky mirror. All you have to do is step through it and learn as you go. Dreams seem to be the door way which leads to other locked doors. Which leads to a lot more questions. The answers you discover and the corrective actions you make in your whole life. Is what unlocks the doors. You are the key and what you actually do, creates those needed keys. Which leads to knew wonders to be discovered and more locked doors. Your emotional attitude, your logical need for discovery, your heart on each of the doorways. Seems to be all in agreement to unlock any door. Kind of like the fictional character Nancy Drew. My daughter is reading me her scarey books from time to time. That's what I tell her. Anyway Nancy would on purpose go into unknown and possibly dangerous situations with a heart of helping, with a logical mindset of discovery and with a spirit of duty. All working together to solve the puzzle. The importance of these books is teaching her skills for when we continue her own revelation of self discovery. We as adults can do our own grown up research into more serious areas. Like how to be a private detective. Researching debriefing techniques use by the military and law enforcement. Begin a general study of psychology. All of this should be done for free from your local library and online with Google. There also needs to be a lot of love, compassion and understanding when doing any dream interpretations for other people. Oh yea and being delicate. Which I'm very weak in. When a person is suddenly confronted with deep emotional issues from the depths of their own mind. They can become angry, lie and deny, and accuse you. So, you should not argue with them at all. Just leave the information to them. So, they can work on it themselves. Its OK.You may not be a BIBLE person. Read the story of Joseph. While he was in prison. He interpreted dreams. He was very frank and matter of fact. Some times after the deed is done. The price must be paid in full as defined by an outside source and not you.
John Dreams and their understandings is all within you. How do you know about crystal skulls? and how do you feel about them in general?Use the information you have personally learned about them. Including the entertainment movies such as the last Indiana Jones flick if you watched it.Since, you have given little information.What was the context of the dream? Meaning fun? Fearful? Revealing? Informative? Educational? In a dream every person, every creature and everything is different aspects of you. So, ask this question to yourself? Why do you think your a crystal skull?  Crystal skulls are somewhat see through? Why are you see through or invisible? Crystal skulls have no body parts and don't move? Why and how is this related to you? Why might you think your going no where?
Become your own private detective in defining your own dreams. Ask yourself thousands of questions or until you get the understanding you want.Also, stay away from dream dictionaries. They tend to confuse things.Just as the dream dictionary and my own questions posed to you. May or may not apply. the author s did not know you or how you live your life and what you know to be important. Neither do I.My questions to you are dual purpose. They directly apply and also teach you how to begin to debrief your own dreams.Interesting. I don't know much about them either. Except from watching and listening to spooky shows.Oh yea, any questions I ask about your dreams. Is for you to answer for yourself and I don't need to know the answers. Unless you wish to discuss it further. Then we can do that in private.The mind is funny. So, if you know nothing about crystal skulls. Then my personal questions apply more.This is probably not spooky at all and more psychological in nature.Every aspect to a dream is crucially important. Including colors and those boring details.The 5 am jolt. get rid of the aggressive alarm clock Everything' everyone and every creature within a dream is you. Before a person quickly jumps to the conclusion. you must first rule out the primary purpose of dreams. Which are. To teach, to unlearn bad behaviors, For psychological revelations' fantastic fun fantasy and a few other. Which I just forgot right now. Then when you cannot assign any of the above reasons. Then you assign a spooky description as defined by you and others.Warning. Revealing your dreams to just anyone. Especially in a world wide or galactic wide public setting as this. Is just like standing before them absolutely naked. Thus' instantly revealing all of your good' bad and ugly aspects of you.
