Showing posts with label Understanding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Understanding. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Religious Threatened: (Unedited): 11 June 2015:

Without repentance, reverence and righteousness. The religious shall be threatened with becoming a spiritless and heartless theologian.
Any person at any time can study and have full knowledge of any ancient religious holy texts. Their very personal or even professional action does not guarantee that they will ever have profound wisdom and understanding of those dimensionally deep messages within those ancient Holy Texts.
It does not matter how much educational background they have or even how high Their IQ is. They may know a great deal but are absent any solid understanding and wisdom.
Do not be deceived into thinking a person is much more than you will ever be. Especially when they confuse you with their words with other words which are yet still confusing. Yet they smile within that air of religious pride and arrogance.
The evidence of their true spiritual nature and the condition of their heart shall be hidden from you. You can see this in their exclusion and privacy from everyone's prying eyes. Never ever do they realize that Their Homeless Jesus Christ had no privacy. Besides how can a true servant of God have any privacy or exclude themselves from those people whom they are supposed to serve.
Their service from a distance can also easily see their truthful nature. If they seem to be the ones who are always being served. Then they are not from Jesus Christ.
The false prophets shall be fully revealed. While their followers are completely blind to the absence of what they do not teach. The false prophets who are also the greatest religious teachers of this modern time. Shall accept and bring sin into their holy places and everyone will accept it as a new normalcy, as a new right, as a new form of social justice. This abomination of desolation shall precede the coming Disciplines and shall be the cause of the disciplines. Yet, no one shall even be aware and they shall continue to support their false religious leaders and false prophets. For the masses have been deceived with much false prophetic interpretations and false teaching. Have been expressed.
But, only after the fact, shall only the remnant of those false teachers, prophets, theologians, preachers, pastors begin to see with new eyes. The remnant shall repent, revere and become righteous in those last days when the fires shall purify the whole of the world. Those few who have their eyes fully opened shall be saved as the end comes for all living things. Just as the repentant man had been saved.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Thunder Speaks: Walking the Abyss: Prophecies Curses: (Unedited): 2? April 2015:

The thunder speaks to everyone in accordance to their own belief system. One person may become fearful of the coming storms while another will hear the incredible sciences in action. One person has no real interest while another gleans amazing understanding of new wisdom's.
All life upon this planet shall hear and feel the thunder when it comes from the unseen storm which approaches. The animals shall be some of the first to respond to this great sound. Men, women and children everywhere shall also hear the great sound coming ahead of a nothingness perceived. 
Only the select righteous shall be saved in those days which shall end for all. Just as in the days of Noah. Where only eight adults were saved. So to, you shall know that your own children may not be saved either. No matter how your define or proclaim their innocence.
Escape from your religious traditions and begin to live your lives in righteousness as instructed by God, the prophets and the Angels who have delivered the messages to and for all of humanity.
In the coming days. Those who are merely religious shall be forgotten. They shall be the majority of professing peoples. While the silent, forgotten and rejected remnant of the truly righteous as defined by only God shall be saved.  To the degree that the rapture may never be proclaimed as an event which has already occurred in it's time.
in the time of Revelations revealing and openings. There is much thunders. Thunders in nature when they are not of eminent danger are largely ignored by everyone. So to shall be these spiritual thunders when they are heard and yet misinterpreted by each individual religious person. Even the heartless and spiritless theologian shall ignore the thunders meanings. With comedy they who are easily seen shall laugh at rumors of thing has already happened. Their worldly wealth shall be lost if they admit the truth. Their worldly wealth has already been given as their reward from the god and gods of this worldly system. They shall see God coming and they shall see the end of all they know. They will think that God has forsaken them. But in truth God never knew them.
The who shall be forsaken shall only be defined by God and not by me or any other human being. The truth of me. I'm a deeply flawed human being and I struggle daily with becoming righteous and holy. Which is only given by God and not by any award from any man or institution.
To further your own research and understanding of this. Begin below here and then go deeper into the fearful waters of the wisdom of God. Just know that all of these efforts shall not profit you in the world.
Walking the Abyss: (Unedited): 28 April 2015: 
 As you claw into the wet sand of the worldly system of things. Know it is the fallen Angels who came as gods and created all that we humanly know. Become like Peter and yet not like Peter. Let go of the wet sand and let the spiritual waves take you out into the fearful deep of the tumultuous abyss.  Then call upon His Name and walk.
I've clawed into this world and want to hold onto it. My faults and failings as I do understand. That humanity is at the stage of truly altering this planet with knowledge and yet humanity does not have the wisdom nor the understanding of what they do. To the degree of causing great harm to this planet. I'm coming to that point where I know that one unknown voice shall not be enough to avert any coming man made disaster and they shall be man made on a global scale.
Everyone thinks it is God who brings the disasters. What if it is humanity who brings all of the prophesied disasters? If this is true. Then we all have the collective power to alter every bad and sad prophecy every written or spoken.
Prophecies Curses: (Unedited): 28 April 2015:
Prophecies can evolve to become more than what can be probable into that which has become self fulfilling curses. 
Everyone wants the coming Messiah to come and save us all. Yet, no one makes the correlation of his attitude and temperament when he does come again.

