Showing posts with label Authority. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Authority. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wrong Sides: (Unedited): 14 July 2016:

When two or more parties are in conflict and the right side, correct side or righteous side cannot be easily discerned. Then they are all wrong
In the western world. The people seem to be oblivious to what their political leaders are doing. It doesn't seem to matter very much. That all sides to these very worldly conflicts. Seems to have an absence of integrity and honor. They all seem to be acting by their own individual selfish pursuits.
This is what happens when an absence of God, absence of logical reason, absence of Righteousness are within all of the worlds leaders. They all want for themselves and are willing to do every dishonorable thing to get it. the truth no longer seems to matter. Only the animalistic response to someones aggression towards them. Their pride is hurt so they will punish the other. Eventually it won't matter who started what or for what reason.
Animalistic pride begets animalistic aggression until the enemy becomes subservient or is consumed.
With animalistic behaviors. Right and wrong no longer matter. Honor or dishonor no longer matter. Truths or lies no longer matter. Only strength, power and authority matters. This is what the leaders of the world have become.
When two or more parties are in conflict. The truth must come into the light of the day. Righteous behavior must be favored over anything less. Those who are absent truth and righteousness. Should be convinced of their errors. Through logical reasoning. All without any fear, threats or violence. A reasonable person, people, group or nation will begin to see the error of their ways and freely choose to self correct.
This is just like the white is right and the Black power people. They only know their strength through their groups unity. They believe that they each are right and correct in their intentions and actions. Never once realize that their total power has been divided up into many different pieces of the same pie. Yet, both of their belief systems are based in an age old lie. They each believe they are a separate race divided by their appearance. None of them know that 13 years ago. The human genome project proved that each of them share more than 99.9% identical DNA of their total DNA makeup. This can be equally said with every other people on this planet and maybe on other planets. It can also be said again this one fact that we are all one family of human beings was scientifically proven in 1985. Through DNA Profiling. Which is used in international law to either free a person or convict a person. This truth has been known for more than 31 years and it is still not known as scientific fact by the general population of the entire world.
The truth must be told in every instance where it has been secreted away. Revelation of all things needs to be open to all minds who are capable of understanding. Revealed truths will always precede freedom. While lies and deceptions will always enslave. Those who hold onto the truths while still deceiving many are evil and have it within them to thirst for power and authority at any cost. 

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lion King prophecy: (Unedited): 27 Nov 2015:

The coming Lion King will not recognize or acknowledge any established authority or ruling body.
The coming Lion King will not honor anyone's right to exist including all establishments.
The coming Lion King will bring great fear and shaking to all. Including the great deceiver's who proclaimed themselves as god's.
Have you ever thought to negotiate with a lion? Do you even think it is even possible? You may know of some lions in cages(zoo's) or performing in some circus acts. Even in those situations there is a great deception being practiced. An illusion of who has real power. The men and women who pretend to control the lions also have men with large guns ready to kill the lions if control is lost.
This is not the coming of the great Lion King. There will be no deceptions and no illusions. The coming of the Lion King will be an exercise of complete and absolute authority over all.
The Lion King shall come. The final countdown of the Lion King has already begun. This is not the only final countdown. The great deceivers have their own variety of final countdowns. These are primarily used as timers. Where one thing ends while other things begin. All of media is used against humanity while in full view of all.
The great deceiver's will try and leave the planet and the solar system. The great deceivers will offer up zero defense and zero resistance.  Even though their hateful and angered desires greatly suggest differently. All of the great deceivers plans, efforts and actions will amount to absolutely zero. The great deceivers will flee to only save themselves. The great deceivers will abandon all who have gave to them all. Even those who remain on Earth shall even stand to wage war against the Lion King. The great deceivers will have zero love, zero thoughts, zero cares, zero compassion and zero mercies for any of their subjects, slaves and servants. Everything the great deceivers do is only for themselves and nothing else. The great deceivers have only absolute apathy for anything which is not of or for themselves. No excuse and no escape for the great deceivers.
The great deceiver perfectly mixes great deceptions with little truths so that all of humanity will blindly follow their will.  This shall occur before the coming of the Lion King.
This is a note about the rapture:
The interpretations of the coming of Jesus Christ was incorrect. The Jewish people were under the authority of the Roman empire. So because of this hardship. The Jewish leaders knew the prophecies of their coming Messiah and they only assumed what was the best interpretations for them. Kind of selfish But it gave the religious elites greater wealth. What would you want a great warrior leader who destroys that which you hate and suffer under or a lamb? Think about it.
So today, most people in the Christian faith knows the prophecies and their feel good incorrect interpretations. no ones wants to endure unto the (their) end however that may happen. So the false prophets who profit greatly with their books all proclaim the feel good and easy account. Yet, today as in right now. The devout Christians are being tortured and murdered in Syria. Hundreds of Christian children have also been murdered. Entire villages destroyed. I ask you where is their rapture? Where is their mercy and compassion? Those who have suffered and have been martyred. I hope the Yahshua was the last desires of their hearts and thoughts in their mind. Then it can be said that they had endured unto their ending as prophesied in Matthew 24:13.
My view is Matthew 24:13.
What did Jesus say about the rapture? Can you find the word rapture in the Holy Bible?
Against the Rapture.
Of course here are those purple words again. If you want to prevent all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken by genuine prophets of God and it doesn't matter if they were ever accepted by any established religion. Then following the purple words below may just avert all of it.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Under God's Authority: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2015:

This is for those who have been gifted with the ability to write. Since, it is obvious that I'm not gifted in the perfect speech. Which is accepted by everyone who has been educated. 
This is a Christian sign for prophecy.
The prophetic era of Christian persecution has begun with Mrs. Kim Davis. Can you stay in Jail for 18 moths over your faith? Can you stand and face all of your sins from your recent past or even in your current state of being? This is what Mrs. Kim Davis is doing. None of the traditional media outlets have supported her in any way. The Republican politicians have declared their support of this democrat. While the democrats including President Obama have denounced her. This also includes Hilary Clinton.
The evidence of faith which seems obvious may very well make her one of the chosen remnant of God. Which means all of those other professing by only mouth Christians shall be those who God may say to them. "I never knew you". It is not for me to say. It is only for God to choose who is to be a remnant and who is not. This includes me.
Mrs. Kim Davis may be the first who shall be martyred. Can you say for certain that she will not be? Can you say that she will not ever see her freedom? She probably will. But it is evident that the evil U.S. District Conservative Judge David Bunning has put to jail an innocent woman. In which the evil politicians had made laws of man to be superior to the laws of God. This District Judge is at the very least a Pontius Pilate. I'm not stating nor am I implying that Mrs. Kim Davis is a Jesus Christ. Mrs. Kim Davis, may very well lose everything over this.Since even one news story has even declared that she cannot use Go Fund Me website for support.
In order to be a Conservative Republican like this District Judge David Bunning. Do you have to be a Christian? If this District Judge is any way a professing Christian. His lies are now seen through his actions against this woman. How can any person who is a Judge. Make their decision before any evidence is heard or seen? Did this Judge make his decision before court even began. It can be assumed he had as the deputies and the jailers were already present. If this District Judge is a professing Christian how can he honor or even obey any law which is against the laws of his God? or should I say which god?
Mrs. Kim Davis and her imprisonment can be compared symbolically to other persons who were to be disciplined, punished and killed. I'm not implying that Mrs. Kim Davis will be killed.But, when you are surrounded by evil persons. The jail guards cannot protect anyone and cannot guarantee anyone's safety or well being.
Any law which has been established by any man. Which replaces, Denies or rejects any Law of God. Is not a righteous or truthful law. Nor is it a law which should be honored or obeyed by any righteous person. Even to the death of that righteous person.  To those men and women who agree upon and obey these laws. Even if you do not agree with the laws but still honor them to keep your employment. It is them who can now be easily seen and known to be of genuine evil. This includes any professed Christian who holds any office or works in any place who must obey any anti-godly law written and agreed upon by human beings.
Is it judging to say to a murderer that he is bad and what they do is bad? You can say the same thing about anyone who commits crime. It is a crime of God for anyone to honor, accept, obey any anti-God laws or regulations.
Sinners or LGBT persons pretend to be nice, kind, compassionate and merciful. So that you will think a good feeling lie about them. Many LGBT persons are symbolic murders. They are actively murdering their own family names and in the end their genetic lineage of their family. Yet, These symbolic murderers are being accepted into churches and celebrated. They have no intention of converting to Christianity in any way. These LGBT persons are spies for the evil ones.When your at war. Your spies are necessary to gather intelligence about your enemies. Do not think for an instant that this is not a war. For the god of this Earth wants all of humanity to become extinct. This is satans end game. By any means necessary he will do as he thinks he will. satan is the one who leads all of the LGBT community. It matters not if the LGBT person is politically active or not.
So if satan is the leader of all LGBT persons and LGBT persons are welcomed in your church to hold any official church position and they have no intention of ceasing their LGBT lifestyle. Then you and your whole church is of satan. satan is your god. When your are singing those popular non specific Christian songs. Know that you are singing and worshiping satan.
What is happening to Mrs. Kim Davis is only the beginning. As it is evident that the few who are in protest shall be ineffective. It is apparent that there are very few genuine Christians of real substance in Rowan County Kentucky. There are also to few Christians of merit in the whole state of Kentucky. With Kentucky a part of the famed southern Bible Belt. It is also evident that there are to few genuine born again Christians. Just pretenders who are merely associated with the Christian entertainment fan base as well as those who are members of their local christian social club.
There is very little real news about Kim Davis and any news is primarily related to the effects upon the LGBT community. The news also attacks Mrs. Kim as well. Revealing all of her sins prior to her becoming a Christian.
This is prophecy. The LGBT community shall be victorious over all Christians. To the degree that Christian persecution shall involve all manor of jail, loss of employment, abuses, tortures and death.
The entire Christian population must put a stop to this right now or face starvation, homelessness and death.
After the events of Mrs. Kim Davis. The atrocities which shall follow against the entire Christian community. Shall not be heard or seen on any mainstream media outlet. The true devout and righteous ones of God shall be exterminated and none in the general Christian community will care to even know. So as long as they can happily sing and enjoy the entertainment for a couple of hours a week.
In order to be a Christian. This is after you have made the proclamations and have been baptized. You are to go forth in your life to begin to live it righteously and godly as is taught within the Holy Bible. This is by your own free choice. All without fears, threats or intimidation's. You go forth and outwardly exercise all manor of mercy, compassion, kindness, fairness. Not because, you have to but because you want to. Not because your forced to or even expected to but because it is truly the right and most truthful things to do.
Yet, today it seems the gay sons and lesbian daughters show more love and compassion to their sick and dying family members than do the Christian. Even to friends do they support more than a Christian. I've seen it. I've experienced it.
Just because, I post a news article does not mean I'm in agreement with any of them. 
The ugliness of the news media. This is not politics. This is purely about what is right and wrong. This is about how the government is wrong with the passing of evil laws.
In order to turn this entire country around. Every political office must have righteous persons in those seats. I think it is to late. The USA is lost. The USA was a republic which became democratic and is now an Oligarchy. The USA is no longer of the people, for the people and by the people.
Steve McDonald "By Law"
Added on 07 Aug 2015:
A woman who has not committed a real crime. Unless if you call going against the political will a crime. Has not been offered the ability to make bail. Either way the precedent will translate nationally for anyone who commits political related crimes. Their are now laws against your conscience. How about that for a loss of freedom. In which you can be imprisoned for an indefinite amount of time. If you are big in investments. Invest in the corporate prison systems. They now have a new revenue source. Devout Christians shall all go to jail because of conscience. Don't expect to make big money. Apparently there is only a remnant of true and faithful Christians who have not been deceived. The rest of Christianity just doesn't care. This is all prophecy. A heartless Christian body which allows an innocent person to rot in jail.
Added on 09 Sept 2015:
Added on 10 Sept 2015:
Added on 11 Sept 2015:
Enslaved Extinction: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2015:
Absolute freedoms begets total enslavement. Which leads to over all extinction.
Death Parent: (unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
As death embraces the older parent. They shall gaze into the eyes of their LGBT children and know this is the one who murdered all of me.
You cannot and will not have any sort of freedom without a self controlled restraint. Free love, like free drugs and free liquor. Ends in the loss of family, freedom, health and welfare. Unnatural sex harms both persons physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as a man or a religious man viewing porn is said he only harms himself. This is the lie. The viewing of porn harms the persons involved in the sex acts being viewed. The viewing of porn harms the wife even though she is or may not be directly or indirectly involved. The viewing of porn harms the children. You must see this truth.
The eventual destruction of the family through sins continuation. So the LGBT life style destroys the whole natural family. As a matter of fact. The LGBT Life style murders the family. The LGBT person has often times separated and isolated themselves from their own family. Only to return as the pretended loving son or daughter who wants to become the last person their dying parent ever sees or think. I have seen this happen many times and have myself been caused to think how nice and loving these LGBT persons are. Especially, if the person dying has minimal or no people to express their love in those last days. The LGBT person may think to themselves that what they are doing is a good thing. But what they are actually doing whether they think of it or not. Is witnessing the extinction of their family name and genetic line. This is worse than a person who just murders you and tries to escape. The Punisher in the movie is satan in our lives. Satan manipulates all of us for our total destruction and extinction. Those of have not the one true God will be influenced, controlled and manipulated by satan. To the point that satan will look through your eyes in the final moments of your parents death. just to witness the final extinction of your family name and  genetic lineage. This is what the end result is to be LGBT.
As I've written about in prophecy. The LGBT will be victorious in all that they are to accomplish within this world. Until the coming of God. This is because of the do nothingness of all Christians. The LGBT will win. They will successfully criminalize all of Christianity. They will create a rightful tradition of abuse, torture and the murder of any Christian they see fit. All without any investigation, judgement or prison time. Of course it is not yet. But, it will be. Assuming that Christian on the whole do not put an absolute stop to the LGBT insanity or mental illness which will infect everyone. Mrs. Kim Davis is the first. Unless she does as ordered by the court and marries any and all LGBT persons. Then we all will know that God has been effectively removed from the Bible Belt. This is Prophecy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Unlearn Human Lies: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Before you can achieve your fullest human potential. You must first unlearn the racial lies, cultural lies, political lies, social lies and religious lies.
C.J. MacKechnie
All lies are bad. All lies cause harm to those who discover the truths behind the lies. Lies and deceptions perpetuated gives power and authority only to those who continue to tell those lies and deceptions as irrefutable truths.
Those who perpetuate any lie and deception is the master owner of those who obey and are obedient to those lies. Which is absolutely known to be truths by the unaware slave.
To end all of those bad and sad prophecies for the end of the world to come. This is what each of us must do of our own free will/choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's.
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
So if your apart of the world's war machines. Separate yourself from it, go home and become a family man. Become brother and sister to any human being you come in contact with.  if your a tough guy be not the bully and become the protector of the weak and defenseless. No matter where they are from. If your one of the intelligent ones. Then do as your own intellectual gifts demands for the benefit of all human beings. Without ant reward, accolade or acknowledgement. We all are on the cusps of total extinction and it is by our own hand and not from God of all. The gods who have enslaved humanity in those ancient days are still trying to cause humanities extinction through subtle influence. They are the gods of those lies and deceptions. Everything is lies and deceptions with those fallen angels whom we were taught to believe were and are gods. Which is why the purple words above are very basic truths. The very basic truths are those things in which those can rebuild from corner stones. To rebuild we do not as a species have to begin rebuilding when 5+ billion people have already died in a short period of time. Assuming we conquer extinction. 
All of our fullest human potential begins by rejecting all lies and all deceptions. Then to begin to rebuild all of our selves with the purity and wholesomeness of basic truths. All of those purple words works together as a singular conclusion. You cannot add or take away from this logical purple formula.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Worldly Woes Perpetuated: (Unedited): 17 April 2015:

You governments, organizations, Religions and corporations of the world who assume all power, authority and control over everything. You Think you can use your collective intelligence and work yourselves out from under the fallen gavel of judgement. The disciplines which have already come and will come again is all because of your sin, disobedience, lawlessness and evil which you all have perpetuated upon all living things of this world. Woe to you all. I will use all of you against your own selves and you shall not even be aware. 
Says The Lord.
This is how I woke up this morning. I do not think I have ever used 'Says The Lord" ever in my writings. I do suffer from "CRBG"( Can't remember bat guano).
I think this is important. i think this directly related to two words which have been on my mind lately which have been Righteousness and Religious. The similarities and differences of the two. How God would treat and judge these two different groups of people? Would God save one group while disciplinary the other? That's for God to decide. But, I think the short answer is yes. 

There isn't going to be a Will Smith who will save the world with swagger. 
There isn't going to be a Bruce Willis who will save the world through his toughness and getter done attitude.
There isn't going to be a Captain Kirk and his crew mates who are going to come in unannounced to save the future with their super technology. 
There isn't going to be SG1 walking through a Star Gate to save the day. 
There is only going to be one way in which we all can all of us and those things are. This is for every living person to do this of their own free will and free choice.
To love one another.
To live in peace with all.
 To exist in harmony with all things.
To revere life.
To obey the laws.
Not because of any perceived or known coming threat. Not from any fear in the now or what may come. Not from any intimidation to you or your family. Must you follow and obey these blue words. But because it is the right thing to do or the righteous road to the beginning of redemption. You must use your own human reasoning to see the truth in these word and once you do. The Holy Spirit with gift you wisdom. Thus improving your own internal understanding.
This is 2015 and in about 6 months. The end of the Jewish/Hebrew calendar comes and as before the the disciplines of God which may come in September 2015. May in fact be more severe than in 2008 or 2001. This shall be the third seven year interval which may become more magnified as the people of the entire world become more and more lawless, sinful and disobedient. This is what we are all now a single planet of evil people. So, if this is known by God to be so. Then this coming discipline will encompass the entire planet. No one will be left out in the coming discipline. The first full year after the probable event will see billions dead. To fully avert this possible coming in the next 6 months. We all need to live by the Blue words above. It is "T-6 months". 
If you just cannot live by those blue words. Then I would suggest to go and visit relatives. Make amends ask for forgiveness. Go fulfill your bucket list. Go to that far away place that you think is so beautiful and see it with your own eyes. 
The righteous remnant shall be saved. The worldly religious shall not be saved. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Merging Thoughts and Beliefs: (Unedited): 30 March 2015:

Through the merging of the deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Does the educated person become enslaved. 
To control how another person thinks and acts brings unity to the masses and control to the chosen few. There is power in the numbers in which the few shield themselves within the masses who protect them.
This is the essence of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Control, Authority and wealth. Where as political thought keeps you locked up in a box. The religious beliefs keeps taken care of the box. Both deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs will cause you to go to war in behalf of the box.
God brought the word to us all. He brought to humanity Love, Peace, Harmony, life and the law. When all of those few words work together for the benefit of the whole. By each persons free choice. Then everyone associated will find a joyful life worth living. This is more than just logical thinking. This is spiritual connectedness. While becoming a righteous person and a holy people. Without any lies. deceptions or false beliefs.
In the old days an educated person is a free person. They cannot be enslaved. Even slaves owners were concerned with the happiness of their slaves. Knew that if a slave was taught to much logical information. They would not want to be a slave.  ...Until psychological conditioning and brain entrainments were developed. Which merged together the mind, heart and soul into whatever false belief the leader wanted. When the specific entrainment of the mind begins at an early age. The older mind will hold onto it. No matter what actual truths are presented. Even backed up with many factual and logical facts/evidences. For instance racism. Racism is and has been the biggest lie that humanity perpetuates upon itself. Despite the facts of Human DNA finger printing and the human genome project as well as the ancient holy texts and through many oral traditions of many unrelated cultures around the world. All of this evidence proves that humanity is but one species, one race, one people and one family upon this planet.

To transcend beyond the constrains and restraints of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs into that of a true righteous life. Shall make that person an enemy of every political thought and an outcast of every false religious beliefs. To become righteous and holy in the eyes of God is the intention of God. This is something which must happen individually and by free choice. In order for the human being to get to that next state of development. What ever that may be.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Faithful Tests: (Unedited): 08 Feb 2015:

The beginning of the tests for the faithful is their willing choice to be faithful without any human religious authority over them. The return to God has begun.
The falling away of the Countries, Churches and of people has already begun. The falling away will happen on a daily basis. Leaving the devoutly faithful abandoned and alone within the world. Those who are brave enough will freely choose to walk away from all that they have known and into the arms of God. They each will willingly and by free choice maintain their righteousness and holiness. The separation from the world and the rejection of worldly things must happen by free choice. Which even includes disconnecting from everything which is worldly. Creating within yourself a constant and always "on" connection with God. With zero distractions.
What do I mean by disconnecting from the world? It is exactly as stated. To dissolve yourself of all worldly connections and only connect with  The Heavenly Father. Remember what Yeshua/Jesus told the rich man. To sell everything and follow me(Paraphrase).
This means no media content whatsoever. No internet. No Radio. No T.V..
No participation in any aspect with any of the worldly systems to come. Even if it means the death of you, your family and of your associations.
The rich young ruler. Keep the Commandments.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cashless Opportunities: (Unedited): 05 Jan 2015:

Countries which go to a cashless system will discover a wealth of opportunities for managed financial growth in accordance to their populations needs. Without the worry of the overwhelming restraints of debt.
I'm in no way any sort of professional with money or the theory of wealth creation.
Money is largely an illusion. The importance of any money is basically an agreement of importance in any transaction. You cannot eat or drink money. Money cannot keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Money cannot protect you from extreme weather. But, money can be that useful tool which can exchange for items needed, wanted or selfishly desired.
When monies of any kind is directly tied to precious metals or oil. The quantity of those items becomes a limiting resource when the country grows beyond them. The debt of any country can become a significant handicap in any future growth and development. Which is what is being seen now with heavily debt ridden countries like the USA, Japan.
How to expand your country without any need for debt. A cashless society. When the people trust the government. The value of which will be high. There will be no limit to growth. Except for the availability to natural resources. Other than that expansion will be unlimited.
When all wealth comes from the government and is created out of digital creation. Then is accepted by everyone. The debt of governmental creation ends. The accumulation of natural resources becomes paramount. The recycling of natural resources becomes an extending factor to governmental growth.
Sending resources to other countries will become an exchange rate. Until a common world wide agreed upon cashless system is created where the world controlling body has ultimate authority.
The countries with the greatest debts will become the worlds first cashless societies. No longer being tied to a cash system. Their growth shall become self created without any debt pressures.
How will these new cashless countries pay back their international debts? Possibly a hybrid type of system. Where the cashless society is for the entire human population within that countries borders. Then outside of the borders the typical cash system tied to resources as is done now.  There would have to be exchange rates.
Could this be tied to the next world war? China wants their wealth in which they have earned at near slave wages and given as credit in trust. Only for those nations to become cashless. How are they going to get back what is coming to them? International legal action or Military action and how soon?
Lets say the USA goes cashless and all of the people are just going to love it. There is much hope and optimism surrounding the cashless society. Greater security and everything is just fluffy wonderful.
The USA can massively build up it's military very quickly. Can you say ?19? Aircraft carriers plus all of the other ships and submarines waiting for recycling being updated and upgraded. To be in service very soon. China, Russia, North Korea and other nations will become militarily overwhelmed. To be followed by military buildups from Japan, Australia and Great Britain. Plus others associated with NATO.
The next big military threat in the world will not be from Aircraft carriers. But, from military assets in orbit which can rain down hell fire onto all sea, air and land targets.
With a cashless society. Limited Finances are no longer a problem. The worry of debts burdens is gone. So as long as the people do as they normally do without concern. Everything works.
I do see a third form of monies and it is stock markets. This is beyond me to even comprehend. It would be like going to a casino and exchanging your real money for casino specific poker chips. That is the best way I can explain it. There would have to be an exchange rate.
 In a cashless society. The burden of prisons and hospitals become highly expanded and fully funded. Just as the burden of the homeless and mentally ill can effectively be funded and managed.
Education becomes fully funded.
All governmental pensions becomes fully funded.
NASA fully funded beyond today's imagination.
All beautification and tree hugging projects fully funded.
All of the Countries infrastructures are fully funded.
The biggest drawback to a cashless society is the lack of qualified people or people in general. A husband and wife will need to begin having 4-6 kids or more. Just to keep up with their countries growth. Not 1.5 children per couple.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Anxiety Power: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2014:

Self Imposed isolation only gives power and authority to all of your self created anxieties. 
News Flash. All of your anxieties are created by you and from all of your fears. Your anxieties are not based in facts or in reality. So, all of your anxieties are only within the confines of your false understandings and very real feelings. What do you do? What can you do? The answer is very simple and yet incredibly difficult.The emotional side of your brain is in absolute control of every aspect of your life. To the degree where it is not healthy. The logical side of your brain knows the answer but has zero authority or power to cause and effective change.
The psychology doctors and any other person who has the authority to write a medication to subdue the emotional power of your brain. In the hopes of chemically causing proper mental health. In which if you begin to take the medications. You will never become self sufficient and mentally healthy. The mind altering medications is the easy and quick path. For the long term mind altering medications can be very destructive and very addicting. Those very powerful mind altering medications may even cause you to commit suicide. In which no psychologist or pharmaceutical company will accept blame. So what do you do?
There is only one way. A step by step approach. Literally get up, face it with determination, take a step towards each of your fears and remain there at least one second longer than you did yesterday. Take a cheer leader with you. Find an R Lee Ermy close by. Who wont accept your weakness. You will need both. Some fear induced anxieties will require a cheer leader while others will require an R Lee Ermy.
----------------------------- Watch this and just smile a little------
---------------did you see the truth in this humor?-----

Your mental health is yours to have, to obtain and to hold onto. Desire, go and get, and hold onto.
It is possible, all that you desire is possible. Just think about that for a moment. All that you desire is possible. All that you have desired in the past was made possible within your own mind. You made all of your fears possible. All of your anxieties were made real by the decisions of your own mind. If you decide right now to reject all fear and all anxieties. They will stop with your physical action and your absolute determination to change all of the power and authority from your emotional side of your mind to your logical side of your mind. In which in time all of that authority can be transferred to your spirit self and then ...
 Note. The three "..." is of continuation which is to be discovered in your own journey of true self discovery.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Faith Flames: Faith Myth: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2014:

Faith Flames: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2014:
Your faith becomes inflamed when you begin to realize that the myth your religion is more real and more wonderful then you ever knew. 
C.J. MacKechnie
Faith Myth: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2014:

A  devout religious person believes intensely in the myth of their faith. 
What are the defining characteristics of a religious person and a holy person? Can there be a difference between the two? Is a holy person only that which has been approved by some supreme religious authority? Is a religious person just some lay person while the holy person is a religious professional of some declared, awarded, certified sort? 
What of those regular persons who do not seem to be religious or accepted by a standard earthy  religion? Can they be holy? or are they forever to be deemed as a evil cult group by the world's standards? If the person or person have become nearly sinless as best as can be and their personal direction is towards the supreme being. Are they not holy? even if they wear only sack cloth?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Peculiar Humor: (Unedited): 23 April 2014:

A peculiar person who tries to make a worldly joke. Is looked upon as peculiar by the world. 
Any person who has come to GOD or GOD has come to them. They are changed into a person who is now peculiar to the world under the authority of satan. So, when a peculiar person under the guidance of GOD tries to relate to any worldly person. The worldly person will see them as peculiar.

This isn't just about humor. It is about decision making. It is about reactions to certain stimuli.
When you become Holy and righteous in the eyes of God. You have become an alien to the worldly humans. You have changed that much and will continue to change even further.
First spiritually you shall change even if you know it not. Then mentally you will change and then finally your physicality.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rudolph Meaning: (Unedited): 27 Dec 2013.

This is something which has been revealed to me. It's odd just how I can or we all can sing a song and not even be aware of the meaning. Below is the lyrics from this website.

This is the fictional story and introduction of the Reindeer.This song is all about the conditioning of the peoples minds into blindly following the established authority. The authority can be one or many that which currently exists. The religious, The political, The cultural and societal authorities can all exert their influence upon a single person.

Mind control exerted upon everyone. Because everyone celebrates Christmas or the holidays. So, every child will be tuned in and listening to this song everywhere. Even on Christian media outlets. 
Mind control is most effective on those who are unaware. I hope you become aware. Although acceptance of my stated opinion may be hard for you.

You know Dasher and Dancer
And Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid
And Donner and Blitzen.
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?

You are introduced to the upcoming fictional star of the song. A Reindeer with an obvious difference to his being.

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

When Rudolph is introduced to all of the other reindeer. The ridicule, abuse and neglect begins. It seems it is alright to act in this manor with anyone who is different. Even in the cartoon the adult reindeer coach seems  even reject poor Rudolph.

All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
 Then and only when the established authority finds a use for Rudolph. Do all of the other reindeer begin to accept and love Rudolph. This only happens after the authority has a use. So in order to be accepted by the authority and by other people. You must be of use to the authority.
Who is the defined authority is in accordance to your own belief system. The political or religious authority. Either way it works for a child to learn and for adults to mindlessly pass along this Rudolph to their own children.

The public proclamation from the authority to Rudolph. An invitation to use your odd gifts and different abilities for the benefit of the authority.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Once accepted and invited by the authority. Only then does Rudolph become happy and the other reindeer begin to love and accept Rudolph. All of this can only happen through those who are in the established authority.

Then all the reindeer loved him
And they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history!
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

First Children: Wisdom Death: Nations United: Common Interest: (Unedited): 18 Nov 2013:

First Children:
Your school children will be the first ones to be mentally conditioned to believe that the nations of the world united is a great and wonderful thing. 

The school children are the beginning of any new belief system.  Once the children are officially taught in a learning environment that a thing is good, right and true. That is exactly what those children will believe in their adulthood. It matters not if that which is taught is actually bad, wrong and false. Those children when they become adults will follow along by their choice with the new status quo. The new way of doing and believing will be like it always had been for the young adult. While the middle aged adults will have to adapt and overcome or be left behind. The older adults will just think the world has gone to hell as their views are marginalized.
When you see the most innocent among us singing songs and acting in the plays at church or in schools. You will know the origin. No matter how innocent it may seem. It is mind control. If you do not know Bible Prophecy. Then learn about the first world government in the Christian teachings. But, then again the helpless christian sheeple will be one of the first groups of people to be criminalized. That is because, they know the truth. The truth must die and all who holds onto it.

Read at your own risk. It is up to you to ascertain a truth. Follow each story to its original source.

Wisdom Death:
Endangered becomes the world. When the wisdom of the elders dies before they do. 

All of the ancient wisdom's of the world which teaches anything which will be contrary to the teachings of the singular governing body of the world must die. It will be crucial for the success of the singular governing body for all of the common peoples of the world to look to the singular governing authority for all of their answers. All religions, all philosophies and all free thinkers must become like they never were and shall be never remembered again. It all starts when the common people every where no longer believe or follow the teachings of their ancients or today's elders.
Of course, there are teachings which are just untrue. Such as the division of the races. There is only one race and it is a human race. Those things which are contradictory to love, peace, harmony and life. Should be omitted from teachings as a way of life and instead be taught as the stories that they are for learning wisdom.
Nations United:
The political, ruling and elitist classes of people will urge for the progression of the governments/nations of the world to become united under one supreme ruling body. 
When all of the politicians, rulers, elitists of the world can agree upon equitable shares of the worlds wealth and lawful guarantees of the continuation of their families comfortable lifestyles. Do not think for once they have ever thought about your basic human rights or civilized freedoms. Those are not and will not be guaranteed for any person deemed as a commoner. In the beginning of the fundamental transformation from multiple governments into a singular world governing body. Everyone will celebrate their new world government.
Common Interest:
The common people must be conditioned to think and believe that a single governmental ruling body is of the best interest to everyone on the planet. 
Wouldn't you vote for a single governmental ruling body? if they could guarantee/promise no more world wars, no more regional wars, no more terrorism, guarantees to clean drinking water, healthy foods, education, heath care and etc.  Everyone who is not in a western nation would vote for that as well as a large percentage of those living in the western world. To disagree would mean that you are for the contrary to those promises made.
The truth is. The singular governing body is for those who are deemed as "First Worlders". This term will not be their new term as it is already used by the communists who currently seek the down fall of anything American.  Such as :  . There are many more groups and websites. You can look for them yourself and study their materials. I'm just not interested. I know enough about prophecy to know. That it doesn't matter. What does matter is the common people living and believing as a singular group of people. Who decide to live their lives with love, peace, harmony and with a sense of importance of all life. If the common people do these things. Then the majority of all of the bad and sad prophecies will not manifest. There will be no military forces in the world to go to war for those who will profit. There is always someone who will profit. War is typically about wealth, land and resources. The rest of what you think and know about the reason for wars is all lies and deceptions which has been propagandized to that governments civilian populations.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Two Witnesses: (Unedited): 31 Oct 2013:

Prophecies predict the coming of the Two Witnesses. Each religion and culture which has prophesied about the two will see them come. But, when the two come they will not be accepted by any and will be a threat to all aspects of establishment.  
The two Witnesses will not be under any human authority or control and will not obey any human law or tradition. The whole of this Earth celebrates the visible murder of the two. Just think about that for a moment. Everyone celebrates their killing. The little horn of one beast boast much.
These two Witnesses are from GOD and the entire population is so deceived with the lies of the world. That they all cannot see the two Witnesses for who they are. Which also means all of the religions and cultures which have prophesied their arrival. This should startle you to be awakened. The hour draws near and you cannot stay awake and pray just a little longer.
I think the two prophets, brothers, witnesses or however they are described within your religion or culture. Come because we the people how become we the deceived.
To prevent their or stop their coming. It is important for you to cease your sins and flee from all other sins. It is important for you to see that it is important for you to love one another, live in peace and exist in harmony with all things. Can you do these things by simple choice or do you have to be threatened in a variety of ways. You need to begin to see on your own the importance in living your life which encompasses Love, Peace and Harmony. To do so means all who are within your personal world shall have an opportunity to live a life worth living.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Worker Problem: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2013:

The worker who can only see all of the hard work they are doing and knowing they are not getting what they think they deserve. May begin to become a psychological problem for the whole of your work force. A breakdown of your chain of command, authority as well as over all trust.
The unhappy worker who holds onto their anger. May become a demoralizing factor within your work force. It doesn't matter if your employees claim to be empathic or not. We all are. So, an angry person who is in close proximity to all others will just cause others to be angry just like they are. Just by the angry persons presence. Other workers may not even be able to say why they became angry. They just know that they are. Thus, when this occurs. Productivity declines and accidents increase. Profits plummet and costs run high. Mechanical breakdowns occur at a higher rate than the predictive average. Mechanical wear and tare becomes obvious to visual inspection. Purposeful damage and mistreatment occur. 

One person can inflict this psychological down fall within your organization. To the degree that when your most sensitive employees begin to always feel angry just by arriving to work. They begin to look for a reason why. Being the typical nice person that they are. They may not point fingers to any one person. Instead they may look to recent corporate changes and immediately blame them. The nice and friendly sensitive person who has always been your best employees. Will need a management person to seek them out and inquire of them why they feel as they do? These nice sensitive people will be one of the firsts to seclude themselves as a means of self preservation. You need to get the names of those people who are uncontrollably angry and who are running their mouths. If this angry person or people is or was a key person(s). Then you should make amends by any means necessary. If not then they need to be let go. A fox in your coup always creates chaos. 
  Sometimes cleaning house is necessary. Sometimes people become so demoralized that they cannot return to their former productive record. By revealing the whole truth is necessary. Revealing that the original angry person was so-n-so and they made claims which were unfounded. If there were corporate changes. Then corporate needs to explain why and the need to do so. In order to protect the corporation, the plant and their jobs.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Intellectual Apathy: Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013:

Intellectual apathy is worse than illiteracy.  
Source for inspiration was Yahoo. Backed up with other reporting sources.
 I was just talking to my son about how apathy causes a person not to become a benefit to anyone else. Then I discovered this news article tonight from yahoo.  It doesn't matter if the destruction is an old T.V., Computer, furniture or 250,000 books. Those people who have authority over those books do not care about anyone else let alone think about being a benefit to any poor library in this country or even the world. We each must choose to be a benefit, be a curse or be nothing to anyone. Which has been chosen? Which have you or I have chosen on a daily basis?
I have watched a family destroy a large T.V. that they could not sell and instead of giving it to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or any other charitable organization. They enjoyed themselves by aggressively destroying it. Just so that no one else would take it and enjoy it. It is still in their front yard - right now. (10 Sept 2013 @ 2120).
Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013: 

Apathy begins the destruction of self, Then family, then Country and then world.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hopeless Gait: (Unedited): 26 July 2013:

The slow gait of the hopeless is without purpose or importance. C.J.MacKechnie
The hopeless and helpless people all seem to have similar walking gait. Even those who are apathetic in what they do have similar walking gaits. What does this mean. Well, find your crowded area and observe people walking. Almost immediately you will see a variety of people walking. Depending where you are and what time of day. You will witness various kinds of walking people.
LEAVING WORK:         Yea, people who actually want to go home will have that quick gait out to their car.

SPORTING EVENTS:    The walking gait to their seats to watch their team win. The walking gait leaving the sports
                                          When their team loses.

PUBLIC SCHOOL:         The walking gait of those who just do not care about school or even life.

ON THE JOB:                  The slow walk and slow physical movements of people who do not care anything about
                                           the job they are doing. They are only physically present and will do nothing on their
                                           own. They are existing in a slave mentality without even being aware of it. Their
                                           attitude is apathetic. That apathetic attitude will absolutely cause *you to lose
                                           business/income. (*you means business owner or corporate manager).

AT HOME:                   The depressed state of a person who has no hope in life and is helpless in all that they do.
                                       All of this can be witnessed by the observation of their physical walking gait. You can
                                       see this is very low income neighborhoods in the USA.

SHOPPING MALLS:        The gait of women who want to go shopping is different than the mens who they are
                                           literally dragging around. The young men walking behind the young women. Those
                                            who are returning items for exchange or refund. The men who need that specific
                                            tool from Sears. The excited gait of people making that big purchase.

LATE PAYMENT UTILITY BILL:  That purposeful going out of your way gait. To pay the bill and get it over

LAW ENFORCEMENT GAIT:       The walk of authority and purpose.  Almost a military march. Unless of
                                                            course he/she was former military.

When observing people you must consider physical disabilities and the potential oddness in their walking gait. It is also important to note a disabled persons courage and bravery as they go forth out in public and face the cruelty of normal people, just like you and me. Just remember you are just an accident or war zone away from a disability. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

War Pawns: (Unedited): 17 July 2013:

War Mongers will maintain their power and authority. So as long as they continue to create and perpetuate lies and deceptions amongst their common pawns. 
Anyone who does not have the minimum standard of wealth as defined by those who have heredity wealth. Will not participate in the realm of power and authority. The newly wealthy will be treated as they are. Promoted pawns. Everyone else is just a pawn including your admirals and generals.   
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Self Control: (Unedited): 07 May 2013:

The control and authority you desire in life. Must first begin with the self. C.J.MacKechnie
The control and authority you think you have in this life is an illusion. When you first think and believe you have control and authority in your life. This is an external illusion. Control and authority in your external life is based upon agreements, associations and relationships. All of which grants you the illusion of control and authority.

The control and authority of the self is first. Right? Think about this. You are a human animal defined as a bipedal mammal. As such your physical animal has certain requirements and desires which delve into the animalistic natures. If you allow the self to exert control and authority over the desires, needs and wants of the physical body. You will become stagnant in your life.
So, The lazy mind wants to make preparations for itself in order to survive and to become more comfortable. This is an evolution over the physical and animalistic domain. Until, such a time when the creative mind begins to discover crime, abuse, torture, cruelty, war, hatred, immorality, abandonment, and humanistic laws.
So, from the spirit being whom your true identity resides with is that which should have control and authority over your entire physical being. This is the governor, which can begin to bring about the revelation of enlightenment. Where love, peace, harmony and life can become the governing force in your life. So that happiness, joy and true satisfaction can be realized.
So, once you know there is a spirit world and that your spirit is just a small part of it all. There begins the search for God as HE/SHE is and always have been. So, where is control and authority supposed to be located?