This is a duality dream. A dream of guided revelation.I think this dream started as a fun lucid dream of fantasy and then' something else began. something spooky. Spooky should not be assigned until after verification from other sources.No matter if your awake or asleep. When an intelligent being or person is getting into your mind. Its called "pushing". When they are taking information out of your mind it is called "pulling". When this process is done on  purpose by two individuals with mutual agreements' Its called "Communications". When it is done without  permission by one party. It has an official designation. Its just plain "BAD". But' of course human history seems to tell us. That when one person or a group begins to believe that they are superior. We all know how ugly it gets. ANY SUPERIOR BEING WHO INVADES ANYONE'S MIND WITHOUT CONSENT. IS A BAD SUPREME BEING. No matter how fun and fantastic you supreme beings make the dream content.  My opinion.The message of death underneath and life's continuation above ground. This part of the message which can only be defined by you. How do you feel about life and death. You mentioned Wales. How is this significant to you? Who died there?The church and its meaning to you. Graveyards are often close to the old churches in the USA. Don't know about Wales. Christians are raised in church from birth, baptized, live a life in the church and then die next to the church.The message of going back to the old church. May mean what was taught by the old church. Or the original meaning of Christs message to humanity or to you. The final definition of this dream is up to you.This is a wonderful dream about you. Let me know if I repeat to much.Every person, every creature and everything in a dream is you.You are you. You are the lions and you are the beach.Like your comment said your not a violent person. Which may be why you thought of the fork.Learn how to interpret your own dreams. By becoming your own NCIS agent or private detective.Ask yourself a thousand questions. Question and test your ability to pay attention to details.Like day time. Night time. Summer or winter. Color of the trees and what kind. Time of day. Beautiful day or stormy night.What kind of clothes were you wearing and etc. THERE IS A PURPOSE FOR ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS. JUST IN CASE IT BECOMES A PROPHETIC DREAM.By practising on your psychological, fantasy fun, learning, message and change yourself dreams. Not only do you learn an incredible amount of information about yourself. You learn how to pay attention to details. Which in life is the difference between life and death or success and failure. Depending on the job title you hold.This seems like a wonderful dream. 2009.A dream of fantasy, mission, message intrigue and hope. All rolled into one.You are a leader. Which is obvious. With admin on your pic.What ever which is unknown which confronts you. Your willing to work the problem to attain a functional understanding.You are willing to reveal deep secrets to all of the peoples of the world equally. No matter the effect.Personally for you. You meet those unknowns whom you have always wanted to meet. It is just like you expected.Those unknowns in life. In reality you do not fear. It is more of a challenge for you. What happens after the fact may very well scare you and cause you to run. But, in the end it seems everything turns out OK for you.This is a good dream about your courage and your ability to figure things out. Brother. This is a wonderful dream about your great capacity for courage, bravery and strength.That no matter what happens, good or bad. You will be OK.The imminent part is or may be an indication that something unknown is about to happen to you.No matter how awful it will be. You will be OK. It may suck to be you. But, you will be OK. And as you mentioned. Do not forget your ancestors. For all that they have given in story and in legend. You are the ultimate conclusion and it is your ultimate responsibility to pass it along and to achieve more than they who have made this way for you could ever imagine.
I usually do not write this strongly. I hope you pray and meditate on a habitual basis.Cannot discuss this. Keep your mind and body clean. Do not contaminate it.This dream may have prophetic qualities to it.No its not about aliens.In your dreams. Everyone and everything and every person is YOU.The aliens are eating and capturing people. So, what is it about those people do you not like? Your answer what ever they may be. Is that and those parts of yourself you need to end. Pretty much right now.These are those bad habits and wrongdoings that you do. These are the bad parts of your character. Which you must end now.Not because I said so. Not because the law says so. Not because GOD says so.Only because you see these bad things in your nature and character as wrong. That is why you should change. Because you say it is wrong. Then become like your ancestors who were warriors and leaders. Confront and conquer yourself.You cannot save anyone until you are first your own hero and save yourself..Dream dictionary can ruin dream interpretations.First and foremost. This seems like a very personal dream. So, no answers to any of my questions are expected.How do you feel about your aunt and cousin? What is the relationship like with each of them?In dreams. Each person, creature and thing is a different aspect of you.So, how are you like your aunt and cousin? Or how do you want to be more like your aunt or cousin? Or how do you not want to be like your aunt or cousin? Each question should be answered by you.How do you feel about their back yard? Positive and negative?Why do you want to see yourself or want to have pain? Why do you want your aunt to have pain?Why do you want to be reborn? In your aunts back yard?Yes, answer all questions independently from any other question.All questions are just pieces to the whole puzzle of your dream. Become your own private detective and ask yourself the harder and more personal questions. In those answers you will find the truth of every dream you have.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Friday, October 12, 2012

Meaningless Tiger: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2011:

The prideful paper tiger. Who thinks their so smartly educated. Can easily and endlessly string together fantastic sentences which has no real meaning or purpose. C.J.MacKechnie
Two more quotes. 12 Oct 2012: No ink and No copies made.
A person who is greatly educated is not proof of great intelligence.
The cloud of words expressed can easily mask the incompetence underneath. 
 I've met a person who endured 5 years in a Assisted Living facility or nursing home. He kept his sanity. Yet, he would be more aware of what is going on around him then some of your employees. Can you imagine living like that. Being confined to a wheel chair. Without the function of one side of your body. Yet, your intellect imprisoned and intact. A great listener this man has become. A real tiger with much meaning he is.

Tiger Without: (Unedited) 14 Nov 2011:

A paper tigers roar is without authority, power and teeth. C.J.MacKechnie
No matter what you do in life. Even if you have kept all of your cheating secret. Everyone will still know you as a paper tiger. You will lose your jobs because the supervisors will soon discover all that you are lacking in training, education, intelligence, Honor and integrity.
Your only safety net is working for your own family. Even that will only last so long. Because, you will eventually cause the loss of more money than you are worth. Your own family may even want to pay to to do other things. A effective cost saving measure as defined by your own elders.
 It is crucial for those genuine leaders, who are in positions of responsibility and authority to have a direct relationship with those who are the meat and bone of your work force. You must have that free and open door to them. So, when you hire that great and wonderful your management person. You need those key personnel to let you know. Your new young manager or even the middle aged person is a paper tiger. A new manager who causes you to lose key personnel will do such great harm to your company. That you may not be able to overcome. Even if you can save many dollars in wage/benefits. 

Crumpled Tiger: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2011:

A paper tiger is easily crumpled and discarded-swish. C.J.MacKechnie
Self explanatory.
Don't become a paper tiger. Don't ever cheat and always do your best in school.
The grade you get is the grade you get. Far better is the person who receives a failing grade, while studying all of the time and not even considering cheating. Than it is for the person who receives a good grade while only memorizing the answers to the discovered questions.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Masters Fears: (Unedited): 02 Dec 2011:

Those who protect and safeguard the masters of lies and deceptions. May very well become the fierce doom that the masters have always secretly feared. When all of their lies and deceptions become revealed. C.J.MacKechnie
 What happens to a person when all that they know they know is discovered to be a lie and a deception? What happens if those persons who are in positions of responsibility begin to realize that they have dedicated and given their entire lives for lies and deceptions? Some have even spilled their own blood and have become forever maimed. Who shall pay for thousands of years of lies and deceptions? 
Do not give in to hateful revenge. Do not relent into angers aggression. 
All of the power and authority of the world has always belonged to the common person. The common person/people has just given it all away and can take it back.  Taking it all back does not mean with force. It means to ignore those who have lied and deceived the common people. It means to no longer give anything to those who have only gained for themselves. There is no violence, no killing and no destruction it taking back. There is only the turning of your back.

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Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Plateaus Sins: (Unedited): 24 Nov 2011

The plateaus you experience. Will always be related to your sin. 
 Sin is a universal religious description. It matters not if you believe that we are just earth animals with a limited life span. It matters not if yo do not believe in anything else encompassed by anything super natural. Your plateau in whatever your area of interest is caused by your sin as defined by the popular religions. Repeating myself on purpose. It doesn't matter what you believe. It still is. C.J.MacKechnie

Look into that which distracts you from your intended purpose. Do you find entertainment in digital warfare where murders and destruction are fun and relaxing for you. Can you not see there is something wrong with that.
Hiding in secret and watching that which you watch. Deeply hoping you won't be discovered. Because, if your discovered all that which is good can be instantly destroyed. Having those private conversations with that other person whom you should not be having. Is it really worth risking the sanity of your spouse and ruining the lives of your children?
Your secret sins are not a wise expression of your life and will destroy all that is good with you and destroy those who are good who surround you. When your sins are discovered you will be absent of any good. From, that emptiness awaiting anything to fill in your own created void. Maybe, with more darkness, more selfish uncontrolled desires.
Your separation from accepted morality traditions and legal clauses. Will leave you without a profession, wealth and stability.

If your one of those who continually seek personal development in which ever area you choose. Your sin is still sin, in spite of what ever you may believe. Your sin may even impede your growth. If you choose sin over evolving yourself. You will only be harmed in some way. Your greatest impediment in life can be your wrong choices made or even the choices from any culture who says a lifestyle is correct for you. Growth and development within the spirit is very rigid. 
No ink and no other copy. deleted from Facebook.

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Would You?: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2011:

If you could? would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Passing by leafless trees. I see thousands of rain drops glittering in the bare branches. Shining their own rainbow of light and beauty to any passer by to notice. 
If you could? Would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Walking by puddles I see thousands of rain drops plop plopping. Creating their own interesting song in the moment. 
If you could? Would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Standing still and gazing upwards. Rain drops coming from nowhere kissing my face and hands. How can you not smile with the rain drops. 
If you could? Would you?
Be mindful of your own negativity.
Be aware of what you decide is bothersome, irritable and aggravating.
rain is just rain. Snow is just snow. wind is still wind. Fire is still fire. Earth is still Earth.
Do not become angry at the world for your poor planning or your decision of inaction.
The world is what you have allowed it to become. By your decision
The world can still be what you want it to be. Through your new decision and new action.

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Neither Zero: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2011:

Zero resides in that place which is neither positive or negative.
 This is also a place and a non-place. Where all of the logical supporting mathematical structure exists for all of the real and not real universe and universes. Do you get this. Because it is all flowing with stagnancy and frozen with movement. All at the same time. Weird. Then it responds and not responds to your intellectual attention.
Random Note form of thinking. I may edit and add and delete as i think more on it. Which may take years. 
The word use of zero is that something which I cannot perceive as something to be. So out of the nothingness of my own mind. I call it zero. A common thing, place, state in which all is expressed into something from that we/I can only perceive as nothing..
Added on 25 Oct 2015: Zero Point notes.
The energy release of sub-atomic level objects may/will have enough luminosity to be faintly reflected by zero point structures. Which may be seen. Originally declared of some kind of anomalous artifact/errors within the sensing equipment. It will be disregarded for a time. The distorted images will need to be stabilized with an eye in regards to time.
Since all things are intellectual representations of the zero point structure. All of the information is in constant, ebbs and movements. While the zero point structure is unmoving and is unaltered by any time related artifacts.
For Instance:
The Earth rotates on an axis at it's own speed. The Earth revolves around it's own central star at it's own speed. The solar system revolves in a descending orbit around a black hole powered galaxy. The galaxy moves and is influenced by another galaxy in which they are both moving in their respective mutually confused directions within specific ebbs and flows of the unknown and not discerned dark matter fluid state. What ever that is. Which may just be unintelligenialized matter. or matter without specific energies of specific frequencies or intelligence.
So every zero point structure only appears to be speeding by all that there is represented. Never to be seen again. In fact it is us which is speeding by the motionless zero point structures.
All the while the zero point structures remain motionless, timeless, matter-less, gravity-less, and many other lesses that I know not about. Except for apparent contractions and stretchings of every individual zero point.
Since all things are representations of the perfect dimensional math of all zero points. The power which can be tapped into may not be available as mentioned in many different science fiction shows like Star-Gate SG1. Because to tap into and take something out of it changes all of the math and zero will no longer be an answer. So, I do not think there is infinite power available.
Stretching and compressablity is a capability of the zero point structure. This occurs in all dimensions, possibilities and times. Every zero point is interconnected with every other zero point any where, every where, every dimension, every times.
Everything perceived within this dimension of what we call space time is a fluid and flowing expression of intelligent information.
A certain energetic particle which encounters an energetic wave in which the certain particle shares zero/no" energetic or vibratory identity/relationship with. Both the wave and particle will act as if nothing was encountered. If that singular particle was associated with it's own wave. Then the two distinctly different waves would simply pass through one another without every having any kind of reaction.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: Zero Math Time Notes:
The formula for linear time must be fluid within all things. Time can be both compressed and stretched.Which may feel like within the human mind as time has been quickened or slowed. Of which those perceptions may also be a simple bored or excited mind.
A generalized time related formula should/must be included in every other formula. The passage of linear time can be perceived by living beings. In the form of growth, age and antiquity.
The mathematical representations of time must of should be incorporated within every 2 dimensional formula. Which is to be merged with other directly related formulas. Within a certain exact space.
Everything which has a specific motive force in a defined direction. Shall have both a forward pressure front and a receding negative pressure wake.
The connectivity of all math formulas must evolve out of flat two dimensional representations and into multi-dimensional representations which is fluid in time.
Every known and unknown formula shall be interconnected in a mutually agreed point in exact space. in which the absolute answer should always be zero.
The human mind cannot quantify the finite number of zero points in all of dimensional space. For there is a very specific point for every dimension. Within 1 square inch of space can be A number infinitely greater than the grains of minute sand in a great desert.
The interconnected formulas remain unmoved. While the quantifiable intelligent information is what moves.
Just as a star continuously emits an incalculable number of photons of light every microsecond. So to is the similarities as to the number of math formulas connected to every single point in any dimensional space.
The variables within every single math formula which are all connected to the structure of zero point foundation. Shall always be in agreement and equal to zero.
As quickly as all of the individual photons of light exits the star. So do the variables change. This can be seen as waves within every individual formula.
Every star in it's own vastness. is very similar to the mathematical singular point of zero. Where as every photon of light is an individual mathematical formula.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Masters Lies: (Unedited): 01 Dec 2011:

The teachings from the masters of lies and deceptions will be believed by their faithful and unquestioning followers. While those who fiercely believe will loyally commit everything to their masters cause without hesitation. C.J.MacKechnie
 It is interesting how lies and deceptions are believed as truths by those people who do not question authority respectfully. I would suppose to guarantee ones position of wealth, power and authority, That person would not would not want some common unimportant person to ask questions. After all it might be considered dis-respectful or dishonorable. Interesting creation of a cultural tradition. All which only benefits those with power, wealth and authority. While having zero benefit for the common unimportant person who has zero wealth, power and authority.
 I guess you could argue that if every common person began to question every word which comes forth from a person with wealth, Power and authority, Nothing would ever get accomplished.
That is another lie and deception, meant only to re-enforce the false tradition of not questioning a persons plans or ideas or even a new way of thinking.
 Question everything and question it often. 
If a person in authority belittles you for questioning them. Then end their wealth, power and authority. Without violence, without death, without destruction.
The power of the common masses is more powerful than any singular man who claims authority, power, wealth. It is only the common people who guarantees the power, wealth and authority of a single man. The power of a singular leader is made up of common every day people. If the common everyday people refuses to follow a man who lies and deceives. Then they refuse to follow Satan.

Woe is the follower who believes a lie and deception as a truth with all of their being. Only to discover they have only been used. If you become awakened to the whole truth. Do not take any aggressive action based in a new found hatred.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Affect: (Unedited): 03 Dec 2011:

We are not isolated and separate beings from everyone else. Everything you do in your life has an immediate affect on your family. Then your friends and then the rest of humanity. 
 It matters not if what you do is public or private, well known or secret, personal or professional. You will have either a positive or negative affect/effect upon all of humanity. What we do as a singular race of human people on this one planet called Earth. Must begin with the individual and not the political. Once we as a single people realize this. We wont need leaders or politicians. We will Only need project managers for the worlds collective grand projects. But, first each individual must decide to daily be a positive influence for the benefit of their human brother and sister. C.J.MacKechnie
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds all the way to the introduction of the European leader. Then follows political babble.
Research for yourself the Human genome project.
Research Adam and eve stories from around the world.
Race is a lie and a deception on this planet. Racism is the result of the common people who have believed those in any authority. Who proclaimed that those people are different from us and they are savages and barbarians. So, we all must go and kill and destroy. All of this was done to convince good people to go to war for the leaders selfish wants to gain more lands and wealth. THAT'S ALL. After, The common people have made these rulers their new money and have gained them their new lands. The common people only get to pay with the blood of their husbands, sons and fathers.
 The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 

First Joy: (unedited): 12 Oct 2012:

Joy fills the butterfly watcher, who sees for the first time a butterfly. C.J.MacKechnie
It must be absolute amazement for a person to see the spirit of a recently deceased person emerge. The light of the human butterfly which emerges from the newly dead body is as varied as any other commonly known butterfly in our natural universe. Except, these human butterflies are that of colors of lights.
All proof which is unprovable in today's factual physical world trying to prove something which is not physical as we know it. Proof of all of our continuation after the expiration of our human body.
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Precious Butterfly: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2012:

Precious is the soul who witnesses the emerging butterfly. C.J.MacKechnie
There is more to this than a simple butterfly. The transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly means the caterpillar must die and the butterfly must be born. Most people never consider this as the caterpillar and the butterfly are both the same life. So, too, it is with people. When the human body begins to die, it is natural for all of those involved to be greatly saddened. From the human body's death emerges the spiritual butterfly. Those persons who are joyful, yet are often in the presence of people who are dying, must be butterfly watchers in secret.
These precious souls are witnesses to the continuation of life and not the final end of it.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Encroaching Cockroach: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2011:

The passively helpless mind will always allow negativity to seep through, like a mismanaged dam. While the positively proactive mind will always fortify their mental defenses. Never allowing anything negative to come near or even have a chance to encroach upon them like a stealthy cockroach. C.J.MacKechnie.
 Having authority over all aspects of your own mind means having absolute control over every thought and emotion. In order, Logical thought first, Emotional response next. This order of thinking is necessary, especially when identifying if an emotion or thought is actually your own. Usually the empathic or one who has been gifted with discernment as defined by the Christian Religion. May not even be aware they have such a gift. The genuine Christian may even reject the gift as some sort of occult action or witch craft. Especially since a large portion of the Christian authority nearly reject all works in the gifts from GOD. This is why the Christian of today sees virtually no Miracles in action. The fear of the spooky even if the origin is from the HOLY FATHER.
The empathic gift of discernment often begins small and insignificant. meaning the person feels something which is not easily known via the standard 5 human physical senses.  Then as the gifted person begins to exercise the emotional gifts and develops a better control over their own mind. The second part of the gift begins to manifest. This second part is the intellectual information tied directly to the person who is the source.
Hint: Study the woman at the well with Jesus. Or just study Jesus. Jesus exercised in all of the gifts.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Burned dragons: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2011:

The two dragons which fight over the same star. Neither will be free of burns. C.J.MacKechnie
 A star is a star, But it can be any thing. Stars are hot and fiery. Which means if you get to close, you get burned. Yea, Probably self explanatory. 
Its like fighting over beach sand. How many stars are in this galaxy? How many galaxies are there? It matters not the thing. To fight over a thing or things which belongs to neither dragon is unwise.

Fighting over stars which begin to enter the new life development zone within any galaxy would be of importance. One species would not want to move closer into the galactic core. This would be suicide. But, as a species develops. It would be necessary to manufacture your own solar systems. Creating and maintaining your own stars, planets and other heavenly bodies.  Then being able to move your created solar system into the desirable zones within the galaxy.
Hop scotching back into the dark outer bands of of a galaxy. May force your hand into warfare. Or you can create your own planet size ships and go where ever you need to. That may be the wisest thing to do. These large sized ships would give you the most protection throughout the galaxy. While traveling you can spread the seeds of life to any planet you deem probable.
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Spirit Man: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2011:

The spirit of the dead man. Learns the truth of his wrongful deeds by his own bloodied hands. 
The spirit of the dead man. Learns his actions from his own loveless heart and the suffering he has unjustly caused to others.
 The spirit of the dead man. Learns the evil thoughts of his own disturbed dead mind caused harm to the innocent.
 The spirit of the dead man. Knows now the guilt and missed opportunities to do good works as he looks down upon his lifeless corpse.
  Inspired from people who think and write about their own death. This is meant to be positive and hopeful. This is meant to inspire others to believe. They don't have to have missed positive opportunities in this life. .
 Suicide is not an Option. The pain, suffering and harm you cause to those who are still living. Is what you will do when you kill yourself. If you fail you cause those loved ones to care for your now disabled body. You create a hell for yourself and for others whom you wrongly thought. Would be better off without you.
The word "man" is meant as a unisex term for both genders.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Conquered warrior: (Unedited): 11 Dec 2011:

Before any warrior goes off into their first battle or war. The warrior must first conquer themselves, their weaknesses, their faults, their short comings, their morality issues and their sins. 
 As inspired from Babita Norang Kochar.
Updated on 18 June 2016:
A warrior or a person who conquers all of their weaknesses, faults, short comings, morality issues and their sins. Cannot be defeated. The enemy within you and the enemy who is not you will use all of your negative issues against you. In order for you to either become self defeating or become a defeated foe.
This is why you must strive to always conquer all of the weaknesses within your whole being. Weakness of the spirit, mind, body and heart.
There is a quote which many know while attending the gym of their choice.
"Pain is weakness leaving your body."
This seems like a half truth. Because some pain is not good. For instance when you over do it and cause damage to one of your joints or actually shred a muscle. It doesn't feel good to exercise and it is also stupid to excessively work out your body to the point where you actually hurt yourself. So, the brain must always be engaged in what ever strenuous activity you are doing.
Through exercising the spirit, mind, body and heart with a focus on balance. The whole you will see equal growth throughout your entire life. This is important.
I have met people who are very gifted athletes. Even one receiving invitations from colleges to play a football. And yet, he ignored them and decided to instead go play in the streets to be forever poor. What led up to this run away from a better life. The decision not to receive a free basic education. This young man is off balance. The gifted athlete who does not grow their mind cannot get to that next level.  Most likely because of the pressures of the poor black culture of the "hood". Which sees education of a black person as trying to be white. Ridicule always follows the poor black person who has been gifted with a brilliant mind. To keep their educational exploits absolutely secret. Even from their own parents and siblings.
So a young person needs balance of education and of their chosen athletics. The rest is often forgotten. Except when playing your sport you endure and conquer the difficulties which are before you. Then you shall be seen to have heart. I have seen this kind of person as well. A rich kid who has everything to easily grow their mind and to grow their athletics. Yet, does not seem to care at all.
I have seen this in a swimmer. This young man just wins, wins and wins. Yet, never had the heart to do those very necessary things to get to that next level. He always pretended injury. I even saw him with a walker once. Yet, outside of his swimming relationships. He was very OK. No more obvious injury. He could have been on par with a Phelps level of swimmer. It doesn't matter. He will go to college, have a car, have an apartment and extra money. Will he even finish college? He has the rich parents. Maybe, even generational wealth. I have no idea.
Yet, I know of a young lady who is now in college. A state winning swimmer with rich intact parents. Their awesome looking Jeep is worth more than all I have in worldly wealth. (Not a negative comment). She seems to have that balance of education, athletics, heart and spirit. In spite of racism seen at the competition pools. A lonely conquest which became a family endeavor. No matter what, go forward. Especially, when surrounded by your family. That is even a lesson for the young.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Never Tithed: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2010:

The person who cries to GOD about all of the years and decades they have tithed and received nothing for it from GOD. Never tithed a single time. C.J.MacKechnie
GOD is also ALLAH, Source and Grandfather or however else you define the one Being.  
 The intention of your mind and the condition of your own heart is key. The condition of your heart must be an open lock to GOD.  GOD is not a bank for you to accrue interest. GOD is not your safety nest in which you at least receive back all that you have given, plus interest as defined by you.
If you have written your check after a wonderful worship service and an inspiring teaching from the pastor. Yet, you change not your life or attitudes. You have not tithed. You paid for the admission for your entertainment.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Beyond The: (Unedited): 05 Dec 2011:

Beyond the whispers of your tears. Beyond the cries of your soul. Beyond the abuses of your body. Beyond the anguish of your mind. GOD IS waiting just for you with open arms. Where Love is beyond the physical. Where Peace is beyond the dimension. Where Harmony is beyond the universe. Where Life is beyond the immortal. C.J.MacKechnie 
 God is also Allah, Source and Grandfather.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Death Apathy: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2012:

The death of you always begins with a small disease like a single cancer cell. Apathy is such a disease. Which kills your humanity via the contamination of your mind. 
Apathy always begins with the small things. 
Such as taking a small interesting or useful thing which has been lost. Maybe, at work you have a collection of lost and found. You search the lost and found box often for items to take. After all, the excuses you create, justify the theft and you even re-define it as something which is not theft. That makes it all OK. No it doesn't?
Such as lying and cheating, speaking falsehoods which benefits you or creating rumors which is meant to harm another. Cheating in a simple and fun game or even on a minor test in school. You can say it is all OK until you have been caught. Then you begin to rationalize that the only wrong you have done was getting caught. So begins your evolution of becoming a better liar, a better thief and a better cheater. After all it is only wrong if you get caught. 
Apathy is a sweet candy, which tastes wonderful and can be very exciting. Apathy is all about you, your own selfish wants and selfish desires. The feelings of others, the laws of civilization, the laws of morality matters not to you. What you feel is right for you is what you falsely think and falsely believe is absolutely right for you. The disease of Apathy causes you to believe that a lie or falsehood is true and right. The disease of apathy begins to transform you into that wrong thing in which you believe you are. Over time, Over the years and Over the decades, that sweet apathy candy begins to spoil inside your body and mind. 
The disease of apathy takes hold of you. All that you have once loved and taken for granted is long gone. The freedoms you once had is as well long gone as you peer through bars of steel. The health you once had is gone as the physical diseases with immoral behavior is killing your body and isolating you from good people. Through all of the apathy, you have discovered that you are now alone and abandoned. All of the apathetic people whom you have chosen over the good and caring people are gone as well. Your chosen apathetic friends have chosen to reject you. For some delusional reason you think why? why? why? Probably because they were all as apathetic as you. When you can no longer be a source of their entertainment, excitement. They will no longer include you. Just as you have done to others.
Hate and anger wells up. Other negative emotions surface and begin to die as the apathy within you kills off those emotions as well. Numbness and nothingness. There is no more feeling. There is nothing you care about anymore. Not even yourself. Your will to live has become a will to merely exist. Soon that to will be gone. Soon, very soon. It will no longer matter if you are alive or dead. 
All you have now is time. The silence of nothingness cause time to tick away loudly. The logic part of your mind remains intact. So, you begin to reflect upon your life. The life without meaning, purpose and understanding. The logical conclusion of how you have become a waste of life begins to over take you. Even in this self-destructive moment you may not even be aware of the apathy which controls your entire being. You only know your alone and no one cares. Your last choice and your final option leads to your last action. A logical action solely based on the original lie and deception. In which you believed as truth. Something which was so small and so insignificant you no longer can grasp it. So you think the bridge or rail tracks looks good. The trucks zooming under bridges become an option. Even your choice of suicide causes harm to others. As the innocent train or truck driver will never forget how you choose them to kill yourself. The officers and emergency workers who only want to save and help others must retrieve your lifeless body. They know from the discovery of your corpse, That they could not help or save you. You do harm many others with your suicide. Even in your total apathetic nature. You do not care. You do not love.
Th cold quiet end has come. Your family and former good friends have many questions. Forever hurt and harmed they have become. They loved and cared about you and you left them after you walked away.  Into that lifestyle, into that world of crime, into the dark shadows of immorality. You choose it and you choose to leave your own family and friends. You choose the addictions over your own family.  Its funny how the truth always comes out after a suicide, after a death from disease or execution. 
Your suicide does not end with your death. Those young ones now see your actions as a possible opportunity for their own life if they make a wrong decision. Even in your death, suicide will live on within the family and friends you have abandoned. Your suicide may even lead to the total disintegration, death and extinction of your whole family. 
Your dead and gone, But not really. Your just dead and now you get to see the conclusion of your life's actions. Through the healthy hearts of your loved ones. You get to feel all of their pains and sufferings. The apathetic disease does not follow you into that which continues after this death of yours. There is continuation. With the apathetic disease dying inside your old dead body. You get to feel everything. Can this be the hell which awaits you? Feeling all of the pain and suffering you have caused in your former life walk?  What shall you do now? Await hells fire and damnation as defined by Christian preachers and pastors. Create you own hell as you begin to dwell on the life's hell you have caused those you still lives and endures on? maybe both? 
Reject all sin and flee from it, right now. Apathy is the active war zone in which the innocents flee from. Even when the innocents flee from the war zone. There pain and suffering may forever be evident upon them. Though they still live.
Reject from yourself all lying and cheating. Reject from yourself all immorality and crime. Reject from yourself all dishonor and unholiness. Seek the truth of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and know it is all about a life worth living and not just an exercise in control and authority.
For those of you who read. Thank you for enduring through my improperly strung together words. Please know the message is important and not the how it was written or even the messenger.  I've not had the benefit of a proper education.
Adding and deleting of content will happen from time to time.
A whole boat load of editing will also happen.
There is no Ink and no copies.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Peace Struggle: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2012:

Peace within and without struggle. C.J.MacKechnie
 There is no struggle to have peace, to keep peace and to maintain peace within you.
This was a comment as inspired from reading a comment from Deepak Chopra. "Grace, if truly received, brings complete peace."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oreo Time: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2012:

All that a common person needs to know about time and how time works is in an Oreo cookie-double stuff. Really...
Imagine for a moment that you are outside of space time. All that is, was and still is, is occurring all at once.
All of Space time is contained within a single package of Oreo cookies. Multiple universes are just like Oreo packages placed in cardboard boxes used in shipping and transportation. All of space seems to be dark and cold. So, to is the refrigerated trailers used in hauling Oreo Cookies. This is all very logical.
Our universe is like a single package of Oreo Cookies. Where space and time happens in a linear manner. Upon opening the package of Oreo's the first thing you notice is the wonderful aroma of the collapsing Oreo Universe and scores of life being extinguished. Then you see all of the Oreo's arranged in separate individual rows. Thus, you can see all of the different galaxies that is all neatly and organized in harmony.
Boring Scientific Information that gets in the way of serious Oreo Science.
Added on 17 Feb 2021: 
Time is very interesting. When you do more than live in the present moment. All of the present moments of time become interconnected. When all of the present moments of time become interconnected. Time becomes two dimensionally nonlinear.
We as human exist in linear time. We each have our individual beginning and ending. As we focus on the only aspect of time that we exist in. We can connect all aspects of our existence with a very present time mindset. So just like how we can know what has happened in our past. We can know about our future. If you do not like your future change your present into what you want your future to become.
Will NOT be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Yourself Aligned: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012:

Aligning yourself with the traditions and theology of a religion. May not be the same as aligning yourself with the Divine Holiness of GOD Almighty.
 Becoming devoutly religious binds you to the teachings of that religion. Being religious only causes you to become weary and unfulfilled. While pursuing a path of holiness as defined by GOD. Keeps you energetic and filled. 

Logical Perfection: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2012:

Before you can feel the song, the music must first be logically arranged to perfection.
A song which had brought you to tears or filled you with joys excitement. Had to have been logically created first by the author. Then the music has to be played by musicians which is genuinely affected by the message of which they are about to perform.  Then you the listener responds as desired by the author and musicians is the grandest of compliments for them.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books