This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Actual Righteousness: (Unedited): 11 March 2015:

A religious person cannot become righteous without understanding the importance of wisdom and then freely choosing to live their own actual lives with that Godly wisdom. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Unrighteous Civilization: (Unedited) 10 March 2015:

The loss of any civilization. Comes soon after when the people lose their righteousness. 
Righteousness is actual right living based on the wisdom and understanding that you or your people have. This is logically coupled with knowledge. All three wsidon, knowledge and understanding are directly tied to one another in some yet unseen math formula. This unseen formula is also coupled together in some fashion to another formula. Love, Peace, Life, Law and Harmony.
The freedom to freely become unrighteous while being able to sin without guilt or remorse will always lead to a level of extinction. Of the person, the family, the city, the state and finally of the whole. Extinction does not have to be instantaneous.
You may think that your country and your family are still present while having become unrighteous. Give it time. First shall come the loss your your families name and then your genetic line just disappears. To be followed in time by everyone else. By then a state of apathy will emerge and no one will really care. As they do now. All that matters in life is "my" (Your) fun and my entertainment. A time when all the meaning and purpose that the people will want shall be their fun and entertainment.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Individually Themselves: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The righteous shall each individually purify themselves. Just as the worldly shall each individually separate themselves from anything which is holy and righteous.
 The righteous will automatically begin to purify themselves of all that is wrong, evil and sinful as defined by the laws of God.
The worldly as well as the worldly religious will also begin to individually separate themselves from anything which is holy and righteous. They will also separate themselves from anything that is wise or contains understanding. They will sense all that is important is knowledge and nothing more. The why, who or how will just not matter to the worldly or the worldly religion.
I see this as some kind of need to do. Like a butterfly that creates their own chrysalis. Something that they each know they must do in accordance to their own spiritual and mental decisions. 
These individual actions I believe is directly related to the Hopi Prophecies. Where humanity diverges. There may be the possibility of me not completely understanding this prophecy or it's interpretations may be inaccurate to a degree. The interpretations is humanity chooses one or the other. Not as two divergent groups of humanity. It is easy to see. If all of humanity choose the path of the wise. Then we all have abundant life. If all of humanity choose the selfish and worldly path. Then we all become extinct. I believe my explanation of this part of the Hopi prophecy is accurate?
This is Prophecy.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Divine Absence: Negative Separation: (Unedited): 04 March 2015:

It is with an angered mind and a hateful heart . Which keeps you absent of any divine wisdom and revealed understanding of any withheld holy secrets.
Negative Separation: (Unedited):  04 march 2015:
It doesn't matter why, how or even who has caused you to become angry and hateful. It is these and other negative thoughts and emotions. That you choose to hold onto. Which keeps you separated from God your Father. 
Where does the God of your understanding want your mind and heart to be? Just ask yourself that. No matter what your religious leaders have said to everyone in public or even in private.

To live by the law or to live in lawlessness? Which one? You can only do one or the other. 
To love one another or to hate? Which one? You can only do one or the other.
To exist in peace or in conflict? Which one? You can only do one or the other.
To be in harmony or in chaos? Which one? You can only do one or the other.
To nurture life or to kill life(murder)? Which one? You can only do one or the other. 

The fallen angels and humanity seems to always be able to always twist the intended words of God. There always seems to be at least three choices in life and usually two of the answer are wrong.
(A). That is until you choose to be righteous. Then you have only one choice. It is still a choice but the righteous person only sees one and it is of course the right choice.
(B). That is until you choose to be evil. Then your freedom to choose is absolutely taken away without any awareness and if you do have awareness. Then you just don't care. All of your actions will be one of evil and selfishness. If you happen to do a selfless act of anything good. Even that shall not be of your conscious choice. It will be God or the Divine Angels assuming control over you for a specific purpose or action. Again, You do not have an aware conscious choice. You will just do it.
(C). You don't believe in any of this bat guano and do as you please. Because, deep down you know your a good person and always do good when ever you can. That sin stuff is over rated and all God really wants is for you to be happy. Well, read (B). It still applies to you.
Evil can be popular, acceptable, welcoming, beautiful and smiling.

It is my intention to express the logic of this. To me it seems absolute and spiritually appears to me as a formula which is not two dimensional. Which incorporates much more data. If you have read my history on this particular subject matter. You can see evolution in my understanding.
Here is the math behind the purple words. If you choose any of the second choices. Then that one wrong choice will bring about all of the other second choices. It is just the way it works. So know that when your pastor, Imam, Rabi your friends and your family choose to celebrate and support your decision to freely choose to go off to war. That decision will lead you directly down the road of Lawlessness, Hate, Conflict, chaos, murder. This is the potential on what can happen when you choose the wrong second choice.
But, what happens when you don't make a choice. Then you become the victim of the coming storm. By actively not freely choosing the first choices. You automatically become associated with the second choices by default.
Again where does the God of your understanding want your mind, Your heart and your spirit to be? I did specify the spirit above did I? Everything that you do and think is of your choice. That is until, Your judged at the moment of a spiritual decision. Then you become useful property or fodder property to the god of air and of Earth. Which is who? Satan.
If you are of the knowing of the difference between right and wrong. Look at the purple words again. Look at each of the first choices and then of the second choices. Which is right and wrong without any conditions. See exactly how far you are from righteousness or how close you are to evil? Same thing?
Personal Note:
In my younger days. I was not a good person. I wasn't raised nor was I treated to be a good person. Then things changed in 1984. From that singular uncertain moment of questionable decision. I made a change and a slow growing change began within me. When I tell you slow growing it was slow and with plenty of old weeds trying to choke out the new.
I discovered something as I began to travel back in time and to relate present understanding to those things, those evil deeds, those bad actions, those wrongness, those selfishness. All of those things in which I have done in my past have grown into very tall and thorny weeds. To such a degree that even those weeds in which I began as seeds. Did not even know me and began to prick me. There were still those whom I have harmed that still held onto to those emotions and many have had their lives altered not by me but maybe because of me. It is possible. Even 30 years later. Through life experience. All of my own second choices that I have made in the past. Still exist today in some form. Even though I am no longer the person who made those second choices. To think logically along the lines of particle wave theory. Those particles of second choices have made their own everlasting waves of perpetuating wrong doings. So is it my fault for the harm of some unknown person in India or Southern Africa or Russia or South Korea? Very plausible. The particle creates the wave. The wave will eventually make an impact and then reflect into another direction. The frequency and energy of which cause harm to all. Even into the depths of this planet. Then magnify that energy, frequency and particle waves by billions of people who go forth daily and cause harm in some form or another. The more harm we cause the more it magnifies and propagates through time as a wave which grows exponentially like an unseen tsunami. So what is in store for the future of humanity? How long can you tread fire?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Monday, March 2, 2015

Dig Value: (Unedited): ?? Feb 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, understanding and humility. Will become the next archaeological dig for the next ones, who come after. 
This is really very simple. When an entire species begins to become so prideful that their wants and desires supersede all other life and things. They will slowly over time become extinct. Because, comforts and desires is about the here and now. This selfishness will become like a drug addiction.
 Kind of like how social media is today. No one really interacts person to person anymore or they are becoming self isolated by choice. As the new generation of young people go into adulthood. They will prefer to be plugged into the internet than to go outside and to have a person to person relationship with another human being.
Modern friendships will have no personal responsibility to any other person. So much so, that when someone just disappears from a social network. Some may inquire as to why or what happened to that person. But, then will just go on with their digital lives and fill the space with another digital friend.
Eventually, Dead persons will be discovered when houses or rents need to be paid or when their is a great stink.
 The digital lifestyle will become a contributing factor to all of our extinction.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quitting Thing: Power Reach: Superior Extinction: Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:

Quitting a thing isn't as important as beginning the thing. Although quitting does make you a quitter.  
If you never begin anything you desire to do. You will never have an opportunity to grow, develop or to evolve. Fear, intimidation, a false sense of how things will end up. Which is basically all fear based. Overcoming fear and all of those other negative emotions which is holding you back. You may think it is to hard and impossible. But, those are just illusory excuses which are only real inside of your own mind. Overcoming all of those illusory excuses is a simple logical decision away from you.
By switching to the other side of your brain for dominant action. You switch away from being controlled by your emotions to logically controlling your emotions. This is how it is supposed to be. You have a very real logical thought and then you have an emotional response. This is the correct way of thinking. Having and obeying your emotional side of your brain and then creating a logical response is just backwards. On the spiritual side. Thinking emotionally first and then logically second opens you up to easy demonic attacks. It is easy to control how any human feels.
The fear of failure without any logical fact is illogical as to why you should never begin a thing.
By doing, by learning, by developing skills, by growing wisdom, by gaining understanding all of it proves your fears wrong. Even a failure proves your fears wrong. Because out of your failure(s). If you just sit and analyze (contemplate) your mistakes. You will still gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding then if you had accidentally succeeded in the first place.
Power Reach: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Reach out beyond the negativity of your own mind and in doing so you will discover the real power of you. 
The fallen angels were not happy with our creation. We were made to be above them. Which means they had to and will have to destroy us before we can evolve higher than they. So the fallen angels know the power of emotions as they themselves had very little control over their own emotions. Falling in lust with human women. Which I think is worse than incest with a child. This is what makes the fallen angels so evil. Beings so superior than any human being in every way. Yet, they fall victim to their own pride and sin.
I think their easy destruction by methods which is still beyond human understanding is how those falling ones are trying to destroy all of humanity. By psychically influencing the emotions of all of humanity is their key to the logical control of any human beings logical mind.
The fallen angels are really close in influencing the world leaders into self destruction and extinction. Those human leaders will know not what they have done until afterwards. Where political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom.
Superior Extinction: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Humanities extinction comes when political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom. 
Maybe, there are rules involved to anyone's involvement with the development of any new species. Rules that we know not of. Probably because just knowledge of those rules would contaminate humanities development. From non-physical contact is the only way those demonic souls can influence humanity. The most powerful of demonic souls will have their place in close proximity to those world leaders, religious leaders, cultural leaders, the wealthy and the prideful elite. The most powerful of all of the fallen angels are not going to waste what time they have on the simple common person. They do not have any power in the power struggles in any world decision or event. Your total deception is complete.
Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Common people are just pawns and the human kings are just puppets
Think about that. It is true.
You world leaders go back to the divinity of wisdom and understanding. Which is love, peace, harmony and life. Base all of your decisions on these things and you will instantly cut all of the demonic strings which control your life and actions without you even being aware of it.
 Is the puppet ever aware of their strings or the one(s) who controls them?  Nah.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wisdom Shower: (Unedited): 27 Sept 2014:

A cool clean feeling spiritual shower is when you take in wisdom which has a direct impact upon your life as it is right now and then mentally decide to effect change based on your understanding.  
 Here I sit doing other things and thinking other thoughts. Then the gentle rain of words begin to fall into my brain. Attached along with it understanding of the words which feels like those in between spaces of the rain drops. Those places where the cool air falls and the warm air rises. Can you feel it as I can.
Personal info.
Sometimes I wonder if the reason why I like coolers so much is the temperature is constant and thus the temperature are of similar well temperatures. Wearing cooler clothes tends to block all of the wind across my skin. Which can drive me insane at times. Because, unlike you who feels a single source of wind across all of your skin at once. I feel a single source of wind across every single nerve ending and hair follicle at once. To me the wind doesn't feel like one wind but rather hundreds of thousands of winds. That is how I feel all of the time. So in the cooler for me can be relaxing and calming. Except while in the cooler. I must be productive and exacting in the placement of product.
To medicate is to take away the rain. To take away the whole me.

The word medicate is also alcohol, tobacco and any other mind altering substance. 

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Good Teacher: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The good teacher cannot teach those who consider themselves greater than the good teacher and is only the ways to their self defined means. 
 The good teacher seems to always want to teach anyone who is present in the hopes that their heart and mind are open. The desires of the student can be very muddled with many distractions and false beliefs. The pride and ego of the student can become blockades to the good teacher. Especially if the student knows they are smarter and wealthier or more important than the good teacher will ever be. Then this student cannot be effectively taught.
Selfishness can also blind the student to learning those little details which are necessary in life. Such as wisdom and understanding. Everyone knows that wisdom and understanding will not profit you in the world system as led by those false god's. Wisdom and understanding causes you to question the human leaders of those false god's. So this is why wisdom and understanding is not included in the world's formal educational systems.
The student is everyone and the teacher can also be anyone. When the teacher has too much superior pride in the positions they hold. then they can no longer be taught, nor can they unlearn those truths which have turned out to be lies.
Even the wealthier than you family member or friend can have so much ego and pride that they automatically discount your less than them counsel. Woe to those who discount and negate wisdom and understanding.
The older person who is obviously far less intelligent then you, maybe even by more than 100 points. These people have gained much from their unique observations from their perspective understandings in this life. Which is alien of yours. By humbling yourself to listen to their counsel in matters which may be blind to you. Their overly simplistic approach may just enlighten your clouded awareness and save you and those whom you represent from a potential calamity of unknown definition.
A humble leader is a quiet teacher and a listening student. How can a teacher be quiet? It is through their actions that they teach those who choose to watch and follow them.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Religion Death1 and 2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The death of religion within your own heart begins with the spiritual spark of righteousness. 
The death of religion happens three ways. By forgetting, Living a righteous and holy life, and by the sword. 
Once you begin to conceptualize the importance of righteousness and holiness. Free from threats, fears, intimidation's, imprisonment and death. You can now begin to come to know the essence of God. The God of love, peace, harmony and life. Wisdom and understanding of the true nature of things becomes like an illuminated light deep within you. A light so deeply hidden and yet your own unknown awareness of it becomes an awe experienced.
Have you ever watched those wilderness types create a fragile spark and then cradle it to the place where the fuel resides. Then the fire is ignited from that little spark of ember. Such it is with you.

By forgetting about religion is a sign of your own action that religion is not worthy of any importance with the world controlled by false god's. Becoming so entrapped within the confines of the world system's of wealth assimilation will cause you to no longer have time for wisdom or understanding. In this world controlled by those false god's. You have only been taught the worldly knowledge from the education system of the world. All that you have learned in the worlds formal educational system has only been about how to follow the rules, To question not and to obey. Think about that for a moment. You have been conditioned to be who you have become now. All without any teaching of wisdom or understanding. To be successful within the world. You do not need to know any wisdom or understanding. Only how to be a team player for the coach or the false god's. Your efforts in your professional life is all about what benefits the team. Never even questioning the fact that you are actually a slave to the social structure of the team. Which is owned by those agents of the false god's.
To take up the sword or any other weapon of violence. Does more than destroy the religion in which you have been taught to hate. You have been taught to hate by those leaders who want you to go forth and gather to them much property and wealth. Religion in which there is only knowledge given. Removes and binds the follower into following the human teachers unto their ends. To obey the will of their human teachers because they are the proclaimed spoke persons for god. Which god? The God of love does not desire you to hate. The God of peace does not want you to go into battle. The God of harmony does not want for you to create chaos. The God of life does not want you to cause death. So any human who wants you to hate, to war, to chaos and to death is a false agent of the false god's. Pretending to be the voice of the God you want to know. They are liars and deceivers.
When you take up the sword or gun because you have been deceived. You are still responsible for all of your actions you are about to take or have already taken. All of the religious followers who have been declared your enemy. You kill and murder them. Yes, you actions will end their personal understanding of what their religion means to them but also you kill the religion within yourself.
Living a righteous and holy life frees you from the chains of religion.  Living a righteous and holy life opens your mind, your eyes and your ears to false teaching of those who proclaim they are the voice of god and it will be true. their god is the god of lies, deceptions, hate, war, chaos and death. You will know the truth.
Be free from all sins and evil ways. Always love one another as you have been taught. Always live in peace as you have been taught. Always exist in harmony as you have been taught. Cherish all life as something of great importance. Whosoever desires you to become contrary to these basic teachings. Know that they are not from the source God of your teachings. They are of the fallen ones who came here to become our god's. False god's. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Knowledge Increased: (Unedited): 30 July 2014:

Waiting on other content. Not complete. Hopefully I will discover a quote- somewhere. 

Daniel is instructed to conceal the words until the end of time.
By concealing secret words and possibly encoding the words within the whole Holy Bible. It may very be possible that the entire book is in fact an intellectual Hologram or holograph as taught to me by Steve Weyerts. 
This is from the New American Standard. I find this version more plausible then other versions. Because of the various ways in which people are using computers to decipher the various codes within the Holy Bible.

New American Standard Bible
"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

Your warned. Any content that I share even write myself is to be prayed about, meditated upon and even fasted for. I'm not an educated writer and do do the best i can. Do your own research and if you find errors in my writings or the content just off. Bring your sources and I will make those changes quickly as I've done in the past.
I've written from time to time the apparent relationship of wisdom, knowledge and understanding has to each other. In order to have a balance in life you should equally pursue wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all that you chase after.
Just watching Steve Weyerts newest video as linked above. It hit me many new things like brand new puzzle pieces. Such as this Bible verse Daniel 12:4.

"Knowledge will grow"
"Knowledge will increase"
"Knowledge shall be manifold"
"Knowledge shall be multiplied"

In all of the interpretations. No where that i can remember if wisdom or understanding is increased. This new realization has just become troubling to me and now I understand why all of humanity will nearly becomes extinct. Except those remnant chosen saved By God.

The lack of information regarding wisdom and understanding is almost very telling as to why humanity is where it is today and where it will lead to.
A person, a society or even the whole planet cannot possibly be responsible for any increase of knowledge's without equal wisdom and understanding.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Miss May 1 and 2: (Unedited): 13 July 2014:

Those who intently seek the one thing may miss the many.

Those who seek for anything may miss the one important thing. 
What are you seeking for may very be important to you. Continue on seeking those things which are truly important. But, do not allow yourself to become so focused that you miss out on the beauty of everything you encounter. By noticing the beauty in everywhere. The everywhere puts a little bit of beauty inside of you.
Do not search just for everything you may encounter, because the one thing you were supposed to notice may have been the one thing which had the wisdom and understanding you needed.
There may be times in your life where you just take everything into you and other times in your life where you just seem to intently focus upon the one thing. This is all OK so as long as what you do does no harm to anyone or anything.
So for you it is OK for you to miss the one thing when the many becomes a kaleidoscope  of wondrous beauty. It will also be OK for you to see the one most beautiful of things while all of the other beautiful things pass all around you.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Absence Importance: (Unedited): 12 June 2014

The absence of information is the most important of all information gathered. This is where the greatest discoveries of revelation occur. C.J.MacKechnie
This may seem obvious to many and yet still something to be learned by others. All wisdom, knowledge and understanding that you do not know is an absence of information to you. It is that simple.
The physical beings in which our spirits inhabit is absent of a great many physical talents and physical awareness's. Such as hearing, sight, smell, radar, sonar, vibration sensors, gills and flight. You may say we have some of those and not of the others. This would be obviously true. Look at your own eyesight and compare it to other creatures. Is your eyesight better than that particular creature or not has developed? What about your hearing or sense of smell is it better than any dog? Of course not.
You may even already know this. Is the night sky really dark?
Seek you for yourself the absence of information in all things presented before you. Because, if the absence of information is before you. Then it is for you to discover if you choose. I do believe if something is presented before you, it is for you to learn, especially if it is from those greater than any human. So, it must be of importance even though you are not aware of the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of that unknown thing as of yet. Thus, without knowing a thing how can you possibly make a logical and reasonable decision if that unknown thing is important or not? You cannot. So, comes faith and trust.
Personal note.
 Faith and trust has always been difficult for me to accept. Just read a little of my child hood. To trust to me seems like an impossibility and yet this is the unknown thing which has been presented before me in the last decades. In which I have seemed to reject more than learn. Yet, the lessons continue into the overtly obvious now. This blog is an effort of faith and trust. I'm a writer who doesn't know the rules of writing. Which is probably painfully obvious to those who are in the know and who read my words. (My Poor wife), The award winning English, journalist major.In the beginning of my writing. I fought it and was a prisoner of the quote writing. Now, I'm a willing participant and inquire if I've done something wrong if I do not write a quote for a period of time. Which it usually is my fault. Praying and meditating often all the while working two Minimum wage jobs. While raising four children. It is not easy to find the time. 
To have faith in people is also very difficult as is also indicated in my childhood. To have faith in people when having studied prophecy since the 1980's. I have come to realize that it is the fault of humanity for the woes of extinction to come. Only the selected chosen remnant shall be saved. As more individuals fall into reprobation. The tide of sinful slavery will become more prevalent and less within the darkened red light shadows. Then all life shall be burned as has been prophesied. So, to have faith in humanity does not seem natural to me. God has sent prophets to every peoples and cultures to teach a very basic lesson.

A). To Love one another.
B). To be in peace.
C). To exist in harmony.
D). Life is Important.

These lessons are really that simple and they guarantee freedom, not take freedom away. If humanity as a whole would just begin to live their individual lives in accordance to these 4 lessons. The woes of extinction shall be prevented. There is no need for advanced technology or for some brilliant leadership to alter humanities predicted fate to come. All of the responsibility of continued life or extinctions end is all within you and how you actively live your own life.
A person has the right to be evil and bad. We can freely choose to hate, to go to war, to have a chaotic life and to abort babies. This is not a political statement more it is about RIGHTeousness. To logically live your life against these four lessons. Does mean very probable death. Maybe, not in the instant, but more over time.

Back to faith in humans. It is easy for me to see the reprobate in the leadership of religions, politics, business, science, education and now in the general population. The reprobate in the general population is the most disturbing to me. Because, if the general population becomes convicted by GOD and is place into reprobation. Then humanity will no longer be able to freely choose between right or wrong. Humanity will DE-evolve and die. This is the function of reprobation. Reprobation works at the individual level, family level, national level and planetary level. Humanity is self-destructing by collective choice. In the name of rights and freedom. To freely sin without guilt and call it a right and a freedom is a lie and deception.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Understanding Stagnancy: (Unedited): 27 Jan 2014:

Understanding everything in your life is an indication that your are in stagnancy. 
If you truly know everything, understand all things and wise beyond measure. Then your self deceiving or are the one true God of all. If you are God, your not reading these quotes I write for your self improvement and are probably laughing hysterically at my near absolute ignorance in all things which are genuinely important.

Pray always for wisdom, knowledge and understanding so that you may remain confused. Actively participate within yourself to become wise, knowledgeable and understanding. Look at all confusion as something positive for you to actively work out within your own mind, spirit or in prayer and meditation.

Prayer is you talking to God and meditation is you listening to God.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Heart Knowing: (Unedited): 24 Nov 2013:

All of the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the universe. That you are capable of knowing without self harm is given unto the calling of your heart. 
To be educated without formality. To learn without being taught. 
This may be education through absorption.  
The free and equal education of your hearts desires. 
All you have to do is believe and to unlearn all of the lies and deceptions from your culture and society.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Meek World: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2013:

The truth and understanding of ancient prophecies revealed to late, will not prevent your predicted demise from occurring. 
Added on 17 Aug 2022: 
Your physical demise or death is not of importance. Your knowledge and understanding of prophecy is of no importance. Your relationship to the Heavenly Father is what is of importance. Such as this is. Living your life as God has always intended for you is all you really need to know and understand. If you have any manner of unfortunate death. Celebrate that when you close your eyes for the last time. You will open your eyes in the presence of your Lord. Glory in that.
This world has become a sick and demented place? or has it always been so?
The secret truth is just now being revealed to everyone and no one really cares. As it was in the days of Noah...
All of those who apparently are in positions of power and authority have been lying and deceiving all of us. Now it may just be too late for you the common person to do anything. Except to repent, pray and meditate upon GOD. It is not enough to just repent and continue on living as you desire or as the whole of the world expects of you. You must repent and flee from all sin. Pray and meditate always. This is essentially the red river of redemption or the sacred path along the red road (as i currently understand it). 

I have studied prophecies since the mid eighties, for you young-lings that's about 1985.  It has always been known that the Holy Bible has been sealed up until the end. Tonight, I believe the Holy Bible and all of the ancient understandings associated with it and other historical documents and places is now fully open and understandable to all persons who seek to know. The lies and deceptions we all live under is nearly of totality. So much so, that when the truth of the way things truly are is openly revealed, it is not believed. Even if the truth is revealed by an embodied evil person. This may only be evident that it is just to late. In the grand scheme of things and how time revolves around the cog wheel of the universe. We can only perceive our individual part in it all. That part is very small. 

As it was in the time of Noah so it shall be. Which means the angels are about to walk amongst us or has already been doing so and that to shall be openly revealed soon. (The definition of soon may take another 40 years or 40 years from 2008, who knows.)  No one shall know the coming of the son of man. You have heard that phrased in many different ways. Do you know why it is? It is related to the laws of prophecy. If any prophet puts forth their words of things to come and they be pleasant or unpleasant. Then those who hear or read those words with knowledge and understanding. Has to choose the path which suits them best. Once those decisions are made and actions are taken. The words of prophecy spoken or written by the prophets can be made to manifest or absolutely prevented. Either way it is both your choice and our collective choices to make the prophecy happen or to prevent it. Until, that time no one can know except for GOD himself. For me personally I would like to See the coming of the Son of God. Just not when HE is angry.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Walking Already: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2013:

You are already walking the path in your own Journey. It is only for you to question and answer, whether or not you truly want to be on that path. 
What path is it you journey upon? Is it among the dead and dried up thistles which continually bite into your skin? Is it in the beautiful darkness of the Earth where you can see the whole light of the glorious universe? Is it on a beautiful beach under a perfect blue sky? In a field of beautiful green and golden grasses with a gentle breeze? Are you walking the dark and dank gutter path with all of the associated smells and red lights?
It is for you to always question and seek the answers of your spirit, mind and heart. It is for you, if you will it to learn the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the the path you have chosen to walk upon.
Do reach out and assist others with your own developed love and compassion for your human brother and sister. (Encouragement). Continue to Reach out to those who are willing to reach back to you.
Do seek out communication with others to learn the truths they have learned from their own path. 
Do not walk upon your path like an empty sea shell, only listening to the empty echoes of the past.
Do not walk your path under the control or advisement of another walker who seems to be successful in all things.
Do not hurry on your path, just because others are racing by you. Take the time to take-in the beautiful wisdom which surrounds you, even if your own path has much trials and tribulations.
Do not walk on another persons path with them on your back.
If you do not like the journey you are on or the path in which you walk upon. Then side step onto another path. This can be possible if your journey is on the path of self destruction. Just because you leave the path of self destruction, does not mean you will leave any of that information or developed disability behind.

Walk your walk with
                                         Purpose and Intention,
                                         Honor and Integrity,
                                         Holiness and Righteousness,
                                         Love, Peace and harmony,
                                                                                               It matters not the path you take
                                                                                               It only matters how you walk your walk.

Musings of an American Truck Driver

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Logical Emotions Notes: (Unedited): 20 Aug 2013:

Beginning new logical thought process. New logical math process.
Wisdom, Knowledge and understanding you strive for can be used three ways. Actively For good and for evil, Inaction for good and for evil, Spiritual Good and evil.
There is a logical math process of emotion. Love, Peace, harmony equals life. The mathematical arrangement is unknown to me and this is the best way I can formulate it.
There is also a contrary logical math process of emotion. Hate, War, Chaos equals Death.

Both formulas are absolute certainty's when they are in within their absolute outward expression.

There are degrees of both in which time becomes a factor. The greater the degree the less time remains. The lesser the degree the greater time remains. Either way a predictive conclusion results. Both formulas can be mixed with one another. Which creates a vast number of probabilities in which life and death will result. The ultimate degree of one set of factors over the other will dominate wholly. Life or Death.

The degree of life or death can be experienced a variety of ways.  A single person, a single family unit, A family name, A families gene pool, An entire family grouping, An entire tribe or clan, An entire city, An entire state or region, An entire country, An entire continent, The whole planet and etc.

There can be survivors or even a remnant of survivors when a cataclysmic event occurs.  It matters not if it is natural, man-made, outside influence, or a combination of all. All of it can be applied mathematically.

The new stuff.
The selfish ego centric nature of a man who is governed by dominance, competition, hate and other commonly considered negative emotions. Will actively show a level of apathy for their human brothers and sisters.
Wisdom, knowledge and understanding seems to magnify Hate, War, Chaos and death within a selfish ego centric soul. All of those energies within one being makes an incredible physical expression of powers influence.
 There is an associated math formula with this that I'm blind to.

A pure person who is governed by love, peace, harmony and life will use the wisdom, knowledge and understanding outwardly and not in it's accumulation for the thirst for more and more power. On the surface, it only appears the innocent man has zero power. This is only where the illusion lies and deceives those who are truly worldly in an unnatural way. 
 The power is not centralized within one individual. The good individual divides the power to all who has the heart for fundamental change into the light of goodness.

 The good person shares freely all of the power. This is why truly good people are seen as weak.
 While the evil person keeps for themselves all of the power and shares nothing with no one. This is why they are seen as very powerful individuals.
The truth is contrary to appearance. The evil person is the weakest of all. While the good person is the strongest of all. It is a relationship to what is truly important. The natural or the unnatural. This is where the truth is.

Do you want to live or die? Then your actions will follow one of two formulas.
Life= Love, Peace, Harmony, Truth
Death= Hate, War, Chaos, Lies

Choose This:
Love one another.
Live in Peace.
Exist in Harmony.
So that all may experience a life worth living.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Believing Truth: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2013:

Truth is not a lie or a deception. Lies and deceptions do not become truth when believed as truth. No matter how many times they are repeated. 
Enjoy. Love, peace, harmony are all logically required for life to perpetuate. This is a requirement for intelligent lifeforms to understand before achieving the next. If understanding is not achieved then extinction will become the next. Truth is not a lie. Lies and deceptions do not become truth when believed as truth.
What is next? a step into singularity?
Who knows maybe the next is self defined and created. Pray and meditate upon it. Contemplate on those things which require greater understanding, greater knowledge and greater wisdom. Doing so will effect a change in your current development, growth and evolution. It is OK and you will be OK.
Love one another.
Live in Peace.
Exist in Harmony.
So that all may experience a life worth living.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: