Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Actual Righteousness: (Unedited): 11 March 2015:

A religious person cannot become righteous without understanding the importance of wisdom and then freely choosing to live their own actual lives with that Godly wisdom. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Unrighteous Civilization: (Unedited) 10 March 2015:

The loss of any civilization. Comes soon after when the people lose their righteousness. 
Righteousness is actual right living based on the wisdom and understanding that you or your people have. This is logically coupled with knowledge. All three wsidon, knowledge and understanding are directly tied to one another in some yet unseen math formula. This unseen formula is also coupled together in some fashion to another formula. Love, Peace, Life, Law and Harmony.
The freedom to freely become unrighteous while being able to sin without guilt or remorse will always lead to a level of extinction. Of the person, the family, the city, the state and finally of the whole. Extinction does not have to be instantaneous.
You may think that your country and your family are still present while having become unrighteous. Give it time. First shall come the loss your your families name and then your genetic line just disappears. To be followed in time by everyone else. By then a state of apathy will emerge and no one will really care. As they do now. All that matters in life is "my" (Your) fun and my entertainment. A time when all the meaning and purpose that the people will want shall be their fun and entertainment.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Divine Absence: Negative Separation: (Unedited): 04 March 2015:

It is with an angered mind and a hateful heart . Which keeps you absent of any divine wisdom and revealed understanding of any withheld holy secrets.
Negative Separation: (Unedited):  04 march 2015:
It doesn't matter why, how or even who has caused you to become angry and hateful. It is these and other negative thoughts and emotions. That you choose to hold onto. Which keeps you separated from God your Father. 
Where does the God of your understanding want your mind and heart to be? Just ask yourself that. No matter what your religious leaders have said to everyone in public or even in private.

To live by the law or to live in lawlessness? Which one? You can only do one or the other. 
To love one another or to hate? Which one? You can only do one or the other.
To exist in peace or in conflict? Which one? You can only do one or the other.
To be in harmony or in chaos? Which one? You can only do one or the other.
To nurture life or to kill life(murder)? Which one? You can only do one or the other. 

The fallen angels and humanity seems to always be able to always twist the intended words of God. There always seems to be at least three choices in life and usually two of the answer are wrong.
(A). That is until you choose to be righteous. Then you have only one choice. It is still a choice but the righteous person only sees one and it is of course the right choice.
(B). That is until you choose to be evil. Then your freedom to choose is absolutely taken away without any awareness and if you do have awareness. Then you just don't care. All of your actions will be one of evil and selfishness. If you happen to do a selfless act of anything good. Even that shall not be of your conscious choice. It will be God or the Divine Angels assuming control over you for a specific purpose or action. Again, You do not have an aware conscious choice. You will just do it.
(C). You don't believe in any of this bat guano and do as you please. Because, deep down you know your a good person and always do good when ever you can. That sin stuff is over rated and all God really wants is for you to be happy. Well, read (B). It still applies to you.
Evil can be popular, acceptable, welcoming, beautiful and smiling.

It is my intention to express the logic of this. To me it seems absolute and spiritually appears to me as a formula which is not two dimensional. Which incorporates much more data. If you have read my history on this particular subject matter. You can see evolution in my understanding.
Here is the math behind the purple words. If you choose any of the second choices. Then that one wrong choice will bring about all of the other second choices. It is just the way it works. So know that when your pastor, Imam, Rabi your friends and your family choose to celebrate and support your decision to freely choose to go off to war. That decision will lead you directly down the road of Lawlessness, Hate, Conflict, chaos, murder. This is the potential on what can happen when you choose the wrong second choice.
But, what happens when you don't make a choice. Then you become the victim of the coming storm. By actively not freely choosing the first choices. You automatically become associated with the second choices by default.
Again where does the God of your understanding want your mind, Your heart and your spirit to be? I did specify the spirit above did I? Everything that you do and think is of your choice. That is until, Your judged at the moment of a spiritual decision. Then you become useful property or fodder property to the god of air and of Earth. Which is who? Satan.
If you are of the knowing of the difference between right and wrong. Look at the purple words again. Look at each of the first choices and then of the second choices. Which is right and wrong without any conditions. See exactly how far you are from righteousness or how close you are to evil? Same thing?
Personal Note:
In my younger days. I was not a good person. I wasn't raised nor was I treated to be a good person. Then things changed in 1984. From that singular uncertain moment of questionable decision. I made a change and a slow growing change began within me. When I tell you slow growing it was slow and with plenty of old weeds trying to choke out the new.
I discovered something as I began to travel back in time and to relate present understanding to those things, those evil deeds, those bad actions, those wrongness, those selfishness. All of those things in which I have done in my past have grown into very tall and thorny weeds. To such a degree that even those weeds in which I began as seeds. Did not even know me and began to prick me. There were still those whom I have harmed that still held onto to those emotions and many have had their lives altered not by me but maybe because of me. It is possible. Even 30 years later. Through life experience. All of my own second choices that I have made in the past. Still exist today in some form. Even though I am no longer the person who made those second choices. To think logically along the lines of particle wave theory. Those particles of second choices have made their own everlasting waves of perpetuating wrong doings. So is it my fault for the harm of some unknown person in India or Southern Africa or Russia or South Korea? Very plausible. The particle creates the wave. The wave will eventually make an impact and then reflect into another direction. The frequency and energy of which cause harm to all. Even into the depths of this planet. Then magnify that energy, frequency and particle waves by billions of people who go forth daily and cause harm in some form or another. The more harm we cause the more it magnifies and propagates through time as a wave which grows exponentially like an unseen tsunami. So what is in store for the future of humanity? How long can you tread fire?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Monday, March 2, 2015

Dig Value: (Unedited): ?? Feb 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, understanding and humility. Will become the next archaeological dig for the next ones, who come after. 
This is really very simple. When an entire species begins to become so prideful that their wants and desires supersede all other life and things. They will slowly over time become extinct. Because, comforts and desires is about the here and now. This selfishness will become like a drug addiction.
 Kind of like how social media is today. No one really interacts person to person anymore or they are becoming self isolated by choice. As the new generation of young people go into adulthood. They will prefer to be plugged into the internet than to go outside and to have a person to person relationship with another human being.
Modern friendships will have no personal responsibility to any other person. So much so, that when someone just disappears from a social network. Some may inquire as to why or what happened to that person. But, then will just go on with their digital lives and fill the space with another digital friend.
Eventually, Dead persons will be discovered when houses or rents need to be paid or when their is a great stink.
 The digital lifestyle will become a contributing factor to all of our extinction.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Becoming Archeology: (Unedited): 26 Jan 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, wisdom and humility. Will become the next archeological dig for those who follow after. 
This is prophecy:
Think about today's age of modern man.  It seems that mankind has forgotten the importance of love, peace, harmony and life. Where creature comforts are more valued than another persons well being. Where the freedom to sin with the blessing of human laws is of paramount importance. From these human laws which ease any sort of guilt from breaking any of the spiritual laws for the governance and maintaining of life.
The world wide abuses of women and children. The continued enslavement of selected peoples. The seemingly never ending wars and atrocities affiliated with battles. The extermination of certain groups of people considered undesirable or just rejected.
Just by this and many other measures. The human species may become judged as a race of beings not deserving to be allowed for advancement. We will be allowed to exterminate ourselves. By the will of God. Every nation shall become the enemy of one another. Not because they have any real choice but from the will of God to take away even their awareness of free choice. Man shall rise up against man. Again, this will involve no awareness of any free choice as these things shall come after humanity has been judged.
For instance. Mr. President Putin is preparing for war. There will be no peace from the west with President Putin. Mr. President Putin has no choice and no free will. He will go to war. He will strike first. Mr. President Putin is already very intimate with how to send the USA back to the 1800's.
Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping is also another leader who has no awareness that he has no free will in regards to world war. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping and the rest of China is actively preparing for war with the west. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping only sees the future of China in a constant state of war. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping isn't even aware that his beloved country of China will only be a trigger. As with any trigger there will be a cause. This cause will be in absolute control over the whole of China leading to it's destruction. The art of war used against China.
Even with all of the western leaders of the so called free world. They to are all or will become without the awareness of free will lost. They to will each go to war with one another. This also, includes the President of the USA. Who will most likely be the sacrificial sheep for the worlds journey into extinction. The total loss of the USA must precede the military growth of whatever is birthed from manufactured chaos. This new world order of things. Which brings everyone hope and everyone will love the new leader who brings the population of the world together as one. The oneness this first leader of the world brings to all of humanity is one total death.
Added on 02 Feb 2015: Japan:
Mr. Prime Minister will also fall victim to the unaware loss in free will. All will be lost for Japan. So to the entire population. To avert total extinction. You must truthfully humble yourself as well as the whole of the Japanese people. They must seek out forgiveness and publicly admit all of their evil deeds. With this humble truth. A new era shall begin for the Japanese people. I still think there is much hope for the Japanese people, but only after humble truth. Make amends with all of your brothers and sisters. Start building those domed cities I've seen. I've seen one in China (NE, Mongolia and Russia), Texas (Gulf of Mexico) and Minnesota (W90 or between lakes). Not sure if each were certainties or singular possible outcomes.  Seek not to expand your war machine. Allow China to know that your not a threat. Brothers should not be threats to one another. Look to space as well as multiple places on Earth to offset possible Japanese extinction.
Those domed cities are about 25 miles wide.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Effects of abuse: (Unedited): 19 Feb 2014:

The children and adults who were in the foster care system. Do, have a life of trials ahead of them. It is not so easy to escape the abuses and tortures of their past. Psychologically there can be healing, growth and evolution within each person. Thus, becoming a more profound human being than if they had been raised in a normal family. (Please do not look deeper into that comment). This type of person is rare.

A person who has been so abused and tortured by their own blood family and yet by some kind of focused determination. They become positively more than they themselves ever even thought was possible or plausible for themselves.

The old physical wounds of the past may even begin to show their ugly heads int the future present. Thus, becomes a new fight for their resolve and character. Even if the physical fight may be lost. There will still be much to learn and much to teach.

For myself. I have endured much physical trauma to my brain as a child. I have left trucking because of those lingering effects in which I could no longer manage safely. Especially when driving an 80,000 pound vehicle. So, today, I am no longer a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) holder.

An event occurred the other day in which is having an impact upon my being.


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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Prideful Victory: (Edited): 08 Nov 2014:

To the Chinese Government and media. Two brothers who stand together after a disagreement should stand beside one another in unity, love and peace. If one brother stands next to the other only in victory, this not love nor peace. It may not be apparent to China, but they need Japan just as, soon, Japan will need China. Any rejection from either of them because of their own stubbornness and pride may destroy them all. 
The great Sun Tzu and his Art of war mentions about how to use another's own pride and stubbornness in your own defined victory. It is too bad that his writings only foster lies and deceptions in order to gain any kind of possible victory. But, to what ends? For peace. Sure peace can only be attained when all of your enemies are wholly destroyed and dead. But, after you go forth and kill and destroy all of your enemies the only thing left is survival. The last time I checked, survival is not fun nor is it entirely peaceful. As a matter of fact, when you are surviving you're not feeling or thinking about anything peaceful. You will be mourning your losses. You will be trying to rebuild your life. Or with extreme warfare, all that you work to do afterward may still end in your own extinction, especially where a simple cut can lead to infection and then a painful death, which is a part of survival.
This is the state of our world's evolution of warfare today. Even a small insufficient island nation can still inflict great harm upon all of your land and people. Yes, the island nation will be destroyed by your own will and manpower. But at what cost? Are you willing to continue to call your brother an enemy because they made their respects to their own war dead? Even from my own peninsula I can smell your pride and stubbornness.  Yet, your actions and the actions of the China Media has me concerned over the survival of humanity.
China, you are on the cusp of true greatness. But only if you LEAD the world in peace, love, forgiveness and mercy will the entire region follow, and then the world.  From as it appears in Hong Kong, China is failing. China is failing with Japan. From these small tests - and they are "Small Tests" - China is failing as predicted before. China will be the simple trigger which causes the extinction of all of humanity. How is that for the cost of failure? No pressure.
Where can China and Japan re-discover their ancient writings of "The Art of Peace"? I'm not saying I know exactly where it is to reveal the answer to those leaders who are both blind and deaf. It will be like wasted wisdom compassionately spoken into the winds of a great storm. That sounds like a quote? This writing must mean something.
Both of your great nations and great peoples need to fundamentally change the way you think. Is this possible? YES. Is it probable? NO.
Can each of your great peoples look across the waters towards the other and see a long forgotten relative? By making that simple family relationship of thoughts within each of your own hearts, can you begin to alter how you deal with your lost family member? Consider the actions of any family anywhere in this world where any relative has become lost and then returns home. Do they not celebrate with great cheer? Why must it be different with governments and leaderships? Separating yourself from humanity causes you to lose the self. You guys are way smarter than me.
Added on 10 May 2017:
My Comment:
The threats to Japan are not just North Korea. It is also from a new China and a re-surging Russia. The defense of Japan must take in these other threats as well because North Korea is friends with China and Russia. So any attack or defensive preemptive attack may result in military actions from China and Russia to some degree. 
Once a Tomahawk cruise missile is launched from a ship or even from a military base from Japan, how long does it take to get to a target? Up to two hours +/- a little bit of time. The Tomahawk cruise missiles may be just a propaganda tool to elicit a friendlier action from the dictator/god from North Korea, because every nation has use of shoot-and-scoot as part of their military tactics. When North Korea shoots off their missiles, the launchers go and hide. Those Tomahawk cruise missile are barely over the ocean, assuming they were fired from a base in Japan. So these cruise missile must be used against hardened and or stationary targets, but may be ineffective against hardened targets. 
The weapons systems that Japan must consider is the use of more destroyers from the USA or from their own creation as well as support missile frigates. 
With president Donald Trump in office, the sale of three old Nimitz class Air Craft Carriers may be a very slim possibility, but also a strategic value for the region. Those three Air Craft Carriers along with a compliment of F/A 18's plus other aircraft and missiles would go along way to offset the threats already posed by Russia and China. They would still not even be enough for Japan to pose an offensive threat to anyone in the region. They would however earn more respect and gain more attention of their newly purchased capabilities. For the USA government, if any real hot action were to happen to Japan or in that region it would buy some time for the US military to move assets and personnel into the region. 
Japan would also need to build up their military bases to house a variety of missile systems and other new energy based weapons systems as well as OTH (Over The Horizon) RADAR systems that would need to be oriented towards Russia, China, North Korea and the China Seas. 
That is a lot of money and efforts by a nation with a shrinking population.
I forgot to add that every Aircraft Carrier will need it's own compliment of submarines, cruisers, destroyers, frigates and corvettes plus necessary logistical support ships. That would be about 4 of each one plus a certain number of variants of each, not to mention support ships as well as other land based logistics supports. So the over all expense is really huge and for a really long time. 
 With a shrinking population(Japan) comes a shrinking tax base and huge debt problems.
China needs to redirect their efforts towards peaceful means, like space and the beginning the journey up there. Once China begins in earnest and with much much greater efforts to go into space, then the rest of the world will take notice and join them (China) as has been done with the USA in the old space days. This is the path to peace for all of humanity. The continual building of war machines by all of the modern era nations will only lead all of humanity into the extinction process.  
Added on 28 May 2017:
I was gonna write something but it was a repeat. So I did some minor editing. Then the professional editor arrived.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quitting Thing: Power Reach: Superior Extinction: Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:

Quitting a thing isn't as important as beginning the thing. Although quitting does make you a quitter.  
If you never begin anything you desire to do. You will never have an opportunity to grow, develop or to evolve. Fear, intimidation, a false sense of how things will end up. Which is basically all fear based. Overcoming fear and all of those other negative emotions which is holding you back. You may think it is to hard and impossible. But, those are just illusory excuses which are only real inside of your own mind. Overcoming all of those illusory excuses is a simple logical decision away from you.
By switching to the other side of your brain for dominant action. You switch away from being controlled by your emotions to logically controlling your emotions. This is how it is supposed to be. You have a very real logical thought and then you have an emotional response. This is the correct way of thinking. Having and obeying your emotional side of your brain and then creating a logical response is just backwards. On the spiritual side. Thinking emotionally first and then logically second opens you up to easy demonic attacks. It is easy to control how any human feels.
The fear of failure without any logical fact is illogical as to why you should never begin a thing.
By doing, by learning, by developing skills, by growing wisdom, by gaining understanding all of it proves your fears wrong. Even a failure proves your fears wrong. Because out of your failure(s). If you just sit and analyze (contemplate) your mistakes. You will still gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding then if you had accidentally succeeded in the first place.
Power Reach: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Reach out beyond the negativity of your own mind and in doing so you will discover the real power of you. 
The fallen angels were not happy with our creation. We were made to be above them. Which means they had to and will have to destroy us before we can evolve higher than they. So the fallen angels know the power of emotions as they themselves had very little control over their own emotions. Falling in lust with human women. Which I think is worse than incest with a child. This is what makes the fallen angels so evil. Beings so superior than any human being in every way. Yet, they fall victim to their own pride and sin.
I think their easy destruction by methods which is still beyond human understanding is how those falling ones are trying to destroy all of humanity. By psychically influencing the emotions of all of humanity is their key to the logical control of any human beings logical mind.
The fallen angels are really close in influencing the world leaders into self destruction and extinction. Those human leaders will know not what they have done until afterwards. Where political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom.
Superior Extinction: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Humanities extinction comes when political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom. 
Maybe, there are rules involved to anyone's involvement with the development of any new species. Rules that we know not of. Probably because just knowledge of those rules would contaminate humanities development. From non-physical contact is the only way those demonic souls can influence humanity. The most powerful of demonic souls will have their place in close proximity to those world leaders, religious leaders, cultural leaders, the wealthy and the prideful elite. The most powerful of all of the fallen angels are not going to waste what time they have on the simple common person. They do not have any power in the power struggles in any world decision or event. Your total deception is complete.
Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Common people are just pawns and the human kings are just puppets
Think about that. It is true.
You world leaders go back to the divinity of wisdom and understanding. Which is love, peace, harmony and life. Base all of your decisions on these things and you will instantly cut all of the demonic strings which control your life and actions without you even being aware of it.
 Is the puppet ever aware of their strings or the one(s) who controls them?  Nah.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wisdom Shower: (Unedited): 27 Sept 2014:

A cool clean feeling spiritual shower is when you take in wisdom which has a direct impact upon your life as it is right now and then mentally decide to effect change based on your understanding.  
 Here I sit doing other things and thinking other thoughts. Then the gentle rain of words begin to fall into my brain. Attached along with it understanding of the words which feels like those in between spaces of the rain drops. Those places where the cool air falls and the warm air rises. Can you feel it as I can.
Personal info.
Sometimes I wonder if the reason why I like coolers so much is the temperature is constant and thus the temperature are of similar well temperatures. Wearing cooler clothes tends to block all of the wind across my skin. Which can drive me insane at times. Because, unlike you who feels a single source of wind across all of your skin at once. I feel a single source of wind across every single nerve ending and hair follicle at once. To me the wind doesn't feel like one wind but rather hundreds of thousands of winds. That is how I feel all of the time. So in the cooler for me can be relaxing and calming. Except while in the cooler. I must be productive and exacting in the placement of product.
To medicate is to take away the rain. To take away the whole me.

The word medicate is also alcohol, tobacco and any other mind altering substance. 

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Good Teacher: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The good teacher cannot teach those who consider themselves greater than the good teacher and is only the ways to their self defined means. 
 The good teacher seems to always want to teach anyone who is present in the hopes that their heart and mind are open. The desires of the student can be very muddled with many distractions and false beliefs. The pride and ego of the student can become blockades to the good teacher. Especially if the student knows they are smarter and wealthier or more important than the good teacher will ever be. Then this student cannot be effectively taught.
Selfishness can also blind the student to learning those little details which are necessary in life. Such as wisdom and understanding. Everyone knows that wisdom and understanding will not profit you in the world system as led by those false god's. Wisdom and understanding causes you to question the human leaders of those false god's. So this is why wisdom and understanding is not included in the world's formal educational systems.
The student is everyone and the teacher can also be anyone. When the teacher has too much superior pride in the positions they hold. then they can no longer be taught, nor can they unlearn those truths which have turned out to be lies.
Even the wealthier than you family member or friend can have so much ego and pride that they automatically discount your less than them counsel. Woe to those who discount and negate wisdom and understanding.
The older person who is obviously far less intelligent then you, maybe even by more than 100 points. These people have gained much from their unique observations from their perspective understandings in this life. Which is alien of yours. By humbling yourself to listen to their counsel in matters which may be blind to you. Their overly simplistic approach may just enlighten your clouded awareness and save you and those whom you represent from a potential calamity of unknown definition.
A humble leader is a quiet teacher and a listening student. How can a teacher be quiet? It is through their actions that they teach those who choose to watch and follow them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Religion Death1 and 2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The death of religion within your own heart begins with the spiritual spark of righteousness. 
The death of religion happens three ways. By forgetting, Living a righteous and holy life, and by the sword. 
Once you begin to conceptualize the importance of righteousness and holiness. Free from threats, fears, intimidation's, imprisonment and death. You can now begin to come to know the essence of God. The God of love, peace, harmony and life. Wisdom and understanding of the true nature of things becomes like an illuminated light deep within you. A light so deeply hidden and yet your own unknown awareness of it becomes an awe experienced.
Have you ever watched those wilderness types create a fragile spark and then cradle it to the place where the fuel resides. Then the fire is ignited from that little spark of ember. Such it is with you.

By forgetting about religion is a sign of your own action that religion is not worthy of any importance with the world controlled by false god's. Becoming so entrapped within the confines of the world system's of wealth assimilation will cause you to no longer have time for wisdom or understanding. In this world controlled by those false god's. You have only been taught the worldly knowledge from the education system of the world. All that you have learned in the worlds formal educational system has only been about how to follow the rules, To question not and to obey. Think about that for a moment. You have been conditioned to be who you have become now. All without any teaching of wisdom or understanding. To be successful within the world. You do not need to know any wisdom or understanding. Only how to be a team player for the coach or the false god's. Your efforts in your professional life is all about what benefits the team. Never even questioning the fact that you are actually a slave to the social structure of the team. Which is owned by those agents of the false god's.
To take up the sword or any other weapon of violence. Does more than destroy the religion in which you have been taught to hate. You have been taught to hate by those leaders who want you to go forth and gather to them much property and wealth. Religion in which there is only knowledge given. Removes and binds the follower into following the human teachers unto their ends. To obey the will of their human teachers because they are the proclaimed spoke persons for god. Which god? The God of love does not desire you to hate. The God of peace does not want you to go into battle. The God of harmony does not want for you to create chaos. The God of life does not want you to cause death. So any human who wants you to hate, to war, to chaos and to death is a false agent of the false god's. Pretending to be the voice of the God you want to know. They are liars and deceivers.
When you take up the sword or gun because you have been deceived. You are still responsible for all of your actions you are about to take or have already taken. All of the religious followers who have been declared your enemy. You kill and murder them. Yes, you actions will end their personal understanding of what their religion means to them but also you kill the religion within yourself.
Living a righteous and holy life frees you from the chains of religion.  Living a righteous and holy life opens your mind, your eyes and your ears to false teaching of those who proclaim they are the voice of god and it will be true. their god is the god of lies, deceptions, hate, war, chaos and death. You will know the truth.
Be free from all sins and evil ways. Always love one another as you have been taught. Always live in peace as you have been taught. Always exist in harmony as you have been taught. Cherish all life as something of great importance. Whosoever desires you to become contrary to these basic teachings. Know that they are not from the source God of your teachings. They are of the fallen ones who came here to become our god's. False god's. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Free Memories: (Unedited): 25 Aug 2014:

The excitement of knowing the retail value of your families heirlooms is exactly what your willing to sell those memories for. Even if you just give them all away. 
We have been watching antiques roadshow.  It is interesting how to watch people get really excited about the values of their own families heirlooms and the notion that a limited financial wealth an come from such things. I guess for me I see this as incredibly really insulting. To sell the memories of your own family for temporary wealth. Those ancient things give real tangible/physical meaning to your own families history especially when teaching the importance of what the ancestors had done in their own lives, long, long ago. Even if some of those memories are bad, sad and ugly. They still should be remembered in order to teach those important lessons to the new generations of your family. 
The wonderful successes in your family which have garnered substantial worldly wealth. Are more valuable remaining in the families possession and the stories of enduring hardships in order to achieve them. Is crucial for the young generation to know that achievement is more than possible. So as long as you continue to endure without cessation. After all it was achieved by your family members before you. So, you can to. Except now you can learn from the stories of their successes and failures. In order for you to more easily to achieve your own dreams as you define them.
Without any tangible memories within a families history. The young ones have no guide lines no ancient wisdom to work their own lives. Wisdom taught is often more essential than only knowledge learned. Wisdom brings with it an understanding gleaned. Thus, you have a compete circle for successes potential. That potential is tied directly to the intentions of your resolve and the desires of your heart. 
What does it mean "Even if you just give them away"? It seems like a lot of episodes of Antiques Roadshow. There is always that person who bought this or that from Goodwill or some other non profit thrift store. Some family gave away their family secrets either by willful choice after their family member had passed on. Or they knew not the stories behind those objects of importance. Which makes me sad.
Why? I'm one of those people who was born to a family and then was adopted. Growing up belonging to neither and not sharing or creating any useful memories for long term positive growth in adulthood. Memories are very important to young ones. Even if that distant uncle was captain of some unknown Naval ship. Yea, I saw that US Navy Award box with the absent guns in the display. Apparently the guns were of more importance than the official US Navy awards to those surviving family members. Those memories of achievement will probably never be known or taught to the next generation of that family. Important memories and achievements lost forever to that family. That box sat in a Goodwill Stores office for months. They were trying to figure out how to honorably and respectfully handle it properly.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Earth Dream: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2014:

If the Earth had a bad dream. Would it be us? 
Just think about this for a moment. There are ancient unaccepted religious texts that say the Earth, waters and our star pray to God and tells Him what we are doing and have done. And God answers them all back.  So, why not dream.

How can we each cause our Earth to have good dreams? If that is even possible. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Deceiving Creators: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2014:

Creators of war hide close enough to the veils of peace to deceive many.
Creators of hate hide close enough to the veils of love to deceive many.
Creators of chaos hide close enough to the veils of harmony to deceive many. 
Creators of lies hide close to the veils of truth to deceive many. 
The truth is.
There can never be peace when your in conflict of any kind and in any way.
There can never be love when you hate anyone and anything, no matter who or what it is.
There can never be harmony when your life is full of chaos everywhere even through cause and effect.
The lies and deceptions you believe as truths can never be discovered if you know not to look.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Calm Eye: Hard Wisdom: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2014:

It takes a stormy person to become a calm eye at the center of their being.  
I have grown up with great storms in my life and some how I just survived them all. There is no logical reason why I survived. I was never the smartest or strongest. I was actually drugged into mental oblivion for the vast majority of my childhood. Beating, abused and nearly killed many times. Yes, there is a great storm about me. Deep within my core is a great and peaceful calm. Is it always that way? Naw, I'm not Jesus. 
Real life hard experiences in which you actually become a good person or are able to hold onto those good qualities of goodness within you. Is a form of purification. Although purification does not feel good. The end result is a more solid and righteous you in the eyes of God. Does this mean you are perfect or should be revered in life? Naw. It just means your a better you and if your purification is ongoing, then you will become a better you tomorrow and the day after. 
For those seekers of wisdom or for those to be blessed with wisdom. The storms experienced in life is often times un welcomed. Which is probably as it should be. Those persons who have been blessed with that thirst for wisdom. They always ask a million questions and seek 2 million answers. Which is followed by 3 million more questions and 4 million more answers and etc. 
Sometimes it is very easy to get caught up within the whirlwind of chaos. Helplessly thrown about in violent random confusion. Once you begin to reacquire your focus, your calm. Your peaceful center will be there like it always had been. Untouched and undamaged by any storm. Just stop and pray. Just stop and meditate. Just stop and contemplate. Just stop. 
Amazing things will happen when you just stop. Peace and harmony begin to slowly show first then love is remembered. If you focused on the love first, everything which is good and right just pops into place immediately. 
People can be selfish and thankless. Even they in their stormy times of their own life. It matters not if the storms are of their own creation or not. They go to the person who seems to have much wisdom. Someone who seems to have been to hell and back. Someone who does not mind the trip into hell either. The person who has been blessed with much wisdom is often searched by all who know of this person. The selfish and thankless will get what they can get plus maybe a free meal. Then depart without even closing the door properly.
The wisdom which is given freely to them should be given with a heart of love and understanding of their state of being. Because, it can be hoped that the wisdom your freely give out of the outpouring of your love for them. Will eventually crack their hardened heart. Even if your not the one who will offer them support with the hardness falls away. It still should be celebrated when it does. Even if no one remembers the first wise person who made that first singular crack into that hardened heart.
So give of yourself freely. by doing so no one can use you.
Hard Wisdom: (Unedited):  17 Aug 2014:
Out of your love. 
Your wisdom freely given should be harder and finely pointed, so as to crack the hard heart and to remain within. 
Wisdom which is like a splinter. Lasts long enough until it is pushed out or is absorbed.  In this instance absorbed is good wisdom remembered and pushed out wisdom is rejected wisdom. Though not necessarily bad wisdom. Good wisdom can be rejected as easily as bad wisdom. Bad wisdom is like a dirty splinter which causes infections within. Thus, continues the suffering in new ways which has not been experienced before.  Even good wisdom can have a similar effect upon an bad person. The good splinter of wisdom can likewise infect the bad person with goodness. Which can eventually take over the bad person.
You should not feel bad or rejected because someone came to you for advice and then refused what you had to offer them. Feel good that they actually came to you and have hope that all of the wisdom they ask of you becomes thorns on their hardened heart. That is the goal isn't it? To have the hardened heart free of it's shell, one crack or splinter at a time.

As inspired by Janice Louise. All of this from your little spark.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fall Up: (Unedited): 03 Aug 2014:

After you fall. All that there is for you is, up.  
 We all fall. Some take their falls much more harder than others. Falls are all the same you end up at the bottom. So, what do you do then? When you are at your lowest of the lows? What do you do? Really. What do you do?
Do not even use any negative word in a positively minded sentence. The negative words still remain. Rid yourself of all negativity. Even if you have to relearn how to think and speak.
As inspired from Monica P. Flores
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Knowledge Increased: (Unedited): 30 July 2014:

Waiting on other content. Not complete. Hopefully I will discover a quote- somewhere. 

Daniel is instructed to conceal the words until the end of time.
By concealing secret words and possibly encoding the words within the whole Holy Bible. It may very be possible that the entire book is in fact an intellectual Hologram or holograph as taught to me by Steve Weyerts. 
This is from the New American Standard. I find this version more plausible then other versions. Because of the various ways in which people are using computers to decipher the various codes within the Holy Bible.

New American Standard Bible
"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

Your warned. Any content that I share even write myself is to be prayed about, meditated upon and even fasted for. I'm not an educated writer and do do the best i can. Do your own research and if you find errors in my writings or the content just off. Bring your sources and I will make those changes quickly as I've done in the past.
I've written from time to time the apparent relationship of wisdom, knowledge and understanding has to each other. In order to have a balance in life you should equally pursue wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all that you chase after.
Just watching Steve Weyerts newest video as linked above. It hit me many new things like brand new puzzle pieces. Such as this Bible verse Daniel 12:4.

"Knowledge will grow"
"Knowledge will increase"
"Knowledge shall be manifold"
"Knowledge shall be multiplied"

In all of the interpretations. No where that i can remember if wisdom or understanding is increased. This new realization has just become troubling to me and now I understand why all of humanity will nearly becomes extinct. Except those remnant chosen saved By God.

The lack of information regarding wisdom and understanding is almost very telling as to why humanity is where it is today and where it will lead to.
A person, a society or even the whole planet cannot possibly be responsible for any increase of knowledge's without equal wisdom and understanding.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Miss May 1 and 2: (Unedited): 13 July 2014:

Those who intently seek the one thing may miss the many.

Those who seek for anything may miss the one important thing. 
What are you seeking for may very be important to you. Continue on seeking those things which are truly important. But, do not allow yourself to become so focused that you miss out on the beauty of everything you encounter. By noticing the beauty in everywhere. The everywhere puts a little bit of beauty inside of you.
Do not search just for everything you may encounter, because the one thing you were supposed to notice may have been the one thing which had the wisdom and understanding you needed.
There may be times in your life where you just take everything into you and other times in your life where you just seem to intently focus upon the one thing. This is all OK so as long as what you do does no harm to anyone or anything.
So for you it is OK for you to miss the one thing when the many becomes a kaleidoscope  of wondrous beauty. It will also be OK for you to see the one most beautiful of things while all of the other beautiful things pass all around you.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Supernatural Normalcy: (Unedited): 25 June 2014:

Those who continually dwell within the supernatural on a daily basis, only know the normalcy of their intimate interactions. 
The word intimate is not and has nothing to do with any kind of physical intimacy.
This quote was inspired from listening to Jonathan Kleck show.
25 June 2014
It is physically and mentally overwhelming for any human being to experience anything supernatural. Including all things spiritual as defined by the current understanding of a common spiritualist. To remain awake or to become awakened can be difficult especially when your natural spiritual state is that of spiritual slumber.
Becoming awakened can be exhilarating or frightening. The how your spirit becomes awakened is very important.
So it is important to show much compassion for those who are asleep or who become awakened and fall back asleep. To force a spirit to remain awake may not be very healthy or wise. Not even Jesus in the garden forced his friends, brothers, apostles to remain awake. When the spirit falls back to sleep. It is probably an indication from the spirit to the mind and body. That the physical being is not yet ready for any more of the super natural. The physical being must go through an adaptation to anything which is super natural. It can take time for the person to become accustomed to the one thing which is super natural.
Many people or the majority of people cannot handle the super natural on a daily basis. But, like a new baby who can only eat from the breast. Takes in just enough to ease the pain of an empty stomach and when the new baby eats to much becomes sleepy. So, to is the beginning level of the super natural. The eyes becoming accustomed to unexplainable daily coincidences, which seemed to not be seen before and yet now are daily experiences. Once the awakened person becomes accustomed to these baby coincidences and chooses to fight off the sleep. The next advancement of baby steps shall begin and this will often times be directed by the spirit within and geared directly to the individual experience. All for the individuals development and evolution.
Be warned. Those who are righteous and those who care not for things which are righteous. Will experience two different approaches to the super natural. One path may be slow in growth, which may focus on love, peace, harmony, life, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. While the other path may be quick in the selfish desires for acquiring powers, rites, rituals and authorities.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Spiritual Compass: (Unedited): 22 June 2014:

The kind of spiritual awakening you welcome will be defined by your own internal sense of righteousness and how you live your life in accordance to that singular compass. 
Are you good or bad? Are you wise or ignorant? Do you care or are you full of apathy? Does righteousness matter or is it even a fundamental truth? The ten commandments is it to induce a slave mind or is it a logical lesson for a life worth living?
What about the good angels or the bad angels? Are they real? Was there truly a war in the heavens and the rebellious angels cast down to earth creating a prison planet? Were the fallen angels the ones who invaded this planet and brought to us sciences and practices as defined by them? Are the historical gods of legend really those fallen angels ruling over humanity? Does this mean that the alien invasion of Earth already occurred in Earth's ancient history? Is humanity still today suffering and learning from these imprisoned alien's inside of the earth? Am I allowed to even mix the terms angels and aliens?

Are you concerned at all that the reason for the war in the heavens was over the humans on this planet? and that the most direct contact with spiritual beings may be from those fallen angels who only want to cause humanities extinction. It is not enough for humanity to become extinct but for humanity to cause their own extinction. Isn't that a more effective form of warfare. To cause your enemy to kill themselves. This is logical and efficient. Especially when your being is mostly trapped deep in the bottomless pit. The fallen angels using their own superior natural abilities can still manipulate the lesser, weaker and unknowing minds of humanity in order to influence humanity to obey their subtle wills. Thus, can be seen in the changing of belief systems. The renewed questioning of rights and freedoms which surround morality which is spreading across the world.
Beware, those of you who are spiritually awakened. You to can still achieve a righteous purity in spite of the certain religious, cultural poisons which are right now surging through your mind and into the altering of your very DNA. It is true. What you think to be real about yourself is altered in your DNA until you become it. This works both ways. One way for a sinful life and the other for a righteous life. Just as a sinner can become righteous a righteous person can become a sinner. Until, such a point as reprobation is judged upon them.
If you believe that the innocence of life can be aborted. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that self love is your absolute and apathy for everything else is OK. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that war and conflict is the normal state of being. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that chaos is something to create or maintain in order for you to profit from. Then you are one of the deceived.
To be a religious person and yet still dawn the uniform of warfare is another deception. You cannot in truth practice your religion of love, of peace, of harmony and go off into hells battlefield to hate all, to make war and to create chaos. There is great deceptions involved. In which all of it comes from the imprisoned fallen angels. Then when humanity accidentally or on purpose release the imprisoned angels. They will then be free to do as they will. The pure saints of each of the religions will fall to martyrdom. With little or no notice from the world. The vast majority of the population of the world will begin to worship the world leaders as the gods they will appear to be like. Everyone will love the world ruler. Which is when the armies of GOD will come and all of the military's of the world will fight against Jehovah. Thus, bringing together the whole truth of prophecy. All of it from all peoples and religions/faiths.

For you to evolve you must accept of your own free will these things.
1)Life is important.
2)Love is important.
3)Peace is important.
4)Harmony is important.
These four things are a logical formula and must be obeyed. If the logical formula is contaminated in any way. The outcome of life is fundamentally lessened or continually diminished until the point in which life cannot be sustained. 
Those few who have become awakened within the purity of the laws of righteousness. Will become changed in the twinkling of an eye. They will be the ones who evolve to the higher state of being. Within them will not be fear only the expectancy of continuation into the next. In which their bodies may not be shed but transformed.
At this point not even the fallen angels will be able to have influence over the righteously evolved.
So, In which direction does your compass point? Into the heavens or deep into the earth? What is the condition of your compass? Is is purely clean or contaminated? and to what degree? Does degree even matter to the holy divine?
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 