Showing posts with label Slave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slave. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2015

Unlearn Human Lies: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Before you can achieve your fullest human potential. You must first unlearn the racial lies, cultural lies, political lies, social lies and religious lies.
C.J. MacKechnie
All lies are bad. All lies cause harm to those who discover the truths behind the lies. Lies and deceptions perpetuated gives power and authority only to those who continue to tell those lies and deceptions as irrefutable truths.
Those who perpetuate any lie and deception is the master owner of those who obey and are obedient to those lies. Which is absolutely known to be truths by the unaware slave.
To end all of those bad and sad prophecies for the end of the world to come. This is what each of us must do of our own free will/choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's.
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
So if your apart of the world's war machines. Separate yourself from it, go home and become a family man. Become brother and sister to any human being you come in contact with.  if your a tough guy be not the bully and become the protector of the weak and defenseless. No matter where they are from. If your one of the intelligent ones. Then do as your own intellectual gifts demands for the benefit of all human beings. Without ant reward, accolade or acknowledgement. We all are on the cusps of total extinction and it is by our own hand and not from God of all. The gods who have enslaved humanity in those ancient days are still trying to cause humanities extinction through subtle influence. They are the gods of those lies and deceptions. Everything is lies and deceptions with those fallen angels whom we were taught to believe were and are gods. Which is why the purple words above are very basic truths. The very basic truths are those things in which those can rebuild from corner stones. To rebuild we do not as a species have to begin rebuilding when 5+ billion people have already died in a short period of time. Assuming we conquer extinction. 
All of our fullest human potential begins by rejecting all lies and all deceptions. Then to begin to rebuild all of our selves with the purity and wholesomeness of basic truths. All of those purple words works together as a singular conclusion. You cannot add or take away from this logical purple formula.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Owned Robot: (Unedited): 08 May 2015:

When you refuse to follow the desires of your own heart and the dreams of your own mind. You become just another everyday ordinary slave robot to the world which owns you.
Listening to the desires of your own heart and the dreams of your own mind are those natural sources of direction you should take in your own life. By not listening to or following those desires and dreams. You submit your entire identity and direction of life to the leading of the world. In which the fee the world will charge you for their leading and guidance. Is the giving of your whole self to the desires and demands of the world system. By you obeying all of the demands of the world does mean that you have already become an enslaved robot.
Even if at this time you are already committed to this journey you have taken in this life. Like me. You may have to be the slave to the world for only a little while longer. But, you can begin now to raise up your own children to be strong and courageous and to follow their own dreams and desires. In doing so. You a enslaved robot like me. Can alter the future of humanity with the generation of your own children educated with wisdom and understanding. Then teach them that all of humanity no matter where they are, are truly your brothers and sisters. This is a genetic and unarguable fact. That the lies and deceptions of race relations is just a false truth taught to the generations of men in order to keep them segregated and isolated from one another. Because a divided people is a people which can be enslaved easily. By maintaining an us versus them mentality also keeps everyone separated from one to another. Through your own fears do you isolate yourself .
Read and watch this. A fearful mom sees her son becoming a part of the Baltimore riots. Out of her fear for her son being shot by the cops. She reacts in accordance to her fears and then she becomes a hero. Would the cops and the military shot her son? Yes, if the riots had escalated. It is the evolution of compliance through pain. The mother complied through her assumed pain of the possible killing of her son.
Of course listening to and following your dreams and desires are merely conditional. This is assuming you are a good person as defined by those ancient Holy texts. There are many people who have read the holy texts from cover to cover and yet understanding none of the wisdom contained there in. For instance here in Florida just the other day in the news. His lawyer even stated that he is a decent man. Really! This is no Robin Hood. He even had two very high value cars in his driveway. This is most definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing.
But, this is just one bad person amongst the multitude of bad within this state of Florida, USA and world. Assuming he is found guilty in a court of law. But, his lawyer has already set up a plea bargain. So the general public may never know the real truth.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Humanities Weakness: (Unedited): 24 Oct 2014:

The weakness of humanity can be seen in all of their created technology which dominate and control their lives. 
Who or what is in control of your life?
Being a consumer and a user does not necessarily mean that you have any control over your own life, your will, your thoughts and your psychology. Which all results in a predictable decision making process. Your actions and intentions all predicted. You are all slaves and know it not. Even the leaders of our world are all slave puppets. Yet, within their own inflamed pride and ego. They think and believe they have all of the power and authority.
Slaves can be happy slaves. So as long as they do as they are stressed and pressured into doing. Like mice in a maze. Who only wants the scrap of cheese. It is the builders of the maze and the ones who offer up the scraps as an ultimate reward for efforts.
The world leaders are just administrators controlled in which is not conceptualized by the whole of humanity.  We are all controlled through our base human animalistic functions. The Earth is a hard place in which to live. We were not placed here by our own free choice. It was our ancestors sins which brought us here. We all instinctively want to return back to  that which our ancestors came from. But, we cannot. So we endeavor to create ease and comfort for ourselves.
We are still yet easily controlled by those fallen ones. Who cause us to think and feel like animals. In which we really are. Keeping us stuck in that primal mindset keeps all of us individually and collectively from evolving. AND that my friends is the intentions of the fallen ones. To keep us from evolving. The more we evolve the more we can become greater than those who are the fallen. This is just a glimpse of the fallen ones plan. Keep us from evolving while planning our own demise by our own hands. Through demonically inspired technologies.
Anything we make by our own hands and it matters not by whose will it is done by. If it or they create death, destruction, then it is from the demonic fallen angels, space aliens or how ever you name them.
The demonic logical formula is Death, War/Conflict, Chaos and Hate. Hate is the most powerful of the demonic formula. From hate begets the defined enemy in which must be destroyed for survival or profit.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Harsh Life: (Edited): 25 Sept 2014:

The harshness of life is the best test which measures what kind of human being you truly are and have been.  
 There is always something to learn about yourself. What have you done in your life? What are you doing now? It is all very important and defines the kind of human being you are today.
It seems the easiness of life breeds weakness and yet at the same time the harshness of life seems to destroy a person. What is in common with those people who seem to have excelled in whichever life has been presented to them? A foster kid who knew not acceptance or love goes on to be a member of an NFL super bowl team. A rich kid has the physical talent of a sport, and yet has no heart for it. A youthful foreigner who knows first hand the life costs of not having an educational opportunity digs deeply into the books of learning. Another youthful foreigner brings with him all of the entrapments of an impossible life to live in a free country and yet continues on as a slave in life.
What does it mean for you and the efforts you have made in this life or have not made? Your life is your fault. Ahhh but, what about my bad and sad childhood? It was really bad and sad and some very unmentionable things were done to me repeatedly. For years this happened and maybe for most of your 18 years of being a child. You have experienced and witnessed some very bad things. What do you do now? How do you go on now? What can you do now? Can you do anything?
Fight for yourself. Fight for your sanity. Fight for your right to live a decent life. You have all of the tools you need, NOW FIGHT and continue to fight even if there are more setbacks. The devil has already tried to end you, when you were at your most helpless and most innocent. Now you're aware and that, my friend, can be enough to defeat the enemy, any enemy no matter how big and tall they are, no matter how many they may be.
So you survived a child's hell. It was not pretty or pleasant. What did you learn from it? Anything positive? Anything positively revealing about yourself? Maybe that you could still be a responsible mother to your own awful mother? Can you see the strength you had, even through all of your weakness and innocence? Can you see through the fog of anger, hatred and apathy toward everyone who should have saved you? You still must resolve these issues within you in order for you to have a healthy life, a life of genuine well-being and happiness. Happiness is very possible for those who have been tortured and abused for long periods of time. You just have to forgive and to move on. You just have to understand that you were just the present body. That if it were not for your presence, they would have abused and tortured another. All of the abuses and tortures you have endured were never ever about you in any way. It was and always will be about them. I learned this lesson because I had to be adopted into it. If they had gone elsewhere and then adopted, then it would have been someone else and not me. I was just the selected body for them to abuse and to torture. It is that simple. That one realization has helped me greatly.
The movie Sucker Punch is one of those movies which I liked and hated.  You do have to get over the scantily clad women in order to see the deeper meaning of this movie, which is ugly and abusive. That deep meaning of empowerment and self resolve. What are you willing to do for your freedom? Can you love another in a healthy way as to sacrifice yourself? Is that sacrifice just another definition of freedom?
If you cannot see beyond the physicality of the women then do not watch it. Really. I am not interested in causing cheap and disgraceful thrills in anyone. Life can be ugly and has been for me. Life is and has been much uglier to many of my foster brothers and sisters than I could have ever survived.
This movie is about rape from a step-father. Accidental murder. Abandonment. Prostitution as displayed as cleanly as possible. Disillusions and fantasy. Mental illness. Many different kinds of abuses.
--Samurai Fight Scene------linked fixed 12 June 2017----
Added on 15 May 2016: TobyMac
It is tough to have all of those dark and torturous memories freely floating at the forefront of your thinking. Hopefully the abusers and those who had tortured you are out of your life. I hope you never return to them unless some very clear and profound changes occur within each of them.
But what of you? How will you go forward into the unknown, not being able to trust? You just have to soldier onward. You have to crush and destroy all of the negativity within you. Yes, it is possible. Yes, you can have a normal life. You just have to realize that all of the negativity, all of the abuses, all of your sufferings were not created by you or caused by you. All of those bad and sad memories were given to you by evil people who had done you a great wrong. This is why you should let all of that go. None of that bad stuff originated from you. It was all outside of you, all without your permission. So now by your own permission tell all of those bad and sad memories that they belong to someone else and they will no longer have power over you any more. Empower yourself to go and get your college education, to stop using all mind-altering intoxicants, to begin to create new and wonderful memories that you want to have within your own mind.
Your memories are your own and of your own creation.
Just watching a hundred sunsets and a hundred sunrises will offset some bad and sad memories.
Taking a hundred walks in parks will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Watching a hundred funny movies will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Learning something new and developing the new skill will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Volunteering to be of service to others will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Continuing your education will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
These are just the beginnings to a new you and they will only cover over your bad and sad memories. The final decision is all within you. If you assign those bad and sad memories importance or give them control over your life, then they shall. It will not matter how many good and happy memories you create if you consider the good to have a low value within you. You have to decide for yourself. No one can do it for you. You have to face your internal demons and conquer them. All of them. If you're reading this and you are safe now, then move forward as a good soldier. Fight for yourself, your sanity and your life. You are and have always been worth it, no matter the untold thousands of times those evil people whom you loved told you awful and hurtful things. Always remember every success you have is a failure to them who did you wrong. Seek no revenge even though all of your successes shall be nails within their own coffins. For they could not conquer you.
Added on 22 April 2015:
This work has been published on
Thank You guys very much.
Edited on 12 June 2017:
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Spiritual Compass: (Unedited): 22 June 2014:

The kind of spiritual awakening you welcome will be defined by your own internal sense of righteousness and how you live your life in accordance to that singular compass. 
Are you good or bad? Are you wise or ignorant? Do you care or are you full of apathy? Does righteousness matter or is it even a fundamental truth? The ten commandments is it to induce a slave mind or is it a logical lesson for a life worth living?
What about the good angels or the bad angels? Are they real? Was there truly a war in the heavens and the rebellious angels cast down to earth creating a prison planet? Were the fallen angels the ones who invaded this planet and brought to us sciences and practices as defined by them? Are the historical gods of legend really those fallen angels ruling over humanity? Does this mean that the alien invasion of Earth already occurred in Earth's ancient history? Is humanity still today suffering and learning from these imprisoned alien's inside of the earth? Am I allowed to even mix the terms angels and aliens?

Are you concerned at all that the reason for the war in the heavens was over the humans on this planet? and that the most direct contact with spiritual beings may be from those fallen angels who only want to cause humanities extinction. It is not enough for humanity to become extinct but for humanity to cause their own extinction. Isn't that a more effective form of warfare. To cause your enemy to kill themselves. This is logical and efficient. Especially when your being is mostly trapped deep in the bottomless pit. The fallen angels using their own superior natural abilities can still manipulate the lesser, weaker and unknowing minds of humanity in order to influence humanity to obey their subtle wills. Thus, can be seen in the changing of belief systems. The renewed questioning of rights and freedoms which surround morality which is spreading across the world.
Beware, those of you who are spiritually awakened. You to can still achieve a righteous purity in spite of the certain religious, cultural poisons which are right now surging through your mind and into the altering of your very DNA. It is true. What you think to be real about yourself is altered in your DNA until you become it. This works both ways. One way for a sinful life and the other for a righteous life. Just as a sinner can become righteous a righteous person can become a sinner. Until, such a point as reprobation is judged upon them.
If you believe that the innocence of life can be aborted. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that self love is your absolute and apathy for everything else is OK. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that war and conflict is the normal state of being. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that chaos is something to create or maintain in order for you to profit from. Then you are one of the deceived.
To be a religious person and yet still dawn the uniform of warfare is another deception. You cannot in truth practice your religion of love, of peace, of harmony and go off into hells battlefield to hate all, to make war and to create chaos. There is great deceptions involved. In which all of it comes from the imprisoned fallen angels. Then when humanity accidentally or on purpose release the imprisoned angels. They will then be free to do as they will. The pure saints of each of the religions will fall to martyrdom. With little or no notice from the world. The vast majority of the population of the world will begin to worship the world leaders as the gods they will appear to be like. Everyone will love the world ruler. Which is when the armies of GOD will come and all of the military's of the world will fight against Jehovah. Thus, bringing together the whole truth of prophecy. All of it from all peoples and religions/faiths.

For you to evolve you must accept of your own free will these things.
1)Life is important.
2)Love is important.
3)Peace is important.
4)Harmony is important.
These four things are a logical formula and must be obeyed. If the logical formula is contaminated in any way. The outcome of life is fundamentally lessened or continually diminished until the point in which life cannot be sustained. 
Those few who have become awakened within the purity of the laws of righteousness. Will become changed in the twinkling of an eye. They will be the ones who evolve to the higher state of being. Within them will not be fear only the expectancy of continuation into the next. In which their bodies may not be shed but transformed.
At this point not even the fallen angels will be able to have influence over the righteously evolved.
So, In which direction does your compass point? Into the heavens or deep into the earth? What is the condition of your compass? Is is purely clean or contaminated? and to what degree? Does degree even matter to the holy divine?
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dark Light: (Unedited): 06 March 2014:

From the darkness of their being. 
Light seems to emanate from them.
It only seems to.
It only seems that light emanates from these very powerful beings. Some of you may have already met them and are declaring them gods. There light is like that of a burning WW2 city after it has been firebombed. Darkness within and only the fires of destruction and death is it's only light. They are like beautiful black holes. Sucking in everything and again they're only light is from the destruction of stars which have collided and lost form.

You must not know or care of the end result. That by each of you following or worshiping these falsely illuminated beings. You are and what will be who gives them there light. Through all of those souls which you bring to them and then finally your own soul. Until, when such a time comes as has been prophesied by many traditions and religions. All of humanity becomes lost and destroyed. Save for the select.
Hence, through death and destruction do they the fallen angels, beings or space aliens receive there power.  Through your pains, your sufferings and miseries do they feed from you.
The birthing of a new species of humanity is a slave race and a controller race. The slave race who eats only from boxes and the controller race which lives the life of great luxury. The slave race who will mindlessly obey all commands even to go forth without fear and with great ferocity to kill and destroy all that was good and beautiful. Hell on Earth will be manifested. This too has been prophesied.  As anything which has been prophesied. It all can be averted, prevented and mitigated.
By simply, living a life with love, peace and harmony. Will all of the bad and sad prophecies become just bad stories of fiction. Though much wisdom can be learned from them as will as continued warning for generations to come.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hiring Illegals: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2013:

When the time begins where no one can or will deny that the trials and tribulations are in full effect. You who have benefited the most from your selfish and illegal hiring practices.  You will also, suffer the most at the hands of those very same men whom you have taken advantage of. C.J.MacKechnie
What does this mean? You think you are doing something good when you pay your illegal workers slave like wages. It is all within your own greed. Your own ability to make and keep more money. Your cruelty of these human men. Will be paid by you in the form of the true wealth which is to be lost by you. Even your own life and the life of your own family.
Your lack of love and compassion. Your cruelty and apathy is known and seen by GOD.
Going to church, Tithing and wearing a cross shall not protect you from your historical actions of misdeed.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hopeless Gait: (Unedited): 26 July 2013:

The slow gait of the hopeless is without purpose or importance. C.J.MacKechnie
The hopeless and helpless people all seem to have similar walking gait. Even those who are apathetic in what they do have similar walking gaits. What does this mean. Well, find your crowded area and observe people walking. Almost immediately you will see a variety of people walking. Depending where you are and what time of day. You will witness various kinds of walking people.
LEAVING WORK:         Yea, people who actually want to go home will have that quick gait out to their car.

SPORTING EVENTS:    The walking gait to their seats to watch their team win. The walking gait leaving the sports
                                          When their team loses.

PUBLIC SCHOOL:         The walking gait of those who just do not care about school or even life.

ON THE JOB:                  The slow walk and slow physical movements of people who do not care anything about
                                           the job they are doing. They are only physically present and will do nothing on their
                                           own. They are existing in a slave mentality without even being aware of it. Their
                                           attitude is apathetic. That apathetic attitude will absolutely cause *you to lose
                                           business/income. (*you means business owner or corporate manager).

AT HOME:                   The depressed state of a person who has no hope in life and is helpless in all that they do.
                                       All of this can be witnessed by the observation of their physical walking gait. You can
                                       see this is very low income neighborhoods in the USA.

SHOPPING MALLS:        The gait of women who want to go shopping is different than the mens who they are
                                           literally dragging around. The young men walking behind the young women. Those
                                            who are returning items for exchange or refund. The men who need that specific
                                            tool from Sears. The excited gait of people making that big purchase.

LATE PAYMENT UTILITY BILL:  That purposeful going out of your way gait. To pay the bill and get it over

LAW ENFORCEMENT GAIT:       The walk of authority and purpose.  Almost a military march. Unless of
                                                            course he/she was former military.

When observing people you must consider physical disabilities and the potential oddness in their walking gait. It is also important to note a disabled persons courage and bravery as they go forth out in public and face the cruelty of normal people, just like you and me. Just remember you are just an accident or war zone away from a disability. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good slaves: Social Love: Slave Isolation: (Unedited): 05 June 2013:

Good Slaves:
The free people who are to become good slaves must first not question anything and believe all they are told. 
Social Love:
The free people who are to become good slaves must hate education and love social lifestyles. 
Slave Isolation:
The free people who are to become good slaves must prefer self isolation over family or tribal/Clan organizations. 
A free people who are taught to decide for themselves to hate all forms of education. Will begin to fight against any teacher/one who wants to teach them anything and for any reason. Even if it is basic life skills or skills of survival. The effective transition or transformation from a free society to an enslaved society will begin when the primary language is minimized and bastardized.
The importance of any and all social lifestyles will become more important than an education or even family unity. The importance of social life styles even becomes more important than self improvement.
When Social lifestyles become more important than National Identity or National Unity. This will be another sign when when the transformation from a free society into enslavement can begin by any traitorous government personnel.
Apathy for anyone and anything who is not you or directly related to your continuance of your chosen lifestyle. Will be another sign for the successful transformation into an enslaved society.
Apathy is the worst of the enslavement signals. When We The People no longer care to be free or involved. Who become entertained at other peoples misery, suffering and accidents. Who refuses to become involved in any accident or problem they happen by. The time of transitional enslavement is very close at hand.
For those who refuse to become apathetic. Directing their hatred and anger into a created perpetual  war. Will permanently injure them, Kill them or mentally disable them. Those who seem to be stronger than most may become dis-disillusioned. In which they will probably act out and then become imprisoned. Problem of the warrior solved. Those few who retain all of their faculties will be too few in numbers to do anything substantial.
Self Imposed isolation will become preferred over physical interactions. With all of the entertainment available to a person within the privacy of their homes. There is no need to leave except for work or shopping. With absolute content control of all digital materials. Freedom of speech can still be free until it becomes digitized. but, then again the people will prefer digital content over interpersonal relationships. So, freedom of speech will become null and void by human preference.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
This is not a how to Concept: To enslave an entire free population.
How to prevent it? Is up to you.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Drowning Music: (unedited): 23 April 2013:

Drowning out, the natural gifts you know not of with loud music, only deafens your ears.  
 There isn't anything wrong with you. There is only what is right with you. You have been blessed with great gifts from GOD. You must learn how to recognize them, use them and develop skill with them. It takes time, effort and energy. Your very first steps is learning how to pray, meditate and contemplate. Turn down all of the noises, musics, games, Televisions. Turn your attention and intention inward. Find GOD, Find Allah, Find your Heavenly Father, Find the Source of all, Find the Creator inside the quiet of you. This is the first step amongst many. The total number of steps you will be required to take is up to you and the God of your understanding. No matter how many steps you take. It will be absolutely OK for you to take only that many steps. It is OK and your OK.
It is understandable to listen to loud music when you do not know why you have so many different thoughts, ideas and emotions. Having no control over something unknown and alien to you can be very distressing. Your repeated thoughts of something is wrong with me. You may even scream it continuously "What is wrong with me?!?!?"... In which if you do nothing more a helpless hopelessness may develop within you. You begin to seek out help from professionals and become diagnosed with ADHD or Bi-Polar. With zero physical evidence to prove any real physical defect you believe them anyway and take their powerful mind altering medications. Your roller coaster ride begins. Taking the medications only work for a while, then they don't. So, the doctor changes them and then the drugs work again, until they don't. You choose to help the legal drugs with cigarettes and alcohol. That helps for a while. But, not really. Because now, your body is not only adapting to and over coming the medications. Your body has also become addicted to all of the foreign chemical substances. The doctors begin to tell you that Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) will help. It does in the short term and the medium term and the long term. You will never be the same. If you are one of those human beings that has been gifted with great abilities from GOD. Then the Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) will need to be done repeatedly. Until, you are left a shell of a human animal. 
Thoughts and emotions need not have originated within your own being. This can be difficult to believe. Especially, when you have been conditioned to think and believe a certain way in regards to the physical laws or in the strict confines of certain religions. The absolute control of your mind is necessary to control you or to keep you as a slave, who thinks they are free. To create and project limitations onto you, keeps you corralled intellectually and spiritually. When the intellect and spirit is controlled. There will no need to have restraints or prison camps. Although, the controllers may want re-education camps. 

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Government Subject: (Unedited): 26 March 2013:

Prophecy: This contains offensive content.Added Content 28 March 2013, 30 March 2013, 01 April 2013.

The Christian Importance of following the directive in the New Testament Holy Bible, can be taken the wrong way. The Christian follower cannot be a slave to any Government entity. A Government entity Set up by God will not enslave the Christian population or any other religious person.

Look at the history of every war fought. Where tyranny was forced by the powerful few onto the powerless common person. Any Government entity who rejects the Laws, Mandates and will of GOD. Becomes that government entity which Romans 13 does not apply. Thus, allowing for the common people to overthrow such tyranny, even if it is their own government entity. Send those corrupt leaders who have sinned against God's people, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD. Send those evil leaders who purposely changed and altered the system of government, which was set up by the enlightened fore fathers, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD.  Including all of their associates. Back 50 years.  Let their divine judgement begin sooner than later.
Added 30 March 2013. I have felt that I have hurt someone with great honor for the USA. This is about prophecy and not just for the USA. Canada, Europe, Australia and every other country on this planet. 
For the USA, I still have hope for a turn around. A return to righteousness and godliness. I think I am the only human being on the planet who thinks that all prophecies can be prevented. That is my intention and purpose. I believe there is a reason why the USA is not specifically mentioned in the prophecies of the Holy Bible as is other Countries. The USA is of no importance. What does that mean? I have no idea. I also believe that 5 Billion plus lives can be saved as well as the rest of the life on this planet. The common people must flee from their sin, by logical choice. The true righteous and godly people of this country must run for every political office. If not. Then the powerful few will have all of the power that technology affords. The rest of the people will have nothing to defend themselves with. The state of technology is at such that numbers may no longer matter nor does the 2nd amendment. The weapons systems is of such that, there will be no defense against it. Especially from an enslaved world population which has no access to education or technology. Then all of those ancient prophets who foretold dire and dark times will manifest. 
I truly believe that any undesirable prophecy which is known can be averted and prevented. No matter who has spoken it. Everyone must collectively work together to prevent the happening. Such is the story with Joseph and Pharaoh. The technology of the day could not prevent the happening but they could manage resources and people. Which is what they did under the leadership of Joseph. Because even a god pharaoh doesn't want to die.

Every educated, well spoken and capable Christian. Must run for every available political office. This is mandatory, crucial and critical for the whole of a righteous Nation under God to remain intact. If there is an absence of godly, righteous and honorable people. Then your Country given to you by God will be lost. Before it is lost. The government entity will commit terrible atrocities all over the world in the name of your God. Then your Country you love enough to shed your blood for, will grant supreme rights and freedoms to offensive sinners. While denying you your own rights and freedoms.

If you are a Christian follower and happen to be in the employ of a turncoat Government entity. You individually must follow all of the Romans 13. Which includes following the primary law in Romans 13:9. If the order tells you to search and destroy, You must disobey. If the order is for you to kill those associated with any Religious military group bent on protecting themselves from the evil government in which you are employed by, You must disobey and then join the righteous.
If you are a Christian follower and are employed by the turn coat Government entity, You must separate yourself from it. You are a part of the power base and enforcement arm of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You separating yourself from the government weakens the whole of the government.
If you are a Christian follower and yet under the employ of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You must walk away, leave all that you have been given behind including retirement rewards. Just as Lot and his wife had to leave their home and lands. So, may be required of you.

Ye, Christian warriors. When there is evidence that your beloved country has turn coat. Go into every church and proclaim that it is time to separate yourself from a corrupt turn coat Government entity, which was once a creation of God for his chosen children. You will have choices. To remain with the turn coat government entity or to remain with your Heavenly father or to choose nothing. Only one choice is correct. One choice will offer you short term rewards. One choice will only have long term rewards. One choice will only give you the rewards of animalistic behaviors.

Not only is Romans 13 important for the Christian follower. It is also important to the Islamic person, Jewish Person, Hindu person and any other Religious Tradition. If your government entity rejects holiness and righteousness. The common person who is righteous and holy has the right to revolution. A government can claim it is righteous and holy, but through their actions can you witness the truth. Who has the wealth? Who has the force of power? Who has the right to education? Who has the right to live without fear and intimidation from their government entity?
There will be signs of this coming prophecy.

Freedom without responsibility. Extreme freedoms is in fact enslavement.  Romans 13: 11-14.

Laws which limits and offends the whole of the righteous, while granting supreme equality to the offensive lone sinner. Added on 28 March 2013. Laws passed will solely benefit the political and corporate elites. The common person will lose their health, life, freedoms and rights from the unlawful actions of the political and corporate elites.

Common peoples education based in the importance of social justice. While denying the non-offering of math, science, language arts, Real History, Logical and critical thinking. Added 28 March 2013.  The common person will not need to be educated beyond the projected and defined limits set by local, state, regional and national entities. If a human body is required to work a certain job. Then that person will only be given the opportunity to attain the required educational level required for training in that job skill as defined by the governing bodies.

You can only do something wrong if you are caught. Then you lie, lie and lie. 

Social and cultural importance becomes more important than righteousness, holiness, education, honor, integrity. 

Access to quality medical care. Becomes non-existent for the common person. While the rich, powerful and famous receives quality medical at any time for themselves and all of their family. Added on 28 march 2013. Medical care will see a division in care responsibilities. The chosen select will have access to the best medical care that advanced technology affords. While the common work force person will only receive the medical care required to get that person back on the job. If the common work force person is of the advanced age of about 30 or40 years, Their medical care will stop. If it is deemed that that person cannot resume productive duties. The common work force person will know nothing of any kind of advanced medical care. It wont even be a conceptualized consideration. It is just the way it is. The average life expectancy of the rich, powerful and famous will grow beyond 100. While the common work force person will only be 30-50 years or what ever is deemed the end of the productive work years.

 The rich, famous, and powerful receives the highest quality education and training which is individually desired by that person from birth. The elite children will be trained in martial arts and weapons, leadership, mathematics, Strategy and tactics.

The rich, famous and powerful will have access to the best and highest quality foods to achieve maximum health and life longevity. This includes vitamins, compounds and minerals. As well as non pasteurized foods. Even if these items are outlawed. A large bag of Doritos cost $4. while a small bowl of fruit cost $6. A bag of Doritos can feed you for a whole day. A small bowl of fruit barely a meal. Which is healthier? Added on 28 March 2013. There actually will be a division in foods. Foods specifically for the rich, famous and powerful and foods for the common people. The rich, famous and powerful will know not to eat and drink of the common persons foods and drinks. The foods and drinks will be engineered for low life expectancy (Health), population controls and control over a persons will.

Energy restrictions and control measures for the common person. Government entity Limits energy usage and who gets power at what times and for how long.
Fuel cost will limit the common person to move around. This is a restriction of movement and loss of freedom.

This planet is 7/10ths water. To exert control and authority over the water resource. Mandated restrictions will be implemented. The government knowing a rise in population is taking place has a responsibility to condition water and to move it to those needed areas. To not do so, guarantees an opportunity to exercise power, control and enforcement.

Added on 28 March 2013. News will no longer be truthful, complete or revealing. News will become an arm of the political and corporate  elites. The lives of the famous will become more important than actual hard news in which the population needs to know.

Added on 28 march 2013.The common people become helpless to defend themselves against any force of arms. Weapons outlawed. Martial arts and any other fighting style outlawed. Any aspect of strategy and tactics outlawed.

Abortion. Added 28 March 2013. The sanctity of all life diminished for the common person.

Marriage of man and man, woman and woman, human and animal. adult and child. 

Justified genocide.

Never ending wars.

The word use of "Christian" also means for the name of your religion of your particular government entity.
Comment " the 2nd amendment no longer really matters" What this means is with the advent of vastly superior weapons systems with automation. The few no longer really need human bodies as their human shields or castle walls made of flesh. The right to have and own guns as defined by the constitution is solely for the common person to over throw a government when voting rights no longer matter. Gun ownership is not about hunting it is about protecting yourself from any government entity. It matters not if it is from within or without. So, the common person should have access to military style weapons systems. Which as far as the advancements of technology. No longer is practical. Who can buy an F22, M1A1 Abrams, or an Aircraft carrier and any other vastly incredibly weapons platforms. The children thinks it would be cool to own. My own father would joke that everyone should own their very own thermonuclear ballistic missile. Which as a child, I thought it would be cool. But, as an adult, very scary.
The 2nd amendment no longer matters because even if every capable person had military style weapons and training. Any government military can neutralize any ground force from afar and at altitude. This comment is not saying that I desire that the 2nd amendment should be taken away. On the contrary. Every capable person who is in their right mind. Should have fully automatic weapons of their own choosing and the training to ensure safe use with their friendly COMRADES.
28 March 2013. Added content and some editing work. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

OK Job: (Unedited): 12 June 2010:

There will always be those who will only want to know the job at hand and nothing more. That is OK.
 Some people only want to do that which is minimally required of them. That attitude is perfectly OK. Some people want to be a slave and live as slaves do. That to is OK. Even though the slaver attitude may be an irritant to the free man or to the person who has a deep hearted desire to do with the highest of quality controls. It is still OK.
This is something that I've had to come to terms with. It is OK for a person to do exactly as directed for them and nothing more. Even if that person sees another problem or that they know what they have been directed to do won't fix a problem. They remain quiet and allow the authority to take all responsibility and blame. You know something That is OK for them to do what they do. That is not me and I'm unable to do just a minimal task. Yes, it drives me nuts. But, It is still OK.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Personal Comments: (UNedited): Various Dates:

Jun 12, 2010
I really hate when people say to those who are suffering from past trauma. To stop living in the past. When the result of everyday life is directly related to your past. You may not be able to do anything about your past but you can do something about your today and your tomorrow. By doing things that are positive and constructive in your life. Can you then begin the healing process. The healing process will truly begin when you begin to live clean. When you begin to live your life in accordance to old religious values. Just don't give up.
Jun 15, 2010
I'm a social misfit. I guess it is because I spent most of my childhood heavily medicated. Did not go to school much. I wasn't taught anything. Beside why should they. I had a tested IQ of 70. Then there was the closet. The belt. Other weapons of discipline. Being knocked out by various means. Mom proclaiming that we should not have adopted you. As a child of around 10. I have slept in a tree, under a railroad bridge. Inside of the big pier 60 on Clearwater beach, FL.
Jun 28, 2010
with no one she quietly enters. Love so pure within her softly beating heart. Dark sparks of invisible misfire emanates from her very real mind. She dutifully sits at a table and silently waits for her love to bring her a popeyes fried chicken meal. She never takes her eyes off of him. The crowd dissipates. Confusion and loss sets in as she pushes up her rectangle rimmed glasses. She hand combs her auburn hand cut hair. Without a sound she walks up to the popeyes counter and asks where the man went who was just standing here a minute ago. The popeyes woman reinforcing her realty of delusion. Says he left. She quickly leaves alone and into her pretty blue car rushes off. C.J.MacKechnie
This really happened. Yesterday. Sawyer, MI. I-94, exit 12. T/A Truck stop. 
Jul 4, 2010
I've discovered in life. That there are usually 3 choices to make on most problems or decisions to be made. Even in movies this is often true until the evile villain gives you only two choices and the hero saves the day or planet with the third option. I'm not big on horror movies. Probably because my chilhood was a continuous horror show. The current vampire/ werewolf/human movie. Is very similar with three choices in life that a young girl must make. I'm gonna call them the three important decisions in life that we all can make or have made and can still make. I think i'm running out of cell phone space so I will continue this in the comments. Forget about all of that girlie love and passion stuff in that sissy story lines. My observation is also lacking any testosterone manly manliness. So. Just open up your mind to the possibilities of the 4th choice. Forget the hormones. I heard you girls make those noises in the dark theater. Go to comments. Just breathe and cool down first. 
1st. Choice. The human choice. Which is very boring and your stuck in a week body that is always getting sick. Then you die. Very negative.  
2nd. Choice. The werewolf option. The emotionally primal and physically powerful werewolf is always the fun choice. That we can all choose to become. when we choose to de-evolve from our current human state.
3rd. Choice. The ultra cool and mysteriously dark vampires is always the sensible and chic/civilized/modern choice. That we can all choose to become when we deny our humanity and our ties to what it means to be human.  
The 4th. Choice. We can all choose to evolve and become the possible next step. Energetic light beings or enlightenment. This may also seem as boring as the basic human decision. There shouldn't be any drama and trauma as always associated with the werewolf and vampire decisions. Besides, when the vampires, werewolves and anything dark comes into your presence. They will become like fading smoke and Ashe. The end. C.J.MacKechnie 
Jul 9, 2010
When your a slave to anyone, any group or any political thought. You will never have to concern yourself with anything that is important or complicated as defined by your master owner. Being a slave, you will never have to worry your pretty little head about thinking or planning, success or failure, profit or loss, efficiencies or waste, ideas or improvements. As a slave you will never become anxious about housing, education, food, water and health care. All of these things will be provided. So as long as you are of use and worth to your master owner. If you are not a slave to the master owner. Then you will not be allowed access to anything. Until you choose to become a slave and receive your mark. C.J.MacKechnie 
Eye of the Storm:
Jul 12, 2010
You have been warned by those who are in the know. You set your sails and turned your rudder into the oddly beautiful sunset. For a short time the gentle breeze was fun. Then the winds became thrilling. The lightning and the waves as exciting as you have ever known. A new dawn approaches with it daylight you will not see. Your rudder damaged. Your mast is snapped and your boat is taking on water. The thrill and excitement you felt some time ago is now turned into a desperate weariness to helplessly stay alive. You call for help but all you get is unwanted verbal static. Suddenly like a blessing from GOD your underneath a beautiful sun and clear sky. Except all around you is dark foreboding clouds. You scream and cry for help. No response on your radio. All is hopeless in your cries for help. The ocean is unforgiving and it seems you will become one of the nameless many who have gone to the bottom. Not yet, for you. Your still alive this day. You can still be alive tomorrow if you you just continue to struggle. 
Standing Strength:
Jul 13, 2010
There is always those that we encounter in our daily lives whom we admire for their strength and courage. Especially when they have been tested and purified by fire. We see them as heroes set above us common people. While us common people seem to always be less than or lacking in some way in comparison to these admired heroes. The truth will always be seen when you dirt bag of a common low life human bug discover. That these heroes in life are no different than you are. The only real difference is not so real. The hero decided to step up and stood alone in the face of the monster and conquered it. That single decision based purely in emotion is the only real difference between you and the hero. When the hero completes his heroic deed. He/she is still the same dirt bag low life human bug. With the same problems as you. Maybe even more problems. Decide to stand and be a hero that only can be defined by you. Face and confront the monster before you and inspire people that they to can do the same as you and better

Jul 13, 2010
I remember a story about a WW2 medal of honor winner. He was the loser among losers. Then one day something happened. He saved his brothers lives by rushing a German fortified pill box. A time passed and a general arrived with the media and no one could find him. He was peeling potatoes. He didn't even have a proper uniform. Your regular Forest Gump or Gomer Pyle i suppose. The point of my unedited write. Is to cause each of you to believe in yourselves. That you to can be that hero and at least save your own selves from the whatever monster that afflicts and torments you. You the unknown and forgotten are equal to or better than any known and famous hero. All you have to do is decide not to give up and quit ever. Period... An emotional decisions. That is the only difference between you and a claimed hero. A fireman will always find those he cannot save. A cop will always recover the body of an unsaved victim. Their failure they will always remember.

Jul 13, 2010
the average man who witnessed evil and did all he could. He had his list and cried that he could have saved more after the fact. Schindler. He stood alone in the face of the monster. He is no different then you are.

Jul 13, 2010
The simple and humble volunteer. Who does and does and does. Just a little bit everyday. The blood donors who have gallons of giving. The auto mechanic who fixed a car for a desperate woman. Etc. We all can be a hero to someone. 
Jul 18, 2010
We as children often become exactly what our parents and society expect us to become. I figure that is why so many of my foster brothers and sisters end up in jail, homeless, mentally ill or a combination of all three. What happens when you realize that you are better, stronger, smarter? Than what your parents and all of society expected of you. What do you do now? Do you remain a turkey after tasting daily that your truly an eagle? But, always returning to the comfortable familiar life of being a turkey. Being a turkey is like being just average. You don't have to do anything very hard. Maybe society has expected you to be a farm animal. Everything is provided for the farm animal. Food, water, medical care, housing and the education needed to remain a farm animal. Just remember turkeys and farm animals always become food product for the farmer who is in complete control of your life. C.J.MacKechnie

Jul 18, 2010
the farm animal will always become upset when they learn something that they were not given permission to learn. The farm animal will always become upset when they are forced to think for themselves and in a way that is not common to the rest of the herd way of thinking.

Jul 18, 2010
you can substitute the word animal with slave. The mind sets and thinking process are similar. The end result somewhat the same. When the farm animal or slave is no longer of use. the farmer kils them.

Jul 18, 2010
What will you do or me for that matter? Will yo go back to sleep or remain awake? If you remain awake? Will you remain a farm animal slave? A free man is always responsible for the contents inside of their own brains. A free man always decides for themselves how and what they will think. Then take decisive action with their own conclusions.

Jul 18, 2010
We all must decide for ourselves. If we each decide to freely soar as eagles. The life and ways of the farm animal will become alien to you and me. If we each decide to stay and remain as farm animals. Then the wild savage beasts like eagle and big cats will be something to be feared always. Farm animals are taught to fear the beasts of the wild brutal and barbaric lands. Their is safety and security when your within the cage. Safely and securely Locked from the outside by the farmer. How will one within the cage pray? As prey or as free beings?
 Aug 2, 2010
Torment, insanity, misery, suffering, sadness, loneliness, confusion, abandonment, torture, disease and sickness. You die a thousand times everyday and yet you continue to believe that GOD ALMIGHTY has forsaken you. Deep within the valley of death all you know is the cold steel blade that pierces deep into your soul and burns you from the inside out. Your wails and cries hauntingly echoes from the canyon walls causing you to become more paranoid and more fearfull. You look into the shimmering shadows of the canyon walls only to discover. There not walls of rock. They are walls made up of a billion billion souls. All singing their same insane song of miserys lament. Your life, your energy, your hope, your love, your compassion, your kindness, your light, your heart is all being drained out of you. Soon very soon even your very identity will be gone from you as you become a part of the valley of death. The end is at hand and yet it is still your choice. Which song will you sing? C.J.MacKechnie

Aug 2, 2010
yes. There is a positive message in this one. Really? U have 2 thunk it thru. This is written for those of you who seem to continually suffer. GOD IS always with you. Remember it is not you who is lost to GOD. It is you who lost GOD. All you have to do is reach out for GOD and he will do the rest. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Empathic Slave: (Unedited): 01 March 2013:

The Empathic Slave. Some of us are unfortunate to have been born in undesirable families. The degree of undesirable can be from mild to wild. As an empath you do have emotional, physical and spiritual connections. Which no matter where you are in the universe. You are going to feel what they feel, with intensity. It is you who must learn how to change the channel, re-direct your empathic antenna, to squelch the signal or to unfortunately turn them off forever. Turning them off forever isn't a permanent solution as if they have made real life changes which is beneficial to all. Then you can re-program their channel back into your empathic radio.
Some people are incredibly negative and hateful. Yes, this includes your own family members. I'm sorry about that. But, you the claimed empath must protect yourself, just to save yourself.
Have you ever noticed that you get sad, angry, or hateful when your mother does? How about that aunt or sibling or father? Especially, when there is absolutely no valid or reasonable reason why you should have negative emotions? Especially, when your not even involved with their continuous drama anymore. You may have even moved across town or to the other side of the country. Yet, The negative emotions, the angers and hatreds are still there. Most of this could be from a life of psychological training and conditioning. You have to do that hard psychological work within your own self to change and stop all of your stinking thinking. If not you will remain a slave to that life training of stinking thinking. You cannot ignore the psychology of you and blindly pursue the way cool powers of being a super psychic hero. If you ignore your defective psychology and we all have our own defects in our own psychology. All of the skills you learn in being a psychic or empath will only magnify your specific defect(s) in your psychology. Which means if you think your miserable now. Just wait til after you begin skill development of your gifts. Without addressing and correcting your psychology. You may be a car wreck now, but you will evolve into a train wreck later. So, fix your stinking thinking before and during your empathic growth. 
The Empathic Slave Part 2. Being an Empath may be a genetic part of your family. Guess what, It doesn't matter if they believe in the spooky gifts or not. For you who have just made the realization, That you have a history of knowing things without ever being taught them or without ever being communicated by any acceptable method. Right now it just sux being you. Your a helpless slave to your gifts and those gifts are quickly becoming a curse to your life, if they aren't already. What do you do? As a slave, your typical action to get someone to fix it for you. That is the slave mentality. All a slave does is to do as they are told, without having to think or do for themselves. A slave must be taken care of by an authority figure. Who are the spooky authority figures here is this Journey group? The needy slaves will seek out those slave masters (The Journey authority figures) to take care of all of their problems. The Journey authority figures must not feed the hungry slave but rather teach and empower the hungry slave to go and feed themselves. It is a tough lesson to learn by the slave and the slave may even consider you as mean and cold hearted person. But, The slave who learns how to fish, how to plant their seed, how to tend the seeds growth and how to harvest. Will never be a hungry slave again. As a matter of fact they will never be a slave again. The new realized empath is the hungry slave. The new realized empath must be taught that the journey is not the place for needy slaves. But, It is a place for those hungry needy slaves who desire to learn to fish and to plant their own seeds. So that they may choose their own righteous journey as free thinking gifted individuals as designed by God.
work in progress

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spirit Governed: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The balance between ones own logical mind and emotional heart is more efficiently governed by the internal spirit. C.J.MacKechnie 
 By maintaining a direct connectedness with the divine. A better balance of individual control can occur. The mind becomes better at making the good and just decisions. The passions of ones own heart is properly tempered in the righteous direction. Then when the spirit, mind, heart and body becomes unified into oneness. Miracles as defined today, become average and commonplace.
The sinless body can then evolve to the degree to become what ever that may be.
 The control of the hearts and minds of the common people is the only sure fire way to achieve power, authority and wealth. Those who thirst for absolute control over the common people, Must separate each common person from their divine connection. Once the dis-connection happens. Then can the logical mind be educated or re-educated with the information the controllers desire. The emotional heart needs it's own direction and when the mind is directed to pay attention to a certain thing. The passions from within can ramp up. When this happens to any person. They can be effectively enslaved without ever using any form of the "SLAVE" word.
There can be no true JUSTICE when the divine connections have been severed. 

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: