Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Victory Quality: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2014:

Wishing ill will or injury of your greatest challenger, not only harms them but also harms you by diminishing the quality of your honorable victory. 
For your victory or even your loss to be honest. Both sides must be at their best. All attitudes must be positive, prepared and righteous. Any cheating, harming, hating and negativity only taints the goodness of any victory or even a loss.
A loss can be more important than any victory where questions have risen. A loss can and reveal all of your errors in training and preparation. Especially, when you have believed that you have done everything you could have done. Your errors revealed are those opportunities for you to decissively make those newly identified errors in training and preparation.
With any clouded victory. One tends to celebrate and not question the victory by simply proclaiming a simple notation in the win column is more important than anything.
The attitudes of those who feel a need to cheat, harm or hate needs to be self altered. If they cannot be self altered. Then that team player, coach, management person needs to be changed. even if they are one of your aces. Becasue, they may not be able to be trusted when the body is weary, the mind is taxed and the spirit is confounded. From this state those negative and unrighteous feelings may end up in unfortunate actions. Which brings everyone down to that disgusting level of competition. Thus, spoiling any hope for an honorable victory or even loss.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Greatest Victories: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2014:

Do not celebrate your greatest challengers loss by accidental disqualification. Because, their disqualification may have prevented your greatest and most honorable of all victories.
Innocent and fluke accidents can happen. A simple misstep or a to quick of a jump out of pure excitement. When they do. Your pure victory or your ultimate test of your complete preparation is at stake. Especially when your number one challenger has prepared as you have. These kinds of disqualifications takes away a hard earned victory where all of your might, mind and spirit was could have been used. Yes, it will be true that you were victorious and that you won the contest. But, the worth and questions on who was the better will always be in your mind.
Never settle for cheap victories. Even if you lose. You still win in the long term knowing that you did all you could do and then some more. That you entered into the contest and exceeded your own expectations throughout the event. It even goes for your challengers who as well exceeded their own abilities. This is the purity of a complete honorable victory. Where all sides and all persons involved refuse to play dirty or cheat in any way.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Foreboding Foretold: Freedom Died: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2014:

The foreboding dark prophecies comes quickly. To fast for all of the bad and sad prophecies come. For anyone to even remember that all that is coming was ever foretold. C.J.MacKechnie
All you had to do was love one another.
All you had to do was live in peace.
All you had to do was exist in harmony.
All you had to do was respect all life.
Humanity has failed.
 Now all will be lost just as those fallen angels have lost everything. Even today those angels know not their lack of free will. Their inability to repent or to even change their ways. So to will those who embrace the insanity of total freedom to sin.
Today, as of right now I do not want any more to do with prophecy. Of course I say that knowing full well that if God say otherwise, i shall comply.
The current new realizations in which I'm still trying to wrap my head around. Is how the media is used to create demonic messages from ancient gods of old. After all even the Bible says satan is in charge of this earth. Jesus, did not even argue the point of who is in charge. As to why? I may not be smart enough for that level of wisdom.
The fallen angels are in control of the world system. They are the creators and manipulators of it all. They control every aspect of worldly life. Which includes religions, cultures, societies, organizations, corporations, clubs and etc. They all have one singular thing in common. They exclude everyone who is not alike. Thus adding another level of human separation to all of humanity. By continually dividing the numbers of humanity. All of humanity can be more easily managed/controlled. Even to the point where a very small minority can overtake the majority in their right to practice freedom to sin.
The majority of good and reasonable people are naively trusting in the world system that their very religion warns them about.
A few of the very gods of old has returned and they freely name themselves. In due time the rest of those who enslaved humanity long ago shall once again identify themselves and exert their public authority over humanity.

Soon very soon. The whole of the world will see the failure of Christianity and Islam. i can be killed for saying this  and in another time i would have been. Maybe shall be still.
The religion of love and righteousness becomes a lie in the name of God.
The religion of Peace and Holiness becomes a lie in the Name of Allah.
What shall come of the religion of harmony and wisdom? Shall they accept as a right the freedom to sin as each individual person desires? If they do, then they to shall be known as liars and deceivers.

The falling away shall be in totality as the unnatural darkness which shall befall the Earth is from invited agreements. These luminaries shall only be lighted by the holy and righteous souls in which they consume. For their is no light within them save for those which are consumed.
The USA and other countries shall fall hard. Weapons systems shall fall into the hands of those who desperately thirst for revenge which may not be of their own experience.
Freedom Died: Unedited): 25 Oct 2014:
There shall be no law, no justice, as righteousness has already died in the land of the free. 
Added on 27 Oct 2014:
Studying, prayer, meditation and contemplation. I have done and continue to do.
What is baffling me is how God can imprison those fallen angels upon the planet in which his creation resides. Then allow another 200 fallen angels to also come here in humanities ancient. Then allow those very same fallen angels to enslave humanity and to contaminate our being. Even if it is just by simple observation. Which it was not by simple observation. Humanities genetic may be so contaminated that the purification process is mandatory and that the remnant to be save as has been prophesied may only be in genetic material. You have to define the word remnant and then who defines how the word is actually used? Then try to understand how the remnant is to be decided.
I do not know where it is. but, in the Bible if i remember correctly, The saved select will receive new bodies. What does that mean and what could it mean? Will the selected spirits be saved while only genetic material is to be gathered?
Note: Just tried to quickly look for the new body prophecy. i was unable to find it.
So, what hope is there for the living? Not very much at all. Only God knows for certain. The hope is in our individual spiritual survival. It may go well for those who live under spiritual control? then this leads to the question. Which spiritual control? Those who are controlled physically are completely back words. If this is confusing let me explain more
Typically, it is supposed to work this way. The spirit is in control of the mind. The logical side of the mind leads the emotional side of the mind. The mind controls the physical body. While in agreement the spirit, mind and body chooses to be holy and righteous as defined by God.
In the modern world which was most likely created by the 200 fallen angels and who will influence humanity to free the imprisoned and bound fallen angels, deep within the Earth, most likely unknowingly. Humanity seems to operate backwards. The physical body is dominant over the mind. The emotions lead the logical side of the mind and the spiritual being which is our true selves isn't even believe in or if it is, it's not even relevant.
I don't think anyone knows just how bad it is gonna get before final human extinction. This is what is very heavy on me right now. That our survival is and may only be in our spiritual being. Which is our true selves. The rapture may only be for our spiritual selves.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Friday, October 24, 2014

Humanities Weakness: (Unedited): 24 Oct 2014:

The weakness of humanity can be seen in all of their created technology which dominate and control their lives. 
Who or what is in control of your life?
Being a consumer and a user does not necessarily mean that you have any control over your own life, your will, your thoughts and your psychology. Which all results in a predictable decision making process. Your actions and intentions all predicted. You are all slaves and know it not. Even the leaders of our world are all slave puppets. Yet, within their own inflamed pride and ego. They think and believe they have all of the power and authority.
Slaves can be happy slaves. So as long as they do as they are stressed and pressured into doing. Like mice in a maze. Who only wants the scrap of cheese. It is the builders of the maze and the ones who offer up the scraps as an ultimate reward for efforts.
The world leaders are just administrators controlled in which is not conceptualized by the whole of humanity.  We are all controlled through our base human animalistic functions. The Earth is a hard place in which to live. We were not placed here by our own free choice. It was our ancestors sins which brought us here. We all instinctively want to return back to  that which our ancestors came from. But, we cannot. So we endeavor to create ease and comfort for ourselves.
We are still yet easily controlled by those fallen ones. Who cause us to think and feel like animals. In which we really are. Keeping us stuck in that primal mindset keeps all of us individually and collectively from evolving. AND that my friends is the intentions of the fallen ones. To keep us from evolving. The more we evolve the more we can become greater than those who are the fallen. This is just a glimpse of the fallen ones plan. Keep us from evolving while planning our own demise by our own hands. Through demonically inspired technologies.
Anything we make by our own hands and it matters not by whose will it is done by. If it or they create death, destruction, then it is from the demonic fallen angels, space aliens or how ever you name them.
The demonic logical formula is Death, War/Conflict, Chaos and Hate. Hate is the most powerful of the demonic formula. From hate begets the defined enemy in which must be destroyed for survival or profit.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Manipulated Hate: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2014:

The days of your anger and hatred have gone by for the destroyer of you. No longer does the destroyer need to influence and manipulate you into a state of anger and hatred. You now do it all on your own.  
Today, this day. I can feel your hatred and anger. Your heart is murderous and revenge boils in your blood. To such a degree that your own genetic code has been altered. So, that now your children will hate and murder more than you. Eventually, a state of perpetual rage will engulf your family and you all shall end. The destroyer has effectively destroyed all that you are, your were meant to become. From a simple angelic manipulative technique generations ago and is today perpetuated by humanities children.
Even today new children who know not real hate or anger are being influenced to be angry and hateful for long periods of time. The angelic destroyers will grow, raise their hatreds until the sweet blossoms of uncontrolled rage blooms and spreads their seeds.
Once the habit of anger and hatred become habitual within the human mind. The angelic destroyer no longer needs to be present. The human will continue on in their own self perpetuating anger and hatred. Even until the point that the human being exercises their own free will to become enraged and takes action upon it.
The leaders of this whole world are the children of hate and anger. Even the leaders with the greatest of all human endeavors to come. Such as Mr. Putin and Mr.  Xi Jinping. Except they as prophecy dictates will pursue extinction instead of a very bright human future. Can human extinction be averted by our own human hands? Probably not but yes there is a possibility. The leaders of the world must do very risky things in order for all of humanity to survive. Those very risky things are directly related to their pride and ego.
Each of you must see that the US is no longer a threat. The USA cannot even protect their own homeland. Their true military leaders and great minds are gone. Righteousness has died. So too does honor. So all of your dealings with or for the USA should be through the UN. The USA has wholly rejected the GOD of their creation and as such will suffer via the loss of their national identity.  This is where your plans should be. Be patient and wait. Each of you should be looking up into the stars and going there. Not flying around and searching for vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities are to many to count. Not arguing what insignificant island is yours or not and then threatening war. Just because one bully is about to fall is not your permission or right to be the next bully to rise.
I tell you the truth Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi Jinping just as there is no honor in fighting an arrogant man who is wholly unable to defend themselves. You may find enjoyment in their defeat and subsequent piling on. That joy and satisfaction will be short lived as the extinction of humanity begins. The men who have a genuine belief of the importance in honor. Must in turn protect the arrogant man even from himself and just wait patiently for his fall from grace.  See the difficulties.
Neither of you shall profit if the former USA becomes a nuclear waste land. Neither of you shall profit if the former USA cities are destroyed. 

Be sober and in control of your own minds. Any mindset which focuses on hate, conflict, chaos and death is of the human destroyer. The fallen ones technology have been left behind by those who easily defeated them. Although, their technology is far superior to our own. It was essentially nothing to those who defeated them in a very short period of time. The fallen ones are who enslaved humanity and will attempt to do it again through their chosen human leaders. Already, it may be to late for humanity. The ones who so easily destroyed our en-slavers actually saved us while in the process of destroying 4 planets, moons and other heavenly bodies. Go and look the archeology is everywhere.

Here is a key. That which was done to the fallen angels. Will be copied by them in order for us to be made extinct. What does this mean. All of the worlds leaders will eventually war with one another through master deceptions and clouding of the human mind. Will Russia and China go to war with one another? Yes. Will India go to war with their neighbor? Yes. Will the Koreas go to war with one another? Yes. and etc. It may all be from clouded and deceived minds. When your will, becomes the will of the fallen ones. Then your each the puppet and the puppet master who only hates your creation and existence.
By embracing love, peace, harmony and life. Effectively cuts the strings of the puppet masters control. They will have no power over you. 
Ye leaders of the world are all Pinocchio's.
Warning cartoonist adult content.

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quitting Thing: Power Reach: Superior Extinction: Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:

Quitting a thing isn't as important as beginning the thing. Although quitting does make you a quitter.  
If you never begin anything you desire to do. You will never have an opportunity to grow, develop or to evolve. Fear, intimidation, a false sense of how things will end up. Which is basically all fear based. Overcoming fear and all of those other negative emotions which is holding you back. You may think it is to hard and impossible. But, those are just illusory excuses which are only real inside of your own mind. Overcoming all of those illusory excuses is a simple logical decision away from you.
By switching to the other side of your brain for dominant action. You switch away from being controlled by your emotions to logically controlling your emotions. This is how it is supposed to be. You have a very real logical thought and then you have an emotional response. This is the correct way of thinking. Having and obeying your emotional side of your brain and then creating a logical response is just backwards. On the spiritual side. Thinking emotionally first and then logically second opens you up to easy demonic attacks. It is easy to control how any human feels.
The fear of failure without any logical fact is illogical as to why you should never begin a thing.
By doing, by learning, by developing skills, by growing wisdom, by gaining understanding all of it proves your fears wrong. Even a failure proves your fears wrong. Because out of your failure(s). If you just sit and analyze (contemplate) your mistakes. You will still gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding then if you had accidentally succeeded in the first place.
Power Reach: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Reach out beyond the negativity of your own mind and in doing so you will discover the real power of you. 
The fallen angels were not happy with our creation. We were made to be above them. Which means they had to and will have to destroy us before we can evolve higher than they. So the fallen angels know the power of emotions as they themselves had very little control over their own emotions. Falling in lust with human women. Which I think is worse than incest with a child. This is what makes the fallen angels so evil. Beings so superior than any human being in every way. Yet, they fall victim to their own pride and sin.
I think their easy destruction by methods which is still beyond human understanding is how those falling ones are trying to destroy all of humanity. By psychically influencing the emotions of all of humanity is their key to the logical control of any human beings logical mind.
The fallen angels are really close in influencing the world leaders into self destruction and extinction. Those human leaders will know not what they have done until afterwards. Where political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom.
Superior Extinction: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Humanities extinction comes when political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom. 
Maybe, there are rules involved to anyone's involvement with the development of any new species. Rules that we know not of. Probably because just knowledge of those rules would contaminate humanities development. From non-physical contact is the only way those demonic souls can influence humanity. The most powerful of demonic souls will have their place in close proximity to those world leaders, religious leaders, cultural leaders, the wealthy and the prideful elite. The most powerful of all of the fallen angels are not going to waste what time they have on the simple common person. They do not have any power in the power struggles in any world decision or event. Your total deception is complete.
Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Common people are just pawns and the human kings are just puppets
Think about that. It is true.
You world leaders go back to the divinity of wisdom and understanding. Which is love, peace, harmony and life. Base all of your decisions on these things and you will instantly cut all of the demonic strings which control your life and actions without you even being aware of it.
 Is the puppet ever aware of their strings or the one(s) who controls them?  Nah.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Busy Trinkets: (Unedited): 19 Oct 2014:

Adorning your being with blingful trinkets and clothing. Makes you just busy to look upon. 
Beauty is not something which is elusive to find, maintain or keep. Adding shiny trinkets or wearing high dollar clothing will not make you more beautiful and noticeable.
Even stressing about all of the methods of obtaining beauty via surgeries or deadly chemicals. Won't last long and may even cause you to look freakish.
There is a way to become an everlasting beauty. It is from deep within you. That part of you in which may be impossible for you to believe in.
The true source of beauty is from within your own spirit being. This is the true you. By becoming holy and righteous. Your connections to the divine becomes real and solid. You begin the march towards a younger looking you.
The second level of beauty is from within your own mindset. By changing the way you think, by accepting only those thoughts and beliefs which are pure and based in divine purity. To become mentally sinless.
The third level of beauty is of the physical level. By eating healthy. Exercising on a regular basis. By staying away from unhealthy and physically sinful habits. By avoiding any mind altering substances. By avoiding unhealthy foods and drinks.
The forth and most important level. By understanding the previous three levels and then accepting them all as the right way. Without any fears or expectations you begin the pure righteous path towards beauty. Not because you have to but because it is right and true. You will soon discover that becoming beautiful is not something which is important any longer to your true self.
Yet after the years and decades go by. All who look upon you. Will know you are a special kind of beautiful. They may not even understand why but they will know. Even when you are 77 years old.

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


World System Slave: (unedited): 19 Oct 2014:

Your enslavement within the world system is contingent upon you remaining hopeless and helpless. 
We now live in a society. Where it now requires two college educated people to raise their families outside of poverty. Since 2008. Those two college educated parents will need to obtain advanced college degrees just to either maintain employment or advance within their perspective careers. Of course no one can this this as of yet. But, as the old guard retires. They will be replaced with those people who have superior educational records.
Where eating healthy foods also requires a certain level of wealth within the family unit.
Where a high quality non-free education also requires additional wealth to obtain.
Where a gifted person in the arts or in sports also requires additional wealth to obtain the necessary training to become more than competitive or skilled.
For those who have or are disadvantaged. It will become nearly impossible for any of them to obtain or achieve something more than the lower class of humanity they were born into. The disadvantaged young ones must work smart and hard. While at the same time ignoring cultural and societal expectations. Then and only then may they be able to rise up and out of their disadvantage.
There is hope. There is always hope. No matter how deep within the enslavement you are. There is still hope so as long as you continue to believe. Do not become like those hopeless and helpless who chase after any sort of mind altering substance or animalistic sins of the flesh. To do so will most certainly guaranty your everlasting enslavement.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Self Quarantine: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2014:

How do you save yourself and your family? When a global pandemic occurs. By self quarantining yourself before the virus comes into your area. But, buy that time weeks may have gone by and contamination can have already spread. If a virus like the quickly mutating Ebola can survive on a surface under the right conditions for a couple of weeks. Then it can take from 3 to 6 weeks for the human being to become contagious or show signs of illness. The only thing you can do is to go underground and remain there for up to 6+ weeks after the last sign of Ebola for this case. How long do you have to remain underground? I have no idea. You will just have to maintain contact with the news and other sources of communications via technology only. Once you have locked up. You cannot have any physical contact of any surface outside of your primary security door. Even if other family arrive late as in days, weeks or even months. It will be too late. To open the door. Kills you all. You may want to plan a 6+ week safe room which can have a direct access to the primary shelter. Which means all supplies will have to be in place as well as decontamination supplies.

Each of you will need to become debt free. Including full ownership of your real estate properties. Because, If you do go underground for an extended period of time. You do not want the bank or mortgage holders to come in and foreclose on your properties. You won't want your electricity, water, gas, cable/internet to be disconnected either. You will need to use those services for as long as they are available and be able to pay for them with online services. 
In the beginning a governmental quarantine for specific areas is just going to be a deceptive ploy. One which calms the population at large and the other is to maintain COG. Continuity of Government is exactly as it sounds and is something very troubling if you are not one of the selected. The government will go underground and all of those who are selected shall be secreted off. No one outside of those activities will know and it will not be advertised or reported by any media outlet. If the information of selected civilians are released in any public format. It will just cause more panic.
The federal government will use the National Guard,  local law enforcement agencies, fire departments as well as non-selected medical personnel to become the compassionate face of the federal activities in action. They will all become the ones who are sacrificed for the survival of COG. Even though they shall not know or even be told their purpose.
But, many will suspect and know and they will abandon their posts and duties in order to attempt to save their own family members. No one will even know that those selected will have been placed in their secure environments as they all will be able to still maintain their duties and businesses with the help of technology.
:11 Truths of Ebola:
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Articulate Messenger: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2014:

The articulate messenger who expresses his given message of unity based on the proof of a singular human family. Can begin the process of global peace and a singular human mindset.  
One or two of many shall accept the mission of bringing humanity back together as one singular family of mankind. Think about that word "Man Kind". What kind of man are we all to one another? Shouldn't we all be kind men and women to each other?
Many are called into the missions and yet only a few freely choose to accept their given missions. For a hundred reasons they all decline meaning, purpose and importance. For the sake of comfort, safety and money. The truth is always in the action or inaction.
I think I have found one of those important souls. Will he or won't he? The unaccepted prophecies declare that only two shall come. Only two out of the many who were supposed to go forth in these final missions of uniting all of humanity into one family.
Can you imagine accepting this kind of mission and knowing the prophecies. Can you and will you go forth into a mission of prophetic failure? Can you and will you go forth into all of the lands and express your message knowing at the very least you buy a little more time for humanities last chance to come together as a family of one people.
Think about this. Jesus came and walked among the common peoples. All of them including those unaccepted souls of each of their societies and cultures. This is the key to a future humanity which exists though out this solar system and beyond. That is good hope my friend as opposed to the alternative. Which is extinction. That is of course the end result to all of those prophecies.
Humanities future is in the common peoples and not the elites, wealthy or leaders of the whole world. For generations they all have continued the lies and deceptions of humanity for their own profit. The common peoples are the ones who go off to war for these leaders of nations, politics and religion. It is the common people who become maimed, who die and who survive. All for someone else to profit. I do not expect you to believe me. Just follow the money in every war.
All of the leaders of the world cannot allow you and will not teach you the truth of a singular human family.  Because, we are a singular human family. Yet for thousands of years all of the leaders of the world have created separation between us and them. Really "Us and Them". We are good and they are bad. We are civilized and they are barbarians. We are the righteous ones and they are the evil hordes. We are enlightened humans and they are less than dogs. All lies to cause humans to easily kill another human. Out of mercy for the rest i guess.
It seems to be easier for human beings to kill animals.
Leaders of the world cause common peoples to kill other common peoples who are deemed the enemy. Who defines what the enemy are? Not the common people.
So if the common people can be taught that all of humanity is a direct family relation to themselves. Then all of the leaders and teachers will become liars and deceivers. How likely are the common people to go off to war for someone else to prophet from? The common people typically get nothing of value in return. They get death, destruction and disability. The common people get to rebuild. While the leaders have no callouses, blood or dirt in their own hands. They get all of the credit and no nothing for it.
The men and women who come to bring humanity back into the understanding that we are all one human family. Is a genuine friend to all of humanity. This is a fundamental truth proven by the math of our common genetic core in which we all share more than 99.9%. More than...
All of the wars should stop. The politicians are lying to the people. All of them. The religious leaders who encourage their populations to go and make war are lying. Those who decree that our/your skin color is superior to any other is lying. Those who proclaim that different eyes or high cheek bones are from the evil ones is lying.
Any person who proclaims the evil ones must be killed and yet sits back in the safety and comforts of a fortress. While ordering the common peoples to bleed and die. Is the one who shall be stripped of everything by the common peoples and thrust into the unknown.
The easiest way to save humanity and most improbable. Is for every warrior, soldier to just go home in peace. If every warrior and soldier went home to their families. Then all of the common peoples will know peace. Because, the worlds leaders will have no one to fight for them.

If all of the common people began to refuse to follow these lying and deceiving leaders of the world. They all will become leaders of nothing. Because, a leader must have followers in order to be a leader. If all of the common peoples choose to Love their neighbors, Live in peace, exist in harmony and respect all life. Then the whole of the world will know peace and freedom.

Then when the common people want to do a thing. They will choose the skilled ones and not merely the most charismatic or the ones born into specific family lines. This is important, When all of humanity begins to believe that we are one human family. Then we are all of the same holy blood line. We are all from the family of 8 who was chosen to survive by God. So we are all one family based on history. The human genome project (2003) is the absolute proof that we are all one family.
Today and tomorrow. When I say "My Brother and My Sister" I mean it with deep passion and love.
Can you be one of more than only two who profess that we are all one human family and to live your life with love for each other? Then spreading your belief based in absolute truth and not a lie believed as a truth. As race is a lie, while racism is a truth in action. How senseless is that? To be a racists based in a lie believed as a truth.

I charge each one of you who reads this. To write or speak your own and Become its owner and reveal not the origin. Become greater than the angels who either cause us to fall or to just watch. You become the great angels for humanity and go forth and save us all. In love, peace, harmony and in life. As you multiply in love. Hate, conflict, chaos and death shall begin to fade away.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Friday, October 17, 2014

Your Daily Prophecy: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2014:

The prophecy of your life is and has been fulfilled daily. This is a fact. Everything which happens to you today was your prophecy of yesterday. It doesn't matter if you were told about it or not. Everything which is supposed to happen, happens. 
Here you are in this life of yours. Everything is great or average or enduring or unbearable. So shall be your tomorrow. So, you need to ask yourself. Do I need a prophet or a mentor? This is an important question. Because, if your really at that point in your life where you genuinely want a profound change in your life. Then you will listen and follow through with advice. Otherwise, A prophet/prophetess who speaks their words to you will either be for entertainment value or just more bad news. What shall you do if anything? Can you do anything? Will you do anything?
Abused and tortured children is a concern of mine and I just read the news about two in Pennsylvania. Typically, these kids spend the vast majority of their lives being trained negatively. To the degree that so much negativity occurs. That their future can be easily seen as one which shall be negative. The FBI statistics pretty much show that.
But, then there are that ten percent of these incredibly abused children who for some reason. Prophecy cannot be spoken to them in a predictable manor.
Wait, it gets even better. There are those one-per-centers in which prophecy is impossible to predict.
These ten and one percenter's are the ones who have thrown up their hands and have declared to the whole of the world. ENOUGH! They each in their own way have cast away all of the old and wrongful things they have learned from those awful adults who were supposed to love and protect them but instead only used and abused them. They have had enough. They are just done with that life and just completely leave it. So alone they begin to walk in a world and to make their mark upon it as defined by each of them.
These are the ones who become amazing people. even though daily they still endure the psychology of their own awful past. But, for some reason that psychology just becomes a pushing force which continues to push them away from all of that bad and sad. All of that bad and sad psychology becomes a positive motivating force which propels them forward in this life of theirs.

This is why the tortured soul who does a complete anti-typical 180 degree turn around becomes unpredictable. The prophet cannot predict just where the tortured souls life will begin to level off if ever. The tortured soul becomes self determining and self willing. Thus becoming the soul creator of their own future. They in fact have become their own prophets and mentors within their own life. Any reliable predictions which is about these ten and one percenters can only come by their own reasoning's. This is wonderful and everyone who become self determined also becomes their own prophet and mentor.

So what does this all mean. Well, it means that if you do not like your present, then your future is also gonna be disliked. Without any effective positive changes. It is just logical. Unless you make those positive changes today and right now. Then continue on with those positive changes while your own predictive future becomes altered. It all takes time, resolve and patience. Coupled with the attitude that you will not relent in your positive changing endeavors. No matter what. No matter what.

This is what these incredible people do.
They become self inspired. Why? because they have had no one to inspire them.
They become self motivating. Why? because there was no one there  to encourage them
They become self led. Why? because there was no one there who pointed the positive way.
They have become their own prophets and mentors.
They are trail blazers in life.
If you don't like what the future has in store for you. If you do not like or agree with the words of the prophet or prophetess. Then change it.
Ignoring the words of the prophet/prophetess and doing nothing does alter the outcome of the future. This logical end result is most likely to be worse than what was spoken or written.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Virus Contamination: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2014:

A person does not need to be contagious with any virus to spread it. Any person can be contaminated by it.  
Today, there is much fear in regard to Ebola. There is a difference between being contagious and being contaminated by any agent. Whether it is chemical, biological, radiological and etc. Each of which can cause there own specific ailments which can include death.

I am not a medical doctor or an expert in regards to what is contagious or what is contamination. I encourage you to do your own research of the actual sources. Which is not from the media news, media commentator or from any political person. You must go to those medical sources. Even those you will find conflict such as with the CDC and WHO.

We all know to wash our hands after we do anything more or less intimate. we should all go a step further and wash up at every opportunity and use the pocket sanitizers often. Try to get out of the habits of touching your ears, eyes or mouth and or other body parts.
If you do come in contact with someone who has an illness. Just speaking with them while they are contagious can cause you to get it. When we talk we exhale and in our exhale is our human bodily fluid in mist form. 

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Righteous Love: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2014:

Gods love is easily experienced by the righteous soul. 
So why doesn't all human beings know God? It is very simple. Humanity is consumed with lies and deceptions. Humanity is full of sin.Then there is pride, ego, negativity. Lets not forget the lack of faith and belief.

There you have it. This is why many people do not know God.
Here is for instance. A lie which is known as a human truth can keep you from knowing God.
This is one such lie. The races of humanity is a lie. Although racism is a truth based on that lie.
This is just one lie in which the common human being believes as a truth. So as long as each of us has false beliefs, false faiths and false truths. It will be very difficult for any of us to know the Love of God. 
The righteous soul who has chosen to follow all of Gods laws and rule. Not because of any fears, threats or intimidation's. But because it is logically the right thing to do.  The righteous person easily expresses love for any of their human brothers or sister. They live in peace with everyone. They exist in harmony with all of creation. The respect and honor all life. This is good and because of their goodness. These righteous souls have a knowing of God and the love of God.
These righteous souls live without sin or the question of being in sin.
The righteous soul does not hate. The righteous soul does not relish chaos or is entertained by it. The righteous soul shall not engage in conflict or war. The righteous soul does not agree with any human rightful freedom of killing or abortion.

The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Gratitude Glory: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

Give all glory and gratitude for the breaking of the storm of demonic darkness for it is through your cleanliness, righteousness and holiness that God has protected and saved you. 
C.J. MacKechnie
You of and by your own free will have chosen to live your life in holiness and righteousness as God has defined it. All without any threats, fears or intimidation's. By your own reasoning you live a free life of goodness. Because, you live your life in love, in peace, in harmony God shall protect and save your essence.
Fear not anything and stand firm at the coming storm of demonic darkness. It shall not touch you. It shall pass around you. Remain in prayer and meditation to your Lord on High. Continue to love one another as you have learned even during the storms of life.
 Holiness and Righteousness does not come from any award given by man or even recognized by man. Having holiness and righteousness is not in the fine clothing you wear, the job you have, the cars you own or even a home to live in.
Holiness and righteousness comes only from God and to you through your divine connection to Him. This divine connection is based on the condition of your heart, mind and how you have freely chosen to live this life in which you were given. You automatically accept all that which is good and pure. While rejecting everything which is sinful and questionable.
There is much more to being righteous and holy. My note here only touches on the basic aspect.
Here in Florida bats are not bad. In this description I am using bats are bad. I like bats. They eat those pesky pests. There should be bat houses everywhere. Instead of yucky chemical spraying.
In your life there will always be those who desperately want to be righteous and holy. They even go as far as becoming members of your church or religion. Holiness and righteousness seems to always elude them for some unknown reason.
There is a great divine light within the righteous. Is light attracts everyone. Even the dark demonic entities which swoop in from time to time like bats. They do and shall pluck away those who are not divinely protected as you are. They shall be devoured.
You can see this from any wilderness camp fire. the insects and blood suckers are attracted to the light. Then out of nowhere the bats swoop in and their gone. Just know that while you attract the many. Only a few may respond and become divine lights themselves. The many you shall watch become stolen away.
Be sure you can discern the difference between those being stolen away, those who walk away and those who have been destined to continue on in missions. Mourn not the stolen for they have chosen their fate. Pray for those who walk away that they may heed their calling. Celebrate those who continue on in the missions with abundant joy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Demonic Nations: Demonic Darkness: Demonic Leaders: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

Ye people of the demonic nations. Your cries and sufferings shall not be heard or acknowledged by God. For these curses you have brought onto yourselves and those curses shall be passed down onto your children. 
Demonic Darkness: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:
The demonic darkness comes like an unperceived great and violent storm. This coming demonic storm arrives by your invitation.
Demonic Leaders: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:
Ye human leaders of the demonic nations. You have sold everything which shall profit you much death and destruction. You believe and wrongly know the evil which has influenced the whole of the Earth as god's. Yes, they may be much greater than (you)we are now. But, as the creation of the "IAM" (you)we shall become greater than they. For this is why they desire (your)Humanity total extinction and you know it not. This is because the fallen ones have clouded your minds and now they control you. 
Your cries, your sufferings and your curse to GOD, Jehovah shall be ignored. God shall not save your from your own willful disobedience.Why should he? It was you who has freely chosen to accept sin as a rightful freedom. It was you who has chosen to be without righteousness and holiness as the old holy texts ascribed to live. You turned your back and refused the truth of divinity. So you shall suffer and lose all that which is important to you. As has been done in the historically documented past. When any country, land and people turn away from righteousness. What happens to them? They disappear with great afflictions of many kinds. So to does the USA.
It is you and it is we who has invited the great evil into our country. You, me and we have been greatly deceived into willingly and by our own free choice invite evil within. The evil is now here and it shall not leave until it's own will is complete. The will of those evil and fallen beings is nothing less than all of our extinction. What can you do and what will you do. They are about to manifest into our reality.
By allowing and inviting a little sin or evil into your life. You have actually invited them all in. You cannot invite just one evil or one sin and then think it's all there is. That sin and that evil takes ownership over you and enslaves you. You cannot get rid of them once you invite one in. Because the evil and the sin can define one as ONE LEGION.  Research the difficulties of exorcisms. 
The leaders need to know and become aware that these god's of old are so very powerful. Who can withstand their will? No man can. Even their human/angel offspring are so physically powerful. Who can fight them one on one? No man can.

All of the fallen ones will lose their power over any human. When those humans all begin to collectivity begin to love one another, live in peace, exist in harmony and respect all life. It is really that simple. When mankind begins to beat their swords into plow shares. All of the fallen ones plans shall be undone. The fallen ones will begin to see all that they have tried to do to humanity as a complete failure.

The leaders of the world today. Really need to see their war making plans as something which is to be used in a demonic fashion. What this means is. Every leader has a demonic controller or even many. These fallen ones are always listening to every thought and even injecting their own ideas into every leaders minds in just that same identical way as they each think. So you leaders, How do you know your thoughts are your own? Really.

The prophets of old in every culture and religion. Has foretold the coming extinction of humanity. Our human extinction is by our own hands which is under the active influence of those fallen demonic entities. In which virtually no one is even aware of it. You leaders of the world. How do you feel of being a puppet against your will and by your own will without even knowing it. This is how those fallen angels operate.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Impossible Sin: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

It is impossible to have a peaceful and harmonious life surrounded by love. When everyone around you has accepted sins darkness as a rightful freedom. 
The arrogance and selfish pride which is expressed from those who rightfully believe they have a right to sin as they will it. God Himself as declared that humanity has free will as do many of the angels.  So on the surface all men and angels have the free right to do as they will.
There is a logical consequence to sin. Which shall embrace in the finality of death, Conflict, chaos and hatred. Those who sin hate much and express their hatred. Just look in the jails and prisons. For all of their sins.  They logically endure what they endure today. Those with STD diseases also endure what they do because of their free choice to sin.
This is a logical formula. Death= Hate + Chaos + Conflict.

It is really very simple. If all of humanity loved one another. There would be no wars. Period end of subject. By loving one another and treating each other as you love your brother or sister. Crime would become non-existent.
This is a logical formula. Life = Love + Harmony + Peace.
These 2 inversely related formulas are an absolute.

Just as in life. You must have a living egg and a living seed in order for life to continue. The question of when life begins is already answered when humans were created. That is when our lives began and not at conception or at birth or even 3-5 or more years after birth when some insane professors claim that humanity begins for a person to be officially real.

Even in the heavens there was war. The fallen angels lost that war rather quickly and have become imprisoned on this planet. All because of sin which grew within them.
 Even if you and your family are righteous and holy in the eyes of GOD. While everyone else around you were in sin. Because, of the absoluteness of the logical formulas. You and your family would not be able to live in peace, harmony or maintain your lives.  It is impossible to mix in any way the two logically inverse formulas. For a positive outcome.
Just read the news on Christian exterminations in the middle east today, Read about John the Baptist, Peter or the other disciples who died horribly. Then there was that innocent guy who walked this earth only to serve and save mankind. His name was Jesus. Read about his life.  

God also has the free will to do His own will. Which includes causing you to never even consider coming out of your self chosen sin. Once you have sinned to that specific degree as defined by God. He will cause you to become deaf, blind and unreasoning to the true words and meaning of the ancient holy texts. You will become fair use by those fallen angels on this planet and they will use you without you even being aware of it.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gifted Problem: I'Mpossible Gifted: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:

Being gifted is only a problem to those who are of an average mind set. So be not accepting or becoming the problem that an average minded person places upon you.
I'Mpossible Gifted: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
To the average minded person. 
Everything which has not been done is impossible. 
To the gifted person.
They become the I'M possible to anything which is to be achieved. 
 It matters not how many average minded persons there are. Even if you are the only one. The collective minds of the average will demand average minded compliance from you. Which is an impossibility for you to become. For the gifted to become average means for you to become less than who you are and is self destructive. Do not fall into the average trap. To be like everyone else.
While the average minded people look to each other for acceptance and empowerment.
The gifted is forced to look up into and through the great beyond. The gifted looks deep within the core of their being to become self empowered and self motivated.

Be warned. The average minded person will cheer your success. They will rebuke you and accuse you during your failures. So just brush them off like dust on your work boots.
As inspired from my awesome Niece:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Spiritual Lamp: Righteous Impact: Darkened Groan: Righteous Arrival: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014

The expressed internal spiritual lamp within the righteous, shines to all and everything equally. 
Righteous Impact: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
 Where ever the righteous one may walk. They shall impact upon the ground in an enlightened righteous manner. 
Whatever the righteous one touches. Shall leave upon it a divine touch of healing.
That which is spoken by the righteous shall bring to the listener a great blessing or profound rebuke. 
Darkened Groan:  (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
The darkened places, things and souls shall groan in great displeasure upon the arrival of the illuminated righteous one. 
Righteous Arrival: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
As the divinely illuminated Righteous one who is worthy. His arrival will shake the whole of a darkened world and every soul therein. There shall be no where for dark souls to flee or to hide. 
To the dismay of the unrighteous, to the spiritually neutral human being or even to those evil ones. Coming into close proximity of the spiritually righteous can cause much discomfort. Even if by accident. In which many would argue that there are no accidents and I would agree with it.  The spiritual gift of discernment flows both ways. The feelings of bad and sad will be shared by both sets of persons equally. The righteous one as well as the evil one. Both will have bad feelings about the other. Both, either one and not the other or neither of them may not be aware of the logical content involved with the bad feelings associated with the personal interactions.
The bad and/or evil person, the spiritually neutral person may even become very upset and enraged by your very presence. This is because, your very presence reveals to everyone who and what kind of person they are. Generally people do not like to be revealed, especially their very secret and very private sins. within the darkness of their own mind and soul. In which the righteous person who has the God given gift of discernment reveals everything and everyone fully and completely. 
Even the lands, skies and waters in which much bad, sad and evil things have been done upon it or within it. The righteous person who discerns can feel it all in a very general manor. That is until they make the decision to either know more or not to know more. At which point they will pray, meditate, contemplate or just walk away.
This discernment for lands and people does not always have to be in the negative, the bad, the sad and the evil. The righteous person who has the gift of discernment will also know where all of the Holy/good places are and who are all of the good and righteous people are. The knowing of whom is truthful and trusting. There is much good involved with the gift of discernment.
With the gifts of discernment. It is basically an empty gift without any other message and or miracle present and/or to be given. The gift of discernment can be self preserving. The gift of discernment is also a necessary tool for the gaining of spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The gift of discernment is also given to each person in degrees. Which can be grown and evolved in accordance to each individual person. The righteous and holy person must remain righteous and holy in the eyes of GOD and not of the world. The righteous and holy person may see more opportunities for sinful activities than any other human. This is because the spiritual attacks will be never ending by those fallen ones and those who are in agreement with them. This statement is not meant to give you fear as if you remain righteous and holy. You will be forever protected. Although, not necessarily physically saved. This is not to bring you any fear either as when you look at the historical evidence of those genuine righteous and holy people. Their physical lives didn't end very well. The physical life is very important but not as important as your spiritual life. So, how well you end your physical life with honor, respect, righteousness and holiness only frees your spirit into incredible love, beauty and acceptance.
The righteous one who is aware of their surroundings, aware of what is going on and aware of the history of the area. Can make some general logical conclusions. The righteous person needs to always remain in a prayerful state. So that logical spiritual information can freely and continually flow into those correct areas of the disciplined physical brain.
Once the righteous person receives feelings of persons or places. They need to have that self discipline to immediately get into their logical side of their brain and to bring in that spiritual information into that logical side. This is where and how the most specific and exacting of information can be gleaned without any physical real world evidence. The spiritual information will even transcend time and space. As in activities of the past and probable activities of the future and even what is happening right now. The degree of logical spiritual information given to the righteous person is based on that person and their areas of expertise, training, education and how far they actually believe.
Even the unrighteous, the neutral human can have the gift of discernment. Their spiritual side can be fed by the fallen angels, those demonic ones and other beings who may not have your best interest at heart. As a matter of fact those associated with the fallen angels and who are in agreement with the fallen. Only want you dead and all of humanity to become extinct. So, you who have the gift of discernment or think you do. You must beware of becoming a tool of those fallen ones. They will lie and deceive you any way they can. They will lead you astray. Especially if your mind is undisciplined. Your uncontrolled free flow of thoughts is also used by the fallen. When they can freely input their own thinking and false beliefs into your own mind in the exact same way as you think to yourself. Thus, confusing you into thinking what are your actual thoughts and what is not. Assuming if you are even aware of this or just not believing in this at all. Either way 2/3 is in the fallen ones advantage.
Once you consider this prospect and you actually know the difference between right and wrong. You can begin to see the demonic effects in the psychology world and how those very powerful mind altering medications work in the fallen angels advantage. Especially when there is no provable medical test for a specific mental illness like Bi-polar.
:The daughter's experience:
   It was strange, sad, scary, terrible and extremely negative. I was under a bridge, there was graffiti on the walls. The water seemed to draw me toward it. The ground hated me. It wanted to get rid of me, to kill me. There has been many negative things there. I was feeling all of it and it was something that a 13-year old girl should never feel or be in the presence of . When we were leaving I figured out what it was. It was creeping me out and it still is now. I never want to go there again.

:From the Dad:
 I was not thinking about the history of this bridge or the creek which always flows under it. Children play and swim in the water all of the time and have even added a swinging rope and wood stairs into the trees. The asphalt on the bridge has a very unmentionable  comment which was painted and then not covered over very well. During the Elfers, Florida flood of 2012.  A body of a man was found. The very same man who was suspected of playing in the flood on local T.V. may have been the one who drowned.

Sometimes in any particular place. There has been much joy and much suffering. Sometimes a gifted person can and will feel everything all at once. This can be very overwhelming. It is you who can choose to discern what singular part of history you want to feel and know. If you are currently predisposition-ed to only know, feel and see the bad and sad. Then that is all you will see, know and feel. When you approach any place or person or thing. This can also be a demonic influenced sign within your life or just the result of our human necessity of survival and is a part of that survival mechanism. This is up to you to discover and change about yourself. Maintain your righteousness, holiness and purity.

The young ones need to be protected from such places, people and things and even many adults need to be also protected. But, the gift of discernment is given when it is given and often times without any fore warning. It is the strong, the wise and the righteous who can enure through the awakening process of the Spiritual gifts realizations. Those who do become troubled should remain in prayer, meditation and contemplation. Actively speak and listen to those wise elders. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 